M tllM O l l! KXCIIANUKS. : get more out o f them In the market. graved thereon. I f its liellyjjin d hack hold out the date will lie inscribe 1 Instead o f s ixty pounds th irty will Telephone-Keg ¡iter. whenever found. As turtles frequently I constitute a bushel o f wheat, und the \\ . M. Uutnsey left iu e s d u yfo r bob name w ith other articles commonly reach tile age of 100, the probabilities ISttl'KD EVKHY Mill) AY MOHNIXU. are the turtle will show up at irregular uinbus, Ohio. sold by tile bushel. A ll that is neces­ intervals for vears to come. T w o years ago the democrats elected sary is an act o f the legislature, and that can easily lie obtained, making a justice o f the lienee. That Is ull they ttiirty poun s u legal bushel of what in E. II. W oodward , E dito * & P ud li » he a. A b o u t the CJercn T h e o r y . ask this year. Vote for McPhildps. Oregon. N o fault ought to be found The boast o f a savant during an in­ ('lias, linker and Duo '1 burlier re­ w ith tills proposition by parties who F R ID A Y , M A Y 8, 1898. vestigation o f clioleru, not so very long turned from Alusku, Wednesday. believe that coining fifty cents worth o f ago, that he could swallow " a mouth- T h ey do not spo tk well o f the prospects silver into n lump and labeling it a dol­ lar will m ake it worth us much in the Butared a* uecond cl»»* rsdtter at the post ful o f tho germs w ithout taking the *11 co*‘* ^’"orth. ofllce at Newberg, Oregon. disease itself,” m ay serve to indicate T h e public school library received markets o f the world us a gold dollar. the udvance which has since then been tw enty-six bound volumes o f geciiogl- Dayton Herald. Coxey, of “ Coxey A r m y " fame will made in the knowledge o f germ d i - 1 cnl surveys, 107 bulletins und four large senses. It. O Durham o f McMinnville, Mr. atlases from Washington, through the campaign in Oregon for the jKipulists. Today such a boast would be depriv­ agency o f Jünger H erm ann. Oregon W inters o f N ew berg und M l. Judah o f i ‘ ‘ Keep off the grass." ed o f ail Its glory by the sim ple expla­ is entitled to eigh t o f those complete | A m ity were here on Monday, view in g nation that under certain cond thins sets und M cM in nville is fortunate in the new road through the H etcher ad- no harm w hatever need be feared as a being one o f the fuvored places diiiou. I f the populists wante 1 unother organ result o f sw allow ing cholera germs What has been suhl o f the populist Tin* measles are going the rounds in in Yam hill why didn’ t they bid for the Th e idea that germs are parasitical creatures, w h ich roam about through party can now be said o f the democrat- this vicinity. In one fam ily six iiiem- Capital Journal of Salem? the body, seeking to devour and de­ le party. T h e organization w hich has hers o f the fam ily have ail (included stroy, is entirely false. stood the storms o f forty years; paused [ ¡® tbu n*ca“ 1“ w lth i“ In the first place, germs are not “ un­ Talk about the moon and the weather I ¡mills,” but vegetable bodies, starting i t,,rouKh tliem w bhout flin ch in g from J. 8. Ila m u e tt o f N ew berg, was iu Are we sure we have a moon any more? at u minute point und by degrees ils appointed tusk, was consigned to its Dayton on business Friday. H e in­ W ho has seen the moon lately? branching out over u larger urea I grave by its leader, on Tuesday. I t is formed us w h ile hero th at he hud u O f course it is possible that event-1 tlll(j the principles if lias emin- ually, by occupy V 'og the p ace _ o l j cj.,|ed have been ea-t upon the grave large kiln o f brick already burned, and another one nearly completed und Tho “ o n ly " shows signs of great , |,euitiiy substunce in u certnin organ, I uioi lèftT ó rot N o longer w ill its ban ready to be burned. H e is selling brick casiness lest some of thè lioys get tlioir sudi germs . uiay obstruet und ller ......... o f ,¡ .......j 1 ^ ^ —id un(j its lts motto m otto o o f f “ “ The ,, .... even pie- , — T in at lied rock prices. lleaiden t F ifty Years. the natural working ot the organ; j t.r t - iit t good to the greatest number" eyes open and drop out of thè popuiist vent l o l l