*:*W BERG GRAPHIC A- ■ -- ■ --------------------------- S I IIM U I P T I O l One Year H 4 T 1 .S : ................................................ ........ •* J Three Months. .................................................. ■ to c r lr lle o m e e f a y a b le o n ly l a A d v a e e e . * la v o ri Addreeo. U K aru iu , NewOerg. Oregon. CHU RCH NOTICES. I A .11 ENDS' CHURCH.— SERVICES EVERY 1; .Sunday at 11 n, m. a n d h p. in. a n d T h u r s ­ day Ht 1 p. m. Sabb ath school every Sunda y at 9:45 h . in. Monthly m e e ti n g at 8 p. m. th e first Tuesday in each m o n th . Q uart erl y m e etin g th e second Sa tu rd a y a n d Su nday in Feb ru a ry , May, A ugust a n d November. W om an's For­ eign Missionary Society me ets th ir d Sa tu rd a y In each m o n th at 3 p. ni. ALFRED T. WARE, Pastor. \PTIST < HCR<'H.—SERVICES, SUNDAY 11 a. m a n d 7:30 p. m. Su nday school S u n ­ days a t 10 a. ni. P raye r me eting Wednesday e v e n i n g at 7:30 o'clock. REV. G. F. JERARD , Pastor. R >RESRYTERIAN CHUR« 1! 8ERVK E8 E v ­ ery two weeks as follows: Fe b ru a ry 7th a n d 2lst, March 7th a n d 21st, a n d April 4th and 18th. J. E. DAY, Pastor. 1 /C H RIST IA N CHURCH.—SERVICES EVERY \ second and fo ur th Su nday at 10 a. m . and 7:30 p. m . ¥71R E E METHODIST.—PRAYER MEETING U every T h u r sd a y at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school ever y Sunday at 10 a. m. E. r i i U b l l . - S K R Y I C E S S E r O N D , T H I R D , ami fo urth S unda ys of each m o n t h at 11 a. m. a n d 7:30 p. m. Sun d a y school ev ery S u n ­ day lo a in. At M. E. c h u rc h , Fafayette, first a nd fill'll Su nday of e ac h m o n th . R. A. ATKINS, Pastor. M S A L V A T IO N ARMY*—MEETING AT BAR- racks on Main stre et as follows: Tuesday for soldier conv erts a n d re c ru it s; Wednesday, pu bli c; Friday, holiness, lor C hri sti a ns only ; Saturday e ven ing, p u t lie; Sunday, all day, c o m m e ncin g w ith 7 a. m., knee dri ll; holiness m e e ti n g 11 a. m .; family g a th e rin g a t 3 p. m., a nd g r a n d free a n d easy in th e ev en in g. Kv- eryLody welcome. SOCIETY NOTICES. IT T O FT H K WORLD.—NEW BERG CAM P, NO. H , 113, m eets every M onday e v en in g . NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. V O L. IX . NEWS OF THE WEEK SOUTH -V IA - The Shasta Route -O F T H E - EIIN PACIFIC CO. r r a i n s ^ ^ v e a n d are due to a rr iv e a t P o r tl a n d : L7t FROM OCT. 1 , 1896 . ARRIVE. ! [’O ve rland Express.— ) i | Salem, Alba ny, Eug- j ene, Roseb’g, Gra nts \ | I Pai-s, Medford, Ash- I •8:50 p . m . -* land, Sacram ento, ♦ 8:10 a. in. Ogden, San Francis- | co. Mojave, Los An­ geles, El Paso, New | \ Orleans, a n d Ea st.... j l Rosebnrg way stat ions * 4:40 p. m [V ia w o o d b u rn , for) Dally ] Mt. Ange l,S ilv erton, | Daily \ West Scio, Browns- J- except except I ville, N a tr on a n d | Sunday. Sunday. [S pringfie ld .............. J . Salem a nd w a y s t a t i o n s ’ *10:15 a. m. 7:30 a. m. Corvallis & way stat ions | f 6:20 p. m 4:45 p. m. McMinnville A way sta ’s f i 8:25 a. m Dining: Cars on O g d e u R o u t e . PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS —AND— SE C ON D -C LA SS SL E EPIN G CARS A tt a c h ed to all t h r o u g h trains . Thr o u g h tic ke t office. 134 T h i r d street , where th ro u g h tickets to all poin ts in th e Eastern States, C a n a d a a n d Euro pe can be obta in ed a t lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ti cket Agent. All above tra in s arr ive e n d de p ar t from Grand Central s ta tio n, Fifth a n d Ir v in g streets. YA M H ILL D IV ISIO N . Passe ng er d epot foot of Jefferson street Airlie m a il (tri-weekly). 3;05 p. m. 12:30 p. ru. I.v.... .... New ber g ....... ....Lv 12:15 p. m. 6:10 p. m. A r ......... A i r l i e ............ ...Lv 7:30 a. m. Sh e ri da n passenger (daily e x c e p t Sunda y) 4:30 p. m. Lv .........P o r t l a n d ............. Ar 9:30 a. m. 6:05 p. m . I . v .........New b e rg ............. Lv 7:55 a. m. 7:40 p. in. A r .......S h e r i d a n ............Lv| 6:20 a. rn. •Daily. fDaily exce pt Sun da y. R. KOEHLE R, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. & P. Agent, P o r tla n d , <*-. THE GREAT G O I i D ^ S I I iV E B C O U N T R IE S OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND EASTERN OREGON ARE ALL REACHED -V IA - T h e 0 . R . & N . No Change of Cars Between PORTLAND and j BAKER CITY SPOKANE Shortest Line to Spokane C onnecting with ALL RAIL ROUTE to... TRAIL, ROSSLAND. MARCUS NELSON, and All Kootenay Mining Camps... -------------- L « R a te s a n d T h ro u g h T ic k e ts. For Psm phletx and Detailed Inform ation, Writ* to W. H. H U R LB U R T. Gen Paaa. A f t O. R. A 5 . Co., Portland. Of. » L I V E R A COLCORD. Agents, N s w s ia o , O b so o s . A S T A B B IN G Y A M H IL L AF FR A Y . H a r r y Riffle, o f W a l l a W a l l a . P r o b a b l y F a t a l l y Cut. W alla W alla, W ash., A pril 27.