/ who aro ever ready to thru st their more Mr. Joseph Hailey of Forest Grove was F o r i h c Kiiluttjr*. eacceMful neighbors in the buck on the in the city Wednesday. Ho was look­ “ I am 65 years old; have had kidney slightest provocation in an attem pt to ing up fruit prospects in the interests of disease and constipation for 25 years. I S S I S I ) KVKKY F R I D A Y « O H M N O . injure them and destroy their business. th e Earl Fruit Co., and says there was Am now well—used your S. B. Headache no damage by the frost on Monday and Liver Cure oue year. Used « bot- E. II. W o o d w a r d , E d i t o r & P i b l i m i k k . n u a r . ¡night. l " , i ‘“ ' H e flmU a Particuliirly bright] ties at 50 cents each. J . H . Knight, i An exchange says that in some ~ ‘ prospect about Newberg for an immense Rutledge, Or.” For sale by all drug- ters uneasiness is felt touching the gos- j o f lr u it. _ R ter g ists . FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1897. sip and criticism th at is likely to result I ______ ____ when Minister Hay and wife entertain in John Welch oneofour local Woodmen, ; Kntered ss second ein s, m-dtef st th e postonico London since they aro known teetotlers. “ At least Chollie knows how to dress. h as added another medal to his collec­ et New berg, Oregon. Col. Joh n Hay is not another Bayard tion and still holds the chnmnionship as Ills attire is rich but simple. So is Chollie,” —Indianapolis Jo urn al who will bow the knee to the English, the lioss chopper of the northwest. Re- Oregon is going to be full up to the lie will follow his convictions and take j cently he chopped off a 15-inch log in j O il o f UladneH« throatlatch this season with prunes. care of himself too. No American need ! :05, his main Competitor being a re- feel any uneasiness about the resulta of j nowned k nlght of tlrt axo from T orner I Is a pleasant, palatable preparation, e n ­ This makes the fourth medal won by, tirely free from all oily taste, a n d may D on’t forget to talk to your neighbors his stay in London. be adm inistered internally or applied Welch.—Transcript. «bout th at gravel for tire public roads. externally. I t will remove all pain ■ K N 8 IB I.K A T I.A ST. Mrs. G. E. Dot me ring and her m oth­ th a t “ h u m a n flesh is heir to,” if prop­ T he very hardest t h i n g f «r th e a v e r­ As soon as spring crops are in it will er, Mrs. Taylor left here the first of the erly applied, an d m ig h t be rightly age m ortal io do is to acknowledge th a t he an excellent time to haul gravel on Trice G. E. Detmering termed “a panacea for all ills.” I be or she Is m istak en —th a t th e o p in ­ week for Eugene. tlie roads. 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists. goes later In the week. Mr. D and wife ions advocated arc based on erroneous j =--------- ---------* ------- — -------— - 1 i grounds, a n d th a t th e “cause” in w hich e x Pe!:t 1° make Eugene their.home th is I If historic Greece could only wall»;) time an d effort has been spent Is u ful-: !',um,npr- Their future destination i s 1 More th an 2,000 people mysteriously T urkey In good shape, there would be lucy Southern California. They have been disappear from London every year, general rejoicing all over th e land. Miss Phoebe Couzins has h a d the long time residents of Dapton, and have a n d are never h eard of again. ------------- courage to do this, an d It gives us a many friends who regret their depart- F o r m e L u n g s. Tn the future the Cottage Grove Lead­ higher opinion of her mental eq uip ­ ure.