NEW BERG GRAPHIC HI K N I K I P I I O Î Es _ I « NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC I U T KN: .............................. -■••• •> « .* M onth* ......................................................... Month*. ................................................. • a h e c r lp t la a r r le e P a r a k l « ■ b ljr ln A * I U M . K ** l»v m »l VOL. X. NEWBERG, J TMilKNOS’ C H U R C H .-S E U V K ’ ES E VE RY ’ Sunday at 11 a , m. and 8 p. in. and Thurs- ay at 2 p. m. Sabbath school every Sunday at 9:45 a. ru. Monthly m eeting at 8 p. m. the tirst Tuesday in each month. Quarterly meeting the teeond Saturday and Sunday In February, May, August and November. W om an’s For­ eign Missionary 8ociety meets third Saturday in eeen montk at 3 p. m. What Has Happened in the Civilized World. g GIVEN IN T H K PRESS DISPATCHES APTIST CHURCH.—SERVICES, SUNDAY 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school Sun­ days at 10 a. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 o ’clock. RESIIYTER1AN CHURCH.—SERVICES EV- P cry two weeks as follows. February ebi 7th and 21st, March 7th and 21st, . . . and A pril 4th and 18th. J. * “ E. ~ D A Y, ' Pastor. 1REE METHODIST.—P R A Y E R MEETING 1 every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 a. m. M SOCIETY NOTICES. OF THE WORLD.—NEWBERG CAMP, NO. 113, meets every Monday evening. W J C .T . U.—BUSINESS MEETING TH E SEC- t Y , ond and fourth Wednesday in each month. I K A N P L. OF 8.—NEWBERG COUNCIL, NO. , lii8, meets every Friday evening in Ma­ sonic hall. A O. u . w . - MEETS E VE RY TUESDAY . evening at 7:30 p. m. ln I. O. O. F. Hall. EAST AN D SO UTH —V IA — Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland: Depot Fifth and I Sts., Porti aud. Overland Express— For Salem,Roseburg, Asland, Sacramento, Ogden, Sau Francis­ • 9:30 a. m. co. Mojave, Los An­ geles, El Paso, New Orleans and East. Hose burg passenger— ♦ 4:30 p. m. Via Woodburn, fo r ' Mount Angel, Silver- Daily ton, W e s t S c io , except Brownsville, Spring- Sunday. field and Natron. Corvallis passenger. f 5:50 p. m. • 0:00 p.m Daily except Sunday. t 7:30 a.m. f 4:50 p. m. Independence pass’ngr. f 8:25 a. m ♦Daily. fD ally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Totland, Sac­ ramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 first-class and $11 second-class, including sleeper. Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu­ rope. Also Japan, China, Honolulu and Au­ stralia, cun be obtained from J. B. K IR K LA N D , Ticket Agent, 134 Third street, Portland, Or. T A M H IL L D IV IS IO N . Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street. A 1 rlie mall (trl-w cekly).______________________ "8740 a. m. L v ....... Portland........... Ari 3:05 p. ® . 11:35 p. m .L v ....... Newberg........... Lv 12:15 p. m. 3:50 p. m. A r....... A irlic ................ LvJ 7:30 a. m. 4:30 p. in. Lv ... ....Portland........ 9:30 4. ra. 6:05 p. in. Lv.... ....Newberg........ Lv 7:55 a. ra. 7:40 p. m.| A r... ....Sheridaii....... Lv 6:20 A. m. “ ♦Dally f Daily except Sunday It. V. JONES, Agent, Newberg. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. II. M ARKHAM , Gen. F. «Si P. Agent, Portland, Or. Admiral Dewey says he wants to ho at Manila In case war is resumed. He will not attend the sittings of the Paris commission unless positively command- otd to do so, and has written tho presi­ dent to this effect. A t Middletown, N. Y., loo cream prepared with lemon extract, pur­ chased from a traveling salesman, caused the death of thiee persons ami a ecoro of others me sick, and moie fatal­ ities are expected. O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THU RSDAY , evenings in Bank of Newberg building. F. AND A. M .