Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, May 14, 1897, Image 1

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«.3 ft
- - -
H l I M C K I P l 'I O . t M A T E N i
O m
.............................. ....... •> *
âtx Month* .......................................
Three Month*. ...................................
• a k a r r l p t t a a l* r le a P a y a b l e
a b ly l a A l t a u * .
la r a r i
Addr***. Qaaiaic. K*woort. Urccoa.
‘ Sunday at 11 a, m. ami 8 p. m. and Thurs-
ay at 2 p. in. Sabbath school every Sunday at
9:45 a. in. Monthly m eeting at 8 p. m. the tirst
Tuesday in each month. (Quarterly m eeting
the second Saturday and Sunday in February,
May, August ami November. Woman s For­
eign Missionary Society meets third Saturday
in each month at 3 p. ni.
J J a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school Sun­
days at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7;30 o’clock.
REV. G. F. JERARD, Pastor.
ery two weeks as follow s: February 7th
and 21>t, March 7th ami 21st, and April 4th and
J. E. D AY, Pastor.
Com prehensive
R e v ie w
o f the
Im port­
ant H a p p e n i n g s o f the C u r ­
A collision occurred at the Girdleness
lighthouse, near Aberdeen, Scotland,
between the Britisli steamer C'oldyim
The Coldyne sank
' every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath »nd the Grangoe.
school every Sunday at 10 a. m.
ind eleven of her crew were drowned.
The five anarchists convicted of par­
, and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 ticipation in the bomb outrage, June 7
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sun­
day 10 a. m. At M. E. church, Fafa.vette, tirst last, at the feast of Corpus C’hristi,were
and fttfh Sunday of each month.
ihot in Barcelona.
They shouted
R. A. A TK IN S, Pastor.
‘Long live anarchy," just before the
S A L V A T IO N A R M Y -M E E T IN G A T BAR- Drder to fire was given.
racks on Main street as follows: Tuesday
for soldier converts ami recruits; Wednesday,
A ponderous rock, weighing ten tons,
public ; Friday, holiness, for Christians o n ly ;
Saturday evening, pul lie ; Sunday, all day, while being swung from a fiat car,
commencing with 7 a. m., knee d rill; holiness trashed through the sides of two cars
m eeting 11 a. m. ; fam ily gathering at 3 p. m., an the westbound Chicago & Alton
ami grand free and easy in the evening. Ev­
passenger train near Chicago, wrecking
erybody welcome.
the cars and injuring a number of peo­
Another citizenship question 1ms
arisen between this government and
, 113, meets every Monday evening.
Germany. An American citizen named
\ \ r P .T . LT.—BUSINESS MEETING THE SEC- Mayer has been impressed into military
W • ond and fourth Wednesday in each
service by the German government.
The state department has requested his
. evenings in Bank of New berg building.
Eight-year-old Emelia Kilssling.who
IV# 168, meets every Friday evening in Ma­ drank some lemonade which was kept
sonic hall.
in a tin bucket over night, died at
F. AND A. M .-M E ETS E V E R Y 8ATUR- Danville, Cal., from the effects of the
. day night in C. V. Bank building.
poison. Eighteen scholars who drank
The ladies of the
4 O. U. W. — MEETS E V E R Y TUESDAY af the stuff are sick.
A .# evening at 7:3U p. m. in I. O. O. F. Hall.
Rebekah lodge used a part of the lemon­
ade at a social. The remainder was
presented to the school children next
Consul-General Mclvor, at Kanaga-
wa, Japan, reports to the state depart­
ment that, according to current reports,
the Japanese government is about to
send a commission to Washington for
the purpose of influencing a reduction
of the increased import duties, which,
according to the American papers, it
is proposed to levy on silk. The im­
perial diet has passed a bill allowing a
bonus to exporters of raw silk.
There will be an encampment of the
' ,s ll-
'• - - ■’* and are due to arrive at Portland: Oregon National Guard tit is year. It
will be the latter part of June or first
of July. It w ill continue from six to
f Overland Express.—
ten days. An effort is being made by
| Salem, Albany, Eug­
the agricultural board at Balem to have
ene, Roseb’g, Grants
I Pass, Medford, Ash-
the encampment postponed until Sep­
•6:00 p. ni. f land,
tember 80, and to have it then held on
Ogden, San Francis-
I co, Mojave, Los An-
the state fair grounds, in conjunction
j geles, El Paso, New
with the fair. The selection of a place
(.Orleans, and East...._
*8:30 a. m. , Roseburg A way stations * 4:30 p. m. has been left to General Beebe.
f Via Woodburn, for A
Mt. Angel, Silverton,
The Greek cabinet ministers who
, West Scio, Browns- }
have returned from the Greek frontier
ville, Natron and I Sunday.
