Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 17, 1897, Image 1

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uw« K i r n o i
u m
•1 *
- - T®.r ...................................-
Y ou th .
.tK Month*.
............................ ...........
• ■ b a r r lp t t s a P H « F a » a b l«
• l>l> l a A d t a a o e .
la v a r l
Addrna*. GKat'Uiu, Newber*. Oregon.
J. Sunday at 11 a, m. and 8 p. m. and Thurs­
day at 2 p. m. Sabbath school every Sunday at
9:4.i a. m. Monthly m eeting at 8 p. m. the first
Tuesday in each month. Quarterly m eeting
the second Saturday and Sunday in February,
May, August and November. W om an’s For­
eign Missionary Society meets third Saturday
in each month at 3 p. m.
ALFRED T. W ARE, Pastor.
JY a. m. and 7:3t) p. m. Sunday school Sun­
days at 10 a. ni. Prayer m eeting Wednesday
evening at 7:30 o’clock.
REV. G. F. JERARD, Pastor.
cry two weeks as follows; February 7th
and 21st, March 7th and 21st, and April 4th and
J. E. D A Y, Pastor.
The Shasta Route
Sheridan passenger (daily except Sunday)
9:30 a. m.
4:30 p. m. Lv.... ....Portland.....
6:05 p. m. Lv ... .... N ew berg.... .... Lv 7:55 a. m.
7:40 p. m.¡ Ar ... .... Sheridan .... ....Lv 6:20 a. m.
♦Daily. fD oily except Sunday.
C. B. FRISSELL, Agent, Newberg.
K. KOEHLER, Manager.
C. II. M A RK H AM ,
Gen. F. & P. Agent, Portland, Or.
----V IA ----
T he O. R. & N.
No Change of Cars Between
Shortest Line to Spokane
Connecting with
NELSON, and All Kootenay
Mining Camps...
Lc.<^ R a tes and Through T ick ets
Eg, »-
? .
^iphlets and D-tailed Information,
Writ* to
Cen. Pasa. Ajç’t O. R. A N. Co., Portland, Or.
Ol.lVKR * COI-CORD. Agente,
üiaario, Uatoo.v.
K ill:»
On© Column............................ .Twenty Dollar«
H alf C o lu m n ............................... Ten Rullar«
Professional Card«
.. .. ......... One Dollar
B e a d l a g N o t i r r « w i l l fee Iw a e r t r d
U l « ra te of T e a re a te p er M u a .
IX .
From all Parts of the New
and Old World.
C o m p r e h e n s iv e R e v i e w
o f th e Im p o r t­
a n t H a p p e n in g s o f t h e C u r­
ren t
W eek.
A terrible explosion of nitroglycerin*
occurred in Cygnet, O., resulting in tha
death of Bix persons and the injury of a
J 1 every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath large number.
school every Sunday at 10 a. m.
It is said that John W. Mackay, ths
E. < Hi R< H. SERVICES SECOND, THIRD American millionaire, w ill lay a Cana­
. and fourth Sundays o f each month at 11 dian Pacific cable from Vancouver, B.
a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday school every Bun*
day 10 a. in. At M. K. church, Fafayette, first C ., to Australia.
and fitfh Sunday o f cac-h month.
Count Okuma, of Japan, has notified
R. A. A TKIN S, Pastor.
his minister at Honolulu of tiie term*
S A L V A T IO N A R M Y -M E E T IN G A T BAR- and conditions of Japan’ s acceptance of
racks on Main street as follows: Tuesday
for soldier converts and recruits; Wednesday, tiie proposal to arbitrate the disputa
public; Friday, holiness, tor Christians o n ly ; with Hawaii.
Saturday evening, put lie: Sunday, all day,
comm encing with 7 a. m., knee d rill; holiness
A New York Herald special from
m eeting 11 a. m.; fam ily gathering at 3 p. m.,
and grand free and easy in the evening. Ev­ Barcelona says that it is stated on the
erybody welcome.
highest diplomatic authority that the
present Spanish government w ill go
out within a fortnight, and that the
liberals w ill come in.
Customs inspectors at Laredo, Tex.,
, 113, meets every Monday evening.
have found an unclaimed grip on a
• f i r C .T . U.—BUSINESS MEETING TH E SEC- train, containing $¿00,000 worth of
\ M • ond and fourth
Wednesday in each
diamonds, jewelry and other valuables.
