NE w BERG GRAPHIC, Vim, vigor and victory :-these are the Secretary of A griculture W ilson is said and th a t vast region is unm apped and to be arranging to introduce the cam phor alm ost unknow n. The maps th a t have characteristics of De W itt’s L ittle E arly ! tree in the gulf States. This is very kind been issued are mere outlines. During R isers, th e famous little pills for consti- 1 ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MOBXINQ. in the secretary. I t is going to take a 1 the th irty years th a t Alaska has belong­ pation, biliousness and all stomach and A. T. H i l l . good deal .of cam phor to allay th e pain ed to us governm ent exploring and sur­ liver troubles. E. II. W o o d w a r d , E d it o r & P u b l i s h e r . of th e 16 to 1 fellows who asserted th a t veying parties should have been in the we never could havo any prosperity u n ­ field every year. They would have cost F rom th e top of the cathedral spire in der the gold standard, and we ought to hut little, while th eir labors a t this tim e Mexico you cun see the entire city, an d FR ID A Y , SEPTEM B ER 24, 1897. would be invaluable. prepare to produce it on our soil and be the m ost strik in g feature of the view is Alaska has sudde-nly em erged from tho nbsence of chim neys. T here is not a able to furnish it to them as cheaply as E n tered a* second-clean n e u te r a t th e postottlee the w aiting stage. Congress will now ch im n ey in all Mexico, not a grate, nor ut N ew berg, Oregon. possible. be compelled to act, and much thought a stove, n o r a furnace. A ll th e cooking W ith w inter coining on and snow a should be devoted to the future of tho is done w ith charcoal in a D utch oven. Two weeks ago wlien th e rains were Provisions for the sale j foot and a half deep already on the ! big territo ry . coming down th e directors of th e New- i Skaguav trail th ere seems to be a likeli­ and settlem ent of its lends are highly John Griffin, of Zanesville, O., says: berg fair association were discouraged at hood th a t some of tho m iners, who will I im portant, quite as much so as m ining " I never lived a day for th irtj’ years laws. A governm ent at once just and no doubt be obliged to go into w inter th e outlook and alm ost abandoned the w ithout suffering agony, until a box of idea of trying to hold a fair this season, j quarters along th e trail, may be glad to lilieral will he appreciated by the people. i De W itt’s W itch Hazel Halve cured my ! I cut a steak from frozen horse m eat be­ One of the m em bers of the House com ­ b u t since th e w eather has cleared up fore spring opens. There are the bodies m ittee on te r rito rie s says early action piles.” For idles and rectal troubles, j they feel more chipper and consequent­ of some six hundred dead horses scat­ will be taken. He beleives th a t Alaska cuts, bruises, sprains, eczema and all ly have decided to hold a th ree days’ tered along the trail to draw on in case should lx: provideil w itn a governm ent skin troubles De W itt’s W itch Hazel j A . T . H il l . as elaborate ns th a t of Arizona and New Salve is unequalled. fair, beginning October 13. The public of a pinch. Mexico, and th a t a delegate from the well knows th a t tho fair association has The scream of th e M ilton Eagle is territory will be adm itted to congress. T here are still on the pension rolls tiie | m et w ith many discouragem ents in tho heard and paren ts should read. It says: Ttie opening of Alaska should he for the nam es of seven w idow s an d nin e dau g h - j T l l G S C c l l ’C A O l l l 'S If* past on account of continued bad w eath­ “ If a man has a two-dollar bull pup he benefit of the whole people w ith ample ters of soldiers w ho fought in th e revolu- * e r during th e tim es of holding the fairs, looks after it carefully and does not a l­ safeguards against monopolists. One of tio n ary war. T he