Albert NEW BERG GRAPHIC & N I H M ' l t l P l 'I O N K A 1 I1 M : __ T « « ........................................... ........... gl i Mönchs ...................................................... Mönch» ............................................ • iM c t lM lH P r l « P in k le »b l» I » Ad t u m . ¡L jt u lin r l AddroM. azarare, Newkeii. Oraeoa. CHURCH NOTICES. Kobinsou NEWBERG GRAPHIC. VOL. X. CHURCH.— SERVICES F.VERY DOINGS OF THE WEEK Sunday at 11 a, in. and 8 p. m. and Thurs- I 5*5 : ARIEND3’ ay at 2 p. m. Sabbath school every Sundav at a. m. Monthly m eeting at 8 p. m. the first NEW BERG, YAM HILL COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, M AY «, 1898. LATER NEWS. SPANISH DEFEAT MAY END THE WAR. Th© P rob ab le E ffect o f D ew ey's V ictory The Spaniel) admiral of the Philip­ at M anila. pines acknowledge* that his fleet has Washington, May 3.—W ashington is been completely demolished. Tuesday In each m onth. Quarterly meeting rejoicing tonight. Not since the dark it is claimed at Madrid that no Span­ the second Saturday and Sunday in February, What Has Happened in the May, August and November. W oman's For­ days of a third of a century ago havo ish warships surrendered, and that a eign Missionary Society meets third Saturday Civilized World. majority of them pet ¡shed. The Span­ tire people of this city been bo pro­ in each m onth at 8 p. m. ish loss is estimated at 400 men killed. foundly moved by war nows as they a p t is t c h u r c h — s e r v ic e s , S u n d a y n a. m .and7;80 p. m. Sunday school Sun- A Hong Kong dispatch says the bom­ were this evening. l's at 10 a. m. Prayer m eeting Wednesday GIVEN IN THE PRESS DISPATCHES bardment of Manila has begun. The evening at 7;30 o’clock. Tbe first battle of tho Hispano- inhabitants are fleeing to the country. American war lias been fought and vic­ RESBYTERIAN CHURCH.—QJSRVICE8 EV- _ ery two weeks as follows: ery February "th The operators in the cable station in two weel^s F and 21st, March 7th and 21st, and Apr: April 4th and as I A follows: tory lies with Admiral Deweey’s squad­ C om plete R eview o f th e N ew s o f th e the midst of the forts have fled to save list, and 18 th . ’ ...........** - J. E. DAY, Pastor. L’aet Seven Dtsya In T h is and ron under the Stars and Stripes. That their lives. Cable communication is r e e m e t h o d is t . - p r a y e r m e e t in g was enough to set tho people of W ash­ interrupted. A ll F oreign L and s. F every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath AMERICAN LOSS WAS LIGHT school every Sunday at 10 a. m. ington almost in a frenzy of enthu­ A special to tho Chicago Daily News Leal and Bugar are advancing rapidly from Washington says: The president siastic rejoicing. e . c h u r c h . - s e r v ic e s s e c o n d , t h ir d in London owing to the war. M • and fourth Sundays of each m onth at 11 and cabinet have received information For days, they, in common w ith the a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sun­ Secretary Alger has submitted esti­ that tho Spanish governor-general of T h r N e e e w S s p a Co n m l « h e t» C T r a h i r a o e u r g h D e M s t a r d o r y i e d d » n - O t l n l l y a people day 10 a. m. At M. E. church, Fafayette, first throughout the country, havo mates of $34,000,000 to cover addition­ the Philippines has sent a flag of truce and fifth Sunday of each m onth. C o l o r e d — A m e r i c a n .Ship« S u c c e e d e d be ui waiting news from the P hilip­ GEO. H. BENNETT, Pastor. al array expenses to July 1. This will to Commodore Dewey. This act is In L a n d i n g T h e i r W o u n d e d . pines, us everything pointed to a battle CJALVATION ARMY-MEETINGS IN THE be included in the general deficiency interpreted to mean the capitulation of at Manila that might lie a decisive con­ O Free M ethodist church every Tuesday nigbt. bill. M adrid, May 8. — Advices front flict the Spanish forces. of the war. When the news came, The committee on m ilitary affairs M anila say that the Amerioan squad­ A terrible storm passed over South a great victory for the SOCIETY NOTICES. has favorably rejtorted the adm inistra­ Dakota and Iowa. South Dakota re­ ron, under CfltnmÆWe Dewov, ap­ indicating American squadron, the enthusiasm of tion bill suspending imjtortant laws WORLD.