NEW BERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC HI H M ' K I P i i O Ì K 4 I I S • a * T a u .................................... At* Months .......................................... Tkrss Month*. .......................... iM c r IM I* * P r i e » P n y a b l« * K H la vari «iiu :u iiM i> w ■ • • < ! ■ « N s t l f r a w i l l be la s e r ted th d r a te s f T e a e e a t s p er l i l a « . VOL. AddrtM«. UHit iuc, Newbcrg, ürtgoa. X. NEWS OF THE WEEK rVUESDV CHUR II.-S E K V K ’ES EVERY . Sunday at 11 a, m. and 8 p. ra. and Thurs- ny at 2 p. m. Sabbath school every Sunday At V;4*"> a. m. Monthly meeting at 8 p. m. the first Tuesday in each month. Quarterly meeting the second Saturday and Sunday in’February, May, August and November. Woman's For­ eign Missionary Society meets third Saturday in each month at 3 p. m. F ro m 1> APTIST CHURCH.—SERVICES, SUNDAY 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m. Sunday tehool . u :- days at 10 a. ra. 1 raver meeting Wednesday evening at 7.30 o’clock. B R IE F AND IN TE R E S TIN G ITEMS i all Parts o f the N e w and Old W o r ld . CHURCH.—SERVICES E v ­ ery two weeks as follows: February 7th P RESBYTERIAN and 2itt, March 7th and 21st, and April 4th and l?th. ’ C w jip r c h o n s lT c R e v i e w J. E. DAY, Pastor. JR EE METHODIST.—PRAYER MEETING 1 every Thursday at 7:30 p. ra. Sabbath I school every Sunday at 10 a. m. *»f th e I m p o r t ­ a n t 1-n ppcr.tnga o f th o C u r­ ren t tV o rk . A terrible railroad accident has oc­ While a passenger E. < HI . ir. 31 R\ ICES ECOND, THIRD curred in Warsaw. • and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 train was stationary at the terminus, a. in. and 7:3u p. m. Suiicay school every Sun­ a heavy fieight train ran into it, owing day lo a. m. At M. K. church, Fafayette, first to the error of a pointsman. Eleven uud.fifth Sunday of each month. UilO. II. DENNETT. Tas'.or. persons were killed and 22 jtlic’ » were Cl ALVA HON ARMY—MEETINGS IN THE seriously injured. IO Free Methodist church every Tuesday night. The receipts of the customs so far tliis fiscal year undoubtedly w ill fall SOCIETY NOTICES. | considerably short of estimates made i l v the managers of the new tariff bill • f i r OF THE WORLD.—NEW HERO CAMP, NO. ! during its tendency in congress. At f V . 113, meets every Monday evening. that time it was estimated that the -|¥7 C. T. U.—RUBIN ESS MEETING THE SEC - customs would yield about $180,000,- } \ . ond and fourth Wednesday iu each 000 during the first year. The indica­ month. tions are now said to he that tlie re­ O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY ceipts from this source will not aggre­ , evenings in Bank of New berg building. gate more than $103.000 0J0. AND L. OF S.—NEWBERG COUNCIL, NO, A plate of armor, representing a lot , 168, meets every Friday evening in Ma­ sonic hall. of 500 tm s (or the turrets of the battle­ F. AND a . M.—MEETS EVERY 8ATUR- ships Kearsatgi* and Kentucky, wag , day night in C. V. Bank building. ; tested at the Indian Hen 1 proving For testing ] ar o. r. w. -MEETS EVERY TUE8DAY grounds Tuesday. , evening at 7:30 p. ra. in I. O. O. F. Hall. ; poses, two eight-inch shells, one a Car­ penter projectile and the other a Wheeler sterling, were (ired at the E A S T A . n ID S O U T H plate, one at a high and the other at a ! low velocity. Neither penetrated nor cracked tho plate, hat both partially welded themselves into it. Word comes of a wreck on the Santa Fee near Williams, A n z., in which three men lost their lives and mu h valuable property was dest o ed. j After the first section of freight train No. 83 had pulled out of Williams the i air that controls the brakes gave out and the train dashed down th • stiep grade with rapidiy increasing velocity. The hand brakes wete unavailing to cheek the speed, and when a point Trains leave and c 'e due to arrive at Portland: about 10 miles west was tcauhed the train left the track. Two engines were LEAVE. ARRIVE. coupled to tlie train, which was a very heavy one. Engineers Newton and COverland Express.— ’ 1 Salem, Albany, Eug- Watsons and Fireman Berry w oo pin­ 1 l ene, Roseb’g, (»rants ned under their respective en gin es and I I'aFS, Medford, Ash- «Sacramento, * 9:30 a. m. lost their lives, it is said, by being •6:0« p. ni. < land, 1 Ogden, San Francis- burned to death. f co, Mojave, Los An- j geles, El Paso, New The celebration in honor of Oregon'* [Orleans, and East... . *8:30 a. m KoNeburg »fc way stations * 4:30 p. m. martyred missionary, D -. Marcus \\ hi.