Given away OX T ill) It 1 VICK. The Delineator for July. : Ih? Australian tulio! syst m. This d is T h e July uuinber o f the Delineator, ' of voters have no rv«|x-ct for i>rii¿clph' T t ir stram *rfirp*)'~u abr» Iter Last Ti l;» m u > « m » ii . D ended the summer number, and Is i unii they will srroiil the canili lat ■' The Eugene Ouard says: “ T h e O.xretnarkuhle on account o f several new H.KCKI« KVKKY Hiia.IV MORNtXO. money, ilrink his whisky uni beer, ---------------- _ --------------- — smoko his t ig ira, mi l then vote the K A X . Co’s steamer G ypsy arrived departures. First and foremost is the here last night at 10 o’ clock, having addition o f four superb colored plates— F . II. Woorw.xan, lh.rroR & Pi r u s iik r . ! other way. A young voter went into an | < tregon City saloon on the Saturday bc- | made the run through from Corvulll* three devoted to Ladies’ , Misses’ and ' fore the election, and when asked 1 ;y the during the day, bringing up a ligh t Children’s Fashions, and one to Milli-J F R ID A Y , J I N K 12, iSOil. orojirietor how he intended to vote, re- load o f freight, the river standing at a ncry and its accessories. T h e regular T lie ewberg lothing ouse w ill giv e n ild in eiy departm ent Is also m aterially I plied, thut lie intemleil to voti1 for the live foot stage. She came up from be­ enlarged and improved. T h e uiaga-1 Entered ä . i second rías» T ilt ter at the j><»t low Palm er A y e r ’s lif e r dark. This | candidate who put up the most beer and /¡lie has been given u handsome new . oflice at Newberg, Oregou. a H a t w it h every S u it sold fo r the n ext 30 is som ething unusual— navigating the | cigars. ' The proprietor tol l him that tipp r river after dark, and shows that cover; its make-up is changed and it is , . , was not the way to do; that he should this portion o f the Willam ette is not printed on finer paper than hitherto. \ days. C o n sid e rin g the extrem ely lo w price •v but a fraction ,, , , , , , A n oth er innovation is the first half o fi Tiie price of woM is now , take all the whiaky and cig irs he could the ortnous stream tliut m any o f the a love story by Julia Magruder. In ad-1 higher than the lowest ever touched. people attempt to make it out. This is get, and then vote for the other matt.— ditlon to a com p ete il ustrated resume j o f o u r suits this is the best offer ever m ad e l the G_\pay's lust trip for this season ns o f the season’s fashions, this number is j Oregon City Knterpiisc. the Isia' will he tukeii to Portland, her Octolier 7th to 13th inclusive has lioen one m aking special appeal to young tin I repainted and m any other repairs mothers, l)r. A. It. Schroeder discuss-1 in this state. fixeil as the time for holding the Mate It is generrully concede 1 that the C hi­ made ns she expects to run all summer big the care o f the lfa b y ’s H ealth In fair at Salem. cago convention w ill he out and out for tsrtv.een Port'und to d Corvallis. Iter Hummer, Eleanor Brown g iv in g a de­ withdraw al is necessary so the repairs free silver. Julius Cbiiubers, the eua he made, so ns to tilaee her In read­ lightful description o f a baby’s first! Newberg will probably take a half Jteeention Party, and an illustrated ur-1 | Washington correspondent of the i*. F. iness when the river tai s It is lik ely ' «lay off and go fishing on the Fourth. tiele being dev ited to In fantile A ttire i the company w ill send one o f their | Exam iner sai l a few day* ago: W om an’s Opportunities are broadly Our people seem incline 1 to let the other other boats here in uhout ten days, ns * , , i * *»• The administration uh:uid j:i.