vidcil interest in lot 6 blk 15 oa k ," In almost every instance o f this r a u « u iiu k x c i a d o m . McMinnville ........................ Si 00 kind, while they frown dow n the iMytou Herald. Henry W Carliiwet ux to G I) “ broken reed." Just w hy this is so Mr. BD(1 Mrs. N . i irua|ey, sr., enter- Carlin and wf, warranty deed ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. iias never been very satUfuctorhdly ex- u ln ed u few frlendlJ liist j|on duy eVen- rec March 11 1890, all our un­ ------------------------------ plained, but evidence la not vanU ng to artwtb M n lv tfM fjr o f divided interest in lots 3 4 5 und Oof blk No. loin McMinn­ E. II. W o o d w a r d , Eoiroa & P u b l is h e s . prove that when a woman lias once their wedded life They were each ville............................................ 280 00 ___________________ I fallen, she gets less svmnathv sympathy as a rule ’ presented with a neat pair o f gold from her ow n sex, than from the men, spectacle#, and a number o of f gold W D Carlin et al to G D Carlin FRIDAY, MAKCH SO, 1806. ................... " .................._ ............. et ux, warranty deed, rec while with the equally responsible March 14 1890, lots 3 4 b.k 15 The dedication o f the Duyton Evan­ man in the case, the petting is done by ! in city o f McMinnville ....... gelical church last Hunday was com ­ Entered a* second class «natter at the po»t the women. G I) Car ill et al to W D C'ardn olHce at Newberg, Oregon. » ______________ plete in every detail and everybody and Mary (> Coulter, war­ felt that the Lord was present. Jtevs. ranty deed, rec March 14 1HJKJ ( '. ( '. Doling, Metzger, and Ilunsaker Wilbur M. Cook of McMinnville has g o o d f h iit o b x a n *. All our undivided interest in lots 5 and (i ill b.k 15, city o f traded for the Monmouth Monitor. There may perhaps he places where o f the llaptist, und Itrunch, Presby­ terian, took part in dedication. The McMinnville .................... .. 2 00 (Success to you Mr. Cook in your news- growers can obtain paying prices for singing by the choir was excellent W e s h a ll g iv o F i n e r Q u a litie.- u m l G r e a t e r V a lu e s f o r e v e r y H o lla r th a t p a s s e s o v e r o u r C o u n te r # W D Carlin and w f to Mary O paper undertaking. ] fruit of inferior quality, but the X ortb- $1U1 To cents was asked to pay o il'in ­ t linn e v e r b e fo r e . Coulter, warranty deed, rec debtedness, .$193 was raised. A pro­ ----------------------------- i west is not such a place. The prosper- A n I m m e n s e lin e o f R e a s o n a b le G o o d s a t c l o s e m o n e y - s a v in g P r ic e s . March 14 I8!«i. all our undi­ tracted meeting is now in progress at Indianapolis, Ind. ha* the largest p e n -! ity o f the fruit growers o f Oregon, vided Interest in lot 5, bik 13 the church. city o f McMinnville ........... 2 00 E gC ^ T ltY US AND W E W ILL SURELY PLEASE YOU.-SS sion agency in the country, there Is-ing Washington and Idaho will bingo up- Last Friday Mrs. I ) . DeTlereof Pleas- 71,43!) names on the roll, The otiice on their ability to place upon the mar­ Qiitdulo, received the sad intelligence Anna und W A Snyder to Law­ rence Met'oni.eiI and Jolla ket fruit o f the highest quality. A pays out annually $10,879,428. that her little 2i yeur old nephew, son llio, warranty deed, rec Mar X j . D Æ . P A R K E R , I good general reputation for our fruits Pi 1890, lot 5 ink 18 Hurley A NEVVBERC, O R E . o f John Lambert, who lives near It Is estimated by those who seem to will help every grower. It must is* Spokane Fulls, Wash., a brother to Large’s add to N ew berg....... 100 00 be in a position to ligure pretty accurate*! admitted that a good deal o f fruit has Airs. lie I iere, was scalded to death. Frank and Annie Guuid to Geo \V liila-e, warranty deed, rec ly that the ’00 bicycle will reach a s a l e | gone East which ought never to have Mrs Lambert, the child's mother, was ; washing one day week la-fore last uud March 10 1890, lot 3 blk 1 Pot­ of a million in numlair. A very fa st1 been allowed to get away from home had a tub o f hot water standing on the ter’s add to Sheridan ........... 