O ld T e s ta m e n t H e r n e .. Hoskins shoe shop for your repairs. W anted —To trade tile for a good work ! best physicians are now using it in thoir JB . A . IEÒ R I E &c H O 33 S 0 3 ST . M itchell A M oobk . practice with great results, and are rcly- ‘ ‘ Written In English of today, instead ' The Graphic and the Oregonian for horse. T hat! N. M. Snodgrass still has plenty of in* 0,1 U in ,no9‘ ««vere eases. It is of that o f King James’ times.” 12 . 00 . T rains N orth . guaranteed. Trial bottles free at C. r. expresses one important Idea annouuc-! No. 36 Ar. T:55 a. in. Ar. mi Portland '.* 30 a. m pure cidar vinegar at 10: A rrive ut I E . C. Ward A Co carries a complete r No. 34 Ar 11:33 a. in., lv. 12:15 p. in. Moore A Co.’s. Regular size 59 cents ed iu the serial, “ Old Testament! Portland 3:0-3 p. in. ' stock of poultry supplies. The Newberg Milling company now \ •Run* Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. and $UX). Heroes,” to be published in “ The Na­ has connection with the outside world T r a in s S o u t h . Leave orders at Wilson’ s Grocery for S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 5 tli, w ill tional Magazine” o f Boston. Differ­ •No. 33 Ar. 12:25 p. in., leave 12:30 p. ru. W. c. T . lT . by a wire of the Willamette Valley Tel- i C lose o u r No. 35 Ar. 6:05 p. m. Leaves Portland 4.30 p. m. expressing or light hauling. ent characters of tho Old Testament ! The Evangelisticsuperlnteudent con­ •Runs Monday, W edueaday and Friday. W . E. Mills left here a few days ago ephono company. will lie taken up consecutively and the Passenger and Freight Rates to all points. ducted the devotions ut the meeting of Mitchell A Moore tre putting in a tile , B. FRISSELL. for La Grande, Union county. can be ob tained from the union Wednesday. “ Blessed arc the story of their life and times told in lan­ A gent N ewberg. But before that date we will ' drain on Fifth street for ttie property The advance sale of seasonable Levi Gilbert has arrived at Salem with dead who die in the Lord, yea saith guage, comprehensible to the average have in more of our spring goods owners in that locality who hope to take wash goods carries with it a fea­ reader, by the brightest aud ablest his family from Eldora, Iowa. ^ T E A M E R S ALTONA AND RAMONA. , the spirit, they rest from their labors away the surface water. ture full of interest to the am­ which we will put on the counters and their works do follow them ,” was scholars o f the day. The predomlnent 'L ea v e Portlaud for N ewberg. Salem and In­ N. M. Snodgrass has a new set of har­ d ep en d en ce every m orning (excep t Sunday) at The Cuban relief committee has placed the text. The going away o f our loved object is to bring out vividly the great bitious mother. Sewing in winter at P r ic b P re ssu r e F ig u r e s . 6 V ía . m .. arrive Newberg 11:30; going dow n , ness to trade for a good work horse. relief buttons in the different stores iu leader, Frances E. Willard was spoken fundamental study o f hum anity as is a pleasure, iu summer, when leave, lu d ep eu d eu ee at 6:30 a. m., Salem 7:45, The ’ 9S Waverly is the finest wheel N ew berg 10:30, arrive Portland 4 p. m. ■ town for sale, the proceeds to go to the of, the suberintendent m aking some outlined iu the Bible and to present sultry, hot days depress one, its a ever put on the market in Newberg. F rom O u r A bar­ I relief fund Get a supply for >our ; impressive remarks. Quarterly reports the unrivalled bounties o f the book as health-wrecking strain. ' P. FISHER, NevrsL -, _ A dvertising Agent Charley Wilson is buying eggs and all children. Seven Styles and qualities ladies gain offering is often the outcome îge, San Sau Francisco, Francisco. _ j. 21 Merchant's E xchange, literature, rather than a boue of con ­ ! o f superintendents o f department work Is our authorized agent, This paper is kept on kinds of poultry and pays cash. See There will be no per- of over-stocking, but in this in­ Jackets. The excitement caused by the wreck- j were then read, many o f these showing tention for creed and dogmas. tile iu his oiliee. him. The young men in charge of ‘ ‘The stance it is the result of price pres­ ceptable