, (.Springfield............ J
seem to be in favor of a continuance of
f7:30 a. m. Corvallis & way stations f 5:50 p. m.
Altogether, fourteen officers
ft : 50 p. m .¡M cM innville & way sta’s'f 8:25 a. m. the war.
have been recalled from Crete to be
A ll above t rains arrive and depart from Grand sent to Thessaly, and this is also proof
Central station, Fifth and Irv in g streets.
of the intention of the new cabinet to
D in in g C ars on O g d e n R o u te .
continue the war. The movement was
actuated by necessity. A ll the best
Direct connection at San Francisco with Oc­ officers are being sent to the front, nor
cidental ami Oriental and Pacific Mail steam­ is there any intention yet displayed to
ship lines for Japan and China. Sailing dates
evacuate Crete.
on application.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points ami Eu­
Forest fires are said to be starting up
rope. Also Japan, China, Honolulu and A u ­
stralia, can be obtained from
again around Ashland, Wis.
J. B. K IR K L A N D , Ticket Agent,
The Santa Fe purchased the Atlan­
l: 4 Third street, Portland, Or.
tic & Pacific railroad at a foreclosure
sale for $12,000,000.
Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street.
The Transvaal will observe the
queen’s jubilee day as a holiday as a
A irlie mail (tri-weekly).
i token of appreciation.
9:40 a. m. Lv... ....Portland......... Ar 3:05 p. m.
A big fire in Pittsburg, Pa., de­
Lv 12:15 p. ni.
5:10 i). m. Ar......... A irlie ..7......... Lv 7:30 a. ni. stroyed $3,000,000 worth of property,
Sheridan passenger (da ily except Sunday)
and resulted in one death and the in­
4 :M ) it. in. Lv........ Portland...........Ar 9:30 a. m.
jury of four persons.
6:05 p. m. Lv........Newberg.......... Lv 7:55 a. rn.
7:40 p. in. Ar .. ... Sheridan....... .Lv 6:20 a. ni.
The banking-house of J. B. Wheeler
•Daily, f Daily except Sunday.
& Co., in Manitou and Aspen, Colo.,
C. B. FRISSELL, Agent, Newberg.
have gone into the hands of assignees.
R. KOEHLER, Manager.
No reason is given by the directors.
E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. & P. Agent,
W. D. Case, of Pittsburg, Columbia
Portland, Or.
county, and J. W. Duncan, of Uma­
tilla, Umatilla county, Oregon, have
been appointed fourth-class postmasters.
A Washington special says that it
has been definitely decided that Nation­
al Committeeman J. E. Boyd, of North
. Carolina, w ill iie appoint»! solicitor of
internal revenue.
Colonel John Hay, the newly ap­
pointed United States ambassador to
England, was received with unusual
distinction while presenting his cre­
dentials to tiie queen at Windsor castle.
Johanna Spath, widow of Jacob Spath,
is suing Katz <ft Sons, sausage manufac­
turers, of San Francisco, for $100,000
damages. Her hnsband was killed in
the defendant's factory and the widow
charge* the firm with being responsible
on account of negligence.
President McKinley has sent to con­
gress a message concerning the lynch­
ing of three Italians at Haiinville, V «.,
August 9, 1896. He recommends an
No Change of Cars Between
appropriation of $40,000 tor the heirs
of the persons without admitting tiie
PORTLAND and j BAKER CITY liability of the United States in the
prem ises.
Tlie Shasta Route
G O I i D - S I I i V E R
T h e O. R. & N.
In the German reichstag Count von
Kanitz, tiie agrarian leader, interpellat­
ed the government on the subject of
the proposed United States tariff. He
Connecting with
asked if the government wished to con­
tinue the agreement of 1891, and said
the Dingley hill implied lest tiie in­
crease of American customs revenue
than the sacepssfal expulsion of Euro­
TRAIL, ROSSLAND, MARCUS pean imports from Ameri an markets.
NELSON, and All Kootenay
Tim effect of the action of the finance
committee of the senate in throwing
Mining Camps...
out the house provision in reference to
the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, his
been the »object of »nine comment.