widows receive $12 th u s reducing the receipts to such an ex­ low it to roam all over town a t night. tiie suprem e tests of the capacity of Con­ a m o n th each u n d er a general act; th e Ho gress a t tho coming session will be its d au g h ters a sum stipulated by an in d i­ te n t th a t much loss has been sustained, But if ho lias a boy it is different. is turned loose a t an early age to go to legislation upon this im portant subject. vidual act passed by Congress for each and consequently a h in t ought to be th e devil, and then th e people w onder —Globe-Democrat. one. sufficient to cause everybody to lend a where tho arm y of tram ps, bumn, loaf­ O u t O f Th® O r d i n a r y . helping hand toward m aking th e m eet­ ers, dead W ats, gam blers, and d ru n k ­ T here is a tim e for everything; and To detach a fishbone from tiie th ro a t They are germ inated ing this year a success. Tell your ards come from. tiie tim e to attend to a cold is when it sw allow a raw egg as q u ickly as it cau neighbors th a t a fair is to lie held and from poor seed gathered from our homes starts. Don’t w ait till you have con­ and sown broadcast over our streets and be obtain ed . encourago them to lend all the help they sum ption but prevent it by using One alleys. I t may be th a t your boy is T he albatross has been known to fol­ M inute Cough Cure, the great remedy can. m aking a grow th in th a t direction. At low a sh ip for tw o m o n th s w ith o u t ever for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all events th e fcoy should bo given an being seen to a lig h t. all th ro at and lung troubles. If a fellow had half th e gol l th a t is equal showing w ith the bull pup. T h e g re a t O ttom an em pire, w hich at A. T. H i l l . going toward th e Klondyko country he one tim e th re a te n e d th e civilized would havo little occasion to worry a- Bland is h ittin g Blandism some hard world, sp ra n g from a b and of 400 w an ­ T ho O hio p en iten tiary au th o rities bout w hat is coming out. blows these days. In saying th a t wheat d erin g T u rk o m an fam ilies. and state officials are seriously p la n ­ has gone up because of tho failure of the T he m uncipal expenses o f L ondon ning a schem e to have crim inals car­ Tho wrecks soom to have it in for crop abroad and th a t silver has gone are $70,000,000. The niuncipat ex p en ­ ried by express com panies in steel w ire Bryan. One in Florida, another in K an­ down because the world is dropping it ses o f Purls are $65,000,000. Tho m u n ­ cages as express m atter, th u s doing sas and then th a t big wreck of last from the coinage, lie confesses th a t the cipal expenses of N ew York a re $40,- aw ay w ith tiie e x tra expense attach ed November. Taking it all around Billy assertion of the yoking together of silver 000 , 000 . in sen d in g deputies a n d the a n n o y ­ and w heat was a I’opocratie fraud. lie is having a hard pull of it. N ev ad a is th e m ost sparsely settled ances connected w ith it. acknowledges th a t th e w heat advance Btuto In A m erica. T h ere are nearly will help tho farm ers and do much to tw o and a h a lf square m iles fo each in ­ Tho New York H erald says 26,000 O H o f G la d n c s n restore prosperity, b u t he intim ates a h a b ita n t; n e x t comes Id ah o , w ith one m ore skilled laborers are employed now Is a pleasant, palatable preparation, e n ­ sort of doubt th a t high prices will ben­ in h a b ita n t to each square m ile. th a n at th e sam e tim e last year. Mc­ efit the people. Last year, however, all tirely free from all oily taste, a n d m ay T he a rt of paper m ak ing has reached K inley Btands w ith his hand on the tho I’opocratic orators, from Bryan th e point w here it is possible to cut he ad m inistered in tern ally or applied th ro ttle a t th e present w riting. down, were howling th a t tho gold stan d ­ dow n a grow ing