Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 17, 1897, Image 2

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    Ilian for special privilege;*. We hope
> that the president will disregard this
j prutcM and that Mr. McKennu may re-
raiu .iv k o o x ix u .
I ceive the appointment.
We hUspect
[ tnat it is not his In k of ability, hut bis
K u n o t i l ’ i 'i u s u u . pose.-sion of it, which has inspired lite
opposition to liis appointment.
t s s r x i » BVKKY
oodward ,
F R ID A Y , DECEMBER 17, 1807.
gold have been located, and no douht
exists as to a sufficient amount o f coal.
Congre«« should see to it that the
laws made for the m any to nettle the
national domain bo applied to Alaska
with the least possible deluy. The out
look for tigrilcullure in those latitudes
is not promising, hut there must be e x ­
ceptional regions where som ething can
lie done in raising hay and the hardy
If the governm ent will
grant the homestead lights allowed in
other territories, the brave arlic pros­
pectors will do the rest and llndudvan-
j tages in Alaska as yet unknow n.—
Globe Democrat.
t i h ; ritKsiiii-.Ni*a Ml.sSAOK.
No surprises w ill la; found in the Presi­
fatem i as second ei««* matter at the postutttcc
at Nowberg, Oregon.
message sent
at the opening of I tie lirst regular
session, it is calm ia tone, we! consul-
City election on Monday, January 3.
c r e i in argument and language and m od­
Another schoolmate of Abraham Lin­ erate in length. The President keeps in
coln, Mr*. ¡-unio Yeager now in her mind, ns is habitual with him, the
ninetieth year, hat Leea found at Rhine* pledges on which he was elected, and
his earnest wish for the welfare and ;
ville Kentucky
prosperity of the whole people is mani­
The genii.' Oregon mist liar its advan­ fest throughout the document. in rela­
tages. The hobos have gone to Califor­ tion to Cuba the utterance is conserva­
nia to winter tv liere mother earth at the tive and based on u desire for peace con- f
sistent with honor. The recognition of I
root of a tree affords a drv bed.
belligerency at present the President j
Salem, tl.Tcurfital ch v j7 u 7 o ,d y about | would consider nnwi-e and therefore in- ;
A lte * t Cm- 111. \V ht-t-l.
r m .b iir g Chronicle-Telegraph.
'I he b iker's m elsn eh oly days
Have com e a rooinlut Nut.
A i d inivv lie Jogs along the street.
W here oil he sw iftly v>-i**e*l
H e'd hire to " b o m b it" all the year.
And sadly he com plains
W hen nature on the w orld lets loose
Her ch illin g blasts and rain.-.
Far co t up ni the conutry roa Is,
W here lie was wont to spill,
1 b<: mint is waiting for a enance
T o U ke the biker in.
And though a MiHeiitug breeze w ill com e.
It cannot end llle wop .
For when the mini is harden ed up
T h e re 'll be a full o f snow.
T e lep h on e-K eg liter.
C. If. Friendly, the oldest drummer
on the road was in the city Tuesday.
It is told of Mr. Friendly that when a
train gets lost of a dark night it is not
lost with him alioart^fnr be is so famil­
iar with the country that he can look,
out of u ear window ou the darkest night
and locate the place within a hundred .
yards of the mile post. The conductors j
tell the story on him.
The total money on hand in the treas­
urer's office of Yamhill county is $21,-
888.08divided into tlio funds ns follows:
General fund, <2,373.32; county school,
$20,483.93: overplus, $318.79; institute,
♦*9.30; special city and school, $1,007.75;
road, $10.23
Charles E. Deach of Carlton has re­
ceived his state diploma and Miss
Frances Mann of McMinnville haa re­
ceived tier state certificate. They w ere
sent out by the state superintendent on
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg. Pa., says
“ My child is worth millions to m e; yei
I would have lost her by croup had I
not invested twenty five cents in a bot­
tle of One Minute Cough Cure.”
cures coughs, colds ami alt throat and
lung troubles. C. F. Moore & Co.