The papers in the valise indicate that
it belonged to a Spanish officer.’ It is
• evenings in Bank of Newberg building.
believed it was stolen by a man who
the courage to claim ownership.
J L* 168, meets every Friday evening in Ma­ lacked
sonic hall.
W. P. Atwell, commercial agent ol
F. AND A. M.—MEETS E V E R Y 8ATUR- the United States at Robaix, France,
• day night in C. V. Bank building.
sends to the stato department a repoit
O. U. W. -M E E T S E V E R Y TUESDAY on the short wheat crop in France.
, evening at 7:30 p. ni. in I. O. O. F. Hall.
He says the crop in France, and in fact
all Europe, lias fallen much l»elow the
average, and that it is estimated that
the United States and Canada will be
called upon to export from 120,000,000
to 180,000,000 bushels more than they
exported to Eurfqie last year. France
w ill require about 60,000,000 bushels
to meet the deficit in that country.
A Portland company has offered to
build a sugar beet factory in La
G. ,T. Layzell was killed and Claude
Hawthorne severely injured by a tire
on a launch in Astoria, Or.
Falls Company, manufacturers of
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland:
cotton goods, in Norwich, Conn., have
started up on full time, giving employ­
| A R R IV E .
ment to 500 hands.
f Overland Express.— "I
Salem, Albany, Kug-
The New Orleans health authorities
ene, Koseb’g, Grants |
have sent out notice of a death by yel­
I’a^s, Medford, Ash- 1
♦G:00 p. ni. < land,
Sacramento, > * 9:30 a. m
low fever in that city. Quarantine has
Ogden, San Francis- 1
been declared by several Southern
co, Mojave, I.os An­
geles, El I’aso, New |
Orleans, and East . .. J
♦8:30 a.m. Koseburg A way stations ♦ 4:30 p. m.
A rich strike is reported in the
(V ia Woodburn, fo r)
Schroder mine, in Yreka, Cal., on tiie
1 Mt. Angel, Silver ton, |
^ \\ est Scio, Browns-> except
1,200-foot level, the vein averaging
Sunday. ] ville, Natron and I Sunday.
four feet in width, and running $130 to
[ Springfield...............J
f7:30 Corvallis A wav stations t 5:50 p. m. the ton.
|4:50 p. m. M cM innville & way sta's^f 8:25 a. m.
Edward Lyons, a patient at the Ore
A ll above trains arrive and depart from Grand gon state insane asylum hung himself
Central station, Fifth and Irvin g streets.
to a tree in the asylum grounds. He
was committed from Multnomah county
D in in g C ars on O g d e n R o u te .
last March.
In the Milford labor union, at its
Direct connection at San Francisco with Oc­
cidental and Oriental and Pacific Mail steam­ games in Milford, Mass., H. S. Dono­
ship lines for Japan and China. Sailing dates
van, of Natick, ran 100 yards in 9 %
on application.
Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu­ seconds, breaking the world’s record by
rope. Also Japan, China, Honolulu and Au­
one-tenth of a second, according to the
stralia, can be obtained from
J. B. K IR K L A N D , Ticket Agent,
134 Third street, Portland, Or.
George W. Clark broke the world’s
high-dive record by jumping off the
railing of the Halstead-street life bridge
Passenger depot foot o f Jefferson street.
in Chicago, when the structure was
raised to an elevation of 165 feet above
A irlie mail (tri-weekly).
the Chicago river.
The diver was
9:40 a. m. L v .... ...P ortla n d .... .... Ar 3:05 p. m.
.... Lv 12:15 p. in. taken out of the river uninjured, and
5:10 p. m .jAr........A i r l i e .........
was placed under arrest by the police.
/ i l l R 1ST! AN CHUR4 II UERVI4 B8 E\ ERY
second and fourth Sunday at 10 a. m. and
• 7:30 p. m.
F R ID A Y ,
M in ers A c c e p t th e P r o p o s it io n o f P i t t s ­
b u r g O p e ra to rs .