—NEWBERG CAMP, NO. governing the quarterm aster’s depart­ ports a death list of 18, and a property peared off the hay of M anila at 5 the people was let louse, and tho loss of $100,000. In Northwest Iowa, every Monday evening. W , OF '113, THE meets this morning and opened a streets of the city have rung with ment in the army. the towns of Pringhar, Hartley and o’clock tlnougliout the night. strong cannonade the Spanish cheers C.T. U.-BUSINESS MEETING THE SEC- W , ond and fourth Wednesday in each The emergency war measure was Curlew were badly wrecked, Hartley squadron and forts against The first news of the battle received protecting the bar in Washington m onth. canre in a brief cable­ passed in the house on the 38th by being almost completely destroyed. bor. Tho Spanish second-class cruiser gram to the press from Madrid about 8 O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY unanimous consent. It repeals the Several people in that section are re­ , evenings in Bank of Newberg building. lim itations upon the purchase of quar­ ported killed. The town of Macedonia, Don Juan de Austria, was severely o’clock this evening. As the night a n o l . o f s .— n e w b e r g c o u n c il , n o . term aster’s supplies during the existing near Council Bluffs, is badly wrecked, damaged and her commander was wore on, tiro cable continued to sing hut no loss of life is reported there. K , 168, meets every Friday evening in Ma­ war with Spain. killed. Another Spanish vessel was the news of victory tor tire squadron of sonic hall. Admiral Dewey, and tiie interest grew Governor Lord, of Oregon, has desig­ burned. The American squadron re­ into M inister Clayton communicated to exoitoment. f . a n d a . m . — m e e t s e v e r y SATUR- the foreign department of the govern­ nated the following as field officers of tired, having also sustained severe As tremendous A , day night in C. V. Bank building. bulletin after bulletin was posted ment at Mexico the resolution of the the regiment of volunteers raised in re­ damage. in front of tiro newspaper offices, each O. U. W. — MEETS EVERY TUESDAY Amerioan congress declaring war with sponse to the presidential call for evening at 7:30 p. in. in I. O. O. F. Hull. one conveying information Spain. Minister Mariscal, of the for­ troops: Commander—Colonel O. Som­ A second naval engagement followed, successive gratifying than its predecessors, eign department, replied, assuring the mers, of Portland; lieutenant-colonel— in which the American squadron again more crowds in tho streets became up­ American minister on the authority of Geoige O. Yoran, of Eugene; senior suffered considerable loss and tho j the roarious. Good, ns well as bad news, E A S T AND SO U TH President Diaz, that Mexico will m ain­ major—C. U. Gantenhein, of Port­ j Spanish warships Mindanao and Ulloa spread and by 10 o’clock, tiie land; second m ajor—P. G. Eastwiok, wore slightly damaged. During this streets rapidly, tain the strictest neutrality. were crowded with people, all of Portland; third major—Percy Willis, —VIA— Oriental advices received by steamer engagement the Cavite forts maintained tiie one exciting topic of the in Vancouver, B. C., tell of a shocking of Salem; chaplain— W. 8. Gilbert, of j a steadier and stronger tire upon tho ‘ discussing hour, llundieds gathered in front of Eugene. massacre which occurred near Taipo.i, American squadron than in the first tiie bulletin iioards, and uvry scintilla China, at the house of one Yang Kin- The navy departm ent has received j engagement. of news—and it was ail glorious— was sliang. A party of over 30 robbers official confirmation of the arrival of with enthusiastic cheers. entered the house and murdered Yang, the battle-ship Oregon at Kio Janeiro. Adm iral Bermejo, tho minister of received W hile victory had boon expected, m arine, lias expressed himself as highly his wife, his mother and children and This was the subject of general satis­ tho news of as it did come, servants, 15 persons in all, who resist­ faction, for it means very m aterial pleased with the heroism of the Spanish from Spanish it, coming, son roes, n vent to ed them in their attem pt to loot the strength for Admiral