Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, May 29, 1896, Image 2

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    Th** N a tio n a l M a llv S m e lte r .
mitteea, Ilie corresponding
U'd treasurer gave tlx-ir re|«»rts. Hlute
A pr tit tl ati l simple metis I of mat­
evangelist, .Mrs. .Mend, led tlie noon­ ting sulphide ores, tu' ii as nick!», cop­
tide devotions a id tlie convention per, gold and silver ores, in localities
where lead ores and fuels are scarce and
marched to the basement o f tlie church almost unattainable, our pvritic, water
to lunch. In tlie afternoon a very ex­ jacketed Matte Smelter has been recog­
cellent address o f welcome on behalf of nized w ith highly satisfactory results,
the Newberg union, by Mrs. Lorena ami bus been thoroughly tested on var­
ious pyritic, sulphide and arsenide ores,
Hudson wus read by Mrs. Mary K. Al­ in capacity of two to eighty tons per
len, Mrs. Hudson U iu g absent becauec day. It is tiie most practical, cheapest
o f illness.
Mayor Emery welcomed
tlie convention in behalf o f tlie city, ore mulling, and concentrating that is
known today.
and Mrs. Kinney, quoting from Miss
It requires no extraordinary skill, no
Willard in Jialtlmore convention, said, lead ores, and no fuel oi any kind for the
alter it is started. Tlie sulphur
“ I have listened to a great many wel­
come adtiresses, but this tustes the last in the ore is its natural fuel only, and
its cost lias no compari-uii with any
o f them all. Uev. Jerrurd spoke in be other process of concentrating.
Tlie miner who produce- a pyrites ore
Imlf o f tlie churches in his character­
istic witty maimer. Mrs. Dalglcisli o f carrying only 10 per cent silica can gain
nothing by the ordinary methods of wet
l'oitlam l responded in a very pleasing concentration, as tills method will, in
way. Then came the President's an­ all cases, leave about 5 i».-r cent of the
nual address which was a most master­ silica in tlie concentrates, and this sav­
ly one, uiiil we wisli space would ullow ing in silica will not repay tlie loses in-
", 7~
. evitable in the operation. For ores car-
its being printed in full At 4 o cioeit rying up to 10 per cent silica, or for the
tlie girls und boys o f tlie L. T. 1». with concentrates resulting from the wet eon
their clllcient leaders, marched Into the 1 ceni ration of ores higher in silica, the
convention 100 strong, singing us tiiey direct shipment to the smelter results in
ti large lu-H to tlie miner, owing to the
freight which he lias to pay on the mois­
At night a gold medal contest was ture and on tlie sulphur contents of the phides, either concentrates or crude
ores, for with this furnace he can at
Tiiere lias been but little said respect­ held, the class being made up of eight ore. Tlie mineral pyrite contains 46.7 once and at a nominal cost reduce tlie
ing the vote to be taken ut tlie election contestants from different parts o f the per cent of iroti and 53.3 per cent sul­ sulphur contents to the point where the
phur when pure. Tnal means that an
next Monday on tlie question of stock state, one coiirng ull tlie way from ore carrying 10 par cent silica would, if ore will matte to tlie best advantage, and
tlie product is in a merchantable condi­
running at large in Yamhill county and Wasco, Hherman county. The medal the balance is pyrite, carrying 48 per tion. This furnace offers a means of do­
it is quite likely that but few voters are wus awarded to Miss Nervia W right of cent sulphur, on which the shipper will ing away with the worst feature of ids
have to pay freight uiul smelter charges, process, that is the flaming top, for he
aware that this question is to he voted Newberg.
