NEW BEBO GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. m H M K I P I I O . Ì K A I'KM: E; Yrar ...... •1 M M il M o n th * Months. ••fcaerletlee P r l « P * T » H « Iwvert n b ly A n V K K I 'I H I . U f i I I A l l.n : O n e Q e l a m n ......................................T w e n t y H o lla ra H a l l C o l u m n .......................................... T e n H o ll a r a P r n n a n l o a a l C a r d a ............- .................. O n * H oll ar i n s lin t lee a w ill be Iw eerted si la A i v u t a . A-ddroaa. U h a n u e , Ne wOor», O r a s e n . DOINGS OF THE WEEK - s a r a t e s f T e a e e n te p e r M ae. V O L. x. LATER NEW BERG, NEW S. Y A M H IL L C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , F R ID A Y , S E P T E M B E R CLEARING THE ISLAND W IN N IE I ’a s s e d D A V IS DEAD. Aniiy at a Narragiinuett Pier L‘:i, 1898. IGNORES HIS FRIENDS The Spanish authorities at San Juan H o t e l. nave offered Admiral Schley 6,000 tons Narragansett Pier, R. L, Sept. 30.— of coal at $0 per ton. Miss Winnie Davis, daughter of Mrs. What Has Happened in the The Italian government lias proposed Spaniards Will Leave Porto Jefferson Davis, died at noon today at Aguinaldo Says the Islands to the lo w ers tiiat im mediate action be Rico in a Few Days. a hotel here, to which place she came Are for the Filipinos. Civilized World. taken against anarchists. as a guest in tiie early part of the pier's social season. She had been ill Mail advices from Jap an state that another formidable retallion against ONLY WAITING FOR TRANSPORTS lor several weeek. GIVEN IN THE PRESS DISPATCHES Japanese rule has bioken out in F o r­ Mis. Davis had watched mi tern It- ] HE WANTS NO PROTECTORATE tingly at her d a u g h te r’s uedside, and | mosa. Aguinaldo still maintains th a t his Evacuation of Cuba TV 111 Require she is now bowed with sorrow. The ! D e c l a r e s f o r N o t h i n g R u t A b u o i u t p A Complete Review of th e News of the physicians of Mis. Davis reports she is About Five Month«' Time—To government is kindly disposed towards d e p e n d e n c e —Y e a r s o f F i g h t - Pnet Seven Uejre In Thle anil bolding up with great calmness in her Embark lu Spanish Vessel«. ours and th a t relations will continue Ing for F re e d o m . A ll F o r.ilsn L an d s. affliction, and no lears are at present friendly. entertained of her health yielding to tiie The president lias appointed Fred Secretary Long has issued oidcis dis- San Ju an , Porto Rico, Sept. 20.— strain. Manila, Sept. 19.—The Philippine Page Tustin, of Oregon, eommisioner The preparations for the embarkation Miss Winnie Davis, the “ Daughter oaiuling the Eastern squadron. for the district of Alaska, to reside ; of the Spanish troops are reported to be of tiie Confederacy,” was born in tiie general assembly was inaugurated at Male Los yesterday w ith great e n th u ­ Creation of the grade of vice-admiral a t Wiangel. complete, although tho American com­ Confederate executive mansion, at siasm. There wero thousands ol visit- and its bestowal uuon Admiral Dewey, Tho London Dailv Telegraph’s St. missioners liavo not been officially ad- Richmond, Va., in 1803. She was ed­ ars from the provinces, and a great dis­ is to be recommended to congress by Petersburg corres|ioudent says th at Lui- | vised to that effect. Two ships oi the ucated principally nt home, owing to play was made. Aguinaldo, at 9 Secretary Long. o'clock in the morning, entered the gini, the assassin of tiie Austrian em- | Compania T ransatlantioa are expected tlio troubles surrounding her father and I | o’clock W ith the detachment of Commo­ pioss, belonged to an organized gang of to arrive here on the 2t)th inst. Five the publicity which attended all move­ hall of the convent recently occupied dore Watson from command of the anarchists, whose purpose is to m uider ! vessels will be required to transport ments of the Davis family. Miss Davis by tho Spanish local government. It Eastern squadron, all work in connec­ crowned heads of Europe. j all the baggao and equipment. The attained her m atu rity nt Beauvoir, is an extremely plain room, adorned tion w ith tire raisittg of the Spanish The streets of Havana are crowded j Porto Rican troops are to be landed Miss. Hero she assisted tier mother only with some religious pictures. cruiser Cristobal Colon will cease. in various ways and took her place in Tho insurgent leader was in evening with beggars since th e closing of the near Cadiz. Orders have been sent to Chaplain J. soup kitchens. There is almost a total Tbo U nited States commissioners the many social functions of the place. tress, according to the Spanish