OREGONIAN RAILWAY DIVISION —AND— PORTLAND AND YAMHILL RAILWAY. rains arrive at New berg as follows: :h. South, a. m. *12:30 p. in. :J0 p. in. 6:05 p. m. October 13, 14, 15. Umbrellas at Godson Bros. Yes, Newberg is to have a fair. Buy your screen wiro of W . P •Every other day. Passenger and Freight Rates to all points, cock. can be obtained from C. H. FRI33ELL, Buy your timothy and clover seed Agent Newberg. P. FISIIER. Newspaper Advertising Agent, Steigleder. I J. 21 Merchant’s Exchange, San Francisco, is our authorized agent. This naper is kept on Charley Cavil, of Middleton, was in file in his olhce. town last Tuesday. Local Events. Call on Steigleder for and feed of all kinds. your Hour Jay Heath, of La Fayette, was in town the first of the week. Lot of Shoes and Dry Goods rec’J to­ day. Barrie & Barrie. A . C . Stanbrougli will begin teaching at Aurora next Monday. N e w line o f children’s clothing at Newberg Clothing House. Read the new advertisement of the Newberg Milling Company. Screen doors 60c. and up and hinges 15c. at Depot Lumber Yard. Mrs. A. B. Cornell went to Portland Thursday for a few days visit. Oro Price lias taken the position of purser on the steamer Grey Eagle. Bran, shorts, rolled barley, mill chop, cracked corn, shelled corn, seed corn at Steigleder’ s. A very interesting Klondyke letter from Frank Elliott will be found in this issue. As announced last week J. C. Colcord is back from Astoria and is at work in the Bank of Newberg. If you want best prices and prompt returns for your fruit and other farm products, ship to the Oregon Poultry A Supply Co., 124 First street, Port­ land. tf J. L. Hoskins and J. M. Atkinson, two o f our Jersey cattle breeders, took a drive up through the county last Tues­ day for the purpose of taking a look at some cattle. Rev. G. H. Bennett will preach on the them e: “ The God-man among m en,” at the M. E. church at 11:00 a. m. and on “ Trouble-borrowing’ ’ at 7:30 p. m. next Sunday. All are invited. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mount broke the record by driving to Portland Wednes­ day. It is seldom that they both leave the store together. A. T. Hill took care of the business during the day. Don’ t nauseate your stomach with teas and bitter herbs, but regulate your liver and sick headache by using those famous little pills known as De W itt’s Little Early Risers. A . T. H i l l . A. T. Ware has tendered his res­ ignation as pastor of Friends church and is preparing to return to Iowa in about two weeks. Rev. Ware is a bright, intelligent young minister and the Graphic confidently expects to hear excellent reports of his work in the ministry in the future. George C. Sears and wife of Portland have been up during the week superin­ tending the improvement of their newly purchased farm out west of town. About thirty head of horses from the John Day country arrived a week ago. Some of the best oi them will be used on the farm and the remainder will bes old. Miss Lizzie Morris, who arrived from California last week, left on Wednesday morning for Portland for a visit of a day or two, after which she intended to take the steamer for her field of missionary work in Alaeka. Beside several hun­ dred pounds of supplies sent from here she took a couple of Plymouth Rock chickens along in a bird cage. Mrs. E. B. Miles arrived home from her trip to Metlahkatla, Alaska the first of the week, where she went some time ago tovisit with Dr. H . J. Minthorns. She reports a very pleasant and enjoy­ able visit. Dr. Mintliorn came down with her and will remain until the next trip of the steamer which will be in about twelve days from the time they arrived at Portland. He looks hale and hearty, his appearance indicating that a salmon diet, such as they have on the island agrees with him. The Charles K. Spaulding Logging Company has recently been incorporated with a capital stock of $30,000. The in­ corporators are Charles K. Spaulding, W m , McLaughlin and B. C. Miles, all of Newberg. The object of the corporation is to engage in logging and steamboat­ ing. Mr. Spaulding has been engaged in the business of furnishing the pulp mills at Oregon City with logs for several years and has built up a very prosperous business. With a view of enlarging in this line of business and branching out in others he now forms a company. All three of the incorporators are good busi­ ness men and they have the necessary push to make an enterprise go, so there can be no doubt of their succeeding as a company. May success attend their efforts. At the earnest solicitation of some of our citizens the department at Washing­ ton directed a postal inspector to come to Newberg and advise with reference to the location of the postoffice, and ac­ cordingly W m . A. Robinson, of San Francisco, an inspector who has been in the service for several years, arrived here on the noon train last Friday and re mained until Saturday morning. Be­ fore leaving he informed the postmaster that after looking the town over he had made up his mind that the site which had been selected for the office was per­ fectly fair and just to all parties inter­ ested a*-»'■ t he would so report to the de- advised that the change be otaJe as soon as a building cou li be erected. In accordance with these in­ structions a building has been begun and the change will be made at an early day. With this statement the Graphic rests the case. “ They don’ t mako it.’ ’ We are speaking of De W itt’s Lit­ Remember the date of the Newberg tle Eariv Risers, tire famous little pills snow and very mean to walkover. That fair, October 13-14-15. for constipation, biliousness, and all evening we fell in with a California man I stomach and liver troubles. They nev­ who had a tent and no grub so as we Mr. and M rs.E . W . Evans, of Dayton were in just the opposite condition we er gripe. A . T. H il l . were in town Thursday. camped together. (W e had a largo tar- Before selecting your winter’s reading : , )auUll stoIen (rom U8 at Skaguay.) Here Jo. Cook, of Salem visited matter call at this office. there was no wood so we had to do tives in town last Sunday. quick work and cook with what few box­ Pull ofi your coat and get in and Tax Notice. es we had left. For tiro to warm by wo make the Newberg fair a success. By order of the County court all taxes crawled into the blankets. Had some not paid by October 15, 1897 will be de­ snow. Finished packing down to the F. H. Storey and family visited clared delinquent and costs added. tives in McMinnville last Sunday. lake and got ferried across about a mile I t2 J. W . H unky , Sheriff. and a half Sunday, where we had anoth­ T. B. Cummings has the coutract for er camp without wood, and by the way putting up Howard Williams’ new barn. Married« we lost our can of matches and all our Miss Clara Stratton, daughter of D. P. Miss Effio Macy was married to Moses tea by having them get mixed with some Stratton of Portland has entered college. Votaw, cashier of the Chehalem Valley one else’s goods, crossing the lake. I Perry Bradley and family are up from Bank, at the Votaw residence in New­ bought ten pounds of tea today however Portland visiting with Mrs. Bradley’s berg on Saturday evening, September and we have been getting a few matches 18, 1897, Rev. A . T. Ware officiating. along where we could so we will get parents. along all O. K. The Graphic extends congratulations. F. E. Hobson is putting up a neat On Monday I took some nails, pitch wood house for the reception of his win­ A Fatal Accident. and oakum over to Sir. Bowman and ter’ s fuel. Word was received here by telephone found him all right but down in the Flour, whole wheat flour, graham, on Tuesday from Middleton, giving the mouth because we hadn’ t got through He had a great big scow built for wheatlets, buckwheat, corn meal at particulars of a fatal accident which oc­ yet. Steigleder’ s. curred in the family of T. M. Baker of us to go down the river in but had a chance to sell it so he will probably Miss Myrtle Votaw, daughter of Henry Middleton, a brother to Mrs. Noah Heat­ build another. Therearo three lakes be­ Votaw, of Tacoma, is visiting the Yotaws er of Newberg. Three or four small tween here and the summit, all of which children were playing in the yard while of Newberg. an older brother, some fourteen years of we ferried, and from the last one we A. M. Mauritzen and Zef Sears started age, was also near by handling a shot­ hired the most of our packing done a on a two weeks trip to Tillamook county gun. In some way the gun was dis­ distance of two miles. We wore all our last Monday. charged and the load of shot struck a old shoes out and had begun pretty well Ladies Cape and Overcoat cloths at little fellow about four years of age in on our feet so we thought wo would not I have below cost. Barrie A Barrie. Patterns the head, killing him instantly. This is have time to carry to here. only another instance to remind parents been drying out our fruit, clothing, to cut from 10c. that they can’ t be too careful about let­ bacon and other tliiugs, us we have only Miss Olive Stratton who lias been at ting boys have guns to play with,especi­ had one day since reaching the summit Portland for some time is at homo again ally when there are other children without rain or snow, or both. ready for college. around. Yesterday was a nice day and today is The ¡umber for the new bridge is be­ also. The College Open*. ing placed on the ground and Mr. Morris A man eamo in this morning with Se­ Pacific College opened for the year on attle papers and sold them at $1 each. has begun operations. last Tuesday morning with the larger The Southern Pacffic will sell round number of the old students hack again I waited until in the afternoon and got I have not seen an trip tickets from this point to Portland and many new ones in attendance. A one for 50 cents. Oregon paper since leaving there. Lon for $1.20 until Ociober 1. number of visitors were present to wit­ saw an Oregonian on ce. Mr. W m . Vincent, an^enterprising ness the opening and listen to the short The days are getting quite a little saw mill man of Middleton was in town but splendid speech by President New- shorter but we still have lots of day­ lin. The other professors as well as some on business the first of the week. of the visitors made some remarks after light. Colored photograph and transparent There are about 100 boats under way which the students took up the work for pictures on glass at Smith’s Photo Gal­ the term just as though they had been of construction here now and some 10 or lery. Call and see samples. 