fe NEWBERG GRAPHIC. in c reasin g itew ard s o f im iu .tr y . “ I crave but One M inute,” said the A m ong fam iliar assertions is one th a t public speaker in a husky voice; and the poor are grow ing poorer. I t i s ; then he took a dose of One M inute beard m ost frequently iu tim es of busl- Cough Cure, and proceeded with his or- ness depression an d rests upon tra n sie n t atory. One M inute Cough Cure is un­ appearances. W hen th e real d a ta of equalled for throat and lung troubles, th e case are taken in h a n d it is found A. T. H i l l . th a t th e poor are not grow ing poorer, b u t decidedly th e reverse. N o better T he o n ly w ay—“ T here is o n ly one evidence is available th an th a t co ntain­ way to tell a m ad dog.” “ H ow ’s th a t.” ed in th e lost five national censuses, nor “ Tell h im by u long-distance tele­ is a n y one b etter qualified to search out p hone.” —T ru th . The State fair opens Septem ber 30. The state of W ashington, having ex­ th e ir m eaning th a n Carrol H. W rig h t, pended $60,000 for the plant of the Che­ U nited M ates C om m lsioner of L abor ; S tatistics. In an article on th e com -! John Griffin, of Zanesville, O., says: Can any voters be found who are sorry ney normal school, finds itself w ithout p arativ e condition of th e poor in th is j ‘‘I never lived a day for th irty years means to run it. Teachers have left, the they voted for Major McKinley 7 c o u n try Mr. W right clearly dem on- w ithout suffering agony, until a box of building and grounds are deserted, and the friends of th e institution are in d e­ strates th a t th e ir e a rn in g capacity and D e W itt’s W itch Hazel Salve cured my E m ery ’s influence (7) w ith th e con spair. W ashington is not lacking in evi­ th e ir com forts h a r e g reatly increased piles.” For piles and rectal troubles, gressional delegation proved to be a dences of its folly in attem pting to b ean w ith in fifty years. Illsd ed u ctio n from cuts, bruises, sprains, eczema and all boomerang and the result is w hat hurts old state in expenditures while yet it th e official census figures is th a t " th e skin troubles De W itt's W itch Hazel Salve is unequalled. A . T. H i l l . was very young in developement. The rich are gro w in g richer, m an y more people th a n form erly are grow ing ric h , The ratio has been reversed. Prosper­ collapse of th e Cheney normal school is an d th e poor are grow ing b etter off'.” T he w om an w ho m arries a m an for ity is here and the calam ity howlers who but one of m any counts in th e indict­ T he cala m ity dem agogue will scorn the say " I told you so” are now only 1 to 16. m ent of folly against it which th e su­ m ost o f th is statem en t, but it rests on th e purpose of reform ing h im never prem e court has been and will be called w ants for occupation afterw ards. the best ex istin g m athem atical proof, —Som ersville Journal. to decide upon.—Oregonian. a n d will he accepted by all except those Times are already b etter th an they w ho prefer th e guessw ork of a wild have been before during the past four There is a tim e for everything; and Teaching children to read by the ta lk e r to th e dispassionate tables of the years and they will be b etter yet. T hat the tim e to attend to a cold is when it is w hat M cKinley was elected for. “ word system ” —the only one now in census office. i t is not alone th e fact th a t average starts. D on’t wait till you have con use in all up-to-date prim ary schools—is sum ption but prevent it by using One In K entucky while th ere is only one believed by m any people to account for wages have increased since 1850 th u t is M inute Cough Cure, the great rem edy significant. .Skilled labor, or