Speciali M U F E E E R S .
F u ll
E in e
a t
Lo w
F r ic o
F i n e s t and C h e a p e s t *
six times as manv pupils in her public n'lv,labl‘ '
schools as we have in our public schools : f U o w * » " ‘ « « " t ' o n on humanitarian
• r\e\vlx*rg,
u. . » to a etuteuient, igr>andd would I xj premature,
’ because,
. ’ ;
j :ts the president views the case, “ It is !
made by the Statem an.
T he wheel is in the a tllc stored.
j honestly due to Spain and to our friendly Ì
W here in lee can ch ew the lire ;
I’ pon the bigtuir sa il the moths
, .
. relations with Spain that sho should h e 1
Payton H erald.
Tuo Ulne Mountain Eagle,
ile, n good I .
. . .
Now b-u.t to their desire.
I given a reasonable chance to realize her
The Jaunty cap is on a pee.
Postmaster Detmering has. had the
country weekly wliicli flaps its wings in
expectations and to prove the asserted
post oitice moved to the building next
T he stockin gs with d e cep tive pad*
thè tacca of thè rcsidents in tliat itigli
! efficiency of the new order of tilings to
door to the Dayton Market.
In secret p lace are thrust.
ultitude along thè baiti: t of thè classic
Some of the iiop growers of Dayton
| which she i* irrevocably committed.”
Hot w h ile, with faces sh ow in g gloom ,
water* of Long Creek, Urani eouuty, bus
The biker make* lament.
ami vicinity, are arranging to have B.
The possibility of intervention hereafter
A nother class o f m ortals find
entered on its twelfth vear.
A tim e o f sweet con ten t:
Gabriel, take their bops to London and
is refered to, but it should bo “ without
For now nedestrains can walk
dispose of them. Should Mr. Gabriel
fault on our part.” An opportunity to
A bout the streets at w ill,
conclude to go. lie will probably take hi*
A twenty thousand dollar school build­
And "scorch era ” d o not d a ,b alon g
test autonomy is justly claimed byHpaiu,
To InJ'iru or to kill.
departure some time next week.
ing is to lie erected cl the I ¡dian school
lie insists, as a country with which our
Hut m elan oholly days w ill go,
The regular monthly meeting of the
at Chemawa next season. If Mr. Potter
And b ik in g day* vvill conn.*,
relations are friendly.
town council was held on Monday night,
And then again on every side
don’ t 1« careful ho will get things so
In regard to Hawaii the I’reaident i.s
T he w hirling wheels w ill ham .
and tlie newly elected officers sworn in.
nice over there the “ Injuns" will feel
The bikin g you th and bik in g girl
distinctly in favor of annexation, Tho
The town officers now are, Mayor, J. T
W ill lllrt for all th ey’re worth.
discontented win n they return to their
And every "s c o r c h e r " in the land
Watson; eouncilnien, 8. R. Baxter,Titos
course of negotiutisns leading up to the
W ill think lie ow ns the earth.
shacks on the reservation.
Hall, Win. Cain, i. Nichols; recorder, J.
proposed uniou, covering three quarters
W . Fish burn ; treasurer, O. M. iia riis;
of n century, aro reviewed. Coincident '
l : usata ns » xt lient-Orower.
marshal, A. P.Morse.
Tlio reports of crimes committal in with these lui* Itecn tho declaration that
1,rI" ce K r,,l,olki" o f
It is easy to catch a cold ami just as
tho Sound cities indicates that a horde of
Hawaii si,all never lie absorbed by any A,,H>ri<,a* wriu>s “ » 11,0 New Yorl< !>ost
toughs us well as many lion ■ t seekers | other nation. The logic of eventi has unont.the possibility o f Siberia beeorn- easy to get ri 1 of it if you commence
early to u e One Minute Cough Cure.
for gold are coining to the clast.
