NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. R A I I .K : One C o lu m n ....................T w enty Dollars Half Column.........................................Ten Dollar* ProfeMloual C ard s.......... ... ................. One Dollar t o a i l o i R e t lf e a w i ll be ( ■ • e r t e ! tk a ra te o f T e a re a ta p er M a e . at AAvarttaUg BUla OoUeoMd Mooihlj* LMClKNus* lHUK< H.-rifcRVICKS KVKkY Sunday at ll a . m . and 8 r. u . audThursday at 2 P. Sabbath gchool «very Sunday at 9:45 a. m . Monthly m eeting at 7 p. m . the first Tuesday pi each mouth. Quarterly m eeting the •econd Saturday aud Sunday in February, Mav, August and November. W oman’s Foreign Mis Bionary Society meets third Saturday in each m outh ai 3 p. m _______________ REV. JAS. P. PRICE, Pastor. JJ a. EVENTS OF THE DAY ENOUGH VOTES TO PAS S T h * T » r lft ‘ K i l l ’ * C h a n c s , In t h e Are G o o d • FOUGHT WITH BOMBS S e n a te Cuban Insurgents Dynamit­ ing Railroad Trains. Epitome ot the Telegraphic News of the World. A A n oth er B EE R MONOPOLY. E n g lU h S y n d ica te l I» B r e w e l l e s . B u y in g THE DEFEAT OF D U B O IC H e n r y H e itfe ld K l«ctf*l S e n a to r b y I d a h o Legislature. th e Boise, Idaho., Feb. 1.— Henry Heit- Cincinnati, Feb. 2.— The Enquirer Washington, Feb. 2.— It is now ab­ says: Three representatives of a gigan­ feld. Populist, was today elected Unit­ solutely certain that a majority can tic London syndicate are in this city ed States senator to succeed Dubois. now be counted on in the senate to pass for the purpose of gobbling up all the The vote stood: Heitfeld, 39; Dubois, a tariff bill. It is r.ot certain just biggest breweries here, and success lias 80; T. F. Nelson, 1. where the votes are coming from, but 1 ) AI' 1 INI < HUKCH.- Bl ¡£8, SUNDAY 11 Fourteen Democrats joined the Popu- J J a . M. and 7 30 p. m . Sunday school Sundays TERSE TICKS FROM THE W IRES the Republicans say that votes w ill be FIVE PEOPLE W ERE KILLED so far crowned tlieir efforts. They at 10 a . m . l’ rayer meeting W*:dnesday eveulng liavo purchased an option on sixteen, I'sts for Heitfeld, and he also received secured. It is certain that some of the •t 7:80 o clock. REV. G. 1 JERAKD. vaster. and the deal has progressed so far that tl e v. te of the single Republican mem- Democrats may vote for a tariff bill, P R E S B Y l KRIAN CHI RCH. — 6 E R V 1 C ES the dealers have begun taking stock l i r . Four Democrats went to Dnl>ois. or, at least, refrain from voting when X every third sabbath at 11 a . m . and 7:30 p . An I n t e r e s t i n g C o ll .c t l u m o f I t e m . F r o m D e a d l y W o r k In F i n a r d e l R i o aud In 'he campaign, the Democrats and and summing up all the saloon chattel w.Rt Evangelical < liurch. sabbath school every the bill comes up. There seems also a third Sunday at 10 a . m t h e T w o H e m l .p h e r e e P r e s e n t e d S a n t a C l a r a —R i v e r a C r o u s e s 1 o mlists entered into fusion under mortgages they hold, for the purpose probability that the silver faction w ill REV. WM. GAY Pastor. In n C o n d e n s e d F o r m . In to H avana P rovin ce. of knowing just how they stand. The wh li the Populists were to have the either vote for the bill or allow it to M H RISTIAN CUlUtCH.—SERVICES EVERY deal w ill bo closed the coming week. i o n ’ ressman and senator. The D tno- Tw o men lost iheir lives in a hotel pass without their opposition. O second aud fourth Sunday at 10 a . m . and Havana, Fyh. 2.— Despite rnmors The amount to be paid ior the lot ag­ cra's refused to indorse any man named fire in Fort Smith, Ark. lately circulated to the effect that the gregates $9.000,000. One-half w ill be 1 y tlie Populist caucus for senator, Senator McBride has reported favor­ DVE Nl. Sl CHURCH—PRAYER MEETING August B.Utz, driver of a brewery insurgents were completely demoral­ every Weduesuaj evening. Sabbath school paid in cash, and the other half in pre­ .lu Igo W. 11. Claggett was overwhilm- ably from the committee on public every Saturday at 10 a . m . services follow ing. wagon in Seattle, fell from his wagon ized, and that thiiCnluns liad broken ferred stock, with guaranteed interest, in :ly the choice of the Populists, but lauds. Senator M itchell’ s bill, extend­ through a hole in a wharf at the water into scattered bands o, fifty or so in T jlU K METHODIST.