80 00 j and it lias bud u bad effect upon the floor. Her two little sons were play­ uge, this. J (J Iler etal F' M Hall warranty | reputation o f our fruit. One bad lot ing around the room, when the m oth­ C O L L E G K IT K M S . deed, rucorded March 10 1890 While the lot 3 b’ k 18, Hurley A I.aige’s It begins to look like Senator M itch -! " ill do harm which half-a-dozen good er stepped out o f doors. DLPOT LUMBER YARI>, mother was outside the oldest hoy Examinations this week. add to New berg...................... 100 00 ell's over anxious and unwise friends, shipments will not offset, NEW BEES, OREGON. , . , .... „ , hacked Into the tub o f hot water, and Tlios \V Thompson et al to Out of sight, those three waists?! l,itst season large quantities o f cher- |H.fore hi* mother could take him out were, by pressing the fight at this early DOORS. LATH, GLASS, CEDAR. ( bus A Hildyard, warranty Well hardly! WINDOWS, LIME. 8 ASH FIR. stage of the game, precipitating an uti-1 rles were shipped which were grown : o f the tub was terribly scalded. The deed, rec March 11 1890, 8 a, MOULDING8. SAND, REDWOOD. WEIGHTS, on trees so enfeebled from the ravages I child lingered in its sufl'cring until a Miss IK-rna Ilecce visited school Mon­ SHINGLES. II AIK, COUD, necessary contest. YELL W DINE [it n e J sec 3 t 2 s r 4 w- ....... 130 00 ETC., ETC. B u i l d e r s H a r d w a r e . o f the shot-hole fungus that the fruit wei k after the accident, 11 died u Samuel Hobson etal to Edward day afternoon. week ago last Thursday. C F’rost, warranty deed, rec An Oakland, California, lady h a s! was both undersized and lacking in W ho is tliat spreudengle on that old March 11 189.3, lot 21 b:k A dropped a damage suit of .¡10,000 for four ' flavor. Whole carloads of pears were Telephone-Iteglutcr. Hobson's add to Newberg .. 72 4: bike? Why it is Sophomore Cox I sent East in which it would he hard to kisses a man robbed her of. The price ('apt. Harris received a partial list of E (' ai d R J I-'rost to J Tborbua Lon Scott has quit school and is now- ONE OF THE PHYSICIANS OF THE of kisses inis dropped kke everything find u liox o f clean fruit. A great the oillceis of the 24th Missouri Infan­ ljoss, trustee, warranty deed, working on his brother’s farm north of number o f literally sick prunes were try yesterday, from ( 'apt. \V. \V. Me else.—Cup. Journal. rec March 11 1890, Ut 21 blk m town. dried and those who are unfortunate Cannon, o f the 14tli Infantry at Van­ A Hobson’s add to Newberg. 1 00 Ht-v. Jarrard, pastor of the I-'irst Hap- Marriage is not a failure. Rilverton enough to buy them will, if they have couver. Cnpt. Harris enlisted on Feb­ United States to James Mc- ti«t church led the Y . M. C. A. last Sun­ Glm.ess, doi ntio.-i patent, ree ruary 19, lHiiil, mid ('apt. MeCannou Of Portland, Ore., w ill be at the lias a couple who have live i together as hud no previous experience with our two days later. They are tryiug lo March 12 1890, 320.00 a, [it sec day afternoon. primes, wait a long time before they man and wife f->r seventy-two years. 19 20 2!) and 30 t 3 s r 4 w ___ complete a list o f Hie officers o f that The running track on the campus will regiment and see what lias become o f W he’och and Ellen Hinimer The husband ia ninety years old and the will buy any more o f them. I f wo are to raise such fruit as will them all. he put in order as soon as teams can bo wife ninety-two, and both are in g exl per sheriff, to J \V Cowls, procured to do the needed grading. rec .March 12 1890, 0.75 a, pt A certain married lady o f this city health and bid fair to live to celebrate bring paying returns when shipped N E W B E IÎG H OU SE, Samuel Cozinc d 1 c in t 4 s r Fuist, we must have healthy, vigorous sat up till 12 o ’clock the other night their diamond wedding. I’ emembcr the musicale at the college 4 w .................... ........ 850 00 N E W B E R G , OKE. trees and they must not lie allowed to waiting for her husband to come home. tonight. An old-fasliioned concert will I! E Lippincott and w f to Mrs overbear. We must not only keep fun- At last, weary and worn nut w ith wait­ Rome of the candidates over in Marion bo one of the features of the program. Elizabeth Me’olt, warranty county are adopting a method lon-> in ! K‘>u’t diseases and insect pests in check, ing, she went to her bedroom to retire deed, rec March 13 1890, lots Owing to ill health, Miss Onie David und found her missing husband there •h is to announce - - ! but must tutti the fruit so as to product H an d 12 hlk 7 Lippincott’s vogue in tiic east, widen ... ■»■in---..