change in the styles for ing of the L. fci. Battleship Maine is good work doue. 1000 pages o f lltera- Murray Hobson is over from Wood- slight, couipared to the rush to see the ture have been sent to prisons and jails. National Magazine” have certainly sure— the dealers efforts to bring next season. See if these prices Local Events. burn working in Barrie A Hobson’s ’98 Waverly wheel now on exhibition j The merey superintendent reports that made a lilt in the magazine realm in value to a point beyond the reach won’t pay you to buy now for next fall’s wear. store. at the Hoskins bicycle hospital. j Herta Terrell has organized in her presenting an illustrated periodical so | of ordinary competition. W hy not RAI.R i buy your Muslins, Outings, Cali- VALUE PRICE excellent and qualitative for ten cents Mrs. H . M. Haworth and children left C. B. Wilson wants your Veal—cash. Since Moses Votaw has bought o u t : school a band o f m ercy with thirty j coes, etc., and get your sewing | 9.00 9 5.00 i i e n t i F u rn is h in g » — A Sheriff J. W . Henry was in town Wed­ here on Thursday for Shawnee, Okla­ the harness business he has moved the : members and m any o f the school teacli- In publishing tills great religious serial done while the weather is pleasant 10.00 5.50 lin e o f N e g lig e e S h irt » 12.50 6.50 I n s i l k , s i l k u n it c o t t o n , in addition to all o f the requirements homa. stock and fixtures into the rear of h is ' ers have asked for hooks to read to nesday. 7.75 15.00 A lu ilrn s a n il French of a high class ju id popular secular ' for indoor work. 16.00 7.50 F la n n e l — b e a u tifu l p u t- If you want whole corn, cracked corn, furniture store on First street. John E . ' their pupils. W ill Stevenson, of Portland, was in 17.50 8.00 t e r n s f o r S p r i n g W ear . A FULL ASSORTM ENT OF wheat, oats, bran or flour, see E. C. Smith will have charge of the buslneos. | A committee was appointed to ar- magazine, they have essayed an am­ 18.50 10.60 f 1, $1.75 and $2 grades, ch oice 90o. town last Sunday. Several dozen Men’s Laundried shirts, White N E W I D E A P A T T E R N S bitious undertaking. The serial "Christ Ward A Co. O. J. Hobson is at McMinruiUe work- i ranKe for a »«m orta l service for Frances body, fast Percale bosom, good assortment of Finest line of calling cards in town at and His Tim e” just concluded met for Spring and Summer. Jnst in. sizes and patterns. These are worth $1.25. but Milt Nicholson has rented his Scotts ing for F. J. Martin of the Oregon Fire I " illard Tlw Pre*ldent read 11 very with a most hearty and genuine appre­ by coining to our store »uni b uyin g one or more the Graphic office. P rick P ressure w ill say 8 0 c . Mills property and will move over here Relief Association as shorthand reporter lntereiUuS froIU Mrs- Weesner of ciation. “ The National Magazine” Fine pure blood Plymouth Rock chick­ Alaska. There was also an extract at an early day. and typewriter. O. J. is a youth of lias, by its editorial force and artistic ens for sale by C. B. Wilson. Whether you go to Klondike or stay steady habits and will perform his part read from a letter from our former presi­ excellence, allied to sensible and prac­ Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Will Thomas dent, Mrs. Townsend. Petitions con ­ at home you must have your shoes re­ in the office faithfully. on Friday, Eebruary 18, 1898, a son. cerning the saloons and liquor drink- tical idea's, taken its place as one of Successors to Barrie & Barrie. paired. Call ou Hoskins. Whooping cough is the most distress­ iug at Yale college were seat from the leading “ hom o” magazines pub­ Miss Anna Haynes, of Sherwood, is Colored photograph and transparent ing malady; but its duration can be cut the state president and the circula­ lished today. visiting in town with Mrs. A. B. Cornell. pictures on glass at Smith’s Photo Gal­ short by the use of One Minute Cough tion o f the same placed in the H e r e is S u c c e s s f o r Y o u . Sarg Britt is at home this week from lery. Call and see samples. Cure, which is also the best known re­ hands o f the petition superintendent. "In side figures” are always interest­ the State Agricultural