Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, November 05, 1897, Image 1

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H I H î M 'K I I » T I O N
K 4 T K .f l:
• n e Y e ar ............................................... .......... | l »
I I I M o n th s ........................................................
T h ree M onths.
........... ..................... ............
• s t s r r l p t l e s P r ie » P a y a b le
a lili la A d v a n e e .
IsT srl
Address. U kavhic , Newoarg, Oregon.
J 1 S u n d a y at 11 a, m. a n d 8 p. m. a n d Thur»-
dny a t - p. in. S ab b ath school every Sunday a t
b:4 > a. m. M onthly m e e tin g a t 8 p. in. th e first
T uesday in each m o n th , q u a rte rly m e e tin g
th e second S a tu rd a y a n d Sunday in F e b ru a ry ,
:iy» A u g u st a n d N ovem ber. W om an’s For­
eig n M issionary Society m eets th ird S a tu rd a y
in each m o n th a t 3 p. in.
B e e i lB f N e tlre a w i l l I« l e M r t e i el
th e ro to of T o o eoo to p o r L ie o .
V O L . IX .
From all Parts of the New
and Old World.
a. m. a n d 7:3U p. m. Su n d ay school S un­
U days
a t 10 a. m . P ra y e r m eetin g W ednesday BRIEF
e v en in g a t 7:30 o ’clock.
REV. G. F. JE R A R D , Pastor.
ery two weeks as follow s: F e b ru a ry 7th
a n d 21st, M arch 7th a n d 21st, a n d A pril 4th a n d
l» th .
J. E. DAY, Pastor.
second a n d fo u rth Su n d ay a t 10 a. m. a n d
7:30 p. m.
C o m p re h e n siv e R e v ie w o f t h e Im port«
a n t H ap p en in g s o f th e C ur­
W eek.
The U nion k n ittin g m ill, in Hudson,
N. J . , w as destroyed by tire, and many
of th e 600 persons employed in the m ill
ev ery T h u rsd a y a t 7:30 p. m . S ab b ath had narrow escapes from death .
school e v ery Sunday a t 10 a. m.
loss is over $200,000, and th e insurance
E. C H U R C II.—8E R VIC ES 8ECON D, T H IR D $100,000.
« am i fo u rth S u n d ay s of each m o n th a t 11
A dispatch from Sim la, India, says a
a. m. a n d 7:30 p. m . S u n d ay school ev ery S un­
d ay 10 a. m . At M. E. c h u rc h , F afa y e tte , first cyclone struck the town of Chittagong,
an d filfh Sun d ay of each m o n th .
in th e B engal presidency. H alf of the
R. A. ATKINS, Pastor.
houses of th a t place woro demolished,
O A LV A TIO N ARMY*—MEETING AT BAR- all th e roads in its vicin ity were blocked
rack s o n M ain s tre e t as follow s: T uesday
for so ld ie r c o n v erts am i re c ru its ; W ednesday, and several vessels sunk.
n u b ile ; F rid ay , h o lin e ss, for C h ris tia n s o n ly ;
The sta tu te under w hich for several
S a tu rd a y e v en in g , p u l lie- S u n d ay , all day,
co m m e n cin g w ith 7 a. in., k nee d rill; h o lin ess rears the police d epartm ent of Denver
m e e tin g 11 a. m .; fam ily g a th e rin g a t 3 p. m .,
a n d g ra n d free a n d easy in th e e v en in g . Ev­ ; Das a t w ill seized, confiscated and de­
e ry b o d y w elcom e.
stroyed gam bling im plem ents, was de-
:lared by Judge A llen in the district
: :ourt to be u n constitutional, and in
conflict w ith the federal statutes.
Since th e cruiser B altim ore has been
113, m eets ev ery M onday e v en in g .
Anchored a t San Francisco preparing to
T I T C .T . U.—BUSINESS MEETING TH E SEC- go to H onolulu, lier com m ander has
iV . o n d a n d fo u rth W ednesday in each reported to the police alm ost daily the
m o n th .
desertion of three or four of th e crew.
O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY Already 20 have succeeded in escaping,
• e v en in g s in B ank of N ew berg b u ild in g .
And, unless a stric te r watcli is kept, it
AND L. OF 8.—NEWBERG COUNCIL, NO. is believed another d ra ft of men w ill
• 168, m eets every F rid ay e v en in g in Ma­
have to be sent from th e E ast to fi.l
sonic h a ll.
her complement.
• d ay n ig h t in C. V. B ank b u ild in g .
T here is a m ovem ent on foot to con­
O. U. W. — M EETS EVERY TUESDAY solidate th e wire m anufactories of the
• e v e n in g a t 7:30 p. m . in I. O. O. F. H all. U nited States into a sinçl » corporation,
w ith a cap ital of $100,000,000.
evade th e a n ti-tru st law , th é w ire in ­
dustries w ill surrender th e ir independ­
ence, and sell th e ir p lan ts to a new
-V IA -
organization for cash at an apraised
value, th e money to be fu rnished by
a syndicate
of New Y ork bankers.
