Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 17, 1897, Image 4

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    the price of the fuel is less than 10
cents a gallon. If the whole force
should be used, there would be only
P a ck er’ s G rea t Irrigation E n ­ eight gallons an hour, or less than 200
gallons a day of 24 hours. The fuel
terp rise a S u c c e ss.
item then is lesB than (20 for covering
88 acres 10 inches deep with water—oi
less than U0 cents an acre. If used foi
H u n d re d s o f A cre s o f W h e a t L a n d A lo n g
wheat, one sack to the acre will pay all
t h e S a c r a m e n t o K lv e r H up-
the expenses of putting 10 inches of
p ile d W ith W a te r .
water on it just as it is wanted most.
Tiiis pumping plant, destined to
Pumping plants have been so im­
proved in the last few years as to lead j revolutionizo agriculture in the Sacra­
one to hope that in that direction lies mento valley, was put in ofieratiou Fri­
the solution of the irrigation question. day, August II.
Early in the morning a party of Co-
George F. Packer, although considered
one of the most conservative men in lusans drove to the ranch of Mr. Pack
the county, has led off in a number of er, which is on the river below Prince­
things. Some years ago he checked off '• ton, to see the great pump make a trial
some lnnd ami put in a flume for win­ of its strength. Tiie air was cool ami
ter irrigation and planted alfalfa. He tiie drive most pleasant, though dusty.
made a survey himself to determine the Arriving, they found the engine placed
practicability of taking the water out in a concrete oblong, square basin,
of the river below Stony creek to water sloping towards tiie cut in the levee
the river lands, and wanted the co-oper­ tiiat leads to the river and the great
ation of some of the farmers to build 28-inoh iron pipe extending from a
tho canal. He opp< sed both the Colusa j 22x22 foot reservoir down the concrete
and the Central districts because he did basin, on through tiie cut in the levee
not believe in that plan—and time has and river hank into the water. The
shown that he was wiser in that than machinery was all clean and bright and
many of us. He wanted to know who G. W. Tibbetts ami Arthur Pope were
was to manage.
on hand to put it in motion. John E.
Again he conies to the front. The Doak of San Francisco, having the
Hercules Gas Engine Works of San work in charge, was there, and as the
Francisco lias just completed, on his engine started, tiie great belts moving
Q n e « n o f t h e X e th r r la n U * .
The queen of the Nellie, lauds has re­
fused to wed Bernard of Saxe-Weimar,
who, in addition to his ill looks, is
reported to lie shy and retiring, al­
though likewise reported to be exceed­
ingly amiable and good natured.
has deelured that she w ill marry one of
her own choice only.
Eligible prince*
to mate with her are by no means
plentiful. Her future consort must tie
decidely a Protestant prince.
choice, then is practically limited to
German, Danish, Swedish or English
princes. There is some question as to
whether the German Emperor, who
must be reckoned with at this juncture,
will allow a prince of any of these
nations to step in.
Prince Bernard of Saxe-Weimar is in
reality a German subject. The grand
duchy over which he will eventually
reign is one of tiie six comprised in the
German empire; is the largest of tiie
minor Saxon States, and consists of
three detached districts, Weimar,
Eisenach and Neustadt.
The Saxe-
Weimar family is the oldest branch of
the Ernestine line, and hence of the
whole Saxon house.
By treaties of succession the Grand
Duke is tiie next heir to the throne of
Saxony, should the present Albertine
line become extinct. Ho is entitled to
the predicate of “ royal highness.’ ’
K l o n d i k e in V e r n e .
Great river.
Lots of shiver.
Awful cold.
Much gold.
Winds moanly.
Nights lonely.
Dark us hades.
Where no maid is
No streets.
Mountain steeps.
Nary bike—
— Chicago Titucs-Herald.
T h « I io lia n T w in
I li a m o n ilH .
Mrs. William Astor, it is said, lias
bought for ( 125,000 the famous dia­
monds known as the “ Indian twins.’ ’
They are cut cushion shape, weigli
eight and a half carats each, and are of
a pale blue color, so full of fire that
many jierfect stones seem lusterless by
comparison. “ The twins’ ’ were the
property of Warren Hastings when lie
wus governor-general of India.