labor in the prevalence of poor spelling among state office to be filled th is year th ere are its h ig h e r branches, has also increased. for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and already (our tickets in th e field and sev­ the rising generation. A nother curious In 1870 th ere were 12,503,923 persons, all throat and lung troubles. result is noted by an observer, namely, eral of th e back counties yet to bear A . T. H i l l . or 33.43 per cen t of ottr population, e n ­ the difficulty youngsters tau g h t by this from. T he method have in finding words in the gaged in gainful occupations. dictionary. They did not learn th e al­ nu m b er iu 1890 had risen to 22,733,631, Mrs. B row n-Jones—T h ey say there Buy Oregon m anufactured goods w hen­ phabet in th e usual way, and though, or 36.61 per c e n t o f th e w hole coinrnun- will be no m arriage nor g iv in g in rnar- ever it is possible to do so. This is the when they have learned to read fluently, ity , 7.18 per cent in 18.80, an d 8.7.3 per riage in heaven. ,vray to build up home industries. The they “ know th e ir letters,” they do not cen*. in 1890. T hough tlie productions H er h u sb an d —T h a t’s w h a t m akes it least possible money sent out of the state know them in th e ir order, and therefore of o u r farm s in 1890 were g reater by far heaven.—T he Yellow Book. th e b ettdh the word “ alphabetical” has little m ean­ th a n in 1870, fewer farm laborers were ing for them in dictionary or index required to cultiv ate them . A gricultu­ OU o f G lad n e ss The October num ber of th e Delineator Modern educational methods are, no ral laborers iu 1870 formed 14.76 per will contain many articles of in terst to doubt, highly scientific, but the old ones cen t of th e whole population. A nd in Is a pleasant, palatable preparation, e n ­ ' th e ladies. Of all family magazines it is had th eir m erits.—Indianapolis Journal. 1890 only 13.44 per cent. Im proved tirely free from all oily taste, an d m ay th e great caterer to domestic needs and farm m achinery brought about this he adm inistered in tern ally or applied can be recconimended for its cheapness, change. T uklng th e average o f each ex tern ally . I t will rem ove ull pain The interiors of one thousand of the usefulness, beauty, freshness and utility. person engaged in m an u factu rin g and th u t “ h u m an flesh is h eir to ,” if prop­ most attractiv e homes in the United m echanical pursuits, m en, women an d erly upplied, an d m ig h t be rightly States have been photographed by the Price children, th ere was an increase in wages term ed “ a panacea for all ills.” The “ only” made a b itte r fight against Undies Home Journal. One hundred of 50 cents. F or sale by all D ruggists. betw een 1830 an d 1890 of over 80 per Tom Tongue when lie ran for congress the best of those pictures will be repro­ and afterw ards tried to influence Tongue duced in th a t magazine. The first a rti­ cent a n d a dollar purchased m uch more a t th e later date. W hen w om an overhauls h er w heel, i l l th e appointm ent of postm aster at cle of the series—“ Inside of a H undred W henever th e sterotyped com plaint I t spoils dom estic w eather; Newberg. For n case of a display of Homes” —will appear in the October Is heard th a t “ th e poor are grow ing She only takes th e th in g a p a rt pure cheek and folly th is tukes the Journal. Bed-clmmbers, reception and poorer” it is in o rder to dem and th e F or m an to p u t together. cake. dining rooms, bathrooms, halls and proof. A generality is no answ er. T he —Chicago Record. apartm ents of every kind will he pictured m ost careful analysis of th e census re ­ Chicago, besides being the g reat stock ju st as they are