WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED. S ta te P ro h ib itio n C o n v e n tio n . OREGON IAS RAILWAY DIVISION Ii you want a fat hen for Sunday, see — AND— The Oregon state convention of the PORTLAND AND YAMHILL RAILWAY. ! C. B. Wilson. prohibition party was held at Armory T rains Noitru. E. C. Ward 4 Co carries a complete | i hall No. 34 Ar. 7:55 ». m. Ar. at Portland 9:30 a. in. stock in Newberg on Wednesday of this | l of poultry supplies. *No. 31 \ r 11:53 a m., lv. 12:15 p. m. Arrive at N O F O R E IG N P O W E R S S H A L L IN T E R V E N E . week. The larger number of the dele- ! Portland 3:0-3 p. in. Home Powers D o Not Cure To. Leave orders at Wilson’s Grocery for gates arrived •Run« Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. in town on Wednesday j T rains S outh . expressing or light hauling. and after being supplied with badges1 The Floating Squadron, of High Prices, is being driven into mid- •No. 33 Ar. 12:25 p. in., leave 12:30 p ra. No 35 Ar. C:05 p. m. Leaves Portland 4 30 p. m The . boss •Runs Monday, Weduesday and Friday. ... wheel , of the » , , road is the light ! they were assigned to places for free ocean, there to be totally annihilated, and not a single fragment can Passeiiijer and F lig h t Kates to all points. : ru !im n g " av erlo jr îo ld by A. M. Hos- ! entertainment. This is something of a ever reach the shore of Good Goods at the price of the irom C. Agent B. PftiaSELL. ^ kins. •a n be i obtained i | departure from the usages of political Newberg O T H R Jv/A/J. Beautiful V New Goods are now received Sally at our B lJ Store and many morn to follow, e continue to sell at way-dow n prices. 13 Hadley’s Backet store is full of new parties, as it has been customary for ¿JTEAM ERI ALTONA AND RAMONA goods and they are being sold at Chiea- j delegates to conventions to pay their Our (First to See) Flotilla, Sailing' under open Orders, will open 15-t2 I own bills. the Siege. 'Leave Portland for Newberg. Salem and In- B° prices, ; Base balls and bats for big boys and | Rev. Ray Palmer was billed to speak leave, Iudepeudeuee at 6:a'J a. in., Salem 7:45, little boys at the post office. Prices at the hall on Tuesday night but he did Newberg 10.30, arrive Portland 4 p. in. R e d S p read s . L a c e C u r t a in s , not arrive on the evening train and con­ away down. Costume Cloth, fine assortment, worth i6? jc., “I ,/ Clareudale, extra large, ready for use S I OO New designs in Nottinghams. sequently the time was taken up in P. FISHER, Newspaper AdvertUlug Agent, sold at . . . . . . J L f ^ ' 2C' If you want whole corn, cracked corn, off baud speeches by delegates, inter­ Majestic, \ sice, heavy L 21 M erchant’s Exchauge, Sau Francisco, wheat, S I «5 No 6517 E56 ini wide 3 yds long. Good thread aud well bouud 75c oats, bran or flour, see E. C. spersed by music and recitations by a Oxford. !i size, satlu liuish assorted pat­ is our authorized ageut. This paper is kept on terns, worth |2.25 I 7 5 1 No .*437 60 in wide, 3 yds long, beautiful file iu his oltice. Ward 4 Co. | pattern, a good oue for 41.25 90c • Chaska. largest spread made, beautiful delegate. Percales, full 36 in. wide . . . . I O assorted patterus, heavy satiu flulih No 6633 64 iu wide, 3\a yds long S I 50 Oscar Allen came down from McMinn­ lady Wednesday morning’s session was de­ well w orth $3.00 S i 25 No 4135 EG 64x3Va worth $3.25 S3 25 Local Events. ville last Saturday and made a short vis­ voted to the organization of the conven­ Iu White Goods we have a fiue assortment and it with tbe home folks. prices are right. tion and the appointment of committees Wash goods in all the latest weaves aud designs at the lowest prices Fresh, new line of fashionable shoes Colored photograph and transparent H . M. Clinton of Portland was elected ever heard of. Linings, staple and fancy. Silks of all kinds in Large assortment of Ladies' Waists will be here pictures on glass at Sm ith's Photo Gal­ chairman and Mr. Senft of Albany, a t Hodson Bros. waist patterns, others for trimmings, Braids iu all the new styles in a few days, prices will run from 50c. up. lery. Call and see samples. - secretary. Finest line of calling cards in town at and shades, Hosiery and Underwear for ladies and children. The Prof. C. E. Lewis went to Salem on The most im portant session of the con' the Graphic office. nearest up to date stock of Dry Goods aud