fo r the successful Operation of the .Na­
Wednesday mornings devotional wus tional Matte Smelter the ore should be can with this furnace reduce tlie sulphur
oil again this year. Should tlie majori­
ty of the voters say that stock must be led by Mrs. Harford after w hich re-1 . rushed to about two -inch pieces or finer. contents of Itis ores, freeing them from
the “ free sulphur,” which causes tlie
kept up it would work quite a hardship |Kirls o f superintendents were taken up Tiiercfore, with tlie furnace a crusher ia fire, and thus enabling him to use dry
on a great many people who derive great
ores of a higher grade, and also to bet­
also to drive tlie fan, which furnishes
benefit from the pasture their stock get Wednesday night was Benefit night, the blast tor the smelter. For this pur­ ter control tlie operation of the entire
along tlie road sides and on outside pas­ the counties itaving gained sixty new pose a small fan, similar to those used furnace.
Printed directions and instructions as
ture land and yet on the other hand members having charge of tlie pro­ by blacksmith forges, is be.-t adapted, us to setting up furnace, fluxing material,
Multnomah county occupied
many farmers who fence against their gram.
fuel, smelting operation, separating and
Tlie plant is most suitably located, on
own stock are often greatly annoyed by tlie forepart o f the evening with sing- a side hill, so that the ore will pass refilling of matte base bullion, etc., fur­
tlie stock of other people tearing down ! big and a short speech from Mrs. Ad- through the crusher into the ore bins, nished in uetail, with prices, on applica­
fences and destroying grain. If there is dittiti. Linn county graciously gave thence being led into tlie furnace for
N ational O rk a n d R eduction C o .,
any one tiling worse than another to the time ulotted them to the state pres-
St. Louis, Mo., U. H. A.
Tlie furnace, when erected, presents
make a farmer say bail words it is to ident, w ho gave a most stirring address. tlie appearance of an iron-blast furnace,
Ilow to T reat a W ife.
have a gang of hungry town cows break We wish thut every man, woman und fed from tlie open top. Tlie front tap­
(From Pacific Health Journal.)
into his grain field and destroy ten child in Yamhill county m ight have ping hole remains open most all the
First, get a wife; second, be patient.
time, as tlie workman is constantly ad­
times more than they eat and it is little listened to tit is.
ding to the charge, as soon as the top You may have great trials and perplex­
wonder that he gets hot under the col­
heat begins to get too great to allow tlie ities In your business, but do not there­
lar. Taken altogether this is a vexed were conducted by Mrs. Itobii, presi­ molten slag free discharge.
fore, carry to your home a cloudy or
The bullion or matte tapping from tlie
question and one that lias two sides to dent o f Marion county. Then came
contracted brow. Your wife may have
trials which, though of less magni­
Addlton, Harford, Unrub and Hound, hour at times, depending on the rich­
In a speech delivered at Portland last j all o f which show that organization is ness of tlie matte or bullion, which is tude, may be hard for her to bear. A
then tapped into cast iron moulds or kind word, a tender look, will do won­
Saturday night, Sovereign, the imported I tlie keynote all over our state.
Mrs. pots. The wind is blown through an
populist, sai l in the hearing of tlie edi­ i IJnruh organized tlie Warm Springs air-tight box and lienee through twyer ders in chasing from her brow nil clouds
tor ol the Graphic that republicans and j union, tlie largest union in tlie state. holes into tlie smelter ill the usual man­ o f gloom .—To this we would add al­
ways keep a bottle o f Chamberlain's
democrats who talked for the gold stand­ Tills is tlie home o f the Eastern Ore ner.
The operation of the National Matte
ard were anarchists, und encouraged j g 0n Indiana, Home of whom are mem- Smelter is simple in the extreme. To Cough Remedy in the house. It is the
populists to throw tliits in their teeth on hers o f this lAdon. A symbolical ban­ start up, the furnace mail lights a lire of best and is sure to be needed sooner or
every occasion. Such is life in tlie far ner made by these Indian women was chips and kindling on the hearth, adds later. Your wife will then know *that
you really care for Her and wish to
west. “ Listen to the erv of the an- on dispiiiy at convention, and attracted to this some coal or, better, charcoal or
wood, turns on the blast, and as soon as protect tier health. For sale by A. T.
archfst" and itis little angels.
much attention. Mrs. Harford reports the fire is well under way scatters some Hill.
that the last year’s work lias been tlie of the ore over the burning fire, a little
N otice.