-M E ETS E V E R Y SATUR» day night in C. V. Bank building. Details of the homeward movement have been practically completed. Gen­ eral Miles and his staff and eight com­ panies of tho Second Wisconsin volun­ teers left Ponce Tuesday. A clash Is already imminent between England and Russia. Tho Chinese minister at St. Petersburg says thb former government made demands on the latter which will not be considered. Acting Secretary Allen says there Is no prospect that the battleship Oregon w ill return to the Pacific coast in the neat future. By the explosion of the boflor of an engine need to operate a thresher on the farm of J. F. Kirk, 15 miles west of Eugene, Or., one man was instantly killed ami five terribly scalded by escaping steam. V A L V A T IO N A R M Y -M E E T IN G S IN THE O Free Methodist church every Tuesday night. NEWS. Russia’s plan for an international conference to perpetuate universal peace is not likely to bo favorably received at Washington. It is officially announced that there were 2,800 deaths from plague last week in Bombay presidency. The epi­ demic ie spreading. Secretory Alger, while on a visit to Onmp Wikoff, ordered * furlough for a sick soldier. E. CHURCH.—SERVICES SECOND, TH IR D ___j and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sun­ day 10 a. m. At M. E. church, Fafayette, first and fifth Sunday of each month. GEO. 11. BENNETT, Pastor. COUNTY, Blanco proposes to reguluto the duties at Havana so as to make them conform with the rates already in effect at San­ tiago. 4 r o m p l e t e R e v i e w o f t h e N e w s o f th a F a s t S e v e n D a y s in T h is ans nnder 5,000 tons huvo been mobilized In the Yangtse ilver. The naval demonstra­ tion Is solely directed against China, as it is seuii-ofllelally stated that the existing relations with Russia are cor­ dial. A special from Shanghai says: Vio­ lent scenes are reported to have occur­ red between Sir Claude McDonald, tho British minister, and M. Puvloff, the Russian charge d ’affaires, owing to the lattei’s commanding the tsung-ii- yamen to revoke its ugrCoinont with the Hong Kong barm, under pain of the czar’s strong displeasure. The Chi­ nese are Inclined to obey M. Puvloff, seeing that the British confine them­ selves to verbal protests. The position Is now Worse than ever. A ll tho Rus­ sian Bhlps huve returnod to Port A r­ thur, wliilu the British vessels ure as­ sembling at Wei-Hai-VVel and Choo Foo. Extreme activity prevails ashore at Port Arthur. A ll the Information obtainable tends to b I iow that tho dis­ patches sent to London from Now York confirming yosterdny’s rubleginm that England has been preparing for a na­ val demonstration In the event of gravo Angln-Russinii couiplcatlons, ure merely gossip. The military commissions are to assume full control, and Cuba and Porto Rico w ill be governed like Santiago and the Philippines. The commissioners’ instructions, received from tho prer - A eerion» insurrection has broken out dent are the same as those given Shat­ at Nadao, in tiro interior of the Hainan ter and Merritt. Control of the entire islands. Tiro American missionaries island of Cuba is to be taken. Admiral and native converts have sought refuge Schley w ill keep liis flag flying while in safe territory. The Frettch may serving in tlic commission. interfere if rebels are not suppressed. Owing to tho failure of the harvests The Thinvalla lino steamer Norge, in seven districts of the government of which has arrived In New York, re­ Kasar. and in the provinces of Samara, ports that she sunk the French tishing Saratoff, Sibeik, Viatko and Perma, schooner La Coquette, of Bayonne, Russia, where the crops are almost France, Saturday lost, on the Grand worthless, great distress prevails. A n ­ Banks. The captain and eight seamen imals in great nnmbers are dying of wero saved and 16 went down with the starvation. Unless the promised gov­ vessel. ernment supplies nre speedily sent, the Spain is apparenty willing that Cer- suffering will bo terrible. Lieutenant Haines, commanding an vera’s men remain in America. Sagas- tu’s refusal to accept McKinley’s offer artillery platoon under Captain Potts, is now regarded with suspicion, and the in Porto Rico, was wounded on August A N G LO -E G YPTIA N ADVANCE. prisoners in consequenco may not fare 12, the day the war ended. He Is now so well in the future. No officers will in St. Luke’s hospital in New York I l r t t U h F o r c e s W i t h i n F o r t y M i l e s ol be liberated unless the sailors accom­ city. He says the artillery plutoon he tho K h a lifa 's Stronghold. commanded was in the thick of tho pany them. Wady nnmld, Aug. 29.