accessories ever shown Ladies’ Waist Sets, very neat designs, 25c. set. Tuesday to look after some property in­ vention however was held in the after Rev. G. H. Bennett and wife have a terests in these parts. for his sister, Prof. Itosa Lewis noon. W hile the committees were get new Crescent wheel. of Penn College. ting ready to report, Rev. N. A. Baker, Niizurof/i Wiiists Yours, (or Moneyback) N a w Id ea i* a tto r n s to r everybody B. S. Cook came down on the boat Gip Leavitt has given up tbe idea of state organizer, was called on for re' f o r C h i l d r e n , from Salem Monday. B A R R IR H O B S O N , going to Arizona and has gone to Inde­ marks. He spoke biielfy on the essen­ Men’s Cotton Sweaters, in black aud colors, 50c. Ore. Dave Lamb, of Salem, who is working pendence where he will engage in the tials of success, emphasizing the neces­ with Levi Gilbert was in town Thursday. second-hand furniture trade. sity of faith in the prohibi tion cause, Men’s knit Underwear, extra length, an excel­ lent finished article, for 50c. apiece. Seamleos shoes are pronounced the S. T. Stanley and Prof. C. E. Lewis hard and conscientious work, persever­ A T T 11K N E W H K K Q C U V R C H K S . condition and need and w hich oilers a best, by competent judges. Try a pair. will give the members of the Epworth ance and harmony. The report of the consistent solution of the problem of Cottonade pants, rivited like overalls, for 65c. a on resolutions was W lia t th e l 'n . t n r . . . I d —A a n u u n v e n ie o ta good ami evil. In Its opening chapters Hodson Bros. League an entertainm ent at the resi­ committee fur N ext Sunday. pair. handed in by the stato central com- For sale cheap. Two lots north of dence of J. T. Smith this, Friday, night. mitteman, it portrays man condem ned, while at CUOUCH AX.N'Ol'NCK.MK.NTS. I. H. Amos. This report rec­ Friends church. Your own terms. its close it stands redeemed aud enter­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sargeant, of Perry' the Methodist church next Sunday A ll of our Hats are being sold at a great reduction. that the platform of the na­ the At pastor 4-1U* A. C. S tanmwcgh . dale, Polk county, visited their son and ommended will speak in the morning on ing a new era in w hich there shall be tional prohibition party of 1896 be adopt­ the subject, “ The Bow in the Cloud,” no moro death.” For grass seeds, flower seeds, garden daughter, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Edwards as the platform. This meant a single and in tbe evening at 8 o’clock on “ The W hile Scripture reveals to us all our seeds and all kiuda of seeds, call on E. iu Newberg last Saturday and Sunday ed Bible and Recent Discoveries.” issue platform and called forth at once a C W ard 4 Co. The excitement caused by the wreck' vigorous discussion. N. L. Wiley and On Sunday morning at the Friends moral deformities, It also reveals to us the pastor will talk abont “ War the ideal life aud character and tho Uriah Badley and family started on ing of the U. S. Battleship Maine is Chas. Mitchell, both of Yamhill, spoke church Methods Daily Life;” and in tbe meuti8 of attaining It. Christ is the slight, compared to the rush to see the their overland trip to Seneca, Grant strongly in favor of such issues as the evening will in speak of ‘‘Life’s Fulfill­ means of its attainm ent. A sa religious ’98 Waveriy wheel now on exhibition money question, woman’s suffrage, and m ent.” A cordial welcome county, last Monday. is extended system C hristlany is a self consistent A good roasted Coffee, 3ft for 25c. the initiative and referendum. They to all. Balls from five cents up and bats from at the Hoskins bicycle hospital. whole nnd m ust be accepted or rejected Lion or Arbuckles Coffee, 10c. ten cents up, at the postoffice. Just Farmers 1 You are loosing money by were strongly opposed however, by Bray as whole. In C hrist we see Illustrated i6tb Western Refinery, D. G. Sugar for $1.00. FRIENDS C H rR C II. God’s true devotion to us; Ids life is Hi) not seeing C. B. Wilson before selling of Washington, Watson of Yamhill, w hat your boy wants these fiue days. A t the Friends church in the morn exam ple of Immunity glorified tiy the 5ft Good Raisins, 25c. Prof. J . C. Fowlie, of the Portland your produce. I am paying highest Blalock, of Polk, Emerickof Benton,and iug service the pastor spoke from Josh. power of virtue; He is the perfect man 5lb Corn Starch, 25c. market price in cash for poultry of all many others. The report was accepted Business College, visited in town last He came to give the w lrid ids example, and the singlo issue platform adopted. 