ER A N O H O U S E W I F E .
The O ld -F ash ion ed Tread P ow er Is
Com ing In to Use A g a in —The V alue
o f Straw Peed for F ir m Uoraea -
Pure D rin k in g W ater.
P ow er for the Farm.
farmer needs a power that is both
cheap aud ready for use and one that
can be depended upon. He also wants
It to be safe from tire aud explosion,
and easily moved to different parts of
the farm buildings. There Is one power
that meets all these requirements quite
well, aud one that the farmer might use
to greater advantage than he does, and
that Is the tread power. It was used
exclusively o, farms forty years ago
for such limited use as any power was
applied to, hut, for some reasou or oth­
er, was quite generally abandoned. But
the tread power Is coming back Into use
again for such work, as a cheap and In­
expensive power is needed. This pow­
er can be obtained in almost any size
required, from a power Intended for a
goiit or dog up to a power for four
horses. The smallest are often used
to run baby separators, churns aud
such things as these, and the largest to
run feed cutters aud heavy threshing
machines. A two-horse trend power
will run a circular saw for sawing
wood, and a two or three-horse power
will mn a medium-sized cutter for cut­
ting ensilage. When a farmer has the
horses It Is the cheapest kind of power
that can he obtained upon most farms,
and the cost Is within the reach of most
farmers. The windmill has come Into
use to a considerable extent, especially
for pumping water for stock or family
use. With proper attention it does good
work, and Is, of course, Inexpensive In
operation nfter once established. An­
other kind of power that has come Into
use Is the gasoline engine, and fur­
nishes one-horse power at only one or
two cents an hour. This matter of
power seems to he settled among the
three forms: The tread power, windmill
power and gasoline power. The flrst
- Is comparatively Inexpensive In the
j first cost. While the other two powers
named are expensive at the start, It
costs scarcely anything to operate
them, and the gasoline engine can he
used for any work upon the farm to
which stationary power Is ever applied.
But, for pumping water alone, nothing
will take the place of a good wind
power.—Mirror nud Farmer.
was. Solomon Hoxle, who has done a
vast deal of Importing, confirms this.
He says that "we had a native breed
forming that we should have held on
to." Shall we go back to try It over
again?—Orange Judd Farmer.
N itr a te o f S oda.
Nitrate of soda Is seldom used in the
compounding of the fertilizers sold In
Ohio, fur the reuson that a much cheap­
er source of nitrogen Is found in the
refuse of the Western slaughter houses.
Moreover,■» of soda Is au easily
soluble salt, and it is doubtful whether
it Is advisable to use it In the fall, at
which time most fertilizers are applied
In Ohio. In our experiments It is ap­
plied only In the spring, after growth
has begun iu the case of wheat, or at
the time of planting In the case of
spring crops. If sown on wheat nliout
the middle of April aud a timely rain
follows, the effect of the nitrate will
be conspicuously manifest In a short
In effectiveness dried blood stands
below nitrate of soda, hut It Is probably
preferable to nitrate of soda for fall
use because its nitrogen Is in a less
easily soluble form than that of nitrate
of soda.—Ohio Station Bulletin.
The Rest V ozen F .s -i ,
Which Is really best, the white egg or
the brown; the large egg, or that of
medium size? There Is much argu­
ment In the poultry papers of late, try­
ing to prove that the birds which lay
the “ best dozeus" at the shows are
really the best utility birds. If the
judglug were based on uniformity of
color aud uniformity of size, Just far
enough altove the average that the
breed could be laid up to it, the point
might be considered proven. But too
often the eggs are over-sized (double-
yolked, perhaps), merely because the
hens are out of condition, too fat or
otherwise. Looked at from the pro­
ducer's standpolut, the frequent over­
sized egg Is not desirable. It costs
more to produce, it Injures the sale of
the nverage, and as a rule, It brlugs
him no more money. Nevertheless, the
breed that always lays good-sized eggs
—if there are enough of them—Is a good
breed to have. The consumer likes such
eggs.—American Gardening.
T re atm e n t o f A lk a li Land.
