NEWBERG GRAPHIC HI H M On« Year K IP 1 IU Ì B A T E » .................................... - ... »1 * « U Month* .......................................... Three Month*. .................................... • ih e e r lp tle n P r ic e P a y a b le Ti » tn v o rl NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NE¡WBE RG GRAPHIC. A D V K K T IM I^ IG Oue Column........................Twenty Dollar« H alf Column. .......................... Ten Dollar« Profaeaional Card«. ....................... One Dollar B e « i l « ( H « t l r e a w i l l be l a a e r t e * e l ik e ra te e f T e a re a to p er L l« e . • n i) ta A d ra e e e . Address. OHAruic, Newberg, Oregon. CHURCH NOTICES. VOL. 8. EVENTS OF HIE DAT NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY 21, 18%. A CRUSHING DEFEAT NO. .15. WIPED OUT BY FIRE Atheus, July 22. — Dispatches re­ oeived from Canea state that a panic CtRlfcNDd’ C llU K lH .-S E R V IC E S EVERY X? Suuday at ll a . m ami b p. u. and Thursday occurred there Sunday in the Plantza at 2 P. m . Sabbath aehool «very Suuday *t 9.1b quarter, owing to a fire whioh was mis­ a. m , Monthly meeting at 7 p. m . tfte flrat Tuesday iu each mouth. Quarterly m eeting the Spanish Column Utterly Rout­ taken as a signal for carnage. The Business Portion ot the Town •eeoud Saturday and Sunday in February, Mav, Epitome ot the Telegraphic houses were forthwith barricaded. August aud November. Woman's Foreign Mi« Blouary Society meets third Saturday in each ed by Maceo. •lose M a e . o H ille d . N ew s of the World. British Captain Drury landed boats, of Lone Rock. mouth at 3 p. m Private dispatches from Havana say oarrying armed sailors. Austrian and ________________ R E V. JA8, P. PRICE, Paator. that General Jose Maoeo, the Cuban Russian ships also landed men lu a pt ist c h urcm . — servicer , si n d a y n patriot leader, was shot through the GENERALYNCLAN WAS CAPTURED Canea and Halpppa. The Turks were a . m . and 7:30 P. m . Suuday aehool Sundays TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES TOTAL LOBS 18 NOT YET KNOWN at 10 a . M. Prayer meeting Wednesday eveuiug head aud ins’autly killed during an finally dispersed. The shops were ■t 7:30o clock. RKV. G. F. JEKAKD pastor attack which be led upon the Spanish olosed and nobody daied stay In the RKSHY i'KRI A N CHURCH. — S E R V I C E * forces in Gato H ills The report says G ov ern m en t S o ld ie r, W e re every third Sabbath at 11 a . h . aud 7:80 P. %n In terestin g C ollec tio n o f Item s From A correspondent says that as D ra w n streets. F ew D w . l l l n a « L . t r - A S m a ll B a y W ith e . a i Kvangeiical Church. Sabbath aehool every that Colonel Caratagena, another in­ he passed through the town the dead third bunuay at 10 ▲. m the T w o H e m is p h e re « Presen ted In to a T r a p aud S ired on a P o ck e t F a l l o f M a t c h »« surgent officer, and several members of ___ RKV. WM G A Y Pastor. and wounded were lying about, aud the tn s Condensed F o rm . F rom A l l S ld rl. Started the B lase* Maceo's staff, were killed at the same panlo ocutinued. A number of Cretans 1HR1STIAN CHURCH.— SERVICES EVERY A slight movement in wool is re­ time. J secoud aud fourth Sunday at 10 a . m . and Key West. July 21.— The Spaniards arrived here, making demands to the Arlington, Or., July 20. — Word 7:30 p M____________ _________________________ _ ported in Oregon and Washington. under General Suarea Ynclan have sus­ committee for perfected guns. M jaterl un Poisonings was received here today that the town DVKST 1ST CHURCH.—PRA Y ER M 1CKTING Rioter* are again rampant at th* of Lone Kook waa almost wiped out every Wednesday evening. Sabbath school In Cincinnati an unknown blonde tained a crushing defeat at the bands T o T h e ir O ld R eservation. every Saturday at lu a . m ., services follow iug. Brown Hoisting Works, in Cleveland, roman was found by a Fort Thomas of the insurgents under Atonio Maoeo. yesterday by fire. The whole business Chamberlain. 8. D., July 22. — A Mi KK METHODIST.