•0 G 9 & & i l ' i f P ^ v y »? «- ^2- '2 -; sy■•*'«■ S ' :; i r - e " '72- 52*fiV! ■~^r ' LOADING A BIG LINER r .O C N II TH E H E A lt T H S T O N E «. Th® B a tc h e r and H ie C o« to m e re. "W h at ’re legs o ’ mutton selling fo r ? " asked Grlddlerack, entering the butch­ er’s shop of Cleaves. Cleaves looks about him cautiously and then whispers, “ W e’re asking 14, but w e’ ll let you have it for 18.” “ Come n o w ," says Griddlerack,"none of your sbinanigans. You just sold a leg to Rabbage for 12>£.” T o this Cleaves promptly replies: "B u t not fur such mutton as this. I coaid sell you such mutton us I sold to Rabbage for 10 cents— i f I bad any left. ” "Nonsense! I saw yon when you cut it off, and I know it came off the same sheep that this d id ." Cleaves— You're a sharp one, you are, Grlddlerack. Thera’s no getting tbe start o’ yon. Aud nobody wants to. Leastwise, I don’t. Let me tell yon the dead truth about it, Griddlerack. Rab- bage’s leg did come off the same critter, and I did sell him for 12 ' a, but wbat's a fellow going to do? Rabbage is such a confoundedly close buyer, it ’s next to impossible to sell him. So when he came in just now I put the price way down, but lie didn’t get ubead of me so much as lie thought he was going to. I cheated him on the weight— see? Griddlerack— Oh, that so? A l l right then ; I ’ll take tliut leg.— Boston Tran­ script. ___________________ COL. JOSEPH L. FOLLETT Household necessities, cheer and warmth In winter, require the building of more tiree. A cheerful warm lire-place is a IN TH E HOLD OF A FREIGHTER. gracious oomfort, but the harm Are may do bas do limit. Hearthstones bare storied oyal D isch a rg in g One C argo W h ile S tow ing A n ­ legends, atul there are sloriee o f how o th e r — Many A r t ic le » T h at A re Shipped houses are burned down by carelessness. I n L a rg e Q u antities' Th e D ig n ity o f the But it is because we have more Ares that there are more burns and scalds, the treat­ “ Chucks.” ment of which, to allay at once the tortur­ ing pains, requires something for immedi­ A hnge cavern, dark and somber, a ate use. No household should be without it, and Ht. Jacobs Oil supplies tbe need. marching phalanx of brawny men, heap­ I'sed according to direction, it heals, ed np treasures from the four corners of soothes and cures and leaves uo scars be ST . « T r »« x ••T• *2 l ^ ,*T S i ■«&* A *»f ____ the earth— the sight suggests one’s child­ hind. ■Excuse m e," said the Ash, as he (hopped ish visions of the secret retreat of which HORSELESS CARRIAGES. back into the W Atr. - excuse me, but rtaily f do PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE. A li Baba tells ns, aud we look in tbe uot consider your point well taken." C leveland to Inaugu rate a Hyatem o f Gas- faces of the men to see if perchance they W oo d m ao O m k « IJp U li H a t and Coat to •olene V eh icles W ith Cheap Fare. carry there the lineaments of brigand P r o v e Ilia Pretence. A mammoth project for the trumipor- age. But no, these men are not to be Bqoiie Woodman of the Fourth C hi­ tatiou of passengers through the streets distinguished from thousands to be seen cago district has adopted a novel as well of Cleveland is now under w a y The any day in the streets of New York. m original method for letting .Speaker plan embraces the practical use of horse This scene on tbe docks from the time Heed know that he is not absent from less carriages on time schedulua, with Stomach, sometimes called waterbiaeh, o f the arrival of a freight ship until its bis duties in the house of representa­ various lines in operation over regular departure is of the sort that compara­ and burning pain, distress, nausea, tives. Mr. Woodman’s chair and desk systems of streets. A partnership of tively few ever sco, but is well worth dyspepsia, are cured by Hood’s Sarsa­ are in the last tier of seats on the Re wealth; Clevelanders already lias been the seeing of all. We all of us have a parilla. This it accomplishes because publican side of the chamber. Just back formed to carry oat this great project, suspicion that the docks are the stamp­ with its wonderful power as a blood of them is a large blue baize screen. aud a big corporation is to be organized ing ground of certain marauders, and puriAer, Hood's Sarsaparilla gently It is the custom of the Chicago con­ eventually. every boy who reads the Action of his tones and strengthens tiie stomach ami gressman to hang his overcoat and silk The