— H arry Riffle, a prom inent young man of th is city is lying at th e point of death as th e result of a knife wound in his left side, inflicted by W illiam H oward, at a late hour last night. BRIEF AND INTERESTING ITEMS Riffle, in company w ith a friend, was riding along A lder street, when his horse became unm anageable. The, C o m p r e h e n s i v e R e v i e w o f t h e I m p o r t ­ shaft of th e buggy ran into th e seat of a wheel cart stan d in g in front of L o t’s a n t H a p p e n i n g * o f t h e C ur ­ barn. Riffle ran into th e barn and rent W eek- asked a boy nam ed Howard for a Two boys w ere drowned in a «lough wrench. The boy replied th a t none near M arietta, Wash. was a t hand, w hen Riffle began abus­ The 3-year-old child of F ra n k Floyd, in g him . who lives in Aroyo valley, California, The boy’s fath er, residing across the was killed by th e bite of rattlesnake. street, witnessed the affair, and w ent Edward N eill was m angled to death over. Riffle and th e fath er engaged in at W allace, Idaho, by a line shaft in a fight, and th e latter drew a knife and which his clothing became entangled. stubbed Riffle in the side, four or five Two elderly women were knocked inches below th e left nipple. The knife down and robbed in th e ir home in C in ­ struck the seventh rib and glanced up­ cinnati, O ., by three men, who escaped ward p en e tra tin g th e th oraic cavity. Riffle was taken to his rooms, in the with jew elry valued at $5,000. Governor Adams, of Colorado, has hotel, and Howard was placed under vetoed th e hill regulating th e m anufac­ arrest. W hen seen today, Howard said ture and sale of oleom argarine passed lie was very angry when he saw Riffle at th e recent session of th e legislature. strik in g bis son, and went to h is assist­ The veto me sa e is sensational, as the ance, when Riffle struck him . He had governor shows in his message th a t the a knife in his hand, and, being excited, Riffle is most barefaced bribery ever attem pted used it w ithout th in k in g . was employed to secure th e passage of restin g easily tonight, and th ere are fain t hopes of h is recovery. the bill. I EAST AND NEW BERG, From all Parts of the New and Old World. At a m eeting of prom inent P arnell- ites in D ublin, Ireland, a resolution O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY was adopted providing for th e forma­ . e venings in Hank of New berg build in g. tion of an independent Irish league, in AND L. OF S.—NEWBERG COUNCIL, NO. which agrarian interests are not to be , 1G8, me ets every F riday e v ening in Ma­ dom inant, and w hich w ill be founded sonic hall. on the “ broader and sounder basis of F. AND A. M.—MEETS EVERY 8ATUR- independent political action for the , day n ig h t in C. V. Ban k build in g. benefit of the whole Irish n atio n .” The o . C. W. MEETS EVERY TUESDAY object of the league will be “ civil and , e v e n i n g a t 7:30 p. m. in I. O. O. F. Hall. religious liberty, and absolute inde­ pendence of all alliances w ith any E n ­ glish p a rty .” A A H U M : One Column ..............................Twenty D olían Half Colum n...................................... T ea D o lía n Professional Cardo.........._ ................One Dollar i M l l a g I t t l e e s w i l l he I s s e r ie l th e re te ef T e e re n te p e r M e e . i i ’ C. T. l \ BU8INESS MEETING TH E BJ 1 - \ \ . o n d an d fo u rth W ednesday in each m o n th . K A ■>* K K T I M I . * « TW ICE P RO NOUNCED DEAD. W o m a n T a l k e d F r o m H e r Coffin A f t e r B e i n g P r e p a r e d fo r B u r i a l . K endrick, Idaho, A pril 27.— The people of the village of Southw ick, lo­ cated fifteen m iles from here, on the edge of the tim ber, were horrified last Sunday by th e apparent retu rn in g to life of Mrs. F red W endt, who was pro­ nounced dead on F riday m orning from a severe case of hem orrhage of the bowels. The body had been prepared for b u r­ The fam ous “ hat-trim m in g s case,” which indirectly invovled between $20,- ial, and was lying in th e coffin, when 000,000 and $25,000,000, and which th e seem ingly dead woman opened her has been postponed from tim e to tim e eyes and began conversing w ith those for the past three years, lias been about her. She was in an extrem ely finally decided in favor of th e govern­ weak condition from loss of blood, and