- f \ ia Woodburn, fori man, was begun in Walla YValla,Wa h., Mt. Angel,Silverton, j Daily Daily l \\ est Scio, Drowns-^ : except except Monday. Large crowds wore in attend­ ville, Natron and 1 Sunday. kunday. ance. The opening address was undo [Springfield.............. J f?:30 a. ui forvailis tfc way stations f 5:50 p. m. by Rev. L. H. Hallock. A monument 1 is to be erected over tho grave of Dr. Ex j ress train daily (except Sunday.) Whitman. 4:5i p. m. L v ...... Portland...... 1 rl 8:25 a. m. Senator Lodge, of the committee on 7: 0 ( . m. A r .....M:*A. i lviil • ... L\. 5:50 a. rr. 8: 0 . . n .¡Ar... Independence.... L\.| 4:50 a. m. foreign relations, was at the state de­ All above train? arrive and depart from Grand partment early in the week. He would Central staio.i, Firth and Irving streets. eav nothing about the Cuban situation except that tho committee I a I accom­ plished a great deal. Tuc first busincEt D ining Care on Ogden (toute. would be to confirm the annexation of Hawaii, which woal i be dona by rati- Direct conreclion at San Francisco with Oc* fyin> tlie treaty, or by legislation. cid- r ii.ltn d Oriental and Pacific M ill ste.un- Asphyxiation caused the death of sh. fer J; pan and China. Sailing dates three men in the Grand Trunk railway o i a* plication. Raies nul tickets to Eastern points and Eu- tunnel at Port Huron, M idi. Tho r >pc. Al.'O Jap m, Chinn, Honolulu and Au­ train which was being hauled through stralia, cun be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent, to the Canadian side, broke in t wo. 134 Third street, Portland, Or. The engine lacked down to get the de­ tached port on of tho train, but for V A M H II.I, D IV IS IO N . hours nothing was heard ol the crew. Finally a searching party found tha raîsenger depot foot of Jefferson street. dead bodies, and also rescued two brake- men, in an unconscious condition. Three members of the searching party Airlie mail (tri-weekly). Ar 3:05 p. m. were also overcome, but were rescued 9:40 a. m. Lv....... Portland Lv 12:15 p. m. 12 : 5 o p. m. . v........ Newberg The tunnel gas l.v 7:3u a. m. by another party. 5:10 p. m.|Ar....... Airlie ... arises from the hard coal used by th* Sheridan passenger (daily except Sunday) '4:30 1*. ill.II V ..... FortUnd ... Ar; 9:30 a. m. locomotives. 6:05 p. m.i l . v ..... > ewberg. ... Lv, « :•>•> a. m. Colonel Domville, M. P., who went 7:40 p. iu.jAr Sheridan .... I.vl G:2U a. m. north in the interest of tire Klonkide- ♦Daily. fPcily except Sunday. Yukon Stewart Company, of London, C. B. FRISSELL, Agent, Newberg. says his company will build a wagon R KOEHLER, Manager. road through White pass, placing steel C. II MARKHAM, Gen. F. P. Agent, Portland. Or. bridges over the canyons. Work is to commence immediately, and the roa I is to be ready by February. They will build steamer e to run from Lake Ben­ nett to White Horse rapids, around which they w ill huve a tramway. From the end of this trawraay they v. ill have steamers to run direct to Dawson. These steamers, lie says, w ill be ready TO THE when the river opens. The wagon road through White pass is to be followed immediately by a railway. One of the bills that w ill be pushed QIVE S T H E CHOICE OF in the coming session of congress is T W O T R A N S C O N T I N E N T A L that introduced by Representative Sha- froth, of Colorado, width provides for changing the time when congress shall meet. It is a very sensible hill, and ought to be passed. The first session of congress after an election would be in the January following the election in November. This session could last as long as would be necessary. Th* congress elected in November could legislate before another election was on hand. The second session could meet VIA VIA in December previous to the coming congressional election, and thecongiesa SALT LAKE, SPOKANE, would expire before the «lection took DENVER, place. As the matter now stands tire MINNEAPOLIS, first session of congress is given over to OMAHA ST. PAUL politics by representatives who wish to be re-elected. The short session is AND AND often a discredited and defeated con­ KANSAS CITY. gress and oftentimes