- fast asleep Instead o f going down 2nd add to D ayton................ 140 00 w ill not attend school next term Init will their candidacy by publishing a stand-! lu''g"sl sizes possible, uml also avoid town, lie had gone to his room. She retreat to tier home on the mountain for Have you titles examined anil ab­ was so mail that she would not speak ing announcement in the papers. This over taxing the tree. recuperation. stracts made by Ithodes & Ithodes, Growers doubtless think it is easier to him for a week. Will bo w r e r . th c d w ith a m o s t e n g a g i n g is an excellent way for a candidate to who have in their office the only set of The nice weather seems to have s m i l e , a f t o r y o u In v e s t lì* a The leap year winter picnic to be to give advice of tills kind than to ent­ roach the people and it also gives the abstracts o f title o f land in Yamliill affected some of the students pretty people a elilinee to make comparisons ho ry it out und such is tlie case, lint tin given by Hie Indies o f Custer \V. It. C. county. Prompt attention given to or­ EYE. EAR, HEAD. badly already. Several of them will not that they may he able to vote more in­ fact remains that there is no reasonable promises to he an enjoyable aflalr. In­ ders for (distracts. Office upstairs in | THROAT, LUNGS. the McMiiniyillu National Hunk build­ lie in next term. vitations will lie issued by the Post and probability o f securing paying returns telligently at the conventions. HEART, STOMACH- ing. Allen Craven lias lately traded for a for anything hut choice fruit, und Corps members to us many o f their EQUIPPED WITH ITS NEW LIVER,SKIN nice riding pony. Miss Gertie will now those who are not prepared to take the friends as they are each willing to fur­ The M arket f o r iireen F ruit. There nre more people in Oregon AND KIDNEYS. nishing provisions for. Flvery lady- pains required to produce such fruit will I«-expected to draw for partners, undoubtedly enjoy the pleasure of many PiJSCH T E N SIO N , N kw Y ork , Jan. 29, 1896. effected with the mining fever than ever will find it more profitable lo dig up paying one cent for every ten pounds Eilitor Oregon Agriculturl.t: fine ponyback rides. TE’IS iGTJ INDICATOR liefore since the mining days of old. their trees und use the ground for rais­ uvmiil'dlipois. Seales will lie provided We are glad to know there is a proba­ Rome of the boys have commenced to With business dull, a great many peo­ for weighing the gentleman und a good ing som ething else.—Rural Northwest. bility of a heavy business for the com­ train in running on the track of the ple are arranging to prospect during the program will lie rendered, followed by Successfully treated. We have never failed. various games, after w hich a basket ing campaign. We have five million Newberg fair association. This is the summer, hoping to striko something Tte most complete and useful devices ever K A F r ill COHN. people within ninety miles of this city, right kind of a beginning supper will lie served in picnic style. rich. Many are already off for the Alas­ added to any sewing machine. All are to be clothed ill summer attire. comumers of green fruit, which is per­ A good deal lias been said recently The musicale given by Miss Sargeant ka gold fields in the far north. History fectly enormous. Wo need the best tonight will certainly lie worth at-1 £\£7~Will lim ite r e g u l a r v is it s , T h e W H I T E is will no doubt repeat itself, and the larger in the papers about the probability o f YttmldU County Reporter. e a ch m o n th . grade of fruit, well packed, which can tending, as considerable practicing has j liumlier will return in the fall [«Hirer Kafllr corn doing well in the Willam­ Durably and Handsomely Bttiif, I. fi. Hoot o f the college, will begin come here sound, because that is the ette valley and there are a number of than when they went away. While tIn­ fruit which makes the money. The lieeii done by the members of tlio class. teneliing school in the "H ig h Heaven” O f Fine Finish and Perfect Adjustment, trouble with the deciduous fruit from spirit shown to get out ami rustle is people in this com m unity who have district next week Examinations close F'riday at noon.j Sews A L L Scwable Articles, TTOKNKY-AT LAW. been figuring on trying it this year, but Oregon last season was