‘i its mon- towns do the spread eagle act tins ).ar. (y (ii{t)t u[li, Mlrl, n,|,.rs ago cm- considerable freight is promised at thut considered by .Mary Cadwuluder Jones, while the pursuit o f Literature as a j —— ; vention to free silver. The gold demo- lim e both on the up and down trips. I Profession is g iven experienced expo­ T h e Gypsy lias in id ■ thirty-six trips sition by A gu es Itepplicr. Dr K J. I Massachusette has 60,000 more women j crats in Washington are with one or two to lyjgen e this season and has hau'ed Leviseurcoutinues his Talks on Beauty ! than men, w hile Iowa Ins 70,000 more ! excepdous, c.dminl.-tration men, and , it .... ;.. iiiuinncn ! they Hte.idiastr/ refuse to discuss the sit- an immense amount o f freight, saving with instriiotions ns to the Cure o f t h e ------------------ . --------------- our people thousands o f d illurs. The inen than women. Here •>.. juutim . S.- -ret’ ary C'.irii-le coufe : ov- Hair. In addition to a sprightly ao-| limit Inis i ever met with the sllghest xvhere* the reciprisoty theory ought to j «•rwhclming defeat. He w ill not talk for ie m n ito i » F ein th o f Ju y Party by N a t i o n a l O l’ C & R e d u c t i o n C o , be made to work admirably. j publication, hut it is known lie ii disap- mishap, thanks to the captain, Mr. IjUciu M. Hobbit)*, and a paper on the 5720 C h e lte n h a m A v e n u e . It m ight again lie remarked ---------------------- — pointed m il humiliated. He regards Gordon j Furnishing and Dee-wation o f Dining-1 S t. L o u i s . M o .. U . S. A . __ i „ . 1 the verdict of Kentucky as retiring him ' here that the river is much better than I I tom ns, hy Frances Leeds, there are W ith a the ii-itiil well-stocked departments de-j Thomas H. Tongue no \ .ipp i to private life. He sai I to day that if lie many are disposed to grant electee, by a small maj >rity and the pops |lull| a commission from the ils te of decei t appropriation by the govern ­ voted to Ten-Table Clint, Seasonable 1 — MANtTAf-Tenziii or— ment the liv e r could be made navlgu- lire crying fraud. Had VanderU*rg Kentucky lie would promptly resign, li'e to Kugeue nearly every day in the ( o k i ! erv, Ilouseho d Sanitation, N ew F u r n a c e s f e r N lc k o l, C o p p e r, C old , b een elected by the same majority all , hat as he holds o u t " und-r f-’deral year Our peop e must work for this Hooks, 1-uncy Stitches and Lm hroid- S iiv c r a n d L o a d O r e s , .. , 1 I / ... a Itlioritv he int.mds to :-erve out hn erics, Lace M aking, K nitting, 'Tatting. 1 would have been lovely of J u.rill_ T ;,„ ., |„.¡„¡strution fully realizes object, n.s river navigation has much to etc. W ith the added attractions o f j engineers amd costh xcrone fos -- j the extent of its defeat. With iiiedown- I do v itli the upliui ding o f u city. this Great W om an’s Magazine, its suti- Jt U expected that the river will re Tho New Y ork Journal and the San f ill of Carlisle even the IVe i lent con- cription price o f One Dollar u Year is AND Franeisco Examiner, owned hy W . I!- ce 1,-s further struggle „g.iinst the silver- main at a honing s'ago until at least more than ever a marvel. J u 'v 1st. ... , .. itc.4 h flit 111* . rile admin (Miration based Iiearst, are to hold a relay > . ■ its contest for sound iii ui.y on Curlisle R e a l K n i a t e T runs ft* m. FROM I lU t KXCIIANGES. Estimates on fluxing Materials, Ac., furnished in July, from S in Francisco to New a„q Kentucky. Those trmsfer; are furnished l>y the Yamhill on application. County Abstract Company nt McMinnville, Or* Y ork . Hear t believes in advertising Yam hill Comity Reporter. o^on. They have tiie only set of abstract books Lnst Friday night some miscreants in Yt.mhill county and flo a general Title tnin.;;- his big city papers. There are lew people, perhaps, who at- fer business, and solicit your correspondence Frank C. FurgeaOii, Manager. tended the W orld's Fair at Chicago who rolled the large anchor boulder from und orders. E! ^Wkf.9’, *' T h e fe llo w who “ get* the wool pulled | are tlwaro th;lt tli0 Kroat Chicago Uni- the bridge just south o f tho Diamond H enry Austin and w f warranty deed to Hannah Itond part o f y.v 1 over his eyes'1 there dujs o.'