—PR A Y E R MEETING O ., and serioas trouble is feared. soldier lying unconscious on the ground Not only waa Ynclan's column defeated olause in the Indian appropriation bill portion ot the town went up in smoke, 1 every Thursday at 7:30 p . m . Sabbath school Cincinnati and vioinity have been on a farm,within a f.ew feet of the spot with heavy loss, but it is currently granted permission to the Lower Brule and nothing remains but a few dwell­ e v e r y Su n d a y at 10 a . M. visited by heavy thnnder storms and at where the beheaded body of Pearl reported in Havana th * the Spanish ings in the outskirts of the town. E. C H U R C H -S ER VIC E S EVERY SUNDAY Indians, who prior to July 8, 1890, Lone Kook la on Long Creek, in • at 11 a . M. and 7:30 p. m . Sabbath School several places there is reported loss of lirjan was left by her murderers The general himself wad oaptuic 1 aud is lived south of White river on the at 10 a . m . Kpworth league at 6:30 p. m . Prayer life and property. now held prisoner by Maoeo. The bat­ Near Portsmouth girl was taken to Newport, where it Gilliam oounty. It if twenty-six miles meeting every Thursday evening at 7:H0 o’clock. Rosebud Indian reservation, to return five persons took refnge in a shed, was found she bad either been drugged tle is said to have occurred on July 15, southeast of Condon, the oounty seat; _______ REV. J H WOOD Pastor near Maceo’s stronghold, in Pinar del there and select the allotments of land sixty miles from Arlington, whioh is CIALV a TION ARMY— MEETING AT BAR which was struok by lightning, killing or bad taken poison herself. occuplod by them prior to that date. Rio. For the last two weeks the 0 rack« on Main street as follows: Tuesday all of them. its shipping and express station, and lor soldier converts and recitilts; Wednesday, rebels have been very aggressive, and About 400 of the Lower Brules have thirty-five mile* from Heppner, its E x -G o v e rn o r R ussell D ead pub ic; Friday, holiness, for Christians oiny; Captain-General W eyler has issued •just taken advantage of this olause aud Saturday eve, public; Sunday, all day, com Ex-Governor W illiam E. Russell, of small parties have repeatedly attaoked removed to their former homes. The banking point There is a stage to a decree that all foreigners in the meucing with 7 a . m ., knee d rill; holiness meet the trocha, causing the Spaniards much Arlington and a dally malL The ing ll a . m .; fam ly gathering at 3 p. m . and island are to register in a special book Massachusetts, was found dead iu bed goverument w ill have to pay the Koae- annoyance. grand free aud easy in the eveuiug. Everybody in the government's charge previous to m a fishing camp near Grand Pabos, town waa started in 1870. bud Indians at the rate of (1 per acre w e l ome. Ynolan was ordered to drive back their being justified in appealing to ar­ Ijuebeo. When he passed through Mon­ for all lands settled upon and occupied A FERRY-BOAT SUNK. ticle 7 of the deoree relative to foreign treal on his way to the salmon grounds these detaobed bands of Cubans, and by the Lower Brulea. SOCIETY NOTICES. for this purpose took with him 2,000 in Gaspe, he was in the best of health. citizenship In November, 1894. men. F o a rte e a O re h a n d le -« D ro w n e d nt W a n t « to W e a r the B elt. / OF THE W — NEWBERG CAMP, No. 11» James Harvey Sherman, a famous It is supposed he died of heart disease. C le v e la n d . Maoeo seems to have expeoted suoh a W meets every Monday evening. New York, July 22.—J. H. Hilde­ spy in the war of the rebellion, who He was well known iu publio life, and movement, and arranged to ambush Cleveland, O., July 30.— Several C. T. U.—BUSINESS MEETING T1IE SEC- resided near Charlotteville, Mich,, is took a prominent part in the national brand, the Johannesburg, sportiug man the Spaniards. He stationed a large • oud aud fourth Wednesday iu each dead. Before the war broke out Sher- Democratic convention recently held foroe in a favorable spot, and ordered has arrived in thts city, accompanied lives were lost in an aooident which oc­ mouth. in Chicago. by Denver Ed 8mith. Hildebrand curred about 7:30 tonight on an old I O. O. F.—SESSIONS HELD Oh IH UKSD a V m«D resided in Virignia, where he ac­ his detaohed bands to draw Ynclan into olaims the championship for 8mith, river-bed near the ore dock* of the cumulated a fortune, which was after- X * evenings iu Hank of Newberg building. H a n g e d at F olso m . the trap. The Spaniards followed the saying that he had (1,000 up for over Cleveland & Pittsburg Railroad Com­ A 1*. OF 8.