—Dayton Herald. e r is to Ito run according to the Wild and m e n t t h a n before Miss Couziua a d ­ E ld e r Alson \V. Steers writes from N ot on ly acute lung troubles, w hich Portland, Or.: “ There is no medicine wooly idea Frank Wooly is the new m itted tb u t all her dream s of w o m an ’s ! m ay prove fatal in a few days, but old for the th ro at an d lungs t h a t I can ad v a n c e m e n t lmvc been dissipated; m an at the helm. th a t th e world d o n ’t w unt to be re­ chronic coughs und thro at troubles recommend to ministers, public speak­ iuuv receive Im mediate telief und be e r s an d singers, w ith th e confidence formed hi th is particular direction, und Even the populists when pined down ! perm anently cured by Oue Minute th a t I can the 8. B Cough Cure.” 50 th a t ut last she secs th a t w o m a n ’s to It, reluctantly admit th a t fortune is ! Cough Cure. A. T Hill cents per bottle, For sale by all drug- favoring Oregon this season with bright . sphere is la th e home. gists. | J u d g e T hom pson, in th e course of promises of excellent crops nil round. Little Charley Cook has a very poor the interview recalled their first m eet­ opinion of barb wirp fences. While go­ ing, ut w hich he told her t h a t the true Between the acts, “ to see a m a n , ” The hold-up gang aro all shaking in mission of woman is motherhood, at ing home from school one day last week H e left his lady friends forlorn. their boots lest Gov. Lord will not which dictum Miss Cousins had sneer­ be fell onto u karlicd wire fence and two A n d when he came buck she began: of the barbs caught him under the chin call an extra session and give them a ed. Her reply tv.is this: “ A n d how is Mr. Barleycorn?” and held him until extricated by a pass­ chance to make amends for past fail­ “ You were right, Jud ge. T he last er by. The result is Charlie has quite ures. time I listened to u S u n d a y school e x ­ C ures C ro u p . n sore face carefully bandaged. After ercise I learned that. T he pupils were “ My three children are all subject to this he will be particular where he falls. Hon. C. U. Moores of Salem is being repeating th e Golden text: Huffier lit­ —Transcript. c ro u p ; I telegranhed to San Francisco, pushed by his friends for register of the tle children to come un to me. » * » got a half dozen bottles of S. B. Cough Oregon City land office. Charley is a For of such Is the kingd om of heaven. It is a perfect remedy. God Hon. C. P. Yates, of Washington coun­ Cure. competent and deserving man as well as I realized t h a t no children could come ty, was in town last Wednesday and bless you for it. Yours, etc., J . H. a sound republican. No better appoint­ u n to me, an d I am not asham ed I Thursday, and called to see us. By the Crozier, Grants Pass, Or. 50 cents per wept at th e th o u g h t.” m ent could be made. way, Mr. Yates is to become a resident bottle. For sale by all druggists. T h e hom e Is the u n it of civilization; of Yamhill, and a fellow worker in the and tn m ake u home is mnple field for newspaper Held, having made arrange­ Y o u r L a s t C h an ce. Boston has celebrated Paul Reverc's | .a n y w om an The hu sban d to battle ride as usual this year, An inquisitive ] w itti th e world and make provision ments for th e purchase of the Sheridan C. C. Smith, the photographer is a r ­ friend asks: “ If Paul lived now would j for wife a n d ch l'd ren , th e wife tn keep Sun. He is a thorough, consistent re-| ranging to go away for the summer. publican, a man of education, and we ' h e scorch over th e truck on a bicycle, th e hom e anil make it w h a t it should Call a t once and have the babies’ picture or lose all hope of fame by going to the b«—t h a t is the norm al division of effort bespeak for him success in his new ven­ taken. Negatives go with the pictures. tu r e .