Pierpont Morgan is said to be at the
head of the scheme.
-O F TH E -
The food of San Francisco laborers is
to be analyzed by th e professors at the
State U niversity.
The F o rt Randall m ilita ry reserva­
tion, which contains over 100,000 acres
in South Dakota and N ebraska, has
T ra in s leav e a n d are d u e to a rriv e a t P o rtla n d : been opened to settlers.
N egotiations of the C hinese govern­
m ent w ith the Hooly syndicate for a
O v erlan d E xpress.—'
loan of $80,000,000 have fallen through.
Salem , A lb an y , E ug­
ene, Roseb’g, G ran ts
The governm ent is now negotiating
Pa>s, M edford, Ash-
*G:00 p. m. ^ lan d ,
Sacram ento, * 9:30 a. m. w ith th e Hong Kong & Shanghai bank.
Ogden, San F ran c is­
The W ashington state grain comm is­
co, Mojave, Los A n­
sion announces th at it w ill not lower
geles, El Paso, New
.O rlea n s, a n d E ast.... J
No. 1 w heat grade from 59 to 58 pounds
R oseburg A way statio n s * 4:30 p. m.
to the bushel, notw ithstanding the ag i­
'V ia W oodburn, fo ri
D aily
Mt. A ngel, S ilv erto n ,
tation to th a t end in the eastern part
West Seio, Browns- *.
e x ce p t
ex cep t
of th e state.
v ille, N atro n a n d | Sunday.
S u n d ay .
The Long Island coast for a distance
f7:30 a. m. C orvallis A way sta tio n s j t 5:50 p. m .
f4:50 p. m. M cM innville A w ay s ta ’s.f 8:25 a. m. of six m iles, between F a r Rockaway
and Rockaway beach, was more or less
All above tra in s a rriv e a n d d e p a rt from G ran d damaged by a very high tide.
C e n tra l s ta tio n , F ifth a n d Irv in g streets.
Edmore hotel was damaged to the ex­
D lu li if f C a r s o n O g d e n R o u t e .
ten t of $25,000.
Speedy, th e professional bri.igejum p-
D irect c o n n e c tio n a t San F ran cisco w ith Oc­ er, jum ped from the Louisville & J e f­
c id e n ta l a n d O rie n ta l a n d Pacific M ail stea m ­ fersonville bridge in Louisville, Ky.,
s h ip lin e s for J a p a n a n d C hina. S ailin g d a te s
before an audience of 18,000. Speedy
o n a p p lic atio n .
R ates a n d tic k e ts to E a ste rn p o in ts a n d E u ­ made the jum p of 130 feet in safety,
ro p e. Also Ja p a n , C h in a , H o n o lu lu an d A u­
and was m ingling w ith th e crowd a
s tra lia , can be o b ta in e d from
J . B. K IRK LA N D , T icket A gent,
few m inutes later.
134 T h ird stre et, P o rtla n d , Or.
F ran k Moon, aged 50 years, and Mrs.
W ells, were found dead at th e bottom
of a 30-foot well on Moon’s farm, near
P a sse n g e r d ep o t foot of Jefferson street.
Derby, K an., having been asphyxiated.
Moon had been overcome while w ork­
A irlie m a il (tri-w eekly).
ing, and th e woman, fearful at his not
9:40 a. ra.
retu rn in g home, went to the well late
12:50 p. m.
5:10 p. m. Ar.. ....... A irlie .......... .....Lv 7:140 a . m. a t night to investigate, and fell in.
S h e rid a n passenger (daily e x c e p t Sunday)
A dm iral M atthew s, chief of the bu­
4:30 r . m. L v ...........P o r tla n d ............. Ar 9 :3 0 a .m . reau of yards and docks, in his annual
6:05 p. m. Lv........ N ew berg............... Lv 7:55 a. m.
7:40 p. m .jA r .......S h e r id a n ............. Lvj 6:20 a. m. report to Secretary Long, recommends
the construction of four drydocks of the
” •Daily^ f D aily e x c e p t Sunday.
best type. He recommends th a t con­
C. B. FRISSELL, A gent, N ewberg.
R. K O EH LER , M anager.
crete docks be b u ilt at Boston, Norfolk
and M are Island, and th a t a floating
G en. F. «ft P. A gent, P o rtla n d , Or.
dock be placed at either Key \Vest,Tor-
tugas, or A lgiers, La. T he estim ates
for the m aintenance of th e yards next
year aggregate $2,364,202.
Follow ing close upon the recent an ­
nouncem ent of a great syndicate to con­
trol th e trad e of H onduras comes the
inform ation received from reliable
sources th a t a gigantic syndicate is in
process of organization for the purpose
of prom oting direct trade between the
U nited States and Russia. The project
originated w ith Russian m erchants and
has th e sanction, if not th e direct sup­
port, of th e im perial governm ent.