—NEWBERG COUNCIL, NO. wards entirely swept away by the war. John E. Howard was hanged in the insurgent skirmishers inoantiously and a month and nobody would cover it. pany. The ore handlers had just quit « 168, meets every Friday evening iu Masonic Albert Olsen, 85 years of age, an em­ prison corridor at Folsom, Cal., for fell into the ambush. Then the Cnbaus Lari. work foi the day, and were waiting ployee of the Willamette Casket Com­ the murder of Martin DeLanina, in opened fire from all sides, whioh threw 8mith himself declared his ability to ■ defeat anything In the world, Corbett, their tarn to orosa the branoh of the F. A A. M .-M E E TS E V E R Y SATU RDAY pany, of Tacoma, was oaught in the the Spaniards into confusion. Tulare oounty, in June, 1894. Only , night iu C. V. Bank building. ___ _ Fitzsimmons, Jackson, Goddard, river on the flat-bottom ferry-boat machinery, whirled rapidly around the twenty persons besides the prison W hile the Spaniards were thus besot, 8harkey and so on preferred I d that whioh they had provided for this pur­ o. U. W — MEETS E V E R Y TUESDAY EVEN revolving shaft and instantly killed. , lug at 7:30 p. m . in I. O. O. F. Hall. the Cubans charged and completely officials witnessed the exeoution. A pose. When it was about half way The body was horribly mangled, the Howard walked firmly to the scaffold routed their foes. Ynclan made a des­ order. over, the frail oraft was swamped by left leg and right foot being torn off and stood oalm and composed till the perate effort to rally bis demoralized W o m a n A t t e m p t « S u icid e. the wash from a passing steamer, and completely. E A S T AND SO UTH Chicago, July 22. — Because her hus­ it began to sink. The fin t report of drop fell. A slight twitching of the forces, but was surrounded by the Cu­ band abused her, Mrs. Henry Well- the accident plaoed the number of dead I ' A little boy of Marshall, Mioh., hands gave the only evidenoe of agita­ bans and oompelled to surrender. -V IA - when heTdiDg cattle, tied two of his tion. It is said in Havana that the Span­ house attempted to drown herself and at twenty-two, but that proved to have — listers, 4 and 5 years old, and another iards were pursued almost to the four children last evening in the lake been an exaggeration. Fourteen N e w Steam ship L in e. trooha, and lost more than 800 killed at the foot of Twenty-fifth street. Bhe bodies have been taken from the water. little girl with a rope, the end of A St. Paul dispatch says S. Iwanaga, which was attaohed to the Saddle on a and wounded. There were fourteen was intercepted by the police in the act W illiam Bueloy, a well-known press­ pony. The pony ran away, dragging of Tokio, Japan, general manager of ofiBoers among the killed. The Cubans of leading the ohildren into the lake. man, went to the river to see the ex­ the Japanese Mail Steamship Company, -O F T H E - the three girls half a mile. Two of here also say that Maoeo w ill hold citement, fell off an abutment near CO M M ITTED SUICIDE. the girle were killed and the other ’ limited, has jnst signed a contract with Ynolan as a hostage to save the lives of the Detroit boat-landing and was the Great Northern Railway Company prominent insurgent officers who have badly injured. for the establishment of a steamship bocn oaptured by the Spaniards. One B u t F irst J oh n B e c k e r B u rn e d H I« drowned. The colorad people of Cincinnati line between Tokio and Seattle. Thus The river is being dragged for more D w e llin g H ouse. held a memorial meeting in honor of the Great Northern system extends Its of those officers is Capote. If thla bodies. There were many pathetio Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland: Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was in this operations into the far east, and its rebel leader is shot by the Spaniards, it I Roseburg, Or., July 21.— John Beck­ scenes about the morgue while rela­ city that she wrote "U n cle Tom ’s bills of lading are in foroe from Tokio is thought Ynolan will meet the same er, a native of Bavaria, living at Cleve­ tives of the dead men were identifying ARRI V B. ZKOM JUNK 23, 189S. LKAVB. fate at the bands of Maoeo. land, fifteen miles west of Roseburg, them. Cabin," also spending her early life It is believed at 11 o’olook all to Buffalo, N. Y. O v e r la n d E xpress . committed suicide yesterday, after hav­ the bodies have been recovered, though here when her father was president of W h a t M aoeo W a n t«. Salem, Albany, Kw;- ing burned his dwelling-house aud its it is possible one or two vlotima may Lane theologioal seminary. She was ene, Roseb’g. Grant’s A n A m e ric a n H ark A shove. New York, July 21.