t TE AU E R T O LE D O -TIM E CARD. S' Makes tri-w eekly trips betw een Dayton and Portland. Leaves Dayton at 7:;« a. m. on Mon* daya. W ednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Port- laud at 10:30 a. m. ou Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays. Cm a K. C O .-T IM E CARD. CO.—TIME Steamer “ Wm. M Iloag” w ill leave Yam hill Street Dock for W illam ette R iver poiuts at 6:30 a. m. ou Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays connecting: with the steam er ‘•Albany” at Sa lexn for poiuts south. E dw in S tone . J. C. M a y o , Manager flup’t R iv er Division. O T E A M E R 8 ALTONA AND KAMONIA. • (G oing south, read d o w n ; north, u p .) DAILY BOATS. 6:15 a, m .......LV. Portland a b ........... p. m. 2:40 8:15 ................ O regou C ity ..................... 12:30 1 1 :4 0 ........................ N ew berg..................a. m. 10:40 4:30 p . m . ..............Salem ........................ 7:45 7 :0 0 ........... a r . In d ep en d en ce Lv.................. 6:30 SUNDAYS. »:00a. m ............ l v . Portland a b . p. m. 3:30 1.30 p .m .............. N ew berg.........................12 30 6:30 .......................... Salem .................... a. m. 10:15 3 30 ............ ah . Ind ep end ence lv ........... 9 00 £ g p Free hack meets boat at Newberg. R. A N. C O .-T IM E CARD. Ste'amer Elm ore leaves Portland Sundays and Thursdays at 6 a. in. Returning leaves Salem Tuesdays aud Saturdays at 6 a m. Steamer M odoc leaves Portland Mondays, W ednesdays and Fridays at 7 a. in., returning th e follow in g days. Pass Newberg on the d ow n trip at 6:20 a. m. O liver A C olcord ageuts for railway lines. OREGONIAN R AILW A Y DIVISION Trains a rrive at N ewberg as follow s: North. South. 7:5.1a. m. *12:80 p. m. 12:30p. m. 0:ttop. m. ♦Every other day. 9 . Passenger and Freight Rates to all points, ob tained from C. H. FR1SSELL. ca n be A gent Newberg. P. FISHER. N ewspaper A dvertising Agent, |J 21 M erchant’s E xchange, San Francisco, Vs our authorized agent, This paper is kept on file in his ottice. Local Events. The Graphic and the Oregonian (or $ 2 . 00 . Jesse Edwards was in McMinnville on business Wednesday. Mrs. Rogers visited with Mrs. Wm. Yergen in Marion county last week. Tom Duncan and family have joined the innumerable company of coasters. Miss Twink Graham visited in town with her mother, Mrs. Uutan, last Sun­ day. J. C. Smock of Sherwood passed through town on Wednesday, headed fer the seaside, • Van L ea v i» arrived home from Baker City Tuesday, where he has been work­ ing for some time. Miss Lora Reece visited with Miss Ona David on Chehalem mountain a day or two this week. J . M. Tice, Norris and Bert Tibodo and Fred McDonald left for Little Nes- tucca Wednesday. The Hoosier pharmacy must not be taken ior a barber shop, if the proprietor and clerk do wear white coats. Good music, good ice cream and a gen­ eral good time on the lawn at Friends church tonight. The proceeds go to the missionary cause. Mr. and Mrs. E. W . Evans have lo­ cated for the present at Dayton. The citizens of our neighboring city gain two good citizens in the move. Leonard Myers has moved his barber shop around on First street where it joins Dr. Littlefield’s office on the west. Frank Mills did the moving. Prof. Edwin Morrison went to Astoria the first of the week to take a course at the summer school at Gearhart Park. He will probably be gone about a month. J. L. and C. E. Hoskins, with their daughters Anna and Joyce, went up to Meadow Lake last Friday on a fishing trip. The “ men folks” were intending to tramp it down the river on the other ., , .. _____ . •____ side of the mountains some eighteen miles to the settlement, fishing as Mrs Elizabeth B. Miles aud the tw o Wm. Kincaid of Springbrook was in town Wednesday making arrangements Indian girls w ho are visiting with Mrs. j Bowerman went to Salem Tuesday. to take his family to the coast. It is rather frigid weather when New­ Bert Weesner and family and Jesse j berg doesn't have one or two ice cream Hobson’s children left here for an out­ suppers a week for revenue only. ing at Little Nestucca Tuesday morning. Dr. Rickard, the Sherwood physician, Mrs. Roller, wife of George Roller, who drove into town behind his spanking who had been sick for some time dies! team of trotters Tuesday evening. last Saturday and was buried on Sunday. The next meeting of the county horti­ Sam. Terrel and Lum Haworth are up cultural society will he held at Newberg the river with their teams helping Sep. 8, when agood program is promised. OUR Awarded Manors— World’s Fair, PRICES Gold .Medal, M idw inter F it . TELL THE STO R Y • •% Goods are Sold Lower Than Ever. 