College at Cor­ medy for croup and all lung and bron­ Mrs. riutton and Mrs. Townsend were The harness shop has been removed ing, and the following are certainly vallis. received as new members. » to Votaw’ s furniture store on First chial troubles. C. F. Moore A Co. some striking ones about The Ladies’ For grass seeds, flower seeds, garden street. Cali if you need any repairing R e c e p t io n . At the Friends church next Sunday H om e Journal. During 1897, 8,183,113 seeds and all kinds of seeds, call on E. done. One of the most enjoyable events of “ Prayer” will be the subject in the copies o f this magazine were printed C Ward & Co. the season was the reception given by morning service, and in the evening ser­ The Missis Rena and Hallie Emend, and so thoroughly sold that the latter- Elihu Roberts left here on Thursday of Turner, Marion county, visited a day vice “ Love for God and for country.” the W.C.T.U. Tuesday, at the residence year issues are entirely out o f print. It of Mrs. F. A. Morris, Martha Washing­ fojiEastern Washington where he will or two the first of the week witli Mrs. A. (A Washington’s day thought.) consumes 8,434,302 pounds o f paper in ton and her nieces receiving. A large C m a s . E. L e w i s , Pastor. work during the summer. M. Hoskins. a year, and absorbs 30,902 pounds of number of guests were in attendance The Graphic was mistaken last week After years o f untold suffering front ink. It runs 28 presses. Tho advertis­ A. B. Cornell left here on Wednesday in stating that Mrs. Elmer Hall, of morning for Junction City where he will piles, B. W. Pursell o f Knitersvllle, Pa. notwithstanding the inclemency of the ing columns contained $498,325 worth weather. The parlors were decotated Baker City, was in town. o f advertising during the Inst year. do night work in the telegraph office for was cure i by using a single box o f De- * W itt’s W itch Hazel Salve. Skiu d i­ with Oregon grape, while the dining­ The editors received 9290 manuscripts L .M . Parker has been shipping some a couple of weeks. seases such as eczema, rash, pimples room presented a most pleasing sight and less than one per cent, were ac­ cherry stock of the Hoskins variety to Cephas Maris, who has been up at and obstinate sores are readily cured by with decorations in green and white, cepted. Tho magazine employs 22 Salem parties this week. North Yakima, Washington, for some this famous remedy. C. F. Moore A and the typical hatchet, the guests re­ stuff editors. 24,648 letters have been ceiving these as souvenirs. E . D. Elwood and family left for their time, writes that he is well pleased with Co. received and answered in the year by The refreshments were delicious and new location at Medford on last Satur­ the country and thinks of renting a farm the editors o f tho correspondence col­ A bevy of some sevonty-five or a hun­ and moving his family up there. daintily served, while the guests dispens­ day. Success to them in their new dred robins, those beautiful harbingers ed their knowledge concerning “ Lady umns. The Journal bus over 15,000 active, w orking agents on the road get­ location. W . J. Stater the newly appointed road of spring, were seen by the writer on a Washington.” i t has educated Martha Washington and her nieces ting subscriptions. Mrs. Emma Hill and Miss lone Hill supervisor is making a commendable vacant block in town a few days ago. 442 girls free o f charge under Its free have been in Portland during the week move towards securing gravel for road Fifteen years ago very few robins or wore white caps and kerchiefs character­ educational plan. In a single day it istic of the eighteenth century, and, as taking items preparatory to the spring work. Gravel is the stuff for substantial other songbirds were to be seen in this was remarked by one of the guests, as has received as high ns 18,000 subscrip­ and lasting road work. Stay with it valley and to a lover of the feathered they flitted about, presented a pleading tions. 