.glit ni;‘ t" versity is being built on the grounds of farm nh the Sheridan road. The par- who diil it are likely to lmve trou­ Ii k 27 Original town o f N e w ­ lie compelled to pay very dearly for the | t|Rl \ Chicago correspondent l ties ble if found out. berg......................................... §400 00 I experience. Wool Is too cheap. A 1 ,l HaVs of i t ; An item o f news not g ratifyin g to A Ful and G Trunk warranty of 18,000 pottndH nol 1 at Ileppner recent \ v i„.ro f im .0 years ago, tlii-i summer, deed m Hannah Rond lots 1 many people hereabouts, is the decision ly lo r 5 cunts per pound. ! the shout* of the camel drivers echoed and 2 Trumbull sub.................. 400 00 l*í I o f I'res lJrnwnson to resign tin- chair *:v ■ j in the streets of Cairo, and duik eyed i of .McMinnville college anil accept m i Henry R ite ur and w f to Ger . lf . . there . . m ,, roo n at ., ,t,„ e, „ u hottris languislied in the shadowv reees- Kvati Church J acre in J J the lop tor an , • i oiler from California college at Oak- n “' ’ . sea oi the Turkish booths, where toe i Hash d i e ................................. 1 00 I h a v e fitte d it)> a the three score ot young at.orncj s j good-natured crowd of World s Fair | land. E L Hayes and w f warranty r o o m in t h c (H e m - George Grayson o f Sheridan has who took tiie exiiniination for admit- v |. tors swept an I surge 1 like a great deed to -S .1 ('Itmnhcrlin tract mens L iv e r }' R iitti tance to the bar at Salem last week, the human river that touche 1 upon the I b eight the N orth Y am h ill and Trask lot 1 Idk 2 N orth Y a m h ill.. . . 400 00 , .... „ 1 .,, ii,,. I shores of every land, stands now the river toll road, together with the hotel, w h e re I a m prepared I o n must he nrettv roomv, else me ion- iop uiusi Ui .'j Chicago I htversity. T oe grass grows ! stage stand, etc., and w ill take posses­ A L T v er and w f warranty deed to \V .1 Underwood 12.0 ! acres ecru is liable to grow top heavy. I green and soft as vi Iv -t along and over sion at once, i leorgo is a pleasant sort i t o a tte n d th es e co n t 'sts and are w illing j who paid the penalty of their crime on , egate convenes the follow in g Tile day, M a rried. kind word, a tender look, w ill do won­ ders in chasing from her brow all clouds 11lie lo tli. There w ill not lie a great to pay a reasonable price for admission the scaffold in 7.1 for the massacre of the A t the residence of Mr. an 1 M r<. W m . 1 deal for delegates to do, since the Im ­ Garland, the parents of the bride, on o f gloom .—T o this xve xvould add nl- to the grounds, but a fifty cent piece is ' peace commission ill the lava beds of will, as always, he found in the thickest or the fight, battling vigoro­ xvays ki-ep a bottle o f Cham berlain’s portant question ns to candidates and not picked up by the average mortal at j that year.’ ’_______ i platform have been settled in ndvai-co, Wednesday evening, June 10, 1800, Miss Cough Rem edy in the house. It is the usly for Sound B u sin ess P riu c ip le s , which will bring P r a s - I hut the Doctor w ill have the satlsfue- Agnes Garland to S. J. Everest, Rev. best and is sure ta be needed sooner or every turn these days and sueli a charge jierity to thc N atio n . Through every new spaper office day is simply out of all reason. The college j after day g o all the weaknesses ! ()f ti-t. | tion o f that belongs to the m ajority, o f James 1’ . Price officiating. Roth the later. Your w ife w ill then know that T h e N e w Y o r t i W e e k l y T r i b u n e is not only tb» leading you really care for her and wish to seeing Ills fovorl e for the first place, bride and groom are young people who boys who manage the nffsir next year Republican paper of tiie country, but is |>re-emiueiltly a lie protect her health. For sale by A . T. world— all the vanities that want to lie I .McKinley, pass under ilie line. are well and favorably known in New­ H ill. w ill do well to go back to short division _______ ______ _ N a tio n a l F a m ily Nctvspajter. puffed, all the mistakes that want to lie ' would v o te for Reed for tho second place, w ith the assurance that the vice- berg, the bride having made her home mid dlvi le the price of iidinisalon by two, ; Its campaign news and discussions will interest every American corrected, all the dull speakers that presidency would he ace ptable. Antvim l C ou n ty In s titu te . in G . W . M itchell’s family for two years und furnish programs free. citizen. want to he thought cloi) lent, all the T h e annual county teacher* institute Miss Nora Cooper, w ho has Is'en at­ or ui. re, while the groom is tho young­ All news of the day, foreign correspondence, agricultural depart­ meanness that wants t i get its wares tending the Washington agricultural xviil lie held in M cM innville, June 10, A train load of fortv cars of corn with I est son of David Everest who is one of ment, market reports, short stories complete in eaeli number, comic . , , , i wirti.i ' liotuu'il urati.s m oruiT to H;iv the tux of ¡college the past year, returns home to­ 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 nnd 20. Prof. fortv orators aboard w » ih t » leaxc \\ iclii- , , . the oiliest settlers of Chehalem valley. pictures, fashion plates with elaborate descriptions, and a variety of * 4| ...t r, r n... the inivcrtiHin^ column, ihrouuh tho morrow evening. C. A . H itchcock o f Ashland xviil con­ la, Kunstis, the flr«t of tho w w k l«*r tin- .. .. . . . 4l Tli? Graphic extends the usual eongrwtu- items, make up nit i d e a l F a m i l y P a p e r . . .i tl4 .... #1. 1 tMitorml and rt'porioruu rooms all tlu* duct the xvork xvlth Prof. Hodson o f Ht. Louts convoiition, the corn to go to. 1 e . . . 1 itiiins. Piyt >a Us !■!. , ct i *t.. „.„.¡„-o a,. follioN Aim Hhams of (lie worl i H.rt* paj;i N ew berg and Mi.-s Agnes Stoel o f W es­ the cyclone »urfurorB nn«l the orator« to Dayton Is the banner republican pre- 0 o i l o f Glatlnt*.«« ton N orm al assistants A n excellent , * .. i rr>i » i... i «iJiy inter unv, and tin* temptation i- Is Him M cKinley. The elements liiul ; • .................. c iu c tn f Y am h ill county, an shown by G a p’eusunt, p:i!atal>lo preparation, en- program is prepared Miss Stoel comes ,, ,i„, I neither to believe in (o « l, man or tnin- the large m ajority o f republican votes srmreil tho corn thus fur but before the . . .. O n e Y e a r fo r O n ly §1.50, i (¡rely free from all oily taste, ami tuny h igh ly recommended as a specialist in Kansas 11,1 • It is no surprise to us that in tins cast here on Monday. prim ary work, and xvi 1 give some e x ­ train left the ilepot » ntrenk o ... f —........ . , . , I « administered internally or applied C A S H IX A D V A N C E . . • * , „ . . i »i,-.,., , and a sample copy o f THE NEW Y O R K W E E K LY dmber as when a hoy. for n long time that Knnfliis hut) n TKIBITNE w ill be mailed to you. your teachers attends Hoard can be ‘ •And could he be chosen speaker of T n x l»ut*. II. 1». N evin s lately lost about o(V) m ighty queer kiml of lightning. itad with fam ilies at reasonable rates. the house he would block the d u ty work The tax on do;.- is now due. Owners 1 hope to sex’ every teacher ia the coun­ of the Simon gang with mere ease and pounds o f meat. Suno one broke tire ty in attendance every day. llem ein- lock t;> liis smoke house and «a llied otl’ jo f d< will jileas? call and pay same. And now come« the news that the »v,i. grace than any man we knew o f.” her it is free to those w ho attend all the J. G. ll xin. , . Recorder. It Jonathan’s past record is to he t he meat during his absence from home | L mi* hotel« lire refusing the colored time. Respectfully, There was also a small quantity o f delegate« to the national convention ad­ taken as evidence of what may he ex- meat taken from another party. J. R 8 t i i ,\ v k l l , 8upt. Mra. R. D.-Yonn;, Mi ldlobuiv, Ioxva, mittance. Just why thc «outhern poo* pecte l of him in the future, it is safe to writes. t bave used One Minute t ’ou;li F o r tho F.ungs. t o r ji mi th è i:r a j* .. pic who can’ t keep hou«c without u half say that if ho blocks anybody*.« “ dirty t’ ure for >lx years, botti for myself nnd Elder Alsou \V. Steers writes from 1 r,.rp un* tiikhiK thè country, nnd dozen coloreil servant« anmnd, should work,” tlii? blocking game will not have children, ami I oou -i ler it 111 ? quickest Portland. Or.: “ There is no m edicine! carry their old time “ nigger” hutreil t«> a specially sweet smelling savor. Jon­ poud, lutili ho’e, *tretini and u!ou^h aro aoti:i; nini ino-: sati?factory Uough Unre’ for the throat and lungs that 1 caul puv-.h an extreme in ditiienlt to under- athan is not in politics solely for his a ivo w itli thoso im ported tir-li, that are recommend to ministers, public speak­ T bave exvr u*?d. A. T . Ilill. provini! a grent nulsnnce. Down In Ptand. If u colo m l man in g«x»»l enough health, lie is not built that way. ers and singers, w ith the confluence that I can the S. I! Cough Cure.” 50 t ’olimihia ei'iinty th ey are di : ;hitf up for u servant a decent one ought not to I.l-rp l'.inl cents per bottle. For sale by all drug­ The t Jr.iphie stated last week that the thè r e t i n i Ilio ura 's In thè ovortloivod he ii very offensive individual ill tout n 8. K. U cerner ha- ni aio arrangement* gists. uiemlows, and ilio farinors lidio mvn hotel. The vote of n colored delegate later return* won! 1 probably show up t to koojx iee ou tap. and w ill dolivor any lumi aloi:;! thè slou^lis atfootod hy Ilio F o r Salo. founts for as much ns tiie vote of a white tho advantage of Kill* and Tongue, re­ p.-ilodioai Inuudati'i s uro w rathy and quantity «lesiro-l to any jioint io New- A 40 a -re f irm, six miles from New- [ man in a e mvention and consequently publican nominee * for eongve w , an I ¡.oaphiK ourso» o;i thè liend o f thè In- is-rx! at any timo. 6-5t2 ! erg. lt.xlf ill cultivation, tine water. 1 Kllis and , dlvidtml, w lio llivt Intfodnord thè pro­ it will probably I k * a good while before such Inis heen the ca>e. Price $600. For particulars inquire nt I Io 1 1 1 «» Sprint! a y.'iuij! man's t'anov lille earp luto Oro^ott wutors l ’oni- Graphic office. 