As will lie seen by a notice in the best o f tlie four that she has served us at a timo. The sulphur hi the oroquick­
Our price for washing Carpets is three
ly ignites and as it does so, more and
Graphic this week, signed hy the presi­ organizer.
Following these reports more is added, and as the heat increases cents per yard instead of four cents.
dent ami secretary of the fair associa­ came tlie nnnual election o f olliccrs tlie ore bed is also increased, until the
After April 18, 1896, our price for Laun-
tion, an effort is lieing ma le to reorgan­ w hich resulted in tlie re-election o f all furnace is filled up to the top, or nearly
so. Alter this first start there is no drying Ladies Shirt Waists will be 15c.
ize tlie association. An effort is being the general officers.
further necessity for fuel in the furnace, instead of 10c.
made to ascertain whether tlie people
Noontide prayer anti adjournment the sulphur burns itself from this out,
N ew berg S team L a u n d r y .
want an annual fair held at Newberg or Immediately after lunch tlie Resolu­ and the only necessity is work in keep­
For the Lung*.
O f N o v e m b e r 3 a r e a lr e a d y w e ll u n d e r n a y . A n e w
not. Newberg ought to have a fair. tion committee reported, after which ing the smelter charged, allowing the
Eider Alson W. Steers writes from
What are you willing to do to help it Mrs. ltiggs report'll tlie affiliated inter­ slug to ilow off freely.
The product of the furnace is about 90 Portland, Or.: “ There is no medicine
resident of the
ests, viz: The f.efuge Home and the per cent slag and 8 per cent matte, with
for tlie throat and lungs that I can
The op­
Tlie editor of the “ only’ ’ says: “ Not Oregon White Ivbbon, our state organ. about 2 per cent base bullion.
I a t o b e F le e t e d an d tlie
eration is practically continuous. One recommend to ministers, public speak­
even a case of post office itch would have This was followed by amendments to man readily works from one tun to one ers and singers, with the confidence
influenced us to go back on our friends."
and one-halt tons'per hour, ill a 20-ton that I can tlie ¡8. B. Cough Cure.” 50
Why my dear fellow of course it would nual meeting shall he held tlie lust of smelter, of the crude ore or concentrates, cents per bottle. For sale by ull drug­
will, as always, be found in the thickest or tlie fight, battling vigoro­
not; for yon and your friends know that September or first of October. The the amount depending much on the gists.
usly lor Sound B u sin ess P rin cip les, which will bring P ros­
amount of sulphur in the ore.
while the itching is there just the same,
perity to the N ation .
The remedy which suggests itself is to
F o r Sale
you haven’ t a ghost of a show to get the 35c. t>cr Capita Telegrams o f greeting roast ami smelt the ore in one anti the
T lie N ew Y o r g W e e k ly T rib u n e is not only th« loading
were received from Mrs. IVilo ( ’. II. same operation, thereby removing the
Republican paper of tlie country, but is p r e-em in en tly a.
Uox, who is now president of West sulphur and effecting tlie saving in berg. Half in cultivation, fine water.
N a tio n a l F a m ily N ew spaper.