m ent by a ju ry in th e U nited States managed to show signs of life for eight circuit court in P h iladelphia. T h e su it hours, when she was again pronounced was brought as a test case by an im ­ dead, and was buried on Monday. The porting firm, who sought to recover case has excited considerable com m ent from the governm ent a difference of 30 on account of the short tim e in w hich per cent in custom s duties. The firm ’s she was buried, some believing she contention w’as th a t the im portations m ig h t have been in a trance, and was in question consisted solely of h at trim ­ buried alive. mings, on w hich th e duty, under the Oregon P u n ch b ow l. McKinley tariff act, was only 20 per W ashington, A pril 27.— Senator Mo- cent, b u t th e federal officials proved B ride had q u ite a long ta lk w ith the th at the m erchandise was used chiefly navigation bureau of the navy d ep art­ for dresses, and dress trim m ings, on m ent, th e oth er day, urging th a t orders which th ere w as a duty of 50 per cent. be issued to th e battlesh ip Oregon to go A num ber of Japanese have left San to P ortland, so th a t th e presentation of Francisco for Mexico, w here a colony th e silver service to the ship m ight be w ill be formed on land granted them by m ade a t the m etropolis of th e state. The officers of th e d epartm ent, how ­ the Mexican governm ent. ever, said th a t they feared th e vessel The body of C aptain Evan Davies, of m ig h t strik e som ething and be injured the B ritish four-masted ship Delcairnie, in going up th e river. T he Oregon who drowned over four m onths ago in w ill go to th e U nited States buoy sta­ the harbor at A storia, has been picked tion at Tongue point, and th e probabil­ up by a fisherman. The rem ains were ities are th a t th e presentation w ill bo positively identified by papers found in mude at th a t place. the pocket. The g reat coon and v arm in t h u n t on Fox island, W ashington, in which sev­ eral hundred h u n ters participated, was anything but a success as a varm in t­ killing bee, though all who attended were well satisfied, as th e courtesies of the ¡«landers m ade the outing a most enjoyable one. S eattle C y c list.' E xcu rsion. Tacoma, W ash., A pril 2 7 .— Five hundred m em bers of the Queen City Cycling C lub oame to Tacoma on the steam er F lyer th is m orning for a spin over th e p rairie roads and bicycle paths to A m erican lake, ten m iles distant. They were escorted by over 1,000 Taco­ m a w heeelm en, which gave th e affair Seth L. M illiken, representing in the th e appearance of an im mense picnic. house of representatives th e th ird d is­ L unches w ere spread at th e lake. The tric t of M aine, died at W ashington. C olum bia R iver & Puget Sound N avi­ For some tim e he had suffered from gation Company donated th e use of the a serious affection of th e bronchial F ly e r to the Seattle club, resulting in tubes, w hich last week developed raising over $250 tow ard extending th<^ alarm ingly, and was accompanied by Lake W ashington bicycle boulevard at kidney and liver com plications. Seattle. B ernardino Asseuro, a Mexican set­ K . w I t t v c r a t H ig h M a r k . tler on th e tra c t of land n ear H ollister, Topeka, A p ril 27.—The Kaw river C al., claim ed by a Portuguese, was a t th is point is a t th e hig h est stage to­ found m urdered in th e charred re­ n ig h t tiiat has been reached in eight m ains of his h u t. Investigation shows years, and is still rising a t th e rate of th a t Asseuro was m urdered w ith an ax, Two bridges at after w hich th e body was laid on the two inches an hour. bed, and th e h u t fired, to conceal the th is point are in im m inent danger. T he Union Pacific and Rock Island crime. roads report washouts north and west The first wool of the season has been of hero, but repairs have been made delivered to a warehouse in H eppner, d u rin g the day, and traffic is again Or. It is said the wool is lig h ter and moving. of b etter staple and b rig h te r th an the R on e N in e F e e t. clip from th e same sheep last season. M aryville, Mo., A pril 27. — One The rain has greatly delayed the shear­ ing in th a t section. Few sheep are be­ H undred and Two river rose nearly ing sold, ow ners holding firmly for a n in e feet last nig h t, and is now a m ile sm all advance, about 10 cents a head, •m l a half wide, flooding a large num ­ ber of farms. Trafflo through here, on more than buyers are w illing to pay. th e B urlington and Wabash roads, is A dispatch from B aker C ity, O r., suspended, and th ree m iles of the B ur­ says th a t Powder riv er is higher than lin g to n ’s track and a mile of Wabash it has ever been known to be, and is track is washed out near here. doing great dam age. O aly one bridge Kp!