enacts very bad CHICAGO. legislation because it w ill not he call»! to account before the people. Pos­ I , O W I « T R A T Ï 4 TO A L L E A S T E R N C ITIE S . sibly. Mr. ghafroth’s bill w ill get a hearing, though such reforms as this Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 6 Days move very slowly. EmperOr William opened the session ----- roM----- of the German reichstag in person for the first time since 1894. The cere­ mony took place In White hall, in th« roval castle. His majesty read th« fitcsmrrs H m th lf from Port And to speech from th« throne. Yokohama »nd Hun* Kong. vim the The steamer Ban Bias has arrived in Northern Pacific Steamship to ., in con­ Kan Frar.eisco from Panama and way nection with the O. H. A !». ports. Bhe bring* the news that th« For (alt information « » I I on O. B A X. *«*nt, Salvador coffee crop for this season OLIVER A COI.CORD, S i* » f* o , O b ., w ill be one-third larger than ever be­ fore, and w ill do mnch toward making or address op the loss occasioned by the rsvolo W. H. HUNLBURT. M I K A A O.R.&N ROUTES OREGON GREAT NORTHEGH II. SHORT LINE. SAN FRANCISCO. dtu. r*M. A ft O. R A X Co., Port!»»4. Or > 0 »f,0 * )n mn ............................Twenty Dollar* Half Comían........................... Ten Dollar* Profession*! (arda . . . . . . . . . . . . . On« Dollar In Ad va s««. CHURCH NOTICES. n m M ’ K IN L E Y TO CONGRESS. S u m m a ry o f the I* p o s i t i o n t ’ .4 A n n u a l i M e ««a g e S u b m itted M on d ay. BRINK OF à CIVIL WAR D.T. Danger of W YM A N ’ S tit« RC PO RT. I in p o r t a l i o n C h olera . of A sia tic President M cK inley’ s message, which j Washington, Dec. 7.— Surgeon-Gen­ was presented to congress Monday, a fte r 1 A u stria and H u n g ary A p p a r ­ eral Wyuian, of the marine hospital extending greeting to the o5th congress, j service, has submitted his annual re and speaking o f the conditions which have ! ently Drifting Apart. contributed to our prosperity as a nation, | port to Secretary Gage. It shows that deals with important nat.onal questions to | • during the fiscal year ended June 8(J, be considered by the p ris.n t session. A 1 1897, the total number of patient* summary c f the topics discussed in the . CZECHS PKOrOSi: TRIPLE e m p ir e treated at hospitals and tbs dispeusnrii s message, and the president’s recommen- > connectetd with tbe service was 64,4; 7. clarions concerning them, follows: Although the total number of patients The currency—The president points out j F a c t i o n « D r a w i n g U p f o r a G r e a t S t r u g ­ treated was 678 in excess of those treat- that the evil o i our currency system is tae 1 g l e — Can t h e K m p o r e r t i r i n g , ed during the previous fiscal year, the great cost to the government o f keeping | all o f the forms o f our mon y at a parley; j expenditures were $538,636, which is O r d e r O a t wf C h a o «? that we have SUOO.UUO.UOO of currency that J $31,000 less than the previous year. the government is pledged to redeem in j London, Dec. 7.— International ques­ The number of immigrants inspected gold, but its receipts arc* not required to tions have be*u temporarily over­ by officers of the service at the variou. be paid in gold, and hence the only means shadowed by tli« gravity ol tha situa­ ports aggregated 333,337. lhe »urgeuu- at command o f the government for ob- taining gold i» by borrowing it, w hich j tion iu Austria, » hers things are as general says: accounts, lo r the increase o f the bonded, uloouiv as iiuatr V In addition to “ The necessity of legislation to secure debt during Cleveland's admiBisUatioi oC j the minimenai or - >. vil war, t.;e next proper shelter for deck crews on West­ 4202,315,400 cO secure money to ktep the j few hours may possibly witness a revo­ ern waters, to which my attention waa gold reserve at 4100,000,000. Should the present policy of raising gold by bond is- I lution iu thu relations between Austria called in the last report, was met by tho sues be continued, it is recommended that ! and Hungary, which might mean tho act of congress requiring every steam the secretary of the treasury be given au- ' reconstruction oi tba utap of Europe, thority to sell bonds bearing a lower rale | it is hardly an exaggeration to say that boat upon the Mississippi river and its tributaries to furnish a place for thu o