- PRAYER MEETING th.» Democrats would not vote for him X every Thursday at 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school front and drowned before he could be ing the time for payment by settlers the province of Pinar del Rio, news lias so that the present owners w ill have in sufficient numbers to elect. sonic voice in the future administra­ on forfeited lands. It is expected that every Sunday-at 10 a . m . rescued. been received that tl ; insurgents have tion of affairs. The syndicate intends Henry Heitfeld is a man of limited the bill can pass both houses at this E CHUM U SERVICES EVERY SUNDAY ~ii ' up, eausing consolidating, under the laws ot the education. He wa* lairn in St. Louis Two painters at work ori a building session. It w ill be signed because the blown a passenger • at 11 a . m . aud 7 :30 p . m . Saouath School at 10 a . m . Kpworth League at 6 30 p. m . Prayer 100 feet above the sidewalk in San interior department has recommeded it, much damage and considerable loss of state, and making them all one grand in January, 1859. His father, Henry meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o ’clock. Francisco, fell to the pavement, one and has suspended entries on the life. Although the censor prohibited corporation. The older breweries were Heitfeld, was a German by birth. The REV. J H WOOD Pastor. tiie publication of the news in 11a- being killed instantly and the other lands pending the passage. the more eager to make the sale, ow­ future senator of Idaho attended the Q A LV A TIO N ARM Y — MEETING AT BAR- vana, it soon leaked out, creating a sen­ fatally injured. The suspending rope O racks oil Main street as follow s: Tuesday ing to the condition trade has been in Common schools of St. Louis until 1870, for soldier converts and recruits; Wednesday, broke. The committee on Indian affairs has sation, and the liveliest discussion in generally for some time. when, with his mother, he moved to public: Friday, holiness, for Christians on ly ; Saturday eve, p ublic; Sunday, all day, com The secretary of war has authorized re|Kirteil favorably Representative Her­ places whom groups gathered. A t 6 The ileal has been under way with Seneca, Kan. He lived there until m eucing with 7 a . m ., knee d rill; holiness meet the removal of a strip of earth fronting mann’ s bill to provide for a final set­ o ’clock on the morning of January 29 a local brokers several months. One of 1882, being employed at farm work and ing 11 a . m .; fain ly gathering at 3 p. M. and grand free and easy in the evening. Everybody Percival’s dock, in Olympia, not includ­ tlement with the Nehalem hand of military train, with engino No. 17, these brokers was in London during learning the trade of stone mason. In welcom e. ed in the present contract for harbor Tillamook Indians. It appropriates carrying Captain Dupla and a force of the summer. It is stated that the syn­ 1882 Mr. Heifteld moved to the North­ engineers, left Artemisa, and while dicate also has options on the Fay-Egan west, locating at Pomeroy, Wash. For improvement, to facilitate the landing $10,500 as a settlement in full. SOCIETY NOTICES. passing a culvert, at a place called of vessels on the whole frontage. This woodworking machinery plant of this a time he worked in the shops of the Senator M cBride’ s bill for the classi­ Oeemura, between Candelaria and city, the Hoven, Owen & Rentsehler Northern Pacific at Sprague, Wash., re­ w ill give an available dockage of 1,000 T OF THE W.—NEWBERG CAMP, No. 113 meets every Monday evening.__________ feet, with a depth of water of ten feet fication of mineral lands in Oregon is Mangas stations, a dynamite bomb ex­ engine works at Hamilton, and other maining there until the fall of 1883, now in the house awaiting action by ploded, destroying the engine and the factories. when ho became a resident of Nez 1T7 Ü. BUSINESS MEETING THE SEC- at low tide. rV , oud aud fourth Wednesday in each that body. It passed the senate w ith- armored tender, as well as the culvert, Perce county, Idaho. Since that time An unparalleled accident occurred at mouth. also wrecking several cars. Engineer C O R N A N D C H E M I C A L S . he has been engaged as a farmer, fruit­ the Illinois steel plant, at Joliet, out any difficulty. There has been O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD ON THURSDAY Genaro Roderiguez, an Am erican; d r ­ grower and cattleman. Iu politics Mr. whereby Nelson Johnson was decapi­ some little hitch to see if the omnibus . evenings in Bank o f Newberg building. aco Carreras, the fireman, and three 8aid to H a v e S u p p la n te d B a rley and Heitfeld was a Democrat until he joined He was employed in the rod bill for California and Oregon can & L. OK S.