Tlte following under the head of “ Klondike Outdone'’ taken from Wednesday’« Oregonian i-j well worth iBhl'KU KYKRY f H I D A V MOKM.NO. reading: The reader who has a font'ness for fig­ ures, especially when they speak so elo­ il. W ooowaui ), E ditor A. P m u sh a i. quently of the prosperity of the state, will find something very lulerostitig in the grain shipping table herewith pub­ 1897. F R ID A Y , DECEMDEI lished. These figure« tell the story of a golden stream that has been flowing * l u t e r e i us second eins» mutter ut the i>estutlice through Tort land during the last IK) days, ut N ewberg, Oregon. with a volume that makes the much- vaunted Klondike appear insignificant in comparison. The ligures are from Uncle Sam says sjiell it just plain official sources and can he vet ¡lied at the custom house, and in detail they show SLugway. That’« better. that the wheat crop marketed in i’ort In the statu of Georgia where tito land during the past DO days lias added lynching of a negro is winked at, the j t0. tl‘ e wealth of the Northwest at the 1 rate of nearly $44 per minute, over $2,- people aro crying out against foot ball,! tiOO per hour, or nearly $63,000 per day, claiming that it is a game. G rea t' every day (including Bundaysj since September 1. While both (September consistency. j and October weru record-breakers in the amount of business done, Novemlier ran It is stated on good authority ” j far ahead of them, and in tiro puEt 30 ■ there are no snakes in Hawaii. This lays 23 cargoes have cleared from tlte trongly indicates that they use a mi-1 d i i - 1 Portland custom-house, carrying to fercht brand of whiskey over there from European ports over 1,400,000 bushels of that in common use on this side of the ' wheat bringing tho total shipment for tlie first three months of tho season up pond. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to 5,400,233 bushels of wheat, and with The Grass Valley Journal wants tlte I lie cargoes of tho Oriental steamers making a total of 249,710 barrels of flour. republicans to nominate T. T. Geer for The total value of the wheat and Hour governor. Mr. Geer would make a shipments for tho three months was strong candidate and an excellent gov­ 15,047,833. ernor. The party can't do Letter than An exchange says: Matrimony ap­ to nominate him. pears to bo going out of fashion in staid Mrs. Theresa Cardona who weigh­ old Massachusetts. 'That state is said to ed over 000 pound« died last »Sat­ have more bachelor girls, to use the urday in San Francisco. The stairway modern term, in proportion to popula­ had to be taken down before the body tion than any other state in tho Union, could be lowered to the room below and and now that state appears to be long on the remains were hauled to the cemetery bachelor men, for in the election held last week, of three candidates for gov­ in a heavy express wagon. ernor two were bachelors and of the four candidates for mayor of Bolton, One thing tho people Of Oregon have three ot them were bachelors, the only reason to be especially thankful for is married man being John L. Kullivan, the little prospect there is of Governor the pugilist. Sullivan’s wedded life has Lord calling an extra session of the legis­ been such that it is a stretch of imagina­ lature this winter. The interests of Ore­ tion to call him a married man for he gon are belter served with the members ban lived with his wife very little. As of that mob roasting their shins around in both state and city election tho bach ' their firesides at home. elor candidates were successful it indi­ cates that living a life of singlo blessed­ It is announced that Louisiana is go­ ness is not the handicap to a Massachu­ ing to have an educational qualification setts candidate that it is in the West for the suffrage. Whether they get a where the vote seeker to be successful text book that will be any more satis­ must be well up in kissing babies and factory to the average Southerner than complimenting the women on tho ex­ the old fashioned shotgun in common cellence of culinary skill. use on election day throughout that re­ gion is a question. The December number of tho Delin­ NEWBERG GRAPHIC. % C o u n t r y M e * t in ' H o u s e . I n complimenting Toronto, site s p o k e o f | I wuut to go to media’ once jist like I use'l it as a city where no saloon k e e p e r could I . „ to do , be a member of the city council. I At 3“ « m««i1 TAfJoin¡"''¡aw*"' ire!” * *" eaIlU this is true, she said, in all Ontario. I want to meet the plain old folks 'tt always Even the policemen are largely temper- gathered there. | anee men, and drunkenness and idleness Au’ i the‘ ai1r,he C‘° V e r t h e ,!eI,ls,l8* eetcul,11 are almost unknown * While bitched to tlit shade tree ami fence the lazy horses stood, If ItOB t T I I K COL NT If i ’ U EH S, An’ furav.uv the rttiucrow »eiit Lis warnin' through the wood: I want to hear the ouly choir—the congregation Keporter. siu» The hours as sweet as a Miriau sung, ut niauo - C. E. Branson is making an elaborate j ttie welkin* ring I want to go to Sulem once, ‘au stand around map of tho county, showring donation laud claims, county roads,'and etc. It ttie door, A «b a k in ' baud» with them w hose bau ds 1 may will he a thing of value. not grapple more. T. D. Henderson came to town with I w on der It the Urittiu girl» are still as la ir as then— With e y e s as big as larkspurs was a g ro w in ’ in his head in a sling Wednesday morning having just emerged from the house af­ the glen? I w onder It the roses grow out where my ter an attack of lagrippe. He was m other sleeps. A n ' 11 the cricket through the night his lonely supet intending the marketing of some fine pigs. Tom has a breed that he calls vigil k eep .? A n ’ w ould there rise, 11 1 was near, w ithin my his McKinley pigs, because he says they m e m o ry’a ear. Her voice lu such sweet tones as now I s om e­ pay big returns for ttie protection and food they receive and always create a how never hear? I want to go to rneetiu' o n ce am ong the well- surplus on the profit side of the account know n ways, A n ’ watch the brooklet sm ilin ' back w hen su n ­ book. beams kiss its face; An* hear the w ind where uiggt-rbeads an' iron- w eeds grow tail, A n' cross the fields the orioles in m e lle r’d voices ca ll! A n 't h e n when all U said a n' d one, an’ Death shall w hisper low I d o not uot think I’d mind it m uch, but rather long to go Ef near old Salem 1 cou ld sleep—h a sh ed sigh a n ’ laugh a n ’ prayer T hong), dead, right happy still to know that I was sice pin there! —M em phis C em m erelal A ppeal N o te s F r o m t h e T w e n t y - F o u r t h N a tio n a l W . C. T . (J. C o n v e n t i o n . KBWBHKG CLOTHING HOUSB. -4 * W e are b u s y th is P r ic e s fo r o u r . W h ittlin g H S a le s ifO D SO AT B R O S . Dayton Herald. Dr. E. M. Smith of this place, has been appointed grand deputy organizer of Illinois, by the supreme assembly of United Artisans. I)r. Sniitii soon takes his departure for his field of labor. Tne doctor is a live man and at whatever he undertakes pushes it for all there is in it. May success attend him and the order for which he is to labor. August Detniering has purchased the stock of confectionary goods formerly owned by H. Oliver. 'Dr. B. F. Swick has purchased the lot and building in which the confectionary store b n been kept. Mr. Detniering will remove ttie post office from the Harris drug store to the confectionary store. One side of tlte building being occupied by the post office, and tho other by the store. There was some talk o( Mr. Oliver buying out Wm. Kun’s confectionary store at Mc­ Minnville, but he lias not definitely de­ cided to do so. It is barely possible that he may go to the Klondike region, and go into business. G. B. Abdill has been awarded the contract to make 20,000 tin cans for D. A. Snyder & Co. of Dayton. Mr. Abdil placing the lowest bid against a Port­ land firm. The cans ure to he used for putting updried vegetables and a com­ position of prepared dried vegetables for soup. They will be sealed up air tight, and will mostly he sent to the Klondike region. A portion of them will hold 25 pounds, while others will only hold five. Snyder & Co. have orders for dried vegetables that w ill take them sev­ eral months to fill. nynonsTEY insr y o u r POCKET At 9 o ’clock on the morning of Oct. 29 Buffalo’ s capacious Music Hall