first lot of carriages has been class can tell lively tales concerning the digestive organs, invigorates tiie liver, hat on the pole of the screen, where both ordered, and it is expected that a part exploits of the wharf rats chased by Old are in fu ll view of the speaker and ser­ of the system w ill be in active opera Sleuth, and in a vague way we know creates an appetite, gives refreshing geant-at-arms of the house. Then the tion by June 1. Tbe horseless carriage when we stop to think of it that there sleep, and raises the health tone. In •quire meanders bareheaded all over A European Idea. motora to be used are the product of an must be a tremendous amount of mer­ cjses of dyspepsia and indigestion it the capitol and is just as likely to be inventor of Germany. They are noise­ Onoof the most characteristic features chandise sent over seas to aud fro, but seems to have “ a magic touch." found ensconced in a comfortable chair of European prisons as a whole is that less gasolene motors of the most im ­ in order to realize the truth intelligent­ -'F o r ev er 12 years I suffered from sour In the senate chamber as anywhere else. prisoners are ullowed to have a portion proved order. This make of the carriage ly oue must see it us it is portrayed in a Meanwhile the mute witnesses of his of their earnings. This system prevails is already in use, and there seems to be day at tbe docks. presence over in the house are a sure in France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, no doubt os to its perfect ntility. Tbe When the freight steamship Missis­ preventive against the charge of “ ab­ fare w ill be 2% cents to a ll sections of sippi, plying between New York aud with severe pain» a e r o »» ray »h 'fu tiers, Russia, Sweden, Denmark and other senteeism” being placed on the roll call. the city. London, arrived at her pier in the North ami great distress. I had violen t nausea countries. The amount earned by the Other congressmen invariably go to prisoners varies considerably where it river, she had three days in which to which would leave me very weak and the cloakrooms on the Democratic or THEIR DAY OF FREEDOM. discharge her cargo and be again laden. faint, difficult to get m y breath. Th e e depends upon piece work. In France the Republican side of the house as soon as It was overdue, and the merchandise on spells cam e oftener and m ore severe. I average salary of tiie prisoner is 36 cents they reach the scene of their labors, but Prom in en t C olored Men M eet to Choose e the dock awaiting the vessel was com­ a day. O f this amount the prisoner is did not receive any lasting Iwiieiit from N ational K m aorlpatlou D a,. bo far Squire Woodman’* hook in the re­ pactly heaped in a great heterogeneous physicians, but found such happy effects allowed to spend one-half while in pris­ A large meeting of representative col­ tiring room has not been used.— Chica­ mass reaching high to the roof. The from a trial o f H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla, tliut I on for supplementary food aud clothing, ored men of the south was held at M em ­ go Tribune. bulk of the 6,000 tons which were en­ took several bottles and mean to alwuys postage, etc., though no expenditure is phis the other day with a view to add gaged for transport was gathered in this keep it in tbe house. I am now able to made without the approval of the ad­ During the fonr years of the civil war lug a national day of celebration of the long room by tire water. Products of ministration. The other half is reserved do all iny own work, w h ich fo r six years there were 107 pitched battles, 108 com­ emancipation proclamation. Hon. John every sort were there— the staples of until the tim e of his discharge. A three I have l>een unable to do. M y husband M. Langston favored Jan. 1. Professor bats involving the presence of a number Col. Joseph L. F ollett of N ew York when in need of a tonic and general industry, the sumptuous requirements and son have also been greatly bene­ years' prisoner has tohis credit ou leav­ J. E. Knox of L ittle Rock and Professor regulator of tbe system. I have recom­ of regiments on each side and 803 skir­ ing an average of $60, a four years' has a national reputation. of luxury, the humblest necessities, the fited by H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla—for pain » in John K. Ruffin of Memphis also spoke mended it to a great many, and every mishes, sieges and other actions. prisoner $70 and a Ave years’ prisoner reAnemeuts of the sybarite. The wants the hack, und after the grip. 1 glad ly A t the age of 21, Col. F ollett enlist­ one who tried it got relief. In favor of that day. Resolutions were of tbe animal man were forcibly illus­ recom m end this grand blood m ed icine.’ * ubout $90. — Chicago Record. unanimously udopted making Jan. 1 the ed in Battery G, First Missouri L igh t Sir John Herschel proved that an lei- “ It is the best general remedy I ever trated by a great tmlwark of 1,!)00 bales M r «. F ilter B u r b y , Leom in ster, Mas«. N o t So A W tu ny superior. flo 4A miles in diameter und 200,000 dato of celebrating the g ift of freedom. A rtillery , and soon rose to its command used or knew anything about. ” of hops, doomed ultimately to slake the A committee is to be appointed, con­ miles long would melt in one minute Paleface— Why don’ t you get a civ­ A t Lookout Mountain his was the only When the nervous system has become sisting of three representatives from thirst of the bibnlons; 17,000 sacks of should It fat! into the sun. ilized name for yourself, now that you Battery that readied the summit. weakened from any cause, Paine's cel­ Aour, each weighing about 140 pounds; each state and territory, to select a have become a civilized Indian? Since the war he has devoted him ­ ery oompound builds it up as nothing 1,000 sacks of coffee, each weighing T U B U N K IN D R H T C U T O B A L L , place of meeting fur the national eman­ Noble Red Man— Ugh I Wbat your self to mechanical engineering, and has else can. I t makes people well. about 160 pounds, besides a mere triAe cipation celebration on Jan. 1, 1897. name? People in every w alk of life have rea­ invented several important im prove­ AaBhakeapeAre any*, is to poke fun or sneer nt of 200 tons of fresh meat. That unas­ Paleface— My name is Iglehart. people who are nervous, under the half belief Prominent among those present ut the suming element in domestic happiuess ments on the sewing machine, and a b i­ son to be grateful to Prof. Phelps of that their complaint Is Imaginary or an affeeta meeting were J. M. H ill and Isaiah Is the One True Bloi d Purifier. All druggists. fl. Noble Red Mau (w ith crushing sar­ cycle that promises to be one of the sur­ Dartmouth, the eminent scientist who tlon. It Is neither, but a serious reality. Im­ known as lard was very much iu e v i­ casm)— U g li! Iglehart I Heap good! In ­ prises of next season. The tension on discovered Paine’s oelery oompound. He perfect digestion and assimilation of the food Is Montgomery of Mississippi, M. W. dence here, being formulated into a cu­ U a a H ' c P i U c H 1 LL-er Ills and a very common cause of nervousness, especially Gibbs of Arkansas aud Hon. John M. n u u u a r m o Kick Headarh»*. •Jfieeuu. jun's name Eagle Heart! Heap bad' - the nervous system of an inventor, kept understood the peculiar needs of the linary monument of 8,000 28 pound that distressing form of It which manifests it­ self in want of sleep. Hostetler's Stomach Hit­ Langston of Virginia. n. j-i D L. J UP *or months and months, seriously nervous system; he knew that the back­ pails. A sequence of ideas calls onr at­ ters speedily remedies nervousness, as It a so o l& V G r r o m D O y n O O U . weakened the health of a busy brain- ache, headache, sleeplessness, loss of tention to a stolid heap near by— 600 does malarial, kidney, bilious and rheumatic H o w Tom Scott Becam e Rich. BOUND TO HAVE ONE. ailments. The weak gain vigorspeedlly through ---------- worker like Col. F ollett, and his cou- appetite, aud disordered blood a ll mean tons o f pig lead. An interesting story is told by T. O. its use. stitntion, which even the hardships of that the nerves are weakened and inad­ Spare would forbid an enumeration Curtis of Low ville, Columbia county, Krom the Red wins, Minn., Republican. Site IteleaMMt O n« Man Fur 926 and M a r­ Chnnk—Doesn't a “ new woman“ make you " I am now 24 years old ,” said Ed- war did not weaken, threatened t6 sue equate to the demands upon them. The o f tho dress fabrics in a limitless varie­ about Tom Scott, tbe millionaire lum­ ried Ula Friend. feel fairly mad? Quiverful—Ves; but she's not win Swanson, of W h ite Rock, Good- cumb to nervous exhaustion. W hat experience of thousands has proven all ty, all neatly boxed and seeming some­ so bad as a now bany I berman, who died pome years ago. Mr. Miss Rena McKay und Richard Ray hue county, M inn., to a Republican Col. F ollett has