f interest, and for long or short periods. H ; recommends that when a United States j the factions ate drawing up like con­ crew with protection from the weather. The Germans have This subject is one that has long en­ note is presented at the treasury and re­ tending armies. deemed in gold, it shall noi again be put appealed to their compatriots on both in circulation except for go»d. In his sides of tlie frontier, and have appar­ gaged ths attention of the marlue hos­ pital surgeons, who have made frequsut opinion, it is o f great importance that the government should not be r qu.rtd to pro­ ently prepared to run all ri*ks to keep reports thereon, and this action of con- Tlie giess will be productive of natch relief, vide the gold needed for exchange or e x ­ tlie hated Czechs in subjection. port. It is pointed out that the existing Czechs make no secret of the fact that although the act does not take effect system is fraught with great danger. Lie their final aim is to abulisb the dual until June 30, 1898. To meet th* indorses the plan rectn .ly outlined by Secretary Gage for reform ing the curren­ empire, and to make it a triple empire giowing demands for the service, new cy, and further asks that notes of national by placing Bohemia on au equal footing regulations have been prepared, and banks be restricted to issues o f $10 and wnli Austria ami Hungary. To grant upward, and that national banks with a these demands would set Hungary on will shortly bo issued.’ ’ Tho surgeon-general invites attention minimum cap.tal of $25,000 be allowed to be organized, and all national banks be fire and destroy the foundation of the to the excellent work by officers of the It looks as corps during the recent visitation of yel­ allowed to issue notes equal to the face j present imperial system. value o f their bonds deposited to secure | though the employment of foroe is the low fever in the South. Officers wore such circulation. only solution el the question, but Cuba—The question o f the Cuban war assigned to infected districts, and, al­ and our relations with Spain and the in- against which faction will it be used? though a number of them were not im­ Tlie question of the provisional ans- su igen 's occupies the greatest space of ! mune to yellow fever, nevertheless they any question considered. Til© president glich bill (or agreement to prolong for rcs|ionded with alacrity and performed shows that in the revo ution b.ginning in j u year, instead of 10 years, the compact their duties with judgment snd effi­ 1S68 the United States, through President; Grant, endeavored to put an end to b.ood- I hot reen Austria and Hungary, pending ciency. Three officers contracted yellow shed in Cuba, but its efforts were un­ h i rangetuents for s longer compact), is, fever and one lost his life by afli^dent successful. A t that time the question of if |Hj=s hie, more grave than the threat­ in the line of dutv. granting belligerent rights to the insur­ ened civil war. The Hungarian diet gents was considered, as now, but was not > has given Baron von Guutsche von fa v red by Grant, and M cK in ley takes a T R O L L E Y CARS C O L L ID E D . decided stand against it now, believing, the Austrian premier, that it 13 unwise, but says he will take the , till Yo.ldiiv next ill which to state Thru* Persmi* K lll* «l nml » Soars la . step whenever right and duty demand it. whetlmi heiuu reasonably expect tlie It is due to Spain, in v.ew o f our frien dly j Juiait Near Ustrult. relations, that she begin in time to prove aiu.'lich bill to pass, and, falling s de­ Detroit, Doc. 7.— Two suburban ears, that she can and wi.l achieve the pucirtja- j cisive answer, Baron Banffy, tlie Hun­ lion of the island and Introduce reform s garian premier, will introduce Monday carrying some 20 passengers, and both to which the present Spanish m inistry is a I,ill whereby Hungary will act inde­ running ut a speed of 25 mile* sn hour, committed. Haw*.:;—Reference Is made to the treaty pendently as regards the duties to be colli'krd on the Detroit A Oakland Hoc- with the Hawaiian islands, laid before con­ levied, cautiuuuuce of commercial rela­ trie radioed, at 1 o’clock ihisafternoon. gress last June, which has been ratified tions with Anotria amt the charter of Three men were instantly killed and a by the Hawaiian r pub ic, and now awaits the