—NEWBERG COUNCIL, NO. tated. Military Dr. M a l t In B e e r - M a k i n g . pass, but as this seems very doubtful, soldiers were killed. the Populist party, lie is a menilier 168, meets every Friday evening in Masonic m ill, and in falling from a high plat­ Ganzales, Aodo, the conductor, the hail. St. Louis, Feb. 2.— A dispatch from of the Farmers’ Alliance, and it was form his head came in contact w ith the an effort w ill now be made to pass the edge of a platform, and the connecting Oregon bill as a separate measure. brakeman and twelve private soldiers Milwaukee says: The tremendous drop through his connection with that or­ F. A A M. MEETS EVERY SATURDAY were wounded. Captain Dupla and in the barley malt product lias stirred ganization tlint he was influenced to # n ight In V’ . Bank building. _____ rod of the engine cut his head off at Much depends upon the willingness of the speaker to allow the bill to be the sergeant escaped injury. The bod­ up the maltsters, and they evince a ally himself with the Populist party. O. W. -M E E I S EVERY l ÜE 8 DAY EVEN- the neck. • ing at 7:80 p m . in I. O. O. F. Hall. called up in the bouse. As usual, the ies of the engineer and fireman were disposition to make some interesting He was elected to the state senate as a Am ong ths bills recommended for speaker is the arbiter of legislation, sent to Havana for burial. A repair disclosures. They freoly declare that Populist in 1894 and again in 1896 . passage in the lower house in Indiana and very little can go through which train lias been sent from Candelaria to in many breweries a barrel of beer is has been one making it unlawful to EAST AND SOUTH repair injuries to the line. A ll the being made with the use of but a half DOORS WERE CLO SED. lie does not approve. play football in the state. The bill wounded were sent to Candelaria. bushel of barley malt, while the Ger­ -V IA - went to the committee on rights, which The bill of Senator McBride appro­ 1 Raefael Roderiguez, 60 years of age, of decided that it was only fair that the priating $30,000 for a quarantine sta­ Genero, was at the station awaiting man standard for pure beer is three T h * O p e n 8 « . « to n o t h . S . n a t . W a s V ery B r l.f . house should have a fair chance at the tion at Astoria went through the sen­ the arrival of the body of Genaro Rod­ bushels. The claim is as freely made that corn and chemicals have practical­ Washington, Jan. 30.— The open ses­ bill. The bill as it stands does not ate one afternoon without creating eriguez. The fam ily of the fireman ly supplanted barley in the production sion of the senate was comparatively discriminate in favor of professional even a ripple. There were very few was also in attendance. Immense of the beverage of the world. brief today, as more than half the day football. persons present, and no one cared to crowds gathered and escorted the bod­ -O F T H E - When the attention of Mr. Aug. A. was spent behind closed doors. During Delegate Murphy, o f Arizona, has object to the measure. The next ques­ ies to the final resting place. Busch, vice-president of the Anheuser- the o|a»n session, the hill for an inter­ introduced a bill in congress to assist tion which arises is whether it can re­ Other reports from the province of Busch Brewing Association, was culled national monetary conference was de­ the wandering Papago Arizona Indians ceive consideration in the house. This Pinar del Rio announce that Mariel to the above article, he expressed no bated, Chandler sh ak in g in favor of it, to establish homes and induce them to is scarcely probable. Not that there is Roderiguez and 1,900 men succeeded in surprise in seeing the dispatch from and Stewart against. Chandler’s speech Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland: cease their depredations upon the cat­ any prejudice against Astoria in the crossing the trocha and joining the in­ Milwaukee, calling attention to the was carefully prepared, and was in the tle herds of white citizens. Twenty- matter, but the house is spending surgents in the province of Pinar del tremendous drop in the barley malt nature of a statement of the attitude of FROM OCT. 1, 1896. five thousand dollars is appropriated to just as little money as possible these Rio. General Ruis Rivera, it is as­ product, but wondered why more had the|Kepublican side of the chamber'on purchase the Quijatoa well and ma­ days. _ _ _ _ _ serted, also succeeded in passing the not been said in public print with ref­ O v e r l a n d E x p r e s s .! the bill. Stewart, although