It will require an unusually interest­ Washington state union, ami w ho is freight due to the difference iu weight Price $000. For particulars inquire at
Its campaign news and discussions will interest every American
ing sermon next Sunday to keep the se­ now lying very ill at her home in El-
net. This difference is theoretically 33.3 j
---------- -- ----------
cret thoughts of the average Yamhill lenshiirg; from Lucy It Berry, treasurer per cent, if we oxidize all the iron o r 1 A . L. Wooster, a prom in ate citizen of
All news of Hie day, foreign correspondence, agricultural depart­
candidate from wandering away to the F„ Washington and from .Mattie N. pure pyrite from di-sulnhide to the ox - 1 Osseo, Mich., after suffering exeruciat-
ment, market reports, short stoties complete in each number, comic
farthermost corner of the precinct, in Graves organizer for Washington, all ide (Fe S2 to Fc 2 i >3), but in the prac- inglv from piles for twenty years, was ;
tice of metal lur; ;y this perfection is not
pictures, fashion plates with elaborate descriptions, and a variety of
search of the unsuspecting and much o f whom sent texts o f scripture. The
attained. Some of the sulphur remains cured in a short time by using PeW itt’s |
items, make up nil ideal F a m ily P aper
sought after voter.
convention sent telegrams and letters in the product as the protoxide (Fe O), Witch Hazel Salvo, an absolute cure for j
In return. Mesdumes Harford, Nash,
all skin diseases. More of this prepara- We Funish THE GEAPHI0 and the NEW YORK WEEKLY TEIBUNE, both
Shall stock run at large in Yamhill Additon and Townsend were appointed varies, sometimes being as much as 40 tion is used than all others combined.
county, yes or no. This question is to delegates to the National convention to
i A. T. Hill.
I k 1 settled next Monday, along with the Is- held in St. Louis next October,
To effect such a complete roast re­
F o r ' a le .
C A S H IN A D V A N C E .
question as to who shall hold the offices j The evening program consisted o f an quires a large and expensive plant, first
Eggs for sotting, from choice Silver
and draw the salaries.
all orders to
“ ( Md Folks ( 'ontest’ ’ with Mrs. A. J, for crushing the ore to the proper size Laced Wyandotte«.
E . I I . W ood w a r d .
and, second, for the roasting. The ex
i Whitmore In charge. This contest pense of the o]x*ration is also quite hi
In a trial trip tlie battleship Oregon w hs pleasing to say tlie least, though ........
Eczema is a frightful affliction, but
as much
fuel has to
he burned, & eft*.
litado tho magnificent time of 19.Jo miles wt, nrt, uunhlr to give lite nume o f win- The first half of tho sulphur contents of like all other skin diseases it can be p e r-;
Write your name ami address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best Tribune
tin hour. This s|K'C'l places tlie Oregon Iu,r ()f medal who is an eastern Ore- 1 1 ,.vr't°s, called the “ free sulphur,” is manently cured liv applications of De- |
S o iy .V 1*?» N m wY o rk ,9*!?* R,l<1 a 8 ,,m P le co p y o f H IE N EW Y O R K W E E K L Y
1 KI1H N h w ill be m a ile d to y o u .
isily driven off. Tlie ore once ignited, Witt’ s Witch Hazel Salvo. It never fails j
alongHido tho crack f hi| i of her class in goti woman. The music by tlie elderly
tins sulphur burns by itself. The re-1
the navies of the world.
women was heartily enjoyed by the dilution of weight by the loss of this I to cure Piles. A. T. Hill.
tllutc 'tut o f life is estimated at more
than tim e liu:nlrati and sixty tlious-
ain!; and among the Ctiiifcdetu ».« at a
quarter o f a mil ion.
O f those who died ufter tlie last bat­
K. II. W o o d w a r d , K ditou A P u b l ish e r . tle Itail been fought and the last regi­
ment disbonded, but by reuson o f ser­
vice in the tield, no estimate can be
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1896.
made; nor can the subtlest computa­
tion urray in tigures the abandoned ca­
Entered as second class palter at the post
reers, tlie unfinished tasks, the dieup-
oUice al Newberr, Oregon.
i pointed hopes which tlie great war
i meant to thousands.
W E K K EI* M K M O U IA L I I A Ï .
lint Memorial day docs not find its
When the Ms) ha» culled her lliwera for the only Justification in tlie magnitude or
! in the character o f tlie struggle.