A dispatch from M anagua, N icara­
gua, says John A ugustine, an A m eri­
can citizen, was arrested at San Carlos,
at the m outh of the San Ju an river, by
order of President Z elaya’s brother,
and, w ithout any pretense of a tria l,
was im prisoned in th e penitentiary.
Mr. A ugustine was formerly U nited
States oonsul at Bluefields, Mosquito
territory, and is at present in charge of
No Change of Cars Between
the navigation com pany’s steam ers on
th e San Ju a n river.
onDTi Aun
John Griffith essayed “ Richard I I I ’’
at the opera house in B utte, Mont. In
th e closing scene G riffith ’s sword struck
John Fay P alm er,w ho was doing R ich­
mond. in th e face, cu ttin g a gash ex­
tending from above one eye across th e
nose and cheek. The bone of the nose
C o n n ec tin g w ith
was broken and a little more force
would have penetrated th e brain.
Palm er turned his back to the audience
and finished the scene w ithout any one
TRAIL, ROSSLAND. MARCUS knowing w hat had happened.
All of th e coal m iners of Boulder
NELSON, and All Kootenay
oounty, Colo., are out on a strike.
( Mining Camps...
is said th a t a t one of th e m ines in
Lafayette, th e m anagers reduced th e
y ,
_ _ _ _ _
wages of th e m achine men 10 cents a
ton. Word was sent to all th e m inee
L ow R a te « a n d T h ro u g h T ic k e t« in th e d istric t to close down and the
order w as im plicitly obeyed. ” The
For P a m p h le t! a n d Detailed In fo rm a tio n ,
■trike is said to affect about 1,000
W rite to
m iners. A num ber of th e gold and
W. H. H U R LB U R T.
silver mine« in the m ountains will bave
Gen Paaa. A f t O. R. * !*. C o- P o r tla n d . Or. to close on account of th e strike.
effort w ill be made to have the m atter
O L IV E R A COI j CORD, Agent*.
compromised as soon as possibls.
The Shasta Route
G O I fe S I I lV E fl
T he 0 . R . <L N .
Shortest Line to Spokane
K iw b u b o , O bboo * .
A l l Y K H T M I K f l K A l frin:
One Column —
....................Tw e nty Dollere
H a lf C o lu m n .........................................Ten D o lla rt
Professional Card*. ....... - ................. One Dollar
C O U N T Y , O R EG O N , F R ID A Y ,
A r r e s t o f a G e r m a n Bring;« D o w n
W ra th o f th e K aiaer.
th e
Port au Prince, H ayti, Nov. 2.— Seri­
ous trouble has arisen betw een H ayti
and G erm any. The G erm an m inister
to tiiis republic, C ount Sehw erein, lias
hauled down his flag and, according to
cu rren t report, three G erm an w arships
are expected here to back up the u lti­
m atum of the m inister, dem anding an
indem nity for the alleged illegal arrest
and im prisonm ent of a G erm an citizen.
The affair has caused considerable > s-
citem ent among the native population,
and some of th e people have threatened
to kill the G erm an m in ister and all the
G erm ans in th e place and vicinity.
The affair grew out of th e arrest a
few weeks ago of a G erm an named
T he G erm ans say th a t a
dozen policemen entered L in d er’s
house and arrested one of his servants.
Mr. L inders w ent to th e cen tral police
headquarters to com plain against th is
action of th e police, b u t was him self
arrested, charged w ith assaulting and
atte m p tin g to m urder police officers in
the execution of th eir duty. Linders
was condemned to pay a fine of $400
and to undergo one m o n th ’s im prison­
m ent, and w as taken to jail. C laim ­
ing he was innocent, L inders demanded
and obtained a second tria l, and was
condemned to pay. a tine of $500, and
was sentenced to one y ear’s im prison­
m ent.
The G erm an m in ister tele­
graphed to B erlin for instructions and
giving d etails of the case. On October
17, the G erm an m in ister w ent to the
president of H ayti and dem anded, in
the name of the G erm an em peror, th at
L inders be set at liberty, and also de­
m anded for every day lie spent in
prison, 23 in all, an indem nity of
$1,000 in gold, adding th a t for every
day L inders was kept a prisoner after
th a t notification lie (th e G erm an m in­
ister) would demand an indem nity of
$5,000 in gold.
A t first, th e H ay tian president re­
fused to g ran t the G erm an m in iste r’s
dem and, and Mr. Linders rem ained six
days longer in prison. T his caused the
G erm an m inister to notify th e H aytian
governm ent th a t as L inders had not
been freed, lie had hauled down his
flag and had sent th e archives of the
G erm an legation to th e legation of the
U nited States, th u s breaking off all re­
lations w ith the H aytian governm ent.
T his caused great excitem ent, and dis­
turbances would have occurred had
they not been avoided by sending L in ­
ders, who was threatened w ith lynch­
ing, on board a steam er bound for New
York, from which port he w as to leave
for G erm any. It is said th e German
m inister, on th e arriv al of th e w ar­
ships, will insist on th e paym ent of
th e indem nity demanded as a result of
th e im prisonm ent of Mr. Linders.
