1 ■ ir ■ ■ —— — — — —— — r • • iu. B u c k l e n 's A r u ic » S a lv e . \ I lit-*-liiit-ui' H a y . Hop tickets printed at this shop. Old papers for sale at this otfice. Oregon state fair, (Saturday, Septem­ (or The best salve in the world for Cuts, If you want a fat lien for Sunday, see The Graphie and the Oregonian 71R1EN OS’ C H URCH .— SERVICES EVERY Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khetun, ber 24, 1898. The Southern Pacific 1 .'u n d iir »1 11 ft, m . a n d s p m . a n d T hurs- C. B. Wilson. *2.00. ay a t 3 p. m. S.t>l>.ili avhool every Suiulay a t Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, make a one fare for round trip from any 9:4V a. tn. M onthly m e e tin g a t a p. m th e ftrat The J. Miller is the best shoe. Fruit jars—all sizes at Sutton, Cnl- Chilblains, Corns and all Sain Eruptions, point in Oregon. There will be thous­ Tuesday in eaeh m o u th , tfu a rte rlv m eetlntt th e second .Saturday a n d Sunday In F e b ru a ry , H. B r o s . kins A Co. and positively cures Files, or no pay re­ ands of jvheels at the fair on this day. May, A ugust a n d N ovem ber. W o m an 's For­ eig n M issionary Society m eets th iid S a tu rd a y Remember the great sale is still going quired. Satisfaction or money refunded. The fastest races ever seen in the north­ The finest line of stationery, tablets, In each m o n th a t 3 p. m. pencils and anything that students need on at Sutton, Calkins & Co. I’riee 55 cents per boa. For sale by C. west. Tandem, quads, and sextetts, a p t i s t c h t r c h .— s e r v i c e s , S u n d a y n with professional riders. Grand bicy­ F. Moore & Co. a. m . a n d 7 :30 p. m . Su n d ay school Sun- at C. F. Moore’s. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Craven were up • - • O r e g o jt. rs a t 10 a. m. P ra y e r m e e tin g W ednesday cle parade. Only one fare to see this N e w b o r n e v en in g at 7.30 o'clock. B. Johnson, of Corvallis, has been from Middleton last Tuesday. IT - grand display of wheels and races. A t H a ir r a r e . RESBYTERIAN C H URCH .—SERVICES EV- visiting the Ornduff's north of tow 11 Edmund Robinsons have moved into Our store is full of tho choicest goods auû(W4fe bought at ery tw o w eeks as follow s: F e b ru a ry 7th H n rin ir »lio w oolr On Oct. 3, you can go from any point 3 U r i t i lite K l o n d i k e . an d 31st, M arch 7th a n d 31st, a n d A pril 4th a n d , u u r l n b 1110 " Ll h town and are occupying their property such low prices that we I tt h . , on the Southern Pacific lines to Portland Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., Mrs. M. C. Bristow left here on Tnes- on Biver street. 3REE M K T IIo n iS T .-I'R A Y E R MEETING j and return any time within a week for visit day for Xorborne, Missouri, for a every T h u rsd a y a t 7:30 p. m. s a b b a th Wanted! Everybody when in New­ the price of one fare, thus having an op­ has found a more valuab'e discovery than •«bool every Sunday a t 10 a. in. has yet been made in lite Klondike. For of a few weeks with relatives. berg to call and see tbe new air tight portunity to see the big Oregon Indus- i years he suffered untold agony from con- E. CH URCH .—SERVICES SECOND, TH IRD beating stoves at J. B. Mount’s. Me­ Samuel Hobson has bought a an d fo u rth S u n d ay s of each m o u th at 11 trial Exposition, where all sorts of at* j stipalioa, accompanied by hemorrhages; Our low prices are making us scores of new customers. The a. m. an d 7:30 p. m. S u n d ay school ev ery S un­ Minnville photographer out ami is i Melvin Wire, who came down from tractions will please, amuse and in­ and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's day 1 0 a .m . A t M. F. c h u rc h , F afa y e tte , flrsl hundreds of people who curne here from far aud near will tell you in business at the county seat. an d fifth Su n d ay of cacti m o u th . Albany to look after the drying of their struct. New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs that we are GEO. If. BENNETT, P asto r. The wonderful Hegelinans, who are and Colds. He declures that gold is of Quarterly meeting will be held at tile prune crop has been sick for the past acrobatic aerial wonders, are going to be little value iu comparison with this mar­ Free Methodist church in Newberg, be- two weeks. SOCIETY NOTICES. ginning on Friday, September 30. Can by Heston’s aunt, Mrs. Anna there, and the Manila Guard and Naval velous cure; would have it, ereu if it cost \ y OF T H E WORLD.