that the packing very commendable, f«,r those who have and the afternoon will be given to atli- j A petition is circulating in Sheridan was not good, much of it slack, while And will serve and please you up to the full any business of their own, the most ap­ from all that cun lie learned it seems isking the school directors to cull a many ol tiie Italian prunes had that letic sports. The preliminary field day limit of your expectations. that it will lie best to plant sparingly of qinclai meeting to vote bonds for a new propriate text is “ grin and hear it.” dull, dead color, instead of blue black will be held on tlie grounds of the New­ A ctive D ealers W anted in unoccu­ it simply us a trial. II. T. French of ? >,o,:(i school house. Prompt attention given to all legal business. which they should have had, ami which berg fair association. pied territory. Liberal terms. Address, Newberg. Oregon. the state agricultural college in a letter It is reported, with some appearance careful packing can make them have. O tfice — S econd Floor If a young man spends his time loaf­ We had only two or three cars from to the Pacific Farmer says o f it: Kuuk o f Newberg B ui'diug. o f credulity, that Hie populists will put .lou rs, lie Fityfl the Freight-. ing in saloons or about public places the Union, one of which did very badly, Much has hern said through the pa­ in a newspaper here to advocate tree Send for a copy of The Buyer’s Guide when lie lias not reached his majority, pers ol'this state regarding Kulllr corn. coinage o f silver and other populistic owing to the horrible [lacking, crates C LEVELAN D . O. a I «nit two-thirds full, -lull color and all with the latest reductions and market ENTI8TRY. and lay» up no means of support for a .Several items have been published in doctrines. Sent free to any address. Charley linker is o(T tills week for soft. We ul.-o had fruit from Messrs. quotations. family, what is likely to lie the condi­ which the plant was very highly rec­ Page A Son, packed by Mr. Stewart, ^ j Freight on $20.00 orders paid to any A g e n t . M c M in n v ill e . O r . Alaska. He expects to spend Hie sum­ Medford, amt no liner fruit ever came tion of that family, alien lie lias not on­ ommended. It has been very thoroughly tested N ew berg. O regon. ly himself Init a wife and children to hi our experimental plats, ami so far it mer at Juneau getting acclimated and here. We bail only a few ears, but they point on the Willamette river reached Gold filling, seam less gold Crowns and support? One of the most crying evils has shown very lew desirable charae learning tin- ways o f the country, and sold high, considerably above and Cali­ by Portland boats. Bridge work a specialty. All kinds Amalgam. next s ason invade the gold fields o f fornia fruit offering at the same time of M J o n es ’ C ash S to re , Bone and Silver filling d one. Also artificial of our times is the prodigality of our teristies for this locality or any part of the Yukon and dig for wealth. the name kind. teeth with gold fillings at bedrock prices. Ail 10-3 Front >St., Portland, Or. work warranted. young men. Yet many condone it uml Western Oregon. You people have the fruit there, and A deal lias been consummated be­ It is a plant which is better adapted laugh about the time when they too to the dry hot regions, than to our cool tween W ilbur Cook and It. A. Harris, if you will only learn how to select and C lea n Up Y o u r U reinisca. pack it you could make money. Our Concert tonight. “ sowed their wild oats.” The best moist climate. The soil has failed to whereby the former becomes editor an !g F buyer« are keen and sharp, and they Cleanliness is conducive to health. young man is the one who sows no crop ! germinate several times ow ing to the proprietor o f the Monmouth Monitor know good fruit when they see it, and Dr. A. Mills of the Dundee lulls was of wild oats, for lie will then have no wet cool weather which followed the a:i:l the latter comes into possession of tlu-y want tin-t est. We want to make Rpringtime is here, and all citizens are in town Monday behind tiie old white planting a soven-iu-ri- tract in Hie suburbs o f Mc­ money for your people, but we want the earnestly requested to co-operate with - harvest of them to reap.