Canadian Government Con­
sidering the Matter.
Line W ill F o llo w O ld S u rv ey ed H oute,
v in A s h c r o f t a n d 4)ue*nelle—
T h e L a k n i e A rrive«.
V ancouver, B. C ., Nov. 2.—Charles
Hosmer, general m anager of the Pacific
postal telegraph system , today said, re­
garding telegraphic com m unication
w ith the K londike, th at lie understood
the Dominion governm ent had th is
m atter under consideration. T here are
no insurm ountable difficulties in the
way, eith er in the construction or in
the m aintenance of a telegraph line via
A shcroft and Q uesnelle, w hich was the
route adopted in 1866 for connecting
Asia and A m erica via the B ehring sea.
T his route passes through th e present
K londike country. A line connecting
Q uesnelle, the northernm ost point in
B ritish C olum bia readied by tele­
graph, and Dawson C ity, if decided
upon w ithin th e next few m onths, could
be put in operation by this tim e n ext
year. Stations conid be established
every 40 m iles, and they would be
used in connection w itli the mounted
police and other departm ents.
H osm er leaves for V ictoria this even­
ing, and w ill proceed thence to San
T lie Slow Lukin«.
Tacom a, Nov. 2.— The Bteam schoon­
er Lakme, C aptain Anderson, arrived
here last night direct from St. M ichaels
and D utch harbor.
She loft St.
M ichaels October 14, three days before
the steam er P ortland, w hich arrived
on tlie Sound last week, and therefore
brings no advices as late as those
brought by the Portland. Tne Lakm e
left D utch harbor October 21. She
brought no gold, passengers or freight.
M ate Carlson, of the Lakme, confirms
the report th a t the river steam ers have
gone to th eir w inter quarters on tlie
“ No snow w as on the ground in tlie
im m ediate v icin ity of St. M ichaels
when we le ft,’’ says the m ate, " b u t tlie
w eather was getting colder. D isagree­
able northeasterly gales swept over the
place, and during tlie 13 days we were
there discharging cargo we were com­
pelled to put to sea several tim es as far
as Egg island, 15 m iles d istant, to seek
shelter behind the island or stand away
from th e inhospitable shore.”
Doga F o r Y ukoner*.
Seattle, Nov. 2.— There arrived here
last night from Chicago over tlie N o rth ­
ern Pacific lailroad 220 dogs, which
Six M e n L o s t T h e i r L i v e s In a D i s a s t e r are to be used in hauling provisions
a t S cranton.
into the Yukon gold fields.
Scranton, P a ., Nov. 2.—T he w orst
m ine disaster in the Lackawana or
W yoming coal fields since th e Twin
shaft horror at P ittsto n , over a year B l a n c o In C h a r g e o f C u b a , W e y l e r o n
H ia W a y H om e.
ago, was developed in th e fire which
gutted the river stope of the Delaware
H avana, Nov. 2.— The Spanish cruis­
& Hudson C om pany’s V onsterch m ine er Alfonso X III, w ith M arshal Blanco,
in th is city today. Six men were suffo­ the new governor-goneral of Cuba, on
cated by smoke.
board, w as sighted off lluvana this
The dead are: Thomas H ill, John m orning a t 5:80. A t 7 o’clock tlie
F arrell, John F rancis Moran, Mike steam er entered tlio harbor, and L ieu­
W alsh, John McDonnell, Thomas Pad- tenant-G eneral W eyler, tlie M arquis
A lium ada, A dm iral Navarro and other
The stope extends down through high m ilitary and naval officers w ont
three vein». The m issing men were in a special steam er to meet G eneral
a t work in th e deck and surafee veins, Blanco. A fter a long and cordial con­
th e former 100 and th e la tte r 60 feet ference, L ieutenant-G eneral W eyler
from the surface. They had but two yielded up hiB comm and to his succes­
avenues of escape. The shorter route sor.
w as by way of th e stope, which was a
A t 10:30 M arshal Blanco landed.
sea of flames for nearly 12 hours, and According to th e official accounts, he
is yet burning near its foot, and tlie was “ enthusiastically greeted” by the
o th er route was via crosscuts to the populaoe, who shouted, "L o n g live
gangways which led to an a ir shaft, Blanco. ”
nearly a m ile from the spot w here the
L ieutenant-G eneral Weyler and M ar­
men were working. F ire kept them shal Blanco exchanged farew ells on
out of the stope, and the smoko which board tlie Alfonso X III. The steam er
backed out and into all th e workings M ont-errat sailed at 1 P. M. She was
prevented escape through th e crosscuts. escorted outside th e harbor by num er­
The supposition is th a t the men were ous tugs laden w ith friends of tlie de­
Chief Hickey, of the parting general and tlie officers of his
Hcranton fire d epartm ent, and eight staff. An Im mense crowd witnessed
firemen, narrow ly escaped death in the the departure from the w harves. Ac­
cording to tlie official acconnt, th e "p eo ­
Joe Y am aski. one of th e seven men ple cheered for W eyler, the pacificator.”
entom bed in the m ine, was rescued at G eneral W eyler’s escort on the M ont­
10 o ’clock tonight. The bodies ol the serrat consisted of 600 sick soldiers.
others were afterw ards found and
brought to the surface.