Columbus, O., Sept. 14.— The great
miners’ strike, which was declared on
July 4, was brought to an end this
evening, so far, at least, as Western
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and West
Virginia are concerned, by the action
of the convention of miners which has
been in session since Wednesday. After
a day of voting and wrangling, the con­
vention voted to accept the proposition
of the Pittsburg operators. The vote
was 495 for and 31? against uccepting
the terms of settlement, and 11 votes
were not cast. The delegates from Il­
linois, who had 250 votes, were unani­
mously against the settlement; Indiana
and West Virginia voted solidly to ac-
eept the pro|>osition, but there were
scattering votes among Ohio and Penn­
sylvania against it. The resolution is
as follows:
“ Resolved, That we, the miners of
Pennsylvania,West Virginia, Ohio, In­
diana and Illinois, in coni ention assem­
bled, do hereby agree to accept the
proposition recommended by our na­
tional executive council, viz , 65 cents
in Pittsburg district and all places in
the above-named states where a relative
price can be obtained, to resume work
anil contribute liberally to the miners
who w lil not receive the advance, over
which the fight must be continued to a
bitter end.
“ Resolved, That the national officers
of the executive board and district
presidents act as an advisory board for
tiie purpose of providing ways and
means for the carrying on of the strike
where necessary; provided, however,
that no district resume work for 10
days, for the purpose of giving miners
in other districts time to confer with
the operators and get the price, if pos­
The Illinois men w ill be called in
convention at Springfield,September 19,
to determine what shall be done in
that state.
A resolution was adopted denouncing
the action of the deputies in firing into
the striking miners at Hazelton.
S ix V ic t im s
o f a T r a in - W r e c k
In d ia n T e r r it o r y .
in th e
Memphis, Sept. 14.— A special to the
Commercial-Appeal from
Ark., says: A most disastrous freight
wreck occurred on the Iron Mountain
railroad, at Hanson, I. T., a small sta­
tion 20 miles west of Van Buren, at 2
o’clock today, resulting in the death of
seven men and the serious injury of
£ix others, two of whom will die. The
dead are: W ill Frame, Charles Frame,
Douglass Anderson, John Johnson, Bose
Henderson, Frank Hamilton and H. A.
Of the wounded two suffered inter­
nal injuries. A ll of the dead and
wounded were sent to Vian, with the
exception of Walton’s body, it being
brought to this place, where he has rel­
atives living. None of the trainmen
were hurt.
While the train was running at a
speed of 20 miles an hour, the forward
trucks of one of the cars near the en­
gine broke, wrecking 15 cars with wal­
nuts and baled hay. W ith the excep­
tion of two cars in front and three in
the rear, including the caboose, every
car of the 20 in the train was ditched.
The middle of the train was a car load­
ed with heavy machinery, and it was
in this car that 13 men were stealing a
ride. The occupants of the wrecked car
were a party of men and boys living in
Vian, who were coming to Van Buren
to find employment in the cotton fields.
When the machinery car left the rails,
it fell on its side, nearly all of the men
The Washington Star says:
It is Ruing caught by the heavy beams.
stated that S. D. North, of Bosto.i, has
been selected as superintendent of the
Kansas City, Sept. 14.— A special to
next census, and that his appointment
will be made as soon as necessary legis­ the Times from Hanburn, Ark., says:
lation can be enacted.
The president Many sad scenes were enacted at Han­
is said to favor the establishment of a son. One of the dead, whose name 1 b
permanent bureau on census, and is unknown, was found with his head
likely to express some views on that mashed to a pulp between two heavy
subject in his next message to congress. logs, his brains oozing out. Others
were crushed and mungled in a horrible
Wild horses have become a nuisance manner. Two of the dead were brothers,
in Northern Arizona, and Attorny- W ill and Charles Frame. W ill was
General Frasier lias been asked if they found on one side of the track and
may not be legally slaughtered. That Charles on the other, both crushed al-
vicinity has been overrun by several juost out of all semblance of human
large bands, hundreds in number, un­ beings.
branded and unclaimed oy any one.
Tbe scenes at Vian, when the dead
They have rapidly increased in number bodies of those who had resided there
and have become wilder than deer and arrived, were affecting in tiie extreme.
vicious as well. The matter has been The parents and other kin of the de­
referred to the livestock board.
ceased were at the dejiot when the train
A Phoenix, Ariz., dispatch says it i came in. It will probably be several
expected that work w ill be resumed days before the wreck will be cleared
within 60 days on the great Rio Verde away and the full extent of the dis­
irrigation enterprise which is to redeem aster revealed. Three men are still
200,000 acres of the finest land in the missing, accroding to statements of
Salt river valley. Of the 150 miles of some of those who escaped. A large
canals that w ill constitute the Rio force of men is at the spot, clearing
Verde irrigation system, 22 have Ixsn sway tiie wreckage.
dug. and a large amount of work, cost­
Q u a ra n tin e D e c la r e d .
ing altogether $200,000, has been done
Nashville, Sept. 14.— Today, the
at and. near the head works.
state l>oard of health issued quarantine
‘ ‘ We are on the verge of a great min­ orders against all points along the gulf
ing era,” remarked Clarence King, coast, extending from Mobile to New
former chief of the United States geo­ Orleans. This was done as a measure
logical survey, in Denver. “ The time of extra caution, because of the receipt
is not far distant when a man can start of unfavorable reports from the gulf
out of Denver and travel to Klondike, coast.
stopping every night at a mining camp.