Sampson’s fleet marines, and has telegraphed congratu­ thej patriotism of tiie gave people, house and attack tire daughters. When within a fortnight. The Oregon has lations to Admiral Montejo and tho j lias been pent up for days. It which a the raiders had butchered all the in­ been making 13 knots, or about 330 valorons crows of the Spanish squadron spontaneous outburst of patriotic was feel­ mates they set the house on fire. miles a day, and it is calculated that ing tiiat scarcely knew no bounds. Ad- The large packing-houses of the A t­ she will cover the 8,000 miles between under fire of superior warships. rnirul Dewey’s name was on every lip, Trains leave and arc due to arrive at Portland-. lantic Powder Company, near Dover, Rio and Cuba in 10 days. She must T h o O f f i c ia l R e p o r t . and his praises wore sung in the re­ N. J., containing high explosives for coal, however, before starting north­ The following is tho text of the offi­ joicings of tho people. the United States government were ward, and this will take soveral days. cial dispatch from the governor-general The absence of any statem ent of spe­ Overland Express.— 1 Salem, Albany, Eug­ blown up and two men are known to Onco with the blockading fleet, Ad­ injury to tire American vessels in the Philippines to the minister of cific ene, Rosei»'g, Grants have been killed. Several are missing m iral Sampson’s first line w ill be of of tho Madrid advices was constured as Pat*, Med;ord, Ash­ war, General Correa, as to the engage­ four superb battle-ships of exactly the •6:00 p. m. land, Sacramento, and a number were injured. The ex­ convincing indication that they hud Ogden, San Francis­ ment off Manila: plosion is believed to havo been the same stienglh and equipment. not suffered appreciable injury and co. Moia ve, Los An- eles, Li Paso, New work of Spanish spies. Suspicious Details of the battle of M anila have “ Last night, the batteries at the en­ this was especially pleasing to tiie rleans, and East....„ characters had been seen around the been received at tire B ritish colonial trance to tho forts announced the arrival students of tbe news. •8:30 a.m. Roseburg ¿¿ way stations * 4:30 p. m. Via W oodburn, for' buildings for several days. office. They came in two cable messages. | of the enemy, forcing a passage under Not only was tiie preservation of the Daily Mt. Angel, Silverton, Daily The first dispatch announced that tho the obscurity of the night. At day­ American ships and men considered In West Scio, Browns­ except except The large Spanish steamer Guido, Sunday. ville, Nation and Sunday. bound from Corunna for Havana with American fleet entered Manila harbor break the enemy took up positions, itself a happy outcome, but was com­ „Springfield................., , f7:30 a. m. Corvallis A way stations f 5:50 p. ni. a large cargo of provisions and money at daybreak, stationing itself opposite opening with a strong fire against Fort mented upon as indicating clearly that for the Spanish troops, was captured by tho city. Tire forts opened fire, on the Cavite and Tardenal. Our fleet en­ Admiral Dewey and his nasooiate offi­ the enemy in n brilliant combat, cers and the men under their command Express train daily (except Sunday.) the United States monitor Terror. The American ships, whereupon they shifted gaged 4:50 p. m .lLv........ P ortland.......... Arl 8:25 a. m. capture took place 10 miles off Car­ their position to Cavite, M anila bay, proteotod by tho Cavito and Manila had discharged spemlidly their several 7:30 p. m. Ar...... McMinville........Lv. 5:50 a. in. denas, after a desperate chase, daring engaging in a fierce tight against both forts. They obliged the enemy, with duties in directing and executing tiie 8:30 p. in.iAr....Independence.....Lv.