NEWBERG GRAPHIC. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. *!. II. W o o d w a r d . E d it o r & P u b l is h e r . u Thirty-four of the thirty-eight Kultana of Turkey have died violent deaths. If anything should transpire at an early date to make the present Sultan known as “ No 35’’ there would be few tears shed outside of tho Turkey family cir­ cle. ..FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1897. Here in Oregon for some time past the price of a dozen eggs would buy two liens and a half. Here is an eco­ nomic question well worthy the atten­ Jonathun Bourne’s free lunch counter tion of our most able financiers. Where ver at Salem seems to have a telling are the populist brethern at just now effect on Yamhill’s three represen­ anyway? tatives. A Portland brewery in advertising its The hens have made such an effort business curries the motto, “ purity is lately to restore confidence that the health.” The motto is all right, but price of the fruit of their labor is very many people have very grave doubts about there being any part of the beer much reduced. business that tends to purity in either man or woman. Ihere is no question but that Oregon's representative in tho electoral college, the tall sycamore of the Waldo hills, will Tho continued report of cruel butchery bo looked up to when he gets back to of innocent women and children in Cuba by tlie Spanish soldiers, has no tendency Washington. to increase the love of Americans for A wedding took place in Kentucky Spain. A few days ago a ten year old the other day in which the groom was school boy was shot down like a dog, 103 and the bride 101. What a happy because lie refused to hurrah for Spain. beginning of the new century of the lives Col. J. B. Eddy, who lias held down a of this Kentucky couple. lucrative job as railroad commissioner That noble animal, tho horse, still for the past four years, is about buying “'seems to be in favor in Massachusetts in the ltoseburg Plaindealer, so the story spite of the coming of the bicycle. The goes. Mr. Eddy is a bustling newspaper census shows an increase of 3,085 horsos man ami he will without doubt put new life into the I’laindeuler if he gets con­ in that state during tho last year. trol of the plant. I atered as M co nd -class m ilte r at the ncitofflce at Newberg, Orc-goo. lith e legislature fails to heed tho de­ mands of the people for a general cur­ tailing of expenses, tho names of the pres­ ent membership of that body will be Dennis, with a capital “ D” in the fu­ ture. On (lie opening of the Washington legislature last Monday, senator Rine­ hart, of Whatcom, not only objected to prnycr being offered, but he was brazen­ ly imdudent about it. Oregon mis­ sionary societies that arc looking for a held of labor among the heathen, might While the annual eoBt of pensions is do worse than to send a missionary over ♦HO,000,000, it is a debt of honor and to Whatcom. patriotism tho government owes to tho pensioners and it will continue to be It has always been supposed that a paid despite an occasional growl from Kentuckian could put a satisfactory various sources. amount of whiskey out of sight during his lifetime, but tilings ure changing, An exchange says: American men even in the blue grass region. A Ken­ without money in tho West nre marry­ tuckian who died the other day was so ing Indian girls to secure the lands. depressed over bis efforts during life American girls with money in the East that lie ordered bis coffin filled with nre marrying foreign rogues to secure a whiskey after the body was placed in it, title; so what’s the difference. und liis wish was carried out to the let­ ter. Hon.T. T. Geer will carry the elec­ toral vote of Oregon to Washington. Up in Polk county the print shops are This is a well earned honor ami tho so anxious to get n job of county work many friends of Mr. Geer all over the that they are willing to pay something state will be glad to know that he has for it. The West Side recently offered been detailed for this responsible duty. to furnish the county ten thousand let­ ter beads for the sum of ono cent, but The Southern editor who boasts that the I Utilizer went it one better by offer­ he has never been in jail or in congress ing to furnish the officials with letter has missed lots of fun.