tree und co n v ert it in ­ e x tern ally , f t will rem ove all pain ard reduced prices, and wero saying to paper suitable for p rin tin g purposes Unit “ h u m an flesh is h eir to ,” if prop­ erly applied, an d m ig h t be rig h tly Tho Globe-Democrat says th a t if any­ th a t one of the benefits of a silver stan d ­ w ith in tw enty-four hours. term ed “ a panacea for all ills.” Trice body ever said th a t prosperity in thin ard would he th a t it would advance B rita in occupies a v ery h ig h place in country could never come under the prices. Every expression w hich a m in in g of all kinds. More th a n 60,000 150 cents. For sale by all D ruggists. Who can think gold standard ho should ho allowed tho Bryanite has m ade on th e general con­ of h e r people are em ployed a t th e in ­ or some simple thing to patent? privilege of silence. A m istake as big ditions which prevail now shows th a t dustry, a n d th e y produce £8,000,000 T hom as W orthington, who w as G ov­ i Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. rite JOHN WEDDERBURN ft CO.. Patent Attor- tho l ’op leaders are badly “ ra ttle d ” by w o rth of m in erals a n n u ally . as th a t dem ands hum ane tre a tm e n t. ernor of Ohio about 1815, has th e I W neys, W ashington, D. C., for their $1,SU) prize offer ad list of tw o hundred Inventions wanted. tho prosperity w hich has falsified th eir A peer w ho becomes a b a n k ru p t is dis­ u n iq u e distin ctio n of h av in g been th e predictions and sm ashed th eir p arty .— qualified from sittin g or vo tin g in th e only G overnor of tho S tate w ho was Tho gain in tho value oi agricultural For TTOUNE Y - AT-LAW. House of Lords; a peer of Scotland or ever arrested a n d started for jail. products of Ohio this year over last year G lobe-Democrat. E V E I tY m e m b e r o f Ireland is by b a n k ru p tc y disqualified T here w as a m istake ubout it w h ich is figured at $39,000,000 and some states D r o p p in g T h u S i l v e r I s s u e . E V E R Y f a m ily on was discovered before tho official was from represen tin g his co u n try . are said to have done even b etter than W ill p ra c tic e iu all th e co u rts of th e state. T he elem en t of u n rest in o u r politics Glass is th e m ost perfect elastic sub­ locked up. th a t. A p retty good showing for tho E V E R Y fa r m , in S pecial a tte u tio u g iv e n to p ro b a te w ork, th e w ritin g of dem is, m ortgages, c o n tra c ts a utl th e e x h ib its plain sy m p to m s of ab a n d o n ­ stan ce in existauce. A glass plate kept firBtyear in th e new era of prosperity. d ra ftin g of a ll legal p ap ers. E V E R Y v illa g e , in in g th o free silver idea. W o infer this under pressure in a b e n t condition for I t heals everything except a broken N ew b e rg . O regon . from th o speech m ade a t P h ila d e lp h ia tw enty-five years will re tu rn to ils e x ­ heart, may be said of De W itt’s W itch O ff ic e — Second Floor E V E R Y S t a t e a m i T e r r ito r y . H ank of N ew berg B uild in g . An exchange very aptly rem arks th a t by ex-Gov. A ltgeld. H o is w ith o u t a ct o riginal form . (Steel comes n ext. Hazel Salve. Piles and rectal diseases, 1 V. .... $1 • ' tho wonl Popocrut this year moans a doubt th o leading ex p o n e n t o f (lie po­ ---- F O R E d u c a t io n , T h e l’ursee is m ore often th a n not cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, eczema and m an who explains w hat ho (bought lie litical gospel of d isc o n te n t a n d u n rea­ u n ju stly called a fire-w orshipper. Y et all skin troubles may be cured by it ELM EE P. DIXON, F O R N o b le M a n h o o d , m eant a year ago. And it m ight bo ad ­ son. Ho drafted th e Chicago l ’opocrnt- quickly and perm anently. A. T. H i l l . ded th a t this kind of a job is always up ie platform , an d really w as th e m oving to h im lire is b u t th o em blem of