B n t H e H a il a G u n a n i l a H I g l i n a y m a n
H ad » N arrow E arap e.
P le a o f a M an W ith B oth
C u t GIT.
o f H i a I. e g a
Spokane, Nov. 2.— Late T hursday
night the atten tio n of a night brake-
man on a west-bound freight train
was arttacted near Sprague by piercing
cries for help. Lying close to the
track was the upper portion of a m an,
still conscious, though both legs were
cut clean from h is body. W hat was
left of the man was able to yell lustily
enough in spite of the fearful agony he
m nst have been suffering, and his first
words to the brakem an were:
“ F or G od’s sake, give me a cigar­
e tte !”
The relief asked for was furnished,
and, w ith assistance, the man was re
moved to the hospital.
T he dead body of another m an was
found a little further on. it was th a t
of a rather well-dressed person, and ap­
pearances indicated th a t it had been
The new C hinese m in t a t Canton dragged along tlie tracks for some dis
coined more th an 14,000,000 ten-cent tance in an easterly direction. He was
I probably struck and dragged along by
pieces last year.
! the freight. The name of the dead
man was Thomas Kelly.
M arshall K ill, a F a rm e r.
V ersailles, K y., Nov. 2.—C ity M ar­
r o n r e r n l n f f U n io n L a b e l * .
sha! Ed Sterns shot and in stantly
F ran k fo rt, K y., Nov. 1.—Ju d g e H«'
killed Jason M iller, a farm er and tra d ­
er, a t M idway, th is oounty. M iilsr selrigg delivered an opinion in the
court of appeals, in which th e court
restated arrest.
holds th a t labor nnioni have property
right in th e ir labels and other devices
G e r m a n T a p e r S e l r . i t In F r a n r e .
Paris, Nov. 1.—The police of th is designing th e frn its of th eir labor, and
city today seized a G erm an comic pa­ may enjoin outside parties from ap­
per, the L ustigblatter, containing car­ p ropriating this device or co u n te rfe it­
toons, ridiculing P resident F au re and ing it. T his is the first tim e th is point
baa been passed on in th is stats.
tb s French tepublic.
Tacoma, Nov. 2.— A shot from a
large revolver came near ending the
existence of a would-be highw ay robber
last nig h t, and, had the aim of John
O ’Kieff only been a little more accur­
ate, th e coroner would have had a job
today. Mr. O ’Kieff is a stranger to the
coast, and yesterday received a large
sum of money through a local bank.
As be was going to bis lodging-house
about 9 o ’clock last nig h t, when near
W right P ark, two men, both masked,
commanded him to throw up his
hands. T his command he obeyed, but
w ith a gun. The close call one of the
robbers had is shown by his h a t, whioh
was found. T here is a b ullet hole
through th e crown, and it is powdai-
5, 1897.
T h e F r e s i d e n t S e t« A p a r t N o v e m b e r 2 5
A t a Day of F ray e r.
W ashington, Nov. J .—President Mc­
Kinley today issued h is first T hanks­
giving day proclam ation, as follows:
“ In rem em brance of G od’s goodness
to ns iu the past year, w hich lias been
so abundant, let us offer up to H im our
thanksgiving and pay our vows unto
the Moat H igh. U nder his w atchful
providence industry has prospered, tlie
conditions of labor have been im ­
proved, tlie rew ards of tlie husbandm an
have been increased, and the comforts
of our homes m ultiplied. H is m iglity
hand has procured peace and protected
tlie nation. Respect for law and order
lius been strengthened, love of free iu-
ititu tio n s cherished, and all sections of
our beloved country brought into closer
bonds of fraternal regard and generous
“ For these great benefits it is our
duty to praise th e Lord in a sp irit of
h u m ility and g ratitude, and to offer up
to Him our most earnest supplication!'.
T h at we may acknowledge our obliga­
tions as a people to H im who has so
graciously granted us the blessings of
free governm ent and m aterial prosper­
ity, I, W illiam McKinley, president of
tlie U nited States, do hereby designate
and set apart T hursday, th e 25th day
of November, for national thanksgiv-
ing and prayer, w hich all of the people
are invited to observe w ith appropriate
religious services in th e ir respective
places of worship.
“ On th is day of rejoicing and do­
mestic union, let our prayers ascend to
the giver of every good and perfect gift
for the continuance of Ilis love and fa ­
vor to us, th a t our hearts may be filled
witli charity and good will, and that
we may be ever w orthy of H is benefi­
cent concern.