I t 1^ . . « . t f M i v n . t I . I l l K . / it l . l/ \ n A ---- ---- Dr. Leroy Lew is, o f M cM innville, but it is not from this fact alone I | i ., I be seen or heard . in . Yam hill. T h e or- P B B P A R A T I O I T S FOP?) W ednesday's Oregonian o f last week ranks. ____________________ we are in danger and Miss O live McCann, o f Dayton j guni/ution is dead. l'rin eiplc no long- contained a list o f sixty-six persons N o r is it because these m inute parti- 1 er holds democrats together. T h e y were married in the Evangelical church Potatoes are being shipped into Tola- cj(.s 0f vegetable mutter necessarily | have been cast to the four winds o f the at Lafayette, Wednesday, A p ril iiD; w h o have resided in Oregon fifty years mook and the Headlight advises the nu- ; poisonous when tuken into the system earth and are seeking a new home. R ev C. C. Doling officiating. T h e y or more. These are names tliut have tives to talk less polities and plant more through the air or w ith food. Were T h e liars have been put down and the took the afternoon train at St. Joe for been sent to George H . Him es, secre- tliist true, the great numbers which democrats o f Y am h ill county are now i ’ortland on a wedding tour. ¡K)tutoes. ________________ __ tary of the Oregon Pioneer association, continually find entrance into the body free to reeonei'e themselves with tlie \ dead-beat successfully played his j 8ince A p ril g,|,. There are others to would soon prove overw helm ing, no principles o f the union party or the re­ “ little game l i e hear from. Mark Twain is reported ns smoking mutter iioiv gieut the power ot resist­ te ” or e duy-iast week, O f the sixty-six reported, publican, one or the other. There is no im punta driver at a liv e ry j Y am h ill furnishes twenty-one, as fol- three hundred cigars a month. No ance o f the system m ight be. hope that it w ill ever I k * organized hired a team In iheir grow th, however, certain again for its leaders have been found to stal.le ill M cM innville, representing |OWH, w lth piace o f n a tiv ity and date wonder Mark’ s jokes are getting to be germs manufacture and excrete a sub­ lack hi energy and princip e and in ­ old and mustv. stance w hich is a direct poison to liv ­ stead o f keeping in the m iddle o f the th at he was dealing in bicycles and o f arrival given : On arrivin g ing animal matter. It is possible to ex­ road have concluded to fight for olfiee wished to go to Dayton. Louisiana C. K irkw ood, lu d ., 1842. O f N o v e m b e r s nre a l r e a d y w e l l u n d e r w a y . A n e w here he took dinner at Mrs. L ogan ’s tract and Isolate this substance os effect­ N . K . Sitton, Mo., 1843. W hat lias become of that feller so ually as wo extract m orphine from Th is action places democrats in a posi­ hoarding house. A fte r dinner lie in­ Mrs. E. li. Shelling, Mo., 1846. tion to choose between men anil to vote much talked of in the campaign two opium, and, by injecting it into the formed the driver what hour to call Mrs. An n a R. Martin, Mo., 1840. for men aide to further the people’s in ­ r e s id e n t o f t h e n it e d tates ycttrrhgo— lets'see, his name was Inia- veins of an uiiinml, to cause the pecu­ terests. Honest men are needed in for him ; that lie would return after James Johnson, Mass., 1844. liar forms o f disturbance known us office. Men w ho w ill adm inister affairs trunsuedngsorne business here. W hen Mrs. Juliette Johnson, N. Y ., 1844. tive and Referendum. I s to be F l e e t e d ami the diphtheria or scarlet fever. Mrs. Elisha Johnson, N . Y ., 1844. according to law should be elected. the tim e arrived the d river could not T h e same process takes place i f the T w o tickets are iu the field and dem o­ find his man, and had to return to the T. 11. Nelson, Mo., 1844. N E W ♦ Y O R K ♦ W E E K L Y * T R IB U N E county seat minus man and m oney to Mrs, C. B. (.’ary, Va., 1843. Judging from the tone of the “ o n ly " original habitation o f the germ is in crats should choose men, not parties. pay for team We are inform ed thut a human body. A suitable thriving, Mrs. I,. A . D ixon, Mo., 1843. will, as always, be found in the thickest or