—XEWHEKG C AMP, NO. I T , 113, m eets e v ery M onday e v en in g . Canby, of Indiana, who is out on the Reserve will drill, and there will be free a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Carl Stanley arrived in town from coast for her health, visited at the Hes­ cooking lectures and a southern planta­ Bronchitis and all throat and lung affec­ Tho reasou we »ell low Is that we buy Iu largt I I ' C. T. U.—BUSINESS MEETING T H E st<% Grande last Tuesday evening where tion scene with real live darkies and lots tions are positively cured by Dr. King’s - a d an d lo u rth W ednesday in each : (la g p , c n w o r k in g d u r i n g t l i e s u m m e r . ton home near Dundee last week. of other attractions. The music will he New Discovery tor Consumption. Trial During the Portland exposition the the finest ever heard in the northwest. bottles free at C. F. Moore A Co.’s drug Sheet iron air tight stoves are all the O. O. F .— SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY I . ev en in g s in B ank of N ew berg b u ild in g . go. Alfred Wheeler is prepared to Southern Pacific will sell round trip store. Regular size 59c and *1. Guaran­ and at such places as our uioucy will do the m AND L. OF 8.—NEW BERG COUNCIL, NO. make new ones or repair your old ones. tickets Irom New berg including two ad­ N o tic e t o T a x -I > a y e r i. teed to cure or price refunded. l i o 168, »«’I m eets every F rid ay ev en in g in Mu- missions to the exposition for *1.85. sonic h all W. H. Mears will leave in a few days Notice is hereby given that the Board Q U A L IT Y H ID G E HUMOUS. Leon Kenworthy, of Huntsville, of Equalization of taxes of YatuhiM to look F. AND A. M —MEETS EVERY SATUK- for Goldendale, Washington day n ig h t in C. V. B ank b u ild in g . It Is well established th at we are rnakl after his band of horses on his rancli Washington, arrived the first, of the county, state of Oregon, will attend at It rains! on Dry Goods that was ever named, week in time for classification. He will theofliceof the County Clerk of said near there. People are returning from tho hop hoard with l’rcf. Douglas during the county on Monday, September 26th, A. L ocal E v e n ts. Mrs. Emma Moore, wife of Dr. J. B. yards. year. D. 1898, and will continue their sittings Moore, of Coquille City, is in town with Bert Roberts lias been suffering for Dr. Will II. Clark, of Ontario, Cali­ from day to day, during business hours, some time with a gathering in his head. the children visiting with relatives and W. P. Heacock for Maehine'Oils. up to and including Saturday, October fornia visited with the editor of the old friends. Rob Myers was on tho sick list Suu- W e quote you a few p rices on G roceries th a t Graphic last Sunday. In his continued 1st, 1898, and publicly examine the as­ Se^Uodson Bros, new stock of fall N. D. Elliott will go to Salem this day. a ll m ay k n ow th a t th e groceries are a ll sessment roll of said county, and correct and w inter goods. travels over the coast and as far east as week where he hopes to get work in the Si Hinton is also sick. till errors in valuation and description, Denver lie says there are abundant evi­ r ig h t also. Leave orders at Wilson’s Grocery for state printing office during the extra dences of much better conditions in oi qualities of lands, lots, or other prop­ Mrs. Rowell is improving in health. expressing or light hauling. session of the legislature. erty. All persons interested arc hereby 1 0 lb. N ice C lean S u gar f o r ....................................... $ 1 OO business since last year. Miss Agusta Wenger visited her friend notified to appear at said time and place Carrie Carter, Sunday. M. L. Townsend is at home from th e Wm. Hendershott, who is engaged in A Good T ea per lb ........................................................... 