Already two American stamp mills are
Memphis, Sept. 14.— The board of
pounding away on the border of the health of this city today issued a proc­
Straits of Magellan, and the day is ap- lamation enforcing a strict quarantine
proaciling when a chain of mining against New Orleans, Ocean Springs,
camps will extend from Cape Horn to Mobile and other towns on the gulf
St. Michaels.”
A Philadelphia A Reading wrecking
P resid en t tr ia l’ M essage.
engine crashed into a wagon at a grade
Mexico, Sept. 14.— It is not believed
crossing at Frush Valley, a few miles
above Reading, Pa., and three lives that the president will in his message
announce aDy radical change in the pub­
were loet
The manufacturing and
The Marquis of Salisbury’s proposal lic policy.
for the constitution of an international agricultural interests are unanimously
commitee representing the six powers in favor of the silver standard.
to assume control of the revenues, with
T h e G u a te m a la R ev o lu tion .
which Greece w ill guarantee the pay­
ment of intereet for holders on old
Berlin, Sept. 14.— Dispatches from
bonds as well as payment of the indem­ Guatemala say a revolution has broken
nity loan, bat been accepted by the out against President Barrios in tbe
western part of tbs republic.
H a z le to n
S t r ik e r s A r e S h o t
M a n y S h e ep .
L ik e
Hazelton, Pa., Sept. 13.— Tho strike
situation reached a terrible crisis on
the outskirts of Latimer this afternoon,
when a band of doptuy sheriffs fired
into a mob of miners. Tiie men fell
like so many sheep, and the excitement
NEWS HEARD AT MARY’S ISLAND has been so intense that no accurate
figures of the dead and wounded can be
obtaind. Reports run from 15 to 20
T h * S te a m e r C a r r ie d 1V5 P a ss en g e rs
killed and 40 or more wounded.
One man who reached tiie scone to­
F r o m S e a ttle . R o u n d fo r
night counted 13 corpses. Four other
t h e K lo u d ik e .
bodies lay in tiie mountains between
Seattle, Sept. 14.— Another story of Latimer anil Harleigii.
Those wiio
the wreck of the Eliza Anderson reached were uninjured carried their dead and
this city today. It came on the steamer wounded friends into the woods. Esti­
George E. Starr. Captain Harry Struve, mates are baffling.
one of the best-known men in Seattle,
Three liodies were found tonight on
was a passenger on the Starr from Skag- the road near Latimer.
uay bay. A t Mary’s island he was told
The strikers left Hazelton alniut 3:80
| by the customs officers there that a o’clock this afternoon, and it was
schooner had touched that port from their intention to go to Latimer. As
Kodiak island, reporting that the Eliza soon as this became known, a band of
Anderson was wrecked in the vicinity of deputies was loaded on a trolley ear and
Kodiak, with all hands lost.
The went whirling across the mountain t*
steamer carried 125 passengers from the scene, where the bloody conflict
Seattle for St. Michaels.
Captain Struve did not learn the
After reaching Latimer, they left tiie
name of the schooner which brought tho car and formed into three companies,
news. The statement was made by under Thomas Hall, E. A. Hess and
the customs officer with apparent con­ Samuel B. Sercy. They drew up in line
fidence in its truth.
at the edge of tbe village, with a fence
The Anderson was last seen by the and a line of houses in tiieir rear.
tng Holyoke near Kodiak island. She
Sheriff Martin was in entire com maud
was headed that way for fuel, and to and stood in the front of the line until
j get out of the way of the furious gale tiie strikers approached. They were
that was blowing from the southeast seen coming across the lidge, and Mar­
While the story told Captain Struve tin went out to rseet them. The men
may not estahlsh the fuct of the A n ­ drew up sullenly and listened in silence
derson’s wreck, it gives rise to grave until he had once more read the riot
fears for her safety.