tlie fight, battling vigoro­ this week it appears that McCamant’s place havin g been found, this point be­ the chap lias lately been em ployed ou J. J. Carey, Oregon, 1843. V alley Transcript. usly for S o u n d B u s in e s s P r i n c i p l e s , which will bring P r o s ­ the Denny p ’ace near L afayette. H e shots into the young pigeon camp must comes at once not on ly a breeding- H en ry H e w itt, l ’u., 1843. T om m y Faulconer, now o f N e w was p re tty well “ ginned lip” when p e r it y t o t h e N a tio n . place for tho germs themselves, blit a have made the feathers fly. Elizabeth H ew itt, inch, 1843. manufactory w hich is continually Mexico, but form erly o f Sheridan, here. l i e “ took in ” the proprietor o f T h e N e w Y o t k W e e k l y T r i b u n e is not only the leading Charlotte K irk w o od , III , 1843. the Dayton hotel for lod gin g and sending out into the system a greater Wednesday, being at home on u short L u c y Ann K irkw ood, 111., 1843. Republican paper of tlie country, but is p r e - e m i n e n t l y n breakfast. or smaller supply o f deudiy poison. vist. Victor < Toss and he drove down Coxey and three big circus shows are W ni. A th e y , 111., 1843. N a tio n a l F a m ily N e w s p a p e r. I t w ill be apparent now wluit an ad­ to M cM innville. Mrs. II. B Buflman, Mo., 1844. said to be headed for Oregon. Wluit I l e a l F a t a te Tr a n s f e r s . Its campaign news and discussions will interest every American vantage has been aHordcd us in com­ John Millican, Oregon, 1846. T h o case o f stuto vs. A1 and A lex has Oregon done wo would like to know bating affections which arise from such These transfers arc furnished by the Yam hill citizen. John Johnson, Oregon, 1846. County Abstract Company at M cM innville, O r­ M cK in ley, wherein they were charged that justifies such a dose us this? sou rees. Mrs. Sydney A . Burnett, K v ., 1846. egon. They have the only set o f abstract books A ll news of the day, foreign correspondence, agricultural depart­ T h e successful m anner in w h ich dip- w ith assaulting Frank Stevens, came in Ytanhill county ami do a general Title trans­ Lucreta A . B. Nelson, M o., 1846. up before Justice Rhodes, W ednesday, ment, market reports, short stories complete in each number, comic fer business, ami solicit your correspondence tlicriu lias liitely been treated is due and orders. Frank C. Furgeson, Manager. Rots of politics on the streets lately. not so much to the fact that the germ and botli eases were dismissed. pictures, fashion plates with elaborate descriptions, and a variety of U n i te d Sunda y Sc h o o l W o r k , I t is fun (?) to be a fireman, you bet Win D Haven and wf w d to Mostly good humored, but the argument o f Hint disease has been found capable items, make up a i l i d e a l F a m i l y P a p e r . union or federation o f all the Maini Allison 322.06 acres o f isolation, ns to the fact that we have you. About h a lf o f the boys who produced is usually about 10 to 1—that in t 5 r 5 ............................$ 12000 00 j Protestant churches in Am erica has learned the true nature o f the distur­ were out last Hat unlay night had We Funish THE GRAPHIC and the NEW Y0EK WEEKLY TKIBUNE, both is 10 points poorly made to 1 good one. bance in all disorders o f this kind, and Colin Allison and wf w d to | often been proposed, but no such union j have been fortunate in com ing upon ‘ ‘sleeked up” for Sunday and they were Win D Haven 322.06 acres ! exists, or is likely to be form ed, at least the particular substance w h ich w ill besmeared w ith m ild from ho id to foot in t 5 r 5............................... 12000 00 ; for years to come. T h e Sunday schools Dr. H arry I.ane cx-superintendcnt of neutralize the poison w liicli has been and in numerous cases totally ruined Laurence M Morgan ami wf C A S H IN A D V A N C E . j however, representing all the churches their clothes. Mr. Jos. Todd lost a the insane asylum is making some very secreted.— Y o u th ’s Companion. iv <1 to John M Burn It N o 8 J and over one-sixth o f the entire popu­ shoe and sock in the mud; but this he Address all orders to serious charges against tho official acts blk 10 John’ s add to M c­ lation o f the country, have been or­ dug out the next day E verybody F o r tlin M i n « » . Minnville. ........................ 