“ Will any form of potash, such ns
wood ashes, e tc , Improve or enrich
I m p r o v e m e n t « in L o n d o n .
home place, the largest gasoline pump­ slowly at first, and increasing in vein
soils that show white alkali on the sur­
American improvements are more
ing plant in existence, which will lie city, the water began to come with ami more attacking London. West­
face In the spriug? I put on from thir­
used for pumping water from the river force into the reservoir. It gushed for minster and Waterloo bridges and the
ty to fifty tons of stable manure per
with which to irrigate several hundred awhile, when one of the smaller parts Victoria embankment are to be lighted
acre.” Thus writes a perplexed Colo­
acres of land.
of the engine became clogged, and it by electricity, and one of the reasons for
rado farmer to Rural New Yorker. Fol­
Tiiis plant consists of an 80-horse was stopped for arrangement. Just its use, urged in the Loudon council,
lowing Is the reply: The wood ashes
power, horizontal single cylinder, Her­ then, as all stood still, there wus a was that it would make tho city more
would not be likely to benefit such soils,
The V alue o f Straw .
cules engine and a Kregli Manufactur­ splash and a wild siiout camo from attractive in the sight of rich Ameri­
except as they supply potash. The sul-
ing Company’s IQ-inch centrifugal tboso who had climbed upon the edge cans. The propose.! improvement will
plinte of potash would do better, but
pump, guaranteed to raise 6,000 gal­ of the reservoir. All rushed up and cost about (110,000.
sulphate o f lime oi “laud plaster”
lons of water per minute 27 feet high. found Mr. Stice, of Red Bluff, who is
But so many uses for straw came up would do as well and be much cheaper.
There is also a smaller pmnpof 400 gal­ hero buying fruit, floundering around
C o s tly I m p e r ia l T r a in .
its price went far beyond Its mnnu- If the drainage of this lnnd is good,
lons a minute cupaci y driven by tiie in tho water, having lost his balance
The German Emperors imperial train
you can wash most of the alkali out by
same engine. Tiiis is for tank purposes. and tumbled in. There was much mer­ cost (880,000 and took three years to | rial value. Now straw Is regarded as Irrigating It. The object In using the
The engine is arranged to use either ¡ riment at his expense, and it had a construct. There are altogether twelve one of the farm products that can be plaster Is to change the form of tills al­
gasoline or distillate oil, and as tho lut-' healthy action on the crowd, bringing cars, including two nursery carriages. most easily spared, provided It Is near kali so that it will dissolve and wash
ter is very etieap it will no do.ibt be laughter and good will all around.
The reception saloon contains several enough to the market to be sold with­ away.
the fuel selected for use. The 20-inoh
Again, the engines started, and fore- j pieces of statuary, and each of the out too great for marketing.
Farmers are learning the same thing
suction pipe, made of No. 10 steel, ing 7,200 gallons to the minute, the Bleeeping cars is fitted with a hath.
S t o c k t o G l e a n G r a i n F l e 'd -* .
about timothy hay. It also sells for
issues tliinugh tiie levee, on an incline, great reservoir was soon overflowing, |
It is a great mistake to let any stock
T liree M illion * for a S c h o o l.
more than its manurlal value. But this exoept poultry glean after the grain
nto the river, and at its lower end is and all pronounced it the grandest of i
Boston is to have a new public school Is uot true of clover hay. It takes from harvest has been gathered. The poach­
a large foot valve weighing 1,200 successes.
named after Paul Revere, which will the soli and returns to the soil more ing of the soil, and Injury to young
The success of Mr. Packer’ s enter- j
A 20-inrli discharge pipe carries De­ prise will show conclusively that it j cost, including the site, about (8,000,- than any other crop tlint the Northern clover caused by other stock running
water from the pump to a head box 22 will be immensely profitable to irrigate 000. The building will he constructel farmer grows. Rut it has the advan­ over the fields, more than offsets what
feet s<|mire and tl feet high. For the even wheat lands that are at all favor- \ of light pink granite, gray, red ami tage that the nitrogen It takes from the good the stock can gain by gathering
foundation of the machinery an excava­ ably situated. Who would not give a white brick and terra cotta. It will soil Is from decomposed air, and that the wasted grain heads. There are
tion was made and filled with concrete. sack of wheat nil acre for the privilege contain public battling facilities for tiie after a clover hay crop has been cut, very few wasted heads in modem grain
the soil it lias grown in Is always rich- harvesting, except such ns are bent
The flrst test made showed a much uf 10 inches of water at will? It would children.