—Brownsville heads during the year 1897 gratis, and pay for the privilege of doing so. Times. Say, Brown it was hardly to bo ex­ This would hardly be considered tho pected that you would give tho thing kind of eoin[ictition that is the life of trade. uway after this fashion. times. As a matter of fact each of them does this every year. Apparent­ ly Incompetency had a good deal to do with the first and the largest of the Minnesota bank wrecks, uad one or two of the other failures in the same Htute resulted from this collapse. Oth­ er banks in different places have gone Into voluntary liquidation. Now tills is far from being a pleasing situation, yet there is nothing iu it to excite alarm. As we have already said, some of the failures could have occured under the best business con­ ditions. The voluntary retirement of banks are due, of course, to the indus­ trial depression, but this has been with us three years and a half, and the bunks, like ull other business institu­ tions, have suffered as a consequence. There lias been no changes for the worse in the trade situation recently. On the contrary, there has been a change for the better since November 3 as everybody knows. The improve­ ment has not been us great cr as con­ tinuous as was expected, for most per- soiis thought au honest money victory would buuish the financial clouds im­ mediately, and bringon the sunshine of prosperity. This was au unreason­ able expectation, though, for a trade stagnation that has lasted for between three and four years can not be brought to an end iu six or seven weeks by any sort of influences which have ever opperated Iu this or any other country. Several things should be taken into tho account here. First, business re­ covery ufier a long period of depression is Invariably slow; secondly, nothing like a rapid business rally has ever occured at the beginnlngor in the mid­ dle of winter; thirdly, more business failures of various sorts usually lake place in the latter half of December and the early half of January than in any other equal period in the year; and fourthly, the number of business failures in the country at large last week was only oleven more than in the same time In 1895, while ut that date the business improvement which began in August of that year, and which was checked by the President’s Venezuelan war message of December 17, 1895, bad not entirely subsided. There is nothing in the present sit­ uation which should inspire dread. The banks in general throughout the country, In Chicago as elsewhere, are in peither dishonest nor iucom|>etent hands. They are stronger in resources, as the recent reports of their condition plainly show, than they ever were be­ fore. Let us look at the situation sane­ ly. The business clouds will soon dis­ perse if the people keep their heads. A L ie N ailed . B lo o d W in T ell. The many different skin diseases such as ring worm, tetter, salt rheum, erysip­ elas, eczema, itching or au eruption of pimples, postuies, blotches, chaps or cracking open of the skin, scrofula, are directly the cause of impure blood. Wilbur’s Blood Purifier is acknowledged to be the best medicine known for any of these unsightly complaints. Price |1.00 per bottle. For sale by all Drug­ gists. First Club Man—V.’hat did you think when your wife met you at the door at 2 a. in. to let you in? Hecond Club Man—To tell the truth, old fellow, I thought I was a bigamist. * OH o f G la d n e ss Is u pleasant, palatable preparation, en­ tirely free from all oily taste, and may be administered internally or applied externally. I t will remove all pain that “human flesh is heir to,” if prop­ erly applied, and might be rightly termed “a panacea for all ills.” Price 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Parker will address you from this Chair next week. “Does ho live in the suburbs, too?” “Oh, dear no; he has but one arm.” “ W hat’s that got to do with it?” “How could lie carry bundles out from the city?”—Chicago Record. F o r th e L u n g s. Elder Alson W. Htecrs writes from Portland, Or.: “There is no medicine for the throat and lungs that I can recommend to ministers, public speak­ ers and singers, with the confidence that I can the 8. B. Cough Cure.” 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all drug­ gists. Goodun—You will never be happy until you get a change of heurt. Badun—Oh my heart is all right; but I think I could be reasonably hap­ py If I could get a change of liver and kidneys. F o r th e K id n e y s . “ I am 65 years old; have had kidney disease and constipation for 25 years. Am now well—used yourS. B. Headache and Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bot­ tles at 50 cents each. J. H. Knight, Rutledge, Or.” For sale by all drug­ gists. "TlieCuban insurgents stole another march on Weyler yesterday." What was that?” “They spilled six barrels of ink out of bis ammunition wugon.’’