4: 1-7. but He also came to die. ills death A . & H. Soda, full weight, 5c. Sunday with his friend, Miss Dora kinds and eggs and veal. you lienee out of the atoned for our sins and made forgive­ Clifford Terrell, who went east to M t. On the recommendation of the com­ m idst of Take Alterm att. A Good Tea, per lb, 9c. Jordan * * twelve stones, ness possible. If we deny the m erit of mittee on nominations the following E. C. Rich, of Emporia, Kansas, an Pleasant, Ohio, last fall arrived home were nominated as the party candidates: and carry them over with you, and lay his death wo have no ground for Pickles, plain or mixed, 70c. per keg. old friend of Wm. Allen’s arrived here the first of the week and has been call­ Governor, H. M. Clinton, of Portland. them down In the lodging place where pardou. 14 bars good Laundry Soap, 23c. Have you experienced the Joy of sins ing on his friends about town since his on Wednesday and will take a look at ye shall lodge this night, * * that Sec. of state, N. C Davis, of Halsey. forgiven? Has your em nity against 2 box Babbitt’s Lye, full weight, 15c. arrival. He looks hale and hearty and Treasurer, Moses Votaw, of Newberg. this may be a sign am ong you, th at God been changed to love? llo you th e country. 35 hardwood Clothes Pins for 5c. carries his aocuslomed pleasant smile. Hupt. of Public Instruction, B. E. when your children ask in time to hope and work and pray for trium ph The Court of Inquiry report the New­ of I’bilomoth. of rightousness? It is all liecause C hrist 45lb cleau, white Beans for $1.00. come, saying, w hat mean ye by these, berg Clothing House a mine of treasure A very readable letter from the pen of Emeriek, Supreme judge, T. E. Ilackcrm an, of for you. Hut do you dream of a 50 oz. Baking Powber, guarauteed, 45c. stones? Then ye shall say unto them , died in clothing and furnishings, with high Silas Moon, the missionary who is sta­ Albany. time coming when the ruined body prices exploded by wisdom in buying. tioned at Kaake Village, Alaska, will be Atty. General, C. J. Bright, of Wasco. because the waters of Jordan were cut shall be restored from death to glorify State Printer, M. D. M arkham, of offbefore the ark of the covenant of the the Creator? It is because C hris1 arose Mrs. A. Parker has sold their property found in this issue of the Graphic. The Forest Grove. from the dead. H e is the ground of all success he mentions having had in a to Frank Duncan. For the present Mrs. Congress, First district, L. H. Peter- Lord; * * and these stones shall be hope. for a mem orial unto the children of deer hunt will almost make some of our eon, of Woodburn. Parker has rented one of the cottages on His resurrection is an event support Second district, G. W. Ingalls,of Port­ Israel forever. cd by the best historical testim ony, Third streetwbich belongs to the college. local hunters wish they were mission­ land. and by the very necessities of the H istory has much to teach us of the schem Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Phelps uake this aries for a short time. of salvation. It Is supported Throughout the session a determined W oudefous happenings and great by the e same kind of testim ony th at m ethod of thanking their neighbors and E. A, Soper, who recently came from spirit was manifested. It seems to be the past. achievem ents are hidden there, and supports the war of Revolution ns an friends for their timely assistance dur- Minnesota, is changing the appearance earnest intention of all to thoroughly are pointed out to us by the memorial event, in history. We have the Gospel Lbe late illness of their son, who is now of his residence on North Meridian reorganize the state work and to strive stones th a t are set along the the p ath ­ written by eyo witnesses and com pan­ alm ost well. street very materially by having all the harder for victory, which now seems so way of hum an life. All day long, this ions of C hrist who saw hint after his resurrection. We have the tes imony Mrs. Townsend and son Willis and windows in the house screened and con­ distant. On Wednesday night Rev. Kay beautiful Habbath day, the C hristian of Paul a