criticising Salem, A lbany, Eug­ chinery, in Pima county, and the com­ trocha, entering Havana province, and ene, llo.seb’g, Grant’s erence to the matter. Continuing lie the commission as futile, stated that he The house has passed two of Mr- missioner of Indian affairs is author­ Pass, Medford. Ash­ ¡ it is claimed he is in charge of insur­ said: “ We do not now, nor have wo would not oppose tlio measure. It is * 8:10 , land, Sacramento, Og­ *8:00 P. M ized to appoint a farmer to assist and Herrmann’ s pension bills, both for sur­ gent forces in this province. Since the den, San Francisco, ever, used corn in the production of exi>ceted a vote will bo reached Mon­ vivors of the Oregon Indian wars of to pump water for their use. death of Aguirre tin insurgents in Ha­ any of our beers, and we have always Mojave, Los Angeles, day although Pettigrew unouneed a 1855-56. The beneficiaries are Dan El ra so,New Orleans, vana province have been provisionally contended that first-class beer cannot speech which may lead to further delay. The steamer City of Topeka arrived taud East. Giles, of Coos county, and James L. commanded by Rafa.’ ’ de Cardinas. It be made by using corn as a svilisti tuo *8:30 a . m . Roseborg & way stations *4:40 r. M. at Port Townsend, from Alaska, upon The Nicaragua canal apd-the bank­ McKinney, of Douglass ’ ..un',y j | Via Wood burn fo ri is ~how expeciod i »at an :,ggiessive for barley m alt.” sohedule time, ft is reported that the Daily Daily Mt. Angel, Sii ver tou, ruptcy bills were before the senate for except campaign w ill be carried on in the weather at Juneau and Sitka is at pres­ except N West Scio, B row n s-} A C R U IS E R D IS A B LE D . a brief time, but no progress was inode Sunday, j ville, Natron and 1 Sunday. province of Havana by General Rivera. T H E P U L P I T A N D T H E 8 T A G E . on either. Early in tho day, a lively ent quite as mild as that of Puget I l Springfield..................J | *4:00 p. m . Salem and wav stations *10:15 a . m . sound. Two nights ago a large fire was ob­ debate occurred over A llen ’s resolution S e r lo a * A c c i d e n t to t h e B r o o k l y n In t7 :flu a . M. Corvallis Si way stations f6:20 p. m . served to the east of Havana. So Great preparations are being made f4:45 r. m . M cM innville & way sta’si f8:26 a . m . t h e D e l a w a r e R iv e r . questioning the president’ s right to fore­ A c t o r H e a r n e L e c t u r e d lu a K a n s a n ] bright w'as the blaze that it attracted for the spring rush of miners to A l­ C ity C h u rch . close against the Pacific railroads. The Philadelphia, Feb. 2.— The United D in in g Cars on O g d e n R o u te . general attention. Being late at night, aska, w hich it is expected w ill be States steamship Brooklyn, the latest the horizon seemed one continuous Kansas City, Feb. 2.— Before the resolution went over for a speech by greater this year than ever before. pride of a peerless navy, calculated to line of fire. Nothing was published richest congregation in this part o f the Thurston Monday. Few prospectors are planning to go to PULLM AN BU FFET SLKKPBKS withstand the fiercest onslaughts of about the matter the next day, but in­ country this evening, James A. Cook's inlet this season, the excitement shot and shell, today lies almost en­ vestigation disclosed the fact that Ar- Hearne, actor anil playwright, deliv- 1 Washington, Jan. 80.— The house —AND— in that section having about died out. passed the Indan appropriation bill to­ tirely helpless because of a narrow ered a lceture on “ The Theater as It S E C O N D -C L A S S 8 L K E P I N O C A R S day, and steered upon consideration of Port Townsend has had another land­ ledge of sunken rock in the Delaware anguere had made another daring raid Is.” The lecture was one of a series slide. Tons of dirt fell from the hill river, above Marcus hook, Pa., on in the vicinity of Havana, burning and of popular discussion which have been the agricultural appropriation bill, Attached to all through trains. on the west side of Taylor street, at which she struck heavily yesterday looting the town of Barrera, near running at the First Congregational but all interest in these measures was Guanabacoa. overshadowed by two very remarkable Through ticket office, 134 Third street, whore the second flight of terrace steps, carry­ afternoon. Her lower double com ­ church, of which Dr. Henry Hopkins, through tickets to all points in the Eastern ing with it the high cribbing and com­ speeches— one by Grosvenor, attacking A n o t h e r T r a in O y iin iiijt.ri. partments forward were stove in, and LL. D., a relative of the founder of the lutes, Canada and Europe can be obtained at ex-Govem or Altgcld, of Illinois, and the pletely obstructing the passage on that it was only by the merest good fortune Cincinnati, Feb. 2.