NEW BEBO GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG m b w r ip t io . ì « * t m ! Om« Y«er ................................... - •• * ÉÚ ......................................... If " Three Moniti». ................................................. ■ m b s e r l p t l a m r r i « P m y m b l« a b l y Im A d v a m e « . GRAPHIC. CHURCH NOTICES. CHL’ Ri’ H.— SERVICED EVERT ‘ Sunday al 11 a, m. and 8 p. m. and Thurs- I .IKIE.N'IiS' av at p. m. Sabbath school every Sunday at ■ • a d ir n e K o t l r r a w i l l b « I n a r r t r d t b a r a t e e f T e a e e a t a p e r a . VOL. IX . NEWS OF THE WEEK NEW BERG, FIN ISHED IVa C. T. ITS Y A M H IL L WORK. T . f o n Y « i i t l o n in V a n c o u v e r H hn A d j o u r n e d . C O U N T Y , OREGON, A HARROWING STORE 2 Vancouver, Wash., July 6.— After a nost pleasant and harmonious four lays' session, the 14th annual oonveu- ;ion of the \V. C. T. U., of Western Washington closed tonight. The an­ nual election of officers today resulted APTISTCHl'RCH.—SERVICES, SUNDAY U a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school Sun- BRIEF AND INTERESTING ITEMS us follows: ys at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday President, Miss Mary L. Page, of evening at 7:30 o’clock. REV. G. F. JERARD, Pastor. Olympia; vice-president, Dr. Ella J. RESBYTERIAN CHURCH.—SERVICES Ev­ C o m p r e h e n s i v e R e v i e w o f t h e I m p o r t ­ Fifleld, Tacoma; corresponding seere­ tary, Mts. A lice R. Rideout, Olympia; ery two weeks as follows: February 7th ant H a p p e n in g s o f the C u r­ and 21st, March 7th and 21st, ami April 4th and recording secretary, Mrs. Ellen J. 18th. J. E. DAY, Pastor. re n t W e e k . Thayer, Everett; treasurer, Mrs. S. E. The Oregon state Sunday ecliobl Shorthill, Tacoma; HRISTIAN CHURCII.—SERVICES EVERY organiser, Mrs. second and fourth Sunday at 10 a. m. and anion met in convention at The Mattie N. Graves, Centralia; all being 7:30 p. in. Dalles. The seeretary reports that dur­ re-elected; delegate-at-large to the na­ lREE METHODIST.—PRAYER MEETING ing the year 26 new Sunday schools tional convention, Mrs. J. C. Stone, of 1 every Thursday at 7:88 p. m. Sabbath were organized. There lias been a loss Seattle, and Mrs. Mattie Gridley, Van­ school every Sunday at 10 a. m. from enrollments of last year of 225 couver, state delegate. E. CHURCH.—SERVICES SECOND, THIRD , and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 schools, 2,544 officers and teachers ant.' Reports were presented by the super­ a. in. and 7:3o p. m. Sunday school every Sun­ 15,979 scholars. intendents of their respective depart- day 10 a. m. At M. E. church, Fafayette, first At a special meeting of the San | ments of the work accomplished during and fitfh Sunday of eaeh month. K. A. ATKINS, Pastor. Francisco chamber of commerce the | the year in the department.* of purity, Q ALVATION ARMY-—MKfcTINU AT BAR- question of the advisability o f an­ purity in literature and art, school of ^ raeks on Main street as follows: TTo-.-day nexing Hawaii was considered. A methods; temple work; lumbermen; for soldier converts and recruits: Wednesday, public; Friday, holiness, for Christians o n ly ; memorial was drawn up for presen­ narcotics; parliamentary usage; sanitary Saturday evening, put lie; Sunday, all day, tation to both the houses of congress, and economic cookery; Christian letter commencing with 7 a. m., knee drill; holiness meeting 11 a. m.; family gathering at 3 p. m., urging prompt action looking to the an­ mission and others. anI V ISIO N . 000,000 to meet the expenses of the tion on the face value of the capital Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street. Philippine war. It will be guaranteed stock, or on bonds on their issuance^ by the Philippine customs. and of 2 cents for each $100 or fraction Ali lie mail (tri-weekly). One of the most sensational tragedies on eaeh transfer of stocks or bonds. *3:40 a. Lv 1 ever enacted in North Texas took place United States and state bonds are ex­ 12:50 p. . i I.v__ .... Newberg. . . Ar ... ....A ir lie ....... ...... Lv 7:30 a . m. in the Methodist church in Pleasant cepted as are individual lionds to secure Sheridan passenger (daily except Sunday)__ Valley, Dallas county, in the course ol mortgages, and also the stock and 4:80 1 *. m. I.v ...... Portland......... Ar 9:80 « m. the services. As a result Augustus bonds of mutual benefit building asso­ 6:05 p. in. I.v......... Newberg..........Lv 7:55 a. m. 7:40 p. in.