to say in regard to his over this broad country thut Paines’ how expectant of the European trip, Curtis came to Wisconsin in tho forties o f Greeusburg, Iud.. were to be married • loo K R W A K I) 9100. celery compound w ill give health to the the other afternoon in Squiro Powers' from which most o f them, alusl w ill and engaged in hauling goods from M il­ representative, "an d as you can see I restoration to health, cannot fa il to When I carry great weight. In a letter to W ells nerves, and through them to the entire W hile in M il­ am not very large of stature. office, but nt tiro last moment Ray suc­ never return. But onr interest centers waukee to the pineries. Is paper will he pi Colleges conferred upon Dr. to learn that there ih at least one dreaded ceeded in compromising for $25. Then in tho cases of furs, some of which are waukee he met a young man who had was 11 years old I became afflioted & Richardson Co. of Burlington, V t ., body. Phelps their highest honors for his in­ disease that scienne has been able to cure a friend of the groom named Ed B ul­ marked in Agnres that arouse onr re­ fallen into ill luck. He had a few laud with a sickness which baffled the skill he writes: in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's "W h e n suffering from mental ex­ valuable investigations in medicine, but spectful admiration. Here is one marked warrants, however, from which he and knowledge of the pbysioian. 1 Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now lard, seeing the opportunity of his life, a ll this seems insigniAcant in compari­ known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh withdrew w ith the g irl und her father with a dignified “ 1 ," followed by fonr hoped to realize a few hundred dollars. was not taken suddenly ill, bnt on the haustion and a generally disorganized being a constitutional disease, requires a a few minutes, and when they returned ciphers und preceded by the mighty These warrants were given to Mr. Cur­ contrary I can hardly state the exact system, and overwork, I used P aine’ s son w ith the chorus of gratitude that constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh symbol which is the secret or open tis to sell. He afterward disposed of time when it began. Tbe Arst symp­ celery compound. The oompound acted has gone up all over the world from Cure is taken internally, acting directly their fucos were wreuthud in smiles. men, women and children, who have Bullurd succeeded in soothing the source of most human activity. The them for several times the amount the toms were pains in my back und rest­ like a charm on my bowels and kept upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation g irl's lacerated feelings, and, hand in next case also is marked $10,000, aud young man had expected to receive for less DightB. Tbe disease did not trou­ them in Ane condition, and I experi­ outgrown weakness and the lack of of the disease and giving the patient hand, went before the county clerk, s tw o wutchmen sit upon these boxes by them. ble me much at Arst, but it seemed to enced great relief from my brain trou­ health by the use of P aine’ s celery strength by building up the constitution night and by day— solemn, apprehen­ Iu tiie meantime the young fellow had have settled in my body to stay and bles. I have not used P aine’ s celery compound, the most wonderful nerve and assisting nature in doing its work. cured u license, and at 7 o'clock th The proprietors have so much faith in its same evening the intended Mrs. Ray be­ sive, guarding their employers' business gone to N ew York city. The money was my bitter experience during the laBt compound for six months, but I shall and blood restorative. with tiie scrupulousness exacted by a forwarded to him and reached him iu a thirteen years proved that to be tbe curative powers, that they otter One Hun­ came Mrs. Ed Bullard. dred Dollars for any case tiiat it fails to dishonest world. very opportune time, being the means case. I was, of course, a child and cure. Bend for list of Testimonials. And here is a sight to gladden Orphe­ of placing him iu a position where he □ever dreamed of the suffering in store Address, TO HELP THE WOMEN. us’ heart— a hnge collection of musical became, later, tiie head of one of the lar­ for me. I complained to my parents F. j. CHKN KY A 00., Toledo, O. possibilities In pocking cases, inchoate gest dry goods Arms iu the great metrop­ and they ooncluded that in time 1 Bold by Druggists, 7Ao. P o tte r P a lm er Hernia Money to the l jn ll . 