was filled with delegates and spectators waitimg for the opening of the twenty-fourth session of the National W .C.T.U . The National officers were in their customary seats. Fraternal delegates from Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Spain, Japan, Syria, the Hawaiian Islands, Egypt and other countries were also seated on the platform. When Miss Willard stepped into view, she was greet­ ed with round alter round of applause, tho convention standing and giving the Chautauqua salute. Miss Willard asked the old crusaders to come to the plat­ form, saying that she wanted the back­ ing of the women who, Biblo in hand, went into the saloons and fought for the cause of temperance. About twenty- five responded. The president’s annual address is spoken of as a statesmanlike message, and the words were, as one white ribboner put it, “ warm with the T elephone-K eglster. breath of G od.” Of course we can give Tlte hunters about town are looking hut a few items from this address. W. A. Speaking of scientific temperance in­ up lakes for duck hunting. struction the president said : The pres­ Howe lias rented the Rowland lake for a eator will be highly appreciated by the ent condition of our scientific temper­ term of years, Messrs Hobbs and Magers S h ip p in g A p p l e s t o G e r m a n y . DEPOT LUMBER YARD An Oregon City man lias a grievance ladies. In this number Dr.Grace Peek- ance maps, shows that the temper­ have rented the Tustin lake anil F E. J. A. W hitm an, the fruit packer and NEWBERG, OREGON. Rogers and Walter Miller will probably ance education of tho whole people which he is airing through the local luim Murray brings her invaluable shipper, lias packers ut work this week through the schools is well nigh universal­ rent the Elmlund lake. DOORS. LATH, GLASS, CEDAR. papers. He objects to the ringing of the “ Health und Beauty” to a fitting close ly mandatory. All that this means to tlte WINDOWS, LIME, 8A8H FIR, The Laughlin hoys who left for the putting up yellow Newton pippin ap­ MO C l DINGS, SAND, WEIGHTS REDWOOD. . by pointing out the intimate relation of church bells on Sunday morning, claim­ future will ho ours if these mandatory Klondike by the first boat are reported ples for the markets o f Germany. Mr. SHINGLES, HA lit, CORD, Y E L L ’ W PINE in "Colonial laws are enforced. If they are, and con­ in camp for the winter just below the W recently built a 30x114 feet fruit house B u ild e rs H a rd w a re . ing tliut it disturbs his rest. The poor tho mind to health. ETC., ETC. soul who don’ t enjoy hearing the sound Sweethearts and Wives” Alice Morse gress will enact a stringent immigration White Horse rapids. Hundreds of oth­ on his farm und filled it with Ben Da­ law prohibiting the influx into our land of church bells on Sunday will never get Earl shows that onr straight-laced an­ of more of the scum of the Old World ers are camped between the pass and vis apples, about 5,000 bushels in all. near enough tohearthe music of heaven. cestors managed to get a deal Of fun out until we have educated those who ure the rapids with the intention of spend­ The capacity of the building if filled to ing the winter in prospecting the coun­ of their wooing and wedding. Mrs. here, in less than twenty years our prob­ try. the roof would be about 15,000 bushels, lem will tie settled, and ours will be a Alee Tweedie’a account of her visit to P. H. Messner was in the city yester­ but as the weight is too great for the William II. Seward once said “ The temperance nation. Tho laws are no the home of Dr. Naseit noar Christiania longer a dream, every state hut three day on business. Mr. Messner has the under apples when more than four feet Pacific Ocean, its island*, its shores and D U S T I N 12 VVIP fiot Impart a moral character to a man, hut if cleanliness i’s possesses peculiar timeliness in view of has them on its statute book, and the contract for carrying tho mail between deep only 5,000 bushels can be safely the vast regions beyond, will bo the chief D U S T I N IS next to godliness D U S T I N E is a m ighty good thing to have the Articexplornr’a tour of America. In I mothers of this country have no more Tillamook and North Yamhill and