More led up to annexation, and now that the I
“ « reut u llea l t xportln* country
w ill no doubt follow next year. Alaska treaty has been unanimously ratified i,y cnpuhle to compete with the American
already has s > many of this class that the congress and president of Hawaii, I wl,eot buIt- He anya that lie is asked monia, and al! throat and lung troubles.
the selection of an honest jury to try a “ every consideration of dignity and lion- whether there is any trulli in the It is pleasant to take, safe to use and
sure to cure. C. F. Moore £ Co.
criminal i.s a rare exception.
or requires” tlio confirmation of the 13,“ ten,ent o f tl,a
nilnlster o f
treaty bv the United State*. The f r e s i- 1 Wu-V3 ,‘ " ' 1 commtinicutloii, I'rinee Hil-
It. is sometimes necer 1 .ry to go away
Mrs. D. I!. Kingery and son Clarence,
denthas no fear that the Hawaiian*, ' koir> lo 11,0 effcct tbat “ Hlberla ,,evt‘r
from home to get tho new*.
A Kansas under appropriate regulations, will prove haa produced and never will produce accompanied by Mrs. Mary Judd, left
paper says that in Oregon every man an uiidesireuble element of citizenship. j 'v '*ca^ a ,,d ryf inoligli <o fetd the *^i- ' last xvetsSc for California. They expect
who drinks is oblige J t o take out a li­ A favorable view ia taken of the course I l"-’ 1-*"" population” — this statement to spend some weeks in San Francisco,
cense, costing $> a >Tar. Fitch u law oftl.e cot.trover*y between Hawaii a,„l | ^ v i n g been quoted by Mr. C. Wood . where ^ ',7 :
Davit* in this m onth’s Forum, in a very 1 u
»aHy visit friends in Lew Angoli«
might be all right in Kan is wliero the ,
japan .
* and Santa Barbara iiefore returning. ■ \ i r ANTED
gentlem en o r la d ie s t*»travel for ro.>pon-
rain maker is in demand but in Oregon
As soon n* the revenuo of tiio govern- l, , t t , r e 8 article on • I ho Im pending ; >ieantiiij« our friend I) lb, who is en- nible, establi.shuti house i;i Oregon. M onthly
where tho water supply ij abundant no taent equals expenditures the President ■ iH'llitrlenoy o f lifeudsttills.” W ith re- j deavoring to get acclimated to his own $( k ).00 no l H xneii'Pr i*;'.sItlon steady. R e fe r­
ence Encl-ise se lf »id I r e ^ e d st im pefl e n v e l­
such restrictions ui ■ i, ce ary.
I .;|,i,i, ; gnrd to tlie post it is perfect'y true; and cooking, lets our heartiest sympathy,
ope. The Du:ji!nion Com pany, Dept. Y Chicago.
would recommend that Uniti
c-------------------- - —— s
with to the future it may have been j On Tues ! iv Mr. D. It i*.* parted witii
MOI LDINGS. s a n d ,
nolis redeemed in gold should not be
Tlio January number of the Delinea­ pai l out except in exchange for golii. I »’ ut In a .oix.owl.ut too absolute form, that fine span of horses, a roan an
an t a
C u ild ers H a rd w a re.
sorrel, that in tlie pa*t year or two have
tor is called tho winter holiday num­ Certain changes in the laws relating to j but 11 ls ■ubstunlially correct,
- ju sh
T l i c X I n p p v l i n y is C f - I t l i r t l c d I d
attracted *o much attention, and that ::
ber and begins tlio new year with Hitch
national banks are approved, including ! Theru ure 1,1 Hlb,'ria vast Parls o f tho i
F a ir Southern City.
were said by many to le tlio l est team
an attractive display of fashions and lit­
a restriction of national bank notes to
Christinas in Florida is a novel e x ­
in Yamhill county. The purchaser was
erary matter that it will easily retain its
thè deuoinination of $10 and upwurd, I \ cun be grow n to tlie same extent as O. H. Holcomb of Seattle, and the price perience to Northern’ rs.