'D R * iin r m r T M ,«, 7 spools for - CREAM - - IrytaMtiir, Pa It** Standard Brands, Beautiful Stylos bimCCl uf 4c., 5c., 5'^c. and 6c. G d d M , 1t o Be«s, Apron Cnecks, 20 yards for SLO O ,n '* Before, 10c. and 11c. Now, 7c. and 8c. UUlrdtigS; 3i2JlkStSl At almost your own price. & » . Best White, 35B> for - Syrilpj Most Terfect Made. 4 o Years the Standard. » im ,« * » * TVestery Refinery, 17B> for ■•** - Good, per gallon, Didar Vinegar SLO O ÜSCt 15a 1 h e N ew H o o k S p o o n F r e e t o A ll - ROOTS AND SHOES I rend iu the Christian Standard that Miss A. A large and well assorted stock of NEW GOODS JEST IN, at prices a l S p a u ld i n g ’ s m e n w it h t h e b ig l o g d r i v e . M. Fritz, statiou a ., at. Louis. Mo., would give ■ n .- L X X - r low as the lowest, here or Portland, j nti elegant plated hook spoon to anyone send* ¡ U V / V / A O Mrs. E . Sease of Dayton visited in Mr and Mr« nol ana on.l ineir thoir foum ing her ten so »cent stamps. I seut for oue aud * ir. anu ^irs. Harrv n ai ry W woou j useful that I showed it to my i In this line we have some special bargains that will last for some time. town with her daughters Mrs. Grimes from Dover near Eagle Creek, friends, and made $13.00iu tw o hours, takiug and Mrs. Spaulding last Monday and two . boys . . . . , . . .. ., orders for the spoon. T he hook spoon is a are in town v is it in g his mother Mrs. C. household necessity. It cannot slip iuto the Tuesday. Ward ! dish or cook in g vessel, being held iu the place Y o u r s fo r b u s in e s s , I M I O I E L I R i I S &c " M I I I L j I E S - 4 * by a hook ou the back. The spoon is some- Mrs. J. T. Smith made a business trip o, . . , , . . ,. . ' thing that housekeepers have needed ever Lee b tan ley is clerking in Morris iv Kiuce spoons were first invented. A nyone can to Falls City in Polk county the first of ill-« ’ s to r e in t h e fthaenee o f F * I t e r I set a sam ple s p o t» by semlinz ten the week for her sister who formerly M am ts store, in m e ansence 01 r . A. .nor- iUmp, to j/|lg ritta. This is 4 .pleudtd sent *«y ris who is off on a trip to Mount Hood to make m oney around hom e. lived at that place. J,‘ annette S. Very truly, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy cures this week. 3- Vows* F a c e colds, croup and whooping cough. Pt is President New lln will prcaJh at the Jim Hilton, one o f the Hilton broth- pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by Unlon Church west of Wheatland next l’r8 wll° worked n hop yard across the A. T. Hill, druggist. Sunday, where a basket, meeting is 10 r^ver )*sl season, is iu a fair way to be­ | *’°nie fatuous at the expense o f some o f If you meet a man who reminds you lie held. the river men who have been racing on of the picture of “ Billy Bryan, the boy Charley Smith was in town Wednes­ orator of the Ptatte,” it is J. C. McCrea, day collecting camp stools and other the Widumette. Jim has been riding on the bouts that have been engaged in minus his whiskers. necessary camp equipage for an outing tills pastime and has informed the Ham Hutchins of Dayton has been de­ with his family at the coast. They will Still holds forth with everything In Its line authorities at Portland that more livering some very fine timothy hay in probably leave today. that the trade calls for. Come and see and steam has been carried in many instan­ you may buy or not, its you please. town this week which he harvested on Ham Hutchins of Dayton prairie has ces than the steamers are licensed for. his place east of town. rented the cottage west of Frank Had­ S 01110 o f the captains have been urrest- Parties wanting buildings moved or ley’s for the winter. They will move cd and more arrests will probably follow. Prices cheerfully given. A t your service. raised will do well to call on Tice & Tib­ hero in the fall and send one or more of I 11 case o f conviction, half the fine, odo who are prepared to do such work their children to college. Glad to see which may amount to several hundred W ill b a w r e a th e d with a m o s t e n g a g in g and guarantee satisfaction. 