—Transcript. nearest telephone station?” Old negatives sold for 10 tents each. liotwecn sexes. The s i n g e Individual is hut th e half o f u possible whole; an d A rthur Harris and Joe Williams re­ you w a n t to A L ie N ailed . The Ontario News makes the follow­ th e m an or woman w ho goes th rou gh cently made quite a find at the old I n ­ ______ re ad th e big ing wail: Poor woman ! Over in Idulio, life alone hits lost th e best a n d most dian burying ground on the Robinson Consumption a n d bronchitis are not Western Weekly -where they have just received equal suf­ satisfying of th e conditions w hich place, now occupied by Mr. McClintock, by any means th e same, although it is M west of Amity. Afterdiggingabout three hard to distinguish one from th e other. “THE CYCLIST WEST” »1.00 frage, the women, before they can vote, eurlh oilers us.—To'edo Blade. to all re m itti n g d u rin g the n e x t th re e m ths. feet they came upon a little brass kettle .have to take an oath th at they arc a Bronchitis is nn inllammution of the R egular price $2 ()>>. bright , ne vsy, e n t e on rtain­ of the kind Indians everywhere prize so lining of the w ind tubes or air vessels ing. An Illust rat ed jo urn a l of h ig he st lite ra ry ■“ male citizen twenty-one years old.” EV ERY m em ber of l )a n |;p r N In Old C l o t h e s . Send for sample copy. much. This Contained a hum an hand of the lungs, causing soreness of the merit. For the ab ove period we will m i k e th e fol­ At a certain military post it was ob­ E V E R Y fa m ily ou ing prize offers to pa rties s endin g iu cash upon which some llesh still remuined. same, cough, sore th roat, hoarseness, low s ubsc ri pti ons: Value No one seems to have ?ared to hear served t h a t th e officers quartered in a Tho kettle was nearly Hired with licnds, I difficulty of breathing, sp itting of mat- 30 s ub sc rip tion s, pair g u a ra nte ed road tir es 12 (H) E V E R Y ' f a r m , In •* C i m e r a —takes p ie tu re a 4 ^ x 4 ’4 7 00 Mr. U 'R en talk about the late legisla­ particular section of one of the bulld- from the size of a small marble to that of ter an d sometimes blood. T housands 20 10 “ Cycle Lamp 4 00 E V E R Y v illa g e , in tive farce. People are tired of the nause- tngs developed tn bercu’osls Three sue- G u 'i m i t e e d Foot P u m p 1 ">0 the moccasin variety. Quite a quantity die an u u a 'ly w ith th is dread disease. 5 2 “ “ Lig htning l t e p i i r roof. 50 ating subject and few who participated p,'*siv‘‘ «coupants « e r e attacked, anil E V E R Y S ta te a n d T errito ry . l “ A lu m in um Nam epl *te — p e r­ sonal na me e n g ra v e d . 35 In it will ever be given an opportunity to ln each 1" " t“ " ce th e disease term inated in various shapes, was also in the kettle. 50 cents. For sale by ull Druggists. For fu rth er pn rt icu ln rst a ddre ss again betray a public trust.—Roseburg fatully. The ib uth of th e th ird started They are of tho opinion that there is FO R E d u c a tio n , T h e C y c l i n g W e st P u b . C o ., Denver, Col. til some in qu iry ns to tho cause of this Review. any quantity of relics yet to be found. F O R N o b le M a n h o o d , stato of th in g s T he room was swept, Miss Older—"M en m ust be growing They lie iu loose black dirt which seems an d th e d u st th a t settled wits carefully FOR T rue W om anhood. more polite. I get seats in street cars Ex-Governor Albert G. Porter, of I n ­ removed un d cultures made from It but to have been carried from some other m uch oftener th a n I did a few years point by the early siwashes.—Reporter. diana, died on last Tuesday after a long w ithou t a n y tubercular germs At ago ” I T G IV E S a ll i m p o r t a n t n e w s o f t h e N a tio n . illness. Mr. Porter was a very forcible length after various exp erim en ts bail (Yellow Stoue P a rk Line ) Miss C utting—"W ell its a m igh ty I T G IV E S all i m p o r t a n t n e w « o f t h e W o r l d . A remarkable accident happened to J. speaker in political debate and his rec­ lieen tried, some one suggested bru sh ­ nu an m an t h a t will let an old lady T H E ONLY DIN INGCAR ROUTE FROM IT G IV E S th e m o st re lia b le m a r k e t re p o