L o w R a te « and Through Tick ets One member of tiie committee say* it is
the intention of the committee to deal
For Pamphlet* *nd Drolled Information.
with the matter hereafter. Tiie effect
Write to
ot the bill a* it standi, he aay* w II rie
don lit be to impose a duty on Hawaiian
W. H. H U R L B U R T .
G«n. Pam A ft O. R A K. Co., Portland. Or. sugar. Some amendment to regulate
this w ill be prepared, hut just «hat
form it will take ha* not been deter­
X bwbfbo , Ossoos.
Shortest Line to Spokane
M arbleh ead
O rdered
fo r te / , Honduran.
May 11.— The interests
From all Parts of the New ! of Washington,
the United States citizens at Puerto Found the Town
on Their Arrival.
and Old World.
, Honduras, w ill be looked after by the
second and fourth Sunday at 10 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.
j cruiser Marblehead. The vessel is now
I on her way from Key West, orders hav­
ing been given her commander yester-
| lay to proceed at once. These orders
, were issued at the request of the state
lepurtment officials, who felt that the
j United States should be represented
there by a warship, so that if occasion
j should arise there might tie no delay in
| affording the necessary protection to
citizens of this government.
Latest information received by the
minister of tiie Greater Republic in
tliis city is that tiie rebels at Puerto
Cortez were awaiting tiie shipment of
arms from Belize, British Honduras,
about which some trouble had arisen,
owing to the representations made to
the officials of that country. Nicaragua
and Salvador, it is said, already have
dispatched troops to the scene of trou­
ble, but as the journey is a difficult
one, it is probable that they have not
yet arrived.
D e ti le a
Arm y
T u rk ish
Arm y
O ccup ies
A ll
W h ich
Mu $t
P as s.
Athens, May 11.— The Turks have
completely occupied and burned Veles-
A t 7:30 o’clock Thursday evening,
the defeat of the Greeks was complete
ami tiie pass to Volo open to tiie Turks.
The searchlights of the warships on
tiie bay flushing up the mountain aides
were of great assistance to the retreat­
ing Greeks, as they showed the roads.
Over a dozen cannon were abandoned
and captured by the Turks. Two hun­
dred wounded soldiers were brought to
The correspondent is of the
opinion that many Greek soldiers were
left on the field. It is impossible to
S t a b b e d at a D a n c e .
estimate the killed.
Lafayette, Or., May 11.— A serious
Advices received from the frontier at
stabbing affray occurred about two 8 o’clock this afternoon are that Gen­
miles north of here, on the W ill Green eral Smolensk!'s shattered army was
place, at 2 o’clock this morning. A cut in two. The left wing retired to
neighborhood dance was in progress, Almyro. What was left of tiie right
and the Garner brothers, of Lafayette, wing came toward Volo. broken and
were there. They seemed to be dissat­ demoralized.
isfied with everything from early even­
Tiie retreat across tiie mountains was
ing until the dance ended in a row. It almost as had as the panic which re-
seems a certain dance was called while ! suited in the change of base from Tyr-
others wanted a different dance. Then navos to Volo.
the row began. Tiie men were outsiJe
The scene of the more recent panic
the house on a porch, and there were was wild and almost indescribable.
about six or seven of them, all fight­ On Thursday and Friday, the populace
Pistols were brought out ami filled the streets of Volo with their
knives were used. After a few blows household goods. Peasants from Sur­
W ill H ill said he was stabbed in the rounding villages entered the town and
abdomen, and went over to where Wirt ' added to the confusion. Brigandage be­
Garner was standing, and, with several came common.
Five steamers were
others, accused him of being the assail­ filled w ith refugees. Scores of caiques
H ills’s abdomen was cut, the | carried fugitives to the islands.
gasli being about two inches long. Tiie
The correspondent succeeded in get­
doctors say there is very little hope of ting on the last steamer. On this boat
the man reevering.
Some of those were 1,800 men, women and children,
who participated in this row were un­ packed thick as herrings. The press
der the influence of whisky. The Gur- representative landed at Chains and
ner brothers were arrested this morn­ from tiiat place drove to Athens.