custuui. C. McIntyre, formerly attached to the lack of food and clothing, and men, have agreed th a t such troops as desire to She was her fath er’s constant compan­ ' ie others wore ordinary costumes. battle ship Oregon, who, it is alleged, women and children are dying by remain here may do so, and all the ion. Site assisted him in all his work, Aguinaldo, who was received with severely criticised Rear-Admiral Samp­ inches from disease and hunger. volunteers and some of the regulars, and much of the information which uheers and also with cries of “ Viva son and Citptain K. D. Evans it) an ad- whose families and interests are here, was required by Mr. Davis in his writ­ America” by the largo crowd of natives With a fierce fire in its hold, the will remain. ings was secured for him by liis daugh­ inside and ontsido the hall, read a de­ dress at Denver, Colo., directing him steamer Evelyn, Captain G. F . Horner, to proceed to Denver to aw ait trial, If the necessary ships were here, ter. Her strong character was marked cree convening the members, who in­ from Huelva, Spain, hvavily loaded th e ¡Bland could lie evacuated and from youth. Site was engaged to Mr. cluded several Spaniards. Hu next George M. H unter, company II, w ith sulphur ore, has put into its pier F ir s t Washington volunteers, has ap­ at Locust Point, Md. It is remarkable formally in our possession w ithin three Wilkeson, of Syracuse, N. Y., but read a message eulogizing tho nrmy, shortly after her father's death the en ­ and thanking tho friendly nations plied for a pension for disability in­ that tho ship and all those on board days. The American commissioners are gagement was broken off. While no which had set the historic example of curred while in the service in the war were saved from a terrible death in highly gratified with the spirit shown public explanation of ru p tu re war liberty and had assisted a down trod­ with Spain. Mr. H unter recently re­ mid-ocean. by the Spaniards. The unexpected given, it is well known tiiat it was for den race. Continuing, Aguinaldo turned on a furlough, and is staying in The Spanish minister of war. G e n ­ lias happened. Where it was expected the purpose of maintaining her father'i urgently and eloquently exhorted the Salem, Or. His application is proba­ She received tiie name | assembly to “ follow the noblest prln- bly the first one growing out of tire eral Correa, lias issuer) instructions for th a t opposition and delay would be name. the return of tho Spanish troops in the encountered, none lias been found. “ D aughter of the Confederacy” in ciples” and invoked tho “ spirits of tiie Spanish war. West Indies. The sick are to leave In good faith, tho Spanish commission­ 1886, when her father made his famous 1 martyred F ilipin os.” Major-General Davis, at Camp first and the archives will lie brought ers have met tiie Americans and a r­ trip through tiie South. Mr. Davie The assembly then adjourned for Meade, has disapproved th e findings of to Spain witli the arms, amm unition, ranged witli them tho terms of evacua­ being unable to appear, Miss Winnie tho day. A Spanish delegate sug- the court-m artial in tiro case of Cup- Hags and material stored in Cuba and tion. Our commissioners expect to see was brought before tho thousands at gested that business lie losuiiied in tho tain Duncan, Twenty-second Kansas, Porto Rico. the American flag hoisted and the the different (Miints along tiie route, afternoon, but a Filipino objected, and who was convicted of tampering w ith It is no longer a secret that Germ any Spanish flag hauled down forever w ith­ and introduced as the “ D aughter oi accused tiie Spaniard of attempting to the graves of Confederate soldiers at the Confederacy.” underm ine the constitution. To this is tho only nation from which tho gov­ in three weeks. Manassas, and ordered th e captain re. the Spaniard replied tiiat lie was a sin ­ ernm ent apprehends trouble in tho set­ T O R A L ’S ARMY G O N E . lease.! from arrest and restored to duty. EV A C U A TIO N O F CUBA. cere republican, and that his own de­ tlement of the P hilippine question, Tho steamer Discovery, whicli has and it is to avert the comm itment of Will Not Re Completed in I. pha Than All Itul u Few Sick S|mtil»ril. Ilavt sire was the welfare of tho countiy. ju st arrived from Skagway, Alaska, an overt act th a t tho president deter­ Whereupon, the Filipino apologizod, L e ft S a n tia g o . Five Months. brings advices from Dawson up to A u ­ mined to so strengthen Rear A dmiial Washington, Sept. 20.— General and tho proceedings terminated. Havana, Sept. 20.