Austro-Hungarian bank. This scored persons injured, several ef them action by the United Stales s natc. Its Tne dead arc: adoption would compL t ; annexation of compact between ttio two p rtions of seriously. John Savage, superintendent of ths the islands to ill's country, and the m es­ tho dual state may re maintained tem­ sage says that ‘ every consideration o f 1 porarily. Hungary w 11 ostabii-h her road: diarios M. Whitehead, motor- dignity and honor requires It." man: John Kelly, of Detroit, look Nicaragua canal—in regard to this mat- j claim to ti.o right oi inuopendently agent. A dozen others vero moro or ter. of such Importance to our country, disposing of these question. he states that tho commission appointed I It is easy to ice tha* vi ..irv will only lees seriously injured. last July to continue the surveys anu < j whet the Hungarian appetites and that The exact canso of tho accident is not am Inal lens ir.‘ o tho proper route, f***U | i* .till h.i a short erep to the iii*er*lurion yet known. According to the schedule, b aity and cort o 'tlv an il Is now at work; a car leaves Detroit amt Pontiac every that ht w ill irmismit to conjress tne le -I, which, in turn, will hurl port o f the comm lotion when it is pi e- ; Eurcp'j into a furnace of terrible poesi- hour, and there are thruo sidings along the road. Today the cars wtre behind pared, together with l**s own recommen-| bilities. dations as to actio ^ i A ,; rant\j the ealy hope of escape time. Tho ono bound southward fur Bime*.aHic commisstor On April 14. 1897, I Detroit had pa«acJ an outbound car ut the monetary commission to promote an is th 't t a ptnsonal aiondanoy of tho agreement fo r international bimeiaiism oh. emperor will on c bfain enable him a switch two miles from Pontiao, th« was appoir.wcd. consisting o f E. O. \\ ul- . to eo.v* an apparently impossible situ­ dew apparently being ignorant of tbs cott, A. E. Stevenson anil C. J. Payne. ation. Falling in this, the reiebsrath fact that ntuilhor outbound car was ap­ The president says that, while they have proaching them le.-g than two mile* r.ot been able to accomplish their mission, w ill be dissolved and a rtiign of abso­ he hopes their work may ultim ately bring lutism Will bsgin is Austria, and, tech­ away. The weather was foggy and the The collision about an international agreement secur­ nically. Hungary w ill bare resumed rails slippery from slest. ing recognition to both gold and silver her iuilepoadence, the first step toward occurred near a gravel pit half way bo- as money, on a basis which w ill bring a federation, as distinguishsd from a tween Pontiac and Iiinningnay, at Uni injury to nobody. . foot of two steep grades, down which K clprucity—He bel»eve* that some dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy. tlie ears ran at full speed, Tho care grievances In trade relations may be re- \ moved or alleviated by reciprocity, and ! m u t in g In B o h s iu la . 1 were driven half through each other, that the volume of our business may be ; Prague, Deo. 7.— At Taber last night and were crushed to pieces. enlarged. Had it not been for the stout con­ Merchant marine—The president con- j Czechs attacked the housns of Hebrews tends that our merchant marine should be j and broko tho windows of a synagogue. struction of the cars, both of which enlarged ar.d improved so we would rc- i Several rioteis were arrested. The were new, it is doubtful whether auy of ceive our full share ol the commerce of locai force of gendarmes were called the occupants would have escaped alive. the sea. and says that the government should by every proper means foster and ,* upon to assist in restoiiug order. A As it was, nearly all of tlie 14 pasktn- mob of over 1,000 persons at Brannau gers in the eouthlNiuud cur riiffnrrd encourage cariicrs under our flag. Seals—A t the international conference list evening attacked the houses of some injury. Some of th« injured were at W ashington in October und November taken to farmer*' lion«-’*, other* v. e e on the sealing question, tho president Czechs, and in spit# of the efforts of says, an agreement was reached on im­ the gendarmes smashed the windows brought to city hospitals. portant points which makes It probable ami did other damage, (juiet was not T h « M atter A rrmig« oral Fennell, battery B, Fourth artil­ at Evanston