7-17t2 dollars in euch case, goes to the infor­ good citizens coming in. sm ile* a f t e r y o u Invest In a Mrs. Fannie Liter will leave here on mer, so it looks like Jim was not in it Mr and Mrs. J II. Hussey o f Sacru- Saturday for a few days’ visit in Portland altogether on uccount of a burning de­ mento, California arrived here on W ed­ after which she will leave for her former sire to save the lives o f passengers. nesday and are visiiin gat John Hash’s. home near Columbus, Kansas. Mrs. Hussey and Mrs. Hash are cousins. A C lianoe t o M a k e M o n e y , CQUIPPLD WITH IT0 HIV# Pass the good word along the line. Mr. Hussey works in the Southern Pa­ I have berries, grapes aud peaches, a Piles can be quickly cured without any cific car shops at Sacramento. PINCH TENSION, ALW AYS GO TO year old, fresh ns when picked. I use operation by simply applynig DeW itt’s T EN SIO N INDICATOR the California Cold process, do not heat Miles and Spaulding took the furni­ Witch Hazel Salve. A. T. Hill. — AND— ture out of the steamer Grey Eagle last or seal the fruit, just put it up cold, The Ornduff boys, who are operating week and stored it away, after which keeps perfectly fresh, and costs almost AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, a saw mill over on the north side of Che­ the little steamer was turned over to the nothing; can put up a bushel in ten he most complete and useful devices ever halem mountain, say they are finding added to any sewing machine. Oregon City Transportation company minutes. Last week 1 Bold directions For everyth in « In the grocery line. Yon w ill Always find on my shelves a U rge and well selected ready sale for all the lumber they can stock o f Staple and Fancy G roceries. W oodenwaro. C rockery, Stoneware, Glassware, under lease during the season of low to over 120 families; anyone will pay a cut. T h o W H I T E Is Lamps, Flower Pots, etc. E verythin« sold at low est livin g p rice for cash. dollar for directions, when they see the water. W Z E L T J I T C T A -I R S .A S P E C I A L T Y . Hugh Nelson w>as in town Tuesday T beautiful samples o f fruit. As there Curably and Handsomely Built, Country p rod u co taken goods, ken in exchange for goods. A fair investigation o f my goods and prices lz future and until lurthar notice 1 , . fresh from the harvest field. He says ,, In the all I a»k. " ................... GoodB d elivered to all part« o f the city, aud to tho boat lauding. . ,, ,, ,, are manv people poor like myself, I Of Fine Finish and Perfect Adjustment, steamer “ Win. M. H oag” will , pitching hay is pretty tough work this the , ■ in . . 1 1 i> .1 , consider it my dutv to give iny ex ­ Sewa ALL Sewsble Articles, the Yamhill street dock, Portland, , f * ,b \ hot weather but he gets there just the leave ................... . , , perience 10 such, and feel confident any for Wilamette river points at 0 a.m. on 1 , , , . , f A:.d will serve and please you up to the full same. P R E P A R A T I O N S F O I L t , , one can make one or two hundred Uol- limit of your expectations. Tuesdsys, Thursdays and Saturdays, , , , , , . , ... W . F. Young of Wilsonville, with ,, , lars round home in a few days. 1 will A ctive D ealers W anted in unoccu­ connecting with steamer “ A lbany” fori whom the writer shared a bed in Chi­ points south. mail sample of fruit and complete dl- pied territory. Liberal terms. Address, cago one night during the crowded, clos­ F ‘ lections, to any o f your readers, for Prof. Elmer E. Washburn, who is eighteen two ceiit stamps, which is 011 - ing days of the Worlds Eair, was a pleas­ WHITE SEWING MACHINE DU, quite well and favorably known here has : |y the actual cost of the suuiples, post- ant caller Tuesday. CLEVELAND. O . Charley and Alf Moore arrived home secured the principalship of the north I age, etc., to