rts. ord as a politician is without a dark ing tilt* dust from some old uniforms P. Irvine on Monday. He was working PORTLAND TO TIIE EAST. sta n d .” —N. Y. Journal. IT G IV E S b rillia n t a n d in s tru c tiv e e d ito ria ls. spot. He was one ol the cleanest men (bat lmd boon iu a closet In a room for in the woodshed at home, being at the TH E ONLY ROUTE TO T H E YELLOWSTONE I T G I V E S f u c - in a t in g r s h o r t s t o r i e s . time pouiiling with a hatchet on the n a t io n a l p a r k . in Indiana politics in iiis day. a num ber of years C u'tu res made floor. A bottle containing about a quart IT G IV E S a n u n ex c e lle d a g r ic u ltu r a l d e p a r tm e n t. " W h y do you send Blum such a from these developed tuhereulnsls at of gasoline standing upon a shelf of a I.ZAVB I Ua. Depot, Foot 6th St. I aiirivk IT G IV E S scien ce a n d m e c h a n ic a l in fo rm a tio n handsom e and costly present every IT G IV E S illu s tra te d fa sh io n a rtic le s. Jewel county, Kansas is to have an once, an d th e n th e question arose cupboard close by was dislodged by the j year, Suxey?’ No. 2. | Fast m ill for Kalam a, No. 1. Kelso. Castle Rock, YViu- IT G IV E S h u m o ro u s illu s tra tio n s . old settlers reunion. Among the prom­ ! whence came th e original seed of the | jarring und came down with a crush I “ J u s t lietween you nnd me, Blum lock, C nehili s, Ceutral- I T G I V E S e n t e r t a i n m e n t t o o l d a n d y ou ng -. inent old timers are two brothers named disease. W hile tills qlie-1ion was not right in tiie place where lie was working, j married the girl t h a t I hail promised ia, South Bend. Monte- ¿auo, Aberdeen, Ocosta, IT G IV E S sa tisfa c tio n e v e ry w h e re to everybody. Sorlck and the most rem arkable thing fully sell led, Investigations wore made j The concussion ignited the fluid, which to marry. I c a n ’t do enough for Olympia. Tacoma, Seat­ tle, Victoria, Ft. To w n­ about these two men seems to Is) th at that resulted In a resolution to destroy Hashed up suddenly almost tilling the j h im .” —Detroit Free l’ress. send, Ellensburfj, Ros- In j r u m with flame. they have lived in kansas twenty-seven or disinfect all left over uniform. Fortunately none oi j ly n. N orth Yakim a, We Furnish THE GBAPHIC and the NEW YOBK WEEKLY TBIBUNE, Sprague. Che ne y, Spo th e same line It m ig h t be im p ortant to it got upon his clothes and he escaped I years without mortgaging their farms. kane, Pullman . Gar­ ! m ake tests o f second-handed clothing other injury th a n having his eyebrows, I J a g s o n —I tried to pay the new w o ­ field, F a rm ingto n, Mos­ O n e Y e a r fo r O n ly 8 1 .5 0 , Unlontowu, Gen- nnd ascertain w hether diseases not or­ whiskers and hair pretty well singed. | m an a complim ent lust n ig h t In m y 1:00 P . M . cow, es.ee, Row lan d, B. C ; 7:30 P.M. C A S H IN A D V A N C E A Boston newspaper hits Yale U ni­ dinarily considered contagious m ight Trail, B. C ; Nelson, B. During the next two or three minutes j speech, but it d i d n ’t seem to be a p p re­ C.: Kaslo. Missoula, versity a very hard blow when it re­ not be contracted by th e use of gnr- ciated Address all or ders to Butte, Anaconda, Hele ­ great activity was required to subdue the I na, St. Paul, M in nea po­ Newberg, Or. marks th a t " th e very largo numlier of m e n 's previously worn by persons lis, Kansas City, O m a ­ flames and prevent destructive confiagra-! Bagson—W hat did you say? Yale studonts who are reported to have afflicted w ith such maladies. It. is by ha. Cou nc il Bluffs. St. Ja g s o n —I suit! t h a t a r.ew woman tion. Tiiis was made easier by the fact | Louis, Chicago, W as h­ lost money on Corliett hioks as if the no m eans certain t h a t we know how Write your na me nn«l addre ss ou a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, T r i b