15 President Newlin was booked to sail harvest fields of eastern Washington and show cause, if any they have, why buying hops for a Portland firm, closed Coffee Good per lb .......................................................... 10 from New York on one of the fast line said poll should not be corrected and The Bartholomew's visitod at Piko 2 5 oz. lin k in g B on d er................ ............................... 20 Second hand college text books wanted a deal for one large lot last Wednesday steamers leaving that city last Saturday approved. Dated this 14th day of Sep­ Sunday. Soda, A m . & H am m er or S c h illin g 's B eat per lb 05 for the fall term at C. F. Moore & Co’s. for which he paid twelve cents. and he is probably shaking hands with tember A. D. 1898. Sunday was a busy day for Quality. E. J. W o o d , Corn Starch 1 lb. P a p e r ............................................... 05 Miss Hattie Gamble who had been some of liia English cousins l>y this Mrs. Margurite Elliott and son John Many slashings were burned. One man County assessor of Yamhill County. 1 B ox Bent Savon 2 0 B urs fu ll w e ig h t ................. 05 are expected home from their visit to visiting with L. M. Metcalf’s near town time. The United States peace com­ came around peddling fish; another Good L aundry Soap per B ur...................................... 02 for a few weeks, started on the return missioners were to sail on the same Illinois this week. buying eggs. OO Clean H ardw ood C lothes P in s ............................ 05 H e a l E s t a t e T t-a m ife rs . trip to her home in Minnesota last Mon- steamer hound for Paris. Quality needs reforming. 8 5 B e st .Jar It libbers fo r ........................................... . 25 A number of our citizens drove up to lay. R eported by th e Y a m h ill Co. A bstract Co. at Me Jesse Hobson w ho has spent the past M lm iville, O resou, (or the w eek eu tlln g ScRIBBLRR. McMinnville last Sunday to attend the M ason’s Im proved F r u it J a r s C om plete per doz OO, 8 5 Farmers! You are loosing money by two years in canvassing for Scribner’s Sept. 17, 1838. J a m e s M. Pugh, m au ag er. M. E. conference. A m criea u Lye fu ll w e ig h t .......................................... 07 not seeing C. B. W’ilson before selling works is now looking after their Port­ O V Allen to W Spooner lot 10 A young lady was in town Thursday your produce. I am paying highest land business with an otfice in the Ore­ blk 4 Maple Park ad to Lafay­ wanting to sell a pet goat. Here is an market price in cash for poultry of all gonian building. With the low rates ette ...................................... * 3 85 opportunity for A. P. Oliver. kinds and eggs and veal. now in effect on the Southern Pacific lie U S to Wm Adkins N 2 N W hi sec 261 2 S r 2 W..............Homestead Foot ease—Get a pair of those leather Elihu Roberts who has been east of w ill be able to come home often and George Broughton and wf to H lined box calf high cut shoes at Hodson the Cascades nil season is at home spend the night with his family. L Tatum and J J Bowen N 2 DURING THE BATTLE OF Bros, and make friends with your feet. again. Elihu is a sturdy youth and one Rev. George Round who was in at­ N W sec 26 t 2 S r 6 W......... 400 00 The new air tight heating stoves are who is willing to work and ho says he tendance at the M. E. conference at Mc­ James Bean and wf to Amy We want all should know the price» on every article Iu our SANTIAGO. beginning to arrive this week at J. B. has no trouble in finding plenty of it to Minnville last week drove down last Store. Call aud get them and be convinced. Dailey 4.17 acres t3 s r2 w .... 621 45 Mount’s hardware store. Call and see do. Monday and remained in town a couple Eli G Wangman and wf to Julia them. D Sanders 60 acres in sec 23 Carrol Kirk will take Charley Bur­ of days, calling on his friends and in A ll Sufferers from H igh P r ic e s Cured Here. A little spice was thrown in with the rows’ place in Seattle as driver of a the meantime looking after some busi­ t5 s r9 w................................. 60 00 Sick or W ell, A Rush ness matters. The conference returned E A Soper and wf to Iiidda W rain last Monday in the way of some laundry wagon as the latter is coming H ig h est P rice P aid for Produce. N igh t a n d D ay. Steigleder small tract adjoin­ thunder of the old fashioned kind, in an home to attend college Carrol is a him to Gardiner again for next year. ing Newberg.......................... 