Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, February 25, 1898, Image 2

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did not take from the islands th e su p ­
porters of his policy n o r tlie ag en ts of
his brutal orders. These rem ain w here
th e y can tu rn th eir craft an d in ten se
hatred upon th is country in case a col­
lision is im m in en t. E ven now , though
th e S panish affect courtesy, ex trem e
prudence should be observed on our
ships, for th e ir gath erin g in th e South
A tlantic is an exasperatiou to th e o p ­
pressors o f Cuba. T h o u g h w ar m ay
not come, th e tension betw een th e tw o
countries is very serious, an d not m au y
steps from hostilities. T reachery is by
no m eans unknow n in S panish d eal­
ings w ith o th e r nations, an d it is now
clearly tlie d u ty of all A m ericans in
th e neighborhood of H puniards to e x ­
ercise tlie greatest vigilance.—Globe-
D emocrat,
Htock In sp ecto r M in ty inform a us
' I th a t from Ja n . 1st, 1897, to Ja n . 1st,
I 1898, th e re were 9278 head of sheep
I d riv en a n d «hipped o u t of Y am hill
was born Septem ber 28, 1839, at C hurch- co u n ty . O f th is n u m b e r 1>. VV. Kalston
; ville, N. Y. Shu was a graduate ol the h an d led 5758 head. T he m u tto n uud
| N orthw est U niversity, Chicago.
She wool p roduct form s no sm all item in
•, took the degree of A. M. from Syracuse ' tho o u tp u t of tills c o u n ty .
reter.d ts.eo o ad els., mittcr at the po.toHlce i U niversity. In 1862 she was nrolessor sheep are very scarce a t ..resent and
of natural science at the N orthw estern are b rin g in g £4 to Ï4 .2 i a head.
1 lie
, i female college, Kvanstorr, 111. In i860- wool outlook for 1898 is m ost eucour-
1867 she was preceptress of th e Genesee aging.
Wesleyan sem inary, Lima, N. Y., ami
J o h n D udley, a pioneer of over 35
in 1868 1870 she traveled abroad, study- . „
liv in g n ear N o rth Y am hill, .lied
ing tre n c h . G erm an, Italian unci th e h 7 , , ,
Congressman Tongue's recent speech history of line arts, visited nearly every | su d d en ly ou M onday afternoon, tu b .
in opposition to the Teller resolution is Kuropean capital, and went to Greece, | 14th, a t tho agu of 64 years.
flu was
highly commended by Newberg people, E gypt and Palestine. In 1871 she was engaged in th e work o f g rubbing, w hen
m any of whom have been supplied with
lie su d d e n ly expired. He was buried In
N orthw estern university, and professor th e ¡Stout cem etery on W ednesday. Mr.
copies of it.
of aesthetics; she was elected correspond­ D udley hud a varied und in terestin g
ing secretary of the N.W .C.T.U. in 1871, career us an Oregon pioneer. Tlie story
T o Our C u . l i J i n r i i .
W hen a m an acknowledges a fault, and in 1877 was associated witli D. I,. is well au th e n tic a te d th a t in tho curly
C ham berlain’s Cough Remedy is tbe
political or otherw ise, it is poor policy Moody in revival work in Boston. 8he 00' h he drove a band of cuttle to tlie
became president of th e Illinois W . C.
to ridicule him . Make it as easy as pos­ T. U . and editor of th e Chicago Daily P o rtlan d m ark et, and tiiere being one best cough syrup we have ever used o u r­
sible for th e boys to get on tlie right Dost in 1878, and in 1879 was chosen large, w ild steer, w h ich , for som e re a ­ selves or in our families. W . H . King,
son, proved u n m ark etab le, question
president of th e N ational W om an's arose as to w h a t should be done w ith Isaac P . K ing and m any others in this
side of the line.