Summer walling long,
And the waking ol the woo» the hedge» value to us and to future generations is
Into »ocg.
I greater than its value to the survivors
Comes the throb ol msrtUl music suJ the bun
j of the conflict, or to tlie dead, whose
ners ia the street,
And the marching of the millions bearing gar- i fame is secure without it. To a young
lauds fair and sweet;
republic, sudi as ours, heroic memories
T ls the Sabbath ol tlie Nation, tie the floral
, are the most precious o f possessions.
least ot May,
The story o f Waterloo is part o f every
Iu remembrance of onr heroes
j Englishman's heritage; eveiy French­
We keep Memorial Pay.
They are sleeping in the valleys, they arc sleep­ man is richer by reason o f Austerlitz
Hurely we are uli belter Americans for
ing 'neath the sea,
They are sleeping by the thousands till the the knowledge we have o f Gettysburg.
royal reveille;
—Tlie Y outh’s Companion.
Let us know them, let us name them, let us
honor one and nil,
For they loved us aud they savod us, rising at
the bugle call;
Let us sound the song aud cymbal, wreathe the
Immortelle and bay,—
In the fever of Thanksgiving.
We keep Memorial Day.
They were sons ot strength aud courage, they
were consecrate to truth,
And their pulses were s tingle with the spleu
dor of their youth;
And they battled fur the many aud the many
now are one,
And the quickened cords of the union clasp
the earth from sun to sun;
From the mouutalu of endeavor, where our
fathers stood to pray,
On the aigual bights of freedom,
We keep Memorial Day.
They blaze tlie path of glory with the battle ax
ot time.
In the book of Ooil's remembrance they have
etched their deeda auhllme,
They wrought the muuumlaslon of a people
great aud free,
And the thunder of their cannon waked the
nations yet to be;
They were picket-guards of progress, on the
skirmish-llues they lay,—
Lest our hearts forget their fealty.
We keep Memorial Day.
Them are monuments of valor reared in many
a stately town,
And they tell the sacred story ot a people's
proud renown;
And the names of those who perished iu the
surging battle line
Are graven on the granite, on the mighty
bronzes shine;
But iu tender recollection we our fragrant
tributes pay,
Aud with faith In home and country,
We keep Memorial Day.
There are Ullies for the dutiful, aud roseH for
the brave,
And laurel for the victor’s crown, and myrtle
for his grave;
There Is crimson for tlie blood that flowed that
freedom might he free;
And goldeu for the hearts of gold that died for
you and me;
Till love no more Is loving we lift our souls
aud say:
For liberty und loyalty,
We keep Memorial Day.
M E M O IU A I. D A Y .
It is matter for congratulation to ev­
ery thoughtful American Hint the in­
terest in Memorial tlay dors not decline
with the lapse o f years. Indeed, the
observance o f tlie day seems to grow
more general, more reverent, ami more
sincere from year to year.
Tlie celebration certainly grows more
broadly patriotic with tlio disappear­
ance o f the last traces of sectional feel­
ing. Not oven tlie Fourth o f July is
more clearly national In the forms hy
which it is celebrated, nor in the feel­
ings and memories to which It appeals.
I t ls a notable fact Unit no otlnr nil*
tinn in all the world has just Milch a
holiday as tills. Holidays in other
countries are for the most part religions,
some are national, In a sense more or
less strict; but none, we believe, is uny-
wliere devoted, as is tills o f ours, to the
commemoration o f n grept national
saeiillce by til) decoration o f soldiers’
grs ves.
Perhaps the reason lies in this: Hint
no other country ever had, just such s
war as our Civil War. It was not a
war o f dynasties, nor o f rats's, nor o f
religions. The contestants were In the
large audience. W e w ould not forget
main men o f the same race and o f the
Next Saturday night will dose one of to mention the line solos rendered by
same religious and political traditions. the most hotly contested political cam­
Mlat Ivathrlne Glenn o f Dayton, ami
Its peculiarity lay In liic m ingling of paigns ever made in Yamhill county.