*copal C onvention. rem ains in th e city, and if th e warm M ilwaukee, W is., A pril 27.—The w eather continues, it w ill go out. The Sum pter V alley railroad is flooded for bien n ial convention of th e Episcopal miles, and tra in s will not be running church w ill be held here, commencing for weeks. The northern residence por­ Tuesday, October 10. Bishop N ichol­ son has been notified th a t th e in v ita­ tion of th e city is inundated. tion which he extended to th e board to Chief Ju stice F u ller, of th e U nited m eet in M ilw aukee when th e sem icen­ States suprem e court, has refused a ten n ial of th e diocese is to be celebrat­ w rit of habeas oerpus in the case of El- ed, has been accepted. verton It. C hapm an, a broker, who re­ G o ld O r d e r f d for E x p o r t . fused to testify in the sugar speculation investigation as to w hether senators W ashington, A pril 27.—The secre­ hail speculated in sugar stocks while the tary of th e treasu ry today received a Wilson tariff bill was before th a t body. telegram from A ssistant Treasurer Jo r­ The sentence of th e suprem e court of dan, at New York, statin g th a t $997,- the D istrict of Colum bia to 30 days in 000 gold has been ordered for export. jail and $100 fine was affirmed, and T h is is th e first w ith d raw al of any con­ C hapm an's application for w rits of cer­ siderable am ount since Ju ly 22, 1896, tiorari and habeas corpus w ere denied. when $2,000,000 was w ithdraw n. As a result of a terrib le accident in K s r t h q n s k # In I l l i n o i s . a m in in g cam p near Rosaland, B. C ., Cairo, III., A pril 27.—A severe six men w ere killed and several others injured. T w elve men were asleep in earthquake was fe lt here at 10 o ’olock the cam p when a landslide, 300 feet tonight. It lasted about tw enty sec­ The largest structures were long and six feet deep, and fifteen feet onds. shaken with a swaying m otion, and wide, overwhelmed them . A tra in near South Lyon, Mich., people rashed in terror ou t on the ■track a vehicle on a crossing and in ­ streets. No damage has been reported. stan tly k illed H arry C lark and Misa Sarah F isher. Miss E thel Jn s t was In Bangkok, th e capital of Siam , seriously injured. C lark w as a student th ere are about seven ty-one thousand at A nn A rbor, and Misa F ish er a tten d ­ houses, and each floats on a bamboo ed th e stata normal school a t T psilantL r a f t C O U N T Y , O REG O N, F R ID A Y , A P R IL CITY INGLOOMY MOOD Athenians Are Downcast by Their Defeat. RETREATING ARMY IS BLAMER G r e e k s D e t e r m i n e d t o M a k e a Stand a t I’h a r s a l a —N e w D e f e n s e L in e Is Stronger. A thens, A pril 27.— It is useless to deny th a t a very gloomy outlook of th* w ar prospects is taken by th e better in­ formed. T here are, however, no signs of a panic. The city exhibits an a tti­ tude of dignified endurance, while many persons still show an unabated enthusiasm for war. T his symptom is particularly noticeable among the wounded now in A thens. T h eir one desire is to he healed, in order th a t they may rejoin the colors. N aturally, th is sp irit is much fostered by the con­ firm ation of th e reports th a t the Turks have burned the G reek wounded in a church at K nrtzivoli. The Turks lighted fires under the bodies of wound­ ed beasts. Many of the G reek wounded im plored th eir cóm anles to kill them ; others com m itted suicide. A lthough it is understood th a t the G reeks carried all th eir guns from Tyr- navos and L arissa, and also destroyed the provisions a t both places, they could not transport th e guns ut Pharsula. It is believed by some in A thenian circles th a t the retreat was som ewhat hasty and th a t some of th e guns were abandoned w ith but feeble defense. It seems probable, however, th a t in the m ain th e retreat was in good order. T his morning the word goes forth here th a t the governm ent w ill perse­ vere in the struggle w ith greater d eter­ m ination. Tiie report, however, has not served to allay the grow ing ir rita ­ tion in the belief th a t even if Greece (could not hold her own, the non-offen­ sive a ttitu d e m anifested in the order of the crown prinoe not to attack was idiotic and un-Grecian. The retreat to P h a rsu la is considered a poor response to th e fiery speeches of the Crown 'Prince C onstantino to his troops. N atu rally all sorts of reasons are ad­ vanced to explain the G reek retreat, the more candid ad m ittin g th a t the T urks w ere too strong. It