This finished, a low muttering arose
among the foreigners, and there wus a
slight movement forward. Perceiving
tliis the sheriff stepped toward them
S u lp h u r C re e k t h e S cen e o f th e L a te s t
and forbade them to advance. Some
E x c ite m e n t.
Seattle, Sept. 14.— Sulphur creek, a one struck the sheriff, and the next
branch of Dominion creek, which is a moment the command was given to tho
tributary to the Indian river, is the deputies to fire.
The guns of the deputies instantly
scene of the latest great excitement in
the Klondike. From accounts of the belched forth a terrible volley. The
new district brought down on the rejiort seemed to shake the very moun­
South Coast, it seems that the new dig­ tains, and a cry of dismay went up
gings will rival even the famed Bonanza from the people.
The strikers were taken entirely by
and Eldorado. Gold was found just
below the surface running $34 to the surprise, and as the men fell gver each
pan. Two men took out $300 in a day other, those who remained unhurt
in simply prospecting their claims. stampeded. The men went down be­
A stampede followed the reports of the fore the storm of bullets like tenpins,
new finds, which reached Dawson City, and the groans of the dying and wound­
August 15. In a week 500 men had ed filled the air.
The scene that followed was simply
crossed the mountains between Eldorado
creek and Dominion creek.
They indesc-iliable. The deputies seemed to
traveled day and night, and in two he terror-stricken at the deadly execu­
weeks the whole stream was staked out. tion of their guns, and seeing the liv ­
The first authentic story of Sulphur ing strikers fleeing like wild men and
creek was given today by John E. others dropping to tho earth, they went
Light, of Chicago. Ho left Dawson to the aid of the unfortunates whom
City on the steamer Bella, August 18. they had brought down.
The people of Latimer ruhssd pell-
He owns a claim on Sulphur crock
mell to the scene, but the shrieks of the
which he located himself. He says:
“ Sulhpur creek w ill equal Bonanza. wounded drowned the cries of the sym­
T^.ere is no doubt about it
When I pathizing and half-erased inhabitants.
A reporter who soon afterwards
first heard of the strike there, I went
over the mountain to investigate it reached the scene found the road lead­
myself. I spent one day there with ing to Latimer filled with groups of
Some sur­
two brothers, the McKinnon boys, of frightened Hungarians.
Wellington, B. C. I saw them tako rounded dying companions, and others,
out $300 in one day from simply sink­ fearful of pursuit, clung to the new­
ing two prospect holes. The formation comer and begged his protection.
A t Farley’s hotel were two men lying
is the same as at Eldorado creek, and
Sulphnr creeks hears the same relation on the porch. Both ha^been shot in
to Dominion as does Eldorado to Bo­ the head. One had threo bullets in the
His groans and appeals for a
nanza. The streams empty into In­ thigh.
dian river. They are just across the doctor wore heartrending.
A ll along the road the wounded men
divide from tiie Klondike, and the same
process that brought millions in gold who were able to leave the field of bat­
into tiie beds of Bonanza and Eldorado tle scattered themselves and Bought the
creeks deposited as much wealth in Sul­ shade of trees for protection, but there
was no need of that then.
phur and Dominion.
Approaching the place where the
“ One old German, whose name I did
not learn, located the creek, ami from shooting occurred, people were met
Discovery claim lie took out $30 to the wringing their hands and bemoaning
They could not talk
pan. Of course, when the news of the the catastrophe.
new strike reached Dawson there was a intelligently, and it was with the great­
great stampede, and hundreds left the est difficulty that information could ho
Klondike for Dominion creek. It is all gleaned.
A ll along the bank of tho trolley
staked out now. Mark my words, you
road men lay in every |Nisitioii, some
w ill hear of big strikes there."
dead, others dying. Three bodies, face
downward, lay along the incline, while
others were but a short distance away.
On the other side of the road as many
M rs. H e n d e r s o n T e l l s G o ld e n S to r ie s o f
bodies lay. The scboollioiise was trans­
th e K lo n d ik e .
formed into a temporary hospital and
Tacoma, Sept. 14.— Mrs. E. A. Hen­
some of the wounded were taken there.
derson, the first newspaper corres|iond-
The colliery ambulance Was sum­
ent to make the trip to Dawson City,
moned to the place as soon as possible,
returned on tiie steamer Cleveland from
and U|>on its arrival, two men, bo*
St. Michaels, and is visiting friends in
shot through the legs, were loaded ii,
this city. With her little 8-year old
the wagon.