u n e ington, N e w York, P h il­ th at there was not much lightly com­ would leave largo footprints on the Oflice New York City, a nd a s am p le copy of T H E NEW YORK W EE KLY ade lphia , Boston, and departments of ethics and political econ­ diseases are really Infectious or eon sands of tim e —Clips 'TRIBUNE will be m a il e d to you. bustible material at hand, and besides] all points Eas t a nd omy need strengthening down there." j taglous. E n tire comm unities suffer burning up a few clollies banging upon | S o u tn e is t -■ • I from outbreaks of various Ms ami 'bo a line no great damage resulted. J . P. Croup nnd w hooping cough are doctors and th e people say, "O h, its the says he is satisfied of one thing concern­ childhood's terrors; but like pneum o­ 3 DAYS to Minneapolis, Omaha. K ansa s City, and St. Paul. Although ex-Presldent Harrison has change of th e weather!” or maybe th ey ing which lie might have h a t some nia, bronchitis, nnd o th er th r o a t and 3r a DAYS to Milwaukee a n d Chicago written sevoral articles for tho maga­ DAYS to Washington Ph il ade lp hia . New i decide t h a t “ there Is so m ething in th e doubts before, th a t gasoline can be ig­ lu n g troubles, can tie quickly cured by York and Boston, a n d o th e r E a s t­ zines, and finds this sort of work a rest e rn points. atm osphere” th a t makes all th e trouble nited by concussion.—Reporter. using One Minute Cough Cure. A. after unravelng some knotty legal prob­ Burgage c hec ke d th ro u g h to d e sti nati on of or th e disturbance is laid to the wntcr ticket. T. III11. lem, he has steadfastly refused to write For sl ee pin g c ar res erv ation s, tickets, maps supplies. U nconditional surrender, is the only —----- • ■ ■ — a n d full in form a ti on, call ou or write anything lor tho newspapers, notw ith­ he G ra p h ic a n d W eek ly O re g o n ia n A n y th in g th a t catches an d retains terms those famous little pills known as standing the (act that he has been made “ I do th i n k a dog has a good deal of .- v l 'lio G r a p h i c n n d R u r a l N o r t h w e s t germs m a y become a breeding ground D eW itt's Little Early Risers will make some very tempting offers in h financial intelligence,” said th e man w i'h the Jlj Tne G r a p h i c a n d N . Y . T r i b u n e for disease, nn d w hether it be old w i ll constipation, sick headache and way from many papers. spaniel but I am not ns bad as Brown ¡clothes, or u iisin itary drains, or low stom ach troubles. , If you don’t find what you want in this list call at this office and ex­ He actually had the gall to tell me th a t places where th e refuse an d water set­ 255 M o rriso n s t A T. Ilill. amine a. long list of papers, any one of which will be furnished with the j he was th i n k i n g of stu d y in g G erm an , H enry Wat ter.ion In a recent editorial tle. m atters bu t little. Sjttranbio at greatly ¡educed rates. so lie could talk to Ills wife without Almost al' house keepers pay too lit­ W. c. T. I). in the Louisville Courier—Journal rips til*-dog u n d ers tan d in g every word lie Cleveland up the back in great shape. tle atten tion to th e care of clot lib g af­ T he newly elected pVesIdent of th e W. s tld.” —Typographical Journal He says the Reform Club of New York ter the illness and death of memtiers of C.T.U. m ade a very fitting inaugural Of course, extreme speech at th e m eetin g of th e Union on lias started th e campaign of 1900 on bc- their fami ies. I’n t—Do you m in d, Molke, how the ba'f of Cleveland nnd be asserts th at the grief, an d often extrem e weariness, af­ Wednesday, \|>ri1 28. T h e report of Big sister—Dick I wish you would mention of the name of Cleveland for a ter w.eks, perhaps m onths, of an xiety th e executive was read, Mrs Hallio Grakes do tn- all goiri home to foiglit? go and get Mr. Nicefellow a glass of third