80 00 of ex-governor l’ennoyer. I f thoeharges ganized for nearly forty years, uml the ought to join a fire com pany to get rid It S patent to Garrison Crow Ill overy section o f Oregon arc peo­ are true Sylvester is a very mucli over organization is increasing in strength o f w orking the roads. It pays to ruin 312.40 acres sec 8 9 17 t 3 r 5 every year. S ix ty states, territori- s ple w ho have periodical attacks o f gold a $20 suit o f clothes every now and rated official. Write your name and address mi a postal card, scad it to r,p<> tv. Pest, Tribune and Canadian provinces are organized, E C Carpenter w d to Margar­ Kuiidiint, New York l i t ) , fever, and take them selves aw ay to the then and bn subject to strict discipline sample copy of I l I E NEW Yl ' K K W E E K L Y et .1 Carpenter 4 tracts real T K lU l'M k w ill be mailed t* you. w ith an annual convention, a board o f in order to escape a $3 poll tax. Y ou n g One “ favorite son,” Culloin of Illinois established gold fields o f the mountain man, brace up, join a fire e mipany and estate t 3 r 2 ....................... 50 00 officers, and auxiliary associations in the counties and townships. A n In ­ is out of the race for the nomination for regions, to gather Die shining particles. "g e t there.” Hattie Faulconer w d to W T ternational Convention is held every Smith its 2 3 6 7 blk 27 Just as we expected: H ere comes the presidency. Tho Illinois state re­ There are m any o f this class o f pros­ l'LFOT LUMBEE YAST Faulkner’s add to Sheridan 160 00 three years, to which each o f the s ix ty publican convention instructed the del­ pectors in Clackamas county, who Charley liuker und Dan Thurbur on states and provinces sends a delegation. NEWBERG, OREGON. egates to the 8t. Louis convention to have heretofore gone to Southern Ore­ their return from Alaska. T h e y g ot as Wm J Sini and wf w d to Ras­ Th e international E xecu tive Com­ mus Nelson undiv 1 j Its 1 4 gon and other sections to do their DOORS LATH. GLASS, m ittee, w ith headquarters in Chicago, vote for M cKinley. The “ favorite sou” fur as Juneau and concluded to go no and tract 5 6 7 8 h 22 John’s ITS C PDA F WINDOWS, LIME. SASH work. N o w th ey are turning th eir at­ further. keeps ti force o f secretaries in the fie d, Juneau, Charley says, Is n scheme is no go this campaign. MOl’ i.DINGS. SAND. WEIGH rs, add to M cM in n ville............ 100 00 attending conventions and work! g for tention to the discoveries nearer home, place o f about 120.) souls; the town Is SHINGLES. H U H , CORD, Susan Grubbs Wilson w d to the extension t nd im provem ent o f the B u ild ers H a r d w a r e . anil gold Is being found iu paying built very compact. T h e streets are F S I lard wing lot 30 old Sunday schools. An effort is being made to pull off quantities righ t at our very threshold. about tw enty feet wide, tho buildings 625 00 College add to M cM innville T h e Le-son Com m ittee ciiooges the A t intervals nar­ Myers tho democratic nominee and On lust ¡Saturday L. Freeman, o f this ull being one story. so-called International Lessons, which row alleys loud oil' the main streets and Mary Harris and liusb w d to Vanderburg tho jKipulist nominee for city, and Mr. (Stevens, o f Columbia upon these alleys ull kinds o f business 1’ M Stoggin pt Wm Chap­ nre studied in nearly all the 140,000 man d 1 c 1 a in Sheridan. . 200 00 Sunday schoos o f ¿lie U nited States eongress in the first district and put lip county, left for the Ogle creek country, is transacted. Rout'd and lodging $7 and Canada. Judge Waldo as an independent candi­ where they expect to locate some per week. A t present Juneau is crowd­ A I! Faulconer and w f w d to T h e E igh th International Sunday Mabel Faulconer It 3 blk 22 ed w ith outsiders, there being 600 in date to run against Tongue, but tho suc­ claims. M any others w ill lie prospect­ Fauleoner’s add to Sheridan 1 00 I School Convention is to meet in Boston one camp It costs $21 to make the cessful carrying out ot the