There tho
place as tlio woman's favorite magazine.
ami tliat natimeli batik.* he rei] lire 1 t<> ! wheat is now grown in Dakota and was a tempting olio, to uso Mr. Ross'
The winter styles are exceedingly l.o
lint there are u'so four own word*, which ho did not care to manner o f observing this holiday is
redoem tlieir notes in gold. Concerning !
more like a fourth o f July celebration D U S T I N C W ill not Impart n moral character to a man, but if cleanliness is
coming and are handsomely illustrated in
bimetalli-m thè me- ago dipresso., ti.e wll,e reK,on» w l,cre ,a i,,l,'8 ’ wliieli is have published. Tlio last timo tlie ani­
mals were on the scales they tipped the tliim an yth ing else. Tlie incessant fir­ M J S T I N K next to godliness D U S T I N E is a m ighty good tiling to have
colors n:i 1 black. L ely Jeunc’ s review of I io , h * timi r une inter tallonai agreement | alr,':ul>'
° " to a condderab'o o x - beam at'8300, and they were put up to
ing o f torpedoes and firecrackers in the d u s t i x : : about the house or place o f business, for it can do marvels in
London society is at once a picture of its
will come p-eriuitlillg thè use of gold IIU 1 :
U s,,r,! to take
u ,u‘ur futuru » handle uload or nppear well in front o(
middle o f the day and tho display of D U S T I N IÎ keeping floors, furniture, and woodwork in a clean, wholesome
salient feature! and a defense of its es­ Silver as money under “ sue!, s.ifegtiards | 81111 " Mr* <-c».mÌ.ltml»le devel p m e n t -
a carriage. They are t lie progency of
sential kindliness. Mrs. Alice Maynell, as will se mie thè u -e of boti, meta!* up- » a">'’ly, the Aitai, thè Ye.iiseik region, tlio well known ilaron Douglas that Mr. pyrotechnics in the evening rob the D U S T I N i: ant)'attractive condition. It is it genuine and durable application
tho eminent English writer, begins a
IrnnsbaiUaliti, and tiie Aniur regimi. Ross imported in 1MK), We understand day o f much o f its m ythological and D U S T I N S for floors of nil kinds, natural or painted wood, or linoleum, pre­
mi a basis which shall work no injustice 1
No sprinkling or
series on “ The Naughty Child,” lull of
Tliero are, moreover, Ilio Iiirgliiz that l lie firm of wIt:. It Mr. Holcomb is a sacred significance. A stroll through D U S T I N K venting ali dust from arisii g while sweeping.
to any class of citizens.” Interest is ex- i
member lias sent 4)00 horses to Alaska a typical town in the realm o f fruits I> U S T I N R scrubbing is necessary. It is oderless, cheaper than paint, and
sympathetic ¡ 1 .sight. The lirst of several
Steppe and partly thn middle Urals since the gold excitement liegan.
presse 1 in the Nicaragua Canal, and tlie i'
One great advantage it has, worn parts can ho
papers on “ The Common Ills,” is by I»r. i,..mediate necesi-ity of better ,,„v;, rll. : 'vhiel. depen.l for brendstutts upon St of them over come back, and if tlio de­ and flowers gives a person from the D U S T IN R non-inflamable.
The show renewed without tlie patch show ing It ought to be in every place o f business,
Grace Peckham Murray, author of the
berla; and there are half a mi lion na­ mand from that quarter continues it* north som e startling ideas
mont for Alaska is set forth. An increase
popular “ Health and beauty” papers.
tives who already consumo more bread effects is hound to influence to some ex ­ windows are full o f firecrackers, Roman a n d « .s p e c ia lly t i l e v e r y s c h o o l - h o u s e in the land.
in Ilio navy is favored, and the announce- i
tent the prieo of horses in tlio north­ candies, sky rockets, packages o f tor­
Send all orders, and enquiries to Dustine Co.,
The annual review of the holiday dis­
stuIls than they can possibly produce west.
mont is made that steps will lie taken to 1
pedoes and other lire works. The Ju 'y
play in tho shops will I e of special inter­
No. 11-i First St., Portland, Ore.