“ In witness hereof, I have hereunto
set my hands and caused th e seal of tlie
U nited States to be affixed.
“ Done at the city of W ashington,
th is 25th day of October in tlie year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and ninety seven, and of the independ­
ence of tlie U nited States tlie one h u n ­
dred and twenty-seoond.
"B y the P resident,
“ Secretary of S tate.”
S te a lin g
9 1 4 ,0 0 0
Keglm torm l
Denver, Colo., Nov. 1.—Postoffice
Inspector Frederick and City D etectives
Loomis and Burlew , of th is city, today
arrested, in Cheyenne, VVvo., W alter
It. H oughton, a postal clerk running
from Cheyenne to Ogden, on a charge
of stealing a registered package ion
taining $14,000. A telegram received
hero during the afternoon stated th a t
Houghton had confessed the theft.
The package w hich Houghton is a l­
leged to have stolen w as mailed by a
Chicago bank to a correspondent in Sac­
ram ento, C al., about Septem ber 26. It
disappeared somewhere en route, and
an investigation by the postal au th o r­
ities disclosed tlie fact th a t the disap­
pearance occurred som ewhere between
Omaha and Ogden. The secret service
officers learned th a t H oughton's m is­
tress, who had been staying in Denver
for three weeks, had change I three
$100 bills, and, as the $14,000 stolen
was all in $100 bills,they at once made
arrangem ents for H oughton’s arrest.
Tlie woman was at first taken into cus­
tody, and her statem ents went to veri y
the opinion of tlie officers.
A fter
Houghton bad confessed his crim e, lie
offered to refund tlie am ount stolen,
except $400, w hich ho had spent, pro­
vided the officers would agree th at lie
should not be prosecuted. He declared
th a t if they would not so agree, tl e
money would be im m ediately burned.
U nited States Com m issioner T. J.
F isher and U nited States D istrict A t­
torney Clark both refused to accept
H oughton's proposition. Houghton r e ­
fused to disclose tlie hiding place of tlie
money. He was held over to the fe d ­
eral court by Com m issioner Fisher.
T h irte en W ere K illed.
Torres, Mexico, Nov. 1.—A disas­
trous explosion occurred in tlie Ama-
rillas shaft of the G rand C entral mine,
a t M inas Prietas. T hirteen men were
killed o n trig h t and tiiree sustained
probably fatal injuries. In some u n ­
known m anner a large q u an tity of g ian t
powder blew up in the fourth level of
the shaft. Fo great was tlie force of tiie
explosion th a t out of four men who
were stationed fully 200 feet d ista n t
from the center, three were killed in ­
stantly. Six of the recovered bodies
are totally unrecognizable. Tlie G rand
C entral m ine was recently purchased
for $1 ,000,000 by an English syndicate.
Biff F i r e In F lt t u t i n r f f .
P ittsburg, Nov. 1.— The Union T ru st
Company building, on F ourth avenue,
caught fire from an overheated sm oke­
stack tiiis m orning and in less than an
boor th e structure was in ruins. One
fireman is re|*irtcd killed and several
eth ers had narrow escapes. The loss is
estim ated a t $200,000; insurance one-
B a c i l l i In C h i n e « « C l g a r a .
San Francis-o, Nov. 1.— Dr. J. C.
Spencer, bacteriologist of the board of
h ealth , reports that he has discovered
»he bacilli of tuberculosis in a Chinese-
made cigar which he exam ined.
Tam o n I t a l l r o a d U r a n i a .
B raintree, M inn., Nov. 1.—Judge
Holden today rendered a decision u p ­
holding the so called Anderson law ol
M innesota, taxing land g ran t railroad*
on such grants as are not used in the
operation of tb s road. The defendant
roads, the Ht. Paul & D uluth and
N orthern Pacific, claim ed th e only tax
required to ba paid by them was three
per cent on gross earnings. Tlie case
will eventually go to the suprem e court
of tha U nited htatea.
NO. 50.
Agreement Reached by the
Conference Delegates.
K uaala, J a p a n a n d t h e U n ite d State«
B e l ie v e a M ean« lla a B e e n F o u n d
to Treaerve th e H e rd ..