the F O It T r u e W o m a n h o o d . hill work and very trying on tho nerves. sp irit, not on ly of th a t co n v en tio n but pow er of God w hom lio w orships as de­ --------- — ------ > voutly ns C h ristian s do th e G od of th e T h e M cM innville broom factory re­ o f tho I’opocratic cam paign last year. Bible. OHice 2 doors w est of H ill’s D rug store. a ll im p o r ta n t n e w s o f t h e N a tio n , IT G IV ceived a load of broom eorn th is week 1st. s tre e t' N ew berg, O regon. Tho U nited States W eather B ureau is H e dictated Us issues, an d prepared tho a ll I m p o r ta n t n ew « o f t h e W o r ld , IT G IV T h e larg est cream ery in th e w orld from It. 8. A llen, th a t a novice w ould m aking arrangem ents to photograph tho plan of buttle. t h e m o st r e lia b le m a r k e t r e p o r ts, IT G IV is said to he n e a r Ht. A lbans, Vt. pronounce all rig h t. T he p ro p rieto r of w ind. Tho conditions for trying this W hen he therefore, in a public u tte r­ T w elve th o u sa n d cows, ow ned by 700 th e factory said th a t it w as all rig h t, b r illia n t a n d in s t r u c t iv e e d it o r ia ls , IT G IV experim ent nro not favorable in the ance addressed en tirely to w orkingm en, farm ers, supply th e cream , an d the a v ­ and he considers it a dem onstrated fact f n c iim t in g sh o r t sto r ie s, IT G IV W illam ette valley except when Motor passes over th o silver issue, tho vital erage d aily product is 10,000 pounds: or th a t W estern Oregon can produce its a n u n e x c e lle d a g r ic u lt u r a l d e p a r t m e n t , I T GIV' and B rother Barkley are out m aking one of last y e a r’s cam p a ig n , a n d devotes live tons, o f bu tter. s c ie n c e a n d m e c h a n ic a l in fo r m a t io n , IT G IV ow n broom m ateiial as well as send F L O U K , F E E D , IIA Y & G R A IN , | him self to th e discussion of o th e r a l­ cam paign speeches. illu s t r a t e d f a s h io n a r t ic le s , IT G IV G A R D EN & FLOW ER Japanese th eaters h av e th e ir boxes so m an y thou san d s of dollars aw ay from leged grievances, It Is fa ir to assume arran g ed th a t th e ladies can change hom e ev ery y ear for th a t purpose.— h u m o ro u s illu s t r a t io n s , IT G IV SEED S. Land P la ste r, P oultry S u pplies an d etc., etc. e n t e r t a in m e n t to o ld a n d y o u n g , IT G IV H on. T. T. Goer of Marion county has th a t th e sm aller fry o f th o A ddulnm ite dresses, ns it is n o t considered stylish R eporter. ¡ f t p * F re e D elivery. s a t is f a c t io n e v e r y w h e r e to e v e r y b o d y . IT G IV It. \V. STEIGLEDEE, declined to accept the position of regis­ political faith w ill rap id ly follow in tho for a lady to appear an e n tire ev en in g in 1st street,N ew berg, Oregou. p a th lie lias m ark ed out. HU especial one dress a n d w ith th e sam e o rnam ents. te r of the Oregon City land office which Illuoil W ill T e ll. It is claim ed iu behalf of th e Ber- had been offered to him and Hon. Chas. object ol a tta c k is w lm t ho calls corpo­ We Furnish THE GRAPHIC and tho NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, The m any different skin diseases such p A K K N O TIC E-------------- 9 11. Moores of Salem has been tendered rate m onopoly, a n d Us influence on m u n d as th a t the com plexion of the n a ­ as ring worm, tetter, salt rheum , erysip­ r j|_ I h ave re n te d the N ew berg M eat M arket tives are th e finest iu tho w orld. T his of Mr. Lucas fo rm erly o w ned a n d ru n by th e |>laee. No man in Oregon is lietter politics a n d business. T h is is a w ide subject, one w h ich is seem s to be a clever ad v ertise m en t of elas, eczema, itching or an eruption of J. a. B aker. I in te n d to keep a su p p ly ef qualified to fill tlds office th an Mr pimples, postules, blotches, chaps or C A S H IN A D V A N C E . n o t well understood by tho