C hristian Tem perance Union, which him . Mr. Dudley did not hesitate long vicinity, have also pronounced it tlie
I t is always a good tim e to advocate a position she lias since held. Miss W il­ before declaring th a t h e w ould ride best. All we want is for people to try it
lard was an au th o r of much distinction, him hom e, und at once struppad on his
reform when th e necessity for it can be u n d wrote a num ber of books.
and they will be convinced. Upon hon
saddle, and p u ttin g sp u rs to the beast or, th ere is no better th a t we have ever
T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W .
easily appreciated. This is a splendid
rode him all tlie wny from P o rtlan d to
tim e to talk reform in road m aking and
N o rth Y am hill.
He is said to have tried, and we have used m any kinds.—
W n * T O T H E R S SA Y .
th e one word, gruvel, is the te x t th a t Myrtle Point KuterprUe.
been cheerfully given th e rig h t of w ay It. A. Blake & Hon, G eneral M erchants,
W ill p ra c tic e lu all th e c o u rts of th e state
ought to bo used in every sermon
E . V. Debs has now got w here ho has th ro u g h '.lie streets of P o rtla n d . H e Big T unnel, V a. Sold by C. F . Moore A S pecial a tte n tio n g iv e n to p ro b a te w ork, th*
ritin g of deeds, m ortgages, c o n tra c ts a n d tbt
preached on th e subject of good roads.
long belonged. H e advertises him self wild ponies k unw n in tlie valley in th e Co. druggists.
d ra ftin g of a ll legal papers.
as an avowed an arch ist, and declares early »lays.
N ew b e rg . O re g o n
F e b r u a r y a n d F lo w e r s .
O f f i c e — Second Floor
I t is generally conceded th a t Tongue "tlie H aym arket rio ters’’ were th e beros
C. L ong re tu rn e d on T uesday from
F ebruary is tho m onth to strik e c u t­ lia u k of N ew berg B uilding.
will be re-nom inated for congress w ith­ oi h istory.
his v isit of tw o m o n th s in K entucky.
tin g s of soft wood plants. Tho m ild
ou t opposition. I t takes a new mem ber
He circulated am ong m an y good old
A. J. R ossiter.
E. W. R o ssite r
heat of th e hothouse Is ju s t w h a t th ey
one term to get th e hang of th e house
Congressman Tongue is getting de­ dem o cratic neighbors in th e blue grass w an t. Roots strik e m ore freely an d
R 0 3 5 IT E R B R O S .,
and th en he is ready for business.
state w ho d id not h esitate to tell him
Tonguo is proving to be an active w ork­ served praise from thousands of W illam ­ th a t th e y th o u g h t M cK inley w as all th e yo u n g p lan ts grow m ore sturdily
ette Valley people, in getting tlie im ­
tlian after tlie S p rin g has opened and
er, ever alert in the interest of his con­
provem ent contract let for Yuquina Bay. rig h t. T he expression, o f course, w as tho w ork is carried on outside of tlie O f f i c e an d R esid e n c e at Dr. G. W. M cC onnell s
stitu en ts.
prom pted by th e ir renew ed prosperity
old stand.
Tongue is a man of and for tlie people. since tlie election, w hich Mr. Long hothouse.
- Oregon.
says is q u ite m arked, particularly in
Oregon farm ers are a light hearted set
F eb ru ary is th e m o n th to get seeds
Cal of Poppies, Sw eet Pens und all flowers
of clod hoppers compared witli th e dark Tongue’s election two years ago, and tlie tlie prices paid for live stock.
sta rte d hom e w ith th e idea th a t he
visaged plow holders of the past three Observer would be pleased to see tier would rival Ju d g e D enny along a sim ­ th a t require early planting.
E l m e r P . D ix o n ,
or four years.
Good prices for last sea­
F ebruary is tlie m o n th in w hich to
ilar line. H e secured n in e beautiful
red birds, w iili due regard to apportion­ force th e flowers for E aster.
son’s crop anil Hue prospects ahead for N. Y. Sun.