— The Commer­ Johns Hopkins university, i* pastor. owest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND, T ick et Agent. other by DeArmond, heaping ridicnle side of the street. that the big vessel did not sink. This cial Tribune’ s special from Key West The greatest interest had been All above trains arrive and depart from Grand Central station, Fifth and Irvin g streets. James McCoy, one o f the founders would undoubtedly have been the re­ says: On Friday one of W eyler’ s sup­ aroused by tlm announcement of the upon Secretary Morton, for the recent of the town of Oakesdale, W ash., died sult had not her inner compartments ply trains was dynamited on the rail­ lecture, and the audienece that greeted issue of a pamphlet, entitled, “ The at his home in that town at the age of fully withstood the shock. As it was, road near Cieze, north o f Cienfuegos. Mr. Hearne was probably the largest in Farmers’ Interest in Finance.” Y A M H IL L D IV ISIO N . Passenger depot foot o f Jefferson street. 66 years. Mr. McCoy came to Oregon she was pulled clear of the rooks and is Two bombs w ere exploded under the number that ever gathered at a church R un D ow n b j a T ra in . in 1853, and resided in Benton county now tied to the big stone icebreakers at engine and four under the train, being edifice iu this city. Mr. Hearne, with South Norwalk, Conn., Jan. 80.— AIrlie mail (tri-weekly). fired by electricity as the train was till 1887. He then removed to W hit­ Marcus hook, protected from the heavy his "Bhoreacres” company, is making l b 40 a . m .IL v .......... Portland............Arc ÜÔ5 p. x . crossing a trestle. The engino was a tour o f tlie West. In the course o f . Five men were killed thiH afternoon by man county, Wash., where he has since ice gorges in midriver. 12:30 p. m c L v .......... N ew b erg......... Lv. 12:15 P. M. a freight1 train near East Norwalk sta­ 5:10 p. M.jAr.......... A irlie................ Lv. 7 : u a . m . resided. The vessel is seriously damaged, and blown apart, and all the ears were his address lie said: tion. It is supposed that while w alk­ Sheridan passenger (d ally except Sunday). “ The province of the theater as an ing upon tlie track they stepped from A Madrid dispatch say« snow and it is impossible to say when Bhe w ill splintered. They rolled over the tres­ 4 :80 p. v I.V.T7.......Portland...........Ar.l 9:30 a . m . rain storms threaten serious floods in be able to go into service. A t present, tle into the ditch, the fall completing institution is to do good, but greed on ill front of the express train directly in 6:05 p. m Lv.......... Newberg.......... Lv. 7:55 a . M. Harrowing distress prevails in she is in no danger of further damage, w hat the dynamite had left undone. one side and vicious tastes on the other front of the freight. The dead are; 7:40 p M. Ar.......... Sheridan......... Lv.j 6:20 a . m . Spain. Andalusia. A t Jaon, the people are being protected in the safe anchorage Out of the guard of 100 soldiers on it, have somewhat corrupted the theater. James Powers, section foreman; John " *I)aJly. fb a ily except. Sunday. plundering the bread shops, and thou- afforded by the icebreakers, lio w the forty-five were instantly killed or ter­ The theater is a factor of society just Griffin, John Bhea, Spleen, and an un­ R. KOEHLER. Manager. The others bodily us much as is the church, and, in spite E P. ROGERS. Aast Gen. F & P. Agt., Port­ sands are begging in the streets. Simi­ accident occurred can only be estab­ ribly injured. known man. All were instantly killed land, Or lar scenes, accompanied by fights with lished by a court of inquiry, and this, surrendered, as a force of 200 Cubans of all the stigma that is attached to it, except Shea, who survived five min­ the police, have occurred in many Captain Cook, of the Brooklyn, lias ap]>eared. The train was looted, the mid all the vice and pernicious power utes. Tho men were engaged under insurgents securing a small fieldpiece it is charged with, it is still an cduca- other towns. The authorities are pow­ already asked for. the direction of Foreman Powers in The exact place where the vessel that General W eyler had just ordered ; tor, and its influence is for good, and, work iiism the roud bed, and stepped erless to cope with the