— Yesterday, conflict. Several men of liis command Two passenger trains came together besides himself wore wounded and two the gunboats with tho Anglo-Egvptiun “ In tho course of tho last 20 years, expedition setzod the island of Gib-el- at Poit Huron, Mich., with serious re­ were killed by the deadly Are of tho GOVERNOR MATTHEWS. tho longing for general appeasement sults. Many persons wero seriously Spaniards. ltoyan, opposite Elhajir, about 40 has grown especially pronouncod in tho Fussed Away FencefuUj at M.Iiarry miles north of Gtndorinan, tho capital hurt. A panic among the passengers Camara’ s decrepit squadron, all that consciences of civilized nations; and II oiliest und. followed tho collision and in the rush of tho khalifa. The Island will bo for the doors and windows of the cars is left of Spain's navy, has arrived at the preservation of poace has boon put Ingale, Ind., Aug. 110.— A t 0:86 used as an nilvnnce depot for stores. forward as an object ot international Forrol. many women were trampled under foot, Tho Anglo-Egyptlon force« began to o'clock this morning, at the quiet Me- It is In its name that gieat many slight Injuries being thus in­ Dewey has transferred his flag to the policy. hnrry homestead, where lie was taken advance yesterday, moving In five par­ states have concluded among them­ flicted. cruiser Baltimore, tho Olympia sailing Immediately utter his sudden altllc- allel columns ut deploying distance. selves powerful alliances. It is the The queen-regent of Spain has signed for Hong Kong to ho docked and better to guarantee peace that they tion, ex-Govoriior Cluudo Matthews They wero led by Jitulin guides and by passed awiv peacefully, surrounded by bauds of pipers, who were playing. It a royal decree, convening the coitea cleaned. have developed, in proportions hitherto The September 6. Tho United States pence commission, unprecedented, their military force* liis wife and all tho other members o( was un Imposing spectacle. his Immediate family. There was a friendly natives on tbe opposite bank Crops In several provinces of Russia is composed of Sonator Davis, Senator and still continue to Increase them prayer service, accompanied by tbo of tho Nile indulged In delighted war are worthless this year and peoplo ate Frye, Whitelaw Reid, Justice White without shrinking from any sacrifice. singing of hymns, at the bedside of the dances. The camp lit n o » a wilder­ beginning to ask the government for re­ and Secretary Day. Nevertheless, all thes6 efforts have not ness of broken biscuit boxes and other dying ex-governor. William K. Vanderbilt and the cap­ yet boon able to bring about tho benefi­ lief. A famine Is feared. Mrs. Matthews was very much affect- rubbish. tain of his half-rater wero thrown into cent result desired, pacification. General Merritt has assumed govern­ Tbe derlvsh scouts are actlvo, and It cd, and stated that she would give any­ "T h e financial charges following the or’s duties in the Philippines, ami the Newport harbor by tho capsizing of thing in the world If her husband is rumored there Is a dervish force on command of the aimy at Manila has their craft, and had a narrow escape upward strike at the very root of pub- wonhl manifest, by a single word, his the left hank of the Emirs Seek! and from drowning. lio prosperity. Tbo intellectual and faith In Jesus. About 3 o’clock, the Wubilshara. It Is reported thut tho been transferred to General Otis. physioal strength of tho nation’s labor Senator Hoar may be our next am­ minister, in the course of the service, khalifa Is preparing to ninko a stand at Correspondence published by Secre­ President and oapital are mostly diverted from asked the dying man if ho believed In Ketroril, seven miles north of Oindur- tary Long goes to show that Commo­ bassador to Groat Britain. their natural application and are un- dore Schley agroed with Admiral McKinley will, it is said, make the ap­ productively consumed. Hundreds of Jesus. The answer was ns plain as man, and will defend tho Muhdl's articulate. It was tomb to the last. Sampson as to the danger of entering pointment if given assurance that it millions are devoted to acquiring terri­ anyone