Dispatches received from Donjokos,
the headquarters of the Greek army,
j today say that Turkish cavalry, in
making a reconnoisanee, approached
S e n s a t i o n a l A f f r a y in W h i c h a W o m a n
within a few miles of Domokos, but re­
A cted the L e a d in g Part.
treated on the approach o f the Greeks,
Little Rock, Ark., May 11.— A sen­ who followed the Turkish cavalry to
sational shooting, in which a woman the advance posts of the enemy’s lines.
shot and seriously wounded four men,
Prince Constantine’ s forces occupy
occurred at Lowell, Ark., today. The all the defiles through which the Turk-
shooting was done by Mrs. Duerling, | isli troops must pass when they ad­
and the wounded men are T. Bryant, vance, notably those of Agorani and
of Lowell, and three citizens of Spring- Tiamassi.
The inhabitants of Domo­
dale, names unknown.
kos are going to the interior.
The shooting was the result of relig­
The admiral in command of the
ious excitement caused by a woman j Greek squadron at Volo telegraphed to­
known as Mrs. Benedict, who has been day saying that tiie French and British
holding a series of ‘ ‘ holiness meetings" consuls at Volo, accompanied by the
in the neigborhood.
Mrs. Benedict commanders of the British, Italian and
gathered about her some twenty con­ French warships, had a conference at
verts, among them Mrs. Duerling, whe Velestino with Edliem Pasha, the
deserted her husband.
Citizens of Turkish commander. The latter prom-
Springdale decided to run them out ol j ised to respect the inhabitants and
Tye county. The posse followed Mrs. j property at Volo, provided tiie Greek
Benedict and Mrs. Duerling to a boost squadron agreed to refrain from hostil­
at Lowell, where the women fortified ities and to retire beyond range. The
themselves, and when the men arrived j Greek admiral aocepted these terms.
Mrs. Duerling fired on them with a re­
A ll foreigners at Volo have embarked
volver. She was arrested and charged for other ports and the town is now
with attempted murder.
S u b u rb a n M all D elivery.
Washington, May 11.— A vigorous
policy of extending the mail facilities
for the suburbs of the large cities as fai
as possible by both steam and electric
cars lias been adopted by Second Assist­
ant Postmaster-General Shallenberger.
Many of the big cities w ill have addi­
tional service for the suburbs if tiie
residents of those places co-operate
with the department to make it a suc­
cess, and the statement w ill be a wel­
to numerous
places, where feeling is evinced that
the demands of the suburbs are not
met. Mr. Shallenberger is giving the
matter carefnl attention, and as an in­
itiative has just made contracts at
Pittsburg for additional train service
to various suburbs there, within a
range of aliout tiiirty miles from the
city, whereby from one to three mails
a day will result from the use of accom­
modation trains. Electric cars will
figure largely in the future postal oper­
ations, owing to the large number of
settled districts where the steam roads
do not touch.
M a j o r M c N a m a r a K i lle d Himnelf.
Kansas City, Mav 11.— Major Henry
McNamara, a veteran of the Fenian
army that invaded Canada in 1866, and
again in 1870, and who was later prom­
inent in tiie Invincible«, the Clau-na-
Gael and kindred Irish societies, killed
himself last night rather than auffor
the disgrace of being *ued for a $20
debt. An acquaintance who loaned
him the money threatened arrest if it
were not paid. McNamara had been un­
able to secure work, and could not
meet the demand. Major McNamara
was 60 years old, and came West from
Boston. He was a newspaper writer,
and had done more or less work on
dailies in the Southwest for years. He
left a widow.
T u r k * E ntered Volo.
Velestino, May 11.— The Greek*
have evacuated Volo. Detachments of
marines have landed from British, Rus­
sian, French, Austrian and German
warships to guard the town.
The foreign consuls have arrived to
confer with Edliem Pasha, the Turkish
| As this dispatch is being sent, the
Turkish troops are entering Volo. The
Greeks, who fled to Aliriyros will re­
join the main body of tiie Greek forces
at Domokos.
Larissa, May 11.— The reports that
the Turks have occupied Volo is con­
firm »!. The Turkish troops entered
that place tliis morning.
T h e Mlnftisnlppl L e v e e « .
New Orleans, May 11.— Tiie river
gauge tonight is 19.5, and the water is
steadily climbing higher. Tiie south­
ern section of the s'ate enjoyed fine
weather today, hut the upper portion
had storms. The levees hold their own
in good style, work being kept up
steadily when needed. The Burton
levee troubles are not over. Batu rday’B
break was about closed today, but a
new one lias develop»! at the extrema
southern end, and the large quantity of
water passing through is causing un­
easiness, Both breaks, however, art
said to lie under control.