800 00 steady lad and will without doubt fill abbreviated form. Jim Duncan was in town last Tuesday making a distribution of some fine fish B F Sparks and wf to B F Bones Rev. Wm. Waltz, the new pastor of the expectations of his employer. 50 acres in G W Roberts’ d 1 c T he P a c k e r s nt th e B u ttle o f • ‘the M. E. church, will preach next Sun­ The man without a country is in among his friends, a part of a catch of t 4 r 4 ...................................... 1800 00 S a n tia g o 4le Cuba w ere a ll H e­ day morning at 11 o’clock and in the about the same fix as the fellow who about three hundred pounds that he roes. T h eir H ero ic E fforts in evening at 8 o’clock. has’ lost most of his teeth. What the made down on the Columbia while vis­ Martha A Getchell to Birdie M Getcliell lot 1 blk 8 Watts ad iting with relatives near Warren. His G e ttin g A m m u n itio n an d n a ­ latter wants and must have to exist is Miss Lillie Bales is expected home to Amity................................. 1 00 brother Henry, a former resident of tio n s to th e F r o n t S aved th e from Whittier, California in a few days nice juicy steaks and roasts, just such as Yamhill came home with him for a visit Schell Hawley and wf to Emma l>ay. N e w b e rg , O re . are sold at Cooper & Clemmeu’s market. where she has been visiting with her Hawley part lot F Saylor's ad with his friends. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, sister, Mrs. J . H. Hutchinson. Rev. J. Levelling the new pastor will to McM.................................. 400 00 writing from Santiago, Dc Cuba, on We have had several pretty heavy Mr. and Mr6. A. R. Cumpston and preach at the Baptist church next Sab­ equinoctial rains during the week which L Root and wf to John H Put­ July 23d, says: “ We all had diarrhoea man 40 acres in sec 19 t 4 r 5 250 00 in more or less violent form, and when Mrs. Hollingsworth are at home from bath both morning and evening. Sub- have been welcomed by the farmers who , ect for the morning service will be “ The Marriage licenses: Seaside where they had a delightful want to plow, with gladness, but the we lauded we had no time to sec a doc­ College Classes, Normal Course, Book-keeping, Constituent elements of Man or has C S Vaughn to Mary M Newby time of several weeks duration. prune growers who still have a part of tor, for it was a case of rush night and A ll the Grammar School Studies, Music and Art. Man a Soul.’’ A cordial invitation is their crops in the orchard have watched day to keep the troops supplied with Clarence Price, who has been at La extended to all inquiring minds. the passing of the clouds with great R I J N D O W N A N D K I L L E D . ammunition and rations, hut thanks Grande during the summer, is at home F. E. Hobson has gone to McMinn­ anxiety. Some of the hop men are in to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and to attend college. He is assisting in ville where he has secured a position in tho same boat. Little damage has been F a t a l A c c i d e n t t o C h a r l e s W a t e r s o n Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to S tu d e n ts can e n te r a t any tim e a n d And clasnes to su it. Moore’s drug store of mornings and An e x c e lle n t hom e for girl« a n d boys 1 h p ro v id e d u n d e r th e c a re of a c o m p e te n t M atron, a Y a m h ill D ivision . Jacobson’s big store as salesman. F. E. done so far but if the rains should con­ keep our health; ill fact, I sincerely be­ th e low est p o ssible price«. evenings E x c e lle n t board in p riv a te fa m ilie s. M oral nnd C h ris tia n In flu en ces th ro w n a b o u t s tu d e n ts is one of the best dry goods men that tinue for several days considerable loss Tuesday’s Oregonian says: Charles lieve that at one critical time this med­ We confidently b eliev e th a t m iporinr i d r i d U m CMMlOt he offered in th e N o rth w est. Abram Morris received word a few ever measured “ caliker” and laces in would no doubt tie the