could “ Yes.” Santiago harbor as long as the mine« will be accepted. O U T B R E A K IN H A IN A N . ble engines of destruction, wliiuh, The three physicians, regarded this In a statement by General Shatter he though today regarded as the last were In position. ns miraculous, ns all agreed that the B r i t i s h Co ns ul l o o k i n g O u t f o r A m e r i ­ says tho Santiago campaign was fault­ Advices from Honolulu, by the work of science, are destined tomorrow particular brain nffcoted by paralysii can M is si on ar ie s . steamship Moana, states that the con­ lessly conductod. And tho man who to lose all their value in conseqiienoo was that governing the speech, und the London, Aog. 29.— Tho Dally Mall's gressional membors of the commission so conducted It was Shatter, who is not of some fresh discovery in the same governor would huve probably never to report on a form of government for too modest to say so, and Incidentally field. National culture, economic prog­ talked had he lived. It wus tho only Hong Kong correspondent telegraphs: the territory of Hawaii, ariived at to reply to some reflections which have ress and the production ot wealth are word he spoke nfter ho wus stricken. Tho British consulate at Kiaiing Chau Honolulu August 17. The commis­ been made upon his method of doing either paralyzed or checked in develop­ He immediately lapsed into a profound Hainan, has asked tho Amcrloan con­ sul at Canton tb 'roe the viceroy to sioners met Dole and the cabinet, and things. ment. Moreover, in pro)>ortion us the coma, from which lio did not recover. send soldiers to Nodua, near Hoihow, General Aguinaldo, interviewed at armaments of each power inorease, the proceeded to organize for business. Sen­ to protect tho livee and property of Bacoor, declared that lie was anxious less und less they fulfill the object tho ator Cullom is chairman. S IC K N E S S IN THE ARM Y. American missionaries there, who have Madrid is Irritated at the failure of to support the authority of tho United governments have set before them­ lieen obliged to flee for their lives from the Cubans to respect the protocol In i States in those isamls, and lio had per­ selves. The economic crisis, duo in E f f o r t « to I m p r o v e t h e C o n d i t i o n o f th e Noden and seek tho piotoction of tbe suaded the other leaders to accept his great part to the system of armaments, Holrilers—Governor HuMting* I*1 hii . Cuba. Trouble may possibly follow, , British consul at Hoihow. views. Onco Spanish rule Is ended, ho 1 ’oiltrance, and the continual danger and the Spanish government thicatens , Cincinnati, O., Aug. 80.— About the Tbe Biitish consul appealed to the to send the Spanish troops In Cuba favors the disbandment of the insur­ which lies in this massing of war ma­ middle of last week, Governor Has­ tao-tai to protect the threatened Amer­ gent army. terial, are transforming tho armed against the insurgents unless tho latter tings, of Pennsylvania, raised |5,00C icans, and soldiers were dispatcliod who A translation of General Blanco’s peace of our days into a crushing bur­ in cash in 80 minutes in Philadelphia cease their reprehensiblo actions and suceoded In rescuing them and cscoit- latest proclamation to tbe people of den, which tho peoples have more and to equip a hospital train to bring bomo abide by the terms oi the protocol. ing them fiom Nodes to Hoihow. Havana has reached Washington. It moie difficulty in bearing. , -■ the sick of Pennsylvania regiments • The first mustering out orders issued | says: Pro|ierty-owners in Cuba should “ It appears evident that if this state from Chiekainnnga A train of 18 hos­ R E L IE V I N G H A V A N A 'S PO O R . include eight regiments of infantry, five refrain from all hostile manifestations of things were to be prolonged it would pital cars was equipped aud started for batteries and six troops of cavalry. inevitably lead to the very cataclysm it and put their trust In the United Cliickamauga,with astounding prompt­ U a ta ar In au gurated for th * P u rp o se o l Tho list as made up by the war depart­ Knlstng Funds. States, which will do them justice and Is desired to avert, ami the horrors ness. Tonight it arrived homeward- ment Include 28 batteries of artillery, which make every thinking being protect them ns regards their private bound with 211 Pennsylvania soldiers, Havana, Aug. 29.