masses of th o liu m u n d u onion, of w hich 17,000,- M oores. cracking open of th e skin, scrofula, are F R E S H A N D C U R E D M E A T S th o people, and therefore, one which 000 pounds nro ex p o rted an n u ally . A ddress a ll o rd e rs to directly the cause of itnpufe blood, on h a n d at all tim es. S oliciting a sh are of affords an easy Held for a g itato rs of tho T h a t a rm y chaplaincies co n tin u e to j W ilbur’s Blood Purifier is acknowledged your patro n ag e I re m a in T he Oregon City H erald, tho organ of A ltgold strip e to carry on a one-sided Y ours re sp ec tfu lly . j be very a llu rin g to th e clerical m in d is j to be th e best medicine known for any th e pop party in Clackam as county, says | discussion am o n g th e people. I t will 'W rite y o u r nam e an d a d d re ss on a postal card , send it to Geo. W. B est, T r ib u n e in dicated by th e fact th a t nearly 300 .Jas. C o m ic. of these unsightly com plaints. Price “ populism has no pie-counter.” To a I lie difficult, how ever, to sw ing th e Issue Office New York City, an d a sam p le copy o f TH E NEW YORK W E E K L Y i m in isters applied to th e federal gov- $1.00 per bottle. For sale by all D rug­ N ew berg, O ctober, 18%. TR IB U N E w ill be m a ile d to you. m an up th e river it looks like the H e r­ ns q u ick ly ns Altgold ev id en tly would I e m in e n t for a p p o in tm e n t to a single gists. ald, with its tw enty-four colum ns of de­ be glad to have it done. I t took years --- ■ » linquent tax notices, ought to lie able to o f p ersisten t ag itatio n to create the I vacancy th a t recently ocoured. Bicycles are used for sm u g g lin g on worry along pretty well until the w inter w ave of free silver en th u sia sm , a n d it \\r p T I F \ P O i 1Ti DEPOT LUMBER YARD, A son of Jo h n H en d rick s nbout 18 I t . X . Ì Ì L A L V 7 L I V , ÏÏEWBERG, OREGON. rains sot in at least, w ithout any pie- will ta k e a y e a r or tw o, p e rh ap s m ore, tho fro n tier coast of F ran ce and Bel- y e a n o ld , w ent out to kill a chicken ’ glum . T he custom s officers nt Tourco- counter to run to. POORS. LATH, GLASS, CEDAR. ; w ith n pistol on Sunday. T he cartridge for th e masses to let go ef th is fallacy, in g took to pieces th e m ach in e ridden LIME. SASH FIR WATCHMAKER WINDOWS, m o u l d in g s , s a n d , w e ig h t s REDWOOD. after th e long In stru ctio n th ey have by a m an th e y suspected a n d found failing to explode th e boy u nhinged th e SHINGLES. HA IR, CORD, Y E L L ’W P IN E pistol. T he cartridge th en exploded, had th e re in .—Toledo Blade. I t is reported th a t H onduras is about ETC., ETC. tlm t all th e hollow tu b in g w as stuffed B u ild e rs Hardware« JEWELER, j being defective a n d slow of fire, th e to hand over th e adm inistration of its w ith pepper. D oing Something; F o r A U n k n . tlto p a tro n a g e of h is old In d ia n a ^ public affairs to u syndicate of American It is said th a t lem onade is a inierolie 1 cap strik in g th e boy In front of an d Solicits F rie n d s ivho need w atch re p a irin g done. I Our greatest territo ry may he said to d estroyer, since th e bactllli of ch o lera ju s t above th e eye, and th e ball passing business m en. Engaging a Yankee 2 7 0 M o rriso n S t. tru st to ru n a nation is a novelty in tho have opened itself. W ith its m ore than ! c a n n o t resist th e acids, especially the o u t th ro u g h th e barrel of th e pistol. C O R T L A N D , OR. science of governm ent. H onduras may j Half a million square miles it has been isnvei fill c itric acid of th e leiuon. One l)r. G oucherdressed th e w ound, w hich now prepare itself to get along with tho treated for th irty years like an outer wil­ j grain, declares an a u th o rity , w ill de­ he th in k s will not p ro v en serious one gold standard and w ithout the luxury of derness, too remote and ditfienlt to be sys­ s t r o y all th o m icrobes in a q u a rt of to th e ey esig h t.