in stored therein. A ll o f this fruit was theatre of events in tho world's great D U S T I N E about the house nr place o f business, for it can do marvels ia a her philippic against “ Letters of Intro­ vital duty than to constitute themselves three years and a half has not missed of grown on the home place and all will D U S T I N E keeping floors, furniture, and woodwork in a clean, wholesome hereafter.” With the interest centering a vigilance committee to see that these tt ip. There is now about 15 inches duction” Frances Courtenay Baylor laws are enforced. I f t h e W .C . T. U. hiiow on tue summit of the mountains find a market in Germany. Mr. H. D U S T I N E and attractive condition. It is a genuine and durable application in the Hawaiian question and tho Klon­ dike gold fields it begins to look like tlm strikes a sympathetic chord in the in any given locality did nothing what­ and he has discontinued the stage line. Hart w ho is grader o f fruit for Mr. D U S T I N E for floors o f all kinds, natural or painted wood, or linoleum, pre- breasts of many victims of this form of ever except to bo (he power behind the The mail goes and comes by horseback. W hitm an, and, hy the way, a gentle­ time Mr. Seward prophesied of might be D U S T I N E venting all dust from arising while Sweeping. No sprinkling or epistolary Infliction. Young people in throne, whether it be a throno of the The road is now very bnd owing to the man who thoroughly understan s near at hand. school hoard, tho minister’s meeting, snow and fallen timber. the ¡D U S T I N E scrubbing is necessary. It Is oderlees,.cheaper than paint, and doubt about nice points of behavior will the Christian Endeavor, the united tem­ fruit business, is authority for the as­ D U S T I N E non-inflamable. One great advantage it has, worn parts can he turn at once to Mrs. Cadwalder Jones’ perance societies, w hose influence should sertion that uo finer fruit ever grew renewed without the patch showing. It ought to be in every place o f business, H e lp W a n te d f o r K l o n d l k e r s . On hearing front recently returned answer to their inquiries in “ .Social bring it about that the Itooks are in the Mayor Littlefield has received I lie than that being put up from the W h it­ m id e s p e c ia lly o n e v e r y s c h o o l - h o u s e in the land. prospectors from the Klondike country Observances.” Tho new coi ft ares are childrens hands, the existence of our lo­ Send all orders, and enquiries to Dustlne Co., that tho miners remaining at Dawson described in Mrs. Witherspoon’ s Tea- cal society would be abundantly justi- letter given below asking for donations man orchards and that great care is be­ for the Buttering gold prospectors in ing exercised in its preparation for No. 1 1 4 F irst St., P ortland, Ore. City during tl.e winter were likely to table chat, and tho new books are no­ I fled. W o had in the United (states last year market.—Medford M ill sutler greatly from the lack ot supplies, ticed with uccustomed discrimination. I more than ten thousand murders and Alaska. A n y one having an yth ing the Portland Chamber of Commerce more than six thousand suicides. The they wish to donate may leave the Learning makes a man fit com pany papers that I read t orn Maine toCalifor- same with city recorder J. G. Hadley. telegraphed to President McKinley ask­ for him self.—Y oung. WHY TIIK COMMISSION FAILED. | nia, would seem to indicate that mur­ Tlie letter is as follows: ing that the government make arrange­ Ttie governm ent at Washington lias d e r s are the staple product. We have Miss Al',ie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., Tho 1’ortluud Chamber o f Commerce ments to transport food supplies into the testimony ot Judge Noah Davies, of that country immediately. If the gov­ received the flill odlelal reports ot the ; York City, twelve years on th to His Hondr, the Mayor, Newberg, frightfully burned on the face and neck ernment will look after tho matter of replies made to die m onetary commis 1 bench, that ninety per cent of tho crime Oregon. Dear Sir:—As you probably j Pain was instantly relieved hy De W itt's j Any reasoning well know from the press, at least 90 Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the in- transportation Oregon und Washington sion to secure bimetallism w hich wo ] is due to strong drink. Europe, with the correspond- > i,1 u 'vho c“f" ,p,U| - ,llM0 ittct8, the 1to*t,tl. , e' percent, o f the reports from tho inte-1 jury without leaving a scar. It is the will gladly furnish tho necessary sup­ sent to , 1 ’ , . 