(Jive th e
m e n t of sex, in tlie hope of estab lish ­
th e coining season’s w heat crop are
“ F or tlie satisfaction of tlie A m erican in g a new feathered fam ily in Oregon. bloom ing plants and bulbs e x tra ut
clearing the w rinkles from m any a dis­ people, and for th e sake of tho future As is usually tlie case, tho porter o v er­ tention and E aster will not be lacking
Office 2 door3 w est of H ill’s Drug store.
couraged farm er’s brow.
th a t is before us, tlie annexation of H a­ heated th e car one n ig h t, and five of in flowers. F eb ru ary is th e tim e to go
1st. stre et, N ew berg, O regon.
T he o th e r four carefully over th e catalogues an d de
waii should be completed w ithout much his pets perished.
N o m a tte r
Congressman Jerry Simpson made the fu rth er delay. Close up this transaction cam e th ro u g h all rig h t, an d were cide w h a t to purchase.
pro m p tly g iven th e ir liberty. Cal lias
grave charge th a t Congressman Dingley of national im portance, take possession no law lor th e ir protection, and m ust w h a t p re tty flowers one m ay alreudy
"w ore a h a t m ade in London.” Ding- of tlie property th a t is ours for tlie ask­ tru s t to tlie good graces und h u m an e have, th e florists have so m eth in g slill
ley replied th a t his hat. was made in ing, rocord tlie title deeds at oncp, in o r­ in stin cts of sportsm en to spare these more beuutiful each year. G et some-
New York, and ho added " th a t wliatev d er th a t th e country may attend to other K en tu ck y o rp h an s u n til sufficiently tilin g new.
num erous to establish his reputation
er m ight be said of his relations w ith his m atters.
F eb ru ary is tb e m o n th w hen valen F L O U R , F E E D , H A Y & G R A I N
us u turd propagator and elim inate th e
h n t ho did not use it to talk through, us
possibility of th e ir total ex term in atio n . tines are sen t to and fro, a n d w h at
are the product of mechanical Ingenuity.
was the custom of the gentlem an from Roseburg Plalndealor.
m akes a v alen tin e so acceptable to th e
C hairm an Cooper of tlie union party
Dayton H erald.
K ansas.”
recipient, or affords m ore pleasure to f a je - F r e e D elivery.
has found it necessary to close up his
W e are pleased to note th e fact th a t tlie donor tliun flowers cut or grow ing!
E . C. W a r d & Co.
Onions and spuds nre m aking friends headquarters a t Portland and remove th ere has been nil im p ro v em en t m ade
1st. Street, N ew berg, O regon.
F eb ru ary frequently ushers in th e
a t both ends of tno lino this season tho sumo to the front room of his resi­ in th e W est D ayton depot. T he build­ m ovable L e n t season, th e san ctity of
Send for 1898 Catalogue.
The reason in g lias been raised on a level w ith tlie w hich is better conform ed to by th e
Oregon producers arc elated over the dence in M cM innville.
N o tic e t o C r e d ito r s.
Agents wanted in open territory.
ready m arket for these two products of therefore is, it takes money to m aintain track , an d rustic p u t on and otherw ise use of flowers th a n an y o th e r tangible
T he u n d e rsig n e d h a v in g been ap p o in te d by
th e C ounty C ourt of Y am hill C ounty, O regon,
th o soil a t good prices and th e Klon headquarters, to buy (Kistuge stam ps and im proved. A stove has been placed in m ode of expression.
M O N A R C H C Y C L E M F C . CO..
as A d m in istra to r o f th e E state of E lish a Sm ith
tlie d epot and it will hereafter bo kept
. All persons having claim s a g iiu s t
dikers gladly pour out th eir gold nuggets pay stenographers, and the faithful did more com fortable for those w aiting for
F ebruary is the m o n th to be up an d d th eceased
L a k e , H a i o t e d a n d F u l t o n S t r e e t s , C h ic a g o *
B ut Cooper is hopeful, th e train s.
in exchange for the evaporated article. not p u t up.