| 4:50 a. m. loss, to maneuver repeatedly. fight. the monitor Terror and the gun­ the forts and the Spanish fleet. The heavy All above trains arrive and depart from Grand which "A t 9 o’clocK tho Americans took fn this connection u was ootnted out boat Machias fired several shots, almost engagement tier« lasteil two hours, and refuge Central station, Fifth and Irving streets. behind the foreign merchant resulted • n the annihilation of the as little less than marvelous that the blowing the Spaniard's pilot house into on tho east side of the bay. American squardon escaped without the water. One man in the pilot house S p a n ish fleet. This dispatch adds that shipping tho enemy’s severe injury, liocanse, notw ithstanding D inin g Cars on O gilen R oute. was seriously injured. It is estimated rUe American ships withdrew to their Our fleet, considering naturally suffered a severe tiie disparity in tiro naval forces, the that with her cargo she is worth nearly magazine vessel in the center of the superiority, roads tor the purpose of coaling. One loss. The Itoina Cristina is on fire, and Spanislr fleet, nssisted by tiie shore Direct connection at San Francisco with Oc« $500,000. vessel, name not mentioned, another ship, believed to be the Don batteries, should have been ublu to Kleveti people ” killed by an ex­ American cidental and Oriental and Pacific Mail steam ­ Juan de Austria, wus blown tip. There effect severe damage before it was de­ is said to have been disabled. ship lines for Japan and China. Sailing dates plosion at Santa Cruz, Cal., powder on application. was considerable loss of life. Captain stroyed. Its failure to do so was ex­ Atter the naval battle Commodore Cadareze, Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu­ work- commanding the Reina Cris­ plicable only upon tho hypothesis of rope. Alsd*Japan, China, Honolulu and Au­ Deweey requested the British consul to The treasury department has ordered stralia, can be obtained from tina, is among the killed. I cannot perfect and swift work by the American convey a message to the Spanish gov­ J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Age the Saturnu, a Spanish vessel seized in now give further detuils. Tire spirit of squad ron. 134 Third street, Port' or ernor-general, demanding the surrender Biloxi harbor, released. the army, navy and volunteers is ex­ of all torpedoes and guns at M anila, May End th e W ar. In a storm off the A tlantic coast an the possession of the cable offices, cellent.” An opinion freely expressed tonight unknown vessel was wrecked. A n­ and W hen the United States fleet arrived saying that unless these terms were at Subic, at 4 o'clock yesterday after­ by naval officers is that the very de­ rassenger depot loot ol Arterson street. other vessel was reported signalling for complied with, he would proceed to noon. Commodore Dewey sent soouting cisive victory of Admiral Dewey’s fleet help. bombard the city." The first cable mes­ vessels to examine these waters for the will mean probably an enrly end of tbe The monitor Terror captured the sage ends with statement that the enemy, and immediately sailed in the war without further naval battles of Spanish coasting steamer Ambrosio Spanish officials the . Lv. were with direction of Manila. importance. The American fleet, it is ___ Lv ........Newberg... i. v p. I . Lv. Bolivar with $60,000 in silver on board, the British consul and conferring telegraph com­ suggested, is now supreme in tiie waters __ :10 p. l . Ar. ........A irlie ................Lv Notwithstanding the severe damage off the Cuban coast. panies, ami that pending a decision be the Spanish ships suffered, naval offi­ of Spain's Pacific possession, and indi­ Sheridan passenger (dally except Sunday) Troops are soon to be landed in ing arrived at the cables were not per­ cers |>oint strongly toward tiie wrest­ ”4:30 p. m.lLv.'....... Portland............Ar 9:30a. m. here consider that the future oper­ cations 6:05 p. m. Lv........Newberg...........Lv 7:55 a. m. Cuba. The plan is to establish a base mitted to handlo messages. The re ond ing of the Philippines from their con­ 7:40 p. m. A r.......S heridan...........Lv 6:20 a. m. of operations, open communication witli ia' le ations by the American squadron will dispatch announced that he conducted under great difficulty, trol. It is said that only bv acceding *~*Daily! f Daily except Sunday. Gomez and feed tiie reconoentrados. the Spanish governor-general refused owing otir demands in Cuba could this loss C. B. FRI8SELL, Agent, Newberg. to their having no base where to to surrender tho torpedoes and guns they could possibly averted. Spain, it is Dispatches from Matanzas say an and R. KOEHLER, Manager. or