—Philomath horse. One season it grew four feet high, Minnville. kind of fruit suitable for the require­ the health officer, by cleaning up tiieir | From 3 to 12 inch, and Journal. hut did not make ns strong a growth ns N. M. Rnodgrass made a trip up the Drs. Culhrenth A Goucher are test­ ments of this market. We want cher­ back yards, out houses, etc., in order to it does In warmer localities. Where lu 1 and 2 foot lengths. sorghum w ill reach maturity this plant ing the merits o f aseptolin, Dr. Faison’s ries, Italian and Hungarian (Gross) preserve the general health of the peo- | valley last week ob a horse buying ex­ Tlu-re aro a good tnany pcople in Ore­ may by of some value. new discovery, in the treatment o f con ­ prunes, llartlett, Ifcurre Clairgeau, Win­ pie. II. J. L ittl ef iei . lv , Health Officer. t2 pedition. gon toduv w Ini are speiidlng tlicir timi- It has never produced seed with us sumption, by administering it to one or ter Nellis and Faster l’.eurre pt-ars. We O n Im n d a t a il tim e s . Like bread cast upon the waters, good are t->1 I they grow in profusion in your ami energy talk big thè finsueial quea- III some o f the Eastern stales wo have two o f their patients, Jesse Clark being state and nre of fine quality. That is 31 i ii i s t e r N l 'o t a l o c s . roads talk will count, if not at once it £45“ Write or call for Hard Times prices. sis'll the plant produce an abundance tion, wlm iiiisgine tliat aro i-. 1 1l.v The earliest potatoes in the world. will bear fruit in the future. o f seed which was considered valuable one of t belli. The medicine is a re­ w hat New York wants. We have many alilo to enlightcn their neighbora ro- tor fow ls. fined compound having phcnic or car­ who virtually do not eare for the price if Tlu-ir record is six weeks. They cost j It not only is so, it must be so. One specting wliat emigro'!« ouglit to do with W hen-corn grows successfully as a bolic acid for its Imse and is adminis­ they can get what they want, and we the present ow ner one dollar per dozen. have invariably toll I our friend in Cul- Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and tered by hypodermic Injection, being forage plant there Is little advantage In Fuctory on Railroad. referenti) to gold and silver, who wlicn absorbed into the circulation and iorniu ami el-ewhere to go in for quality, They cun be bought here for forty cents that’s what makes it go. A. T. Hill. thoy are piutn-d down tu cxpluin wliat grow ing Kulllr corn rather than quantity. To a man who per peck for seed at Wilson’s grocery, tl If any one in Western Oregon feels brought in direct contact with disease When conversation with your neigh­ tliey really memi, timi tliemselves ili that llu-y must try the plant, I would germs at work in the lungs. Phcnic lias expressed liis intention of sending fifteen ears of one kind of fruit, we have bor lags, mention the subject of gravel­ Spring Branch Club M eeting. acid is one o f i he normal constituents mudi thè sanie prodicaiuent us a Rilver­ recommend planting on a small scale urged him to send but ten, and those ton man, who, u bile hot ly ciigugcd ili il until the merits of Hie plant are known o f the blood. Dr. Faison says, lint lie the selection out of the fifteen, because There will bo a luceling of the pro­ ing tiie roads. Good road talk is always Poultry Y a r d ^ ^ found sutlh-icnt quantity o f it would dcliatc on thè money quest imi askc l for that particular locality. hibition club at the council room F'riday, in order. it is tlio same freight on common, or­ destroy the bacilli Not sufficient Remember the concert at the college wliat wna thè luetining of frcc silver. time lias c I a [wed to determine its ctleet dinary fruit as on tin- best, and we have March 20th at 7 :30 p. m. A full at­ C leirr 1 1 ('heat llay. upon the local patients, hut the d oc­ too much ordinary fruit altogether. Tiie deliater Huid—wliy it meaiis ut thè tendance is desired. Important b u s i ­ chapel tonight at 7:30. Admission 15 R ooiikl i D a y . cents. Tickets on sale at E. D. F71- ratio of li! to 1.” Hat ratio? n e s s t o transact. J. K. D i . a i k , Pres. There is quite a discussion going on tors sny they nre somewhat hopeful in t heir U-htilf. The ease o f Jesse Clark, T o ll itle n Ilim iliw tl l i l i e s . wood’s and A. T. Hill’ s. askc l thè other follow. The aow tlmr- in Kenton c unity, Oregon, which up- however, is said to I«' a complicated In Season. Av