—Philadel­ phia American. “ Excuse me,” observod tho man in spectacles, “ but I am asurgeon, and that is not where the liver is.” “ Never you mind where his liver is,” retorted the other. “If it was in his big toe or his left ear DeWitt’s Little Early Risers would reach it and shake it for him. On that you can bet your gig-lamps.” A. T. H i l l . The length of life may lie increased by lessening its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. A. T. H i l l . PACIFIC COLLEGE. N e w b e r g , O re . Wanted-ân Idea W ho can think o f gome sim ple thing to patent? Protect y our Idean; th ey may bri_ you wealth. WrIte_JÖHN ». i i.c sw u n WEDDERBDRN n u i/w c n u u n n ft «. CO.. w . , la t e n t Attor­ ney«. W ashington, D. C., for their $1,800 prize offer and list ot tw o hundred Inventions w anted. College Classes, Normal Coarse, Book-keeping, TTORNEY-AT-LAW. CLARENCE BUTT. All the Grammar School Studies, Mu3ic and Art. Prom pt a tte n tio n giv en to all legal business. N e w b erg. O r e g o n . O ff icr —Second Floor Hank of Newbe rg Building. D ENTISTRY. I. L. SCOFIELD. N ew b erg, O regon. Seamless gold crow ns, brid ge work, gold silver a n d bone fillings; a l u m i n u m or ru b b e r plates; te eth e x tra c te d w it h o u t pa iu. Prices reasonable . Pacific Market. A full supply of . . . F R E S H , SA IO K E I) a n d S A L T St udents can e n te r at a n y tim e a n d find classes to suit. An e x c e lle n t hom e for g irls a n d boys is p ro v id ed u u d e r th e care of a c o m p e te n t M atron, fit the low est po ssib le prices. E x c e lle n t board in p riv a te fa m ilie s. M oral an d C h ris tia n in flu en c e s th ro w n ab o u t s tu d e n ts. We co n fid en tly b eliev e th a t su p e rio r a d v an tag e s e au u o t be offered in th e N orthw est. All ex p en se s m oderate. C o rresp o n d en ce a n d visits so licited . F or catalogues a n d in fo rm a tio n , address, P R E S ID E N T P A C IF IC C O LLEG E, N E ÏÏB E K G . O R EG O N . TE8SE EDWARDS, P re s id e n t. N. E. BRITT, V ice P res. B. C. MILES, C ash ie r B A N K OF NEW BERGt F IS H . Consumption nnd bronchitis nre not l>y any means the same, although it is B lit t e r , E g g s , P o u ltr y , P o t a t o e s hard lo distinguish one from the other and G eneral P ro d u ce b ou gh t Bronchitis is an inflammation of the C A P I T A L S T O C K , $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 . a n d S o ld . lining of the wind tubes or air vessels Drop in and Bee what I can do for you. of the lungs, causing soreness of the A . M . M n u r itz e n . same, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, D IR E C T O R S ; difficulty of breathing, spitting of mut­ I ii modern Greece the language of ter and sometimes blood. Thousands flowers Is developed with such detail JE S3E EDWARDS. B. C. MILES, J. C. COLCORD E. II. WOODWARD. dio annually with this dread disease. and is so generally understood that a N. E. BRITT. lover und his sweetheart sometimes Tho Maemillun Company, has the Wilbur’s Cough Cure will cure. Price The Salem hotels have never rnnked cury an ideal correspondence by menos very high in tho estimation of the thanks of this office for two new text 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists. of dusters of loose blossoms. traveling public and just now they are books, "Longer English Poems” and C ertificates of d e p o sit issu ed payable on d em an d . E x c h a n g e b o u g h t an d sold. Good note* receiving some attention from the “ Introduction to Public Finance.” d isco u n ted . D eposits receiv ed su b jec t to check a t sig h t, a n d a g e n eral b a n k in g busiueas T Iis F e b r u a r y N u m b er . C u r e« C r o u p . tra n sa c te d . C ollections m ade < n i l l accessib le p o in ts in th e U nited States an d C anada. press. Tho East Oregonian says, “a Tho later is of especial interest at this C O R R E S P O N D E N T S —Ladd & T ilton, P o rtla n d ; N atio n al P a rk B ank, New York. livery stable is a charming place com­ time. It contains a simple outline of The February cumber of The Deline­ “ My three children arc all subject to S tran g ers v is itin g th e c ity are in v ite d to c all at th e b a n k for in fo rm a tio n c o n c e rn in g th e city pared with one of them.” those things which are necessary to pre­ ator is called tho mid winter nrtuber, croup; I telegraphed to Han Francisco, C o rresp o n d en ce in v ite d . pare the student for independent