— The World Pass, Medford. Ash- contents. married in Cincinnati, Professor Stowe be added to the list. Twelve of the •8:10 A. H l land,Sacramento,Og- publishes the following correspondence •8:60 P. M A dispatch from Zanzibar reports He had trouble with his w ife in the fourteen victims leave families who being connected with Lane seminary. den, San Frauclsco* that the Amerioan bark John D. from th - headquarter« of Maceo, Tomas Mojave, Eos Angeles, forenoon, and beat her over the head were dependent upon them. Another bond issue is being spoken Brewer, went ashore at Pangawani. de San >•>». Pinar del Kin, June 361 I El Paso,New Orleans, with a revolver. Hts 16 year old son i.and East................... . of as a result of the heavy gold with­ The government has sent a vessel to the “ T^he want of a lew i*te‘ IgeB and a •4:40 • M . Roseberg wav slatio*) •8:80 A. M The FOR THE PRESIDENT. drawals. tew cannot* . >i -^T,ener,l Antonio took the weapon from him. fV ia Woodburn for assistance of the Brewer. mother and youngest child then went 1 Mt. Angel, Sllverton, Dally Dally Maoeo, "ia at. ,ut makes ov.r govern­ The tobel impi is gathered in battle except < West Bclo, Browns- except S craped F rom the B a n d W a g o n . Sunday ment use nature'rocks instted of briok to a neighbor, half a mile disteut, and B u ild in g Superin tendent W lU o n M ak e« array near Bulawayo, and a fight is vMle, Natron aud Sunday. a 18-year-old son oame to Roseburg to a R ecom m endation. j 1 Springfield............... J The band which accompanies Buffalo and mortar for a White House.” probable. •4:00 r M Salem aud way stations •10:15 a . M have the father arrested. Meantime, The barkentine Eliza MoManemy B ill’s W ild West Show attempted to Washington, July 20.— Colonel J. fi .HU A. M. ,'orvallis A way stations f6:¿0 P. M Asked bow many and wist arms and H AS P. M. McMiuuville A way sta’s, t8:2o a . m . was snnk near Memory Rook, Pa. No drive under a bridge in Massillon, O. ammunition he needs to guarantee to Becker set fire to the house and disap­ M. Wilson, superintendent of govern­ A ll the men were soraped off. Five or win the war in, say two months, be peared. His body was found early this ment buildings and grounds, bus re­ lives were lost. D in in g C a r « on O gden R oute. monring a mile from home, and 500 peatedly recommended the erection of A terrific wind and rain storm in six are reported dead or dying and in­ said: yards from Von Pessel's vineyard. a special office building for the chief Ohio badly damaged crops L igh t­ jured. “ I oonld do it with 20,(00 Reming­ Beoker went to Von Pessel's houae, took executive of the nation, but ooogreaa PULLM AN B U F FE T BLEEPBK8 ning stTuok a number of buildings. ton rifles, samller caliber, 150,000 cart­ F oison ed b y D rin k in g L em o n a d e. a gun and shot himself. He had been has taken no aotlon on them. His an­ ridges, 10 cannon and 100,000 rounds The deadly yellow jack is playing — AND— acting strangely for some time, and nual report just submitted, says: News has been reoeived of the fatal of artillery ammunitions. 1 might do sad havoo with the Spanish army in S E C O N D -C L A S S S L E E P I N G C A R S was evidently insane. poisoning at Santiago, Minn., of a “ I earnestly reoommend that an ap­ It with mnoh less. I would invariably Cuba, and many of the soldiers are dy­ family of nine children, caused by Attached to all through traiua. propriation of (250,000 be made for the attaok the Spaniards and attaok them ing. A n A rk a n sa s T o w n ltn rn «d : drinkiDg lemonade. Theohildren died erection, within the executive mansion after maneuvering their oolnmns into Two cabin-boys of Pomeroy, O , shot Little Rook, Ark., July 21. — Mal­ one after another, and the parents are Through ticket office, 134 Third street, where and killed Peter Whittaker. onl de sacs and I won ii take an im­ vern, Ark., at the junction of the Hot grounds and direotly opposite the treas­ The k ill­ through tickets to all points In the Eastern not expected to live. portant town. The supplies captured Springs railway, was almost entirely ury building, of a granite structure for States, Canada and Europe can be obtained nt ing was the result of rivalry over a lowest rates from J. B K IR K LA N D , there would assist in the oapture of swept out by fire early this morning. the office of the chief executive of the woman. A F a ta l C all o rn la F ire . T ick et Agent. nation. This structure could be con­ More silver is to be coined. The A ll above trains arrive and depart from Grand Fire broke out in the residence of the next one, and so on until I would Malvern was a city of about 6,000 in­ Central station, Fifth and I streets. nected by a wide oorridor with a large San Francisco mint w ill soon resume John Coyle In Fresno, Cal. Coyle be able to storm Havana with its fully habitants, the business portion of the operations and it is said that about was in the house asleep at the time and equipped army of 100,000 men and place being olustered around the rail­ conservatory fitted up as a winter gar­ Y A M H IL L DIVISION. (600,000 w ill be oolned during this was burned to death. road station. A ll this section was de- den, with tropical plants and a foun­ He was a fifty pieoea of artillery. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street. " I n addition to onr 60,000 armod month. atoryed, only three business-bouses re­ tain, statues of eminent Americans; pioneer citizen of Fresno oounty and men, we have fully 20,000 more men maining. The total loss is variously the conservatories oonld open into a Intense heat prevails throughout the possessed of considerable means A irlie mail (tri-weekly). armed with only maohetes and re­ estimated at from (200,000 to (400,- pioture gallery connected by two wide southern portion of Great Britain and T40 a 7 i T| volvers, thus giving ns a probable total 000, only a small portion of whioh is walls, with the east room, and the im ­ F ie n d ish W o m a u H a n g e d . .....N ew berg.... ....Lv. 1 12:30 p. M in Franoe and Germany. In London 6:.t5 P. M -1 Ar.... ..... A irlie......... ....1-V.Í News from Cooburn, V a., says that of 80,000 revolutionists in the field." covered by insurance. The burned provements oonld serve a double pur­ the mercury marked 80 degrees In the pose of relieving the mansion of the Sheridan passenger (dally except Sunday).___ buildings included the railroad depot, shade and 135 in the snn. In Paris Mary Snodgrass was hanged there for terrible crush incident to the evening 4:30 p. m ¡Lv..........Portland........ Ar.j !);: 0 a . m . JAPANESE ENTERPRISE. the murder of a 6-months-old child by two hotels and the bank. The fire waa the heat is so great it has been found 6 05 P. M Lv......... Newberg......... Lv. 7:56 a . m . reoeptions. burning it in a stove. The woman was 7:10 p . M. Ar......... Sheridan........Lv.| 6:20 a . m . necessary to close many workshops. without doubt the result of a plot to " I earnestly hope that aotlon may G re a t C o lo n isatio n and T ra d in g Scheme destroy the town. ♦Daily. fDally except Sunday. The blaze broke out On July 4, the Inmates of the olty 28 years old. The Snodgrass woman be taken at the approaching session of on Foot. R. KOEHLER. Manager. was a disreputable woman and was about midnight, in three different Infirmary in Cincinnati were treated to K. P. ROGERS. Asst. Gen. F. A P. Agt., Port­ Ban Franolsofo, July 21.— Among plaoea, and as there was no apparatus, oongreas toward erecting a suitable land, Or green apples, lemonade and cither lux­ oompelled to leave Plkevllle, Ky., on offioe building for the president of the that aooount. the passenger* on the stsemahip China, the fiie burned itself out. uries. The Inmates drank and ate United States." whioh arrived today from Yokohama, too mnch; sickness followed, and B o n d In v estig ation . WORK AT THE LOCKS. were Sho Nemato and T. Kusakado, eight have since died from the effects Senator Harris, chairman of the sen­ THE YEAR'S IMMIGRATION. prominent Japanese business men, whose of the festivities on that day. ate committee to Investigate thereoent errand is to arrange the details of a A « Soon « « the W a t e r Goea D ow n* O p e r­ bond issues, says he has not yet deter­ Noah MoGill, sheriff of Tishomingo A L a r g e Inoreane In th e N u m b e r of a tio n « W i l l Com m ence. gigantio colonization scheme in Mexi­ oounty, I. T ., reports that three white mined whether the committee w ill A lle n s A r r iv in g . co. They have secured an option on The Dalles, Or., July 21.— The men were found hanging to the limb wait until the fall before going on 300,000 acres of land in the state of (200,000 appropriated in the last river Washington, July 20.