is also pointed out th a t the T urkish cavalry Idid much to tu rn the scale in favor of Edhem Pasha. The G reek fleet is also the subject of m any curious reports, one of w hich as­ serts th a t the E astern squadron has bombarded Dedeagach. It is knowo th a t the T urkish governm ent yesterday ordered th a t all lanterns in the lig h t­ houses on the G ulf of Salónica rem ain unlighted. Five ironclads and four torpedo boats are operating along the coast between P latom ina and K aterina. The B ritish and F rench subjects re­ siding at Volo have addressed respective envoys here, begging for the dispatch of w arships to Vplo to proteot them . The envoys havo wired to th e ir govern­ m ents and to the adm irals at Canea, but at A thens it is oonside ed unneces­ sary to comply w ith th e request, as an attack upon Volo is no part of the T urk­ ish programme. R e tr e a t O rdered From A thens. London, A pril 27.— The A thens cor­ respondent of th e Times says: The news of the loss of M ati was received here during the sm all hours of the m orning. The prem ier and the m in ­ ister of w ar were im m ediately sum ­ moned to the palace, where a council sat u n til after daybreak. There was some difference of opinion, b u t it was finally decided, in view of the exhaus­ tion of the G reek troops and the nu­ m erical superiority of the Turks, to or­ der a retreat to Pharsula. T his decision w as a wise one, for the defenses of Larissa are not strong, ami the open plain favors llie operations of the T urkish cavalry. The Greek stand w ill be made a t Pharsula, w hich may once again become the scene of a m em ­ orable battle. T he b attle of M ati lasted all Friday, the Greeks defending th e ir positions w ith great in trep id ity . Prince Con­ stan tin e and Prince Nicholas were both continually under fire, and the latter greatly distinguished him self. The T urks, strongly reinforced, succeeded in breaking the G reek lines atJJ in the evening. The T urkish cavalry de­ liverer! repeated m agnificent charges. The fighting continued into the night. D uring the afternoon. Colonel Macris, com m anding the first division, called for the supjrort of Colonel M avrom¡ca­ lis, comm anding the second division. The latter arrived ju st in tim e to cover th e retreat from Mati. A t 6 o'clock, Colonel M avrom icilis, who allowed great gallantry in his a t­ tem pts to rally the troops, wired to G eneral Smolenitr., a t R eveni: “ I am defeated ami retirin g to Kazaklar. Act according to your ju d g m en t.” It is presumed th a t Reveni will be evacuated forthw ith and the whole frontier line abandoned. Glifom and despondency is seen on every counten­ ance. The only gleam of consolation is the report th a t Pentepjgadia is o u t­ flanked and the w ay open to Jan in a. This, however, needs confirmation. At Salnnlr«. Salónica, A pril 27.— It has been de­ cided to concentrate here a Turkish re­ serve division of sixteen battalions. Eleven have arrived already. D uring the G reek bom bardm ent of Leftokarva, a shop belonging to a B ritish subject was destroyed. The consuls have m et to consider w hat steps should lie taken. Salonica, A pril 27.—Osman Pasha arrived here last evening, and was re­ ceived w ith great enthusiasm . He w ent forward to the scene of th e con­ flict. Greek subjects here, on agreeing to place them selves under th e Turkish au th o rities under certain conditions, w ill b* Allowed to rem ain. ANOTHER BAD 30, 1897. B R EA K . .HUsUaippI Lev«*«* G iv e * W a y , W i t h Very D isastrous R esults. G reenville, Miss., A pril 26.—There was another break in the levee on the M ississippi side a t B hipland, or “ The Prom ised L and” levee, a t 10 o'clock this m orning, forty m iles by rail south of G reenville. The break w ill cover 19,000 acres of land near th e flood, and w ill add to the volume of w ater already covering most of the lands in its vicin­ ity. The levee is ten feet high, and the break is fully 800 feet wide. There was a foot on the levee when it gave way. Tiie break w ill subm erge Mayors- ville, the county seat of the county, a tow.i of 100 people. The tow n is s itu ­ ated tw elve m iles north of the break. From Mayor,-ville south to the Yazoo river eve v plantation in Issaquena and tw o-thirds of those in Sharkey, besides a num ber of others in Yazoo and W ar­ ren counties w ill be put under w ater from ten to tw enty feet deep. W hile th is section was in a large measure already overflowed, there wore hundreds of farmhouses and cabins and numerous ridges, mounds and hastily erected scaffolds, which still afforded protection to man and beast. These are now being rapidly