Altogether, it appears from very care­
obtain tlio full amount of tlio Kansas!
est to those considering tho question of
ful modern researches that the grain tho-rond populist newspaper likely to ap­ weather Is present, aquatic and field
Pacific debt.
Various minor topics are ;
Christmas presents, and Mrs. W ither­
exporting capacities o f tlie llussian pear in this city soon. The t roil bio with sports are carried out In accordance
treat: 1 in this vigorous, interesting and
spoon's tea-table chat and the notices
Umpire have been Very much exagger­ the populists i* that they have t >o many with u regular picnic program, and the
b (sinese like message.—G lobe Deal.
of tho holiday hooka afford o ‘.h t infor­
ated. The considerable quantities o f pap-sucking office seekers abutrd, who --fight o f thousands in holiday attire on
want the oiiices at any price, to make
mation on this absorbing topic. Of like
grain w hich are exported at'.lie present that policy win. Starting seven or eight a race track, the borders o f some pret- ' W/
timeliness is Emma Haywood’s explana­
time do not represent a corresponding newspapers wouldn’ t restore virtue ti lake or a base hall park, gives little
hint o f a celebration which ai the north
In :ilI sections o f (he country parties surplus of production over and above where there never was any.
tion of how to make ornamental text!
J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., was is attended with sleighing, skating and
for churches, ami tlio suggestions of mid individuals are m aking arrago- tiie needs o f tlie p lpubttlon; and the
children’s parties. Mr. Vick’s "l-'lowei incuts to go to Alaska n ext year in latest researches tend 1 1 provo more for thirty years needlessly torture 1 by Christmas trees.
Only in the churches is tlie com ­
Garden” ami tlio departments devoted quest o f gul l and oilier opportunities. that the yearly consum ption o f wheat physicians for tho cure of eczema. He
to knitting, laec-making, etc., complete Another season will hardly puss with­ and rye per head o f p >;>:ilath>:i in Hus­ was quickly cured by using lte WittV memoration suggestive and familiar
out tlie opening o f otto or tw o main ain would no m ire than equal tlie iin- Witch Hazel Salvo tlie famous healing In some o f these a great Christmas
n capital number.
C. E ship, with ever green trimmed masts,
| r->nds to the interior, w hich will avert j consum ption o f wheat par head salve for piles m il skin li.uasos.
is displayed.
P ligh t little lads and
Tho Outlook anys : An extraordinary tlie danger o f starvation. Congress will in Western Europe If no wheat and Moore A Co.
pretty little maids dressed in white and
protest against the appointment <•( At- no doubt promptly take tip tho subject rye were at ail exported and tho total
T ranscript.
carrying ti.'.-el wands distribute pres- j
torney-t ¡citerai M i lue sup:-;.ie "I Al., ka.utid pilgrims iti that d iroc-, crop o f these two cereals were consum-
I In the oratorical conic t a! the college cuts to everybody. In the negro quar­
court beiteli ha* b, :i c. id t * IT■ -i I :it lion earnestly expect that the territory ' cd within Russia itself.— Farm News.
last Friday night, Sherman Wallace car- ters, loo, tlie real yuletide fervor is
McKinley from 1’ortiand, ( Iregon, sign-j officially will soon bo som ething more j
j rii-.loff the honor*; lienee lie will have
ed by two United M ite* ju-l • ■ m l
than a name on tlio map. Governnient
A Li«* .N»ne,t.