destitution. from Havana. After securing all the not for evil. The church and the. the­ Joseph Meehan, 16 years old, of San struck was on Schooner ledge rock, provisions and ammunition, the cars ater should work together. I claim from one track to avoid tlie approach­ Francisco, met his death in a strange between Chester and Marcus hook, and were burned. The prisoners were re­ they have stood too long apart; that ing express, to another upon wliich the and shocking manner. He was attempt­ the time about 1:45 o ’clock. leased, and the Cuban captain sent for the good of the race they should freight was bearing down. What makes the accident even more ing to close a window in a room oc­ Weyler a box of sweetbread with a po­ join hands at once and aid each other T o D etffrinlne th « A la sk a B o u n d a ry . deplorable is the fact that it was the cupied by himself and parents on the lite note. The captain of this Cuban to free mankind.” C O U N T R IE S 4 Washington, Feb. 1.— One of the third floor o f a lodging house, when he first time the ship had been handled by band was an American named Burke, greatest obstacles to the ratification by slipped and plunged headlong through the present officers and crew since go­ L A N G L E Y ’S A I R S H I P . ing into commission in December. from Indiana. the senate of the general arbitration the opening to the street below. He O F BRITISH COLU M B IA AND The famished condition of the people treaty has been removed in the arrange­ struck on his head and his neck was Since then she had been lying at EA S T ER N O R EG O N League island navy yard, and certain in Pinar del Rio, Artemira and Ban M m l . T w o S u r e . « , lit F l i g h t , o f O v . r ment by negotiation of a plan of settle­ broken. m H a l f M i lo . small repairs had delayed her sailing. Cristobal is well known. Hundreds of ment of tho Alaska boundary question. A London dispatch from Odessa, de­ people have floi ked to these cities in Washington, Feb. 1.— The report of In a day or two a treaty on the subject B u r n e d to a C r i n p . scribing the military preparations going ARE ALL R EACHED obedience to the cruel orders of Colo­ Professor Langley, ’ secretary of the w ill be laid before the senate for action. forward there, says that the activity New York, Feb. 2.— John Connors, nels Hernandez, San Martin and Smithsonian institution, just submit­ It provides for the appointment of a -----VIA----- has only been equaled during the period 60 years old, met a shocking death on Ynclan. ted to the Isiard of regents, contains the commission to visit the country and fix which immediately preceded the two the steamship Eastern Prince, lying at 8*t D o w n on W e y le r . definitely the 141st meridian, which, following about Ids Hying machine: last great ware. The Turkish govern­ the East Central Pier at Atlantic dock, New York, Feb. 2.— A special to the “ The writer lias, during the inter­ tinder tlie treaty of cession of Alaska ment is unable to make its usual an­ Brooklyn. Connors was seiit with nual purchase of horses in Russia, all others to make repaira to the interior World from Washington says: Am eri­ vals of his official duties, continued to to the United States, forms the boun­ of the stud farms being closed by the of one o f the boilers. Before begin­ can sugar planters in Cuba at last have ex|ieriment in this manner until lie dary between that territory and Brit­ taken a decided stand. On their de­ has reached a measure of suecess which ish Northwest territory. Russian government. ning operations the men lowered into mand, Secretary Olney has cabled to seems to justify him in making the Congressman Sturtevant, o f Penn­ the boiler a charcoal furnace with M a r c h o f th a U n e m p lo y e d . the Madrid government that the grind­ No Change of Cars Between sylvania, who has recently called on which the iron work was to lie heated. ing of sugar cane on American planta­ statement here thut mechanical fights fit. Loaift, Feb. 1.