abandoned, and terror reigns. A M IL IT A R Y A T T A C H E . NO. 23. ▲ A v ar* * * Bills OeUeoted Monthly 4 NORTHWEST BREVITIES 1 G R E E C E ’S DAY. A Srrl«*a o f V i c t o r i e s fo r K i n g G e o r g e 's Army. Evidence of Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Fr on A ll th a th a C lt la s T h r iv in g and S l.t.r Tow ns at S ta ta . —O re g o n . A contract has tieen let to build a new courthouse a t Coquille City, to cost $11,625. The liab ilities of Crook county, on M arch 31, last, were $35,OS”, and the resources $43,548. For th e first tim e in twenty-five years the circu it court for Benton county con­ cluded a session w ithout a ju ry trial. S uperintendent J. F. Nowlen has been exam ining U m atilla county schools. He reports all to be in excellent condi­ tion. C ounty Treasurer T.indlev, of Jack- son county, last week forwarded the last of the state tux money due, $2,- 242.13. A num ber of stockraiscrs around Paulina, in Crook county, stopped feed­ G e n c r u l Mil«** W uu t* t o G o to G r e e c e to ing th eir stock th is week, and turned O b s e r v e t h e W ar . them out on the range. W ashington, A pril 2(1. — G eneral Tiie sem iannual statem ent of Wallowa M iles has applied for perm ission to go county shows th a t on March 31 last to Greece to observe the war between the county's liabilities were $30,182, th a t country and Turkey from a m ili­ and its resources $13,403. tary point of view. Secretary Alger D. B. Kidder, of Baker City, is in has brought the m atter to the attention the Long Creek valley, G ran t county, of the president. Should the order ho m aking up a band of 5,000 yearling nig'le by the president, it will be the w ethers, paying for them $1.60 a head, first tim e in history th a t the general Those opposed to a now courthouse com m anding the arm v has gone abroad i , b u ilt in Coos couunty, have during actual w ar as a m ilitary a t­ served an injunction U)>on the mem­ tache. It is true th at G eneral Sheridan bers of the county hoard to restrain accompanied the G erm an arm y as an th e building. attache in the w ar w ith France, but he K lam ath countv has w arrants o u t­ was not at th e tim e of as high rank as standing to the am ount of $62,301, and G eneral Miles. th e in tererst thereon is $15,575. The S h o t T w o Brother*. county’s resources are est ¡muted to be B ik er C ity, O r., A pril 26.— The of th e value of $19,461. stage driver from Sum pter brought Shecpraisers of Crook county have news this afternoon from G ranite that ut 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon G. H. had a very successful lam bing seuson, McMahon, who left Baker City Monday nearly all of the lambs being saved. last for G ranite, shot Lewis M. G utridge All sheep have w intered well and th eir and brother, Samuel W ., in front of wool is in good condition. the G u trid g e store in G ranite, G rant Tito sem iannual report of tl e county county. Lewis was shot twice through officials of Lake county shows the total the ho ly, and was dying wlton the mes­ outstanding and unpaid w arrants to bo, senger left for Sum pter. Sam was shot w ith estim ated interest, $42,434.86, in th e face, but grappled w ith his w hile the total of unpaid taxes due and assailant, knocking him down and owing the county is $35,658.90. holding him u n til thu arrival of Deputy Mensles aro interfering with school Sheriff N ivens, w ho arrested McMahon. work in The Dalles. A bout half the Local gossip about M cM ahon’s sister j pupils in two of the rooms at Acndetny is said to have caused the assault, i t Park are out, eith er sick or afraid of is believed th a t if both brothers die, tak in g the disease, while a num ber aro McMahon w ill be lynched. Samuel absent from the high school ami the W. G utridge is postm aster a t G ranite. U nion-street prim ary. An ordinance has been passed by the D p r I I i o f W i l l i a m 8. H o l m a n . city council of A shland to prohibit oard Washington, A pril 26. — R epresenta­ playing or dice throwing for pleasure or tive Holm an, of Indiana, diet! ut 2 profit by m inors, and is intended to o'clock this afternoon. operate to prevent m inors from playing Judge H olm an’s death was due p ri­ the nickel-in-the-slot m achines as well m arily to a fall he sustained early th is j as other games. The ordinance fixes a Spring, as the result of an attack of j penalty for allow ing m inors to play at vertigo. He soon complained of feel­ such games, and is an addition to the ing badly, and his condition grew general ordinance against gam bling, steadily worse u n til last Tuesday. T hen he rallied som ew hat, an l the