—Reporter. tem atically exploited. For nearly tw en­ ! w ater. revolutions.—Globo-Deuiocrat. ty years after its purchase Alaska was a B urning, itching skin diseases in ­ m ilitary com m and, with ju st one civil A N a ile d . stantly relieved by Do W itt’s W itch (Y ellow Stone P a rk L ine ) T he two great pacers, S tar l ’oin ter nnd officer, th e collector of the port of Sitka. C onsum ption an d b ro n ch itis are not Hazel Salve, unequalled for eats, TH E ONLY DINING CAR ROUTE FROM Jo 1‘atehen paced the race of th eir lives In th a t tim e a few exploring trip s were I l>y any m eans th e sam e, alth o u g h it is bruises, burns. It heals w ithout leav­ PORTLAND TO TH E EAST. a t the Indiana State fair at Indianapolis TH E ONLY ROUTE TO TH E YELLOWSTONE m ade by th e troops at Sitka. In 1884 h a rd to d istin g u ish one from th e other. ing a scar. A. T. H i l l . NATIONAL PARK. last week w ith 45,000 people looking Alaska attained th e dignity of a Gov­ B ronchitis is an Inflam m ation of th e ---- on. F irst, each horse won a h eat, but LRU ernor, nppointed by th e P resident for , lin in g of th e w ind tidies o r air vessels in the third heat S tar P ointer won in the H on. Jo h n (¡ill was in tow n Saturday- four years, w ith a salary of $3,(XX). The o f th e lungs, causing soreness of th e No. 2. F a st m ail for K nlam a. rem arkable tim e of 2:01, th u s breaking last, a n d w hile in the city took oeea- i Kelso, C astle Koek. Win law B|n'uks of Alaska as a "d istric t” and ■ sam e, cough, sore th ro a t, hoarseness, loek, C hehalis, C eutral- th e record. Tho Indianapoli* track is slot! to present at th e First N ational empowers tho Governor to enforce the | difficulty of b reath in g , sp ittin g of m a t­ U. S outh R end, Monte- said to lie the finest iu the world. »am*. A berdeen. O eosta, laws, grant tem porary reprieves to crim ­ ter a n d som etim es blood. T housands Bank a check for $1(X), signed by .Iona- j O lym pia. Tacom a, S eat­ th a n B ourne, J r ., a n d o f d ate J u n e 9, tle. V ictoria, Ft. Town inals and com m and the m ilitia. There die a n n u a lly w ith th is dread disease. send, K lleusburg, Kos- It has been agreed betw een th e editor arc cightean o th er civil officers, half of W ilbur’s Cough C ure will cure. Price 1897. I t w as perhaps none o f th e lvn. N orth Y akim a. T ra n sc rip t’s dodgasted business, but Sprague. C heney, Spo of the G raphic and O. C . E m ery th a t in them commissioners in legal cases, and 50 cents. For sale by all D ruggists. kane, P ullm an! G tr- th e reporter w ondered w hen he saw th e future any differences of a personal about the sam e num ber of deputies. » Meld, F arm in g to n . >(•*«. cow. U nlontow n. Gen tho check if it w asn 't p art of last w in ­ I ll« ' F i r s t lvlo k< n atu re th a t may come up shall he se t­ W hen th e G overnor finds no law appli­ :00 P. M csee. R«>>sland. R. C te r's fiasco at Salem. N o in sin u atio n s i ra il, lb C : N elson. Ii. tled outside the colum ns of th eir re* cable to a case in hand lie is authorized The honor th a t was to have been given C K sslo. M issoula. spective papers. Tho G raphic hopes to to refer to the laws of * >regon for guid­ to Oregon C ity, lias been forestalled by how ever.