Foster and Congressman Robertsons
iddress»! a meeting at Baton Rogue,
Hid tiie city council voted appropria­
H U t o r lc Colic«»* H a ll Hnrned*
Mount Vernon, O., May 11.— Rosso
hall, at Kenyon college, burned this
morning. The loss on the building,
shich was total, was only $10,000, but
the hall had a historic interest. It was
built fifty years ago with money raised
A M o n t r e a l F ir e .
Montreal. May 11.— Fire last night in England by Bishop M divaine.
wrecked the building of E. A. Small & Lords Gambier and Kenyon and Lady
Co., wholesale clothiers, on Beaver Rosso contributed most of the money,
hill. The damage to the building and and the hall was n a ir»l in honor of
Lady Rosso.
stock i* $125,000._____
Mho«* Faetorle* De«troy*d*
M a y o r a m i r o u n r l l In J t l l .
Heabrook, X. J., May 11.— Fire this
Omaha, May I I . — A Bee special
morning burned the shoe factories of from Auburn, Neb., says: The mayor
Poor & Dole and W. H. Bradford, and and city council are in jail, end are
three adjoining buildings were also likely to remain there. Judge Htull
burned. Logs, $20,000.
had them cited to appear for contempt,
and sent them to jail for disregarding
A Malthoo*e Burned.
Detroit, May 11.— The malthoase of the ediet. The city attorney sought
Henry Reickel A Co., was burned to­ relief from tiie supreme court, which
it is estimated that $50,000 was uenied. Judge Btttll today offered
worth of malt was destroyed. The lues to release the officials on bail, but they
on the building is $20,000, fully in- declined to give i t T h « trouble or­
igin al»! in an effort to op«n a street.
One C o l u m n . . . . . . ................ Twenty Dollar*
Halt Column............................ Ten Dollar*
Prof national Card* .... - ...........On* Dollar
NO. 25.
; Y o u n g Cilrl’« F r i g h t f u l E x p e r i e n c e In
T h u n d e r Storm.
H A I 'I W r
K a ad lac M ettre* w i l l ba la a e r le l al
U a r a t* a f T e a rea ta par L laa.
▲*T«rUaU« Bill« Collect* Monthly
Evidence of Steady Growth
and Enterprise.
Shout* H i» F o r m e r E m p lo y e r an d T h r o
Other Person«.
Chewelah, Wash., May 10.— An ex­
Milwaukee,May 10.— A lexander Han
traordinary electrical storm occurred
ris, a farmer, living five miles south u.
yesterday, in which a number of [am­
W aukesha, on the tiie Mukwonagt
ple were more or less injured. The
road, and liis wife, were murdered thii
most unfortunate victims were Miss
morning when at breakfast. A hire«
Lutie McCormack and Miss Laura
man was wounded, but escaped. A
Boiler, aged 16 and 14 respectively. ITEMS OF G E N E R A L IN T E R E S T hired girl was also wounded, and it
They were returning from school, and
likely to die.
took refuge under a large pine tree. A
The crime was committed by Williart
bolt of lightning struck tiie tree, ami t r s i* A ll th* Cltt*a » a * T o m
of Pouch, a farmhand. Pouch worked foi
the girls were knook»l senseless. Boon
t h * T h r iv in g Slatar I t a t * *
Harris aliout two years ago. Last night
after, a neighbor saw Miss Boiler aim­
at his request he was given lodging ovei
-O r*g o *.
lessly wandering near his house, and
' Stages have begun to run again be­ night.
i he and others instituted a search.
About 6 o’clock this morning Harrii
tween Eugene and Foley Springs.
They went to the tree and found the
ami a hired man went to tiie yard tc
Strawberries along South Myrtle
apparently lifeless body of Miss Mc­
I milk the cows. Mrs. Harris ami tin
She was lying on her back, creek, in Douglas county, are ripening. ’ girl were preparing breakfast. Pouch
The school fund apportion»! in Coos left his room quietly, and, going to th«
twelve feet from tiie tree, having been
thrown that distance by the force of county during April amounted to yard, bade the men there good morn-
the thunderbolt. The lightning struck $7,114.