term is a reproach. That he has und w atch in g m ay unfit th em for such Hobson h av in g been appointed record­ Molke— I Jue; an I l> ethi"kin t h o t its (Incorporated.) water. , had his day—a sad day for his party. task; lull this Is ready no excuse w h a t­ ing secretary, a n d Mrs Mattie Wet-s­ n good th i n g for this co u n th r y th ot the Mr Nlcefel’ow —Yes m y boy, and ever. Certainly nature and her laws Oirish a in 't all Grakes, oor th is kentry That he never effected genuine reform lier corresponding sccre'sry, w hich re­ here's a dim e for you. recogi ixo no such sen tim ent, and the port was accepted. except for ill. A comm ittee was would bn depopulated of a I its co n ­ Little bro th er—T h a n k you; I ’ll go fact th a t th e dear departed pose seed stabulary, bo g o b —rhiludelphiu North appointed to call upon new members ■■ "S _________ pretty soon. Mama said I sh o u ld n 't those garm en ts make no difference In to welcome th e m to the Union American. “ ••• leave th e parlor until she came back — The Polk county Observer says: Throe th e deadly character of a n y disease A letter was read from Ills state H . i n i i l e r s o f N. Y. Weekly. years ago, our friend Ira Campbell, of germ s w hich th ey may harbor The president s t a t i n g 'h a t Miss Belle Ker- It was th is way, Jed g e Ye see I Fancy an d Market Poultry, Game, Eggs, B utter, Cheese Dressed Hogs, tlie G uard, suggested tho name of Gar­ utm ost care should be t .ken iu giving nov of Mississippi will tie in Oregon in doled th e cards, and Jiin Brown lie lit-...,I W itt t e l l . Veal, Etc. Farm nnd Garden Products. Green and Dried F ru its P oultry rison Kincaid as the available candidate aw ay any <>f tho belongings of th e de­ J u n e a n d U nions desiring to secure l ad a pah o aces an d a pah o ki gs. Supplies of E v ery Description. Nursery ritock, E t c , E tc for secretary of state on the republican ceased, and it will 1». well if this were The many different skin disea os such W h a t did you have? her sei vices for a lecture must do so at ticket, and Mr. Kincaid was elected. never done w ith o u t ihc consent of th e as ring worm, tetter, salt rheum , erysip­ an early day Mis- Ker ey is a national T hree aces, Jedge, a n d ----- ___••• __ And now again either through foolish­ family physician. elas, eczema, itching or an eruption of Bequests of clo th ­ lecturer anil organizer, possessing that What did Jim do? ••• ness or design, Mr. Campbell says Mr. ing have In more th an one Instance pimple', postiilcs, blotches, chaps or rati- southern wit th u s captivates her J i m he drew. Kincaid's name is prominently mention­ proven fatal gilts cracking open of the skin, scrofula, are T h a t w hich was audiences. W hat did lie draw? ed as a candidate (or the govenorship Intended to give great pleasure has T he qu e stio n of S a b b a t h Olwervanee lie drew a razor, Je d g e .—Cleveland directly the cause of impure blood. 124 FIRST STREET of Oregon on the republican ticket. caused unspeakable pain, ha< broken Wilbur’s Blo.nl Purifier is acknowledged Wim discussed a n d proved a n i n te r e s t ­ i’laln Denier Will history repeat itself in this case? up family d r e e s and clouded entire to l>e the best medicine known for any i n g topiO. ItKIMIITCIt. P T T F \C C iC K l^FOT LUMBER TABU, Bro. Campbell, please witliold some of lives. of these unsightly complaints. Price An e m in e n t lucdliul scientist X . u u . i u u u n , NEWBERQ, OREGON. Traveling In a second class carriage a th e afflictions you have in store for the one« said th a t if our m a n n e r of living i 1.00 per bottle. For sale by all Drug­ A Curd. gentleman had a little rulsunders ond- gists. P >ORS LATH, GLASS, republican party. CF.DAR. could be more strap e, and tf these E n rm a O r ir n ic : WINDOWS. LIME. SASH FIR. ing with a lady, th e only