larger pumping capacity than the con­ make a difference, one year with an­
The newest thing in letter boxes is a j er in nitrogen than It was before.— down and cut off with too little straw
to be gathered in the bundle. If allow­
tract called for, the fli w of water ex­ other, of live to ten sacks; there need box with an electrical attachment, American Cultivator.
ed a free range, the fowls will gather
ceeding 7,200 gallons a minute or 482,- bo no summer-fallowing.
A certain which will ring a bell in the kitchen
most of the grain, and they will pay
000 gallons an hour, or 10,868,000 gal­ crop every year. But then there comes when a letter is dropped in.
It Is well known that alum will re- best for It, as grain so gathered always
lons per day of 24 boors—enough water in a more profitable crop—alfalfa and
j move organic and other matters from sets the hens to laying again.
to oover 8K4 acres an inch deep, or 8H sugar beets.
acres 10 inches deep every day of 24
This plant was put in for Mr. Packer NERVOUS ER0STRATION. water, so as to render it clear and pure;
hut it Is now said that fluoride Is su­
F a rm N o tes.
for (8,600, but the head of the com­
If a young tree is leaned by the wind
“ Will you kindly allow me,” writes perior to alum for this purpose. One
A very Important part is the exceed­ pany informs us that this was an in­
get it back In Hue at once, for never
ingly small cost of the fuel, it being ducement and that another would come Miss M a r y E. SAiuT.of JobUtown, N. J.,
to Mrs. Pinkliam, “ the pleasure of ex­ gallons of water. After all, the best again will It be so easily done. Stake,
only one-eighth gallon per hour for higher.
If necessary.
pressing my gratitude for the wonder­
each horse power actually used, and
—Colusa Sun, August fl, 1807.
ful relief I have experienced by taking organisms known as bacteria are the
The custom of loading farm wagons
your Compound? I suffered for a long chief causes of the Impurity of drinking so that the heaviest weight is upon
Q u « « r r « t l t l o n fo r r a r t lo n .
TVIml .Stopped T rain«.
time with nervous prostration and gen­
the front wheels Is all wrong nnd adds
James Johnson, a convict in the Mis­
The violence of tho wind on the
eral debility, to live as well as their larger brethren, materially to the draft. The heaviest
souri penitentiary, lias petitioned tin- Grampian hills is so great that on sev- 1
caused by falling
weight should be carried by the hind
governor for a pardon on tho ground oral occasions it has brought to a stand- |
of the womb. It they have eaten all In the water that wheels. This has been proven by offi­
that he “ wants to go to the Klondike still trains traveling from Perth to tho
seemed ns though there Is to feed on. they die. Dr. Frank- cial and enreful tests.
gold fields.’ ’
my back would laml lias recently stated, from his re­
The root crops are among the most
never stop ach­ cent examination of water stored for
Important grown.
So far as actual
I t a ly ’« Cotton M anufacture«.
ing. I could two weeks, that It seems ns pure nnd
food value Is concerned they do not
The growth of the cotton imluHtry in
not sleep. I
rank high, but they are always relished
Lomlumly, Hccording to consular re­
A Minneapolis genealogist reckons up
had dull passed through the best of filters; but
by stock In winter I won use they afford
ports, lias been remarkable— that is, four billions of persons between W il­
hcadaelies. It seems strange that this should have
n change of food, thus promoting the
the number of spindles in Italy is stat­ liam the Conqueror and one of his de­
I was weary so recently come under Dr. Frankland's
ed to he nearly 1,800,000; also some scendants now living.
Every one knows that appetite nud keeping the animals In
all the time, experience.
70,000 power looms, besides a very
and life was a there Is no purer or tietter water In the condition.