— It is expected President-elect McKinley, quotes him Connors climbed through the manhole, tions in Cuba must be permitted to have now been attained.” that Coxey’ s call for a parade of the On May 26 last a mechanism built and when at 12 o ’clock one of th« DfiDTi t u n a / B AK ER CITY as saying: " I will call a special ses­ workmen called to Connors and re- proceed immediately, or claims against chiefly of steel and driven by a steam unemployed on Washington's birthday sion of congress on March 16, and un­ PO R TLA N D and ( s p o K A N E Spain for heavy damages will lie filed engine made tun flights of over half a w ill be answered by the 20.000 idle less I change my mind you may be in cieved no answer a workman was low­ at the state department. A reply carne mile. Since that time the result ha* men in St. Louis and the Federation of Washington by that time. I desire to ered into the boiler and Connors w as from Madrid that Captain-General been nearly doubled. In each case Lulsir claims 15,000 in the anions ufftli- have my protective system inaugurated found dead. The upper part of the Weyler hail licet» instructed to counter­ there was no support from gas. The a tcl with it. Out of the total of 20,- immediately upon my inauguration, man’ s body was burned to a crisp. He mand hi* order prohibiting sugar-grind­ muchine wa* 1,000 or more times heav­ 000 men belonging to the unions, it is C onnecting with and I want a measure passed that will had evidently been overcome by the ing, and that the work might begin ier than the air in which it was made estimated that 2,000 are unemployed. immediately stimulate business and fumes and had fallen on the furnace. forthwith. On the strength of this to move. Dr. Alexander Graham Bell Besides these, it is estimated, there are give idle men w ork.” Congressman an agent of the sugar planters left re­ witnessed the first of these, and commu­ over 15,000 unemployed clerks and un­ It is estimated that the total wealth Bturtevant said further that no Penn­ cently for Cuba to see General Weyler, nicated the statement of results to the skilled laborers, not connected with sylvania man would be in the cabinet. o f our forty-five States is $64,062,102,- any organization. and to start the grinding. academy of France. 9 6 0 . _________ T R A IL, R 0 S S LA N D , MARCUS The quick response of the citizens of C o m m e n t on B r a d le y M a rtin B a ll . T r ie d t o B u rn a T o w n . Chicago to Mayor Sw ift’ s appeal for as­ T h* R e g im e n t M sy M* t o f t . N E L S O N , and All Kootenay London, Feb. 2.— All Sunday paper« New York, Feb. 2.— A Herald dis­ Petaluma, Cal., Feb. 2.— Five sheds sistance has resulted in the relief of Paris, Feb. 1.— Reports are to the Mining Camps... suffering in Chicago with rapidity and contain reference to tbo great ball to patch from Vienna says the Turkish of A. L. Whitney & Co., containing effect that a Swiss artillery regiment is to an extent far beyond expectation*. be given in New York city by Mr. and ambassador ha* notified the Austrian $30,000 worth of hay burned this now crossing the Colde*mo**es, nearly The Referee government of the sultan's adhesion inrning. After the fire was all out, 6,000 feet high, marching from Agile Through the systematic canvas of the Mr*. Bradley Martin. L ow R a tes and T h rou g h T ick ets. police and the prompt attention to the devote« two column* to the subject, to the international plague conference the woolen mill* were found ablaze. to Thun. The soldier* have not been case* reported by the officer*, it is safe and consider* a social function of this at Venice, al«n of the sultan’s )*-remp- Yesterday the lumber yards and bridge heard of for five days. Inasmuch as For Pamphlets and Detailed Inform ation , to say that but few (ersons suffer from character as unwise in view of the fact tory forbiddance of the pilgrimage to were fired. Today Lohlino Benenelli heavy snowstorms have prevailed dur­ Write to cold or hunger. W ithin forty-eight that it furnishes a text for socialist ag­ Mecca because of the prevalence of the was arrested for arson, and confessed ing the last three days, a disaster is W. H . H U R L B U R T . pest. The sultan’ s notification has he had started all the fires, having de­ (eared. hours not I p s * than 1,200 families were itators. made an excellent impression. Gen. Pass. Ag t O. R. A X. C o., P ortland, Oft supplied through the police with food termined to burn down the town. There is a project on foot for sup­ and fuel. Many casee were found of Blushing is a disease, in the opinion Chicago has an electric elevated The earth is gradually growing plying Lyons, France, with electricity O LIVER A COLCORD, Agents, actual starvation. of an English medical scientist. colder. by damming the Rhone at 'image. A M j A\ c. r. TURNER WAS ELECTED Chosen to Succeed Squire in United States Senate. ON THE TW E N TY -FIFTH BALLOT lie K e c .lv .d Seven H iity-K C Igh t F u .l o n t . t « ’ K . fu e .it to of E ig h ty . V o t e . — N in e t e e n V o te fo r H im . Olympia, Wash., Fob. 1.