im ­ WMHliington. provem ent gave th e fam ily some en- i A Colum bia river rancher will p lant couragcm ent in hoping for his recovery. forty acres to peanuts and sweet pota­ T his rally was brief, how ever, m enin­ toes this spring. gitis developed, and since th a t tim e he ! Work w ill soon begin on a new and sank rapidly, Since last n ig h t he had larger stockyards on th e Not them P a­ been under opiates, and th is morning cific, at Garfield. th e fam ily gave up hope, ami realized Mheepshearers havo arrived in Prosser th a t the end was near. H e passed aw ay w ithout regaining consciousness. and it is expected th at 20,000 sheep w ill be sheared there th is season. I I n i l* to r m D e m o l i s h e d l!ou *e*. The rush of prospectors to tho Okan- Newton, K an ., A pril 26.—A terrific ogan, Mctliow and Reservation m ining w ind storm , accompanied by heavy districts through W ilbur has com- hail and rain, swept over H arvey nienced. county at 10 o'clock tonight, coming A cattlem an of N orth Y akim a last from the southwest. Two farm houses week sold to a Beattie buyer a carload were dem olished a few m iles west of of cattle at $12 per head, m aking a Newton. Mr. ami Mrs. W eins, the total paym ent of $798. occupants of one of th e houses, were A bicyclist last week made tho dis­ seriously h u rt, and have been brought to N ewton. The surgeons states th a t tance between O lym pia anil Tacoma in Mrs. W eins w ill die. P ractically one hour and 58 m inutes. This is the every pane of glass in th e south side of best record made so far The owners of dairy cows in K ittitas buildings a t Newton was shattered by h ail, and a railway train ju s t arrived county had to feed the cows 140 days w inter * jn st passed, instead h c i c was vv i\n w Ytiiiniub it u in t i , darin ---- — n g the ...................... ■ hoie ithout a a |tn pane of glass h in i in the windows on the south side of the cars, of the usual ninety days. The duration of tho storm was less The annual rose carnival in Tacoma w ill be held Ju ly 1, 2 and 3, and in than fifteen m inutes. connection w ith tho celebration there W i l l T ry t o Lean« C o n v l r t i . Paient, O r., A pril 28.— E. T. Johnson, will be a w ater pageant. Specimens of fire clay taken from who is h u n tin g laliorers for contractors on the A storia railroad, has subm itted Silver lake, near Castlo Rock, havo to S uperintendent U ilbert, of th e p eni­ been tented and pronounced of good tentiary, a proposition to hire the idle quality for brick-m aking and pottory convicts. T here is some question as to purposes. Cheney m inisters are talking of form ­ w hether or not the au th o rities have th e right to hire out convicts. The ing a local union for more nnited work. m utter is being investigated. The A m ajority of the m inisters of the city working of convicts, Mr. Johnson says, m et last week, and discussed in an in ­ would in no w ay interfere w ith ire* formal way the adviaability of the pro­ labor. H e givea positive assurance ject. th at all w ho w ill work can get em ploy­ Cattlem en are scouring W alla Walla m ent, and says th a t the only reason for county for bend cattle. W hat few cat­ w anting convicts is his in ab ility to get tle there are left are not in good con­ sufficient free labor. dition, but they are ex|ed from Nebraska to ance in the proceedings of a relative of Seattle, says the Spokane Chronicle. the notorious Jam es brothers, a sister- This, it is said, is ruining tho hograis­ in-law of FAink Jam es, who testified ing industry in Eastern Washington. th a t Kennedy told her he held up the Two years ago the Palonse country had train and secured $32,000. D uring 75,000 hogs, the Potlatch country 40,- this testim ony, K ennedy's altitu d e was 000, the Big Bend country, 30,000. defiant, and he frequently declared Now they have not more than one tldrd th a t m any, at m ost th a t the w itness lied. London, A pril 26.—The A thens cor­ respondent of th e Chronicle says th at the Crown Prince C onstantine has wired to King George as follows: “ The T urks are q u iet today, owing to our success yesterday. We have de­ stroyed the T urkish battery at Ligeria. The T urks have retired from Nezeros and Rapsani. The action of our fleet at K aterina was excellent. I was in the first line of fire yesterday. ” T he correspondent of the Chroniole says: Tho T urks are greatly dism ayed by the destruction of th e ir stores at K at­ erina and a t Litochaion. Commodore Sachtouris destroyed the stores from the coast to the foot of M ount Olympus. N othing rem ains, therefore, for Edhem Pasha to carry aw ay but hunger. T he coast road