1 ing. Harris and the hired man < m
A Pendleton man shipp»i twelve car­ sitting on stools near each other.
her first on the back of the head, and a
strip of hair an inch wide was burned loads of cattle to Council Bluffs, la., Pouch drew liis revolver and tired at
clear to the skin from the last cervical last week.
the farmer, killing him. He then alio»
to tiie third dorsal vertebra.
At the
The woolen mill, broom-handle fac­ the hired man, inflicting probably a
latter spot there was burned black a tory and sawmill in Bandon are all run­ fatal wound.
place as big as a man’s hand. Between ning full time.
Pouch then w alk »! leisurely to the
the knee and the sole of the foot, on
The Klamath county Sunday school kitchen. He told Mrs. Harris tier hus­
each leg, a strip an inch and a half convention w ill be held this year in band would not be in for a few minute*
wide was burn»!. Her hat was liter­ Klamath Falls, June 12 and 13.
and he would eat liis breakfast at once.
ally torn to pieces, and was burning
Tiie woman waited upon tiie murderer,
when she was found.
Her shoes wore
who seemed to relish liis meal.
torn to shreds, and one was lying about
After breakfast Pouch started to walk
six feet from her body, and tiie other pired and the council has had the lamps toward the door. Before Mrs. Harris
taken down.
sixteeen feet away
Business for the month of April at realized what was about to liapppen lie
all these injuries, she was finally
Astoria custom-house footed up w heel»! around ami shot her in the
brought back to consciousness. She is
$48,000, being the largest month’s re­ breast. He then fired at the hired
in danger, however, because of inflam­
girl. The farmer’ s wife died stain af­
ceipts in the history of the office.
mation of the nerves.
terwards. The hired girl has a chance
Bob Hinman, who was captured in for recovery. Pouch then rode away on
Three head of cattle a half-mile away
were instantly killed. W. O. Smith, a Yuma, A riz., and who is wanted in a bicycle.
half-mile west, was partially stunned Roseburg, was working in a mine in
A |Misse of farmers is in hot pursuit.
and knocked down, and Ellsworth Con­ Arizona under the name of Robert The farmers are greatly excited and
ner, a half-mile north, was knocked
eiirag»!, and should they get hold of
Stockmen in Harney county have tiie murderer lie w ill undoubtedly tie
down by tiie same thunder-Dolt.
been busy moving their cattle to the I lynched.
A c c i d e n t o r S u i c id e .
open ranges, to get them off the flat
The supposition of the authorities is
Rossland, B. C., May 10.— J. B, lands subject to overflow, and to save that Pouch is either insane or commit­
Fisher, of Deer Lodge, Mont., who un- the expense of longer fc»iin g hay.
ted the murderers in order to hide the
itl the last election was county re­
The telephone line being built from evidence of another crime.
The man­
corder, died here shortly before 8 this Heppner to Long Creek has been coni- ner in which the murders were com­
j evening from a shot in the right tem­ p let»l to Hardman, and it is expect»! mitted shows plainly that Pouch delib­
ple. Whether it was a case of suicide that the line will reuch Monument in erately arranged liis plans. Harris was
or accident there were many opinions. aliout a week, and Long Creek by the quite well to do.
Pouch worked for
The object of tiie mail’ s journey here 20th of May.
him in the summer of 1895, hut nothing
may help to clear this up.
There is great activity in the hop occurred as far as known to cause
Tiie Red Mountain train was nearing yards in this vicinity, ami also further enmity between them.
Pouch is 20
Rossland, when, as usual, the ear doors north, says the Roseburg Plaindealer. years of ago.
The name of the hired
were locked, while the customs in­ The vines are being carefully trained, man who was shot is Nelson Mcilolt.
spector made liis rounds. Fisher opened j and the yards oultivat»!, and tiie out­ Tiie girl is Helen Vesbaok.
his valise and took out liis revolver, it look is very favorable.
Latest reports from Mukwonago state
may be presumed to avoid paying duty.
The Baker City Democrat says that Mrs. Harris was not instantly killed
The gun discharged and lie was shot in
it is reported on what seems to be relia­ us at first stated, anil may recover.
the very [dace that would be selected
ble authority the O. H. & N. w ill soon There is little hope for Nelson M cilolt,
for such an act and the skin about the
put on a line of steamboats to ply be­ the hired man, and Helen Vesbaok,
wound is burned from the close contact
tween the Huntington bridge and Bal­ the girl.
with the weapon. The deceased wan
lard landing.