A ll along the hiilsiu,
daughter she 8|>ent some months in the
wounded men were found, on the road­
mining districts, and gives the Ledger
side and in the fields.
Many miners
some interesting experiences in the far
who had been carried to distances coulJ
not be found.
She confirms the report of the find­
As soon as the news of the shooting
ing of a $583.25 nugget, the largest yet
reached Hazelton, there was consterna­
discovered in the Yukon country,
Within 10 minutes, the streets
which Nick Knutson picked up on No.
were blocked with excited |>e<>ple. The
36, Eldorado, and is bringing to San
Lehigh Traction Company immediately
Francisco on the Excelsior. When the
started a number of extra cars on the
Excelsior witli its reported, but prob­
Latimer line, and doctors and clergy­
ably exaggerated, cargo of nearly $1,-
men responded promptly.
000,000 in dust, reaches San Fran­
cisco, she believes the fever will prob- I During the excitement, the deputies
turned their attention to tiie wounded,
ably reach its height.
“ Y e t,” said Mr. Henderson, “ the anil oarried many of them to places
excitement is all on the outside, in where they oould fie more comfortably
the Klondike country, even this huge treated.
Martin Roski, an intelligent Hun­
nugget, which is as large as your hand
and almost a perfect hatchet-head garian from Mount Pleasant, who was
shape and seemingly pare gold, did not shot in the arm, was seen by a re|iorter,
and gave this version of the affair:
greatly excite the miners.
“ I have been up the Yukon all sum­
“ We were going along the road to
mer. From Apirl to June 1, four men Latimer, and the deputies were lined
took out from No. 18, Eldorado, from across the road, barring our passage.
but a small part of the claim, a strip We tried to go through them, and did
only 25x?0 feet, $42,628, and have re­ not attempt to hit or molest them, when
cently sold the claim for $46,000. This they fired upon us. W e ran, but they
is, so far, the highest amount got out kept on shooting at us while we ran.
of a Klondike mine— nearly $90,000.
It is all their fault.“
“ I am asked scores of times, ‘ Is the
Crtizens’ meetings were held at vari­
Klondike country as rich as reported?’ ous parts of the city tonight. Opinion
I was prepared to say, ‘ It can scarcely wae divided about the responsibilty for
be exaggerated, ’ but since then I have the shooting.
A t one meeting held in
seen newspapers, and I reply more cau­ Van Wyckle’scaeino, attend***! by hank­
tiously. in several papers I saw the ers, coal operators and prominent men,
statement that somebody had seen ‘ five resolutions were adopted calling on
five-gallon coal oil cans filled with gold Governor Hastings to send m ilitia here.
in one winter.' No one in that coun­ A t another mas* meeting, attended by
try ever heard of such a cabin. The thousands of people, the sentiment was
truth is, I lifted less than $13,000 of against bringing the troop« here, and it
dust in a granite l«owl with difficulty. is asserted by these that there w ill lie
Gold is heavy to bear in more senses no real necessity tor having deputies
than one.
kept here.
Reported That She Went
Down With All Hands.
▲drorUalnf Billa Collected Monthly4
DA W S O N .
T e r r ib le T a l e o f S u ffe r in g B r o u g h t F rom
K lo n d ik e b y th e C le v e la n d .
San Francisco, Sept. 18.— The Ex­
Caused by the Disobedience aminer prints an extra edition
ing the followin’» news from
of Orders.
“ Otter Point, B. C., SepL 18.— The
steamer Cleveland has arrived from 8L
FORTY PEOPLE LOSE TH EIR LIVES Michaels, bringing with her from the
Yukon gold fields a Btory of distre i
and disaster.
The miners she has on
r u s a e n irc r t 'u l l i i l e i l W it h a S tu ck T r a in board and officers in charge of the
ship tell a stroy of disorder and dis­
D en ver
R a iiin g ln g Itu th
tress at Dawson.
G r e a t l y —K u lp u r ia W r e c k .