in daily use. Every ports show s th u t th e w orkers of th is I t heals everything except a broken m arket of th e country is handling more picture contains dozens of suggestions. country com m and larger and not sm all­ ¿grain than at any previous tim e in her Every woman is interested in taking a er rew ards, an d th a t average wages heart, may be said of De W itt’s W itch Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. W rite JOHN WEDDEKBURN" ft CO., P atent Attor- Piles and rectal diseases, ne.vs, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prize offer history. Tho receipts of corn during the peep into the most attractive homes in have n early doubled since 1850, w ith Hazel Salve. and list of tw o hundred inventions w anted. m onth of August was 32,990 cars and as the land, to see how they are furnished prices of com m odities m oving d o w n ­ cuts, burns, bruises, te tte r, eczema and for w heat it is counted by th e train and arranged. fShe wants to get practi­ w ard. I t would not bo easy to arrest all skin troubles may he cured by it For TTOHNEY-AT-LAW. cal hints and new ideas for furnishing quickly and perm anently. A. T. H i l l . loads. th e gradual rise in wages, for it is m a n i­ E V E R Y m em ber o f her own. The houses photographed by fest th ro u g h o u t th e w orld, though not CLARENCE BUTT. E V E R Y f a m ily on A carefully worded statem en t may do the Journal are those occupied by per­ to th e sam e e x te n t as in th e U nited “ Before a m an is th ir ty ho fulls in W ill p ra c tic e iu all th e c o u rts of th e state. sons of moderato income. Their interior €eive some people b u t th ere arc those E V E R Y fa r m , in Htates. N o rig h t-m inded person w ish ­ love w ith every p re tty girl he looks a t.” S pecial a tte u tio u g iv e n to p ro b a te w ork, the w ritin g of deeds, m ortgages, c o u tra c ts a n d th e who know a thing or two who will not arrangraent shows w hat perfect tasto es to seo it arrested. B u t it is strange “ Yes.” d ra ftin g of a ll legal p ap ers. E V E R Y v illa g e , iu N e w b e rg . O r e g o n . 1« deceived by nny tw isting of words. can accomplish with a little money and th a t th e facts iu th e case aro so often "A nd after he is th ir ty he falls in love O f f i c e —Second Floor the touch of a woman’s deft fingers. E V E R Y S t a t e a m i T e r r ito r y . Home Inside history could be given if distorted by those w ho call them selves w ith every p re tty g irl th a t looks ut h a n k of N ew berg B uild in g . necessary th a t would mako interesting Homes in every stnte in tho Union—from labor leaders. Not one o f th em ever h im .” Maine to California—were photographed F O R E d u c a tio n , rending. » — — — goes to th o census reports for his argu- for th e Jo u rn a l's unique and useful ELMER P. DIXON, m lints, th o u g h th a t is th e highest B lo o d W ill T e ll. F O R N o b le M a n h o o d , series. a u th o rity as a reflex of tho industries An exchange says th a t “ am ong the The m any different skin diseases such FOR T rue W om an h ood . of th e people.—G lobe-Democrat. DENTIST o th e r big crops Kansas is producing th is as ring worm, tetter, salt rheum , erysip­ A M odel S ecretary. year is a heavy crop of canceled m o rt­ elas, eczema, itching or an eruption of Office 2 doors w est of H ill’s D rug store. IT G IV E S a ll im p o r ta n t n e w s o f t h e N a tio n . gages.” These land plasters are a had Secretary of A gricultural Wilson is J u r y L i s t. pimples, postuleB, blotches, chaps or 1st. street* N ew berg, O regon. IT G IV E S n il im p o r ta n t n ew « o f tlie W o r ld . crop to p lant b u t it is a glad day when certainly th e rig h t mnn in the right cracking