A fter tlie building is doing if 1898 is to be u y ear of beuutiful to p re s e n t said c la im s w ith the p ro p e r vouch
B ra n ch e s— N ew York . London and H a m b u rg .
e rs to tho said a d m in is tra to r a t his resid en ce
S e n d ten 2 - o e n t s t o m p s fo r a d e c k of M o n a r c h P l a y i n g C a r d s i l l u s t r a t i n g
Reciprocity in this instance is no vision nevertheless. Cooper was a pessimistic p a in te d it will m ake a very neat ap­ flowers.
one and one h alf m iles n o rth e a st of N ewberg,
L i l l i a n Ruoseil, T o m C o o p e r , L e e R i c h a r d s o n , a n d W a l t e r J o n e s .
republican, now he is an optim istic pearance.
in Y am hill C ounty, O regon, w ith in six m onths
ary dream .
from th e da te of th is notice.
B lo o d W ill T ell.
Tlie officers a n d crew on tlie O. It. &
The m any different skin diseases such
N . C .’s steam er R u th purchased a tine
A d m in istra to r of E state.
The “ Union forces” failed to pu t up
Roseburg Plnhxlealcr.
a t N ewberg. Oregou, th is 2Sth day of
u p rig h t piano for th e steam er. Tills as ring worm, tetter, salt rheum , erysip­ D ated
th e money for chairm an Cooper’s office
J a n u a ry A. D. 1898.
Wo have reachod the parting of tho
re n t in Portland, tho metropolis of the wayB. Tlie chief issue in tlie next two m akes q u ite an a ttra c tiv e feature for elas, eczema, itching or an eruption of
S u m m on s.
g reat N orthw est, and consequently the campaigns a t least, will be between tho th a t bout, especially so to all lovers of pimples, postules, blotches, chaps or
C ourt for tho State of Oregon
chairm an is said to be issuing orders to gold standard on one hand and silver on m usic. T h e officers all have m ore or cracking open of the skin, scrofula, are In for th e Y a C m ounty
less m usical talent. H a rry B lanchard,
th e faithful from the hack door of his th e o th er. All the o th er issues will lie purser, is a fine w histler, an d his per­ directly tlie cause of im pure blood. E. D. E l w o o d , P la in tiff, )
> Summons.
residenco in McM innville.
In the merely incidental, or m atters of d e ta i1. formance on tlie piano is w onderful, W ilbur’s Blood Purifier is acknowledged W m . H u n t e r , D efen d an t)
Wm. H u n te r th e above nam ed d e fe n d an t:
language of E li Perkins "C al is a comi­ Thu advocates of a sound and staple a n d w h at lie know s of th a t in stru m e n t to bo tlie best medicine known for any In To
th e n am e of th e State of O regon, you ary
would be difficult to condense in our of these unsi(
Uy comujaiula»
comblai ids* _ Price “We reby
re q u ire d to a p p e a ra n d a n s w ir th e com ­
cal cues” anyw ay.
m onetary system will rally u n d er tho lim ited space. CupU.iii Jgnl-tie Ulan tx - HEW per f w tlle ^ For sale by all Drug- p la in t filed ag alu st you on the above e n title d a c ­
tio n by th e first d ay of the May A. D. 1898, te rm of
same banner and forget for the timo be­ cellent sin g er; Thus S heridan, stew art, gists.
.-•aid c o u rt to w it: M onday May 2nd A.D. 1838 nnd
Tho self term ed "free silvor republi­ ing th eir old-tim e differences on tariff plays th e violin; C apt. Dell can keep
if you fail so to a n sw e r, for w a n t th e re o f the
can s" may as well cast off their buttons and o th er m inor m atters. Tlie dem o­ tim e witli tlie w histle; C hief E ngineer
p la in tiff w ill ta k e ju d g m e n t a g ain st you fa r the
B id t W a n te d .
su m of $189 83 to g e th e r w ith in te re s t thereon
and inscribe som ething more appropriato crats and gold republicans will tight for M arr, acts ns m aster of ceremonies;
Sealed bids will bo received by th e from th e 23rd day of Ju n e , A. D. 1894, at th e rate
M ate Itabbe is the roust-ulsiut—or all-
of six p e r cent, p e r a n n u m , to g e th e r w ith the
on th eir banners. The republican party tlie common good, and insist th a t tlie aro u n d m usician.
county clerk of Y am hill co u n ty up to costs aud d is b u rs e m e n ts of th is action. This
stands for tho gold simulimi, puro and money of 'lie poor (shall be as good as
m m o n s is serv ed by pu b licatio n th e re o f for
March 10th, 1898, a t 1 o ’clock p. m ., for su
a n d y o u r f a v o r ite h o m e p a p a r , t h e
six c o n se c u tiv e w eeks by o rd e r of H on. J. E.
simple and spring colts witli th e ir legs th a t of the rich .