— A statement of a tree near Resgan postoffioe, a few with its investigation or w ill oomplete Cheapis, Mexioo, and are on their way and harbor bill for completing the prepared by the commissioner of Immi­ miles from Tishomingo oonnty, Chicka­ its work, frame Its report and make it south to consummate the deal. The canal and locks at the cascades of the gration shows the number of immi­ £. McNEIL, Receiver. saw nation. It is generally believed publio this summer. The last meeting laud la sold to them at t t per aore. Columbia river are now available, and grants who arrived in this country dur­ that they were horsethieves, oaptured adjourned subject to the oall of the The immense tract w ill be cut up into Mr. McDonald, superintendent of ing the fisoal year ending June 80, TO T H E by a party of Texans, and swung up chairman. small farms, which w ll be operated by stonecutters under Day Bros, informed 1896, to have been 848,267, as com­ on the spot The M .t ..o g .r r r v d f i i i ooolie labor brought from Japan. Cot­ a Dalles man who was visiting at the pared with 258,536 during 1896. Of It 1* understood that the secretary of A London dlspatob from Wady ton, sugar, tobacco xnd ' aher products Looks a few days since, that work the whole number, 212,466 were males state has instructed the United States Haifa reports that the m«.seuger who adapted to the climate w ill be raised. would be resumed on the canal, he and 180,881 were females. The ooun GIVES THE CHOICE OF minister at Lima to demand a prompt carried the new« to Khalifa at Om- In addition to the above scheme, Hho thought, about August 1, or as soon as tries from whioh the immigrant« oame settlement of the claim of Victor O. dursn that his army had been defeated Nemato has been commissioned by the the water had receded sufficiently so are given as follows: TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL Maooord, the American oitizen, for al­ at Firket, waa immediately put to Japanese government to investigate the that the canal between the ifyper guard Austria Hungary, 66,108; Italy, 68,- leged brutal and inhuman treatment by death by oruciflxion. R O U T E S Khalifa an­ trade prospects of Mexico and Central gate and the look gate can lie drained 080; RntVa, 62,186; Germany, 81,886; the Peruvian authorities. Mr. Mao- nounced that the same fate would be America. It ia the desire of Japau to of water. United Kingdom, 64,867; all other VL* VIA cord's olalm is for (200,000. It grows impoeed upon any one who mentioned trade directly with the countries south The engineers have determined to oountrlea, 61,446. out of his imprisonment by the Per­ the Firket in his hearing. The whole number debarred and re­ of the United States, as far down as construct walla of solid masonry be­ uvian authorities in 1885, while be Panama, and a steamship line has been tween the upper guard and look gates, turned during the year was 8,088, as was acting superintendent of the rail­ A P ro m in en t L a w y e r D ea d . subsidised to run to porta along the and it is estimated that these walls can follows: Paupers, 2,010; oontraot la­ road at Arequipa. John Cameron Simmonds, formerly Pacific ooast The main port w ill be be completed in two or three months. borers, 776; idiot, I; insane, 1;.dis­ Felix Faure, president of the Frenoh of Chicago, and a member of the bar, Ban Diego, and it ia the intentioo of The construction of these walla w ill be eased, 2. DENVER SPOKANE republio, was fired at from a distance died at the Ward island insane asylum. the Japanese manufacturers to import under the supervision of Day Bros , on Two hundred and thirty-six were re­ of only a few feet by an unknown man, New York. His business interests all their ootton via San Diego instead the basis of their former contract for turned witlhn one year, because of MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA but the bullet fortunately went wide were largely in the West. He waa in ­ of through Ban Francisco and Puget similar work. their having become publio charges AND AND of its mark, and the president escaped terested in mining and railway con­ sound ports as at present A traffic ar­ A foroe of from fifty to sixty men The total number debarred and returned KANSAS CITY unharmed. President Faure had gone struction in California, but did much rangement w ill also probably be made w ill be put on the stone work within in 1896 was 2,506. ST. PAUL to the Champs to review the troops. of hla business in New York, and was with the Tehuantepec railroad, thus two weeks, and the bnlldlng of the B lry e le re c t o ry Burned* He had no sooner entered the field when well-known to Wall-street bankers giving the new steamship aooeas to the walla w ill be pushed to completion Loudon, July 20.