open of the skin, scrofula, are T he follow ing ju ry has been draw n IT G IV E S t lie m o st r e lia b le m a r k e t r e p o r ts. conditions are such th a t th e farm ers can place. He is showing th a t ho holds his for th e Septem ber term of court: directly the cause of im pure blood. IT G IV E S b r illia n t a n ti in s t r u c t iv e e d it o r ia ls . harv est them , as many are doing this cabinet portfolio, not as a politician, hut W ilbur’s Blood Purifier is acknowledged E . E. L ad d , F airlaw n. IT G IV E S l’a cin a tin g - sh o r t sto r ie s. year. as u farm er for tho benefit of the J . W . L ady, H en ry K irkw ood an d to be th e best medicine known for any IT G IV E S a n u n e x c e lle d a g r ic u lt u r a l d e p a r t m e n t . farm er. of these unsightly com plaints. Price A. J . Bewley, N o rth S h erid an . F L O U R , P E E D , H A Y & G R A IN , IT G IV E S s c ie n c e a n d m e c h a n ic a l in fo r m a tio n . Conditions have changed in agricul­ T here was a tim e when th e editor of T. II. Fraser, W . It. C arter, W est $1.00 per bottle. For sale by all D rug­ G ARDEN & FLOW ER IT G IV E S illu s t r a t e d fa s h io n a r t ic le s . gists. th e G raphic was foolish enough to sub­ ture w ithin th e past th irty years, quite C hehalem . SEED S. IT G IV E S h u m o rou s illu s t r a t io n s . m it to the dictations of Em ory b u t th a t as radically as they have in all oth er in­ Win. P alm er, F. M. C rabtree nud D. L and P la ste r, P o u ltry S u pplies an d etc., etc. IT G IV E S e n t e r tn iiim e n t to o ld a n d y o u n g . Free D elivery. tim e has long since passed. None of his dustries. Tho old routine methods nro M. Dorsey, E ast D ayton. P a tie n t—Vot? Two dollars fo r ta k in ’ R. W. 8TEIG LED ER, IT G IV E S s a t is f a c t io n e v e r y w h e r e to e v e r y b o d y . insinuations or th reats will avail him no longer successful, anil the mon who Jn o . Ilopfleld, linker Creek. 1st street,N ew berg. Oregon. oud dem teeth ? nuything and all his howling will simply adhere to them can not expect to make L , M. G rover nud F. H. Harpole, D entist—Tw o dollars if you take gas. We Furnish THE GRAPHIC and the NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, W hiteson. he in vain. He may as well understand money on th e farm . P atien t—Y oung m an, I th o u g h t you ! AKE N O TIC E - The modern farm er m ust lx> a man of th is now as later. J. W . R o th nnd Geo. M. P atty , vos a d en tist. I d id n ’t know you vos __ _ h av e routed th e N ew berg M eat M arket of Mr. Lucas fo rm erly ow ned a n d ru n by business. It needs the same correct A m ity. a gas g o m b an y .—Puck. J. S. B aker. I in te n d to k e ep a su p p ly of judgm ent, the same foresight, the same W . J. L au g h n ry , II. S chenk an d R. C A S H IN A D V A N C E . A man who sp en t his odd momonts F R E SH A M ) C U R E D M EATS lor forty days about the bowling-alleys qualities, to m ake a successful farm er B. M cD onald, M cM innville. A ddress all o rd e rs to A L ie N a ile d . B. W iley, F. L . T ru lllu g er an d J . A. on h a n d a t all tim es. S oliciting a sh are of in the capitol of th e state Inst w inter, these days as it does to make a success­ C onsum ption and b ro n ch itis are not yo u r patronage I re m a in and an occasional evening in tho m ean­ ful m anufacturer or business m an. The Sim m ons, C hecow en. Y ours re sp ec tfu lly . by nny m eans th e same, alth o u g h it is R. L. Booth, Creed G ieen and N. A. tim e in Jo n ath an Bourne's d en , may la1 modern farm er should ho a good busi­ “ W rite y o u r nam e an d a d d re ss on a postal c ard , send It to Geo. W. Best, T rib u n e lm rd to d istin g u ish one from th e o