re­ and its artistic colored plates in litho­ got a half dozen bottles of S. B. Cough AN UNPAR A LLELED O FFE R . search ; a brief discussion of the leading graph, half-tone and oleograph effects Cure. It is a perfect remedy. God A child in Rochester New York, swal­ principles that are generally accepted ; a embody the latest Ideas In winter dress bless you for it. Yours, etc., J. H. D e m o r e s t 's C ut P a p e r P a t t e r n s arc the ost p ra c tic a l on th e m a rk e t. T hey a re of any lowed a penny and very soon after the statement of unsettled principles with modes, fabrics and millinery. One of Crozicr, Grants Pass, Or. 50 cents per size th a t any m e m b e r of a h o usehold could re qu ire . In each coDy of th e Magaziue is p r i n t ­ coin was exactly located in the ¡esop­ the grounds for controversy; and suffi­ the most valuuble articles which lias bottle. For sale by all druggists. ed a c oupon e n ti tl in g th e s ub sc rib er, or p u r ­ hagus by the X ray and removed with­ cient references to easily accessible ever appeared in the Sterling magazine ch as er, to a pa tte rn (w orth ar.d regularly sold for 35c.), or a n y n u m b e r of pa tte rn s for four “ My good mau, you shouid’nt be cent out difficulty. See what science has works and resources to enable the introduces a writer new to its pages, s e ac h to cover pa ckage a n d postage. done. Without tho X ray this penny student to form some opinion for him- Nora Archibald Smith—a sister of sleeping out doors like this,” said the W hen th e va lue of th e p a tt e rn s is co nsi dere d O ne of the s u b s c rib e r act ually gets would no doubt have been forever lost. self. Koto Douglas Wiggin—whose paper ou belated citizen. ‘.None o’yer clatter, now, or I ’ll take the study of children shouhl lie read by th e p rim e everyone who accepts responsibility yor iu.” And w h a t a M agazine it Is! F o r 1897 it w ill be Oregon is loaded down to the guards The power of dicernment recently de­ “Beg your pardon. I hnd no idea m ore b rillia n t th a u e v e r before. New m a n a g e ­ for their proper development. Dr. with State schools. One normal school veloped by the new mayor of Oregon m ent, new m ethods, new ideas. E ach copy Grace l’eckham Murray to talk on that you were a policeman.” c o n ta in s an e x q u isite re p ro d u c tio n in colors of nnd an agricultural college, nsido from City is something quite remarkable. som e c ele b ra te d p ic tu re by a fam ous a rtist, hculth and beauty so auspiciously be­ w orthy to a d o rn th e w alls of th e m ost refined the Reform school und the school for He lias issued an order prohibiting the The old way of delivering messages by hom e. It is affirm ed th a t I> ein ore«t’« is the R ID E R S O F gun In the January number. Tliemel- the blind and mutes, ure all the state use ot nickle-in-tbe-slot machines where co m p le te F am ily M agazine p u b lish e d len Idolatry, »short story of New En­ post-boys compared with tlie modern o co nly m b in in g all th e m ost e x ce lle n t p o iu ts of its 1 schools the people ought to be taxed to casli is paid, hut allows the machines to rie s, b esid es h a v in g in im ita b le gland people, is the work of Sarah Cleg- telephone, illustrates the old tedious c fe o a n tu te re m s p o of ra its ow n. I»«‘m o r e » t’* is actually suppport. remain where tho owners pay to their liorn, a young writer of brilliant prom­ methods of "breaking” colds compared a D o z e n M a g a zin e « in one. a D ig e s t o f C u r r e n t E v e n t« and patrons cigars and other articles. The ise. In discussing social life in New w ith the almost instaneous cure by One I d It e a is s for th e busy m an or w oraau, a R e v ie w an d a S t o r e h o u s e o f I n t e r e s t fo r a ll. Coos and Jackson counties are also Enterprise suggests that “ If playing York, Mary Cadwaluder Jones is, of Minute Cough Cure. A. T. H ill . W ives, m others, siste rs an d d a u g h te rs can find e x ac tly w h at th e y need to am use and in s tru c t coming to the front with county divi­ against a muchiuo for money is gamb­ course, at her brightest and best. —the go-ligbtly kind — em , also p ractical helps in ev ery d e p a rtm e n t Woman (who has been turning over th sion propositions. So many of the coun­ ling, it is hard to see wherein playing Carolyn Halstead explains the wonder­ of d om estic and social life, in c lu d in g th e fu r­ ish in g and o rn a m e n tin g of th e home, e m ­ is t h e ties in Oregon are large enough to luiuc for cigars or something