— The Humber a man in the crowd stepped forward Mr. Simmonds was an authority on Atlantic ooast LOW BATES TO A L L Then the work of rip-rapping the outer and fired at him. The shot did not criminal law and wrote a great deal This steamship oompsuy has nothing bank on the river side w ill he com­ bicycle works, at Coventry, were burn­ EA8TERN CITIES take effect. The would-be assassin was on that subject His writings on to do with the one shout to be estab­ menced, and it is estimated that six ed today. Four thousand unfinished arrested. He declared that he only fired prison reform have alto made him lished w it') Portland, Or., as the main month* w ill be required to oomplete bioyolea in the faotory were destroyed a blank cartridge. The total low la £80,000. Doted. OCEAN STEAMERS the entire job. port of call. The Prince and Prinoess of Wales in A G ranite M a a .o l.n ia - LEAVE P0RTLAN0 EVERY l 0AYS behalf of the queen gave a garden B ro n a h t t-p W ith t h . T M * . The semt-f fficial Neustenaobricbten, Riparia, Wsah., July 21.— One of New York, July 20.— W illiam A. party at Buckingham palace, in hon­ of Berlin, refers in ironical language ___ FOR----- Vancouver, B. C., July >1. — Word the most oold-blooded murder* In the or of Princess Maud of Wales, who is to Rudloi's speech in which he refer­ Clark, who is known aa the silver king history of this place was committed to be married to Prince Charles of red to the poesibllity of bettering the waa reoeived by the steamer Burt to­ this afternoon by James D Lawrence, of Montana, aud who ia reputed to be Denmark. The staterooms of the palace terms of th* triple alliance. The day that the body of a woman had been a passenger en route from Walla worth more than (20,000,000, baa ac­ were tbroira open to the guests of writer draws attention to the weakness found on the shore of Gambler island Walla to Lewiston, Idaho, Jaoob Mai- cepted an architect's plana for a gran­ ite mausoleum to be erected in Wood- whom there were about 5,000. A m ­ of Italy, which was so oompl.tely For fall detail* call on or eddreee on Howe sound. The body waa dressed quist, an old steamboat man, but who, lawn cemetery at a oust of (100,000. aa bassador Bayard and Chaunoey M. De­ beaten by Abyssinia, and asks what in blue serge and had evidently been for the pest dozen years, baa been con­ W. H. HURLBURT, pew were preeenk she could do against Franoe. The ar­ In the water tome time, as the eyes and ducting the Hteamboat saloon, being a memorial to his wife, who died about Gen’l P m *. Agent, two year* ago in this city. The archi­ The London Poet announoee that ticle declare# that Baraterl'a report on other features were gone. No person the victim. The murderer took to the PORTHFD, O*. tects refuse to describe ths proposed lir a John W. Mackay has been sum- the oomplete rout of the Italian army answering the description lived on the bills, but was followed by a posse and mooed to Rome on sooount of the dan- ** Adowab la perfectly true. Her a l­ island or In that district, and no one captured about two mile* from town. stucture or to g iv . any information re­ OLIVER à COLCORD, AgenU. garding It. illness ai be* father lies should study her bad organisation He w ill be taken to Colfax. has been reported missing. Niwgrao, Onnoow. It is rumored at Astoria that the tug Relief, while on a trip from Astoria to Port Townsend, waa fired upon by some fishermen whose nets the tug had just passed over. B P C A I M W K A The Shasta Route SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. □.RAN EAST GREAT NORTHERN RY. K 41E N i UNION PACIFIC RY. SAN FRANCISCO 1 ▲drertlalng Bill« Collected Monthly4 PORTLAND MARKETS. The wholesale trade at the present time is not very lively. July opened up with a big rush, due a great deal to the Fourth, but within the past week “ fa ir" is about the best report given. The orop damage reports have in a measure contributed to the pre­ vailing quietude in buainesa The salmon pack is pulling up a little. Butter ia still on the up-grade. Ba­ nanas and watermelons are in the mar­ ket in good supply. Cherry shipments have been rather large during the past week. A lew grapes are in the market and bring (2 per crate. Wheat Market. The local wheat market remains un­ changed, as there Is no movement of sufficient