th er. J a s . C o m ic. ness mnn. B row n, W illamina. Oltiee New York City, an d a sainplo copy o f TH E NEW YORK W EEK LY expected to flinch, of course, when In­ B ronchitis is an inflam m ation of the TR IBU N E w ill be m a ile d to you. H e m ust study soils, and fertilizers, N ew berg, O ctober, 1896. Jn o . K irkw ood, W illam ette. is touched up on his record. Nothing lining of th e w ind tubes or a ir vessels and the capabilities and lim itations of R. W . H a n n in g nnil J W . Estes, else is to lie expected. of th e lungs, causing soreness of th e his own farm. l(e m ust study mnrkets N o rth Y am hill. sam e, cough, sore th ro at, hoarseness, and crop reports and diversify his indus­ W . C. T ustin a n d Sam E w ing, L a difficulty of b reath in g , sp ittin g of m a t­ If some of th e “ insinuations and in ­ try to meet coming conditions. Thoold, F ay ette. ter an d som etim es blood. T housands su lts” th a t have been published by the ignorant prejudice against “ book farm ­ W. K. Allen, Soutli N ew berg. POORS. LATH, CEDAR. die an n u ally w ith this dread disease. " o n ly ” in th e past two years were ing” is passing away, and (hat of neces­ WINDOWS, LIME. FIR WATCHMAKER MOULDINGS, G. W. lit bee and W in. C hapm an, SAND, REDWOOD. W ilbur’s Cough Cure w ill cure. Price brought to lig h t again, some people sity . Secretary W ilson is doing a noble S o u th S h e rid a n .—R eporter. SHINGLES. HAIR. Y E L L ’W P IN R 50 cents. F or sale by all D ruggists. and JEWELER, m ight inquire ju st how long since, “ for­ work in rousing the agriculturists to a ETC., ETC. bearance ceased to bo a virtu e” with realisation of tho needs of modern farm ­ S olicits th e pa tro n a g e of his old In d ia n a T lie T o le d o W e e k ly l lln d e . it. It seems to make a wonderful d if­ ing and in assisting them to gain the F rie n d s w ho need w atch re p a irin g done. Cap. II. 8. Maloney, co u n ty surveyor, Every intelligent family needs iu addi­ ference ns to who does the insinuating. knowlcdgcof methods and im provem ents has m oved his fam ily from W illam ina 2 7 0 M o rriso n S t. tion to th eir local paper, a good national requisite to surcess.—Toledo Blade. PO R TLAN D , OR. weekly. The greatest and most widely j nnd occupies th e dw elling a t tlie end of lly th e gissi sense McKinley has shown known genoral family newspaper is tlie i F street south of Wes. Wallace. Mr. in th e m anagem ent ol all th e different L i n c o l n ' s I d e a o f Solf la hn eM A. Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty years j Maloney states th a t he has become a d ep artm en ts of the governm ent he has Mr. L incoln onoe rem arked to a fel­ it has In-on a regular visitor in every part p en n an t.n t citizen of M cM innville, ut- gained the confidence of busi lie n men re­ low-passenger on th e old-tim o tuud- ol the U nion ami is well known in aim, * t <™cted m ostly by th e superior school gardless of |>arty ami lie now stands wngnn conch, on th e corduroy road every one of the 70,000 postoffice« in the »««vantages, but he will give m ore tim e (Y ellow Stone P a rk L ine ) h igher in th e estim ation of the masses of w hich antu-dated railroads, th a t all country. It is edited w ith reference to a thnn form erly to work in tlie surveyor's TU E ONLY PIN1NO CAR ROUTE FROM M cM innville g ain s a good th e people thnn when he was elected. m en were prom pted by selfishness In national circulation. It is a Republican ! office. PORTLAND TO TH E EAST. TH E ONLY ROUTE TO TH E YELLOWSTONE M ajor McKinley is m aking a model presi­ d o in g good or evil. Ills fellow-passen­ paper, hut men of alt politics take it, citizen.