No one loves a holiday better
to defend tlie banner of Ah.Minn ville shown
Consumption and bronchitis urc not College in the «tale contest.
tint i a negro, and the eating, drinking
oral elate judge.i and mein bets of tlie in Alaska nt present is an extremely
,h e "ame* al,llol'A>' it is
J. D. Lee tvl.o has been nt this place and singing in tiie rough, boarded huts
Oregon bar. Tlio avowed ground of the limited affair. In 1381 Congress made ! b>' un>'
one from tho other, for several weeks p.cst, is one of four that is engaged hi with ardent zeal.
jiroteet is Mr. McKenna’ s lack of tlie
Through latticed windows and open
qualifications for a seat in tlie supremo court, a land ofiice at . itka and four I I’.ronchltU Is an inllam m aiiou o f the have gone from Portland *t> Eastern cit­
court. It is very i:mt aid for judges, or eomm ls-iom rs. Tito laws i f Oregon, btilng o f tho wiud tube« or air vessels ies to advertise Oregon in general and doors may he seen the sm oking turkey
and ’ possum, line cake, pumpkin pie*
even members of tlio 1.«r, t > make a minerai land luws mici town site law*. o f the lungs, causing sorei.t.vs o f the
Tlie Methodists are preparing to dedi­
Tiie patriarchal
protest against any reputable well-known Wi re extentled to Alaska, liut thè pulì- muiio , cough, sore throat, hoarseness,
M thè 1 dlfiienlty o f lirenthhig, s¡)itting o f mat­ day, mid service* are being hold even­ colored preacher summons .ili hi*dusky
lawyer to a judicial position. Indeed, Ile lami luws were exeepted.
we are inclined to thick there is no reci'tit aession congres* provhlcd fur ter and sometimes blood. Thousands ings thi* week.
President Board clientele to the rickety frame church in
parallel to such a protest, where it has finir addii limai commissiouer* and a die annually with this dread disease. man will preach Wednesday evening and the afternoon or evoulng, fixing In the
not been aoom paniej l>y any ciiarges Snrveyor ( forerai, and crcalcd a new Wi.bur’s Cough t ure vvi.l cure. Price Rev. Walter Thursday evening.
mind* o f lii* auditors on tlie sin o f
Mir* Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., chicken stealing and wandering in the
egainst tiio [irobity of tho nominee. lami odiee N othlng bus returded thè 50 oe tits. For suit* by ail Druggists.
frightfully burned on the face and neck. white folks’ orange grove after m id­
T'lie circumstances give ri*.' to a well- groteili o f Alaska, uceonling lo tho
r o r f u m e t l G l j o r r i n n * n E x c e l l e n t H a i r Pain wa* instantly relieved by Ite W itt’s
grounded su*’ h ion that those who have stiitement o f lis G overnor, n< thè in-
night Then all hands join in the c h o ­
O il .
Witch Hazel Naive, which healed the in ­ rus " f the old Christmas song:
signet) this protest have not had tlie nbilily ofsettlers to ohtiiiu ti e to thelr
Glycerine possesses in a liiglt degree
courage of their convictions, and have limili ,* ’I bis Is a nerlini* olstaele, nini the pro|srly o f extracting fragranee jury » ittumt leaving a sear. It is the
Shin’ on, suin’ on,
Doan’ irb weary, chlllu n!
failed to state the real reason which has noi in aeinrd witli tho established mt from flowers, lie.Ides, it lias proved famous pile remedy. U. F. Moore A L'o.
S h in ’ on, shin’ on—
caused them to take so unusual a course. tlomil polley.
to Ire excellent for the skiu a* well n*
Oh, Jerusalem!
HticriUnu Ban.