result. Waters, watchman at Pennoyer’s mill, icine was the indirect savior of our A ll cxpeu.ses m oderate. C o rre sp o n d en c e nnd visit« so licited . F o r c atalogues a u d In fo rm a tio n , addrea«, days ago of the death of Itis father Jos­ Newberg and he will be missed by his was run down by a narrow gauge train army, for if the packers had been un­ eph Morris at his home in Cardington, many friends in town. His family will at the foot of Harrison street about able to work there would have been no P R E S ID E N T P A C IF IC CO LLEG E, C o lle g e O p e n in g . Ohio, September 6 at the advanced age remain here for the present. midnight last night. Both his legs way of getting supplies to the front. N E W IIE I44I. O R X a O N This has been a busy week about of ninety-four years. A roving band of gypsies have been town, it being the opening of Pacific were severed near the thigh, and he There were no roads that a wagon train D. H . Dailey went up to Rosedale a camped for several days over near the College for the year. Last week the died from the shock and loss of blood o u ld use. My comrade and myself Imd the good fortune to luy in a supply few days ago and brought*t:is father railroad track while the femalememlters college boarding hall began to fill up about 20 minutes after the accident. The man was discovered lying on the of this medicine for our pack-train be­ down with him. The old gentleman have been making a house to house can­ and by Monday it became apparent that has been in poor health for some time vass, seeking out those who nro foolish all the rooms in the hall would be need­ east side of the track by persons who fore we left Tampa, nnd I know in four and he will probably remain here dur­ enough to part with their hard earned ed. Consequently carpets and furniture were attracted to the scene by his cases it al*olutely saved life.” ing the winter. The above letter was written to the quarters in exchange for “ fortune tell­ have been bought and the rooms arc be­ groans. They summoned the police patrol wagon, and he was conveyed to manufacturers of this medicine, the ing.” Such vagrants ought to be ar­ ing put in order to accommodate stu­ Please remember that we furnish Ht. Vincent’s hospital witli all the ex­ Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Photos on Platino Paper (black and rested for obtaining money under false dents. A number have rented rooms about town and these have been busily pedition possible. He died one min­ Moines, Iowa. For sale by C. F. white) as well ns any other kind of pa­ pretenses. ute after his arrival, and, by order of Moore & Co. Druggists. per. We give you an opportunity to Billy Wood raised some sorghum last engaged fitting up for the winter’s work. City Physician Wheeler, the body was Tuesday was classification day and get good work at close prices. season on his place up the valley from conveyed to the morgue. ANTED—SEV ER AL T R U S T W O R T It Y C . C. S m i t h . the juice of which he made a very good Wednesday morning the first gathering persons in th is state to BlAllftft o u r b u s i­ Nothing was found on the body ex­ I in the chapel occurred. Here a glance ness iu th e ir ow n m id n e irh y c o u n tie s. It is grade of molasses by the use of machin­ The annual conference of the Wes­ cepting a pipe, a lead pencil, a few m a in ly office w ork c o n d u c te d a t home. Salary over the large body of students showed Last s tra ig h t 9900 a y e ar a n d e x p e n s e s —d efinite, leyan Methodist church is now in ses­ ery of his own manufacture. that a very large number of those in at­ keys and a broken watclichaln. Dr. bonafide, no m ore, no less salary. M onthly $7.’). sion at the Evangelical church. Busi­ spring he distributed seed among his tendance were there for I lie first time Wheeler made an examination and R eferen ces. E nclose self ad d re sse d stam p ed v elo p e. H e rb e rt E. H ess, P rest., D ept. M. ness sessions are held through the day neighbors and others are raising it this and some of the old students remarked found that the right leg was severed at en BO Y BARB* ’ Chicago. EX P E R IE N C E and preaching at night. Some minis­ season. Milt Cady says he has