tonight. Toe Quarantine—The president concurs with lery, at Ko t Riley, died la»t night. men got ashore without trouble. the secretary of the treasury in recom­ Fennell was one of the two viu.iuia Morley was boind from Milwaukee to mending amendments to our quirantine whom Private Lea h, of the same Lut- Chicago without cargo, and when off laws, with the purpose of preventirg the In­ troduction o f contagious dl-e-ases within our torr, some days ago, endeavored to kill Evanston a lamp exploded In tlie engine- with a bail hat, attacking them while room. Before tli« pumps coaid be borders. Other questions considered are the salcu they slept. Fennell’ « skull was broken. started the fire was beyon 1 control, and of bond aided nilroadn, co.igrr- L- IM vate Riley bad nis jaw fractured, tho iiont nas beached, tl e crew winding brary. ar.d the civil » l h ico. Me c o r *11 rj The tragedy is tho ashore. Tho Morley was a woolen there is room for imp ovement in the Utter. but will recover. steamer, and was valued at $35,C00 In conclusion, F r e s lk r t M cKinley states oi.c nme of a drunken quarrel. - - — --------- --------- that, though he has om ltt^: many .rupori- ant reference* to ma’ tcrs with wh^h con­ Ar lraoie, I T ., Dec. 7. — At the olnen D a rk !* a lo u « « C rim e. gress will deal at this sesaion, he refers Paloiiw, Wash., Dec. 7.— An un­ of the perform t-iceof “ Bam'lof Posen" members to drpertm r .;al r<^>orte, in wiuen they are glv*n ex*‘-nded attention. known man wa« found dea I yesterday by the Curtis company tonight, Kellie j San Fra iciaco, Dec. 7.— The United .State* stoamci Alert is being prepare I for a trip to the term inn« of the N ic­ aragua csBtl, where *l»e will he at the disposal of the United States cointnis- sim now .nve*tigating the proposed route of the canal, to report on it* fea­ sibility and probable co*t of conitruo- tion. The Alert will fail a« soon as she ;• fitted for tea. on the track of tlie Northern Pacific, one mile south. Tue body was mangled beyond te>ngnit:nf . T ic man was 5 leet 8 inc’ .», drescsed in a bl je checked suit, sa. k r ut and brown overcoat. Tne coroner's jury returned a verdict that the man came to hi* death by hav­ ing his throat cut, hut whether by his own hand or the hand ef ano'her they could not ray. H. Fillmore, the cashier, «lisapp' ared with the evening’s reccijis Later she was arretted and released on bond. Miss Killnioie claims that Curtí» owed her, and th at she took this means of paying herself. ______ The convicts with s good record in tlie Kansas state penitentiary now wear suits of cadet gray instead of stri;>c«I Suits. GENERAL PANDO SHOT OREGON STATE B rief K jr iv w o f th* W eek t h e State. NEWS. Th roughout Salem has at last a chamber of com­ Spaniards Discredit It in the merce organized and in working order. Absense of Proofs. Tlie government improvement work at Bandon has stopped, the appropria­ tion having been fully expended. An old-fashioned freight train ar­ SPANISH DEFEAT AT MATANZAS rived in Lakeview from the south last week. It consisted of 10 wagons and 32 horscB. Ssuta Clara tli* R ep ort*«! Scene o f l*an- The entrance to Coos bay harbor ia tlo'e I.utt T i g h t — S m a l l p o x marked by a new whistling b u o y - lu Sea Uoiulngo. placed there by the lighthouse tender New Ymk, Duo. 6.— A Herald dis­ Manzanita last week. patch horn Havana says: A leport During the recent heavy storms the that General Pan do, who was placed in oyster beds at Willapa harbor were chargo of military operations in Cuba buried iu drifting sands until atTeaqi by Gcuuiiil Biauuo, has Wuii killuit in lotit tlie *r*j> wtkt He tout. - ’ m. oi .gkr'vuk with insurgents in 'ihe Baker-Canyon Telephone Com­ Santa Clara province, lias just readied pany now has the long-distance line Havana. This 1ms caused the utmost between Baker City and the Grunt excitement in palace and social circles, county town in working order. and every effort is being mado to gut Lyons’ broomhandle factory, in news from General Pundu's force to Coos couuty, shipped 40,000 of its best verify the startling news. product to ban Francisco last week. A No details of tho kilim,’ of thu com uiauder have boon received, but the portion of th* consignment will bw forwarded to Australia. statement is that be was shot iu a bat- ’ Captain Berry, the aged lighthouse lie with