|Ar..... Sheridan.......... Lv| 6:20 a. m. Garrison and Frank Jones are dead and ciations. The amendment has been “"•DailyT f Daily except Sunday^ submitted to the Republican inemlx-rs Thomas Jones fatally wounded. C. B. FRISS ELL, Agent, Newberg. The volcano Mayn has been in a of the judiciary committee and ap R. KOEHLER, Manager. proved by them as to form. E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. «Sc P. Agent, state of violent eruption, anil the flow of lava has done great damage in the Portland, Or. K xchunge of W e a th e r Reports. province of Alhay, particularly to the Washington, July 6.— An arrange­ village of Libon, where the tobacco ment has been completed between the THE GREAT crop has been completely destroyed. There has been considerable loss of life. United Stutes and Mexico for the ex­ change of weather reports. The co­ During a thunder storm, lightning operation with Mexico is similar to struck a convict camp ne«r Dakota, that now in ojieration between Canada G a., and as a result four convicts are aud the United States. Professor dead, 10 are dying and 20 escaped dur­ Moore, chief of the weather bureau, C O U N T R I E S ing the panic which ensued. The camp under Secretary W ilson’« direction, has is at the lumber mills of Grees Bros., been in consultation with Senor Augus­ and about 150 prisoners from the state tin N. Chavez, director-general of the OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND penitentiary were at work there. Mexican telegraph, for some «lays, jier- EASTERN OREGON Several mysterious robberies have oc­ fecting the aeheme. Senor Chavez was curred on steamers touching at Hong specially authorized by the president of Kong. The steamer Tayuan on arriv­ the MeXcan republic ami his secretary ing there recently from Australia, re­ of pnblic works to establish a a daily ported that boxes containing $25,000 telegraph weather service to collect ob­ -V IA - in gold sovereigns had been stolen from servations by telegraph, and to issue to her treasure room. A few days later the Mexican marine ixirts warnings of |5,000 in gold leaf was stolen from the hurricanes ami other severe disturb­ treasure chest of the steamer Loosook ances. He proposes to have tlie Mexi­ while she was loading at Hong Kong can observations taken daily at the for Bangkok. same moment that observations are On June 14 men from the United taken at the weather stations in the No Change of Cars Between States cruisers Marion and Philadel­ United States, and to plan the Mexican phia were landed at Honolulu. While weather service after that of the U nit­ BAKER CITV on march to the drill grounds an order­ ed States, which he considers the most PORTLAND and j ly brought an order, and the battalion efficient in the world. SPOKANE The two services, by the arrangement returned on board. This action was takeif, it is understood, on account ol effected, w ill work in harmony. The a rumor to the effect that the Japanese metric system of measurements w ill be cruiser Xaniwa would land a force of used by Mexico; but this is easily re­ men to take charge of the Hawaiian duced to our system. Connecting with custom-house. The Japanese failed tc Russia’s population increases at the act, and it is believed that Admiral Beardslee’ s prompt action caused the rate of 1,00,0000 auumially, and the captain of the Naniwa to change hit increase ia much greater than that of any other eountry in the world. TRAIL, ROSSLAND, MARCUS mind. y:45 a. m. Monthly meeting at 8 p. m. the firs! Tuesday in eaeh month. Quarterly meeting the second Saturday and Sunday in February, May, August and November. Woman's For­ eign Missionary Society meets third Saturday in each month at 3 n. m. ALFRED T. WARE, Pastor. From all Parts of the New and Old World. S P C i M w I K A Hie Shasta Route SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. G O I i Ü m S I ü V E # ALL REACHED T h e 0. R . <&. N . Shortest Line to Spokane ALL RAIL ROUTE to... NELSON, and All Kootenay Mining Camps... L ow R a te s and T h rou gh T ic k e t s For Pamphlet» end Detailed Inform»t1on, Write to W . H . HURLBURT. Gen. Pta». A f t O. L A I . Co., Portland, Or OLIVER A COLCORD, Agent«, N iw atao, Oasooa. Une Colnmn...............................Twenty Dollar« Half Column............................. Ten Dollar* Professional Carda . . . . . .............. One Dollar l» * m r l Addreae. UKxrme, Newtxjrg. Uregon. ARE AIMI'.KTINIYU KI11M: A dispatch from Madrid says that on account of Senor Silva's recent belli­ cose speech and constant news of Span­ ish defeats from Havana province, ■ feeling is reviving there in favor ol wai with the United States. The Union Savings Bank A Trust Company, of Tacoma, has closed it( doors and went into the hands of a re­ ceiver, as a direct resnlt of the recent supreme court decision deciding that large amount of the city’a warrants art Invalid. San Diego, Cal., July 6.