some that they felt like they were among the Idp joint, and the left near the that is making a good growth and he ters are present froir California. The strangers, the new students being so thigh. Both were terribly crushed, thinks it will mature. IB8HE EDW ARDS. P resid e n t. meetings will continue over Sunday. and were banging by shreds There numerous. N. E. B R U T . Vice Pré». was a sharp cut in the lip, and the fin­ J . C. COLCORD, C ashier. James Hamnett says he has visited a The teaching force is the same as last John Rut’edge, who has been stop­ HV, ping at the hotel in Newberg for several number of the fruit evaporators and has i year except that Prof. C. E. Lewis who gers of the right hand were mutilated. weeks left on last Monday for his home suggested to those operating them that \ wug out of the college last year on a Alt inquest will be held toduy Persons who were on the scene soon berlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment ia D is io n s in Nebraska. Four years ago he left if they would allow a little more draft it leave of absence, takes the place of Pres. JESSE EDWARDS. after _____________ the accident say Waters up- _____ was __ without an equal. It relieves the itch-| ». MILKS, C o w v n io m t s A c . home for the winter seeking a change of would circulate the heat through the Thomas Newlin during the absence of ___ J. U. COLCOS D. A n r o n * nen d fn ir • * k « tc h a n d d e p c rln tlo n mmy parently lying acros« the track when and flinarting almost instantly and q n fp k ly M owrtA ln o o r o p in io n frw « w h e t h e r » a K II. WOODWARD. — " i its i u / continued V i n i t 'n u n d n use c o n effects ffn n * » a n wvsvwam « wv«w*B climate, and he is just now getting back. pipes better and also save the arches. tbe latter in England. Edwin Morri­ * permanent1 In v e n tio n I» p r o b a b ly put e n tA b le. C o m m u n ie * . N K. BRITT. tlo n s R trtc t ly c o n fid e n tia l. H a n d b o o k o n P a t e n t e He has spent a good deal of time in He says the way to get the draft is to son, M. S. is professor of natural science, struck. He was a heavy drinker, and cure. It also cures itch, bart rber's itch, Director*. Bent f re e , ifk le a t a g e n c y f o r B e c u rln c p a te n ta . they believe th at while Intoxicated lie put one or two brick on each side of the Miss Julia S. White, B. 8. professor of scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, P hi e n ta t a k e n t h r o u g h M u n n St Co. r e o e l r e California and at Honolulu. »pedal notice, w i t h o u t c h a r g e . In t h e fire hole and put the door on top of the 1 matt.ematics, Mrs. Mabel Douglas, A. fell across the rails and was stunned chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and C O IIH K S I 'O N I.K N T S —Ladd A T ilton. Port Rev. J. H. Douglas arrived home last brick. Those who have tried Mr. Ham­ granulated lids. U n it. N ations! Dark B ank, New York. B. professor of German and Greek. and unable to arise when the train Saturday evening from his trip east nett's plan report satisfactory results. A h a n d a o m c ly lllw a tra te d w e e k ly . I.nre—t c ir ­ moved out. Francis K. Jones, B. 8. professor of his­ Dr. Cadv’« Condition F ordert for c u la tio n o f a n y B ctcntlflc jo u r n a l . T e rm * , | 3 a looking well and he says tiis health is y e a r ; ; f o u r m o n u t th hi s , fL. S o ld b y a il n e w s d e a le r s . horses are pu: the best tonic, blood purifier Alva P. Macy was it. town Wednes­ tory and assistant in Latin, Miss Ella F. better than it has been for some time z c ra v i.ltln * th e c ity a re In v ited tn ra il at sen and vermifuge. Price, 25cents. Bold by S tran th e hank for In fo rm a tio n e n u re ru in g tlie The world will keep on C. F. Moore & Co. druggists before. On Sunday morning nt Friends day and stated that he had made ar­ Macy, A. B. instructor in English, Miss net o n , D. C. < ifflce, ( ¿26 F Hi* W ashington, Branch Office, c l t , . C o rre sp o n d en c e In v ited . Dora C. AHermatt, ins'ructor in vocal church he preached a sermon that had rangements to move to Coquille City turning round if you con­ much of the old time ring to it, such as where