11-ltt ht. Louis captures another national Tongue will he the congrc s.nen from l'Ini» 1 1 is made tliat tliey aro dovourlti;* !i;!itl_v turns to tliooght" of— DoWitt's Oregon. convention. olher fi-li llia t aro native to tho coun­ Little E trlv Risei-, for they ulivays A. L. Wooster, a prominate citizen of ' ----- — - try, and they ari Hpreudii'K every- O —oo. Mieli.. after suffering exeruciat- \ « oì thè lix*er, purify thè hlooxl, and Although apple tree* in ver bio »:ned wlioro In faot they aro m U ln i! a- The I«»* Angeles Herald says the re ­ inglx from pile- foi twentx xe.irs. xx as students ran cntrrnt »ny t!m« an l (tnd s I . sm *- to »ult. fuller than they did in this e immunity tlilok as populista Si oo “ t ¡onorai” invi irate the sx-tom. A . T. H ill. c u e l 111 il hurt t im e ov U sing IK'IX itt s An excellent borne for irrls and boys t.- prox'i.le'l under the care o f .com p eten t Matron, at cent «donning and capture of the Uepuh- Coxoy wna iti Oivuon C ity, if (Ite ro- Witch I L it : 1 >\ i 1 y o , an a ls x ilu te cu re fo r the loxve-t P "»»tb le prtees. breastwork* hy the southern end this year, the continued rains that came port« are Irne, they aie fts-dhiv! mi tho The Loei-laturo o f O hio passisi a hixv all -’s in di-case». More of tliis prepara- I Excellent bo^rd in private families. Moral and Chri.«ttin influences thrown about students. at that time was too much for the pollen We confidently believe rhat superior ad vantages cannot be offered iu the Northwest. of the State has revolted in a siory to ras? lo thè violnUy o f thè old eirous m aking e v ery Saturday afternoon a ti in i- used than all others combine I. A ll ex p en d s moderate. Coreespondenre nnd vi>it- solicited. and consequently we will have a short i;r.'iiud oa thè Iti 1. Isaac Farr. lite For catftltignes anti information, a«ldre»s, the effect that a re d U';dnning lias at A. T. H ill. _ half ho ¡day in m iiuioipnlltles having apple crop this seas m. l'iitolo r, lins a llv c ly sjH-olmen o f thè lit at heen made in the direction of State a i npiiiiitioii o f fifty thousaud or more. tix’er 500,000 s|veimens o f fossi! in- earp ai.iut tw o u n d a hall’ llichos I un; F H F S ID F .N T P A C I F I C C O L L E O K , oi Vision. A regularly organized cam­ scots hnvt» licen eoi rete»! frolli varimi* The indications now are that if there In a cali o f water ut liis *hnp, w ldoli X K ttB K R O . O R E G O N . t im Urd time, ami c Minute i- tiie i ¡virt.< o f thè wnrld. O f thè-»», buttcr- paign for two Stages will, it is said, he at he round tu ilio Htandlun wator that is any bolting done at the ( ’Id ..a * v1 u- Minuto Cough C ire i- the standard tlics urv umong thè very rurest. has eoi oelod in thè rins; o f tho old oir «mce begun for submission to the |»eople vention the sound money democrats will ous (»round.s on thè Itili * M r Farr -no-* irati m for exert ■ form of cough or two years hence. The Republican load­ S E B R U T . Vice Pres. D ii voti exvr tliink how readily thè lEá-F. EDWARDS. PresMrnt. K* the one.-* who w ill l*o force 1 t » do it. tliere are iinnionms tiny sp.-oinn : s *>f B. C. MILES. Cashier harmless remedy i- tli? only Id. i: er« in the north are rep rte I to U* not blossl i* ¡Kiisoned by eonstipution? Rad The other fellows are undoubtedly in tiie yoit'ii! earp t •> tho .«in e eolico»! m o f ice- immetti .te result*. A. T. it pro. t.l.wl a,, aii- l a i liéaìth a d premature ivator, and at lii-t il was a soven d a y ’s only favorable, but anxious to bring this lead. old : ;* . D oW itt’s Little Karly Ri-»*r-, wotnlor w tioro tl oy calne front lim i- 11.11. result about, fearing tho continued polit­ thè fammi* little pili-, ox'vironie obsti­ ■xer, il ls Ivarned tliat some earp Inni ical supremacy of the south under the A ear 1 receive I from Ik it. Lake, sec­ .ria-: tiiid- Hint it naie eonstipution. li- ,-n idaoo I l i a -prini! above ile- present vtate of things. The pi in is to retary of the Hregon State Horticultural crouii'l-, ard it i- proliablo t lint » • — hi.» »Ml •I1I«1 by give out promises of enough State insti­ Society says a strawberry exhibit will be o f (liciti had Invìi xxasltnl d ,ix\ a T lic -liortx-t minte in lite World Ito» at j>ri to suit Invìi ile velo p»*d bv lliuxvar hctxvcen Ja- tutions to invoke the active aid for d i­ made at the meeting of t:.e society in iti}! • ral'.iy day rivalici» alni aro keo| x4 in« ¡or 35 ìiiiil nnd t 'Id 'ii. It ls tliat o f Gen. I, a I ’ ll»' lui: ti¡i Gioir roputation for iindllplyim ? vision of every county in the south. Corvallis June 16-17. foil iv n ti |H*r tl >zc’ . A ll other xvork u- Tarlar eoniniander. w h o ha*, ¡lerliap», ami n pici i«lii ir tlie «a rto .— With this U k » in view, Riverside is t » ,« disti guishi'd liim self atiovc otlnT C ity Euterprl-r. any g.dlcry in t nx n. \ . dl I-» ont fer a state o »nvontion of have the State capital, San I »¡ego a pen­ filili«**'» genera'*, havlng eomlueted a camjxaign—thnugh a loaiug onc—o f Mr James IVrdtio, an old soldi itentiary, and so on all along the line. the Union Itili'» tallio party t.» be bold tv- V »,in¿ w o ■.tiers « thc some efleetlven c—. t*ur friend t’ al sldinu nt Man me, M ieli., xx »- so The issue will have to have a majority in Mo.Minnvdlr July 9. rly til Hit! n iR E r r o n c «■omit of tiie grx'.xt mort «------• — — — t'lHits'r I* liable to lavóm e famous vet. vote of both sections before it can be­ n;!aotod w itli rlioiimatisin but rooolvo l ea rn» I by E. C. MILES. liillr J C. COLCORD K«*zcma is a frightful atllietion, l*ut JESSE EDWARDS. come a reality. promjit rx'liet f fioui paia by uslatf K U. WOODWARD. E. BRITT. . t y muy b? a ■sure.1 like all o'hcr skin diseasc* it ean be per- Yamhill county vx ill he thlv reprv- ( ’ i,jm iiH*r|ain': l ’.iin Itallii. Ite k i v i : man. ntiy eured bv application* of IN­ on liutai IV M ittvl in 1 VI :tt’.» V\ iteli ILiZx-l Salva*. It never tuli* the repnhhe.ui natiotu *' »lay hai come when the with “ At Uni?-, inv back xvoiitit nelle s > b-ad- un I udoiini cr tt to cure l ’iies. A. T. H ill. vention at St. Lc.iig next xveek l*v Dr. !v tImt j ,.,HI¡, d bardix- rais.» un. If t ut emmet lie depended Up'll -- -♦ ni«-, bilious ■olir. t ’all rv.;tli of McMinnville. i». Ihthlio *»mtiment is ayaeiM liiiil not gotte i r«' rf 1 XV old not P h l’;i Empiii*’» city hall oost T t uff le on demand. Exchange bought and sold Good note* mted. lH»t»o*dts received »«ibje rt to check At »iaht, and a renerai banking b'iataeaS \ ami *>!.%» «ls s^r m i in ex penti ven tai dtoew (1m m ild.ito wlio ilets-nds upon t here to write : t h.— linc­ T. lliii. rau»a ctetl Collaetious made on ill iw ceaaible point* in the I'nited States .and Canada. to tho Capito! ut Albany. The ,»roqs\'t of M l * Kin ley ’s n lomitm- t-rliiiii - I’.ii atin^ power of the liquor inlt iei io* d C U k itk a H ^ D IK T S - (land: National Park Bank. New York. Id A Tilton. tin* «nilrase of tin* pe tolo for oil 'ill o f cut d I il Vx nv iltieii not ntako $ d 'Dìft, Striiiror* visiting the citi ! invited to 1 fit the bauk for information e m ceruiitf tha o ily narr than lie í i l 'i » . The riff-r ne Minate C taci» NEWBERG GRAPHIC. they will sjs.unl N Don’t C H fail to call and see us. PA R K E R & HODSON. Barrie &: Barrie. EQUIPMENTS OF CALORIC CHEM ICAL REDUCTION WORKS, ä;!. I I I I 1 I 1 I I Selling at Cost! Cali and be Assured. Barrie & Barrie. P R E P A R A T IO N S FO R P U S NEW ♦ YORK ♦ WEEKLY ♦ TRIBUNE We Punish THE GEAPHI and the NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, both THE GRAPHIC, Newberg, Or. PACIFIC COLLEGE. Newberg Ore. College Classes. Normal Course, Book-keeping, All the Grammer School Studies, Music and Art. B A N K OF NLW BERG. CAPITAL STOCK, S30 OOO. xt&ar