T lio D e s t r u c t i o n o f th « M ain«.
furnishing lum ber to th e several road M agers. Ju d g e of sa id C ourt, m ade at C ham bers
ou t of th e traces may as well find th eir
Willie it is Impossible as y e t to give d istricts of Y am hill c o u n ty in wagon S tate ol Oregon, F e b ru a ry 19th, A. D.. 1898.
proper places and prepare to make them ­ Riverside (Cal.) Press.
th e ex act cause of tlie calam ity th a t load lots w hen ordered by th e roiui
A tt’y for Plaintiff.
One effect of th e Dingley bill lias been lias w iped o u t of existence one of our j supervisor, Bids not to ap p ly on lum ­ D ated: Feb. 25, 1898—17
selves as comfortable as |Kissible.
to sta rt a stream of English capital to­ stro n g est hnltlc-ship.4, w ith tlie m ost of ber to be furnished for bridges let by
Tlie country papers of Southern C a li­ ward this country to lie invested in wool­ h er crew , tiiere is g rave reason to be­ contract. B ids to be opened in court ▼ V g e n tle m an or la d ie s to tra v e l for re sp o n ­
Throughout New England lieve th a t It w as tlie w ork of a secret room of county court a t 1 o ’clock p. m. sible, e sta b lis h e d h o u se in O regon. M onthly
fornia killed tlie Fiesta by showing up en mills.
on March 10th, 1898.
$65.00 a u d ex p en ses. Position steady. R e fe r­
S e n d a ll O r d e r s to T h e G r a p h ic .
tho fact th at it was gotten up ouch year and tlie middle states thore are a g reat en em y and Spanish sym pathizer.
T he rig h t to reject n n y and all bids ence. E nclose self-ad d ressed stam p ed e n v e l­
ope. T he D om inion C om pany D ept. Y C hicago.
as a scheme to benefit I.os Angeles nl the many mills being built with English S h ip m agazines seldom explode by ac­ is hereby reserved.
C . E. D u k b n f i e i . d ,
340 P A G E S. A N atio n al Book
expenso of tho small towns. Country money. A big firm of worsted m anu­ cident. T h ey are g uarded w itli special
C o u n ty Clerk.
A S tep B ackw ard*
of reference for G ov erm eu tal
papers aro sometimes sneered a t but facturers of North H addoniield, E n­ care, und th e d an g er of a m agazine e x ­
By A. \V. S itton, D eputy.
and political inform ation. C on­
T lie I.oud bill to regulate second-
m any instances may be cited w lierotbey gland, are going to p u t up an extensive plosion, ta k in g th e navies of th e world
D ated th is l l t b day of F e b ., 1898.
tain s tlie C onstitution of tiio
class m ail m atter, w hich is now under
have knocked the persimmon th a t has
as a criterio n , is very slig h t. T he risk
consideration by Congress, is a distinct U nited States, tlie C onstitution of th e Stnte of New Y ork, tli3 D ingley T ariff
Bill, w ith a com parison of old an d uew rates; P resid en t M cK inley’s C abinet
no t been touched by tlie big dailies. Tlie
th a t will lm p|ieu is scarcely one in 10,-
C onsum ption and b ro n ch itis are not step backw ard, nnd it is to be hoped and appointees, A m bassadors, Consuls, etc ; th e personnel of Congress, nam es
country papers go into thousands of of carpets and tapestries a t Scranton. 1 000. O n th e o th e r h a n d , it is not
th a t no self-respecting legislator will of principal officers of tlie different S tates, com m an d in g officers of tb e A rm y
hom es and are read w here a daily is Besides these nearly a doxen new knit- difficult to apply a torpedo to u hull if by any m eans th e sam e, a lth o u g h it is
a n a N av y , w ith th e ir salaries; Tables of Public Statistics, E lection R eturns,
mills have been p u t in operation, or are ; clone w atchfulness is not m aintained. hard to d istinguish one from tlie o th er. give liis vote for a m easure w hich is P a rty Platform s and C om m ittees, com plete nrtieles ou th e C urrency, Gold a n d
nover seen.