insurgents while on thu march from Bago» la Grande to tlie southern keeper at Fort Angeles, died in the coast of Santa Clara, where he was to Sisters' hospital at Port Townsend Buuday. He hns been keeper of the take a ship for Manmuillo. Officers at the palace declare that th« light at Angeles for the past 20 years. story must lie thoroughly confirmed be­ The furmers who supply tho Coquille fore they will believe it. creamery received 26 cents u pound General Pnndo’s plan was to march for butter fat, delivered during Octo­ right through the heart of the territory ber. Two thousand dollars was dis­ where General Gomes’ foroes are said tributed among those who supplied the to have control. Simultaneously with creamery. the report of Panda's death comes news - A Polk county farmer has been ex­ of a battle near Matanzas in which the perimenting with tobacco culture, and Spanish forces were driven from tlie j has been so successful that cigars made field. This engagement was bitterly with tobacco grown by him are said to fought, ami it is asserted that tlie be us good us thu average cigar smoked losses of tlie Spaniards was very heavy. iu Oregon. Tlie same re|iort says the Cubans It is said that the next grand jury in will not allow any enne grinding, and flurry county will not meet until Sep­ also that the Spanish towns do not fa­ tember next. If this is the case, it is vor grinding, because they bold the apt to be a long time before thu Van zones of cultivation and grow tobacco Pelts will have to answer the charge of with cheap labor, which they would killing A. Coolidgo. lose if tha reooncentrados return to A drove of about 125 nice trim young wurk on the estates. A letter received by a local paper mules, which had been in Luke from a correspondent in the East gives county, were secured at the low average nows of big lighting last week near price of $15 per head. They w ill lie Bayame between the rebel Chief Rabi takou to Huntington anil then shipped and General Linares. General Rabi t« the Eastern market. Joe Siver, who is making a tour of had only 500 men when General Lin­ ares had two columns. No details of tho United States from New York and tho tight are at hand, bnt the Spanish return on a bicycle, was fined $10 in loss is said to have been heavy, one col­ Harrisburg lor riding on the sidewalk. He was allowed to go on condition of umn being nearly destroyed. A force of 1 000 Spaniards, with ar- his leaving the city at once. tillery, have forced the rebels into tho Tho checks for the second dividend hills of Pinnr del Rio. They must re- declared hy the controller of the cur- m «in th e re nr rn m n n n l n n «t f l a ’- l . a thing the Spanish commanders think they are not likely to do. Small bands are si ill moving about with great cau­ tion. Reports of tho condition ami move­ ments ul rebels in the east are most conflicting. It is slid that Gomez is oeiuiug west with 40 000 men, but it is also said that Guinea is still at the camp where he has been for tbe last 10 mon tin, and is being attended by Dr. Csudua, staff surgeon. S u i n l l p o x lu Sun D o m i n g » . Havana, Doc. 6 . — The deplorable condition of tbs country grows more snd uiuro uppurunt. Kefugous und re concsutrudos ar* growing more and mm« miserable. According to reports from Bun Domingo smallpox is making terrible ravages among tlie concuntrados. Since April lust more lhau 4.000 have died iu the city ulune, to say nothing of the suburban towns, which are liku- » ise affected. Tli* local authoritiea take no steps whatever to check the mortality. Tho streets of the city are thionged with famine stricken wretches, who succumb to disease under perhaps some lonely porch, arid sometimes fall dead iu the gutter, where they remain. v a u n jr ir» fatr.vw cx£ t l i a u*«u iitzu iu u l T la u Dalles National bank have been re­ ceived by Receiver Wilson, and are ready for delivery to the owners. The Albany iron works is a very busy place these duys. The company shipped out 10 tons of machinery last Friday, including u quartz m ill manu­ factured for Southern Oregon mines, and machinery for the state pumping station at Salem. One hundred and forty-four bales of hops, aggregating over 27,000 pounds, belonging to live growers in the vicinity of Laurel, were sold Monday for 13 cents per pound. Tuesduy 48 bales, aggregating over 