else which repre­ ful growth of stute federations of wo­ shawls for half an hour)—Well, I don’t n broidery. b rie a-brac, a rtis tic an d fancy work a fair sized stub that each session of tho sents money, is not a game of chance men's clubs. Lucia M. liobbins details cure to buy today. I ’m Just looking of all k in d s, etc., etc., and suggestions an d a d ­ vice re g a rd in g th e w ell-being an d d re ssin g of legislature for several years to come is as well. Most people bold that all niek- a novel idea 111 entertainments, nnd for a friend. th e ir ow n persons. The scope of th e a rtic le s for 18% a n d 1897 w ill Clerk (politely)—Don’t think you'll le-in-the slot machines are but kinder­ there Is a paper of relative Interest on 1 likely to have theao division squabbles c o v er the w hole c o u n try an d its v a rie d in te r­ garten appliances in the school of gam­ church fairs and fancy bazaars. Maud Ibid your friend among the shawls. 1 ests. and th e a rtic le s w ill be p r o fu s e ly illu « - to wrestle with. d w ith th e fin e s t e n g r a v in g * , and, in t h a t c a n b e o b ta in e d w ith little e x e rtio n . bling, whether tho chance taken is for C. Murray Miller contributes her sec­ We’ve looked them ull through.—New a tr d a d te itio n , it w ill p u b lish th e b e st an d p u r e s t fic tio n . It tre a ts a t length O u t -o f- d o o r s coin, cigars or candy, and the discrimi­ ond paper on tbe Debutante. Emma York Tribune. S p o rt« , H o m e A m u s e m e n ts an d E n te r ­ Buffalo imports natural gas from Can­ nating difference of our mayor is open to Haywood continues her series of pupers ta in m e n ts ; it gives a g re a t deal of a tte n tio n to They are so firmly put together that tho C h ild ren *« D e p a r tm e n t, and "O irr ada, nnd the question has arisen wheth­ criticism.” on cccleslast icle embroidery, and also Scalv eruptions on the heaJ, chappcil G irl*,*’ and has a M o n th ly H pm poaitim by er the gas is a raw or manufactured C e le b r a te d 1’e o p le , in w hich are d is c u s ic d machine and rider seem as one. Get bands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, I illustrates the use of cornatiou cor.l in im p o rta n t q u e stio n s of th e h o u r of in te re s t to article, subject to a duty of 10 per cent, fancy work, book reviews, tea table burns are quickly cures by PeW itts! the o ld e r readers. on an Imperial ami try it. Send for or a mineral entitled to enter free. Be­ The report that a “ Western man" will chat, seasonable cookery, knitting, tat­ Witch Hazel Salve. It is at present the I Let us have yo u r s u b sc rip tio n a t once. You m ore valu e for y o u r m oney than it is pos­ ’96 catalogue. fore this question is setllod a good deal be Secretary of the Treasury is not going ting, crocheting,ate., ure of accustom­ article most used for piles, and it always get sible to sec u re in any o th e r m agaziue. T h e M a g a z in e o n e y e a r fo r 9 5 OO, of international gas is likely to bo un­ to disturb anybody in the East or any­ ed excellence. cures them. A. T. H il l . f ir s ix m o o ts fo r - - 1 OO where else. More Westerners than corked on liotli sides of the line. (O v e r ' 4 3 0 d iffe r e n t g a r m e n t« a r e s h o w n Easterners have lieen at the bead of the e a e h y e a r , p a t te r n s o f a ll o f w h ic h a r e "Did you read the article published t a in a b le by s u b s c r ib e r * a t 4 c . e a c h t) The St. Louis Globe Democrat—Semi about you?’’ remarked an ac»iuuiututice o S b a m Treasury in the past thirty or forty p le c o p y (w it h p a t te r n c o u p o n ! sen . The homo of Mrs. Leas»' at Wichita, years. Among tlie former were Chase Weekly—Tuesday and Friday—Eight for 10c. Kans is of which there has lieen so modi and Sherman, men who stand with pages eaeh lasue—Sixteen Rages every to the unscrupulous politician. "No have they been slandering me, said in tho papers recently, was sold the 1 Hamilton und Gallatin, as the four great­ week—only ono dollar a year, is un­ IIO F if t h A v e n u e , N ew Y ork- other day at sheriff's sale for |6»X) to est Finance Ministers whom tho coun­ questionably the biggest, best anti os usual?” “ I »loot know whether they have J the man that lidd the mortgage. The try has ever had. McCulloch and Win- cheapest national news journal pub­ A L ib e r a l O ile r . O n ly 9 3 . 