— Humors th at gust 27. It is stated th a t tire Cana­ Dewey’s command as to make it sup er­ liavo been put in circulation to the Lawton reports to the war department During the afternoon tunny Ameri­ dian police have completed a thorough ior to tho Germ an fleet in Asiatic effect th a t General Wade, president of tonight th at all but eight of the Span­ cans and Europeans arrived, and Agui­ investigation of tho food supply for the waters. tho evacuation commission, is ill witli ish prisoners have been shipped from naldo was kept busy receiving visitors, coming winter. They report th a t the yellow fever, may bo denied absolutely. Santiago to Spain. Following is tiie including thu American consul. More troops are to go to Manila at am ount on hand i« more than suffi­ L Tiie press correspondent had a pri- The Fifty-first Iowa, Twen­ General Wade is looking the picture of text of General Lawton’s dispatch: cient to c a n y the camp through tho once. “ Santiago do Cuba, Sept. 20.— A d­ vato interview witli Aguinaldo, who is health. The general health on hoard tieth Kansas, F irst Tennessee, First winter. ju tant-General, Washington: All the nxtrnmely unwilling to compromise Washington and tho Oregon recruits th e steamer Resolute is good. Tho boundary dispute between Chile will comprise tho expedition. Spanish prisoners iiave been shipped himself with the natives. Ho said An official meeting of tho Spanish The and A rgentina seems likely to develop late order of the war departm ent on commission was held last nig ht to con­ except eight, ono at Baraooa and seven that a m ajority of the Filipinos liad into a great South American conflagru- tho subject lias been directly reversed. sider the form of evacuation hv tho at Guantanam o, sick with yellow fever. ' been struggling for freedom for years ind centuries, nnd th a t they now be­ ' tlon. It is believed, us a foundation, There is much conjecture as to tho Spanish troops and w ith the object of “ LAWTON, Major-G eneral.” lieve tiiat their object lias been a t ­ th a t Boliiva has signed a secret treaty cause for the sudden change of policy. acquainting th e Americans with tho Captain Allyn Capron Dead. tained. Aguinaldo piofessud entire witli A rgentina to make common cause The war departm ent announces th at positions and numbers of the Spanish Washington, Sept. 20.—Captain A l­ , ignorance of the autonomous system in against Chile. In case of war, how­ the move is merely in furtherance of a soldiers, and tho best method of em ­ lyn Capron, F irst artillery, died at tlx j vogue in tiie British colonics, of pro­ ever, Peru would checkmate Bolivia, plan to garrison the Philippines, Cuba barking them. his home near ^ o rt Myar, Va., today. tectorates and of American autonomy. leaving Argentina to tiro care of Chile. and Porto Rico, ft is also said tho Tliis afternoon there wero sent on When General Shafter's corps won! He said lie was unable to understand This attitud e ot Peru is said to bo due new plan includes 20,000 men for the board the Resolute sealed documents to tire fact th a t Chile has wiped otf Philippines, 12,500 for Porto Rico and supposed to contain the statem ent of to Santiago Capron accompanied it, the idea, and only understood " a b ­ and Ijts battery did notably fine work solute independence.” Personally lie $10,000,000 from tho ransom for tho 00,000 for Cuba. th e results of lust n ig h t’s conference. in tho battle of Santiago. During tlx believed a protectorate foi the P h ilip ­ provinces returned by tho protocol. It is understood th a t it is proposed to A Jesuit priest lias been shot f >r per­ start the evacuation from cast to west, first d a y ’s fighting before tho city, C ap­ pine islands was unnecessary, hut he Chile is now completing iier naval and tain Capron’s son, Captain Allyn K. feared that tho pooplo would bo disap­ m iliary preparations for a hostile cli­ suading rebels to desert Aguinaldo. embarking the troops at tho points of max to the negotiations with Argen­ A t tbe coming meeting of rebel lend­ Gibara, Nuevitas, Cienfuegos and Ha* Capron, of tho rough riders, was killed. pointed in tiiis. He had not studied Tiie deatli of the son preyed upon tlx political economy and knew nothing tina. ers at Malolos, the majority, it is said, vana. fattier's mind, but lie never sweived for alMriit tire various forms of government. will vote for autonomy under the pro­ Tiie official statem ent of the number Four Q uilliyute Indians died of the an in stan t from his duty during tlx He inquired whether Australia was an tection of America. of Spanish soldiers in tiie island is teriiblo days tiiat followed. Tho seeds black measles in one day in Puyallup American colony, and