contem porary witness whose Mrs. W. N. Sutton were in attendance siderable bracket work done which adds l’almcr delivered his address to a good world has stream ed past a great m em ­ writings are declared genuine liy the at the funeral of Mrs. Townsend’s daugh­ much to the appearance of the building. house and those who heard it speak of orial best skeptical critics. Social and poli­ pile in one unending procession of tical Tom Cummings and son Claude are do­ events mentioned in Gospels are ter, Mrs. J. E. Hembree, at LaFayette the address as being a good one, taken flowers, aud music of birds and songs by profane history thus prov­ ing the work. last Sunday. from the speakers standpoint. of praise—the memorial stone that confirmed ing them reliable. Christianity slid the points us back m any centuriestoa won- Henry St. Helen, the Salem piano B. C. Miles has made a consignment church which ar« founded upon tho derous day in Palestine. There In n IS u c k l.u '« A rn ic a S alve. exist today. Moreover tho tuner was in town Tuesday afternoon of five thousand pounds of dried pears garden near Jerusalem In a newly made resurreotion Easter festival and Christlun Mubbuth doing some work. He will return again to a party who is going to Dawson City The best salve in the world for Cuts, tom b lay the broken body of the Gali­ dating liack from apostolic times com ­ in June when he will be ready to look by the way of the Yukon as soon as tbe Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, lean prophet. Iu the dim light of the mem orate tite event n as the Roman sentries guarded Tlie disciples after all the pianos and organs in town. Ever is open. If lie had the lot there Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, daw after C hrist’s deal It were the grave, two women approached, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, N e w b e r g , O re. now it would be as good as gold, and the not prom pted to preach his doctrine Willis Townsend lias rented the Jones draw n thither by the loving loyalty merely In hope of political aggrandize­ & Rich bowling alley for six months and probabilities are th at dried fruit will and positively cures Piles, or no pay re­ th at his noble, God like character had m ent, nor for sensuul pleasure, nor by kindled w ithin them . Huddeuly there partisan pride, nor through will put E. Stergleder in charge of it. bring a good round price all through the quired. Satisfaction or money refunded. came sim ple ig­ a messenger from Heaven whose Price 55 cents per box. For sale by C Jones & Rich are figuring on going to season in that isolated country. norance and fanaticism He was not appearance was like lightning and his bv them hut by Old Testam ent ¡College Classes. Normal Course, Book-keeping Ocean Park to run an alley during the Hans Peterson, who went back to F. Moore & Co. raim ent was w hite us the light—at deified writers, They were prompted to preach writers an i n n« , ~ „ whose touch the ponderous stone rolled sum m er. Minnesota last fall after having tried as they did liecause C hrist arose from M a rried . back from the door way of the stone All the Grammar School Studies, Music and Art. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Dixon left here Oregon the second time, wants to return At the reridence of the brides parents vault. In the presence of the terrified the dead. If he did not arise it Is eer- fnin th a t in the face of such intolerance on Thursday morning for a visit at their again to make a third trial of it. He near soldiers he announced to the women on Wednesday, April 13, the gladsome message "H e is not here; and persecution Illsfo'low ersm ust have old home in Indiana. They will prob­ has written E. A. Soper, the gentleman 1898, Dundee Miss Nellie Ham pton, daughter of lie is risen,” and then began todaw n sunk into obscurity and Christianity ably be gone six months. Their son, to whom he sold his Newberg property, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Student* e .n enter nt any tim e snd And cl«*«es tn suit. to H ar­ upon the world the great truth of im ­ have been nipped ill the hud. rxcellent fur g irl, aud boy. I. provided uuder the care of a Competent Matron, a Dr. E. P. Dixon went with them as far making him a very liberal offer for the lan Dixon, Mrs. Jane Hampton, Many possiliilities lie before us her», the An lowest possible home price«. B. Votaw