Mrs. Mary Kirk, Newhcrg, also tuie hy
constitutional anti moral purposes that Monday tells the tale.
Miss Lulu G Surgelilit on the p r e vious
animated the vast armies engaged and
tlie governments lichiud them.
There is no politics in the proposed
The music rendered by the Newhcrg
The soldiers o f tlie I ’ lilon fought to j “ cow law” but it is nevertheless a ques­
Orchestra and the Choir were also
establish the nationality o f (lie repub­ tion of vital importance to old “ Tide”
highly appreciated.
lic; but they also fought against slavery. just the same.
The sititi' banner was presented to
The soldiers o f the < onfederaey fought
Newberg L. T. L. by Mrs. Unruli.
Vote your sentiments on the question
toeatablish the independence o f their
State motto adopted—Go forward. Be­
several states; hut they also fought to of stoek running at large next Monday.
fore adjournment Now l'erg Union w as
maintufn the particular institution
failed to tlie platform that the dele­
The M. ( ’ .George bomb seems to have
which alone was felt to la1 threatened
gates might know who were their en-
It is, accordingly, the vindication o f stirred up the animals in the show.
! tertainers.
the n ationally o f the republic which
The convention adjourned to moot
XVhltr U l b b o n C o n v e n t i o n .
we celebrate; hut our commemoration
R i : i * i > ktkk .
Tho fourtcontli animai convention of next your lu Allutnv.
is incomplete if wo forget that the
maintenance o f the Union meant also
Ono swallow doos not make Spring,
I ttioli lioUl III New lierg, May 19 to 21
tlie freedom o f the slave
Imt one swallow of One Minute Coligli
The magnitude o f the sticritlee w as h.elusivo, « a-» t Ite lurgcst over licld Iti Cure lirings retici. A. T. Hill.
proportionate to the Importance o f the tln> siate, Ihoro Is'ing 127 vislting dele­
An executive
Noti«*» to ('» n tm c to r i.
double purpose for which the Union gate» in attendano».
Notila1 i» hereby givon that scaliti
armies fought, hooking at it from the meeting of ollioer» timi superi! tondoni»
merely material point of view, what wa» liciti al tlie Mothodist cliurch Mon­ l'hls « ili l»' rtsa ived bv thè undersign-
cd for thè coi »trnotion >f thè following
did tlie war oust? Tlie figures mount ti ay eveidtig, and ut lite Itaplisl cliurch bridge» In aotx'rdrtnee witli pian» ami
to sueli vast totals Unit they make no mi Ilo' suine evenh g a Fraise servire. specificai ioti» i>ovv on file in thè olfioe
The convention openetl at 9:15 Tues- of ilio County Cork, to-wit:
deiinite Impression on our minds.
B ridge U'ros» F a n t h e r ciaa k o n Ilio
Tlie national government alone ex­ tlay nioridng, wtth Mrs
Cullim i rotiti m a r Mr. Alls-rt».
pended four billion dollars. If we add Wlitte Klnney, preshlent in thè elmir
Bridge nero»» Gulley near Cloni
the expenditures of the Confederates, Mr» L. A. F \Vlille woa Invited to thè ¡•Voti» fumi.
ueross creok near Wirls place
and those o f tlie separate states, and
take account o f the private losses and else-, slie and lier doparteli mot Iter, on thè Novvlierg road.
Bridge aero»» Sa t creok at Wldlesoa
the terrible waste of war, ten billions Rolieco.i t lawsoti, a ministero? Friend»
Bridge acri'»» thè North \ ambili
will not lie an exaggerated estimate.
rlver in M immvs Va ley on thè I'Illa-
The mi't'k rotiti
This Is equivalent to a half year's earn­ Union In thè state of Oregon.