living constructed in various Pennsyl­ Tho Maine seem s to hav e l-oen u n p ro ­ B ronchitis is au inflam m ation o f tile
Silver, an d a vast am o u n t of o th er valuable inform ation. T lie sta n d ard A m eri­
Mr. can alm anac, a u th o rita tiv e au d com plete, corresponding In ra n k w ith IV hit-
lin in g of th e w in d lubes o r a ir vessels tional interests o f th e people.
O ur people are slow to accept th e ac­ vania towns by English owners.
tected by torpedo nets o r by ex tra
P ric e
C e n ts . P o s t a g e P a i d .
o f th e lungs, causing soreness of tlie L oud proposes to m ake th e Postal De­ ta k e r’s A lm anac in E urope.
cid en t theory in connection with tlie Ptttstmrg Time«.
g u ard s an d sea rc h lig h ts a t n ig h t. Tlie
S e m i a ll o r d e r s t o T H E G R A P H I C ,
p a rtm e n t self-sustaining by raising tlie
M aine disaster. Tiiere ure two reasons
N ew b erg, O regon.
G erm an investigators have been aston­ a ttitu d e was one of confidence in h o n ­
Her" officers and ’ dil,icu">' of breath in g , sp ittin g o f m a t­ rates of postage for all forms of com­
for th is. F irst, the Spaniards aro re­ ished to find th a t operatives in Mass.i- orable In ten tio n s.
plete books w hich now pass through
garded by tho A mericans us a treach­ chuesett.s shoe factories were receiving crew , ap p a re n tly , had no fear of torpe­
the m ails at one cent per pound, an d to
erous people uud none to good to per- if 15 per week and producing shoos a t a does, th o u g h it is e v id en t now th a t a die an n u ally w ith this dread disease.
abolish th e privilege w hich publishers
form such a diabolical act in a cnao like cost of 40 cents, while G erm an shoe­ single em issary in a sm all boat, pro W ilbur’s C ough Cure w ill cure, l ’rice
now have of sen d in g sam ple copies at
by all D ruggists.
th is where th e ir Spanish blood is so makers were getting only $3.80 |x-r week vided w ith a high explosive, m ig h t 60 cents. F o r sale
— ■ -
th e sam e rate.
T he result of th is will
thoroughly arousod, and then we sh u d ­ and producing shoos at a cost of 58 cents have sen t tlie g re a t arm ored ship to
“ W e’ve had five sizes of drum s sent fie an increase in th e price of books,
d er a t the suggestion that nil accident, per pair. American ingenuity in con­ tlie bottom a n d 253 of her crew to in ­ u p .”
w hich are so cheap now adays th a t the
so awful in its results, is liable to occur structing labor saving m achinery was s ta n t d e a th .
“ W hy so m any 7 ’
poorest w orkingm an m ay secure a nice
on any of our great war ships.