8,500 pounds, were sold to J. M. Russell & Co., for 11 cents per pound. The grain acreage in Jackson county for the coming venr w ill iu all likeli­ hood suprusu in extent any year in the history of Koguo river valley, and if conditions prove favorable, the greatest number of buthcls of grain in the hia- torr of the county will be harvested in 1898. This, says the Tilings, ia th« opinion of well-informed persona. During thu last few months a Crook o>juuty firm has purchased 16,000 head of sheep, aud are now handling aliout 22,000 iiead. They are all in their winter range, and each flock is within D U E T O T H E K L O N D I K E R U S H . oouvenieut distance of big stacks of hay, more than sufficient to carry them n ig W *r r » s » , n t » r K a U * t o A r- through the hardest winter. Th« r l«« B oom . sheep are all reported to be in fine con­ Milwaukee, Dec. 2.— The war in pas­ dition and thriving. senger rates between Chicago, Milwau­ Mr. and Mra. E. T. Albert celebrated kee and Bt. Paul is likely to coutinue, their 60th wedding anniversary in and railroad men look for the liveliest Haleru Monday. They were married kind of cutting In rates further west, at Wheeling, W. Va., in 1837. Mr. owing to th« big rush to the Klondike. Albert ia 82 years old, anil Mrs. Albert A well-known railroad man said today 81. A reception was hehl at their that since th« rate Jropped to $7, reduc­ hum« and a large number of fr.enda tions in fares will likely reenlt as far paid respects to the venerable couple. west as Pertlaqd. The nominal rate is Tba guests included seven children, be­ : $49. 70 sei ond-class on the Bt. Paul road, sides grandchildren and great grand­ and $59.70 firat-class. With $7 from children. Cliicngo to Bt. Paul as a basis, the fare The controversy between two quarrel­ will probably be changed to $47 second- class and $57 first-class. He added that some members of the Vernonia church this was merely a preliminary for the was submitted to a jury, or committee, establishment of an entirely new schoil- of church memtiers. One of the mem­ ule of rates to the West January 1, bers was expelled. The other was cen­ which will be mnch lower. A ll the sured and reduced from full member­ roads are preparing to mnke special ship to six months probation. It was rates to the points nearest the Klomlike ruled by the committee that no one in region, anil each road is after t il there the Nehalem valley is entitled to oliurch membership unless he is imbued is in It. __________ with love and righteousness. O u tla w « \Ytr$ rruRtrafed. The Eastern Oregon Sheep Associa­ fit. Louis, Mo., Dec. 6.— A special to the Post-Dispatch from Ban Antonio, tion of Baker City offers a reward of Tex., says: “ Advices were received $1,000 for information that will lead here this morning of an attempt to hold to the arrest and conviction of any per­ up and rob a passenger train on the son or persona found guilty of wilfully Mexican National railroa«! near Mon- injuring the sheep or property of any toiey, Mexico, by nine marked anil member of the association. And a fur­ well-armed Mexicans. The passengers ther reward of $350 for information made resistance, and the outlaws were that will lead to the arrest and convic­ uiisiicci Mlul. They are lieing pursued tion of any person or persona gnlity of by soldiers, and if oaptuied will bo robbing sheep camps the property of the members of tbe association. • h o L ___________________ K i l l * « B a r H a iti* ». Philadelphia, De\ 6.— Anna N ig ­ gle, the young wifti of fi. Niggle, a pic­ ture frame dealer, living at 738 Jackson street, tonight killed her two babies, one aged 3 years, and one aged 6 months, by (mothering them with Illu­ minating gss. The woman attempted to comm it t suicide in the same man- 1 ner, and the returning husband found Ids children den I and hie wife in an > unconscious condition, fihe may re­ cover. Messrs. Rice, Flint A Co. hav« ■truck a vein in their Black Repub­ lican tunnel, in Michael creek mining district in Boat hern Oregon, showing very promising ore oontaining gold and copper. No assays from this lowest level has been made. The third tun­ nel is in fflO feet, and will be pushed some 60 feet further to crosscut this and another parallel vein further in. Promiaing ledges are being uncovered in the «liwtrsct. A number of placers are running ligh t