0 0 fo r sheriff profaeod the reading of the dom.two other men from the Mississippi lished in the United States. Strictly ikuidered you or not; but it looks as if they had »lone their best.” The N ew berg G raphic sale notice witli an appeal to local pride Valley who have managed tlie money reputiliean In polities, It still gives all am i to biff well up on tlie property and thus dc|iurtmcnt of the Government, have the news, and gives it at least three Soothing, and hot irritating, strength­ D o n io r e a t’s F a m ily M a g a z in e . save it from falling into the bauds of given general satisfaction to the country. days earlier than it can lie had from foreigners, but without avail. None of Just as good men for the (Hist of Treas­ any weekly paper published anywhere. ening. and not weakening, small but S end Y o u r S u b s c r i p t i o n s to t h is Office. the Lease family were at the sale. ury chief can lie found on this siilo of It la Indispensable to the farmer, mer­ effective—such are the qualities of De- the Alleghenies as resale anywhere on chant or professional man who desires Witt’s Little Fatly Risers, the famous little pills. A. T. H ill . so visas* Joseph B. McCullagh, tho recently tlie Atlantic aeutioard, as, ol course, to keep promptly anil thoroughly pnu ■ X P IR IK N C I. everybody knows.—Glolie IVmtierat. ted, but lias not the time to read a decease I editor of the St. Louis Globe "Isn 't it o«ld,” asked Squililig, “ that large dally paper; while its great var­ Democrat, expresssd the following sen­ what I cat shout»! go to uiy stomach, iety of well selected reading matter sible statement: Next to Christmas \ M O K I * A i m i T T D K I I .% N K F A 11.- makes it invaluable as a home and while what I ffrink goes to my head?” VIIK*. day, the mast pleasant annual epoch in "Ye*,” replied McSwilligln, "1: is existence i* the advent of the New Year. Il h easy lo atlaoh m ore .Igniticonce family paper. Remember the price on­ very strange that anything should go ly one dollar a yrnr. Sample copies t r a d ì m a r k s * There is a larcl.ryniose set of people who lo th e batik w recks in Chicago, St Raul, to your stomach while your head is *o D ISIO N S* . usher iu tho New Year with watching Minilo «polis an d West S uperbir, W la., free. empty !*'—l’ittsburg Chronicle-Tele: C O PY RIG H T S Ac. Address, G um ik P r in t in g C o , AtiT 'ffi «ending * «ketch und description may and fa-ting, as if they were Lmnd to at­ Unni th è Iurta of th r aitu atio n w arrant, graph. quieti* Ascertain, fren, whether an invention »* U . L o u is , Mo. probable ratentabl*. I'omrauiMrattnn* strictly tend as chief mourners at tlie obsequies l'ho wreok of Ilio Urei a n d th è largcst ' • confident ivi. Oldest agency for «court ng patent* We h*ve * Washington office._ of ihe old one. Now, we can not but o f Illese In stitiitlons, th è Illinois Na­ Many politieal speakers, clergymen, In P America. a te n t« ta k en th ro u g h M ulo ft Co. racetva think it a great deal more complimen­ tional, waa due lo rasra llty a n d Incora- To cure all ol«l sores, to heal an indo­ singers and others who use the voice •p ec tal n o tice in th e tary, both to the oi l year that has roll­ petency in about cqnal parta, nnd sev- lent nlivr, or to speedily cure piles, you excessively, rely upon One Minute SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Mrs. H. F. Lashier, who has been Will Vestal has rente \ a part of hie tlln * t r a te d , la r g e s t c ir c u la tio n o f ed away and to the New Year that is ernl of th è o th er falliirc* a rre hro n g h t nm l simply apply DcIVttt’g Witch ll.i- Uongli (.’lire to prevent huskiness and b i n e a t u -H tif ” e u n lly title !->uru*l. w e e k ly , t e r m s $Ä.fiO a r e a r ; fathcrinlaw's farm up near Wheatland, suffering from a woun led hip for severs! u i 'ii t h a . b p e c lu te n cv p ie* a n d L L a> u just beginning to dawn upon us, to see ahont by Ib is onc. E lth e r o f illese tol •'kilvs ¡according to direction*. Its laryngitis. It* value as a preventive B o o s t o n l*ATKXT« « e u t f re e . A d d re s s months, »vvaeione 1 bv a fall, wa* taken the old fellow ■ ' and the new one in c u - < migli» brlng a n y sort of busi­ nugk'-likc influence will surprise you. is only e»]ualcd hy It* power to allbnl and has move»l up there to begin work to MUNN A C O .. a Portlaml hospital last week for ness In Jl«n«|er rv en ili th è 'i»wt of* v,-Ph eivetv a - l glee. j with the early I ird in the spring. X T. Hu t. Instantaneous relief. A T llill. treatment. Before Subscritos for a Magazine SEE TH E BEST, D E M O R E S T ’S DEMOREST’S MAGAZINE FREE Great Speed AMES & FROST COMPANY, CHICAGO. ILL. DEMCREST PUBLISHING CO. P atents