scheme looks ing in that section us soon as tiie snow this year, June 23d to 26th, and a trip from here to Juneau, or $41 for the A B Faulconer and wf w d to melts sufficiently to make tra v e lin g ] W o rld ’s Convention w ill be called to doubtful. Sheridan Faulconer It I 5 through the mountains practicable. A. round trip. T h e boys are glad to get meet next Julv in London. blk 22 Faulkner’s add to and (I. Malsteu, the insurance man, re­ back; and Charley says the next time The war department is advertising for turned last week from the new ly dis­ Dan goes, he w ill take his rubbers to Sheridan................... ........ 1 oo H o w 1« T r o a t a W i f e . wear when he walks the icy streets of i 75,000 yards of red tape. 1‘ooplo who covered mines near (From Pacific Health Journal.) Anna Sinclair and hush w d M eM innvil o, lie .) uneau. to S A and It J M ills fra d First, get a w ife; second, lie patient. Solicits the p-itronaire o f his olrl Indiana j have had anything to do with govern­ where lie has taken up a claim. Friends who need watch repairing done. At 10:30 o’clock hist Saturday even­ in city of Newberg 150x344 1 You may have great trials and perplex- 1 ment affairs at Washington hove long has unlimited faith iu these mines and expresses the belief tliut m ills w ill lie in g Miss Joule Gardner came running f t .......................................... too oo 2 7 0 M o r r i s o n S t. | ¡ties in you r business, but do not there- known that the stock of red tujv always in operation anil a branch railroad run­ up town and gave the alarm o f lire in | Christ ini* < ’lemenson and hash PO R TLA N D , OR. | i fore, carry to you r home a cloudy or seemed to be almost inexliaustable but ning to the mines from M cM in nville w <1 to Hans Peterson fine their residence on north It. street ! contracted brow. Y ou r w ife tnay have it lias not generally lieen known before by next fall. T h e gold-bearing roek 300 00 in Deskin’s d I c .................. Tho young lady had started up s’ airs | trials w hich, though o f less magtii- that the different departments bought it appears to I k * confined to one township, and is so fine that it is not visible to to bed with a Rochester lamp in her I W G Henderson, sheriff, s d by the thousand yards. j tude, m ay I k - hard for her to bear. A the linked eye. H ow ever, It assays hand, and trippin g on the top step of I Benefit L ife Ins Co the d I e 4106 90 I kind word, a tender look, w ill do won- of Win It McCarty from $13 to $-80 |K>r toil, and a working N e w b e rg , O regon. test alone w ill determine whether or the stair she fell and the lamp was j W G Henderson, sheriff, s d | ders in chasing from her brow all clouds Will be wreathed with a moat engaging The fact that G . A. l ’ routiss is assert- not It can he profitably milled. Benefit Life Ins Co (lie d 1 c Seamless sold crowns, bridge work, pold There thrown against the east wall, where smile, after you Invest In a o f gloom .—T o this we would add al- silver and bone fillin gs; aluminum or rubber of John W all and other ing that be will gel as good support at I w ill be a rush o f hardy prospectors to I the paper was quickly ignited and a ; ways keep a bottle o f Cham berlain’s plates: teeth extracted without pain. Prices lands.......................... ....... 19800 Newberg as l ’rof. .1. C. Hudson for j the Oglu creek e Minify in the Kaatcrn | lively blaze started. Mr. Gardner was reasonable. j away from home, but Mrs. Gardner j Cough Rem edy in the house. It is the school superintendent, is good evidence part o f t'uiekamas county, and more rich strikes may I k * expected. It ts the | and Josie gave* im m ediate alarm, sev­ H o r t lc u lt u r «l. best and is sure t > be needed sooner or that lie don’ t know how to figure “ from prospectors w ho find and develop the e r a l neighbors quickly arrived amt TTO KN KY AT LAW. To the F.ditor of the Graphic: later. Y ou r w ife w ill then know that cause to effect.” It is the votes deposit-, mineral resources o f a section. It was kept the lire under control, by aid o f (Q U IPPE D WITH ITS NEW I send you herewith a copy of resolu­ you really care for her and wish to ! ed in the ballot lx,x on election day | thought a few years ago that the pay­ I buckets, until the big bell culled out in g mines o f Southern Oregon wen | tin* department w ho drenched the tion adopted at the semi-annual m eet­ protect her health. For sale by A . T. PINCH TENSION, that count, lietter take an advanced I Prompt Atteutton given to sit lega! business. worked out, Imt Hie enterprising pros- j building in quick order and saved the ing of the Oregon State Board of H orti­ H ill. N e w b e r g . O r e g o n course in mathematics, Mr. Prentiss. TENSION INDICATOR peetor found deposits o f g o d , where ' building, w itli about lu i'f tho roof and culture recently held. O f f i c e — 8eeon<1 Floor —AND— Hortlcirltural .Meeting. people that go d did not exist in pay- east gäb e in bad condition. Aside Dank of Newberg EuiMiug. Tho proposition underlying the reso- ing quantities. in consequence tin frolli Ibis and tlu* soiling o f furiiitun On account of (lie very bad weather John Biodi, an Indiana man, 80 years discoveries are constantly being mad b.v Isdug wet, tliero was no ilamage ; lution is one which ought to secure tlu* of age lias an Faster egg that lie colored and the output o f gold is greater from , T h e house I k * ougs to Mr. Disino, o f serious consideration of every citizen. prevailing Imt few persons attended tin* 2~^ENJ18TRY. The most complete and useful devices aver meeting at LaFayctte last Saturday to Mr. Giuri- It is as follows: added to any sewing machine. for his sweetheart ill 1851. On the shell that section than ever before in its his- j New berg and was insured, nrr s it u i » tu oc un forili' ate III thè di e To the lien. Hoard ot Public luslrnctton : tor.v. Southern Oregon does not feel organize the Y am h ill County Fruit Ex- j is carved with a |*cnkiiifo his wife's the stress o f lin'd times, on account o f o f tire, as In* was luirncd out once ut T h o W n i T E is Herewith W e beg to hand you, for change, consequently the meeting nd-1 maiden name, a vine and a bird. In a steady output o f gold from Ils mines Daytoii, and lutei* e v ery tliln g was N e w b e r g . O reg o n . your kind consideration, tlu* following journed to Saturday, May 16th, 2 o’clock OoM fining, senmle.-s gobi Crowns nmi Durably and Handtomtly Ballt, good many instances mil west a divorce ] The mineral resources o f ('liiekanuis wiped out aboiit a mite i n i a liulf resolution: work a specialty. A ll kitols Amolgam, p. m., when it is hoped the fruit growers Hriilge Friends symp.itlii/.e would have Ivcn calimi for Indore time county have not tiegim to I hi developed. sonili o f town Bone anil Silver fillin g done. Also HrtifieiHl Of Fine Finish and Perfect A d Jattm aC Whereas, For some time during the »vitti Mr Ganltier ai il ftim ily in Gioir with gold fillings at bedrock prices. All past, it has seeuio 1 to tlu* several mem generally will turn out. There is no teeth for tho egg to hatch, if it Imd lieen There is evid en tly n world o f wealth timo o f mi ifortu .e. Sews ALL Sewable Articles, • work warranted. ! In the mountain regions o f Clackamas Ivr* oi tbe Suite Board of Horticulture other intelligent course for us and we placed under a lien the day of the wed­ county, yet to lie opened, that was nev­ And w ill serve and please you up to the full of tin* State of Oregon that there is a must try to help ourselves to better ding. ____________________ er dreamed o f by the first Inhabitants. J Yamhilt Colini)- Itrportcr. great necessity for more rudimentary market facilities if wo would make a I t ’s ail the same, a slight cold, con­ limit of your expectations. —Oregon C ity Enterprise. E. J. Esami and B. F. Hartmnn are knowledge among our people on the sub­ A c t iv e D ealers W an te d in unoccu­ gested lungs or severe cough. One success of our business. J. H . B eks , A new paper, the M cMinnville Beo pied territory. Liberal terms. Address, ! ntitllng up a limine for Jarret Todd on ject of horticulture: and VrtNftnr ( U r l a rutti A t l i l e t l c » . Minute Cough Cure banishes them. A . Secretary Yam . lio r t. Society. Whereas, This occupation is fast be­ is to I k * launched at the county seat this