Bridge aero«» thè \nrtli Yutnhill l i c ­
ings o f the mioli! population o f the presidetlt «uid llint now « e «ere assolu­
er nt MeCoys In Muore» va lev
ti Vd Iti Friend« cliurch, »he thought il
All tiids io !»• for work and material.
But the true arithmetic o f war has tilting flint Mrs. Whtte reati ilio erti* Bids to be o|»'iieil Weileesday, .Im e .1,
the lives o f men for units, ami is not sudo Fsalm, ami Icttd in prayer, whicli I Siiti, at one • ’elook p ni.
l'Iie righi to rvjeot anv and all bids
negligent o f broken family ties, or de­ »he diti Iti a piotisicg «a y . i lio busi­
Bv order o f tilt* board of
serted hearthstones, or the anguish of ness of convention « a» tlion L kon up. Coutilv l omm is'iom rs
w omen. At the dose of Hie struggle Itoli culi showeil tlial all thè genomi
A. K. Mi K n t ) , County Clerk.
tlie muster rolls, of tlie national army otliecr» «ere In intendane»', 12 county
D ii vou over think how rendili thè
showed that a million men were in preshlent, Iti state superintend.nta,
arms Two ami onr-tliinl millions had ariti thè secretary of thè I. I*. L. « h o t'Iood is poiaoned bv constipation? Bai
engaged in the volunteer service for an is a!».' nailon al secretary of thè sanie. blood meati» bod lieaitli ami premature
average period o f three years. Fight Al» i thè fotir state nrgantzt-rs and lee- old age. DeWitt’s U tile Karly Uisers,
thè fumou» little pilli. OTcreome olieti-
bundled b a t t le s ami minor engage­ turers «ere in nttemlanee.
After appoiutiiicnt of thè usua! coni- nato constipaliou.
ments have Isx'ii Anight. The imruc-
Given away
The N
will give
a Hat with every Suit sold for the next 30
days. Considering the extremely low price
of our suits this is the best offer ever made
in this state.
Don’t fail to call and see us.
New Stock, and compared
Portland’s circulars, none are so
dear and many cheaper than theirs.
Shoes in all grades and styles.
Hosiery, furnishings, stationery, no­
tions, etc.
Special large stock of Cloths.
Cass suits cut to measure, 812.00.
K a r r ie
&: B a r r ie .
One Year for Only 81.50,
THE GRAPHIC, Newberg, Or.
“ free sulphur” is larger than by the
driving oil of the latter half, as this first
loss takes place without the oxidizing of
the ore, therefore the reduction of weight
is almost uhsolut
that is to say, the
dutVivnoo in «o i lit between iron di-
ulphidc (Fe 82) and iron sulphide
| (Fe S) is 28.7 per cent, while, as la-fore
slated, the theoretical difference in
weight for complete oxidation is only
33.3 per cent, and in practice say about
| 35 |*cr cent.
At our plant we have handled up to
thirty-live tons per dav of an ore carry­
ing 31 per cent iron, 37 per cent sulphur
and 26 per cent silica, the ore having
merely passed through a crusher.
resulting product ran only 8.5 per cent
sulphur ami showed no losses of metals.
We have handled pyrite concentrates
carrying 9 per cent moisture, 6 per cent
silica. 42 i » t cent iron and 48 | k r cent
sulphur, at the rate of one ton ist hour,
and could increase this considerably if
wo increased blast pressure. The prod­
uct from those pyrite concentrates car­
ried 15 to 19 per emit sulphur, 55 per
cent iron and as cl -civ as we can figure
all the metals gold and silver) in the
raw ore.
Lead concentrates can la'
handled by this method, but it is not ad­
visable ns the intense heat drives iff
some of the lead and cause* In-»,.» which
are not t-qualiied hy the gains of the
Attached to a concentrating mill this
furnace will reduce the bulk of the
pvt itom con.-i s 30 tx'r cent w ith­
out the loss of metal, and at a cost for
labor and Mast ot not over 50 cents per
ton of crude material. Where the oro
is treated crude, the tawt of crushing
must be added to this, making (lie cost
about 75c. |vr ton.