—T ra r script. B utte, A naconda. Hole iia . St. P aul, M inneapo­ lie able to give its readers som ething ance. an energetic Seattle m an, w ho has ship- lis, K ansas City. O u t ha. C o u n cil Blutf«, St. The m any friends of M art M. H igh more substantial to |>oruse, from week One of th e duties of th e G overnor of ]H'd a eoniplore printing outfit to Dawson Louis, C hicago W**h- to week, and in this endeavor it a ill ev­ Alaska is to make an annual report to City and is publishing th e Dawson City are pleased to learn th a t h e has fallen Itu to n . New York. Phil a d elp h ta . Boston, an 1 e r strive. the President on October 1 of each year Nows, th esu b rerip tio u price of which is Into a very good position in Marion all point«. E ast a n d T he co u n ty eourt of th a t S o u th east “ concerning his acts and doings, and $20 | er year invaribly in advance, single county. county h a s appointed him s u p e rin te n ­ W ith reference to w hat was said in th e condition of th e district w ith refer­ copies 75 cents. This pioneer journal 3 DAYS to M innr'tfydi*. O m aha. Kan>as City, and St Paul. this paper two w eeks ago respecting an ence to its resources, industries, popu­ gives all the news of Dawson and vicin­ d e n t of th e co u n ty poor farm , to take DAYS to >iUwa ikec and C hicago NY * charg e N ov. 1st. A good farm is fu r­ lation ami th e ad m inistration of the ity, and is a three-colum n, four page agreem ent between a candidate for the 1% DAYS to W ashington. P h ila d e lp h ia K**t- M art runs York and Hostou. a n d o th e r js,stiifficc and Mr. E m ery, by which civil g overnm ent." This has been a paper. The p rin ter whom th e editor nished p artially stocked. e rn point*.. B iggage c h ec k e d th ro u g h to d eM iuation of Sen. M itchell’s influence was to lie se ­ light task heretofore, h u t th e situation had engaged to perform th e typographic­ th e farm , gets th e products therefrom tic k c t an d boards th e in m ates e f th e assylum cured, It is b u t fair to state th at w hile it has changed. The rusli of the last few al work, took up a m ining claim and Kor sle e p in g c ar re serv atio n s, tic k e ts, m aps waa given exactly as stated to tb e e litor, m onths to th e territory has given it a went to m ining, th u s necessitating the for th e poor at $2 24 per week each. a n d fa ll In fo rm a tio n , c all on o r w rite it seems on investigation th a t our in ­ com paratively large population, with the ed ito r to act in th e capacities of devil, Mr. H igh is en title d to som e good po­ form ant and one of th e candidates in con­ Kirest framework of governm ent ready compositor, reporter, editor and busi­ sition, an d we sincerely hope th is will versing on th e subject m isunderstood for it. There arc now considerable cities ness m anager. The enterprising pub* prove lucrative to h im .—T ranscript. each oth er. T h at instead of asserting on this coast th a t have sprung tip alm ost Usher issues the News every week and M o r r i s o n S t. . C«>r. T h i r d . A N T E D T K US I W O RTH Y AND ACTIVE th a t such an agreem ent had been e n ter­ in a night and no law except such ns is contem plates enlarging th e paper so K cntlem sn o r la d ie s to tra v e l for re «non- ed into, the candi late suggested th a t he enforced by common eon-, nt. No roads toon as a more com plete outfit, can l*e «‘»tabi tailed h o u se in O regon M onthly m il n |H ’ii»»>4 Positi« >n MMiljr K c i« r though t a second candi late had such an exist and no surveys for m aking them . secured next spring. Oregon City K.u- E nclose «.«df ad d re sse d s tsm p -1 eitv el Mail routes aic unopenc I to th e interior tcrprice. agreem ent w ith Mr. Em ery. • I I he U vluuuou C om pany Dept Y C hicago. Gret tlie m ost for* Q Your money UALITY amounts to little unless the price be fair. LOW PRICES are not bargains unless quality is there. ®^**W e combine them— Rejoice and buy. j PERFECTION IN STYLE AND ASSORTMENT. Satisfaction in Q uality and Price. you make selections from our new stock of Clothing. HODSON BROS. Keep Your On This Space. It is Reserved for C - IFY IMIO O JR;ZED Sz, C O . W anted-An Idea A CLARENCE BUTT. The New-York Weekly Tribune m m * (iS ¿ ¿ V :. ;Æ Ê DENTIST. Feed & Seed Store One Year for Only 81.50, T H E GRAPHIC, Newberg, Or. j JOHN A. BECK, J « y Northern Pacific. A. D, CHARLTON. Ass’t Geifl Pass. Agent. Portland. Ore. w E. H. WOODWARD, Luhdl Agon!. ' Knwticrg. Oi. i