12 leave every day and it is about the ! at it all summer. same on Lake Bennett, six miles farther Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wilson have N otes . down, so you can imagine something of charge of the offico of the Willamette Charlie Surface, of Blalock, Gilliam the number of people that are on the j Valley Telephone company for the pres­ county, is in school. road to tho Yukon. We frequently see ent. Douglas Taylor is a new student in the women packing 50 pounds on their backs Recorder W. T. Macy and family were preparatory department. and men carry from 50 to 200 pounds, j down from McMinnville last Saturday As soon as all our athletes are in foot­ There is a continual string of people on i Call and exam ine the new stock of evening to attend the Votaw-Macy the trail from daylight until dark, and ! ball will begin in earnest. wedding. goods at Ilodson Bros. Miss Clara Vaughan is in college my ! at the prices they get for packing. M. H . Finney who has been over in again after a years absence. We paid 23 cents per pound to the M eet. The float«. Washington county near Mountaindale College has opened with great enthusi­ summit and now they have raised the laboring with his team for several weeks Leave word at Morris A Sides store asm for a hard and successful years price. is at home again. and Gord Wordon will meet any of tho There are men making ns high as $30 work. boats. Ham Hutchins and wife were down Miss Clara Ilodson, late of Indiana, is per day and no doubt for the tirao it from Dayton the first of the week ar­ an addition to the Juniors. She will be will beat the Klondyke. Vor Rent. ranging for their daughter to enter col­ If we should not get down the river we librarian this year. lege again this year. A good house and four acres of ground will build some boats on Lake Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cook who have Frank Taylor has rented the property been out of school for two years are a- this winter but we are hopeful of getting on Wynooski street. For particulars down. Mr. Bowman was offered $300 call at the postoffice. now occupied by Rev. A . T. Ware and gain in attendance. for a boat he hail made in less than two will move to it as soon as it is vacated, The Christian associations of the col­ weeks, and it is likely he sold it and is which will be the first week in October. For Sale. lege are enthusiastically organizing their building another for us. We could not Three acres. Two acres in fruit, good Mrs. Agnes Miles, of Kansas has been work for the coming year. expect such prices in the spring though visiting with Mrs. E. B. Miles during the Leon Kenworthy, fresh from the big for people will have more time and will house and out buildings. W ill sell, ront or trade. For particulars call on or ad­ week. Sirs. Miles is the mother of Miss wheat fields of Eastern Washington is in build their own boats rather than pay dress, J. H t a n h k o u o i i , Harriett Miles who spent the summer hie accustomed place again. such prices. Lon and I have come to t4 Newberg, Ore. here. Prof. Francis K . Jones one of our new our appetites. I have not had enough Shepard Ong came over from Scotts professors will have charge of our col­ to eat for a week now, simply because Cauli 1Paid For Dried I*runea. Mills the first of the week and returned lege athletics to a great extent. my capacity is insufficient. with Mrs. J. H. Douglas, who had been F. A. E lliott . We are now ready to contract for 20 Fred Jackson and Maurice Townsend in town for several days visiting with of Indiana are members of the Junior carloads of prunes. All three grades, at her children. and Sophomore classes respectively. Sliding window screens 35c. and up, the highest market prico. Money down just as quick as prunes are delivered at The attendance at present is about 60 at Depot Lumber Yard. There will be a missionary concert Newberg. Call for particulars. next Sunday evening at the Baptist but many more will be in school in a E. C. W ard A Co. church. An interesting program is be­ few days, after fruit drying and the rush MILES. BARRIE & BARRIE T O H Q 8 K IW Opposite Bank of Newberg, And will carry full lines of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Stationery and Tailoring Goods. Groceries FR ESH :