In his first disp atches C apt. Slgsbee
ascribed as tho p rim ary cause of this,
“ Well—we are determ ined to give little library ">t his favorite works.
ft m ust not is' overlooked, however, cautiously refrained from giving his Jim m y a bigger one than th a t little boy bill th a t raises th e price of books, and
Tbe call is o u t for a convention of i th a t much of this m achinery would not opinion o f th e n a tu re of tlie explosion. next door g ets."—Detroit Free i’ress.
p u ts a prem ium on illiteracy, should
♦ ' ■
woolgrowers to be held lit Tlie Dalles, have been produced had not a protective H e desired to collect all th e evidence,
not be passed. T h ere are b etter w ays
O il o f G ltiln M fl
M arch 1, 2, 3, at which it is proposed to j tariff first enabled tlie building up ol tbe n o easy m a tte r w hen th e w itnesses
o f m aking th e Postal D epartm ent self-
organise a Pacific Nortwest Woolgrowers industries in which it is now used witli have ju st escaped w ith th e ir lives. Is a pleasant, palatable preparation, e n ­
For instance, w h y not
Association. Tho states of Oregon, 1 tlie Huai result of supplying o u r own Hut tills la te r ju d g m e n t suggests, at tirely free from all oily taste, an d m ay su stain in g .
m ake th e railroads carry th e m ails as
W ashington, M ontana and Idaho are people a t a cheaper coat th a n over be­ least, th a t tlie Maine m ay have been be ad m inistered in tern ally or applied
ch eap ly as th ey carry th e sh ip m e n ts of
peculiarly adapted to wool growing and fore, em ploying many of them at higher torpedoed.
To ch arg e a n y com plicity ex tern ally . I t will rem ove all pain
th e express com panies? I t lias been
th is call ought to meet with tlie hearty i wages th an prevail in any oth er coun- upon th e leading S panish officials Hint “ h u m a n flesh Is h eir to ,” if prop­
esiim ated th at th is alone w ould accom ­
npproval of those who aro engaged in try, and m aking possible th e sale of the w ould lie to arraig n th em as belonging erly applied, a n d m ig h t lie rig h tly
Price plish th e object
If term ed " a panacea for all Ills.”
th is in dustry. Prom inent woolgrowera American product in foreign m arkets in am ong tlie w orst fiends in history.
from Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, M in n eso ta,1 favorable com petition w ith the o u tp u t I « torpedo was used th e deed w as one of 50 cents. For sale by all D ruggists.
Mr. C. F. Ilelbig. a prom inent d ru g -, W . P . H E A C O C K , DLFOT LUMBER YARD
nnd M ontana, as well as several welt of pauper paid labor.
wholesale assassination, for Spain an d
of Lynchburg, \ a., says: “ One of
Friend—I understand the verm iform
known Oregon sheep men are down for
th e U nited S tates are not a t w ar, an d
our citizens was cured of rheum atism of
papers und a big meeting may be ex ­
th e presenos o f *he A m erican sh ip in
Ik v to r—Nonsense I I t has been a
s i l l NO I ES. IIA IR ,
th e liarlxir w as u n challenged
France* K. W illard w ent to her grave a
an net w ould Is- a crim e against all
m ent is famous for its cures of rh eu m a­
On tho front page of th e circular a n ­
. . . . .
, .
, | navte*), w I iosh » security in peaceful port*
tism ; thousands have been delighted
at the tim e of her death, sin* ,
. . ,
1 ,
. .
nouncing the call for a lag m eeting of woman
. .
U u recognised International d u ----
ty .
it 4
T here nre th ree little th in g s w hich w ith the prom p relief w hich it affords.
th e woolgrowera of th e Pacific North* would not have been a very old woman I "••t
th e M aine I* gone, w ith the nia-
For sale by C. K. Moore & Co. druggists.
west at The Dalles is a picture of a big I »«* ■»»
ten years longer Of a ,
cre w . an.I th e Unban do m ore w o rk th a n n n y o th er th re e lit­
ram p rinted in green. A . this is no, highly nervous organization w th bornid-
|h o ||g h „
|m ||w c |I hiw tle th in g s created—th e y nre th e a n t,
T he m ore we hav e read, th e m ore we
tlie regulation color for a sheep we are
,' nor*!>' ',n,, P'**«'**«* of *
,Jrnwn An„ .rican V ood. T here have th e bee an d IV W itt’s L ittle E arly hav e learned, th e m ore we have m e d i­
N e w b e r g , O re .