The finished portion of the new con- .
large number of hand looms; and of all gressional library of Washington has
The best working anlmnls must come
burden to me. world than that which Is supplied to
these about half are credited to Lom­ > bout forty-four miles of shelving,
I sought tho | seafaring people. Almost any kind of from working sires nud dams. A colt
bardy, and, as a large proportion of which will accommodate over 2,000,000
seashore for water stored awuj in a ship's tank be­ from a pnmpered sire may be hand­
the spinning mills work day and night, volumes.
relief, but all comes absolutely pure after the vessel some, but when It comes to hard work
the spindles may be calculated as
In vain. On has been a few weeks at sea. This Is he will be “soft” and cannot be counted
Artificial rubber is being sought by \
equivalent to 3,000,000 in countries Mr. Hcrthelot, the French chemist,
my return I usually aacrllied in iMipulnr language on to do Ills share of the pulling all
where only day work prevails. All who predicts that his product will I ns
resolved to to fermentation, but there Is really day. The best sire. If not the prettiest,
kinds of raw cotton aroused, but chiefly better and cheaper than the natural
give your nothing to ferment; It Is simply that the is one that works In the harness every
Indian and American of medium qual­ product of Para.
medicine a bacteria have eaten everything In the day.
ity. Until recently the yarns were
Lumpy Jaw In cattle Is an annoyanfe
A new industry has been started in trial. 1 took two bottles and was water there Is to eat, and then died of
almost entirely confined to the lower
dreaded by dairymen.
An Ontario
Blocks of sawdust stuck cured. I can cheerfully state. If more starvation.—Meehan's Monthly.
counts, even the general average being
ladies would only give your medicine
farmer reports that he has used spirits
20’s to 22's, but many spinners are with resin are made and sold for fuel, a fair trinl they would bless the day
The V a 'n e o f m Good Spring.
of ammonia for years nnd cured every
turning their attention to the finer and it is said that for a quick, hot tire they saw the advertisement, and there
A spring of pure water on any farm case, no matter how bad It was. He
counts, which have hitherto ln*en im- | this has no equal.
would l>e happier homes. I mean to do adds at least a hundred dollars to Its rubs It on the lumps or Jaw once or
Several French ami German dentists
ported from Switzerland and Kngland,
all I can for you in the future. I value, nnd If near n city It Is worth twice a day. and the difficulty gradual­
w hile no insuperable difficulty has been
have you alone to thank for my recov­ much more. Often such springs can be ly disappears. The remedy Is a very
encountered e ith e r on account of labor
ery, for which I am very grateful.”
found In hillsides by digging six or simple one nnd Is easily tested.
or the climate. Calico printing has
eight feet, especially If the soli shows
The heat in a hive of bees when the
also become a business of considerable sis and microbes.
T m . ¿ i * T h p
springy plaees duriug winter and weather is very warm Is Increased by
importance and the amount is con­
A drunken Polander in New York
MACM. m C to Pt/F
spring. If the spriug is higher than the animal heat given off from the
siderable, both of yarns and cloth, was found sound asleep the other night
the house It can be conducted Info the bodies of the Insects. This should re­
W « T H
which is now sent to Tunis, the Lev­ while his leg was burning w*ith a big
Tnifc r*LV
kitchen by force of gravity, and the mind those who have bees that the
ant, South America and the Ilalkan blase. The leg was wooden and got
water can lie turned off or on as the hives must be In the shade or the col­
against a coal stove.
housewife may desire.
There are ony will become reduced by disease.
Deteetives detailed to look after pro­
doubtless hundreds, and possibly thou­ The most honey Is only secured when
Arabian horses manifest remarkable fessional shoplifters always look to see
sands, of farms In New England where the colonies are large and healthy.
courage in battle. It is said that when if their suspects are wearing gloves.
the best pure water can lie conducted
a horse of this breed finds himself
Some of the New York dairymen
Into the house at slight expense. If
The volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico,
wounded and perceives that he will not
the water lias to be lifted a hydraulic who had ben Induced to raise their
be able to bear his rider much longer
rant will force the wnter up hill. This calves aud breed for better cows report
he quickly retires from the conflict, cate whose object is to mine sulphur,
costs somewhat more, but It will gen­ that they could not easily be Induced
bearing his master to a place of safety
to revert to the former practice of buy­
erally pay.—American Cultivator.
while lie has still sufficient strength. ami carry tourists up to the crater.
ing their dairy cows. By raising good
T l o w u n ti S f f t l t 'r C o m b i n e d .