Two reasons other than the one alleged
Seeretary llllss recomrnends tliat | for tlie hair, s i that it puis even tire
The weird chanting, accompanied by
j Deputy IT. S. Marshal, G eo. Hum-
may have moved them. Mr. McKenna Alaska he plncod on (he sanie footing : flnc.-t olive oil in tlu slia l i
If we
the regular tapping o f tlie feet o f the
is a Unman Catholic, and there was, it iis other territori, s o f thè United 't ites, take a vessle o f best giyeerlne, |>ullltrg
evening oil his wsy to Grand Hou le to singer* on the pipe lloor. Is followed by
is well known, opposition to Ida appoint­ Itieluillng thè pub ie l imi luws; thè into It lilaos, fail.'.I hyaifintlis, n treissu.s, ' still further investigate matters pertain­
an adjournm ent to some large barn,
ment ns Attorney-Gene raion this ground. unthorir. itimi o f Ilio graniing o f riglits lilies o f the valley, mignonettes, violets, ing to the killing of old man Young.
where the music from the negro orclies
How influential tin* " A . 1’. A ." may be o f wny for railroad, lelegraph and tele
tras vinli’ s and banjos for hours keep
roses, lime 11 rwers, J n 'iiim tl i.vert,
on the i ’ltiific coast wo do not know . pilone linea, roails and trails; provi- ote , un.I leave them in for throe >v -eits, [of Indian sohools, and J. W . McConnell. tip the dance, between fragments o f—
“ All de daraies on a weepin’ ,
It is needless to say to our readers that, eiiiii* for tlie ineo|»ira'h)il o f miinei|i.iH- [th ey will have given o tf tlv'ir whole ■ 1". S. inspector, have been here to in-
Massa's in de cold, eold grillin’ , ”
in our judgment, a m ao’* religions le- lle*, thè holding o f eleetlons and defiu- fragritneu to the glycerine when taken speet tlio schoor nt Grand Rondo and and “ riiiwane* River," the p nintlve
lief afford neither n ground for appoint­ In g o f qii illllenlloiis o f voti r*;ih'!ermiu- out. In this manner a hair oil Is o b ­ now special agent, J. K. Jenkins, is here strains being wafted sweetly through
ment nor a ground for debarring him atloii o f thè legai and poiitieid status of tained that i* in not he surp tsse 1 by any on the same business.
Tho air has tlie sw aying pines.
Is'cn full of rum vain reference to mal­
from appointment to any office. Only thè native popnlation; in short, lite or-
I’arsian "pitrfuiueur." Since glycerine feasance in office, the wrongful conver­
There is no medicine in tlie world
G R O C E R IE S .
strong, positive evidence that his reli­ ganteation o f a com plete terrdorialgov-
can lie m ixed with water hi any pro sion of government property, conduct equal to Chamt'erhun’ s Cough Remedy
gions belief would preiljttdice his judge­ i : l'm en i, witli a ili legale In ('oliare**,
portion tin contradistinction to fat ot.s) ' tinl'ceoming an officer of the U. N. gov­ for tiie cure of throat and lung diseases.
ment and prevent and judicial l’ i o popnlation o f Viiskn, returned In
it few drops may bo p wired into the ernment, etc. lint when called upon to This i* a fact that has been pioven in
substantiate their testimony, many who
action could serve as an objection to Mr. 1 u a* .'IJ.tióg ha* Isvtt largely inerea*-
water u*cd for tvasliiog, In order t.r per­
numberless cases. Hero is a sample of
McKenna's appointment to the stipi
ed, iitid wlll go tip whh n rosli In lSfiH fume Itd.-llcutoiy.—'Vientlflu A li ' have t.alkei the tea lost take t> the
wool*. We do not try to shield any thousands of letter* received: “ I have
Court, and no such evidence lias at
; Tin iv are t w enly solinola In thè torri-'
mail, hut rumor is poor testimony. If tried Chamlvriain’ s Cough Remedy
time Is-cn forthcoming.
We thin
lll.XMl IT 111 I T i l .
J O S E P H W IR iS O Isr.