said lie had valley and white hop-pickers are in a An edict has been published extend­ said to place tiie aggregate at 100,000, of disease were sown in his system d u r ­ never hoard of a Malay protectorate. and it is understood th at it is proposed state of terror, ing the postal operations throughout ing tiie Cuban campaign, and he re­ Continuing, tho insurgent leader th a t tho men cariy witli them their turned to his home at Fort Myei, near said theie was no need of protection A Manila dispatch says the in su r­ the Chinese empire, and replacing the arms, am m unition, material and equip­ this city, only to ho stricken with ty ­ for thu Philippine islands, because tbo gents have evacuated tho suburbs of present system of government couriers. ments. phoid fever. Manila. They did so in a grand march Sagasta, at n council of ministers at Filipinos wero able to cope with any It is estimated th a t the end of F e b ­ in which nearly 3,000 men took part, Madrid, drew attention to the desire The Sultan Gives In. army. Ho admitted th a t lie had never ruary will have come before tho evacu­ carrying rides, with colors waving, of the Duke of Vcragua, as direct de­ Candin, Island of Crote, Sept. 20.— seen a foreign nimy, witli the excep­ ation of tho island is completed. The hands playing, and shouting “ Viva scendant. th at the remains of C hristo­ soldiers must embark in Spanish ves­ The sultan has ordered Edliem Pasha, tion of the garrisons at Hong Keng and Americanos” and “ Viva Filippinos pher Columbus be removed from Ha­ sels. It is suggested tiiat tiiis will be tiie military commander in Crete, L Singa|ioro, ami lie hail never seen those libret” vana to Spain. an advantage to both countries, tiie accede to the demands of tiie Dritisl troops on parade. Aguinaldo declined t^i discuss the Tire war and navy departments Tim funner rebel chief, Isabelo A i t a ­ U nited States having an opportunity to admiral, Gerard H enry Noel, for dis­ Btrongly assert th a t Dewey Ires never ebo, who was condemned to death by acclimate its men during the winter arm ament, thus complying wiili tlx American army and protested ids un­ dying gratitude to tho Americans. asked for help. Newspaper reports to Aguinaldo for treachery in May, and months, and it is proposed th at the whole ultim atum of the admiral. A British detachment today occu­ He said they liad come to the Philip­ the contrary wero all canards, ami much was reprieved and escaped, is leading American government shall land troops annoyance lias been caused by their cir­ 15,000 men against Aguinaldo. Arta- to occupy each port simultaneously pied tbe entranco to the fort, and it is pines to light the Spaniards only, and culation. The G erm ans are not pio- eho is backed by priests. w ith its evacuation, not leaving any rumored th a t the Ottoman troops will now th a t they had finished the task, it be withdrawn and u Biitisli force will was to t a ux|K>cted th a t they would re­ pnring to make trouble at Manila, say Secretary Long lias direoted th at the post unguarded at any time. turn to America. He was unwilling the d epartm ent officials. A difference of opinion between n occnpv the town. battle-ship which is to ho built by tlm Among the prisoners already handed to believe th at tiie Americans would The Turkish government has sent a Union iron works. Sun Frnnciseo, shall Cuban and a Spanish officer in a prom­ demand a reward for an act of h u m an ­ circular to the powers, claiming that be named the Oiiio. The Cramps will inent cafe hero this morning resulted over to Admiral Noel nto two who are ity, and ho declined to adm it thu neces­ lire Britislr provoked tho recent disor­ build the Maine, and the Newport in an exchange of abusive language accredited witli lieing ringleaders in the sity of a quid pro quo. and a free fight followed. The dis­ attack on the British camp. ders in C andiaand refusing to withdraw News Company the Missouri. The Filipino louder expressed h im ­ turbance was promptly quelled by the Tlif Hpnnlsh l'«*nce Commission. the Turkish troops from Crete. The Hopes are entertained th a t the sunken self confident th a t the nowly founded Madrid, Sept. 20.