— Three San Franciscans claim a direct title by deed to a tract ol land containing 2,000,000 of acres in the liest part of Lower Cali­ fornia. They are William McCrindle, J. M. Porter and C. R. Dray, all wealthy men. The land, however, ia at present claimed by the Mexican Land and Townsite Company. The deed ol the San Francisco claimants will be taken to the City of Mexico by Mc- Crindile, who will endeavor to obtain ita legal recognition. Yellow Fever on a Pacific Mail Steamer. TRUTH SUPPRESSED BY OFFICERS F iv e -H o a r H oard. Kami W h ile C en er rt « the (ilv .V un l‘ a » » e n « e l J' W e r e S i c k ao«l I l y in a . F R ID A Y , ATONED L. JULY FOR HIS S), 1897. CRIME. Wt M elaon, t h « M urderer, a t G r u n t s Pa ss . Executed Grant’ s Pass, July 5.— Lemuel W. Melson was executed here today, lie abandoned all hope yesterday, and was taken into the Episcopal church and baptized by Rev. Isaac Dawson. He 8|ient the day in reading and in writing letters, aud was more calm than any one else about the jail. He slept well last night and ate a hearty breakfast this morning. He refused to discuss the crime or his position, saying only when asked that lie was innocent. He was very much affeoted by the church ceremonies und the singing, and wept quietly. There was a great many people in town to witness the hanging. Sheriff Hiatt issued 100 invitations, and Ice- sides those in the enclosed space the court-house yard is well filled. The board fence around the scaffold is so constructed that a good view of the pro­ ceedings eau be had from the main yard ami street. About 500 people wit­ nessed the execution. Rev. Dawson went into the jail at 8:45 this morning. Melson made a full confession of [the crime. Sheriff Hiatt had the death warrant at 9:40, and at 10:03 Rev. Dawson prayed his last prayer . At 10:01 Sheriff Hiatt and his depu­ ties, with Melson, ascended the scaf­ fold. When asked if he had anything to say, Melson said: “ I am guilty of killing Perry, and am sorry lor it. May God have mercy on my guilty soul.” Melson was perfectly composed and calm, lie hid the sheriff good-bye, and at 10:13 the drop was sprung. Mel- son's neck was broken and death was instantaneous. At 10:22 he was pro­ nounced dead by the physicians anil cut down. He will be buried in the pau­ per graveyard at the expense of tho couuty. He wrote a long letter to his wife yesterday. NO. 33. AdTerttaia« Buia Collected Monthly* NORTHWEST BREVITIES Evidence of Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS fro m OF A ll t il« GENERAL th e C lt t « « T h r iv i n g and S l» t « r INTEREST Tow n» of Stm t»» —O r e g o n . M ayville’ s new church is said to bo tlie handsomest one in Gilliam county. Ben Ross, of Gordon Creek, recently turned out 65 railroad ties in 10 hours. There is quite a demand for home­ steads in Lane county by intending set­ tlers. The Siuslaw agricultural society has decided to hold a fair at Lorane hull, on October 15 ami 16. The Western Union has received in Astoria 125 miles of wire for the new line to ho constructed between Astoria ami Portland. A rock-drilling contest for $250 a side lias been arranged to take place at Sumpter between men of tho Bonanza and Rachael mines. Joseph, in Wallowa county, has long been without a saloon, hut tint council at its latest meetng voted in favor of grunting a license. It is said that grouse and sage hens will be plentiful in Grant county this year. The season has been favorable for their hatching and rearing. Tlie Dalles has the firemen’s tourna­ ment this full, ami the enterprising school board is talking of delaying tlie opening of school a week on that ao- count. Tho steel cells and all necessary ma­ terial for making tho interior of Grant county’s jail secure have arrived in- Cunyon City and are being put to­ S t o r y o f M o l a o n ’ a C r im e . gether. Grant’ s Pass, July 6.