— Last night, a nine regiments of cavalry and 62 regi­ shudder at In advance. interests. 15 New Yorkers, one Ohio and one bazaar Was Inaugurated having for its ments of infantry. Beth batteries of “ To put an end to these Incessant Rhode Island soldier, aud left wth its object the raising of funds for tho re­ The United State« and Germany are Oregon aitillery are included in the I armaments and to seek tho means of The civil governor not in harmony regarding tho gnvern- warding off the calamities which are overjoyed freight an hour later for lief of tbe poor. order. inent'of Samoa. Emperor William, it threatening the whole world— such is Pittsburg. Both on tho down trip and was ono of the patrons of the bazaar. A Madrid dispatch says the govern­ Is said, is jealous. A desire to absorb the supreme duty today Imposed on all tho return, Governor Hastings devoted Tho building In which the affair was ment has advices from Rios, governor his personal attention to all the de­ held was filled to its utmost capacity, the islands prompts his course. Corre­ of the Viscayas islands, and successor spondence now in progress between states. tails of transportation. Arriving at and a largo crowd had assembled out­ of General Jaudoncz in the governor- Washington and Berlin may lead to “ Filled with this Idea, his majesty Cincinnati tonight, ho filed 164 tele­ side. generalship of the Philippines, saying An American merchant has given 25 serious friction. The United State« has been pi ease, i to command mo to grams to friends of soldiers, and to there has been bloody fighting between maintains a firm attitude with regard propose to all the governments whoso those preparing for their reception in barrels of potatoes, and Miss Clara Spanish troops and insurgents, with an representatives aie accredited to the Pennsylvania. A t Chickamanga yes­ Burton has offered 50 barrels for use in to the recent extension of the liounda- estimated loss to the latter of 500 men. lm|>eria! court the assembling of a con­ terday he look the sick from hospitals, the free kitchens. ries of Apia district The Spanish losses were "unlmport- j ference which shall occupy itself with against the protests of officials, who Miss Clara Barton, accompanied by There has been a serious clash at this grave problem. This conference wanted them to wait for a transcript a number of her party, went thia morn­ ant.” The dispatch says a number of insurgent chiefs were captured and Cavite between United States soldiers w ill lie, by the help of God, the happy of their muster-roll*. Fourteen sol­ ing to Matanzas. The remainder of and insurgents. The riot resulted in presage for the century which is about diers, too ill to leave, were left in the tho Red Cross delegation remained on ■hot. board the Clinton at Havana. A Manila dispatch says that at a the killing of one soldier, and the seii- to open. It would converge into one Red Cross hospital. The man powerful focus the efforts of all states confeience held between the ineargents ous wounding of another. I’ o U o iih I at n K a rb e rn «. Death o f Patftr II* Hatch. and Americans, the former declared killed was Troojier Geo. Hudson, a sincerely seeking to mske tho great Hillslioro, Mo., Aug. 80.— Over 80 Halorn, Or., Aug. 37.— The death of member of the Utah battery. Dis­ conception of universal poace triumph, emphatically they were wiilllng to co­ persons wero poison«*! at a barbecue Peter II. Hatch, which hud been ex­ operate with tbo Americans and to sur­ mounted cavalrymen charged and Anal­ over the elements of trouble and dis­ given at Morse Hill, and but for the pected since Holiday, when he was ly dispersed the natives, killing four cord, and it would, at tbo same time, | render their aims piomptly if assure.] A hand of cement their agreement by a corporate orompt attention of doctors, it is prob­ stricken with pnrslysls, occurred at 1 the islands would remain either an and wounding several. able several deaths would have occur­ P. M. this atornnon at