Tho saving to the shipper figures about
as follows:
Say. freight to the smelter
per ton and smelting charges arc
»5. a total of fit'. Of these total charges,
whatever they figure up, the process
saves (rum 2*> | er cent to 30 per cent, ac­
cording to th • sulphur oi l'tents of the
crude ore. I'iiat is to say, at it oost of
from StV. to 7 v .. we can save from f2.A0
to f.3.33 ja'r ton on the above shipping
rite co*t of the furnace i* sm all; it is
constru to.I of wro iaht iron, water
jack, d t In agio t. aud t.s »'.’. ill
eric" a l. I
1!. ides the.*»' advantage* to the miner
and « ! Id*or of pvrilotls oro . this tur­
naco no,ild la- of great service to th*'
er, tor the treatment of cop ¡Mr ?ul-
F ..r .»»i«*.
Beautiful property to give away, with !
a pony thrown in. See
rs .
S ue H o l l o w a v .
Newberg, Ore.
In the Spring a young man's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of—DeWitt’s i
Little Early Kisers, for they always j
cleanse the liver, purify the blood, and
invigorate the system. A .T . Hill.
Hon. M. C. George of Portland spoke
to a large audience at Arntorv hall on
last Friday evening, giving good reasons
as the sound money men believe, why
the country will prosper la-st undent gold
College Classes. Normal Course, Book-keeping,
All the Grammer School Studies, Music aud Art.
One Aiinute is the standard timo. and I
One Minute Cough Cure is the standard '
Students can enter st nnv time and find classes to stilt,
preparation for every form of cough or
* boyS *" Provided under the care of a competent Matron, at
cold. It is the only harmless remedy the ¡UK* Grpn'otble<nrfcesr *'rl9
Excellent board 1 n private families. Moral and Christian Influences thrown about student*
that produces immediate results. A. T.
W e confidently believe that superior advant ige* cannot be offered in the Northwest
All expenses moderate. Corrosp.Hidenoe nml vi.wit> solicited.
For catalogues and information, address,
Mr. Sovereign, the low» populist spoke
to a full house at Armory hall on Mon
day evening in which ho enunciated
straight populist doctrine from start to
—----- ♦
Mrs. R. DeYoung, Middlobnrg, Iowa,
writes. T have used One Minute Coitgli
Cure for six years, both (or myself and
children, and I consider it tlie quickest
acting and most satisfactory Cough Cure
I have over used. A. T. Hill.
TESSE ED W A R D S, P r e s id e n t.
N* E BRITT, V ice Pres.
B. C. MILES. Cashier
Smith the photographer find* that it
C A P I T A L S T O C K , S 3 0 OOO.
always pay* to satisfy his customers by
doing first class work at prices to suit
the times.
Photos 3x4 inches for 35
niRE»'TO Iia:
cents per dozen. Ali other work as
cheap as any gallery in town.
.8. E. BRITT.
Yonng mothers dread the Summer
months ott account ot the great mortali­
ty among children caused by bowel
trouble*. IYrfect safety may be assured
»'ertlfleate* of deposit t.oied psvaMe on demand. Fechante brutta and aold G-vod no*»»
by those who keep on hand IX*Witt’s discounted. Iieposlt. received »abject to rheok at sitht. and a tenersi binkiiii bnsluest
MÜSICtf«! Colteetioua made on »11 accessible poluta in the United States and ranada
Colic A Cholera otm\ and administer it
roR «E !»roM i»K x U» Ladd A Tilton. P»^rtl«nti National Park Bank. New York.
For cramp«, bilious colic,
Strsneer* vtsltlnt the e!iy art invited to call at lha bauk for information eooeemin* th« city
dysentery and diarriea. It affords in­
Corr«$pondcnee inv!»«4 .
stant relief. A. T. Ilill.