—The official ga­ circular has rnado an impression. Tire Spanish cruiser Infanta Maria Teresa police, and th e ringleaders were ar­ government would build a navy u lti­ l.aslii hazouks have consented todisarm can lie saved. It is reported that tier rested. The disorder is said to have zette publishes the announcement oi mately. In the meantime, ho said, the ap|K>innient of Honor Monterc provided their arm s are delivered to bottom is firmly fixer) on a rock arid been provoked by tiie Cuban. A secret meeting of the officers of Rios, president of the senate; Senot the great nations should protect and Turkish authorities. the wreckers have been doing every­ th e Spanisli warships now in port was Abarzuza, Sonor Garniga, Genera] aid any yonng nation, instead of grab­ Tho fate of tire movement of the a n ­ thing in their power to repair the hole held at the governor’s palace. Tiie Cerero and Senor V illaurrutia, ns tlx bing her territories. If the Americans nexation of Jam aica to tire United so th a t site can be floated. should refuse to withdraw, tiie national oiiject of the meeting is supposed to Spanish peace commissioners. States is scaled, says tho Kingston, assembly, lie suid, must decide tiie The steamship Gloucester, which ar- have been consideration of the ques­ Senors Du Bose and Aranguoren, Jamaica, correspondent of th e New ;ived at Boston from Baltimore, re­ tion of returning to Spain, which ves­ formerly secretaries to tiie Spanisli le­ policy to be pursued—a policy which York Times. A movem ent has been ports th a t she collided w ith tho G lo u - ! sels and a portion of th e arm am ent gation at Washington, have been tr a n s ­ he declined to forecast. inaugurated in Jam aica having for its F urther conversation was prevented :estor schooner Alice Jordan off Mar­ should be taken and which left. ferred from St. Petersburg to Vienna. object the annexation of the island ho by the strains of a brass hand, but tha's Vineyard, and th a t nino of the The supreme council of war has de­ ^ r u p t l o n o f V esn v ias. (he Dominion of Canada. A change of Goneral Aguinaldo was interviewed Io rd an ’s crew were drowned. Seven Naples, Sept. 20.—A state of gloomy I cided to suspend Admiral Montojo and also by a dozen American journalists. nationality would tiius be avoided, and it tiie crew were saved by the G lo u - 1 apprehension prevails among tho popu­ Major Sostoa, director of the Cadiz Ja m a ic a ’s troubles brought to an end. A Spaniard, supposed to be an officer, jester. lation regarding the eruption of Vesu- | a r s e n a l . ________________ nniiniformed, traversed tho town, Three persons were killed outright The Archbishop’* Views. Tiie insurgents are reported to have vius, which is hourly becoming more] sneering at and denouncing the princi- and several others badly injured in Manila, Sept. 20.—In an interview i pies of the Filipinos. On his resent­ W ichita, Kan., by a Rock Island pas­ jiianged their plans, and instead of active and menacing. Streams of lava with a press representative, Bishop ing a friendly remonstrance, lie was senger train, which struck a carry-all evacuating all the suburbs of Manila, are spreading in every direction. The Dosal, of tiie Philippine islands, said: 1 placed under a rr e st at the Donglass-avenne crossing. In es expected by Otis, have moved from most threatening of these flows through "1 earnestly hops the islands will tiie Vedrino valley, whicli is nlmost Ermita to Santana, where they appear the vehicle were 13 persons on their J Several Filipinos assured the corte- not remain Spanish, because the ratals way to Buffalo. The carry-all was g o -; Jo lie concentrating. It is reported filled. The observatory, whicli origin­ apnndent th at they have personally are now so strong tiiat such a course ing at a rapid pace, a i J tire driver that Aguinaldo ordered this place held ally stood at a height of 610 meters, is would inevitably cause appalling witnessed horiible tortures at Iloilo; now only 27 meters atiove tiie sea level, could not stop when he saw th a t tire >t all oosts. bloodshed. The rcconquest of the n a ­ ] the feet of natives held to a candía owing to th e sinking of the ground. train was upon him. Joseph F. Villier, a street-car motor- Seven new craters have formed around tives is impossible until after years of flame for hours, electric currents ap­ plied to the most sensitive parts of the Admiral Walker, president of the n a n , his 2-vear-old child and a woman th e central one, anil this lias not tend­ the most cruel warfare." body and various unnameable atrocities Nicaragua canal commission, has re- - iiamed N el’.ie McGuffin were found dead ed to dim inish the fears formerly felt, I h . a c a for aa Argument. —«H intended to extort confession. turned to Washington. The admiral in a room in a hotel at Louisville, Ky. which were based upon the eruption of London, Sept. 20.