— In March, Five United States fish onmmission- 1896, Charles Perry disappeared from the Waldo copper mine, near Waldo, ers w ill sixm visit Pelican hay and Har­ Or., where ho was employed ami was ney lake, to make an examination of known to have had considerable money those waters and see wlmt the chance with him at the time. Inquiry by his is for putting in fish. There were shipped by the O. R. & friends for several months failed to dis­ close his wherabouts, ami fearing that N. Company during the past shipping he had met with foul play, a search­ season 18,800 crates o f strawberries— ing party was organized on August 25, an increase over last year of 3,300 and lifter two days’ travel in the Sis- crates. One-third of the shipments kyou mountains, the party found the were made to Montana markets. hotly of Perry in an old well near a de­ An Astoria paper says the fact that serted mining claim. There was a bul­ the British ship Duchalhurn was una­ let wound in the right side, ami on tho ble to secure hut about 1,500 cases of ground near by was shell from a 41- salmon for England when she expected caliber Colt’ s revolver, which the bul­ to have hail 10,0000 cases is gixxl evi­ let taken from the wound fitted. With dence that the price of sulinon is on the this evidence the party returned to rise. Crescent City, Cal. In 1891 the state ol Oregon brought It was learned that while at the cop- suit against Baker county lor back ;x>r mine Pcrry( hud often been told by taxes amounting to abegtt $14^01)0. A f­ L. W. Melson, his friend, of n finé ter five years of liti^.tion Referee B. mining prospeot between there and the F. Bonham, appointed by the supreme coast in the Siskiyou mountains, and court, has rendered his finding* to the that Melson left the copper mine on the effect that Baker county must pay all day of Perry’s disappearance. He re­ hut ubout $3,000, burred by the Btatute Y e l l o w »lack A g a i n . San Francisco, July 6.— The Pacific turned next day and went to Crescent of limitations. Mail steamer Acapulco arrived this City Cal., saying that Perry bail gone W aaliln gton . morning from Panama flying the yel­ to Waldo. The Fermh.le cheese factory has be­ Melson began spending money freely, low Hag, four deaths having occurrred though previous to that time lie was gun operations. on board from the pernicious fever. known to have been possessed of very Cosinnpulis shipped 49 ours of lumber limited means. It was also learned East within one week. WELBURN'S SHORTCOMINGS. thut Melson had sold a revolver which Mange is prevalent among the range horses in Garfield oounty. Aflui ra o f t h e I n t e r n a l R e v e n u e C o l l e c ­ proved to bo the one from which the bullet found in Perry’s laxly had been t o r W o m e T h a n Fi ra t S u p p o a o d . The Ellenshurg cheese factory is fired. In his possession was also found making between 500 and 600 pounds of San Francisco, July 6.— Investiga­ a watch which proved to be Perry’s. cheese a day. tion into the affairs of the office of the Melson was placed under arrest at collector of internal revenue for this A circns is gladdening the hearts of Crescent City, but it was ascertained district reveals a much worse condition that the murder was committed in Ore­ the small boys throughout the Big of tilings than was at first supposed. gon, ami the prisoner was brought to Bend country. E. O. Atkins, the “ dummy” deputy, Grant’ s Pass, Or., for trial. He was Lcltoi Mining Company, o f Spokane, has admitted under oath that he ac­ convicted and sentenced to death May declared its fifteenth dividend. The cepted an ap|Kiintment from O. M. 14, 189T. The evidenco throughout dividend Is $26,000, Welburn, under promise to give the the trial was conclusive of Melsou's Terry Clancey, section foremnn near ex-collector the full salary attached to guilt. Buckley, was struck by a freight train the office, which is $1,060 |x-r annum. Melson was alxmt 42 years old, ami and probably fatally injured. Besides drawing checks for expenses for came to the Paciflo coast from Ken­ A number of the offiicals and in­ larger amounts than required, Welburn tucky 12 years ago, locating in Clatsop mates of the state |xmitentiary are sick is accused o f having absolved favorite county, Or. lie went to Del Norte with