But if, on the other hand, tin* rider is
A Frenchman politely passe»I tooth­
cows the milk and butter product on
A Few Old Thinqs.
Thoroughly works the Soil to * depth of 5 to
w'ounded and he falls to the ground, picks to a Turk at a banquet in Paris,
Have we a hen all In all as good as some farms has been doubled, and no
• inches
the faithful animal remains beside who declined saying: "N o, thank you!
Leave* no Plow Cru«t.
the old fashioned Dorking? They were report shows less than 80 per cent. Im­
him, unmindful of danger, neighing I have already eaten two of tin* accurs­
nearly as good layers as the L e g h o r n s , provement. The result Is that fanners
covered with light. loose * o U.
until assistance is brought.
ed things, and l want no more!*'
Kverv furnier that ha* used it REt OM- aud nearly as good In flesh as the Fly- who could barely retain their farms tin
M E N I« it.
mouth Rook. They were good bonie- der the former system are now reaitz
A naturalist states that the puffing
T h e o a o p h I i - m I K h i d e r g a r t e n .
kee|>ers. aud were very hardy. They ing profits every year.
A tlietMopliist kindergarten is tli<’ la­ up of frogs and toads on lieiug disturb­
laid late In the fall and early In the
There lias always been some doubt in
test step in educational field»— a kin­ ed is an instinctive device for terrify­
spring If not always In the winter. regard to the propriety of sowing clo­
dergarten and fresli air venture com­ ing their foes.
Professor Forbes, the British engi­
They did not get out of health easily. 1 ver hay very early In the spring. At
Mr.. Katherine A. Tingley,
the head of the American Theosophists, neer, concludes« that electric transmis­ U d i r r a l A g e n t * f o r O r e g o n . W » « h i n g I believe In a raoe of White Leghorns 1 the Michigan station seed was sown on
that has come to me at a high figure as | plots every growing month in the year
lias rented a farm near Fort Ix-e, N. sion of power may I n * profitable up to a
ton «m l Id a h o.
next best. They lay more, are great j by way of experiment. That seeded
Y., where »He propose» to give poor distance of nearly 1,000 miles, although
pets and are busy seavengers, but have In March did fairly well, but the plots
East Side children a chance to get a he formerly regarded nu ll ail ideas as
tV til cared »en.I or book
DM M* n
jo spare flesh. One more good old thing seeded In April. May, Juno and July
k P « T i n n i i i». * M arket St . » « u Fran e
breath of fresh air.
In Japan, small children of the poor
that I long for Is the old fashioned cow. did tietter. the August plants not grow­
ru rfil Water.
who have the gift of straying and no
In central New York forty years ago 1 ing very lnrge. The amount of rain
The purest water in tho world is said muses to look after them, are safe­
could get a flrst rate cow easier than and other conditions were not stated.
to lie that of the small Swedish river guarded by the simple precaution of
1 can now. We have now a few splen­ The results do not accord with those
Loka, which in 100.000 parts contains hanging labels round their necks which
did high bred animals, but our common obtained by farmers In this section, as
oulv 434 parts of mineral substances.
tell their names and addrewies.
run of cows u nowhere as good as It ' the March wheat seems to t h r l T * best.
F i r s t SI tlc er o f L a l c i f e r « .
One advertisement ought
Sir Isaac Holden, who recently died
in England at an advanced age was to make you say to your
famous in science and invention.
was the son oi a collier, but his inven­ grocer:
tion und enterprise brought him a
“ Give me a package ol
splendid fortune.
He retired from j
parliament in 1895. He has the repu- ’ Schillings B est tea, if you
tation of having, among other useful in- ,
ventions, Wen the flrst man to make can really afford to return
lucifer matches.
Sir Isaac had a
method of his own in regard to eating my money when I don’t like
and drinking.