bis Day Imi pratrio fumi. T. H ill. __ A ll Vessar girls ari* forni o f thè wcll* coming our greatest industry, and one week iimler tin* leadership of \V. ( ’ . Judgo Ramsey loft mi a trip to Ohio in which tin* general 'public is and Hon. J. H . Ft. John, the blind popu­ Glow. Tho Bee wifi preach populist rqiiip|M'd gym nnsiim i, tuit l'or out-of. on Tnesduv. l’eople sceni to tv loft i-hmild I n * interested ; and C LE V E LA N D . O. H enry Olay was said to make the most diM-trine. This new venture, along with diKir nniiiseinents pcrlmps Gioir tirst gliossiug Gii* obleet o f tlu* trip, al- Whereas, It would I n * a lib* long bene­ list orator, who hails from some point in engaging bow of any gentleman of liis clinici' is for a fine lon g trainp over thè tlim igli It’s nobody’s business. Washington, spoke at this place last fit to the recipients whether the life's the Sheridan Sun, the North Yam hill time. ■ * - — Scott W rig lit lina bonghi tlu* Interest labor was slant In country or city occu­ evening on the political issues. There Record and “ the only Independent pa­ bilia, row ln g or skating on thè nent lit­ pation ; anil appeared to be sort of a “ discombobula- A g e n t, M c M in n ville , O r . tle lake eluse hy, or a game on thè ten­ Busy people have no time, and sensi­ o f bis partner iu tlu* Standard soda per in Yam hill county,” ought to Is* \\ liereas, I: is impossible for tho State ti.m” in this, tiie opening campaign ble jvop le have no inclination to use a nis court. "M i* lik e to l*c country girla wnrks and w ili ruu tlu* establishment able to cover the populistic field in Yam ­ and wear cottoli drcsscs ami go w itli- aloro, for tlu* presont ut toast. Board in its work to reach tbe youths of number. First, tbe announcement was our land in this 'undamental instruction given to the public by posters that, it slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure hill pretty thoroughly. out olir buia,” said olio frcali-fnoed, Tlu* M cM iunvillo soap fuo’ory turnod was to tv ‘ Populist'’ speaking; then acts promptly and gives jieruianent re­ as they desire; therefore. h eallliy stiiilent; and G i i * statistica o f Spring Branch out tw o tona o f aapnnncioua tiara tasi Resolved, That it is the judgment of “ Bimetalie” was substituted, and the Gen. Weaver has located again in tin* Gii* uoman physiean in tlu* iufirm ary wook. A sknll m.d cross Imnes mi tlu* this Board that the State Board of Pub­ piace at Science Hall. This caused an­ sults. A . T . H ill. on tlu* top lloor, w liieli is n complete Poultry Yard ^ 6th district. W e would like to see him front door suya “ on ly fut pcople uecd lic Instruction should take measures to other jar ainl opera house was substi­ The Duke of Marlborough said that he ! go back to congress just to shake things little geni o f iufirm ary, lieur witness lo uppty.” tuted for Science ball, and it went. introduce into the Public Soluxils of this up once more, Imt. are afraid his chances tlu* Vatnar g irl’* wise d ioico o f reoreu- Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Itohorg o f Green State a rudimentary line of instruction And the morning and tin* evening were owed his success as much to his elegant are slim this year.— Brighton (la .) E n­ tive iiniiisemeuts. Inerviising interest in atliletics lina I n v ì i nisuifested I I I . Bay, W is ., anrprised Gioir miete, Jo­ in tiorticuiturc, as the essential elements tiie tirst day. But there was a full dejsirtment as to his talents. terprise. of our education to tit men and women house to listen to a very goon talk from ------ ------- pnst year. Basket and botile Itali Batter put a string on the General tennis bave beoti formoli, and thè ten­ seph ICoberg, o f Ibis city w itli a brief for intelligent InUir on the farm and in a jKipulist standjK'int.—Transcript. vlsit lust week. lt was tlu* tirsi timi* It is not a miracle. It won't core ev­ In S«n«nn. tlu* orchard. brother Hoaeook, for the last heard of nis and ball ground, are in tho sholtor thoy had over mot. Mr. Iloti-rg is tlu* erything. but it will cure piles. That's W ya n d o tte s a Specialty. Pit. J. U. t ’ .iRnwKi.i. l ’ resi lent, N o t ic e , hint lie was out in tlu* wilds of Southern o f l ’io l ’ Iaisanee, tlu* studeiits are en- s d ii o f au estensive papor uianufaetiir- For particulars call ou or address H enry E. I V m t i . 