the family American or British colony, under the natives engaged in plundering a concentration ot the principles of Eu-J red. Over a score are In a serious con­ home. For the past four days be had wrecked gunboat was charged by Amer­ rope and right, whereon rest the se- j protectorate of either nation. Other­ dition. It is believed some one placed lain in a serni-conscious condition. wise the insurgent leaders asserted they ican troopa, who killed one and wound­ curity of states and the welfare of peo - 1 paris green in the meat. The (uneial will be held Saturday. ed another. pics.” __ would not dare to disarm. D«t>s* N r » Assorlutlon. F o u n d I I I . l . o n « - l . o « t D a u g h te r . May 11«) M i n o r N e w t It e m s . F. A. Leach, superintendent {o f the Springfield, III., Aug. 29.— The sec­ Hot Springs, Ark., Ang. 80.— A. I 1 Washington, Aug. 80.— A report was John H. Lane, storekeepet of tha United States mint in Port Townsend, Hughes, a wealthy retired broker of j retary of state today licensed a new United States transport Minnewaska, Wash., estimates that the gold output New York, while passing through the in circulation today that Surgeon- 1 politionl body to incor|iornte—the General George M. Pternlierg, of the of the Klondike this year baa been only dropped dead on his boat st Savannah, Arlington hotel dining-hall, discovered ' army, had asked Secretary Alger to or­ “ Social Democratic Association. ” Eu­ about 16,000,000. Qa. his own danghter, who had been lost, der a general Investigation of tho med­ gene V. Debs, Victor L. Berger and Seymour Steadman are incorporator» The total earnings of 56 railroads for The president has appointed Judge to him for 20 years. Hughes’ wife de- ical department of the army. Secre­ the month of July amounted to «24,- J. M. Hobson, father of Lieutenant sorted him years ago, taking with her I l e a * » B a s k F a ilu re lu O arm uuy. tary Alger said tonight that such a re­ 623,483, an increase of f650,278 over Ilobaon, of Merrimao fame, postmaster tbeir only child, a little girl. The wife Berlin, Ang. 39.— A report published quest bad not reached him, aud Sur­ the same month in 1867. at Greensboro, Ala. Mr. Hobson is a deserted the baby In Chicago, and it j geon-General Sternberg refused to say in some of tbe papers that the Ailge- One of the first business enterprises democrat, and the nomination was made was rearol by strangers. She was em­ whether he had asked or Intended to niine Deutaube Credit Effecten Versisob- at the earnest request of bis republican ployed as a waitress in the Arlington ask for ■ general investigation of bif erung* bank baa failed, with liabilities to follow the acquisition of Porto Kico is likely to be a oew cable connecting fellow townsmen as a mark of good when accidentally diaoovered by har department. jot several millions, and no aagats. wealthy father. that island with tba Uoited State«. I feeling. Q.R.&N. D epart FOR - H 4 T tA < ( • a i t a i K o tie r * w ill ko l i s s i t s l at l a * ta t s or T e a eeutd p er L is * . AAdroan. URATUio. howbont. Or«*on. w . 4 I)U :K T IK H U j j E X P L O S IO N AT SEA. S tle k e e n C h ie f U u d o u h te d l» L o s t W it h A l l H a n d s. San Francisco, Aug. 2t*.— News has been received hero confirming the re­ ported loes of the stern-wheeler Stickeen Chief. A letter received from Juneau dated August 10 brings the confirmatory news, and futher says that tbo disaster was doubtless caused by an explosion, and thnt the crow and passengers, numbering 43jiersons.were undoubtedly lost. The Dora saved a dog, which wus found floating on a piece of wreckage. Thut it was an explosion that caused tbe loss Is inferred by the Dora’s crew fiom the fact that most of the wreck­ age was broken into small bits. The Wrookugo was found in latitude 56.88 north, longitude 142.13 west, oti August 6. M A K IN G A SLOW VOYAGE. S te a m o r T w o M o n th s O u t F r o m F r u n c ls c o fo r St. M ic h a e l». 8 «n Ran Franolsco, Aug. 29.