coal, or obtain argued, is be confronted cable offices, and that he had pre­ fresh supplies repuir witli a situation American torpedo-boat destroyer lias vented C. II. MARKHAM, of ammunition. the agent of the telegraph com­ Another uccount Bays the Mindanao which promises naught save disaster in Gen. F. & P. Agent, Portland, Or. twice entered the port of Matanzas. pany from conferring w ith Dewey. he elects to force more fighting. The second time six shots were fired at Ulloa were severely damaged in case The superiority of tiie American fleet The senate has adopted the confer­ and her and she retired. the second engagement. lias been demonstrated in tire Pacific, report on tire naval appropriation The harbor of San Juan is being ence M u t t e r i n g H In M»flrirtunity for tiie American Secretary Long declares Havana will on was given. not be bombarded until setious danger From Key West mines the report Reina Cristina, which is completely nuvy to prove ita power and distin­ from attack by the Spanish fleet is that tho gnnlioat Newport captured the burned. According to official tele­ guish itself. It is regarded by some as likely that elim inated. He says the United States small Spanish sloop Engracia off grams, the Spanish cruiser Castilla the liecisive victory gained by Admiral cannot afford to risk the loss of a war­ Cabanas, and sent her rapture into |>ort was also burned. Tho other ships retired from tho com­ Dewey’s squadron may open the eyes ship until the armadas are destroyed or in charge of a prize crew. bat, somo being sunk to avoid their of Spain to tiie seriousness of the con­ are no longer a menace to be greatly It was officially announced at Madrid falling into the enemy’s hands. flict upon which she has entered. feared. The three days’ debate on the war that the fortifications of Matanzas have The second engagement was appar­ In official circles it is regarded as al­ VIA VIA revenue bill began in the house not suffered, in spite of 800 shells fired ently begun by the Americans after most certain that results of a most by the American fleet, and that not one landing their wounded on the west aide serious nature will confront tbe Sagasta Wednesday. Dingley opened the de- , man SPOKANE, SALT LAKE, bate was killed or wounded thereby. of the hay. cabinet within Spain’s own tiorders. ' am) was followed by Bailey, who The stories of the bombardment received A cabinet minister speaks of “ serious It is said that tiie Spanish people have opposed the measure and proposed to j MINNEAPOLIS. DENVER, Ireen led to iielieve that their navy was substitute for it taxes on incomes and j from the United States are received but honorable losses.” invincible, and the bitter disappoint­ bank deposits and coinage of silver with shouts of derision. OMAHA ST. PAUL S PA N IA RD S ' C RU S H IN G D EFEAT. Spanish mail has been ordered confis­ ment over the first engagement of the seigniorage. AND A3D by the postoffice department. In T h ai I* A bout All th« D lip a tn h fi M ake war is likely to precipitate internal dis­ General Miles and the Cuban repre cated the first batch received at the dead let­ sension, if not revolution. KANSAS CITY. sentatives held an im portant confer­ ter n**r. CHICAGO. office, the discovery of nnmeroirs London, May 8.—W hile it is quite ence in Washington, D. C., and went contraband P rob ab le IteauR o f th e V ictory. letters,some of which are of clear that the Spanish squadron has Another over the plans of operation. It is un­ of Admiral Dewey’s OCEAN STEAMERS importance to the naval and mil- suffered a crushing defeat, the dis- victory, it is result derstood that the insurgents will he great thought, may be action on tary authorities, has demonstrated that Oregon. Geo. V. Elder and City of Topeka fully equipped by the United States, the order ia not only justified, but a patches do not leave clear the Interest­ tiie part of tbe power* of Euro|ie to in­ and will move on Havana, co-operating ing question whether tbe American duce Spain to abandon what is regard­ Leave Portland Every $ Deys lor wise precaution. with our fleet. ed as a hopeless contest. squadron has suffered damage. Probably, therefore, the United A L A 8 K A P O IN T 8 At Roubaix, one of the