1st District, I conragoil lo Ibis sort o f oxereise ami nl- cr o f Green Bay. Our price for washing 0 artvta is three what D eW itt’s W itch Hazel Salve will Oregon and there tire lots of Ivurs t ’ ti»s. I.. D a il y , 2nd District, d. Hobson. ' Inwcd tu eount it ns tim o spont in thè do, because it lias done it in hundreds of cents per yard instead of four cents. .1, 11. Long o f A m lty w lll go to “ painters” out in that countrv. .1. R. ( '(. sky . 3rd District, gymnasìum. — Frolli " A Dn.vat Viis-ur" N e w b e r g , O regon cases. A. T . H ill. \fter April 18. 1S96. our price for Laun- Wooda soon to engagé in tlu* reni l'a­ E m il s Sen i n x o , 4th District, in Hcmoreat’s Maga,ine for May. G ko . A. H o u r s , 3tli District. drying Ladies Shirt Waists w ill be 15c. late b u s i n e s s w itli W eatlierlv, Ilio drug- The weather ha» been tisi wet, even J o h n M in t o , S e c ’ y . We might tell you mon* a I suit One gist o f tlint placo A Portland sj>ud buyer was in town Itapid acttlomcnt is instead of UV. for good fish stories, for the past few Minute Cough Cure, hut you probably anticipateli thè eom lng sunmu-r In tlu* Wednesday. He was offering thirty- N ewheim 8 t e v m L a : s p r y . F o r II»« Ltmgn. weeks and ns items are rather sen reo, know that it cun*, a cough. E ver one Big Ncstuck vallee. :is wcll as a ru«h five cents j«?r sack. Killer Alanti W. 8 t r m w rites freni Moorhead of tlu* Junction C ity Times does who has used it. It is a |ys, just over the line in PORTLAND. OREGON. l*rkv f'kkl. For partieulars inquire at ier to cure t. severe cough or cold with Renton county, caught it turtle and cut Ivin g pleasant to take an 1 quick in cur­ I n * ndjustcd in Justiee’s court next Mon­ era and aingers, w itli thè coiilldence Graphie otHcc. I l- lt f F ro n t a n d W o rrla o n S t 'e e t a . it. Let your next purchase for a congh dai- Barker is olmrgcd w itli assalili his initials and date on tho hack of tlu* ing. A. T. H ill. — - - - - — and liattory, havlng struek Jordan, ua thut I svili thè ¡8. B C oligli C ure.” 50 turtle. This was the UM seen of the be One Minute Cough Cure. Better ( w i l , |x*r bottlf, For saie by all drug- In China otters arc taught to catch he ('laima, uiGuuit provocai imi. t w t fe until MBS when it was found in Burn« are absolutely painless when medicine: bolter result: better try it. the same neighbor lussi. That year was listi for their owners, Ivin g ted to tin* _ Farmer IVtuson is nuthority for Gii* g ìsts. IV W itt's Witch Hazel Salve U prompt­ A. T. H ill. promptly datisi ami the turtle again statement thut a new m ovem ent is mi Thi-- statement is true. A l'hestertfeld was so grarefili tii.it one ly applied. turned I ik >« c . Last week the turtle water for the purpose attached to a long "Sl t" 1.50 per dav. E RO r.*r a t . again showed up ami all tlu* sjirnv on ils cord. In Bengal also an Indian species font aiiim ig thè farmela o f bis ncigli- of his l 'ntompor.irioK -aid it was wrortli perfect remedy for skin diseases, chap- A meki . i n P l a s . 1.50 to 2.50 jv r day. lock Isniig taken, its Iv llv was unsi as is trainisi to assist iu fishing bv driving Imrhood. T h e y propose estahlishlng a joumc\ avi rilvt jv d hands and lips, and never fails to from choice Eggs fur setting, Enel imi to ave bini a bulletin Board and fh> veer I “ 1 the ft«!, ¡n*o i • t r »tin .. . 1 W e - - ! I\ H . W.K.-D ' i r . u n e s t I t l t l L M T ’ T«ssg,r. N EW NEWBERG GRAPHIC. F IR M PARKER & H0DS0N, AT THE- Newberg Clothing House Are “In I t ” for Trade. Qg^g^Gold, Silver, Greenbacks, Bank notes, or M. & M. due bills taken at par in exchange for goods. J P U S One Year for Only $1.50, THE GRAPHIC, Newberg, Or. W. P. HEACOCK, [ ¡nümuü JO H N Ä . B EC K , fo u r WATCHMAKER JEWELER, D1 I. L. SCOFIELD. J A tite Sewing Machine CLARENCE BUTT. AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, E. P. DIXON. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., E. F. M A N N I N G , IE Sim ¡55 ML E I' M