occupant of WEIGHTS. m o u ld in g s , sa n d . REDWOOD things th a t we bad nbout us I notice in the issue of the Graphic of the eompartm- nt Ix-sldes himself, with SHINGLES. HAIR. CORD, YELL W FINE du rin g our lust Illness coil'd lie burled March 2fl an article in which a numlier B u i l d e r s H a r d w a r e . ETC., ETC. One girl—“ The bride never blushed The Myrtle Point Enterprise voices reference to the o p e n in g of a window. with us, She d e p i r e d would ho none of statem ents are incorrect. I did not th e following sound, sensible sentim ent: "Y ou don ’t appear to know th e dif­ once.” A n o th e r—“ How did nhe m anage Every enterprising man is a help to his th e worse for it, while th e survivors leave the ham loaded down with bay. ference Ix'tween ttie second ar.d th ird AKF. NOTICE - as stated in th e Graphic. I did enter th a t —wi t h her will power?“ town. The more money lie makes, ¡1 he would bo very m u c h better. class, said the lady cuttingly. re nte d the Noirber* Meat Market T wf ha Mr ve Lnp** the barn intend-ng to take tlie hay. but formerly o w n e d e n d r u n by One girl—“ No, w ith her powder uses it, th e better for the c o m m un ity ; " O h , m adam replied he, I am nn old changing my mind I was leaving the J. S. Baker. 1 i u le u d to keep » »upply of t h e larger business he bail h up the T h irty years is a long time to fight barn without the hay when I w as halted. railway traveler; l k n o w the class dis­ p u tF “ — N. Y. Jo u rn al greater advantage t.) the community ; a •o painful a trouble as p Ies, but Jacob The statement “ lie admitted he ha,I tinction. In the first class the pas­ F R IN II AND C U R E D MEATS w atchm ak been stealing for a living” and “ a man A v o id C on fum iptlon. town cannot build up without him, and Mitchell, of Union ville, I’» , alrinrglcil who would work for a living in this sengers behave rudely to th e guards; a grow ing town is a lnuietit to the s u r ­ th a t long before be tried DeWUt’s country was a f,xd and that if they blow In th e th ird the guards behave rudely By stopping th a t eou^h. We know on h e a d *t *11 times. Soliciting a »hare of I re m a in rounding co u n tr y : lienee it is to the a d ­ Witch li.ixel Halve, w h ich qu ick ly and ed on him lie would burn their c m | S , " to the passengers; in th e second—w ith of no better remedy for coughs an d your patronage Yours respectfully. Solicit» the p.trnn«*» of h i. old Iid in n a is at «olutely false, and I challenge any ­ vantage of all to encourage enterprising p e rm a n e n tly cured lillll. It Is equally a bow to bis fellow passenger—the colds th a n th e 8. B. 1'ough Core. 50 Friends w ho Deed w atch repatrias doua. body to come out over his own name men in all walks of life and frown on effective Iu eczem a and all »kin alìvo­ like- a man and say so. pass ngeis Ix'have rudely to each o t h ­ cents per bottle. For sale by al! drug- J a « . C om ic. 2 7 O M o r ris o n S t. th e efforts of ¡v-ttv, envious in II viln.il« li us A. T 11111. e r . " —Tit Bits. H. H . O o k t s x x . 1 N .w V trf, O ctcber, t ! H PO RTLA X P, OR. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. Watch This Space! Next week ai .'j Special Bargains will be offered by Hodson Bros. Successors to L. M. Parker, Is out w ith a n ew lin e of Perfumes and Toilet Creams. The la te st th in g s for hand s and Rough faces. Chapped Toilet Soaps, Bath Soaps, Sponges, Chamois Skins, Etc. A lso ju st received a n ew asso rt­ m en t of F ish in g Tackle. Come and see them . .A .. T . H I L L IF YOU ARE A CYCLIST The New-York Weekly Tribune For Northern Pacific. T H E G R A P H IC , CLUBBING LIST. A. D. CHARLTON, Ass’i Gsa’l Pass. Agent, Portland. Ore. 0 E. H. WOODWARD, Local Agent, ' M e n , Or. Oregon Poultry & Supply Co. COMMISSION M ERCHANTS. PORTLAND ORE. W JOHN A. BECK, A *»» JEWELER, /