For breakfast lie par­
took of a baked apple, one orange, a
A Schilling St Company
bunch of gra|>e8 and a biscuit made
San Pranci*ro
from banana flour. His midday meal
Conan Doyle is engaged upon a
consisted of very little beef or mutton,
w ith now ami again a small cupful of new play, which will be staged at the
soup. If lie gmrtook of fish, he had so Haymarket Theater, London, in the
much less of meat.
For supper he course of the season. The idea has
practically repeated his breakfast menu. lieen furnished to him by an old story
“ After tne system lias been built up, from the pen of James Payn, the novel­
ami the (teriod c f manhood reached, all ist.
starch foods should be banished from ■
the human diet.” Such was the oreed
Large Assortment.
of this good, quaint old man and gen­
erous philanthropist.
An absolute
teetotaler he was not, and Yorkshire
L am berso n ’ s
will be as proud of him as it was of Sir
Tatton Sykes, who lived on ale ami S e e d S t o r e
apple pie. Sir Isaac’s son Angus in- '
lierits the title.
He represents the Portland, Ore.
Buckrose division of Yorkshire in Par­
normal, busi-
_____________ ness, musical,
Some peevish, querulous people seem mere
bundles of nerves. The least sound agitate-i
their Hi*qsoriums and ruffles their tempers. No
doubt they are born so. But may not their
nervousness be ameliorated, if not entirely re-
lieved? Unquestionably, and with Hostetter’s
Stomach Bitters. By cultivating their digestion
and insuring more complete assimilation of the
food with this admirable corrective, they will
experience a speedy and very perceptible gain
in nerve quietude. Dyspepsia, biliousness,
constipation and rheumatism yield to the
arT, theological and preparatory courses. State
diplomas ¡or normal course. Twenty-eight in-
structors, 827 student«. Location beautiful,
sightly, in tiie suburbs, with all tiie advantages
of a great city and none of its disadvantages.
Free from saloons and immoral places. Board­
! ing nails connected with school. Government
j mild but firm. Expenses for year from fltiO to
j >200. School opens September 21, 1897. Cata­
logue gent free. Address,
T hus . V an 8 coy , D. D., University Park, Or.
At the last congress of German Vine­
yard ists Prof. VVortman reported that
he had found living bacteria in wine
which had been bottled 25 or 30 years.
P a r /A t/t f/-,-
• • • Portland, Oregon . . •
A. P. A r m s t r o n g , l l . b ., Pria. J. A . W esco , Sec’y
give* profitable employment to hundred* of oar graduate*, an4
will to thousands more. Send for our catalogue.
Learn what aud how we teach. Vcrtlj,
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use o f tiie word “ CASTORIA,” and
“ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator o f “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,”
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac simile signature o f CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original4 4 PITCHER’S
CASTORIA ” which has been used in the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought, and has the
signature o f CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Ceutaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Match 8, i&97-
Albany College, Albany, Or.
Gives the most systematic and complete coursa
in music of any music school on tiie Pacific
coast. Piano, singing in the Italian method,
harmony, counterpoint, and all other import­
ant branches of music taught. Diplomas given
on completion of course. Tuition is low for the
higli grade of work. Send for circulars and
catalogue. First term begins Septemb *r 15.
WALLACE H. LEF, A. M., President.
ZIMKI M. PABVIN, Mus. Doc. Director.
y w w w w v w w v w ’y w w w v w w w w v * w 1
The Central London Underground 9 I M r s . “ W in C s H l o I w L ’ s D S R o E o t N h in g T S E y E r u T p H s h I o N u ld G a . “ lw a y s be
railway, which is to be operated by ► used f o r c h ild r e n t e e t h in g . It s o o t h e s tn e c h ild , soft-
electricity has a large contract for elec­
trical equipment with a prominent New
York firm.
There Is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until tho last few years was supposed to be
Incurable. For a great many vssrsdoctors pro­
nounced It a loeal disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly falling to care by
local treatment, pronounced It Incurable.
¡Science has proven catarrh to lie a constitu­
tional disease, and therefore requires consti­
tutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, man­
ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., is
tiie only constitutional cure oil the market. It
is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fail’s to cure.