officia­ m ortality In the words of Paul "H e {excellent board In private fam ilies. Moral andC hrU ttan influence« thrown «bout students. property. The Sopers are so well pleas­ ting. The Graphic joins the many brought life and im m ortality to light ” hut m any lie lie fore us In the future as Portland. We confidently believe that superior advautagea cannot be offered in the Northwe«t. which only aw ait the power1 of bis the heathen, death was tho door­ resurrection All expeuses moderate. Correspondence end visits solicited. A Klondike stake is all right if you ed with the country that they don’t friends of the young couple in extend­ To to tie realized. For catalogues und inform ation, address, way to the dark uud dread unknown. seem at all inclined to make Mr. Peter­ can reach one, but how much easier and ing hearty congratulations. T heir names for death were indicative P llE S ID K N T P A C IF IC C O L L E G E , more palatable it is to step into Cooler son a favorable reply. B eni K .ta te T ra n sfe rs. of.despair—the eternal night; a ship F o r S ale. gone to pieces; a harp lying on the E Guy Carter to F A Simicr w 4 Clemmens’ meat market and get a J. G. Hadley w-ent to Portland last N B W B E H O . OKK41U2« its strings broken aud all its % it 5 illk 5 Lippincott’s add nice juicy beef stake or a leg-o’-mutton Saturday to meet his brother, W . S. 20 acres of good tillable land joining ground, music lost; the demon bearing a cup of to Lafayette ..............................$ 125 00 for a Sunday roast. Hadley, of Beloit, Mitchell county, Kan­ Newberg on the west. Good improve­ poison, the inexorable jailer with his Mary F Hurley to Jam es Mad- Attorney C. J. Bright and wife, of sas, who with his family is out for a ments, good location. Inquire of W. L. keyes parcel of land near New­ sorrow “ without hope.” son berg......................................... 25 00 Wasco, Sherman county, have been in visit of a few weeks and a look at the W arren, McMinnville, or L. F. Hall B ut They now indeed the world is flooded with town during tbe week in attendance at great Northwest country. Mr. Hadley Newberg, Or., for particulars. 2-25tf light, C hrist is risen! The grave is not Robt Addison to Kobt Addi­ Kohl Addison to the prohibition state convention. Mrs. is serving his second term as county re­ the end—nay, even “ H e th at liveth son Jr. 104 a 104 a ...................... 1 00 B irtb a . and believeth in me snail never die,” E O R Addison, Bright will be remembered by Newberg corder of his county. He is a very gen­ J W Foster to A Migard ial conversationalist and we hope his Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams, “ There is no death, w hat we call so is son and people as Miss Jennie Larson. 5 a ................................ . .. 1OO0 00 transition." "Because I live ye shall on Friday, April 8, 1898, a son. J. W. Vaugban, of Heppner, came up visit in Newberg may be so pleasant that live also.” All shall exist eternally, Rolit Addison to A L Foster 1 00 on the train from Portland Tuesday lie will conclude to return here and To Mr. and Mrs. George P. Kinyon, on but only those who are linked to Christ 108 a ............................................. W ednesday, April 13, 1898, a daughter. shall live, shall have “eternal life.” M F and R L Thompson to W evening and made a short visit w ith the locate in the future. The vexed question “ If a umn die shall II Hubbard 2 lots ........ .. 800 00 Hodson boys. He was very favorably "I can say one thing for Cham berlain’s he live agalu?” which had so long Edwarde to Newberg Press impressed with Newberg and there is a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy; From all over the country comes words divided the Jew ish church was now Jesse ed Brick Co 20 a .................... 