socialist M inor New* Item *. In the dispatohes from M adrid, the of France, the 11,000 pub­ States squadron will beohligedto make statem ent was marie that Adm iral Ocean Steamer* Leave Portland Every 4 Day* A newly discovered spot on the sun strongholds for San Francisco, as the entrance to lic school children reocivo free foral and -----roa----- Dewey effected a landing on tho west visible now, is said to be 80,000 miles clothing at the expense of the town. Manila bay was heavily m in«l with side of Manila hay for the men of his diameter. torpedoes. SAN FRANCISCO. in The The late Mr» Julia W . Jam es, of Commodore Downy displayed great fleet who were wounded in the engage sale of salt ia a government mo­ Boston, left nearly all her estate, val­ pluck and daring in making for the merits. Steamers Monthly front Portland to nopoly in China, which yields a yearly ued at $643,060, to the Museum of Fine inner harbor. According to private As soon as the junction of the Yokohama and Hong Kong, in con­ revenue of $11,000,000. Arts and the Inatitnte of Technology. advicea nection with th* O. R. A X. Jews have become farmers in Maine received from Madrid, th* Uni­ American and insurgent forces—tbe For full Information rail on O. R. A N. Agent in such numbers as to be recognised ad Corea's first railway, 85 miles In ted States cruisers Olympia, Raleigh one a» sea and tho other on land—is 01 tar A • o ord Newberg. or sd lr M length, is being construct«) by Amer­ and two other a factor in trading. vessels, the name* effected, a demand is likely to be marie ican contractor*. It it to extend from of which are not other W . H. h o h l b u r t . given, entered the har­ for the surrender of the city, and, in The contributions to the James Rita* General Pei^enger, Agent, Portland, Or. sell Lowell memorial fund in Boston Chemulpo, on tha Yellow sea, to bor . No dispatches give event of refusal, a combined attack details as to the orili l .z. m a l o d o d w e l l c a r l iu . a co., Seoul, the capital. the vessels engaged on either side. Dow amount to $33,07$. I Ota Agt*. Nor Pac i. C( f'o . Portland. Or. B P I S V 0.R.&N ROUTES OREGON GREAT NORTHERN IT. SHORT LIKE. MA With Htavy Loss at the Philippine Islands. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. « n U l H 'l 'I H l . i « IU I 1.1 inm a..................................Twenty Holtiun •luron.... . .......................... T» n lonaJ Cardi.......... ....................(ine l»ollar • i l B g R e c ife a w i ll * • I n w r t r l U l « r a t « mt T e a a r a ta pmr !* !■ • NO. 124. A DASH TO CEBA Transports are Char­ tered to Take the Army Across. MAY LAND AT MATANZAS R egular T roops Now on th e W ay to T am pa—O bject Is to Strike a D e­ c isiv e B low B efore th e R ainy Aeasoii Sots In —W ork In W ar D epartm ent. Washington, April SO.—A rather striking signification of the invasion of Cuba was made today in tho charter­ ing of eight large steamers, of an aver­ age capacity of about 3,000 tons, and able to carry from 500 to 1,000 passen­ gers each. These are to be used as transports for the conveyance of the first m ilitary expedition to Cuba. The names of tho boats are tiie Olivette ami the Flordia, of the Plant line, now in the Gulf; the Southern Pacific Com­ pany’s steamer Arunzas; tire New Yoik & Texas Company's vessels Comal, now at New York, and Alamo, now on route to the Gulf, and three fine ships of the Boston M erchants’ & M ariners’ line, in Baltimore, tiie Allegheny, Berkshire and the Decatur Miller. Tiie price paid for those vessels is from $10,000 to $15,000 for tho 30 days for which they are chartered. They will ire taken charge of by tiie quartermaster depart­ ment at tiie earliest possible moment. General Shatter, in command of tiro troops now concentrated at New Or­ leans, has been in consultation with the officials today as to the execution of plnns of campaign, hut tho orders given him cannot be made public. The president and cabinet will con­ sider the largo num ber of applications that have been made for tho appoint­ ment to tiro posts of major-general and brigadier-general, ami there is some ex­ pectation that lie will lie aide to nomi­ nate a few of tliese officers soon. General Fitzhugh Lee arrived here today, niter