— Tiie Daily M a il’s This is s nrcely credible, but there are says th a t about 250 men are at work From notes found, left by the woman, - stones and scoria similar to that which Madrid correspondent says a long con- numerous alleged witnesses of such along the line of th e proposed canal, it was learned th at she bad given V II-1 occurred in 1882. ference was held between Senor Sagas- outrages, and several who show sores and they will stay there throughout Her and the child m orphine in wine, ; ta, the premier, and Senor Montero ,,f recent origin and nnhealed. Homo T o u rist a n d G u id e K illed . the rainy season. A dm iral Walker is lint finding this would not be effective, | Chatnoiinix, Sept. 20.—An English­ Rios, the president of the Spanish peace , ay (hey esca|ied ouly through bribing confident th a t tho commission will be bad shot him through tbe temple and aide to report to congress at th e ap­ then turned tb e revolver upon herself, man named Binns and a guide who ac­ commission todav, which resulted in tiie Spanish officials. It is natural proaching session. He thinks th e death being instantaneous in each companied him , while making the as­ the decision tliHt the [peace commission th at thero should bo a yonrning for re- project will be shown to be entirely case. The child was already dead from cent of the Aiguille de Chartuose, fell, shall strenuously defend the retention venge U[>on the Spanish prisoners at of the Philippine islands by Spain. Malo Los, but these are not maltreatod. and both were killed. the effect of the drug. practicable and worthy of execution. Minor New« Items. T h e ta n k in g d epartm ent of Low’s exchange in London has snspended. The electric locomotive headlight in ­ vented by L. J . Wooley, of Springfield, III., has proved a success and is now in use on the Big Four, New York Cen­ tral, and other railroads. M. R. Todd, cashier ol th e wrecked bank at Preston, Minn., was lodged in jail after a mob had gathered to lynch him. H u defalcations are now said to •m o un t to $115,000. President McKinley has received a letter from the Thirteenth club, ot New York, congratulating him on th e fact that he signed tiie peace protocol on a Friday and proclaimed it to th e world on the 13th of the month. The w orld’s record for high kite Right was broken at Blue Hill, Mass., one o( a tandem ol kites reaching an altitude of 13,134 feet above tbe sea level, a height 327 feet greater th an any kite has ever been known to have reached heretofore. C h e v a lie r N . r r o .k o w I C .. C retan Im p e rial U u ard a. F o rt Wayne. Ind., S e p t 20.—Cheva­ lier M. Proskowitz, acting chief consul of Austria-H ungary, at Chicago, lost his life in Fort Wayne tonight, while en route to New York. He was a pas­ senger on the Pennsylvania limited. Tiie consul was restless, and walking through the train. He did not notice he dining-car had been cut off. He stumbled headlong just as the baggage car was being pushed ta c k on the train, and was ground under th e wheels, both legs being frightfully crashed. Yokohama, Sept. 20.—Advices from Seoul say that nine Americans, nine B ritish, five Germans, three F ren ch ­ men and two Russians, w ho were e n ­ gaged at Shanghai as im|ierial guards, have arrived there. T h . A n*ln-< ierm »n T r e a t? . Berlin, Sept. 20.—The Voesiche Zel- tu ng declares th at under th e Anglo- G erm an jgreement, Delag»« bay was ee»led to Great Britain commercially and not politically T h e C ap tn re d M an ser.. NO. 44. OFF FOR •AvKIfcia« BUM Orlino tad Monthly4 PARIS. A m erican C o m m issio n ers T a k e T h e ir D ep artu re F rom W a sh in g to n . Washington, Sept. 19.— The peace commissioners left Washington this afternoon without any ceremonies. The commissioners were accompanied by a considerable staff of attaches, and Savoy, tho faithful and trusted mes­ senger, who has siuud gnaid at the doors of the secretaries and assistant secretaries of state for many years, and who in Paris will still bo on guard at the doors of the rooms which the com­ missioners will take up as their head­ quarters. Before leaving the state de­ partm ent Secretary Day held a recep­ tion and said farewell to all thu em ­ ployes individually. Captain Bradford, chief of the bureau of equipm ent of the navy department, was notified at tho hist m in ute tiiat the president desired liis attendance upon tiie commissioners at P aris in the ca­ pacity of an expert, for no ono in tho United States nnvy is so well informed us tiiis officer as to tho needs of tiie navy in tiie matter of coaling and naval stations. Ho will follow the commis­ sioners on tiio next steamer. S p u n i i t h lViM’fi C o m m i s s i o n . Madrid, Sept. 19.