Kisers, th e Inst U-Ing th e fnm ous little ta te d , th e lietter conditioned we are to
at a Ions to know w hether this picture is j conscience, she overw orked, possibly be-
been noted battles in w h ich few er m en
pills tor stom ach a n d liver troubles affirm th a t we know u o th i n g —V ol­
to be taken a« representing an Oregon
«ho could not help it, and paid the
were killed.
T h e explosion w ill be
ram as he comes from tho tobacco dip, l>etialty, as did 1-otiisa M. Alcott, In n er- sifted to th e bottom , a n d w hile hasty U. F . Moore & t'o .
- ■
or the feelings of the sheep men who
action is advisable, n o t one grain of
D on't annoy others by vour cotiglii ng College Classes. Normal Course, Book-keeping,
were green w ith rage when tho Wilson |>eriods of partial recovery, over i-everal w rong to o ur flag or to th e g allant men
bill knocked tho tariff off of wool. years of her life, and ending in prem a­ w earing o u r uniform wi I go unre- m oney till th e y hav e com e n early to and risk your life by neglecting a cold.
A ll the Grammar School Studies, Music and Art.
th e e n d o f It, an d o th e rs do ju s t th e One M inute Cough Cure cure* cough,
The designer should have
added tu re d eath . The nam e of her home, dressed- I f th e Maine w as sunk by sam
e w ith th e ir tim e.
and principal possession—“ Best C ot­
co lls, croup, grippe and all th ro at and .
explanatory foot notes.
—---- - 0
— —
foul m eans th e reck oning will be e x ­
lung trouble. C. F. Moore A Co.
tage” —and th e fact th a t for a num ber of
acted ill full a n d at a n y cost.
We are anx io u s to do a little good in
years site scarcely spent a m onth of any j
Sin le n ts an enter xt nny tim e and find classes tn s u it
France« E. W illard died in New York
T his sta rtlin g ev e n t brings a realiz­ th is world a n d can th in k o f no pleas­
H appiness m ust be cultivated. I t is
An e x ce l ptit homo for ¿rirls uud boys is provided under th e care of a c o m p e te n t Matron, a
of them in it, are sadly suggestive of tho
C ity on F rid ay m orning, February 18.
ing sense of tbe desperate state of a n te r or better wny to do it th a n by like character It is not a tilin g to tie tlie lowest pc is ih le p ric e s .
cause th at led to her conveyance th ith e r
R X " nt board in private fam ilies. Moral and C hristian influences thrown about stu d en ts,
The whole of h er life was spent for the
Hpanlsh feeling an d of th e critical n a­ recom m ending O ne M inute C ough safely let alone for a m om ent, as it will
Y ■ co n fi
that superior a d v a n c tee«
e « c cannot
he offered in the Northwest.
upon h er bier before slio I old attained
good of other« and her day« were short -
AU exneuaes mode
Correspondence an* d v is its e lic ite d .
tu re o f th e situ atio n
It is needful to t ’ure as a p rev en tiv e pneu m o n ia, con­ ru n to w eeds.—P helps.
th e age of three-score.—H er case p re ­
Kor catalogues and inform ation, address.
ened in h er h u rry to do th e greatest
rem em ber th a t Cuba h as been tb e sumption and o th e r serious lu n g troub-
sents one instance of m any, more or l e s s
good possible for th e hum an ra re . In noted, wherein th e "b lad e was too -h arp scene f»r th ree years of \v.,r in Its n e x t les th a t follow negtee*ed colds
C iv ility costs n o th in g , a n d bnys
h er death the W . C. T. U . lose* it* onlv for th e scabbard.”
J tr W B tK O , OREGON
e v e ry th in g —M ary W ortlcy M ontagne ;
cruel form s.
T he rem oval of W cyler Moore A Co.
By buying Drugs and Family Medicines,
Perfumery and Notions, Paints, Oil, W all
Paper, School Books and Stationery,
SjSgrCan make money for you.
Perfection is the result of our long
Feed & Seed Store
Monarch Chainless $100.00
Great National, .
Family Newspaper
13o t l i , O n e Y e a r , $ ¡> 1 .5 0