being barred, the only rem aining road from Salonica is the F erri road, eight days from Elassona. Tho reports of the injury to the ra il­ way line by the blowing up of bridges and a tunnel are confirmed. F inancially, everything is going w ell, and the value of paper money has risen. It is reported here (A thens) th a t the T urkish troops w ill be w ithdraw n from Crete. P riv ate advices from Volo say that all th e villages lietween K aterina and V eria have risen. A mong the wounded who have ar­ rived here are several who state th a t a num ber of Greeks wounded at Oritzo- vali and unable to follow th e Greek re­ treat were sh u t up in u sm all church by th e T urks, who set fire to the build­ ing and burned them to death. F rom th e G reek Stan d p oin t. London, A pril 26.—The G reek charge d'affaires here receiver! a dispatch dated A thens today, giving the exact situation on th e Thessalian frontier from th e G reek standpoint. It is as follows: “ In T hesaly, in the direction of Reveni and Boughasi, our forces have peneterated into T urkish territory and advanced toward Damais. I " A ll attacks of the enemy have been repulsed in the direction of G ritzovali. “ O ur arm y occupies a strong position a t M ati, w here there has been fighting since yesterday. The T urkish attacks ^ have been repulsed. “ The G reeks had to retire from Nes- eroi, falling baok on the bank qf the Derchi, a strong position, which they are now defending. In E pirus onr arm y is advancing and has captured F ort Im aret, F iilip iad a and several vil­ lages. T he Greeks have also occupied Balngera, capturing three cannon, a num ber of guns and a q u an tity of am ­ m unition and provisions. The arm y ia now advancing northw ard. ‘‘SKOUZES, “ M inister of Foreign A ffairs.” C a p t u r e d T u r k i s h Store*. A thens, A pril 26.— A fter tho bom­ bardm ent of K aterina, on tho G u lf ot Salonica, by th e G reek squadron had p u t to flight two battalions of Turks and th e in h ab itan ts of th a t placo, th e G reek fleet landed a detachm ent and found the T urks had left behind im ­ mense stores of provisions destined for the arm ies of Edhem Pasha. These valuuble stores had been left unprotect­ ed in th e belief by tho T urks th a t a blockade of Greece by the fleets of the powers would prevent the G reek fleet from attacking the T urkish tow ns in th e G ulf of Salonica, which is near the railroad to Salonica, and which has been used as a point to land stores for tho T urkish arm y and forward them to th e front. T he capture of these towns, not to m ention th e loss of the stores, places a serious difficulty in the pnth of Edhem Pusha, and it is stated here th a t as soon as th e ^T u rk ish com m ander-in-chief heard the news of the capture of Plato- monn and K aterina he dispatched 10,- 000 men toward the coast of Macedonia, fearing a flank attack from the G ulf of Salonica. T h e T u r k ln h V ie w . C onstantinople, A pril 26.—The T urk­ ish govenrm ent yesterday issued the following statem ent: " T h e recoilnoissanoe with a force of infantry, six batteries of artillery and a cavalry division m aided Naim Pasha to occupy a position w ith eight bat­ talions ami some field batteries opimsite the G reek forces centered south of the M itonna and Bilnuva pass. llakki Pasha, w ith tw elve battalions, ad­ vanced towards Noraly on the plain, in order to th reaten the retreat of the G reeks at Koskrena. “ Naim Pasha defeated the Greeks, and occupied the im portant heights of K aradja and V irran. “ H am di Pasha captured the fortified sum m its of Gordonan and G arhika, com m anding the passes.” V o l u n t e e r « F r o m Im prlr i» . New York, A pril 2 6 .—Five hundred and sixty-tw o G reek recruits will sail tomorrow on the steam ship I a C ham ­ pagne for Havre. From there they w ill be trans|iorted via Marseilles to the scene of th e confliot. The recruit« come from different cities. O ffe r e d to A r t ee N u r.ee. P aris, A pril 26.—A num ber of la­ dies have offered th eir services at the G reek legation here to act as nnrsee w ith the G reek arm ies in the field. No funds are available to pay for th eir journey to Greece. C a lif o r n ie W k s a t C r o p D a m a g e d . Ran Francisco,A pril 26.—Stim ulated by w eather bulletins of hot winds throughout th e in terio r,th e local w heat m arket was forced up, advancing S cents per cental today. Reports from some sections of the state egree th at more rain is needed, but there is yet tim e for showers, which may obviât« serions damage. T he dom inion governm ent has ju st decided to bridge the St. Lawrenoe at Quebec a t a cost of $*,000,000.