me. Frances Casey, Ft, Louis, Mo. from Big Nestucca last week, bringing public school in Ashland, Douglas coun­ 7-24113 with them a big box of clams, all of ty, for the coming year. Elmer, as he A g e n t , M c M in n v ille , O r. bitual Criminal la which went off like “ hot cakes” as soon is faqailiary know n here, is a thorough wifo inis ah \vfio has been con student and lie will without doubt givo Connecticut^ rnuV as they reached Newberg. O f N ov om be r 3 are alread y wel l under wa y. A n e w the patrons of this school good work in victed of a crime three times shall, at Who can think Monday evening’s train was two hours o f ionie simple the class room. May succeess attend the expiration of his third sentence, be thing to patent? late on account of a delay caused by the deemed incorrigible, and may be de­ Protect your Idea«; they may bi P r e s id e n t o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s his efforts. Write JOHN WCDDEKBURN ft OO.. Patent Attor­ Oswego local running into a dirt train. tained in prison for twenty.-livo years. neys. Washington, D. C.. for their $i,6u> prize offer and list o f tw o hundred Inventions wanted. The steamer Altona leaves Portland Little damage was done with the excep­ la to be Kledflil and the The first application of the law has been tion of jaming up the smoke stack on daily now at the usual hour, makes the made in the case of George A. Minor, run to Mission where freight and pass­ the local’s engine. who is now detained in tire Wethers­ ‘i ’I**.’‘•Iv.* Walter Kirk says his pair of bronze engers are transféré 1 to the Grey Eagle field Prison. will, as always, Iw found in th« thickest or the fight, battling vigoro­ and then makes the return trip to Port­ turkey hens which he shipped out from usly for N o iiim I B u s i n e s s P r i u c l p l e s , which will bring P r o s ­ land. The Romona is undergoing a A L I « N a llc .l. the east last spring have laid 97 eggs and p e r i t y t o t lio N a t i o n . Consumption and bronchitis are not beside the eggs sold he has raised 40 thorough overhauling at Portland to be T h o N e w Y o r n W e e k l y T r i b u n e is not only the leading young turkeys. He is highly pleased ready for the fall and winter run. The by any means the (same, although it is Republican paper of tho country, but is p r e - e m i n e n t l y a O. C. T. Co. is on the river for business hard to distinguish one from the other with his purchase. N o tio n a l F a m ily N e w sp a p e r . Its campuign news aud discussions will interest every American Frank Vestal has bought a half inter­ and the j>eople appreciate the service. ! Bronchitis is an inflammation o f the The teaching force iu the Newberg lining o f tho wind tubes or nir vessels citizen. est in a barber shop at McMinnville and A ll news of the day, foreign correspondence, agricultural depart- is now flourishing scissors and razor j public school from principal down will . ° f the lungs, causing soreness o f the I h a v e f i t t e d tip a . merit, market reports, short stories complete in each number, comic in that city. A young man from Mc­ be the same as last year, all the old same, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, r o o m In th e C le m ­ pictures, fashion plates will) elaborate descriptions, and a variety of Minnville named Savage is running the teachers having been em ployed for the difficulty o f breathlug, spitting o f mat­ m ons L iv e r y I t iir n com ing year. The action o f the school ter and sometimes blood. Thousands items, make up a n l« lc a l F a m i l y P a p e r . home shop for Frank. w h ere I a m p rep are«! t o tit» C it r r h iffu m ill Th# Oregon Agriculturist, a semi­ board is to be commended as the teach- ()*e annually with this dread disease, B uggy P a l u t i n i r In monthly journal devoted to the interests ers have all given good satisfaction and Wilbur’s Cough Cure will cure Price Wo Funish THE GRAPHIC) and the NEW YORK WEEKLY T R IB U N E , both f i r s t -e l n s s s t y l e . W ill of the farmers, stock raisers and fruit the patrons o f the school will no doubt I 50 cent8 For 8»le by all Druggists. “ "“7* 7 a ls o v a r n is h a n ti s t a in growers of the northwest will he fur­ be pleased to hear that no chang s are to be made The reaso" kissing ¡s 80 pleasant, fu r n itu r e . B ed rock nished with the Graphic for $1.50 for suys an osculatory expert of scientific C A S H IN A D V A N C E . P r ic e s . F . 