he will go into a drug store with and instrumental music. At the opening on Wednesday morn­ tinue to buy trash spices lie put into his Sermons when he was Mre. Macy’s brother, Dr. J. B. Moore. younger. Hois visiting this week with They will make the move as soon as ing Prof. Lewis read a portion of scrip­ Frank Taylor's at McMinnville. j their prune crop is cared for, but Alva ture and followed by a short but excel- and flavoring extracts. I leut address to the _ students, c giving 0 ja » tl,eT i i v ^ wiU " i n i leave c n v c thing" » m u g 7 , t in n a a o shape u a j i c c so u 1 Schilling's Best, however, Sam and Webb Cummins, the Alaska ctm ,a 5'8 Wednesday t*lat •hey can re,urn at any time they j ' ' or' °* *’eal|*y greeting to the new ^stu miners arrived home as well as the old ones. Jesse SfC p u r e 311(1 ITlOnCy—b a c k . evening both looking well and hearty.! may desire to do so. Ha is troubled a ■ 0,9 good deal with rheumatism and thinks ! i‘ ',,aar,*s followed with some well timed Judging from the tone of some of 8ani’s Best or not best— money- remarks on behalf of the board of man­ letters it is safe to say that they have indoor work will be better for him. agers, S. T. Stanley spoke for the alum- b a c k , a n y w a y , II ) OU ClOn t little to show (or the hardships endured, The body o( a man weighted down ni, and others following were, Mrs. M save a full and complete stock of ex­ by iron weights tied to his feet and E. K. Edvards, Mrs. E II. Miles, Mrs. like them. perience, Including some hairbreadth hands was found in the river below the A. M. Woodward, Mrs. Anna Miles and j , - il»f P" — fij.- r tin g t i n . i t s escapes and a few well matured bear steel bridge at Salem last Tuesday. Mrs. Mabel Douglas. . n i t •!>•«». stories. The stories will imprpve with Cuts and bruises about the head indi­ In the face of the fact that many of Schillings Best. age oi coarse. cated that he had been murdered. the stinionts-are detained in the prune j As a result of the action of the M. E. Later developments indicate that the orchards taking care oi the crop the a t- 1 Schilling's B est extracts conference, Rev. G. H. Bennett will go unfortunate man was Ray Sink of Was- tendance is much better than it was last to the North Portland M. E. church co county, but who several years ago year at the opening and so far as indi­ have no end of flavor in O t h e r A r t i c l e * u m in lly k e p t In n R a c k e t S t o r e , b o u g h t next yoar, while a minister named lived with his parents on the George cated the prospects are vary bright for a them. d i r e c t froiti N e w Y o r k a n d mold a t Waltz, recently from northern Indiana Sears farm west of Newberg. Mr. Sink good attendance and a splendid year’* Schillings Best will take charge of the Newberg and was in Marion county some days ago work. I m baklnf po—AiV Lafayette circuit. Rev. Bennett and seeking an investment, aud is known to ¿»»et B.vovM «In d a log. • n* «fer* family have a very warm place in the have had considerable money on bit F o r 9* 1«. In connection I expect to keep a full line of Groceries. Having recently looated in Newberg I solicit the patronage hearts of many Newberg people regard­ person. He ia now missing. No arrests A team of heavy draft horses and a are pure and money-back. of the people of Newberg aud vicinity. m less of denominational lines. The new have been made, but a Marion county good single driving horse. For sale by minister comes well recommended. t man is U inj closely watched. J . IV . V a u g h a n . J. M. A tkinson . Sutton, Calkins 4 Co, S u tto n , C a lk in s & C o. CHURCH NOTICES. J Dry Goods, Groceries, Queen8ware, Glass­ ware, Hoots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. B P Cannot be undersold. 1 V. Cheaper than any one. O A B H but they must go. A CRITICAL TIME A full line of Schilling’s Best Teas, Spices, Baking Powders, and Extracts, at the lowest prices. Sutton, Calkins Sc Co. PACIFIC COLLEGE. W Bjnk of Nrwberg. Skin Diseases. P atents J K Â T S S Â S ÎÏÏÎS K fiCAPITAL STOCK, S30.000. Stitntific American. MUNN£ Co New York Vaughan’s Racket Store Notions, Laces, Hosiery, Tinware and Granite ware. New Y ork P rices for Cash.