1 H all’s Family rills i n the best. melodios of the future, for here ure cu­ olis. o f the A tla n ta Kapoeltlou. « would outgrow my trouble, but when K IT W .—All Fite »topped free by Hr. K illin '» Potter Palmer of Chicago has sunt his bic feet galore of organs and pianos. they heard me groaning daring my Some years afterward Mr. Curtis vis O r »«»t N e r v e K e a to r e r . No Fit» after the Hr»t day'» use Marvelous cure». Treatise and |2.0u check for $1,000 to Mrs. Joseph Thomp­ These and an infinite variety o f other ited N ew York, where ho was joyously sleep they became thoroughly alarmed. trial bottle free to Fit canon Bend to Dr. Kline. son, president o f tlie wumuu's depart­ things are included in tiie technical received and royally entertained by the Medical advice was sought, but to no Ml At«»» Nt , Philadelphia. Pa. phrase measurement goods, merchandise ment of tile Atlanta exposition. This merchant prince whom he had "placed avail; I grew rapidly worse and was T r y O k r m k a for breakfast. money is to be used by Mrs. Thompson shipped according to its bulk in boxes, ou his feet,” as he himself expressed it, soon unable to move about and Anally and the totul destined for the Mississip either in furthering any plans she may a few years before. Tom Scott at this became oonAued continually to my have for the Woman's building in the pi the oilier day was 1,000 tons, each time had u sort of store at "th e Rap­ bed. The best doctors that could be future or In any charity she may elect. ton standing for 40 cubic feet. id s ," but his stock had so dwindled had were consulted, but did nothing But there were other points of inter­ down that he remarked to Curtis that he Mr. l ’ulmer was greutly impressed for me. I tried various kinds of exten­ witli the work the Atlanta women huvu est besides the dock itself. Three boat­ would have to do some hard scratching sively advertised patent medicines with done, und as they hope to utilize the loads of graiu waited near at band, in order to obtain a new stock. Curtis, but the same result. Woman’s building for some ]>ormuuent about 26,000 bushels, en route for for­ remembering his N ew York friend, " F o r tw elve long years I was thus a enterprise fur the advancement of w om ­ eign lands. Close to the grain were its signed a joint note w ith Scott aud ob­ sufferer iu constuut agony without res­ uatnrul destroyers, horses mid cattle, en he lias sunt the money with the idea tained from tli« gentleman the desired pite; abscesses formed on my body iu . WALTER BAKER & CO.. Ltd., Dorchetter. M m «. which ueigiied and bellowed and snort­ goods. "T h a t,” says Mr. Curtis, "w a s of aiding thorn in tliut work. rapid succession, snd the world indeed ed and pawed in a Ane peripatetic Tom Scott’s starter iu life. " — M ilw au­ looked very dark to me. About this frenzy. These are taken in through ii kee Wisconsin. Havauta G oing to Japan. time when all hope was gone and noth­ porthole from the boats on which they I f the regents of the University of ing seemed le ft but to resign m yself to arrive, whence a steep gangplank leads, KlxHlllf. California und tiie Oakland hoard of ed my most bitter fate, my attention was I f you want aure relief for pains in the back, aide, cheat, or and they do some ground and lofty turn An English journal prints the fo llo w ­ neat ion give their consent, a party of limbs, use an called to Dr. W illia m s ’ Pink P ills for j tiling aud mach whinnying and lowing ing : " A very disagreeable habit o f the four astronomers w ill leave for Japan Like a drowning man before they get safely np it. There were king of Portugal is that he kisses bis Pale People. on May 20 to take observations and grasping at a straw, in sheer despera­ 247 horses scheduled, slid the tally of male friends. Tiie princes of onr reign­ photographs of the totul eclipse of the T i l l (IKKAT the cattle was 816. Tiie majority of ing house all do this, aud of eonrse it is tion I ooncluded to make one more a t­ •mi that w ill take pluoe on Aug. 9. these are lornted on the main deck, common enough abroad; but, tlinnk tempt— not to regain my health ( I dare F a m ily Medicine o f the A g e . The reason that the party w ill go to which is caller), after them, the cattle heaven, so far this nasty looking (no not hope so much) but if possible to B e a r in M in d — N ot one of the host of counterfeits and imi­ Japan is tliut the northern part of that )Taken Internally, It Cure* deck, but about 200 of them are put ou matter how really innocent) habit has eise my pain. tations is as good as the genuine. country is where that eclipse w ill be IM.rTh.rn, Cramp, and Pajn in tho " I bought a box o f the p ills and the upper deck, where they are giveu never become fashionable in this coun- nearest to the earth. Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, they seemed to do me good. I fe lt en­ air without stint. | try. It is of course all a mere question Coughs, Sic., Sic. The loading nnd unloading are carried of etiquette, but let ns fervently pray couraged and continued their use. Belling; o f W ires Renew ed. The very remarkable and certain lined Bxternally, It Cures on alternately. As fast as n hatch is that Englishmen when they meet with A fte r taking six boxes I was up and relief given woman by M O U R E ’S The gelling of wive« by Italiaua iu the Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, able to w alk around the house. I R E V E A L E D R E M E D Y has given or part from their friends w ill never get coke region» around Dunbar, P a., bus cleared ont it is Ailed from the inateri Toothache, 1‘niti in the Face, Neu­ have uot fe lt so w ell for thirteen years it the name of Woman's Friend. I t is uniformly success­ been revived by the mile of a g irl of 16 als awaiting carriage. There are several to think it the correct thing to kiss one ralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Fret. C J F *^ r . a n d w e a k n e s s hatches iu all, which penetrate the np another. Etiquette ia parting varies a ll as during the past year. Only one ful in relieving the backaches, headaches H years of age to an Italian for $800. Mo article ever attained to aach anboanded life . Thousands of year have I taken Dr. W ililam s' Pink which bnrden and shorten a woman’s popularity - S a l e m ( fh e e r e e r . The father of the g irl had previously per derk, tbe main or rattle deck, the I over the world. In America the men Pills, and 1 am able now to do chores women testify for it. I t w ill give health and strength An article of greet merit and virtue.— Cimm, been offered $'¿00. This suitor, however, steerage, the orlop and the lower hold. •hake hands and the women kiss one an­ and make life a pleasure. For sale by ali druggists. and attend to light duties. We can hear testimony to the efficacy of tha was overbid, aud the niau gave his Tiie upper two are devoted in great part other and sometimes cry. for the Am er­ Fain Killer. We have seen Ite m ««ir eiferte la "D o I hesitate to let you publish B LU M AU ER-FRANK DRUG CO., P o r t l a n d , Agents. to the cuttle, while all below is Ailed ican ladies are champion weepists. In eoothiug the eetercet pain, and ^kuow ki it to be • daughter to the oue who offered the good article. -t in tin n a ti Ditp.tirh. what I have -said? No. W h y should w ith stores of merchandise. A apeedy cure for pain no family * i Frauoe and iu Italy even more the w om ­ should bp most for her. Wit hont it Montreal TYnsirrt FIRST I was astonished while on the dock to en weep, while the men kiss aud hag 1? It is the truth and I am only too Nothing haa yet eurpaeae/ the Tain Killer, hlctta la the moat valuable family tnadiolne now observe a great pile of what looked like one another almost as vigorously as i f glad to let other sufferers know my ex­ A Hook Announcem ent. In nee T>«m. O r g a n . COST... It haa real merit . ae a tneane of removing pain, they were in a wrestling match. An perience. It may help those whose “ The Romance of the Dingley Twius ordinary large si led Are wood. I won medicine haa acquired a reputation eunal to BY CORRESPONDING WITH cap of misery is ss fu ll today as mine f o ^erry Davte'^Petn Killer.—Wevrpect ( * » . ) O a ilp and the Hold, Had Senators” w ill be dered if by any rhance the cook preferred English woman shakes hands with a was in the past." wood Are, but I discovered by a little man of her acquaintance, while iu Spain ft is really a valuable medicine It la need b* the title of the next uovclette published ma-.y Physician« /« ••!.»