4000 00 ^ Praise for Chamberlain's Cough Re­ settled. probability of bis locating here. and that is that it excels any propriety medy. Here is a sample letter from Edwards to () K and G L Ed­ Again the resurrection of Christ, than J wards Jesse Edwards and Amos Nelson went medicine I have ever seen on the market Mrs. C. Shep, of Little Rock, Ark: “ I w hich 17,000 sq ft................ 2 00 there is no (letter proven fact in as delegates to represent this end of the and I have been in tbe practice of medi­ was suffering from a severe cold when I history, stands out us the one great R Jacolison to H C Burns 10-ft county in the congressional conven­ cine and the drug business for the past read of the cures that had been effected miraculous proof of C hrist’s divinity alley-across lot It is the one great testim ony that Paul J W Henry to I V Nash 6 lots in tion held in Eugene last Monday when forty years,” writes J. M. Jackson, M. by Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy. I and the other apostles use in proving McM.............................................. 300 00 Hon. Thomas H. Tongue was re-nomin­ D., Bronson, Fla. Physicians like Cham­ i concluded to give it a trial nnd accord- H is divine (Yellow Stonr Park Line., Honship, as he says in the J W Henry to II Canfield 20 % WATCHMAKER ated for congress by acclamation. They berlain’s Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea j ing'y procured a bottle. It gave prompt first of Romans, "W ho was declared to acres ............................................ 29 59 report a pleasant trip and a harmonious remedy because it is a scientific prepar­ j relief, and I have the best reason for be the Son of God * • by the resur­ THE ONLY DIKING CAtt ROUTE FROM C Burns to K Jacobson 10-ft *»» JEWELER, PORTLAND TO THE EAST ation, and because it always gives quick j recommending it very highly, which I rection of the dead ” W hh great pow­ H across convention. , THE ONLY ROUTE TO THE YELLOWSTONE lot er gave thev their witness of His resur­ relief. Get a bottle at C. F. Moore A n a t io n a l p a r k . Solicits the patronage of his old Indiana Enos Ellis has traded his property for ! do with pleasure.” For sale by C. F. rection.” Sluny otliers, men of God, VV D Carlin to G D Carlin lot in Friend« who ::eed Watch repairing done. had performed miracles, hut none but McM ............................................ the Mellissa Ellis tract of fifteen acres Co.’s drug store. 200 00 I Moore A Co. URAYX lU n . DepotTKofirath ft. ï a k l r . the divine one could burst the bands of C Judd to F A Newman 2 lots in laying north of town at the foot of Che- A hobo who was making a bouse to 2 7 0 Morrison St. death und trium ph over the grave. No. 2. Cn Saturday morning, April 2, death Fast m tll for Kalsma. No. 1. ...................................... 150 00 halem mountain. They moved oat last house canvass one day last week carry­ PO R TLAN D , OR. 'Kelso, (’«¡»tie Rock, Win- Perhaps none can realize the utter B Newberg B Ibanson to school dist 20, 1 <>ck. Cheh’tll«, Central- week an ! Enos is busily engaged sowing ing an arm in a sling and putting tip a came to the relief of Ashael Gardner dejection and despair unto which the I a. Booth Bend, Monte- grain on his place and on rented ground. pitiful plea for assistance had an expe­ who had been bedfast for many montila deciples were plunged by C hrist's 1.47 a ........................................... 36 73 l‘*ano1 Aberdeen, Ocowta. Olym pia. Tacoma, Seat­ To them all that bright hope He proposes to have something laid by rience before lie left our borders th at he from paralysis, at tbe home of his death. 5 An K n te rp rl« ln g D ruK K lit. tle, Victoria, I*t. Town- sod dream that had begun to flit their daughter, Mrs T. II. G ardner. The fun­ ¡«end, Kllcnsburg, Ras- for cow feed next winter. will no doubt relate to his measley com­ lives, was lost forever. Perlia|is the Tliers are few more men wide awake |lyn. North Yakima, eral exercises were conducted from tbe Sprague. Cheney, rtpo For some tim e I have suffered with rades as one of the laughable exper­ residence on Sunday afternoon by Prof despairing words, "W e hoped I', was lie and en'erprising than (!. F. Moore 4 Co kune, Piiilinau. Gar* FESSE EDWARDS, PreatdenL w hich should redeem Israel,” liest de­ who spare no pains to secure the best of rheum atism and tried every imaginable iences of hobo life. He called at the C. fleld, Farm ington, Mo»-l N E BRITT. Vice Prca. pastor of Friends church. scribes their condition of m ind. Hut everything in their line lor their many cow, Gen-1 J. C. COLCOKD, Cashier. remedy, without effect. Mr. F. G. S. residence of G T. Hollister in the course By E. an Lewis, 1 00 P. M cnee. Puiontown, now ‘his despair was turned into Joyous Rohsland, B. C ; 7 SO P. If. oversight tbi3 notice was omitted customers. They now have tho valuable Wells advised me to try Chamberlain’s of his rounds and as Mr. Hollistor had last week. Trail. B.