1 IA N N A . both papers for one year. A. P. Clayton o f ( ’entra in, Washing- tendencies, is because the teeth, jaw A ddress all orders to The statement made many years ago ton, has been in town during the week bones and lips are full o f nerves, and that “ man cannot live by bread alone” in tlie interest o f the Little Sampson when the lips o f p-rsons meet an elec- is as true as it ever was—he must have a stump puller, a machine o f his ow n in- trie current is generated.—Yonker’s "W rite your name and address on a postal card, send It to Oeo. W. nest, T ribune llulldtng. New York C lt», and a sam ple cop y o f TIIE NEW YORK W EEKLY nice juicy steak or a roast of meat to go vention which seems to recommend it- ! Magazine. TKIIICNK w ill bu m ailed to you. with it. Stanley & Cooper are always self on sight to those who have stumps : Yes, and it is so confounded cheap, ready to furnish their customers with j to pull. He bus sold the right for Yam- You d on ’ t have to have a dynamo raa- the best of fresh and smoked meats. hill county to Henry Clemmens and chine, nor a battery iu the house nor a Mrs. Jane H. Blair received a tele­ Herbert Tow nsend On Mr. Clayton’s call box, nor a button to touch to ring in gram from Whittier, California {^¡t -----. ! arrival . .. town he was much surprised up the central office aud there is no T 'y,I . at meeting Frank Iiantia Mondav, announcing the death of her '*. " " ’ lan unl!u 11 ,,rmpr patent on It, and the poorest persons in JQ F .N T I8T K V . mother, Mrs. Charity Jessup, who was friend, as neither o f them knew where the world can enjoy the electric current ir HONKER H A R D W A R E STORE. J. B. MOUNT, City. W I L S O N ’S SiSifi C CST*A< TOR* l Oft has been rolling in on us during the frozen. E very freezer I* guaranteed to free/«» cream perfectly In one minute. A nyone can past few days it looks like “ Young-man- sell Ice cream and the freezer *clla Itaelf My *l»»ter make* from ten to fifteen dollar* a day. afraid of-his-shadow,” or some other son J K Ca*ey A Co.. 1143 f* Charle* Ht, Ht. Loufa. of the forest was kindling his fires pret- Mo will mail you full particular* free *o you 2 7 0 M o r r is o n S t. CAVEATS, can go to work and make lot* o f m oney any . Estimate* on fluvlng Materials, A c ., furnished ty early this season. THAOS MASKS, where, a* with one freezer, you ran m ik e a PO K TLAN O , OH. O I. a p p U c a U u n OS SICH PATENTS.» hundred gallon* o f cream a d *y. or If you wUh _____ I f*l -----—--------------- - L * - Mary A. COPYRIGHTS, et od th«y w ill talre you on a *alary. r » r the Kidneys. F o r Inform ation and fron Handbook writ« to M L .N X A CO.. » I t o u » I,W a t . N N ew s w roar, r< A I » B ig B a r g a in . “ I am A5 years o ld ; have bad kidney Ciden borono for o m M n , patent, ‘ A ‘ rtHMlro. V J E K T I8 T R Y . i u In T T O R X EY AT LAW. V xktj p a te n t t _ a k e ______, n o u t b y u * i * yupgfcsfnfg d.scase and constipation for 25 years. My rerirlcncü property on corncr o { LL« paon« by a u»/Uoe UwUoa given lr— free < o i charge la ibe Am notrwell—used yourS. B. Headache Tliirl an«l Center »tret-ifl in Newberg. C LA R E N C E B U T T . and Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bot- Two *tory liouw of 9 rooiu«, bern bwrg. Oregon. ties at 50 cents each. J. H. Knight, Prom pt attention given to all le gs! business. and well. Will »eil mt a great burgain. Lanrcat circulation o f any wc\m ScarMcMi gold crow n*, bridge w ork, gold W‘ »rU L Ppl«Dril4ly Iduatrjtcd, Newbrrg. Dreg rilvAr ar. i b o u t filling* : alum inum or ruhh«» O. F. WrotLow, j Rutledge, Or.” For sale by all drug should ba wit. ilLjoat It. qvrieg —’-»ecood Floor p late* , veth evtractcd w ithout pain. I r ic t z i r; gl.50MX month*. Ad« Ç»ry( Fpringbriyok ^r. o i n k A !'« M ’ »crg B u iM irg . IU.UL.UJk, C JOHN A. BECK, National Ore & Reduction Co. “ ' t a W u w f f S S y - S w " EQUIPMENTS OF CALORIC AND CHEMICAL REDUCTION WORKS. A 1 # I. L. SCOFIELD. Al