1 ,, | and then vote for license, has mind d ic e between tho British and Indian j ,,( ,t Inan without conscience, or without rior o f Alaska speak o f a prospective famous pile remedy. C. F. Moore & Co. plies. officials. They show the Bryanite ac­ ; adequate knowledge, or with a serious f;i"tine, on itecoiiut o f the large in flu x Tho custom is vogue in some of the cusation to ho false—that tho British twist in brain or conscience—at least o f people and the small amount rtf p r o -1 Philosophy has uothing to offer tikis is my liumlilo opion. Tho fact is, city schools of gathering the pencils ami governm ent is willing, but that tho | “ My people perish for tho want of know­ visions that were taken up the river retiring person whose shoes squeak.— Puck. penholders in a box in tho evening and hunkers and financiers o f London ledge.” There is not a good man be- this summer hy steamboat companies. distributing them again the next morn­ frightened It into refuselng. The offi­ tween the oceans who would not vote Some o f the miners that went a year j It is easy to catch a cold and just as ing among the pupils is now saitl to he a cial documents make it plain (hat such agniust throwing around the saloon the ago will have plenty o f gold dust to pay j easv to get rid of it if you commence gurantees and safeguards of the munci- the exorbitant prices that will be charg- La,.}., to u, e One Minute Cough Cure, fruitful souree for the spread of diph­ was not tho cuse pulity, If he had studied tho question theria and other contugenua diseases. The governm ent o f India refused to with an honest desire to know whether ed for provisions, but m any—probably It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneu­ a great m ajority—will not be so fortu- Aside from this objection to the custom, reopen 11» mints to free silver coinage. it is better to be linked with the traffic, nute, anil especially those w ho went io monia, and all throat and lung troubles. hy accepting tho tioiius that it gives in there arc few parents but who would The French governm ent had expressed early this spring and have beeu hunt­ It is pleasant to take, safe to use aud order to have the law on its side, or prefer (o furnish their children with pen­ Its w illingness tocu ter Into negotiations squarely to vote against it, thus remov­ ing locations. sure to'cure. C. F. Moofe & Co. The suffering from hunger in a cold cils and penholders, rather than have If Grout Brltlan would reopen the In ­ ing one’ s self connivance with the abom­ climate is a much more serious th in g The usual w ay—Kate—Do you call them use those ttint linve been in the dian mints. The refusal to do this ination, and then to try to carry out the than in a warm one, as nature requires u , . . ., ,, . , , mouths and noses of such a promiscuous broke Humanity demands that those in i , . . . the matter at length, and arrives nt idential election was a grevions one, ion, has I hs ' ii u companion indeed to the com fort help those In distress, and the " ° t invested twenty five cents m a hot- Unxconeluslon (lint if the experiment and shows that silver anti gold are in youth of America and to mullitu leu be­ people o f this Coast canuot express De of Due Minute Cottgh Cure.” It o f keeping silver coin at par with gobi finitely more interesting to our people their appreciation to tho Alm ighty for cures coughs, colds and all throat and yond tho sens. The prospectus just is- coin under free eoinage should fall, the than the safety of their boys and girls. • lie boun tiful harvest just garnered, in lung troubles. C. F. Moore A Co. f UoI hv its publishers is replete w ith nil But some day this issue will he at the any lieller way than ut Thanksgiving United States and France have a sutil front, and meanwhile we propose to the good thing« essential to a wholesome Fogg says that love and matrimony den t stock o f gold to protect them keep in "d e middle of do roett,” and our lime, out o f their bountiful larders, do­ literary diet for young people and we nating som ething for the relief o f the selves from the ruinous consequences, faces set toward tho republic of God sufferers In Alaska, In the way o f flour, are very much like catching fish aud Enow of no other like publication that while India could not, and panic anti which is steadily growing in the hearts evaporated vegetables or fruits, and lugging them hom e.