Winter lias set in at the mining city
Denver, Sept. 13.— A special to the of the frozen north, and the two great
News from New Castle, Colo., says: stores of the place have closed their
Rio Grande passenger train No. 1, run­ doors, for they have nothing to sell.
ning one hour late, collided with a Col­ Those who have been seeking gold must
orado Midland stock extra, 1|# miles now seek for food or starve.
west of New Castle. Both engines are
While there may be a tendency to
s total wreck.
| exaggerate the actual conditions of
affairs, there can lie no question that
human beings in the burning mass.
famine threatens all the venturesome
Shortly after the collision occurred men and women who made their way
| the baggage, day coaoh and tourist j to the Klondike.
sleeper caught fire, while one Pullman
Hundreds of unruly spirits are flock­
and a special car from the Hannibal & ing to Dawson. Threats of violence are
St. Joseph railroad remained on the , being made on every side.
Enormous prices ure now being paid
The fault is said to lie witli the train for food at Dawson, and it is impos­
crew of the extra.
sible that more than four vessels with
Details of tiie wreck are hard to ob­ provisions can reach that camp before
tain. It is known that A. Hartman | the river freezes.
and wife and two children, of Harshun,
Indiguition meetings, heavy with
111., are among the dead; Engineer murmured threats of vengeance, have
Gordou, of the passenger train; R. H. lioen held at St. Michaels by those who
Bed ley, postal clerk, and Robert Hew­ see no hope of advancing up the river,
lett, passenger fireman, are fatally in­ and less of getting back to civilisation.
T # j first signs of winter are apparent
I jured. Engineer Ostrander and Fire­
1 man Sutliff, are missing, and are be­ on the river Yukon, which is begin­
lieved to be buried in the wreck.
ning to freeze, and in a few weeks will
So thoroughly are the trains demol­ lie closed against ull navigation.
ished that Imt few of those caught es­ mishap I ibs come to the Excelsior, and
caped alive, those not killed by the from the frozen north comes the story
shock of tiie collision being burned to of another disaster in which 42 men
| lost their lives.
j death in the ruins of the cars.
A Rio Grande spociul, just arrived
On the Cleveland there are 88 pas­
from Glenwood, brings doctors and sengers who have come from Dawson
comforts for the wounded.
! City. There are few miners in this
The wreck occurred on what is called party that are able to tell of prosperity.
the Rip Junction road. This runs from Most of them wish to exaggerate their
New Castle to Grand Junction. It I hj - possessions, and if one were to lielieve
longs jointly to the Denver & Rio the indefinite stories they tell he
Grande and the Colorado Midland, be­ would say the treasure ship with
ing used by both roadB.
which they come carried $5,000,000.
Two cars of stock were completely Captain Hull, of the Cleveland, says lie
demolished, and the right of way is lias $100,000 in his safe. The purser be­
strewn with dead stock ami debris.
lieves he can account for $150,000 on
Conductor Burbank’s explanation of board.
the wreck is that in looking at the
The Cleveland left St.
passenger’ s leaving time on the card he August 29. She has some of the pas­
looked at the wrong column of figures. sengers of the P. B. Weare on board.
Two Italians caught in the act of rob­ The Weare left Dawson City in time to
bing trunks have been placed under connect witli the Portland had she not
met with a mishap and stuck on the
Tho latest information from the flats above Circle City.
wreck makes it almost certain that 25
Tho miners from Dawson riqiort that
persons are dead, and a dozen badly in­ on July 25 the stores of the Alaska
jured, fully half of whom will die.
Commercial Company und the North
American Trading He Transjiortation
Company closed their doors, and an­
nounced they had no more food to sell.
F u r t h e r D e iu ils o f th e A c c id e n t
In When the announcement was mude con­
K ansas.
sternation seized U |K in the people of
Emporia, Kan., Sept. 18.— Twelve Dawson, with gold-seekers crowding in
known dead, one missing (probably at tho rate of 20 to 80 per day. Drunk-
inoiuerated) and 14 injured, two of enne s and disorder, gambling and
whom w ill likely die, is the record of Idleness were rumpunt.
A t St. Michaels the condition of
the terrible hend-ond collision on the
Santa Fe, as known tonight. It is not affairs is also tho cunsc of gravest con­
positively known that tiie list given is cern. There aro not enough structures
complete, and it is believed that several iu town to accommodate the crowd,
were burned to death and nothing left and scores of the [>eople are living in
by which they could be recognized. tents. Shortly beforo the Cleveland
The bodies of 11 have been taken from left Bt. Michaels two expeditions,
the debris, threo burned beyond recog­ of tiie National City and of the South
Coast, held indignation meetings,
Nothing could be found of tho re­ threatening dire vengeance upon those
mains of the VVells-Fargo messenger, who had brought them tiiere and then
J. F. Sauer.
A handful of charred were unable to carry them further.