800,000 copies o f the Journal milliner trade. are sold each month on the news songsters it is a pleasure to note that contrast with the Bloomy day outside. stands alone—425,000 people subscribe A fine line of coffins, caskets, burial William. Misses Mill and Hendershott furnished Farmers who have fat stock to sol they have increased to such an extent guitar music which was highly apprecia­ for it by the year. robes and other undertaker supplies. will find Stanley A Cooper in the market that they now come in great flocks with ted by those present. Hearse in connection with funerals. X G uest . U a c k le n 's A rn ica S a lv e. ready to buy, and families who like jui­ the first signs of springtime, to cheer us 12 M . V otaw . S ilv e r R e p u b lic a n C on v en tion s. The best salve in the world for Cuts, cy steaks ami tempting roasts will always on our way. Welcome to the beautiful Charles K . Spaulding has bought the There will be a mass meeting of the Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, W ill Clemmens farm of one hundred find the best the market affords at their birds. silver republicans of Yamhill county, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Washington’s birthday anniversary state of Oregon, held at the Grange Hall Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and thirty-seven acres at Pleasantdale meat market. A thrill o f terror Is experienced received due notice in Newberg. In the in McMinnville, Oregon, on Saturday above Dayton, the price paid being and positively cures Piles, or no pay re­ when a brassy cough o f crcrwp sounds forenoon exercises were held at the pub­ the 5th day of March, 1898, at 10 o ’clock $4500. quired. Satisfaction or money refunded. A ll Wool Dress Goods, former price 65c. per yd., now 45c. But the lic school where the little folks repeated a. in., for the purpose of electing four Recorder W . T. Maey and surveyor through the bouse at night. Price 55 cents per box. For sale by C. delegates to the state convention, to be terror soou changes to relief after One A ll Wool Dress Patterns, former price $4.50, now $2.75. the hatchet story, carried flags and beat H . S. Maloney were in town Thursday held in Portland, Oregon, March 23rd, F. Moore A Co. on business and perchance putting up Minute Cough Cure has been adm inis­ drums in true colonial style. Io the 1898, and to discuss plans for more per­ Ladies Wool Hoods, former price 95c., now 65c. The man is best served w ho has no misplaced rails about their political tered. Safe and harmless tor children. afternoon Hon. G. M. Irwin, state sup­ fect organization and campaign work. occasion to put the hands of others at C. F. Moore A Co. erintendent of public instruction, deliv­ Every silver republican of the county is Misses and Children’s Hoods 20 per cent, less than cost to fences. the end of his ow n arms.— Rousseau. close. A number of the neighbors and friends ered a patriotic address, appropriate to requested to attend. Married— At the home of the bride in C. W . T alm aok , the occasion to a full house at the col­ * Chairman State Com. Newberg on Saturday evening, February gathered at the home of James Hamnett It Is not the greatness o f a m an’s Ladies Fine Wool Shawls former price $2.50, to close at 75c. lege. Mr. Irwin has fine oratorical abil­ means Mint makes him independent, 19, 1898, Mrs. Sarah Vanoose to Thomas Sr., on Tuesday evening taking him F o r S a ls . ity, is a logical speaker, with a steady greatly by surprise. The evening was so much as the smallness o f his wants. Ladies and Misses Wool Hosiery to close out will discount Myers, of Chanlpoeg, Mrs; Edwards 20 acres of good tillable land joining —Corbett. passed in social ¡chat and playing games, flow of well rounded sentences and cap­ 30 per cent. officiating. NoTtberg on tho west. Gorwl improve­ with refreshments Berved at the close. tivates his hearers from the beginning of Me who wishes to truvol fur is careful J. L. Myers has spent liis odd Gingham former price 5c. and 6c., now 4c. When the company dispersed all wished his address. Ho spoke for more than an ments, good location. Inquirí of W. L. j o f his steed; drink, eat, sleep, and let us moments for the past three or four years Jim big success in his Ivondike trip and hour and to the close of his fine address Warren, McMinnville, or L. F. Hall light a fire w hich Bhall continue to Men’s Overcoats former price $5.50, to