—Boston Trans­ gives so much that is good for the price. of ail good men and women. dried meats or bacon. commercial ruin would result. That is crip t. The average white woman finds it im ­ Tho souvenir calendar given free to We think in your town there must to say, the governm ent o f India feels possible to lie indifferent to any moral O il o f (.In lin e «« companion subscribers surpasses any be some that have friends or relatives that the risk o f failure Is too great, and issue that may lie brought before Iter, ill Alaska tlint this letter will appeal io Is a p easant, palatable preparation, en ­ tiling of the kind yet produced in this ami she can never he a "regnlationist.” and awaken interest enough in, to therefore declines absolutely. tirely free from all oily taste, and may country. Hond $1.75 to the Y outh’ s She may not be a great force in the com ­ The monetary commission has done munity where she lives, but w hat li'tl* cause them to stir up the charitable be administered internally or applied Companion, Boston, Mass , and you will feelings in your com m unity, so that a good work for sound finance In bring- power she has is used to abolish, not to receive the Companion, together with the Alaska Relief Committee can count externally. It will remove all pain it gout a mass o f facts which are not regulate, the saloon, the tobacco shop, upon donations from your city Io the I It et “ human flesh is heir to,” tf prop­ the calendar, until Jan. 1, IS:>9. i t he gambling house, the haunt of in- known general v lit tho United States, amount o f a ton or two. The railroad erly applied, and might be rightly ! famv l’liis has been the temperance , , . i n , . - i.iiuv. as to the Impossibility o f establishing a - WOITinn8 wav of .Joing from the day the companies w ill transport the goods to termed “ a panacea for till ills.” Price The Hillslmro Indejiendent says: ratio by law between the bullion prices | the first crusader look her first step Port and free, and your subscriptions SO cents. For sale by all Druggists. are to be based upon the assumption Town is full of hobos this we, k. • Night o f nny tw o products subject to the law ! trom the church altar to the saloon bar. 'hat the Federal Government will take watchman Green is pushing them along o f supply and demand. “ W ell, an y h ow ,” said the little boy, Bimetallism It is her method now, and it will lie her charge o f the goods at Port and, and as Tapidly os posrible but lie can hut just is impossible. All that can be done is | method until ihe tire goes out in the last wi I make the delivery and distribution “ the spankings a kid gets ill 'lie w in­ ! distillery,and brewery, in the last toliac- In Alaska; when this is known you g r o c e r i e : hold his own with them. There w as a to establish one metal ns the standard. | eo factory, and the dust and ashes ure ter for staying out too lute is better tin horn gambler here the first of the \Ve have gold as tho standard, but us,, all that remain of the gamblers habita­ will tie ad vised o f 'l i e fact In order that than the ones in summer, ’cause they the provisions contribut' d by you may week that played nt thimble rigging and silver largely ns an auxiliary coinage tion of cruelty and the procurer’s den of ls> shipped to us without delay. warm him lip good und soou.” ♦ ---— three card monte. Several of ttie men metal. We have nearly as much full ■ vice. We hope vou will take a personal In­ Vmong other subjects treated by Mi-- m „oa w in v»n. about town had suffered to the value of legal tender silver In circulation— Willard were, 8ign* of progress in 1897. terest in