Inri . witli ttreniv-three teaeiiei* nml
Pr. Kershaw i* guilty of tlit.* charges prt-
Tlie many skin diseases sucli | lorvd let him out, but If not, treat him while suffering from a severe throat
however, quite nr likely that tl
t í;; ptipils. Serersl misslon sohools
like a man and gentleman, and »top trouble, ami found^ and
r a t a l opposition to him i< tin*
c x b t and a pillili.' «elioni \va* opeoeii n* ring worm, tetter, rait rheum, erv .ip-
effective relief. I can unhesitatingly
of tho Pacific railroads. Thun
litt irc'o City, lar up on Ihe Yuknu, eia«, ce*. etna, iteliing: «'r an i*r»iiition of
recommend it.” — E o jzj \Y. W iirrm oM i
McKenna's Influence, the Uni
aboutn ye ,ir ago.
Editor Grand Riveri (K v. Herald. For
Government lia* secured from
>m the I
i'ltc got* ■ n io r o f A la s k a in h is Thanks cracking ” ¡s'n of tlie skin, «cru fula, arc ! would not d o: I would not do without
«ale at C. F. Moore and CVs drug store.
ion Pacific the payment
full of
giving pr H'iamatl > i re-nlud« tho in - directly the cause o< impuret hi. •ml. j Chamberlain's Pain Balm in my house,
L o r s c f Wear,
Bi ssi Pariilier ta :u'kn<Vxlthlgod j if it cost $•> per bottle. It does all you
obligation of that corn »-
habitants s that they should
shotilil Is*
lv grateful W ilbur's > lli
O il o f filtv ln e ««
S h ort o f Price.
to the surprise of the p.
because (It
the wonderful p.tasibililies o f to bo the > best mediviinc known for any recommend it to do and m: re.—J. R. I* a p'eam nt, palatable preparation, en-
.Î. t i . W I R K » .
not unreasonable to till:
Walla ville. G o. Ch tmiior- ttreiy ftee fr-tn all oily taste, and may
i’rico Wu.t.w
that grc tl region have li.s'tt discovered of these 1 nnsightiy complaint'* .
.t n w i t r v
For sate by ail l>rug- l.tin*» Pain Bairn is tiie best household be administered internally or applied
the disappointment of t
nt last Time must reveal the extent $1.00 per Kittle
rials. It may reason»
liniment in tho world, and invaluable externally. It will remove all ]«tiu
o fI h e di •(»»-its o f gold, hut then* are gists.
A SrK tV T IU 'ST W O K T ttY ANI» ACTIVE Sollet*» the »»tro n a r» o f h i» «M M i n »
that tin* c o r o ir.ite irti
o t r re * m um s o f promis • l'lie fo|V*ts
Tlie s in g e eyeglass is worn by tlie
th*t “ human tles'.i I* heir to.” if prop-
B tlfflliD or ‘.««lies to travel f«>r r**f*3rv
FricuS* who Schl watch repairing done.
Ihle. entabitshe«! li.»n»o In oreecn. Monthly
•’Xertfil t » | fv\* n? t'i«*
th a t llnr ■ 'lie eon»! h .V o f great value, da "e. The theory is that he can see bruises. Be ready for emergencies by erly appi iv>1. and niivht I f riglitly
0 O « ai A expeu»e? Pmlttofe bte»«Iy. Refer­
mi preme court of on«» t
and ilio flaheries wi I in t forever if pru- more with otic eye than Ite can cotn- buying a bottle at C. F. Moore A Co'». termed ‘a panacea ter all ills.”
Price Kudo»« «elf id d m w l nuaiw'4 envel- - 7 0 M o r r is o n S t.
re Th;«
'3 C c is p a a f T c f t Y C h‘ c f v
1r o t * 'o r * .
that he .‘.v-ci
- ■ f
d otti !y r. fguiated. O th *ranlnrra’ * 'bnn rr.’ ben 1.
aie by oil TV.tft:
P O R T L A N D , OM.
-o :•
By buying Drugs and Family Medicines,
Perfumery and Notions, Paints, Oil, W all
Paper, School Books and Stationery, of
Agents for the Wiley B. Allen Musie 'Co.
Best makes Pianos and Organs.
fl£5s^»Can make money for you.
W . P. H E A C O C K ,,LroT LUMBEE