oid Consumption. oiigiily exeited deluter unii—“ Wliy ! penis to Is- largely the result o f niisiin- one. and failure to restore him to A century run is being talked up Don’ t lie in too big a hurry about W y a n d o tto s n S p e c ia lty. l»y stopping that cough. We know For particulars ca ll on or address darli it, it mc.iiiM tlint sistemi doli irs of j del-standing. In a bulletin recently is­ lienlt Ii would he by no means con ­ among Portland wheelmen, to take making your garden, at least anything silver will Le ivorth mie dollar in gold," sued by Prof. Shaw , o f the Oregon Ex- clusive evidence ug-.liiist tlu-elficaey of place in the early spring, the route l>e- o f no better remedy for ceuglis and except very early truck. The late cold j ¡3. H o b s o n . the new remedy. ami tlu-re thè doliate ended. 1 | k - i iuii-n' Station, analyses were given ing from Portland to Salem and re­ colds than the 8. 15. Gough I'ure. 50 rains will surely pack the ground hard, i N ewbkro , O r e o o » | o f clover hay, client hay, etc., and con- turn hi one day. There are a great cent# per bottle, l-’or sale by ai! ilrug- Valley Tr oi.-crlpt. A high liver with a torpid liver will ______ _______ A* thè timo fixod for thè Rt. Louis elusions were drawn which were not Miss Laura Miller, w ho is being many no vices who think it would be «tetfc not be a long liver. Correct the liver S ilv e r M e d a l C o n te st. convention npprouelies mi I thè imlii-n- favorable to the latter Some o f the treated by Dr. Vile with the new cotl- mi easy tiling to do, mid they will have , with Dewitt’s Little Early Risers, little farmers o f Iteiitou county who are par­ an opportunity o f undertaking the tions all [«lini toward thè nomination of tial toelieat hay tixik Issue With Prof. siinipti- n cure, is im proving nicely. There w ill lx* a free silver medal con­ pills that cure dyspepsia and constipa­ task some time in May. The iiumea of McKinley, our friends over in Knglaml Shaw, slid us proof o f the value o f I Harry Sitton had shipiM-d up from those who are willing to try and make test at tiie Methodist church next Tues­ tion. A . T. Hill. who art-iilways so anxious f >r thè « c i ­ their favorite deelare that they have Portland Hie other evening, the finest the run are U-ing taken, and an effort day evening March 24th at 7 :45 o ’ clock. In a letter to the Roston Globe from ! fattened steers upon it with decided PORTLAND, OREGON. tare of American Intercala are Hvmniiig success Now Prof. Shaw 's statements i Cocker Spaniel dog that ever came to will be made to get at least 100 to start. All are invited to la- present. the Glen I’a[>or Mills, it is stated that Yamhill. * J. \V. Singletary lias the project in Trent e n d M orrison S tre e ts. greatly exercised over Ilio outlook. A as to tlu* relative feeding value o f clo-1 the mills used up 60,000 trees in one ; It looks natural enough to see Mr hand. F'lill In formation o f the ismdi- C l o v e r H a y f o r S a le . pronuncili American who ri-ecntly re- ver and elieat hay were based upon the ' and Mrs A. J. Nelson on our streets lion o f the roads all the way through | Good loose clover hay for sale at the year for the wood pulp used in the man­ ; fact that the percentage o f protein In turncil frmn Knglaml s u a : w ill lie obtained, and the best will be ufacture of tiie paper supplied to the clover liny is it 11 while In cheat it is again, after their several months ate selected. Nothing will be left to Mrs. Warren farm on Chehalem moun­ Of all tilt- RepuMican candidate« Gov- only 3.91. Protein, or tin- tlesli and Globe. It is a startling thought th a t. - nee in i alifornla. Ity tin- w ay,they K ATES: chance, but full arrangements will be tain at $7.00 [« r ton. J. A. Joxcs. crn >r Mi-lviulcv is must fi- irc i in Eng- whole forests are devastated to supply Ei Rorr.vx- P l a n . 