— Tho steam­ er Dawson City, which departed trorn here for St. Michaels more than two months ago, hud a vory had time of it on her voyage, and when last beard from hnd not reached her destination. Sho was the smullest steamer ever left hero carrying passengers for Alasku, and was intended to go up tho Yukon, dredging tho river to make it navigable and also to scoop up gold. A letter from the steamer dated at Dutch Har­ bor says that It took her 85 days to reach thut port, which her commander expected to make in 10 days. B AR K O ld G U A R D IA N LOST. Lu m b er D r o g lio r a W reck A la s k a W a te r s . In Seattle, Aug. 29.— News reached here this afternoon of the wreoking of the bark Guardian on tho rooks off Togal- dn island, Alaska. No lives wero lost. Captain Eagles and the crew took to the lifeboats am) pulled through the fog 28 miles to Unalaska. The Guar­ dian will undoubtedly bo a total loss, as she was fust going to picocs when last sighted. The Guardian was re­ turning from Kotzebue sound, where she hail landed a large number of pas­ sengers. Han Francisco, Aug. 29.— The Mer­ chants’ Exchange hero -has received word from Unalaska, confirming the report of the wreck of the hark Guard- iun. The onptain and orew have land­ ed at Unalaska. The Guardian was bound from Kotzebue sound fur Heat tie, and ran aground during a fog on Tegal- da island. A R IOT O ne U ta h AT CA V ITE. S o ld ie r K i l l e d nnd W o u n d e d b y N a tiv e s . K a v o m I Manila, Ang. 20. — Last Wednesday a cor|ioral and two men of battery B, Utah artillery, after disomburking at Cuvlto were sent on an errand. Wliilo passing through tho streets, Trooper Hudson discharged his revolver. It was in mere fun. but tho natives In th« Immediate locality wero much alarmed for a time. Tho natives immediately began th­ ing. Dismounted cavalrymen wer# sent to quell tho disturbance, but tbe natives misunderstood the movement, and the firing became general. Trooper Hudson was killed, and Cor- nornl Anderson mortally wounded. Troopers Laydon, Maohbur, Connoly and Doyle, of tho Fourth cavalry, were seriously wounded. Four natives were killed, and several wounded. Agulnuhlo has expressed regret at the encounter, and promises to punish the offenders. No further trouble I* apprehended. r n r t lc u la r s o f t h e C lash . New York, Ang. 26.— A copyright special from Manila to the New York Journal says: There lias been a seri­ ous clush at Cavite between United Htatoe soldiers and liiBurgenta. The riot resulted in tho killing of ono sol­ dier, aud the scrloua wounding ot An­ other. Gcorgo Hudson, a member of the Utah battery, got into a dispute with a native ehopkeo|>er. Fearing trouble be fired bis rovolvor hi the air to at­ tract the attention of some fellow-sol- dlorB. A great crowd of nativos ran to the scene of tho distui banco, and began firing their revolvers, killing Hudson, and seriously wounding Corporal W ill­ iam Anderson, of tho same batteiy, who had hurried to the assietunoe of Hudson. A detachment of the Fourth oavalry was oalled out and dispersed the F ili­ pinos, who continued to fire their re­ volvers as they retreated, but without doing any more damage. On tho same night some of the sol­ diers doing guard duty saw a large party of natives stripping tho wreck of a gunboat whioh was lying in Cavite bay. A boat with an armed force was put off «bore, and the sailors hailed the natives, who failed to answer. Then the soldier« fired a volley, killing one and wounding another. H u d so n C am e F r o m R a k e r C ity . Halt Lake, Aug. 29.— The killing of a Utah soldior and tbe wounding of another at Cavite, as announced today, created much interest hero. Both men were members of battery B. under oom- tnaud of Captain F. A. Grant. The man who was killed was George H. Hudson. He enlisted at Mercur, May 5. Ills home was originally at Baker City, Or., where hi* lather. Dr. Hud­ son, now resides. A F o o lis h K « v « u m .> o . Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 37. — in a boat 18 feet long, well provisioned, Captain William Andrews has sailed (rom Young's ocean plor for a trip to Europe. Ills boat, which is peculiarly constructed, is known as the Phantom Ship. The captain expects to reach Europe within 60 days, in spite of all storms. Professor H ill, of the geological sur­ vey, says annexation ie Cuba’s ultimata destiny.