On August 26 the Excelsior left St.
bones taken from the wreck, however,
are supposed to he his.
Near them Michaels with a large number of min­
ers und a large quantity of gold. Re­
was found his watch.
Human ghouls delved in the burning ports were current that her treasure
wreckage and plundered the baggage amounted to a million dollars. Soon
and mail sacks which strewed the after leaving St. Michaels the Excelsior
ground. One man tried to snatch a was caught on the dangerous flats of
diamond from the breast of an Etnnoria the Yukon anil broke two blades of her
doctor who, weak and nervous, wus p r o file r . When the Cleveland reached
creeping slowly out of the debris. Hu Ounalaska she found the Excelsior un­
had strength enough left to hit the dergoing repairs. It is probable she
brute a blow in the fuoe, which made left Uunalaska last Monday.
Shortly before the Cleveland left (< r
him turn with a curse and sneak away.
Mail sacks were dragged into the corn Seattle on her journey home the United
States revenue cutter Bear put in:o
field and rifled.
The rejiort of the Kansas City jiost- St. Michaels to tell another story of
office is that practically all of the mail death and disaster in the ice-bound
on both the wrecked Santa Fe trains Arotio. The Bear had on hoard Cap­
was destroyed.
One pouch, however, tain Whiteside, his wife, the first and
for Southern California, on the west­ fourth officers anil four seamen of the
bound train, is said to have been saved. steam whaler Nevach. They are lul
This train oarried a large mail from that remain to tell a terrible story of
New York oity to California. Colorado, death in an ice pack. Of her crew 42
New Mexico and Arizona.
No official were lost. Thirty-one were crushed in
the ice and ten frozen to death. The
report has been received here.
Trains over the Santa Fe w ill lie run Bear saw the vessel's signals of distress
i by way of Ottawa for a few days. The near Point Barrow, and went to her
cost of the wreck to the railway is esti­ assistance. The captain, his wife, two
officers and four seamen were |iersuaded
mated at $100,000.
As the passengers and trainmen re­ to leave the crippled ship, hut nine
covered from the shock of the explosion, others positively refused to go. They
they looked for the injured and dead. were left on a desolate field of ice, anil
Far down ia the heaps of debris sound­ it is feared perishedwith tiieir comrades.
The terrible tale of suffering told by
ed wailing voice« of men pleading for
aid. While the rescuers were working Captain Whitesides and his officers
to get at the unfortunates, fire broke out forms but an incident in the story that
in the wreckage of the forward coaches, the Cleveland brings. It was believed
and a cry for water went up.
Water after she had left St. Michaels she was
tanks were torn from their fastenings to learn no more of the Klondike, its
In the coaches that oould he entered, j dangers and disasters, but the Cleve­
ami blood-besmeared men carried them land ha*l hardly gone 35 mies when she
over broken timbers to quench the fast- passed a vessel that told of evils to
Spreading flames.
The dead and come, of dangerous spirits ready for
mangled bodies of four victims were any outrage, of excited and angry men
dragged to the grass lieside the track. who have left a black record on the
After herculean efforts, the flames were coast on their own pathway to the
finally subdued, and the work of rescue Yukon.
The Cleveland and Humboldt hail
made more easy.
met, and new stories of the abandoned
A merchant In Copenhagen was fined adventurers the latter vessel is convey-
10 crowns for having used the American j ing to the gold fields were sent back to
flag as an advertising medium.
the world.
When the Humboldt stopped at Oun­
K x p l o r « r W e llm a n R e tu rn s.
New York, SepL 9.— Walter W ell­ alaska on her journey to St. Michaels,
man, the journalist and Arctic explorer, the passengers were in open rebellion.
was one of the passengers on the New They began to realize that it would bo
York, which arrived today. He has impossible to reach Dawson before next
been to Norway and Russia to consult : spring, and they knew that misery
with Dr. Nansen to arrange for a awaited them at St. Michaels. There
steamer and a largo^ number of «logs. were open threats against W. D. Wood,
He said efforts would be made to reach organizer ami manager of the expedi­
the north pole until tha feat was ac­ tion, ami it is fear.**l he may lose his
j life at the hands of his passengers.
Russians make a pleasant drink from
The new Yerkes telesooj»? brings ths
■ap of tbe walnut.
I muon within about 300 miles.