These boats, it is ex­
a Mason and a Knights of Pythias, and
pected, will transport ores from tiie
was u handsome, stalwart man of
Beven Devils mineB to the railroads.
I I * S h v *<I M a n y L i v e * a t t h e Kink at
about 30, In his valise were pictures
Two men named Casey and Ott had
III« O w n .
of liis wife and two children, and a
a thrilling experience in the Umntilla
Houghton, Mich., May 10.— With a
statement of liis accounts as recorder.
river near the Mission one duy last box containing 200 [ miuik I r of dynamite
F a re w e ll Banquet.
Ott attem pt»! to ford the river on fire, ten feet away ftom him, John
London, May 10.— The farewell ban­ witli a four horse team, hitched to a Thomas, s boy who run» a compressed-
He iniscaloulat») tiie air hoisting engine in the Tamarack
quet given this evening by the Amer­ load of hay.
ican society in London to Mr. Bayard, ford and was carried down stream about | mine, stuck to hiH isist and saved the
former ambassador of tiie United Stales, 100 yards, when Mr. Casey swam out lives of the men ut work in the mine
was attended by 270 guests. The Com­ and cut the ha- ness and rescued tiie by liis bravery.
pany included Ambassador Hay, Mrs. horses; then swam around tiie rack and
Ten seconds after Thomas had hoisted
Hay ami all the members of the em­ cut Mr. Ott loose. The wagon and the men to the level the dynamite ex­
bassy, and the lord bishop of London.
ploded, smashing the engine to pieces
Mr. Bayard had a cordial reception.
and doing other damage, but tiie men
W a «h ln gto n .
He brought with him the log of the
The citizens of Snohomish have j and tiie boy to whom they owe their
Mayflower, which he deposited in its
secured tiie Dorrance academy build­ lives were safe.
glass case in the reception-room, where ing, and fitted it up as a hospital.
The miners working in the 23d level
it instantly became the center of attrac­
had put seven casts of dynamite in a
Tiie stockmen around Pasoo have
tion. During the presentation of the
j box for future use.
A t noon a miner
loving cup, which is in tiie form of a been gathering up saddle horses for the ! accompanied by Thomas went to his
pumpkin, surmounted by a bust of Mr.
post, gave tiie alarm to the miners in
Bayard, Mr. and Mrs. Bayard were the spring round-np.
tiie level below and ran liis engine un-
The eighth annual stute convention i til lie had hoisted them out.
visibly affected. >Ir. Bayard, on rising
lie then
to res|siml to Mr. Crane’s sentiments, of the Washington State Union of fled. Tiie alarm of lire caused great ex-
was greeted with a storm of applause, Cristian Endeavor, will he held in : citement, lint no miners were injured
lie spoke for an hour slowly and impres­ Tacoma, July 1 to 4 inclusvie.
in the rush to reaoli daylight from a
Tlio school fund apportion»l in Walla depth of 8,000 to 4,000 feet.
Walla during April, amounted to $3,-
T h * ( . '» s r s 'l e I t * * e r * e .
F o r F e a r s In « ulia.
817, and the numtier of days’ attend­
Washington, May 10.— Commission­
New York, May 10.— A sp»-ial to
ance in ail of the districts was 367,071.
er Hermann lias recommended to the
the Journal from Havana says: Your
There are five sawmills in the neigh­
attorney-general the suspension for the
I correspondent is ahleu|»ni high author­
present of legal proceedings grow ing out borhood of Kapavine, Lewis oounty, ity to »infirm the Journal’s recent
of sheep pasturing within the Cascade and all of them are running full time. Washington reports as to negotiations
range forest reserve. Tiie attorney-gen­ Common laliorers there are paid $1.30 ! pending there between Secretary of
eral is requested to instruct the United a day.
State Sherman, Dnpity de Lome and
A petition lias been signed and for­
States attorney for Oregon to stay all
Estrada Palma, looking to a peaceful
proce»lings until further orders, in
solution by purchase or otherwise of
view of the legislation [tending in con­
the Cuban question. The story is the
gress and the probable early action by repair the Booth Bay roadway and topic of conversation in h II the clubs.
bridge between Ocoeta and Laidlaw.
the department on the question.