this subject and let the com- The many different «kin diseases such the drinks so tho marshal started him chiefly In the form o f silver certificates, No licenre in Cambridge, Mass; Priece- mbh-e know on or before Dec. loth h ow much can be expected from your city. as ring worm, tetter, salt rheum, erysip­ ton: Substitutes for Hie Saloon; The forward. On their way to the train one how ever—ns we have o f gold, J O S E P H W I X j SOJST. E O ' I AST KN, elas. eczema, itching or an eruption of People’« Palaces; Puritv in Literature of the victims was met. Marshal Green Hec’y. Klondike Belief Com. This Is true o f Franco and other and Art; The Plea of Women to the pimples, poetules. blotches, chaps or proposed to run the tramp in. “ I wish countries which have the standard; but IVe.«; Ths Uhureh and the Reformer. cracking open of the skin, scrofula, are you woiil I.” replied the victim. "W ill the rule does not work tho other way. A L ie N a ile d . The treasurer reported every bill paid directly the cause of impure Mood. TKI>TRU STW ORTH Y ANT) ACTIVE you appear as a witness tomorrow morn- No -liver stnndnrd country has any anil a halance of $1,829.77 remaining in U ’ 'A N ffuntleman Consumption and bronchitis are not nr ladlr* to travel for re*pon- W ilbur's Blood Purifier is acknowledged «ible. e«tab’ the treasury. The receipts (or the year .i«heu«o in O reton M onthly ingT" “ \Yh— why do I have t<> goon to gold In circulation, ro r has nny o f | by any mean« thp same, although it is are |31,6111.53: $7,0tM have been received ft9d expeupe* P osition steady. R efer­ to be the beet medicine known for any the witness stand?” “ Of coarse, one them nearly so great a volume o f cir for the American fund; $700 has I veil hard to distinguish one from the other ence. K n e io fi »elf-addre$*ed *t*m ped en v e l­ of these unsightly complaints. Price ope. Th.' D om inion C om pany Dept V I’ hica fo. man cannot gamble alone. Yon wilt eolation | er capita ns have the gold sent to foreign amt missionary work at Bronchitis Is an inflammation o f the A large appropriation lining o f the wind tubes or air vessels per bottle. For sale by all Drug­ have to tell what yon know. It takes standard countries. 'Hie com m ission-, Fills Ir'and. gists. WATCHMAKER at least two to gamble.’ ’ "O , I am no er»’ Investigations have Gifts shown ! w as made to colored work. t ' » « h r » i t l F o r Hi I p «I P r n n e a . - ------ - - - M is s W illard's addresses before the o f Ihe lungs, causing soreness o f the gambler. Take him along. Get 1 ■ ini the wisdom o f ndhering *o our present world's convention at Toronto abounded same, cough, «ore throat, hoarseness, V. D David, a converted H indoo, We are now ready to contract for 20 on the train and out of town ns s ni ¡mltoy, instesd " f Inviting disaster by in strong pathetic parts, quaint and difficulty o f breathing, spitting o f mat­ w ho has preached iu India, Australia, carloads of prunes. All three grades, at l»>««ible.” And that is why th trying the same experiment which has hotnelv expression«, and ws» never more ter and sometimes Mood. Thousands England and Scotland, is soon to opeu the highest market price. Money down S olicits ihe pstroDfwe o f his old Iodisns * Heads w h o seed watch repairing done. ■ sty of the law is not always main- been tried in other countries time and strongly ballasted with «launch W’ .O.T. die annually with this dread disease. a campaign in Chleugn. He has been just as quick as prune« are delivered at U. doetrine. tained. Witnesses will not tell nf its neain, and w hich has always fatted — [ Her words met the hopes ot the trust- Wilbur's Cough Cure will cure. Price know n to preach eighteen hours at a Newberg. Call for particulars. !7 0 Morrison St. «tn tch. !-d t* Toledo Platte. i fai an I ' F. C. W . rp A Co. •.o <>, -,t«. For «a'e by all Drnggfist«. U O K T L A X D . O I* By buying Drugs and Fam ily Medicines, Perfumery and Notions, Paints, Oil, W a ll Paper, School Books and Stationery, O . IF1. M O O R E of <&> O C X Agents for the W ile y B. Allen Music Co. Best makes Pianos and Organs. Sgdjg^Can make money for you. W . P. H E A C O C K , BUSTINE FRESH: & CLEAR. JOHN A. BECK ., .JEWELER,