—R eporter. NATIONAL PARK. d ent. g er was an tag o n izin g Ills position, w hen because of its honesty and fairness in the I,BAYS I Ull. Depot. Foot tu h St. | ARRIVE th ey were passing over a corduroy discussion of all public questions. It is , G r e a t l y R e d u c e d R n t e s T n T lie O r e g o n S t a t e F a i r , S e p 't 3 « T o O c t 8. Koine tim e ago during a busy week the bridge th a t spanned a slough. As th ey th e favorite family paper, w ith some­ No. t ' Past m all for K alam s. K elso. C astle Rook. Wln- G raphic published two or th ree articles crossed th is bridge anil I he m ud w ag­ thing tor every mem ber of the household. W hy not. a tte n d th e s ta te fair w hen lock, C heh alts, C entral- in its editorial colum ns th a t were sent on was sh ak in g like a S ucker w ith Kerial stories, poetry, w it and h u m or; you can buy a ticket for one faro, round 1«, South R end, Monte- .«ano, A berdeen, OcosU, out by a bureau th a t furnishes such a r­ chills, th e y espied an old razo rb ack ed tlie Household departm ent, (best in the trip , from nny point on tlie 8 o u th ern O lym pia, Tacom a, Seat tie. V ictoria, Ft. Town- ticles for different papers over tho coun­ sow ou th o b ank of th e slough, m aking w orld). Young Folks, Sunday School | Baclflc lines in Oregon. send, E llen sb u rg . Ros try , anil the “ only” has been bellowing a terrible noise because h er pigs hail Lessons, Talm age's Sermons, the Farm ­ T he Oregon state fair and In d u strial lyn. N orth Y akim a. Sprague. C heney, S po­ alsiu t it ever since. Here is one of the got in to tho slough anil were unable tu stead, th e Question Bureau (which an­ exposition w ill present u n u su ally tine kane, P u llm an . G ar­ field, F a rm in g to n , Mos­ get o u t an d ill d aiig e ro fd ro w n in g . As swers questions for subscribers), the News exhibits and a ttra c tio n s In ad d itio n to , articles and it is worth repeat ing : cow. U niontow n, Gen- "E v e n Mr. B ry an 'sp erso n aln rg an .th e th e old coach began to clim b th e hill­ of the Week iu complete form , and other the num erous track features, nnd e x ­ 100 P M e*ee, R ow land. H C . T rail. R. C .; N elson. B. O m aha “ World H erald” refuses longer side Mr. L in co ln l'aluni out, "D riv er, special features. Spec men copies gladly citing ru n n in g races, w ith Del N orte to C .; Ktislo, M issoula, Butte. A naconda, H ele­ to follow him in declining to recognise c a n 't you stop ju s t a m om ent?” The sent on application, and if you will semi low er h is record o f 2.08 for a purse of na. St. P aul. M luneapo returning prosperity. The paper, which d riv e r replied, “ If th e o th e r feller d o n ’t us a list of addresses, wo will mail a copy $250. A rrangem ents nro being m ade iis. Kansu* C ity. O m i ha. C o u n cil Bluff«, St. has published many articles ou this sub­ object.” T h e “o th e r feller"—w ho was to each. Only $1 a year. If you w ish for th e introduction of m any new a t ­ Louis, C hicago, W ash­ ington. New York. Phil ject, calls attention in a recent issue to no less a personage th a n at th a t tim e to raise a club, w rite for term s. tractions to interest and please all w ho a d elp h ia . Bostou. a u d th e fact th a t there is a m arked activity “ Colonel” E. D. Halter, th e g allan t gen­ Address Tux B laor , atten d . a ll p o in ts E ast and S o u th east and a general improved condition in tho eral w ho gave his life in defense of Uld Toledo, Ohio. V isitors m ay prepare to be royally stock business and stock m arkets of the G lory nt Balls KlutT—did n o t “ object" entertained. O n . fare for th o round * DAY’S to M in n eap o lis, O m aha. west and predicts th u t this im provem ent w hen Mr. Lincoln Jtnn|«ed ou t, rnn City, and St. P aul There w