close at $3.65. in the study of taxidermy and as a 2-25tf I burn—Racine. he held the closest attention of the audi­ Ncwborg, Or., for particulars. a safe return to his home and family. consequence he is now able to do as good ence without an apparent effort. Should For coughs, colds, ar.d lagrippe try T. F o r S ale. work as a professional. It Is better to have a lion at the head Duncan’s lagrippe cure. The best he return to Newberg again it is safe to o f an army o f sheep than a sheep at A good mare, harness and buggy. Reece Craven and family, west of say that iie will be greeted by a full known remedy, and has no equal. Those I the head o f un army o f lions.— lie Foe. 2-25t2* E . W. E vans . town enjoyed a visit last week from Mr. who have used the lagrippe cure and house. Craven’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Craven say it is good are as follows: L. Presnall, A trial is in progress in the United from W intered, Iowa, who is out visit­ Mr ria tt,J Hunt, Win Crater, Mr. Hunt- States court at Portland which is being ing relatives in Oregon and Washington. ley, C. Calkins, R. Cooper, Wm. Duncan, watched with a great deal cf interest. Children and adults tortured by burns, Mr. Heath, Mr. Tice, J. Hadley. For Cap. Murphy and First Mate Harvey scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases sale by the West End Drugstore and C. of the American ship George Stetson are may secure instant relief by using De- F. Moore A Co. charged with maltreating and beating W itt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It is the A supper and pleasant social was giv­ into imbecility a boy sailor, Amos Stone great Pile remedy. C. F. Moore & Co. en at the Newberg Hotel on last Tues­ whose home is in Boston. The Oregon The homeliest man or woman in the day evening at which there were pres­ Humane Society has taken the matter country will easily pass for one of the ent state superintendent G. M. Irwin up and employed L. B. Cox, an able at­ four hundred when riding an up to date and wife, President and Mrs. Newlin, torney, to assist United States District Waverly. These wheels at the ex­ Prof. Edwin Morrison and wife, Prof. J. Attorney Hall in the prosecution. If the tremely low price are within the reach H . Douglas Jr. and wife, Prof. J. C. stories told by the sailors ou the witness Hudson and wife, the Misses Julia S. stand are true, the horrors of sailor life of all. Judging from the present ontlook the White, Ella Macy, Dora Altermatt and under inhuman officers, as depicted by close of the coming season will see very Professors C. E. Lewis, F. K. Jones and Dana in his “ Two Years Before The Mast” have been inflicted in this case little business being transacted on G. T. Tolson. Main street. The principal business N. M. Snodgrass is on the trade lately. with four-fold severity, and the punish­ houses are arranging to move around on First he trade 1 a lot in Salem to John ment of the guilty officers should lie First street. Maris for his harness shop and then sold nothing short of ten years imprisonment theshop to Moses Votaw ; and now he has at hard labor. A game of basket ball will be played Wednesdays Oregonian says : W . M. rented a farm near Yakima, Washing­ in Armory hall on Saturday night be­ W ood, living four miles from Newberg, ton where he proposes to move in a short ginning at 7 :30. First the Senior Preps time. There is considerable alfalfa on the was arrested here by detectives Reilly of the college will play the Sophomores farm and the chances are that it will not and Maher, for larceny, the charge be­ In their indiscriminate haste to an­ but should they from any cause be ex­ and then the winners will play the Jun­ be long until Nate will be calling hogs ing made by C. H. Delaney of Newberg. nounce the making o f chainless wheels, posed the action o f the pin teeth is such iors. Admission 15 cents. with an old time, long drawn out, Hoos- Woods stole the latter’s saddle the night some manufacturers have tumbled over that they are self-cleaning, forcing mud W hat pleasure is there in life with a ier “ pig-oo-ie!” of February 4, and had brought it to | each other in th een deavortobein front. and dirt out from