—Tho Spanish peace commission has been appointed. Senor Montero Kios, president of the senate, will proiide. Tiie other names are withheld until tho queen regent has given her approval. Duke Almo­ dovar do Rio, the foreign minister, nnd Senor Moret, ex-secretary of the colon­ ies, are engaged in drafting the instruc­ tions of tho committee. Tho queen regent has signed tho joint bill passed by the cortes, author iziug the cosslon of national territory under tho terms of tbe protocol. General Angnstin, ex-enptnin-gon- eral of tbo Philippines, accompanied by hia family, arrived today at Genoa, and is about starting !-.• Spain. MOB S ig h t CHASED TORAL. o f .S puin'* U p t u r n i n g A r m y fu rin tp il t h o I 'o o p le o f V igo. In* Vigo, Spain, Sept. 19.— About 700 people besiged the house of General Total today, demanding th a t tho troops whicli ariived hero yoBtorday from San­ tiago do Cuba on board tho Spanisli steamer Leon X II bo immediately landed. They proceeded to tho quay, cheering tbe troops, nnd were witli dif­ ficulty dispersed by tho soldiers of the garrison. Afterwards a crowd of about 1,600 returned to the quuy, and when they saw the soldiers landing barefoot­ ed and nearly nuked, they became in ­ furiated and surrounded General Tor­ a h s house, hissing and stoning tho building. Eventually, the Spanish general succeeded in escaping to the Leon X III. On learning this, tbe mob guthcrod on tiio dock and stoned the steamer for half un hour. The Leon wus obliged to leave tho place where she was anohorod. Five steamers aro ready to transport the returning Spanish soldiers nnd civil officers, with the archives and m u n i­ tions of war from Cuba, but It il be­ lieved it will tuke fout months and cost 80,000,000 pesetas to bring the troops hack to Spain. Now* F r o m D a w so n . Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 19.— Tho steamer City of Hoattlo arrived from Skagway witli iu Klondikors, who left Dawson Soptemtar 2. T he amount of dust brought out is variously esti­ mated at betw An $150,000 and $200,- 000. Leonard Winbnlt, purser of the river steamer Linda, cominl'*ed suicide by taking morphino while tho steamer wus on its way down the river. He was a nativo of London, England, aged 25. Tho following deaths occurred at St. Mary’s hospital, Dawson: A. Biitau, Canada; Thomas Tonnett, London, England; Jam es Hlieohy, V ir­ ginia City, Nov.; Jam es Keys, Han Jose, Cal. Tho recently organized Minors’ A s­ sociation belli its first meeting August 29 ami drafted a letter to Sir Wilfred Laurler, appealing to him for the ap­ pointment uf a commission of inquiry to inquire into the manner in which Golil Commissioner Faw cett has con­ ducted ills office, and also making ape cifit) charges against him and othor officials. Tiio Salvation Army has Just com­ pleted laige barracks at Dawson, and has ulreudy commenced tiie woik of taking oare of the sick and relieving their distress. T a le Not H a lf T o ld . Kingston, Jamaica, Sept. 19.—The recent hnrricano was undoubtedly tiie winst visitation of tiie kind exper­ ienced by tiie West Indiog during tho century. Two hurricanes sw ept along tiie island chain from Barhudoes west­ ward to 8t. Vincent, and thenco no rth ­ west to St. Kitts, where it was last heard from. Harhadoes suffered mostly from the rain, which destroyed crops and roads as it did at St. Lucia and other islands, while tbe center of the storm swept over S t Vincent and Guadalnupe. Details received from 8t. Vincent show th a t gieat destruction of life nnd property took place there. Out ol a population of 41,000, 800 weio killed, and 20,000 injured and rendered homeless. Bloomfield, Neb., sept. 19.— A dis­ tinct »-artliquake shock, lasting several seconds, was felt here this morning, at about 4 o’clock. Tbe shock was accom­ panied by a deep rumbling. F s s r of An In d em n ity . Washington, Sept. 19.—The war de­ Madrid, Sept. 19.— A painful impres partm ent has rlirected th at the Mauser sion has taen caused here by a state­ rifles, about 5,000 in number, which ment made by the Pais saying the were brought to New York, having United States intends to demand $20,- been captured from the Spanish tro'q g 000,000 indem nity in behalf of Ameri­ in Cuba, be turned over to the ord- 1 can citizens who have suffered through nance department. The latter in turn, ' the insurrection in Cuba. The Span­ ordered them sbipi>ed to the armory at ish peace oommisrionera will strongly Springfield, Mass. They w ill t a oppote this, it it claimed; but fears thoroughly overhauled and if [loaaible prevail th a t the United State* will be­ plated in order, either for the ,use of come piti les. and preae Its advantage our own troops or for sale. to tbs utmost, TO REINFORCE DEWEY Oregon and Iowa Wil Sent to Manila. B« CAPTALI COB EVANS RELIEVED C a p t a i n S i l a s T e r r y W i l l Ho t i i e N e i t C o m m an d er o f th e I ow h - N n v s I lu su eo tio n Ito trd . PI W re: de bu re | Th j~ .