Bend for circulars and testimonials. Address.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A postoffice clock in Sydney, New
South Wales, emits an electric light
flash lasting five seconds every hour
during the night, thus enabling those
living miles away to ascertain the exact
Piso’s Cure for Consumption is the be.-t
of all cough cures.—George W. I.otz, Fabu-
cher, La., August 20, 1895.
Alexandria, Va., has raised the ban
which from the earlier days of the set­
tlement made it unlawful to bring in
oysters between April and September.
S e l f - f oiin<lcnre, a C lear and H a p p y
M ind, a M agnetic rerM onatity,
Strong M ind und B o d y .
No regrets for the past, and no weakness to
make you feel as it liie is a burden, Good
health in every respect is yours if you keep up
your nerve force. If you' are laeking in this
element you can replace it by using the famous
life giver,
I)r. Santlen's Electric Belt.
‘‘It is now about GO days sinie I commenced
wearing vour Belt. I have improved greatly;
have gained 20 pounds in 45 days, ami my
health is much better than it has been for five
years. I bough the Belt two months ago for
dyspepidH, kidney trouble and general weak­
ness, and woids will not describe my teeiings
in reuiird to your Belt. I want to say that I
wculdnot L>nrt with my Belt for twice what it
cost, provided I could not get another one.” —
Chas. Wilson, Cocolalla, Athol P. P., Idaho,
August 11, 1897.
Between 1878 and 1881, in a single
Roman village district, 797 heads of
families in a population of 1,200 fam­
ilies were dogged for not paying their
Is a little book that tells how manly strenth
may be restored. Call and get it at the offiee,
it is sent by mail, closely sealed, free. Call
An Angora cat, which by accident or
or address
was looked in a trunk under some cloth­
ing at Tullahoma, Tenn., remained
there fur seven days anil revived when ‘¿ 5 3 W est W a sh in g ton St., P o rtla n d , Or.
taken out.
Please mention this Paper
O 0W E R
Power that will save you money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are the cheapest power known. Burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
fire, or dirt. For pumping, running
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equal. Automatic in action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Send for illustrated catalog.
Hercules Gas
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Hercules Special
rJk¡ vernal horsepower)
Price, only $185.
Bay St., San Francisco, Cal.
tflt m a m flt s s a jt t »
D entists.... BISE Bill BOOBS
Gut ronr supplies of ns at ent rate*.
Large stock and low prices.
Goods guaranteed.
" * carry the most complete line of Gvmna.«
and Athletic Goods on the t oast.
n j
U * I F 0 -<MS * A U £
W I L L «t F IN C K C O .,
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“ Complete
How to Attain It.*
m iiL iE w im im m
1 Wonderful New
Medical Book, written
for Men only. O n
l** had free.
Foaled, in plain envei
ope, on application.
B U F F A L O . N. Y.
ca n b e s a r e d
w ith -
out their knowlrrfge br
ARTl J4(L the mairHoe*
c u r e f o r t h e d r in k haW t.
A.l d - igyat*. or write
Send for Our Athletic Catalogue.
Krd-Clirtt l [ 9 ,, tail Depot, Partlind.
K ritnciaeo,
Get ttirm at h . : i i l , | i u r t f r « .
I carry by far t h .
larçv.t « . o r t , n , n t * l h t r , » . t .
the best 1, a lw a y s t b s c h e a p r .t . Sen<t for c a t-
K. J . H O W K V
» 1 and J03 Front St.. Portland, Or.
Make monet
cea* ul <pecni
sell wheal ther
f * “ '• r twin ties nave been made r>|
beet tin ing br trading in futures. 1
full pariicuiarv Best of reference it ^
erai ' ears’ exper enee on the • hicaitn
Trade, and a tnomurh knowtedee of
nee* N.wn Off, Ho»k ns A Co., Ch e*
2 TJ ‘ -
' ........... ’ — ■ P..rtisn4
Spokane and Seattle. Witk.
•SKT*Ain«ff; w
I*. N t
H KN w r i t i n g t o
mo.tion (h is paper.