as some sort of a cu ttin g - trip, and popular adm islou of 25 cents, I DAYS to M ilw aukee wild Chicago. buck to th e slough, and begau to lift scrape in th e vicinity of 8int|>son's will conlinue.” « ), DAYS to W ashington. P h ila d e lp h ia Eost- York an d B oston, an d o ih e r Now if the “ only” would com eoutam l th e little pigs o u t of th e m ud and w at­ h opyard n ear A m ity last Sat u nlay. A r r n p oints.. A. I.. A Herm an who, some weeks be honest enough to publish such state­ er, a n d place th em on th e bank. W hen fellow w ho answ ered to tho nam e of R ig g a g e c h ee k e d th ro u g h to d e stin a tio n of m ents, showing th a t tim es are actually he re lu rmnl Uoloncl Baker rem arked: H enry George and hailed from Port­ since, hail a stroke o( para lysis, does not tic F k o e r t. s lee p in g e a r re serv atio n s, tic k e ts, m aps "N o w , Abe, w here does selfishness land, needed a doctor. H e claim ed to inprove. lie is very feeble, having to a n d full in fo rm a tio n , c a ll on o r w rite im proving even though Billy Bryan was beaten at tlie polls last November, in come iu on th is little episode?” W hy, have been assaulted by tw o C hinam en, keep his bed most of the tim e. When A. D. CHARLTON. plare of a lot of the stuff published in its bless yo u r soul, E d, th a t was th e very hut th e surm ise is general th a t C h in a­ wishing to sit up he has to he assisted to a scat.—Davton H erald. -olumns from week to se e k which is esseuce of selfishness. 1 would have men had no th in g to do w lln th e affair, ralculnted to make those who read it had no peace of uiiu d all day h ad I th a t th e fellow had been m ak in g h im ­ « 3 3 M o r r U o n !*!.. C o r. T h i r d . discontented with th e ir lot and harbor gone on an d left th a t suffering old sow self un d u ly free w ith some of th e fe­ ANTE D-TR l ST WORTH Y AND ACTIVE y f fo a tte m a n o r la d ita to tra v e l for re*nnn unpatriotic sen tim en t’ tow ard th e gov­ w orrytug over those pigs. I did it to males In th e y ard , and th a t he received «tibie. »M abluhed house in Oregon. M onthly j E. H. W O O DW ARD, ern m en t it would be entitled to more get pence of m in d , don’t you see. a practical lossou in h e p y a td m orals tAYOOand rxpennu* Position >teady. R e f e r -1 nee E nclose » e lf-addrested stam p ed enee) —K prlngtM d I I . M onitor. cri’Jit. th a t he will not soon forget.—Reporter. ’ »pr I fit re g a in ;.>3 C o -ap a-; a :. : The m anufacturers association of Ore­ gon ii doing much for the m anufacturing interests cf the state and the association MHl'KU KVKUY r it lD A Y MOKNINO. desires th e cooperation and assistance of the people. The object of the associ­ E. il. W ooDW ABD, KlJITOIt & I ’ l 'M.IBIIKK. ation is th e fostering of Oregon m anu­ facturing enterprises. The state of Ore­ gon would have been in b etter shape FR ID A Y , SEPTEM BER 17, 1897. today if such an association had been E u tered a i seco n d -clo s, in v ite r a t th e poato flice organized and properly pushed ten years a t N e w b e rg , O reg o n . ago. G fe t t l i e m o s t f o r Q Your money UALITY amounts to little unless the priee be fair. % LOW PRICES are not bargains unless quality is there. combine them— Rejoice and buy. PERFECTION IN STYLE AND ASSORTMENT. Satisfaction in Quality and Price. These are yours if you make selections from our new stock of Clothing. HODSON BROS. Keep Your On This Space. It is Reserved for C _ IF1. M O O R E Wanted-An Idea £ 5 Ss CO_ The New-York Weekly Tribune Feed & Seed Store One Year for Only $1.50, THE GRAPHIC, Newberg, Or, JOHN A. BECK, w. p. heaco ck , s ” y»1BD Northern Pacific. Ass’t Gen’l Pass, Aient. Portland. Ore. Local Aient, - Merz, Or, -/