W ashington, Nov. 1.— In reliable
quarters it is stated th a t the conference
between Russia, Japan and the U nited
States, now proceeding here in refer­
ence to settling in tlie B ehring sea and
the N orth Pacific, lias advanced to an
im portant stage, and th a t a proposition
has been reduced to w riting, w hich, if
accepted, w ill bring about a complete
change iu tlie sealing question. The
proposition is said to be aoceptable to
the U nited States. It is understood to
be aoceptable sim ilarly to the Russian
delegates now here, but, in view of tlie
restrictions placed upon them by th eir
credentials, it lias been thought desir­
able to cable St. Petersburg for final in ­
Tlie greatest secrecy is preserved in
all official quarters as to tlie nature of
th e proposition, and it is not officially
adm itted th a t any proposition has been
made. From equally reliable sources,
it is understood th a t tlie proposition
has a far reaching scope, and provides
for th e m aterial lim itation or entire
suspension of pelagic sealing on tlie
high seas. Suoli a decisive step, if
agreed to by Russia, Ja p in and tlie
U nited States, would not, it is under­
stood, involve a concerted move to
menace tlie claim s of G reat B ritain and
Canada to tlie right to pelagic sealing
on the high srns, but would rattier lie
a proposition expressive of the conclu­
sions oi the three most interested pow­
ers that, in tiio interests of hum anity
and the preservation of the seal herds
of their respective governm ents, all na­
tions, including G reat B ritain and tier
colony, Canada, shonld u n ite w ith
Russia, tlie United States and Japan
in such effective prevention of pelagic
sealing on tlie higli seas as will put an
end to it, and thereby secure tlie pre­
servation of the seals.
The deliberations of tho conference
lending up to tho proposition were
productive of numerous interesting and
im portant features.
B ut little had been known of tho
Russian regulations u n til the confer­
ence m et. U nder them a neutral zone
of 35 miles wus established surrounding
tlie Russian islands, w ithin whioh
G reat B ritain agreed to suspend pelagic
sealing. W hile tiiis was of m aterial
advantage to Russia, yet it was felt
th a t any proposition for the entire sus­
pension of pelagic sealing, even, be­
yond 35 miles, would have to be recon­
ciled witli the modus v iv e n ii. I* was
felt th a t th is could lie done, as tho
modus was not a continuing agreem ent,
bnt was from year to year depending
for its existence on tlie annual readop­
tion by tlie B ritish parliam ent.
Owing to Ja p a n 's view of the sub­
ject tlie opinion of the seal experts was
laid before tiio Japanese delegates.
Tiiis opinion was ui the effect th at,
while tlie Japanese seal possessions
were little or notiiing a t the present
tim e, yet that by adequate protection
of tlie seals, her decim ated rookeries
would tie restored and a large seal prop­
erty b u ilt up. Tiiis e l|ie rt view ftp-
pears to have been convincing to the
Japanese delegates, for Mr. F u jita not
only c a ll d tlie final proposition to J a ­
pan, but accompanied it w ith hia favor­
able recom m endation. The conferees
being thus agreed, it only remained to
hear from tlie respective governments
th n t they represented.
An adjournm ent was accordingly
taken u n til W ednesday, by w hich it is
not doubted the government at 8L
Petersburg and Tokio w ill have taken
final action on tlie projiosition.
R U L IN G .
W h itm a n C ounly J u d g e S a y . a O a ld ln g
la N ot • H orse.
▲ tre rtU ia f Bille Collected M onthly4
Sud d en D e ath of H enry G eorge. C an d i­
d a t e for M a y o r or New Y ork.
New York, Nov. 1.—H enry George,
author of “ Progress and P overty,”
and candidate of the Thomas Jefferson
Democracy for mayor of New York,
died at 5:10 o’clock th is m orning in
the Union Square hotel, of cerebral
apoplexy. In his great Cooper U nion
speech, accepting th e nom ination for
mayor, less than a m onth ago, he said:
“ I ’ll make th is race if it costs me
my life. T his is a call of duty, and
as a good citizen I have no rig h t to dis­
regard it on account of mere personal
Today tlie cheers of the w orkers have
suddenly been changed to sighs, for,
true to hia words, H enry George, the
apostle of the rights of m an, died aa he
wished to die— in harness, fighting for
the cause— toward the oloae of the
greatest m unicipal political oontest the
world has ever seen.
L ast night noisy, shouting throngs
rushed into halls and streets to hear
the speeches th a t in a great p art were
filled w ith personality and bitterness,
rockets flared and fires burned, men
argued and urged, and all signs bore
witness th a t th e oam paign was a t its
heigtit. B ut w hen today dawned all
was changed. Men were loth to be­
lieve th a t ons who had been so much
in the public eye in the last few' weeks
was no more, and for the tim e being
tlie complexion of the political situ a ­
tion was forgotten in genm ne grief.
Those who last n ig h t b itterly de­
nounced the man who said “ I stand for
the real democracy, the democracy of
Thomas Jefferson,” today recalled
many touohing kindly acts in the life
of the dead man, w hich showed his na­
ture and joined in the words w hioh
came as a reply to the lips of all:
“ An honest man is d ead ."
Til is man of m ighty brain and un-
Jaunted oourage was physically frail,
and the strain of an exciting oampaign,
requiring speechm aking at points m any
miles apart night after n ig h t, was more
than nature could stand. He kept it up
to the end, and only a few hours be-
foro the dread messenger cried " H a l t ”
Henry George had addressed enthusias­
tic audiences in three of the towns of
tlie boroughs of Queens and a still
larger assemblage in an uptown h all
iiere. He spoke a t W hitestone a t 8
o’clock, and made a speech a t College
Point and F lushing before re tu rn in g to
New York to speak a t the C entral
opera-house. A t W hitestone he drove
from tlie railw ay station to the m eet­
ing hall at a gallop. To th a cheering
crowds he said:
“ I believe th a t all th e needed re­
forms are summed np in th a t p h il­
osophy— the right of every man to eat,
to d rin k , to speak, as lie Bees fit, so
long us he does not trench on the rights
of any other man.