between the teeth. (Y ellow 8tone. Park Line.; T o be in front is a spasm, to ‘‘ keep in One o f the chief objections urged headache, constipation and biliousness? WATCHMAKER It is often that a physician recom­ Portland, where lie sold it to a second­ front ” is sustained energy. T o utter a against chainless wheels by mechanics Thousands experience them who could THE ONLY DINING CAR ROUTE FROM mends a patent medicine; when he does, hand dealer, on Front street. The de­ truism is one thing, to live up to it is is that should the rear fram e become PORTLAND TO THE EAST. become perfectly healthy by using De- another. *"■> JEWELER, twisted or out o f line, there would be a TIIE ONLY ROUTE TO THE YELLOWSTONE you may know that it is a good one. Dr. tectives were aware of his criminal rec­ The spirit o f the aphorism o f tho consequent binding o f tbe mating gears. W itt’ s Little Early Risers, the famous n a t io n a l p a r k . ord—he having served two terms in the J. P. Cleveland, Glasgow, Va., writes: Monarch Cycle Manufacturing C om ­ Tho Monarch chainless is entirely free Solicits the patronage o f hi« old Indiana little pills. C. F. Moore A Co. Friend« w h o need watch repairing done. “ I have used Chamberlain’sC olic, Chol­ penitentiary—and suspected that the pany, “ Ride a Monarch aud Keep in from this objection Inasmuch that the l e a vk I Un. Depot, front flth 8t. I ARiuvil The time for receiving supplies for era and Diarrhoea Remedy in my prac­ saddle was not legitimately Ids. He was Front,” is well illustrated iu its latest junction o f the pinions and gears form shipment to the Cuban sufferers has tice and it has p-oved to be an excellent taken into custody until the author­ product, Tho Monarch Chainler.r,. A live a type o f the ball and socket joint, 2 7 0 M o rriso n Ht. No. 2. Fast mail for Kiilaina, No. 1. 'K elso. Castle Rock, Win- to the times, the company will pro­ thereby permitting free running under PORTLAND, OR. been extended to Thursday, March 3. (lock. Chehalis, Central- remedy, where a thorough course of | ities at Newberg could be informed, duce a chainless bicycle which has le-en tiie conditions usually m et with In j l a , South Rend, Monte* The committee is making an earnest ap­ medicine had failed with me. I recom- j when it was learned that he was wanted proven by repeated tests to be superior, bicycle riding. A particular advantage *ano, A berdeen, Ocosta, 'O lym pia. Tacom a, Seat­ peal to the people to help in this worthy mend it to my patients every time for there for stealing a saddle. This con­ in its class, iu every particular. which this gear has, ami which gives It tle , victoria . Pt. Town T w o surfaces that will roll on each the highest efficiency, Is the direct lift cause. Strain a point to help all you colic ond diarrhoea.” Many other p r o -' firmed the suspicion. The owner of the (send, Eilenabitrg, Ros- other will transmit motion from one to as against the ond thrust which is com ­ lyn, North Yakima, can. gressive physicians recommend and use saddle Mr. Delaney, states that at least the other. If the surfaces are com par­ mon to all bevel gearing. This end Sprague. C heney, 9po kane, Puliman. G ar! Prof. C. K. Lewis went to Marion last this remedy, because it always cures and a dozen saddles have been taken from atively sm ooth, the m otion is transmit­ thrust is a prominent factor in friction TESSE EDWARDS. President. field, Farm ington, Mo» ! N. E BRITT. V ice Pré«. week and remained over Sunday, at­ cures quickly. Get a bottle and you will the adjacent country about Newberg all ted by friction. But, when the surfaces and frame strain. cow , Unlontown, Oon-i J. C. COLCORD, Cashier 1:00 P .M . ence. Howland, B. C ;,7:30P M. Another point to be counted In favor tending Salem quarterly meeting of have an excellent doctor in the house, ! of which are thought to be the work of are provided with projections, tl e m o­ ¡Trail, H. C .; Nelson, H.i tion, although it is unchanged in nature, of the Monarch gear Is, that it is not o f C .; Katdn, Mi>soula,i Friends church. In his absence Milton for all bowel complaints, both for child- : W ood. When arrested he was standing is transmitted by direct pressure, an