a 10 days’ visit to V ir­ ginia. W ith him came Miss Cisneros, tho young Cuban girl rescued from Ca­ banas, w ho has been the guest of Miss Lee. Tire general shared tho keen pub­ lic interest in the report of tho shelling of MatanzaH. Ho 1ms visited that city frequently, and was familiar witli tiie lay of tho land and defenses. He said the batteries were antiquated and were no longer aide to offur any formidable resistance. Every endeavor is being put forward by the wnr departm ent to organize tire volunteer army and increase tire regu­ lar army to its full strength. Muster- ing-rolls of tho companies of tiie volun­ teer army have been prepured in the war departm ent mid sent to tiie offi­ cers who liuve been detailed to form­ ally induct the state troops into tire service of the government With a few modifications they are tire same us those used in tire late war. Tiie question of arms and equip­ ments for tho volunteer army is now receiving tho attention of the ordnunce departm ent and tbe qnatermaster-gen- erul’s department. As soon ns infor­ mation is received as to tire exact num ­ ber of arms needed for tiie volunteers, they will be shipped to their stute rendezvous for distribution. Tho three independent regiments of onvulry authorized by tiro volunteer army act, and which are to be com­ posed exclusively of frontiersmen, are to Ire known as the First, Second and Third regiments of United Stutos vol­ unteer cuvulry. They are to be com­ posed of 13 troops each. Olf for th o Front. *0 il r a r t U U « Billa Onltooud Monthly- WAS IT A SPA N IA RD ? B u n glin g A ttem pt M ail, to B low Dp T orpedo Boat*. Portland, Or., May 3.—A bungling attem pt to set fire to the shop or fright­ en the workmen on torpedo-boats 13 and 13 was made under tbe wharf of the Wolff & Zwicker iron works about 11 o’clock last night. W hile nothing could be learned of tho perpetrator, a Spaniard or a Mexi­ can who was seen hanging about tiie place all day ami who had been several times ordered away is suspected by tire police. The late workmen, who were just quitting the building, were startled, us the whistle blew, by a dull report ap­ parently just below tbe w harf on which the torpedo-boats are building, which shook the structure to its foundation. Tho Madison street bridge nigbt watch­ man also heard the detonation and saw a blinding flush directly under the tur- pedo-boats. Three of the workmen seized lanterns and hurried beneath the whatf. Just as they reached the ground, a Second report, like that of a shotgun or re­ volver, was heard, and they saw a light flesh for un instant, but that was all. Groping about by the dim light of tlieii lanterns, they were unable to find any­ thing which coirid have made an ex­ plosion, and they finully decided to abandon tbe quest till daybreak. Tiie Spaniard whom the police sus­ pect of having set off tlie explosion, either with tiie deliberate pui|>ose of blowing up the torpedo-boats or set­ ting fire to the building, or thinking to terrify the contractors, trail been slink­ ing about the place all day. W hatever wus tiie pur|>o»e of tiie man who set off the explosion, he failed to do any more harm than to set the town ugng, for tho wharf und boats were unscathed. ALLEGED GERMAN NOTE. R um or T h at Slie W ill N ot IV rm lt th e B om bardm ent of M anila. Madrid, May 3.—A great impression has been produced hero by a minor that tho German government has is­ sued a note declaring that it will not op|H)se tiie landing of troops ill tiie Philippines lint will not permit a bom­ bardm ent, owing to the-important Ger­ man m ercantile interests in all the towns of the island. Germ any’s omision to declare neutrality is held to he tire cause of the rumor. Japan I uih requested permission for Japanese naval oftim-rs to watch tbe operations in the Philippines flour the Spanish headquarters. The United States fleet is not expect­ ed to reach Manila until Tin s lay. Tho Spanish fleet lias l>- n divided in two. It will be reinloroi d • v a large auxil­ iary cruiser. According to dispatches from Ma­ nila, tiie Vua I s panel a describes the port of Manila as impregnable. Tiro paper also says that tho forts of Mate- ton, Sud Malatea, Pastel, Mira lias and St. Lucia Pilar bristle with guns, chiefly Krupps. P O R T U G A L ’S N E U T R A LIT Y . O fficially A nnounced in a 1'i-oclnmuUon In LUbon Lisbon, Muy 3.