*« tra veller Dr. W illia m s ' Pink P ills contain, in questioning that the wood was uot des­ she always gives her hand to be kissed. Beware of imitations, buy only tha gsnnlag in our esteemed contemporary, ma te by "P ia a i Davis. | last is important on board ship, aud bar " I see that the students of sociology men they effect a radical core in all I » | rels are important as ballast. Their have Agured it o u t," lie hegau, "th a t esses arising from mental worry, over­ i » steadfastness is dependent on the chncks, education"— work or excesses of whatever nature. ( » and hence the dignity of chucks — New He paused as if in doubt whether he Pink P ills are sold in boxes (never in < » Do You WE WILL H N O VOU EITMKR York Herald. loose bulk) at 60 cents a box or six ought to pns-eed. o W ear... boxes for $2.50, snd may be had of_all " Y e s ? " she said encouragingly. EXCHANGE o pm « Th ai l.iirfcy In.tltntln n. — "th a t education is having a bad e f­ druggists, or direct by m ail from Dr. ( » PARTS S TO ORDER 30 Oonpons, OS, Mnc Elizabeth G. Kelly of Chicago, fect upon matrimony," be continued; W illia m s ’ Medicine Company, Sche­ Tailor made, finished end eewed well begun Is h alf done. Begin for 2 Ooupoui and nectady, N. Y. who has already endowed the University "especially tiie education (if women. " wttheilk throughout, perfect fitting w ell by gettin g Ferry’ s Seeds. 30 Oeuta. ‘ Don t let chance determ ine —by first-class white tailor»—from " I never did believe in too much ed­ I of Chicago with a woman's dormitory your crop, but plant Ferry s your measure. On application will rym r. AJW W jfeM W s* costing 960,000, has divides) to erect on ucation." said she softly. You w ill find on# coupon inside each 2 ounce bag, Seeds. K n ow n and »old send samples of cloth and directions H. Peeke, who aod tw o coupon« it»a»Je each 4 ounce beg of everyw here. for self measurement. Black Chev- . She waited for him to speak, bnt be I the university campus a chapel to cost m*ki& z. special cy of Before you plAnt, get lot suitings, 91 *. Tniforms and ! Kpilepsv, has Without $100,000, to be known as the K elly said nothing Bicycle Suita a specialty. doubt treated and cur­ F rr ry * S r r d Annual " I ’m glad I never knew my lessons, Memorial chapel. In memory of her o ed more cases than anv for Contains m ore prac-1 living Physician; hie BUil BLACK CLOTHS CCM’ ilT, POST LAIS, OREiOl, ¡brother. The university has uo chapel a n yw a y," she added. 0 tical inform ation for farinera success ia astonishing and gardeners than m * »> h lf l ! building at present Some men are slow to take a hint, W e have heard of cases < > priced text books. Mailed free. of jo years' standing T O F 4 F R M O T O R CO. dm« half the « o r t o but they are quick to understand when 1 » ». a. »K ia i » to., »rraoiT. m u . windmill buames«, because tt has red used tbe cost at c u r e d b\ Mr McCann I am building a house they are hit with an ax. I » him. He wind power t<> 1 ,t§ »(hat it was.« It bas many branch TH> QUALITY of thla silverware la Arct-olaas. Racer*' met«. King*« pattern. and am only using lumber from the h house«, and «uppltea Its goods end repair« publishes a NOT th« traro ©rdinertly »(V#r*.t an premium«. 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On appllcatton it will nane ans F m a U k r a l l U n t t f U L . t 3 C r e ls ■ M t U , Me Why ahotild older people bo com is absolute cure, free to env sufferer® __ I of these articles that It witA furniah und. terior speech which we do not articulate, a CENT STAM PS AC CtW TtO y send their P O and Kspress adores®. Januar? IN at 1/3 the usuai prie*. ' It ateo maker polled to be childish, and play with even when we employ i t — Mine ¡¡welch Tarks and Pumpe s t all kinds (lend for owtaAoguw W . a J i i y *nv on. wtahlB| • cu r. to ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ w s o o s s s s s s s e s dolls at Christmas? I Ikh. Beckw«a aw* PUtoers lama, Ckfc*» Froi.w B. r i x o . f . 4C «4arSt.. » r w T w » iuo _____ S. P. S. U. No. 642 —8. F N. 0 . So 71$ P U T TIN G A W A Y SIX THOUSAND TONS State Chemist, California: The R fulfils all the require­ ments. Our tests show it has greater leavening power than any other. Sour One of Sheridan’s Commanders Saved by Paine’s Celery Compound. Stomach H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla A It’s Pure W alter Baker & Co.’s Cocoa is Pure—it’s all Cocoa — no filling — no chemicals PAIN­ KILLER Allcock’s P o ro u s P la s t e r W .Y MACHINERY Si SAW * FLOUR M I N I N G ................... M A R IN E ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ W A R E-H O U S E ♦ ♦ S A P O L IO SILVERWARE Teaspoons, OR, 1 Tablespoon, OR, 1 Fork, IDE WILLAMETTE IRON WORKS P an ts? 2 3 ¡FOR Fits Cured B lackw ell s G enu in e D urham T o b a c c o . I- PLANTING 4 MRS. WINSLOWS ° ' °