tonsilitis, but the epidemic is not liquor-dealers from pa\ment of their county, Cal., alxmt four years ago, feared. federal licenses, and being gnilty of where he was married, and where he various other irregularities. In order Judge Richardson, of the snperior leaves a w ife and two children. to get at tlie facts, the hooks and ac­ Melson’ s wife did not visit him dur­ court, for S|xikane, lias decided that a counts o f every attached office are be­ ing his incarceration, and expressed no person cannot I hi incarcerated to lie ing examined, and it is apparent that desire to see him, blit wrote to him fre­ held as a witness in a trial. the office was conducted in a shocking­ The receiver of the Central Wash­ quently, saying that she was not sur­ ly loose manner. Two dismissals, Chief prised at the verdict of the jury. Klie ington estimates that that road will Deputy Lou|>e anil Bool ketqier Chinn, expressed very littlo sympathy for him, haul at least 1,500,000 bushels of are confidently expected as the result hut requested him, if guilty, to never wheat from the Big Bend this fall. of the investigation, though neither is confess his crime on account of the Senator Wilson has telegraphed to suspected of dishonesty. children. friends on Gray’s harbor that the T o Prepart* fo r a F a ir . Charles Perry, the victim , was 60 amount of the appropriation for the Spokane, Wash., July 6.— The com ­ years of age, ami came to the Pacific Gray’ s harlxir jetties is $350,000, and mittee soliciting for the annual fruit coast two years ago from Connecticut, not $300,000, nor $400,000, as has fair decided today that the required where his wife and seven children now been published. amount was practically assured, and it reside. He was considered a sober and State Grain Inspector Wright i* con­ would go ahead with the preparations industri i s man. sidering the advisability of making for the fair. Twenty citizens have provisions for in*|>ecting corn importa­ I i d l a n « lirank P a in k iller. signed a $5,1:00 guarantee against the tions from Eastern states. During the Brainerd, Minn., July 5.— Five In­ last year large shipments of corn have possibility of loss. In addition to this, business men and others have contrib­ dians, including Chief Wee Kug, are come in, because the low price of that utes! a cash fund of between $4,000 and dead at Malone's Point, on Mille Lacs cereal compared with oats, which was $5,000. Many cash prizes w ill be lakp, and several others are expected to not subject to inspection. The Inno­ offered. Exhibits are coming from die, as the result of drinking painkiller, vation is proposed both for purposes of Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon hair oil and other preparations contain­ revenue and to ascertain the amount and British Columbia. Excursions will ing alcohol. Indian payment has been of grain thus consumed. be run from the Northwest and the going on there, and the redskins gorged Because o f the cloudburst on Mill East. Many Eastern commission and themselves with this stuff, which wai creek, in Walla Walla oounty, the fish railroad men are coming The fair bought from Malone’ s trading |xist. are dying by hundreds. They come to The Indian riders are scouring every will last 12 days. the surface of the muddy water, appar­ part o f the reservation to bring the For*atrjr K**Kiilntl«>ii<* A p p r o \ «*< 1. hand together, and serious trouble may ently suffocating, and in a lew minutes Washington, July 6.— The forestry result, as the redskins think Malone ia leave the water entirely to die by th* hundreds, on the rocks, too exhausted, regulations, approved by Commissioner to blame for the death*. •vidently, to return to the atream a foot Hermann, of the general land office, and which were announced some day- It has been computed thut between or two away. The dead fish are thick. ago, have been approved and promo)- i 36,000,000 and 37,000,000 babies arrive They are fine ones, too, many of them being 12 and 14 inches long. gated by Secretary Bliss. each year. B. W. Holloway, a Friday Harbor K$i(n«. Anacortes, Wash., July 6. — Roliert Jeweler,'a man of 28, dropped dead in hia London, July 6.