I believe th a t
1 11« 1, the father, can take care of its
laws—there is no need for us to get into
trouble trying to meddle w ith G od’s
laws, to enforco them . If I am elected,
mil I believe th a t I w ill be elected, 1
will enforce the laws upon th e rich and
poor alike. ”
I n E x p lan atio n of th o M em o rab le Even»
o f 1885.
P aris, Nov. 1.—A rem arkable story
is going the rounds as to the real anim us
of the trem endous dem onstration in
March, 18J5, against M arie V an
Zundt, tlie A m erican singer.
M. Goron. form erly a high offioial at
the prefecture of police, declares th a t
he mem orable and offensive attacks
upon tlie ginger was engendered by th e
lollowora of M. F erry to counteract an
intended dem onstration against him by
radicals and socialists after th e disas­
trous defeat of tlie French a t Langson,
M. Carnereara, th e prefect
of police of th e day, was consulted as
to how to prevent the intended demon-
itratio n against the unpopular M.
Ferry, and acoording to M. Goron, he
suggested a m onster dem onstration
against Miss Van Z andt. A11 the av ail­
able detectives and theatrical claques
were sent to the opera oomique to howl
and hiss the A m erican singer. W hen­
ever there was a lull in th e uproar tha
cry was raised th a t Miss Van Z andt
was going out by another door, and so
•k ilfu ll was the triok th a t th e excite­
m ent was continued u n til m idnight
and the intended M. F erry dem onstra­
tion was delayed u n til too late to go to
tlie foreign office.
Colfax, W ash., Nov. 1.— W illiam
H erbert, a horse thief, desperado and
alleged m urderer, wanted in Wyoming
for killing a peddler, was cleared today
of the horse-stealing charge on a re­
m arkable ruling by Judge McDonald,
the eccentric judge of W hitm an county
superior oour*
Tlie evidence was
abundant and conclusive th a t H erbert
stole tlie horse, but his attorney moved
for a dism issal of the case on the T h a T r u u hi a l a C o l o r a d o l a B a e o m l a g
M ore S e rio u s.
ground tiiat
the com plaint said
"h o rse ,” while tlie anim al was a g eld­
Denver, Nov. 1.— The Tim es received
ing. The judge decided that a gelding the following a t noon today:
was not a horse, and tlie case was dis­
Hteamboat Springs, Oct. 31.—A conr-
missed. H erbert is still held fur other
eir has ju s t arrived here bringing a
message from G ame Warden Wilcox to
Hlieriff Nieman for help. The Indians
B u r l e d I nil« r ■ M h m o f R o c k .
B onner’s Ferry, Idaho, Nov. L — have burned Thom pson’s ranch, near
M urphy and Dunn, employed on the Crosa m ountain, and have killed one
extra cn-w of G reat N orthern laborers, G able, a messenger sent out by Wilcox.
The latter tried to arrest the Indians
were killed yesterday m orning, one
for violating the game law*. They re­
m ile east of K atka.
Tlie men had been d rillin g rock on a sisted and oegan to fight. F ive Indiana
m ountain side for riprapping purposes were killed, and Bub-Chief Star m o rtal­
along Kootenai river, w hen roek over­ ly wounded. The Indians had stacks of
head liegan to fall. They sought shel­ green deer hides in th eir possession,
ter under an adjacent cliff, and were and were slaughtering on all side«
buried under a fearful mass of rock. It Tlie fight oocurred 90 m iles west of
took the rest of tlie crew 12 hours to Steam boat Spring« One hundred de­
get tlie Isslies <mt. Dunn was formerly term ined men are now on th e ir w ay
to aid the sheriff.
a civil engineer.
Settlers are gathering on V aughn’s
T w en ty F eet of Snow.
ranch s t Lay, Colo. T he Indians have
Denver, Colo., Nov. 1.—The Rock threatened to pillage and m urder.
Islund train , th at vtas due in Denver Sauaws have been sent back to th e res­
yesterday m orning, and the one th a t ervation, and reinforcem ents are com ­
left Kansas City yesterday, arrived ing. S tate troops may be called for, if
here at nt-on today, as two sections of th e sheriff finds m atters as ear ions as
one train . They were delayed neat reported.
Limon Junction, where the trainm en
Warsaw, Ind., N ot . 1.—Tbs im­
say, six m iles of track were covered
w ith 20 feet of anew. W ires were mense box and barrel factory located at
down, and for 48 hours tlie where- Mentone, th is county, waa destroyed
•tioutf of the train due yesterday was by Are th is m orning. The loss is $160,»
out known.