- sonal request. He served more thnn the period of time required by regula­ tions and practico for a captain to com­ mand. Secretary Long lias decided to assign Captuin Evans to duty as a member of tiie naval inspection board, and ho will nssuine bis now duties after a brief vacation. Tiio next commander of the Iowa will be Captain Silas Terry, ol the re­ ceiving ship at the Norfolk navy-yard. He will take the ship around South America nnd over to Honolulu in com­ pany of tiio Oregon and some colliors. It is said at tho navy department to­ day th a t the orders to tho battle-ships liavo not yet been issued, and th at when they are, they will ultim ately proceed to Join Dewey’s fleet at Ma­ nila, if It should bo deemed expedient to reinfoice him. B ut ns tiio journey around South America will occupy nearly four months and many changes in tiio situation ns to tho Philippines may be expected to occur before the ex ­ piration of th a t period of time, it can ­ not bo cortalnly foretold whether or not the Ororgon and tiie Iowa will ever tuaoh Manila. When attention was cnllod to the possibility of tho dispatch of reinforce­ ment to Dewey being regardod ns a technical violation of tho truce now pending, It was said at tiie navy de­ partm ent th at th a t matter would proba­ bly lie adjusted before tl.e ships reached Honolulu by the nction of tho peace commission a t Paris. Should this not be the case, however, it will be easy to intercept tiie ships at Honolulu by a dispatch boat, wiiich could make the run from Sun Francisco in a week.. A m erican a n d G erm an Forces. New York, Sept. 17.—A special to tiio Herald from Washington says: So far as Germany is concerned, the au- thoiities say there is nothing in her a t­ titude to cause thu belief that she pro­ poses to interfere with any disposition of the Pliilipinnos this government may see fit to make. It is appreciated, however, that it will be tiie part ol wisdom of tiie U nited States to put in tiio Puolfio a force so formidable as to discourage even tiiis suggestion of in ter­ ference. G e rm a n y ’s force in tiie Pacific con­ sists o t the armored oruisers Kaiser nnd Deutschland, the protected cruisers Kierin Augusta, Ireno, Princess W i l ­ helm , Geifon, Cormoran and Fulke. T he displacement of Rear-Admiral Dowey’s present force nmounts to 30,- 832 ton.whilo that of tho German oom- mandor readies 87,881. Rear-Admiral Dowoy’s ships, liowover, are bettor armod than the German men of-war, and their men have the advantage of having been under fire. The monitors Monterey and Monad- nock are mainly serviceable for work In smooth water, and if the Germ an ships should start for the Pacific coast, an would tie the case in tho event of wnr, Rear-Admiral Dewey would havo only his protected cruisers nnd g un ­ boats to depend U|ion. With tw o bat­ tle-ships at his dis|iosal, increasing the tonnngo of his squadron to 52,869 tons, lie would have a moat formidable force. W IT H D R E W FROM M ANILA. In s u r g e n t, M e n .ra lly C o m p ly in g O tis' O rd e r. W ith Washington, SepL 17.—General Otis has caldod tiie war d epartm ent as fol­ lows: "M an ila, Sept. 17.—Affairs are much more satisfactory. Our demands for the w ithdrawal of the insurgent forcea were complied with, and all were withdrawn or are withdrawing today except small foroee in the outlying dis­ tricts, whicli are not obeying tiie in* purgent leader. Aguinaldo requests a few days In which to withdraw them by detachments, and punish tiieir com- [Handing officers. Over 2,000 have already withdrawn. No concessions Rave been granted the insurgents, but striut compliance with the demands of tho 8th inst. lias been exacted. “ Manila is quiet and husinesa is pro­ gressing favorably. No difficulty is a n ­ ticipated. We have been compelled to confine Spanish prisoners temporarily w ithin the limits of the walled city. ” M issio n arie s for C a b s . Kansas City. Sept. 17.—Tho annual convention ol the National Colored Baptist Association decided to m a in ­ tain a missionary station in Coha. It was decided to appoint two members of the church to go to Coba before tho year is out and make the neesaary pre­ liminary arrangements. R arbarfoes H u rrln Trinidad, British West 17.— A steamer whicli has from near Barbadoea repo ful havoc was cause»l there ricane Saturday night. ' tion of property was iran believed over 150 person* throughout the island, a were rendered homeless and destitute. The .h ip ping suffered seriously. Many local vessels were wrecked or blown out to see.