— A Standard dis­ Wolf, a packing company night watch­ office. The physicians found on exam­ man, has mysteriously disappeared. patch from Constantinople says that ination, t(iat an artery had been rup* He was seen in the evening when lie Edhem Pasha, commander of the Turk­ tured. Six weeks ago he took out • went on duty. In the morning nothing ish forces in Thessaly, has tendered life insurance policy for $2,000. oonld be found of Wolf or the dory that hia resignation of command to the sul­ Judge llanford lias issued a deroe« he used. His clothing was found Ofi ' tan on the ground that under the pro­ permitting the treasurer of Okanogan posed peaoe condition he will be unable the beach. It is thought by the fisher county to tnrn taxes into the salary men that the dory went adrift, and j to guarantee the discipline of the fund. Previous to this the county offi­ army. that Wolf was drowned in an attempt cials had received no pay since last Jan­ to swim after it. W olf was a bachelor, A ll the human being« that ever lived uary, the sheriff even being compelled 45 years old, and had lived in Aoaeor oonld find atanding room in Pennaylva- to board and care for tha prisoners at tea for several year«. hi* own risk. nia. ¡ New York, July 6.— P issengers who arrived tonight on the steamship Al- lianca tell a lmrrowii g story of their experience aboard t V i Pacific Mail steamer City of Para, Inch left Pana­ ma for San Francisco May 13 last. It seems that three duvs after clearing the isthmus yellow ¡'ever broke out among the crew an 1 mongers of the Pacific liner, which mused a panic aboard, and resulted in the death of the commander of the vessel. Captain Martersen. Three-fourths of the pas­ sengers, it is said, were attacked by the disease, and at least a dozen found wa­ tery graves. When the vessel finally reached San Francisco, the facts of the terrible voyage were suppressed, and the sickness and deaths were attributed to tropical dysentery. But the passen gers who came here tonight say that the symptoms were plainly those of yel­ low fever. The disease was raging on the isth­ mus, but when tho passengers went on board the City of Para they were told by tho officers that they need have no fear. There was no effort at fumiga­ tion, ami when Mrs. Captain Mitchell, wife of an Englishman commanding one of the vessels of the Chilean line, ap­ peared on the City of Para, heavily veiled, there was no uneasiness. Three days out she died from the so-called tropical dysentery. She was buried at fea, and the next to be taken down was Captain Martersen. Before he died, the fever hail spread all over the ship. In the first cabin and steerage alike the yellow death went, and how many were prostrated will probably never be known. Tho officers suppressed every scrap of news they could, and Dr. Ren- ein insisted on his original diagnosis. At Punta Arenas, the Eoheveria fam­ ily, one of the richest in Costa Rica, took passage on the City of Para, not knowing that yellow jack was raging on board. The vessel proceeded on its voyage. Up the coast there were two ' or three funerals a day, and those who were not affetced were panic-stricken. After much pleading, a number ol passengers were put ashore at Corinto nnd Saji Jose de Guatemala. It is al­ leged that the officers of the vessel sup­ plied the passengers with spoiled meat, and this is believed to have aijed tho yellow fever to spread. A t San ’ Salvador, a '"band /’ came aboard, anti while the passengers were still sick and dying, the musicians gave five-hour concerts daily. CLOSE CALL T h irty FOR JACK TARS. M e n S c a l d e d on B o a r d M o n ito r Puritan. o f the New York, July 5.— Thirty men nar­ rowly escaped death in the boiler-room of the monitor Puritan. That they were not sealded to death is tine to the presence of mind of one of the crew. The Puritan ia moored at the foot of the main street o f the Brooklyn navy-yard, and has been undegoing re­ pairs to her boilers. The repairs had been completed and the inen were only putting on the-finishing touches ut the time of the explosion. Orders had been given to start the fire under the boilers, and get up steam, so that both engines and kboilers could be giveu a thorough test, of the vessel had been ordered to sea lor target practice. Engineers were in the engine-room, giving instructions to firemen. There was suddenly a slight hissing sound of escaping steam in the room, hut the aa.'U continued to work. Then a sharp report and a flood o f hot water and steum from one of the boilers started them to their feet. In an instant the room was filled with steam that was