— Judge George Turner, of Spokane, was at noon Friday elected by the legislature 1» succeed Watson O. Squire in the ! United States senate. He was chosen I on the twenty-fifth joint ballot of the session, and on the first ballot of the day, as a direct result of the caucus of fusionists w hich made him its nominee last night, and one of the most inter­ esting and stubbornly contested of the senatorial battles of this state is brought to an end. The election was of an exceedingly formal nature, although those who re­ fused to abide by the caucus nomina­ tion continued their opposition to the last moment, in the hope of causing de­ lay and of the possibility of the defeat , of the choice of the majority. Turner reeived 68 of the 87 votes of fusionists, or 11 more than a majority of the entire legislature. Nineteen fusionists refused to vote for him, all of whom were Populists, except W il­ liams, silver Republican. Fourteen J u. fa ^ m . The Slwsta Route j f THE GREAT G O I iD “ S I I i V E P T h e 0 . R . & N . Shortest Line to Spokane ALL RAIL ROUTE to... N sw a tso , U b io o s . lion. George Turner . voted for O. II. Westcott, ex-mayor of Blaine. W illiam s voted for Squire, and Reinhart for A. R. Kreitz. The 25 Republican votes were cast as usual for Arthur A. Denny, of Seattle, the result being: Turner....................„fiS I Squire.................. »....1 b e n n y ........................... 2ft K reitz............................. 1 Weotoott .................14 j Absent...................... 3 Judge Turner received the votes of all the Democrats and all of the silver Republicans, except one, and 40 of the 68 Populist*, as follow s: Populist*. 40; Democrats, 10; silver Repub­ licans, 12. P R IZ E F IG H T B IL L S IG N E D . G o v e rn o r o f N e v a d a W o u ld N ot O p p o se W l.lie . o f the P e o p le . Carson, Nev., Feb. 1.— Assembly bill 8, intended to permit Corbett and Fitz­ simmons to fight in this state, is now a law, the governor having signed it. When asekd if he ever had any thought of vetoing it, ho replied: ” 1 waited to see what the majority of tho people seemed to want, intending to lie entirely guided by their wishes. This (Hilicy I have pursued to the end, and because the people wore in favor of the bill, I signed it. Of the merits in the argument made against the glove contest in the bill, I have nothing to say. A majority of our citizens seemed to wish it, and I have signed it. That fft all there is to it .” Wheelock is in San Francisco now, hut before his departure, ho refused to say anything concerning the location of the fight if it came to this state at all. That it will come to Nevada seems almost a sure thing, but Carson and Reno both claim to bo the favored sjiots in which it w ill actually occur. I n s u l t e d b y H panlarris. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 1.— The three-masted schooner Jennie A. Stubbs, Captain Door, from Lemolne, Me., which put in here last night, after an unusually rough voyage from Rum key, West Indies, re]*>rts maltreatment at the handsof Spanish officers at Porto Rico. The Stubbs left Philadelphia In December for Porto Rico, w ith a cargo of coal, and Captain Door curried a bundle of American newspapers for his consignee. A t Porto Rico she was boarded by Spanish ofli cr*. who re­ lieved Captain Door of his newspafierg, and subjected the officers and crew to the closest scrutiny. They were dogged throughout their stay on the island, and at every turn were watched and an- uoyed by Spanish officers. T h a W ar P o r tfo lio . Conton, O ., Feb. 1.— " I have been tendered and have accepted the war portfolio.” Thu* spoke General Rus­ sell A. Alger, of Michigan, to a press reporter today. The general had just emerged from the south parlor, which is the conference room while Mrs. Mc­ Kinley is out of the city. He and Ma­ jor McKinley had just completed the interview in which the formal tender and acceptance were passed. Without saying anything more the general re­ entered the parlor, where he remained until traintime. A t 4:16 he returned to Cleveland to renew his conference with the national chairman, and will go thence to his home in Detroit. I v o r y S e l l , fo r H o m e . Queenstown, Feb. 1.— Edward J. Ivory, of New York, who was acquitted in London of the charge of conspiracy to cause dynamite explosions; John F. McIntyre, Ivory’ s counsel, and the three American witnesses in the case, Patrick Wynne, Patrick Rourke, and Thomas Smythe, sailed for New York today on the Majestic. Fully one-third o f the land in Great Britain is owned by members of ths house of lords. 1