El Diaiio de la Marina, the reformist
Tiie horticultural commissioner for oragn here, in a leader, sounds an omi­
The recommendation is duo to a rep­
resentation from Oregon that great
nous note of warning by ¡nitmating that
hardship and loss have resulted to in the Asotin creek valley w ill lie some­ the so-callud reforms that Premier Can-
In fact, this is the ovas has offered to the island will be
sheepowners of the state by their ex­ thing enormous.
clusion from grazing lands within tin- report that comes from every fruit sec­ little more than a farce, should Cuba
In some orchards, be left to pay the cost of the war. Spain
reserve on which they have been de­ tion in the »runty.
it is said the winter apple crop w ill he must pay it, El Diario declares, other­
pendent for years.
short, but this complaint is not general. wise she cannot hope to keep the colony
T o E i | il u r o N o r t h P a c i f i c Coanta.
Gardens are thriving nicely.
snd continue to monopolize its trade.
New York, May 10.— The World says:
Luke, who fought under the famous
K«<qiiPRt«>(l t*» lt«*ftlgn.
An exploring party under the leadership Nisqually Indian chief, Leachi, and
Olympia, Wash., May 10.— The
of Professor Frank Boaz, the not»l who was one of the last of the follow­
scientist and explorer of the American ers of the old warrior, died on the Nis­ members of the tsiard of control this af­
museum of natural history, is aliout to qually river last week.
He was 80 ternoon receiv»l a formal request friuii
undertake an extensive systematic ex­ years old. In his earlier days Luke the governor to resign. This action is
ploration among the inhabitants of the was a great fighter, a skillful marks­ desired by Governor Rogers as a result
»-art of the North Pacific ».-can la-tween man and good tillieum generally. The of tiie recent occurrences that render
the Ainoor river, in Asia, and the Col­ remains of the old brave were interred harmonious action iin|sissible
One of the board said tonight that the
umbia river, in America.
The funds beside Leschi’s bones, on the Nisqually
members had not «lecided what aotion
for this important undertaking have prairie.
been generously provided by Morirs K.
Spruce logs on G iay’s harbor are they would take, but they would hold
Jesup, the president of the museum, scar»*, ami tiie demand for them is a conference as »Hina* practicable, and
who has done so much already for the greater than tiie output. The log* are agree upon a «nirse, when they Would
advancement of science and for further­ worth aliout $5 per 1,000. The supply all stand tog«*ther.
The governor said that he did not
ing the work of the American museum of cedar logs on the harbor is also much
of natural history of this city.
leas than w ill tie consumed in filling care at this time to enter into a discus­
[iresent orders on hand. The prioc of sion oi the difficulties that have made
A Belgian gourmand of Mons lias be­
oedar logs is firm at $4.50. The fir it impossible for him to act further
queathed $3,000 to five friends for an
logger has very little to brighten his with the board as it is now constituted.
annual dinner, wiiioh they must attend
outlook. Most of the loggers say they Tiie members of the board will doubt­
dressed in mourning, entering the room
will cut no more fir than necessary at less decide soon whether they will resist
with a flag to the music of an ac-
the governor or quietly anjuiesce in
Ids request.
The city of Tacoma has issued 1,874
M id S t o r y o f t h e S c » .
X V a n ted t o H e ll I l l s I M r ,
Laat month 1,055
Port Louis, Island of Mauritius, May bicycle licenses.
Ban Francisco, May 10.— W illiam
licenses were taken out. A comparison
10.— The British ship Traveller, Cap­
with last year’s record shows that on Opperraann, a musician in hard luck,
tain Christie, from Bottrabaya, for the
May 1, 1896, there were but 735 licenses today offered to make a contract with
Delaware Breakwater, was wreok»l off
the Ban Francisco board of health to
the islsnd of Koderigiiex, 880 miles issu»l.
the effect that, in consideration of $10O
northeast of Mauritius, on February 4.
The Tacoma warehouses of the Stand­ down, or even $50, he would sell his
The news has just reach»l here. Three ard Oil Company, which were last week body for dissection, his part of the «ton-
tons o( the cargo only were saved. Cap­ destroy»! by fire, will be rebuilt on the tract, however, n«>t to be carried out
tain Christie, his first officer and four­ same site on Center street, and it is ex­ uutil after liis natural death.
teen of the crew d i« l at sea of fever.
pected to have the main building com­
It is estimated that 2,000,000 tons ot
pleted within the ensuing sixty days,
In thanking others foi* past favors •e*— *Ke Tacoma Ledger.
pure silver are held in solution by all
most of us solicit new.
the waters of the earth.