so dense the men could hardly see. When the burst of steam came from the boiler August Wilson, the boiler­ maker, in charge, ordered the men to get out ot the room. Wilson was the last to get out, and while he was trying to find the entrance to tho engine- rooms Chief Engineer Cowie, of tlie Puirtan, who heard the report of the explosion, rushed into the room. Cowie made several attempts to get to the valves, but was held back i>y Wilson. When the steam was nearly exhausted the valves were closed, but not until Cowie had been burned about the head and neck. The injured were attended by the ship’s surgeon. The cause of the accident was tlie Idotving out of tiio crown sheet in one of the boilers. It was u miracle, the officers say, that none of the men were killed or greater damage done to the vessel. As it is* the monitor will have to remain at the yard for some time, so the boilers can be put in trim. BAD ▲ FOR Se rlo ua WORKING CLASSES. Labor Problem frontH C h i l e . Now C 0 11 - New York, July 5.— A special to the Herald from Valparaiso, Chile, says: If the government does not soon take steps to better the condition o f the working classes throughout Chile, there will he a dark, despairing outlook in store for them. Tlie lleraldo here says tlie closure of the engineering estab­ lishments will cause others to follow and leave more than 1,000 working­ m en’ s families ex|xised to hunger. It adds that this may cause tlie paralyza- tion of several nitrate establishments ill Tarapaca province, throwing 1,800 men in the streets and causing tlie stoppage of all building work throughon* Chile. Workingmen are preparing to it *M a monster meeting next Sunday to pro­ test against the delay o f oougress in discussing the reform customs tariff law, which has been submitted to that body. The workingmen will also pro­ test against the idle political discus­ sion in congress on the resolution < f the government railway directors to order five locomotive« from the United States after having promised to protect the national industries. C o u l d N o t LI v o A p a r t . Ouaymas, Sonora, July 5.— A sensa­ tional double suicide has ocurred here. Senor l lodomito Maytoremi, a widely known and |xipular young man, had been engaged for some time to Sonorità Am|x>ra Ynigo, the daughter of an equally aristocratic family. Another suitor found more favor in the eyes of her stepmother than did young May to­ rcila, and the latter was notified to cease paying his visits. This led to clandestine meetings, and when a mutual friend attempted to in­ terfere, a personal encounter resulted. For this the young man was about to be arrested when he tixik two pistols, one in each hand, pressed each to his temples ami fired two halls, both enter­ ing the brain. When the shocking news was conveyed to the young lady she took poison, and is reported to have since died. A C o lle c tio n o f Ivorlea. San Francisco, July 6.— John L, Hardwell, of this city, lias presented to Goldeu Gate Hark museiiiii one of the largest collections of delieutely enrved ivories that can be found in the Unit­ ed States. There are 700 pieces in all, ranging in value from $25 to $1,000 each. They represent every conceiv­ able kind of animal anil vegetable life, with protecting gods and goddesses. W i l l .Vat H i v e l |> T h e s e a l / . London, July 5.— A dispatch to the Times from Constantinople dated Wednesday says: Tewfik Pasha will announce to the ambassadors of the powers tomororw that the cabinet maintains the indefensible right of Turkey to retain Thessaly by virtue of conquest. T h e KITort r a i l e d . Washington, July 6.— The Republi­ can managers o f the tariff bill have been making an effort on the flixir of the senate to secure a unanimous agree­ ment to take a vote on the tariff hill tomorrow. The opposition declines to agree upon any date until tlie proposed amendments arc in. The Democrats say they hesitate out o f caution to pro­ vide against a possible surprise. W i l l Mol H e n « . Colfax, Wash,. July 5.— John Leon­ ard the murderer o f Jacob Malquist, w ill not lx* hanged today, his case hav­ ing been appealed to the United States supreme oourt. Leonard was taken Spokane, the officers fearing mob vio­ lence The fear seems to have been ground less. On a globe 80 miles in oircuinference it would taket he strongest m icroscoi« to find a man were he redued propor­ tionately.