—Tiie official gazette today publishes the neutrality decree of Portugal in tiie war between Spain aiul the United States. It is sim ilar to tho deoreo issm l at tiro outbreak of tiie Fra neo-Prussian war, und oontains tiie follow ing six ar­ ticles: F irst—Forbidding tfie equipment of privateers in Portuguese waters. Second — Forbidding the entry of privateers into Portuguese waters. Third—Perm itting belligerents to make a short stay in Portuguese |«rrtB . Fourth— Defining legitim ate trade ns regards tho belligerents mid forbidding trading in goods considered coutruh.iu 1 of war. F ifth—W arning Portuguese and for­ eigners in Portugal against uotious contrary to tire security of the state. Sixth— Refusing protection to any infringers of tiie decree. Chicknmauga National Park, (4a., COST OF THE WAR. April 80.—The two companies of tiie Ninti» (colored) cavalry, which arrived ! Sum N eeded for A d d ltlon u l Army in Chattanooga late this afternoon, were stopjied after having started to W ashington, Expenses. May 3.—Tire secretary Chickamuuga, and switched into the of the treasury today received from the Western & A tlantic yards. Orders are secretary of war estimates defi­ said to have been received to have tbe ciencies in appropriations for ol the ex­ troop* proceed as rapidly as possible to pense* of the war for tiie remaining Tumpa, Fla., to which point tire troops two quarters of tiro present fiscal year, from Mobile havo also been ordered, aggregating $34,019,987. In his let­ and they will leave before morning. Secretary Alger says that the nets It is currently reported that tiie com­ ter, congress approved April 33 and 36, panies of the Ninth regiment now in ! of 1898, authorising tiie enrollm ent of a camp bore will bo shipped at onco to volunteer and placing tiie rejSttlat Tumpa, as well as the Twenty-fourth army on a army war footing, will necessitate infantry (colored). Officers of Die this increase for the organization, Ninth have been making every prepar­ imrt and inaintenaiioe of tiie enp- new ation for departure. forces. A n other L etter H eld Up. This estimate, which will be trans­ W ashington, April 80.—The post- mitted to congress, is entirely inde­ office departm ent liar information of pendent of tire allotments made by tiie another letter being held up liecause it president to tiie war departm ent ont contained treasonable m atter. The of the $50,000,000. This will indicate postmaster at Santa Cruz re|iorted that that op to July 1 next (two months) a letter to Senor Sagasta, Spain, had the increased expenditures on nocount been mailed tiiere, and, under direc­ of the war will be approximately $J0,- tion of Assistant Postmaster-General 000 , 000 . _ Tynan its contents were examined. It The Spanish government officials are was mailer) by a woman who gave an at tbe attitude of Great address where an answer would reach bewildered Britain. They believe the government her, and contains information in regard and people ol Great Britain bold to the fortifications of San Francisco, divergent opinions, and tiiat tiie official where guns are located, etc. The let­ acta of Great are due to a secret ter will he referred to tire war depart­ compact w ith Britain tiie U nit«l States. ment. W sailing ton, May 3.—Secretary A l­ a n s p .c Spanish Spy. ger this morning issued a moat sweep­ Laredo, T ez. , April 30. — When the ing order directed to all bureau chief* G 'eat Northern mail train arrived this of the war department and all officers special duty, from highest to low­ evening a stranger on the train was ar­ on instructing them, under no cir­ rest«! by an officer from Fort McIntosh, est, cumstances, to give information to th* and from w hat could be learned be is press on any subject connect«! with thought to be a fipanish spy, who has the war. A similar order already ex* been under surveiiance all the way ists in the navy deparlrnonL from New York. He Was bound for i Mexico. The prisoner is at tire post, j Manila, May >.—Tiie government but nothing fnrther of a definite nature has forbidden the use of cipher din* pelt he*. could be learned tonight.