importance to oall for any but a nominal price. (Quotations are: W alla Walla, 48 to 50o; Valley, 52 to Sift) per1 bu shel. Produce Market. F lour — Portland, Salem, Caacadis and Dayton, (2.85; Kenton county and White Lily, (2.85; graham, (2.50; su­ perfine, (2 25 per barrel. O a t » —Choice white, 26028c per bush­ el ; choice gray, 24 er sack ; sweets, best, 4 4 0 6 ,4 ° per pouud. U nion *— New, (1 per esc*. P o u ltry —Chickens, mixed. (2 500 3.00. bioilers, (1.600 2 60; geese, (4.60; turkeys, live, 10 011c; ducks, (2.600 3.60 per dozer. Kuos—(Oregon, 12.4015# per dozen. UuKBsR — Oregon, 9c; Lalifo nia 8); Young America, 9c per pound. T ropical F r u it — Oalilornia lemons, (4 5006.00; choice. ( -----; Sicily, (6.50; bananas, (1.7603.00 per bunch; California navelB. (2.6002.75 per box; pineapples, (3.0006 00 per dozen. O bioon V kubtablkb —Gar ic, new, 101 ;>er pound; Oregon peas, 2c; new cab­ bage, j >4 per lb; tomato.s, (125 pir box; stri g beans, E06c per lb; wax, 304c;>erlb: Oregon raJi.lxs, 10c per dozen; cauliflower, 70(u76c per dozen; cucumbers, 16040c per dozen; egg plaut, 150174° per lb; rhutatrb, 1 * 02c E hrsu E buit —California apples, (1.26 01.60 per box; ch-rriei, Boy.I Anne, loose, Oc per lb, 75*: a box; Black Re­ publicans, loose, 5c per lb, 60c per I kix ; gooseberries. 2« i 2 4 ° per pouud; cur­ rants, 6c; raspliernes, 6c; blickberries, 6c; apricots, ( I per box; peaches, 85c0 (1 per box; watermelons, (3(33.60 per dozen. bTHAWlIKBRISH—8 '. D rird E huitb — Apples, evaporated, bleached, 404,4c: sun-dried, 3,404° > pears, sun anti evaporated. 606c plums, pitleas, 304c; prunes, 3<«6 per pound. W ool — Valiev. 9c, per pound; East­ ern Oregon, 607c. Hors — Choice, Oregon 20So per pound; medium, neglected. Nt:rs— l'eanuts, 607c per pound for raw, 10c for rotated; cocuanu », 90c per dozen; wal uts, 12,4(4lie ; P>»e nuts, 16:; hickory nuts, 8 0 10c; chestnuts, 17c; Braz:l, 12c; pecans, large, 14c; Jumbo, 16c; filberts, 12.4c; fancy, large, 14c; hard-shell, 8c; paper-shtl>, 1> 0 124c. I’ kovihionh — 1'ortland pack: Smoked hams are quoted at 10(*il0 4 c p eril); picnic hams, 7c; boneless hams, 7 4c; breakfast bacon, l'V ; bacon, 7c; dry salt shies, 6c; lard, 6-;>ound pails, 74*-; 10s, 7.4c; 60s, 7,4c; tierces, 7c per pound, H idrs .—Dry hides, butcher, sound, per pound, 110 12 c; dry kip and calf­ skin, 10011c; culls, 3c less; salted, 60 lbs and over, 6c; 60 to 60 lbs, 4 0 4 4 c; 40 and 50. 4c; kip and veal skina, 10 to 30 lba, 4c; calfskin, Bound, 3 to 10 lbs, 6c; green, nnsalted, lc less; culls, l-2c less; sheepskins, shear­ lings, 10016c; short wool, 20030c; medium, 30040c; long wool, 60070c. B b r s w a x —200 22 per pound. T allow —Prime, per pound, 8 0 2 4 c; No. 2 and grease, 2 4 c. M.r.haadls. Marks*. B almon — Columbia, river No. 1. tails, (1.2601.60; Go. 2. tabs. (2.2602.60; fancy, No. 1, flats. (1.7601.86; Alaska, No. 1, tails, (1.2001.30; No. 2, tails, (1.90 02.26. B bans —Small whit), No. 1, 2c per pound; batter, 8c; bayou, l ^ c ; Lima, 3404c. C obdaob — Manilla rope, 1 4 -inch, ia quoted at 8c; White sisal, ban! tw istei: Rope, 14-In. dr. and upward, 6 4 *-; rope, 12-tfiread, 614c. S coab —Golden C, 4.4c; extra C, 4 4 ° • dry granulated, 5c; cube crushed and powdered, 0 j per pound; 4 e Per pound discount on all grades lor prompt cash ; half barrels, 4 c more than barrel*; maple sugar, 16016c per pound. t'orrkk—Mocha, 27031c per pound; Java, fancy, 2102th-; Coots Kira, 2>«s 2 34°; Caracal, 224026c; Salvador, 19 022 ; Arbm kle, (20.16; Lion, (20 16; Columbia, )20.16 per rase. Rica— Island, (3.6004 per sack; Ja­ pan. (3.7604. C o a l Oil. — Cases, 204c; barrels, l* 4 c ; tanks, 164° per gallon. W h e a t H aoi i — Calcutta, (4.26?4.374 for July and August deliveries. Meet Market* Baar—Gross, top steers, (3.26; rows, (2.2502.60; dressed beef, 4 064s per M utton —Gross, best sheep, wether*. (3.00; swes, (2.76; dressed mm ton, 4,4 06c per pound. V ia l —tiroes, small, 4.4«; large, 80 84c per pound. I loo.—Gross, choice, heavy, (3.000 2.26; light and feeders, (2.78 ; dressed, 3404c per pound. BAN FRANCISCO MARKETS, F loub — Net cash pries*: Family ex­ tras, (3.7603.86 per barrel; bakers' sx- tras, (3.5603.66; superfine. (2.8603 00. B ablby —Feed, fair <6 good, 714# i choice. 734«; brewing. 8 8 4 0 . W h s a t — Shippiug. No. 1, (1.074; choice. «1.10; milling. (1.17401.224. P otato as— Sweets. (2.6002.78; Bar- banka, Oregon, 8O09Oo. O nions — N ew, 18020 per sock.