50 c . to $1.50 per dav. iiiuseli- forming portion of food is It is intend­ laml. The politieians on Ilio other side seanvr and c isliler than the carbohy­ have 1« ell lu c - several days, bill they completed for the »flair. the public with news. A merican P lan . $1.59 to (2.50 per day. F o r l ie n t . lire taking a livelv Inten si in thè tuli- drates which furnish nniiunl heat and did not appear on the streets until last ed lo take breakfast at Aurora, and Friday, when we met “ Cncle Jell',” possibly dinner on the way hack. va«s. They lielicvc tliat tini--* are ri|>e “ Give me a liver regulator and I can dwelling, newly papered A six room make fat. Protein is largely drawn up­ w ho is looking and feeling consider­ I'liosv who have heard o f the project E L M E R E . LA « T R E N T E , M v n a f r r for ItcpilMiean su-cess Ibis f ili ami, of regulate tiie worl 1,” said n genius. J. K. W a i o u t . seem to think it would prove enjoyable ami painted. courae,tliey h-qs* t-i >. thè lieimhlieaas on by milk and therefore closer which ably improved in health. Tiie druggist handed him a bottle of Is very rich in this element Is first class to those who have the wind and en­ nominate a man who is least likcly to liny for milch cows, while cheat hay, durance Probably, if a hundred tt< a l I «tut«* T r m i s f e i * . lavar thè agitati-m of thè tanfi quest ioti which is decidedly deficient In protein Soothing, healing, cleansing, DeWitt’ s DeWitt’ s hittle Early Risers, the fa­ should start, about 2 > [v r cent will Witch lluzcl Ralve is tliei-nemy to sores, mous little pills. A. T. Hill. sgsiil. (ìrcat llritain 1« pretti' « eli sat- Is a very poor food for a milch cow. Furnished every week by Ithodes A conn* out at the end Mr. Singletary i.-iled witli tlic Wilson bill, ami every However good city papers may be­ On Hu-other Initul cheat hay stands I Hindi's, Abstractors o f titles, MeMiun- will take the iiauiis o f those w h o are wounds und piles, which it never fails to U -JE on e kuow s bow - -rdial v Ilio McKinley well up in the fat forming Ingredient«, ville, Oregon. willing to take part, as he will want to eure. Stops itching and burning, come. and however cheap they may he act disliked over tia re. K ing In this resjh-et, as indicated by know just how many will go. In or­ t’ ures chapped lips and cold-sores in two sold, they can never supplant or destroy ThU la ra lly understood and lir who Hie analysis in tin- bulletin, a little David F' Campbell to James H der to make it all the more interesting Mflatt, warranty died , roe tiie local press. Tiie demand for local WATCHMAKER runa may reni. Tlu- Wilson bill wna ahead uf clover. The bulletin places and exeiting It i« desired lo give sev­ or three Lours. A. T. Hill. March 13 ISflfl, lot« »* and S - news in each individual section of the eral prizes to the winners o f first, sec­ friendly to I5riti«h intere ts, while Mc­ tin- value o f clover bay only It) per hlk 8 1.1 ppi icon 's 2nd add to a ™ JEWELER, W a n t e d :—Several trustworthy gen­ country is us great as the demand for cent higher than elu-at bay tail the Dayton, Or ................ $ 403 00 ond mid third K-st time. It is even Kinley stantìa for America ami Ameri­ market ill Portland generally shows ii thought some bli-yeledealer might find tlemen or ladies to travel in Oregon for the world’ s news in big cities, and there cana every tiuie. Of courae Fughimi dltlV-rcnoe of ..)> per is-nt in favor o f Alans.>n Savage to John Ih-ii- it to Ids advantage t > give a bicycle to established, reliable house. Salary »780 will always lie n local press to supply h i * olT In d ia n a iH -ttandw f, warranty deed, wnuld prefer some one else for pre.-i-leat clover nml this ditleremv In price was the winner. It promise# to be a royal and expenses. Rteady pivsiti-m. En­ that demand. It is nonsense to talk of Friends who 1 watch repairing done. ree March II |s-«>, lots 12 89 made long before the publication of eontest. and one of the most exeiting r.itlier tinnì McKinlev. l>Ik 12 in Oak Park add to Hu- bulletin, which shows that the Residents close reference and selt addressed the paper* of the large cities fulfilling 2 7 0 M o r r is the City o f McMinnville. 700 09 ever undertaken In Oregon practical sense o f u«i rs o f hay and Tiie Dominion the universal demand. along tin- road will I«- under the im ­ stamped enveloped. r lrn .A M ), o r . An exchange says: ‘ -Many a fallen chemical analysis agree in assigning a I. W and Ella FI Parker to Win pression that mi army on wheels is mi Company, Third F'loor, Omaha id-lg.. There are no Sunday newspapers in Hall, w arranty deed, ree Mar woman reivives the echi shoulder and higher value to clover liny than to the iiiureii.—Statimian. Canada; they are prohibited by law. Chicago, III. Iturnl Norllnve-t. 13 1890. lots I and 2 hlk 4 in Is ost ra<'i*-d on iinxMint o f her ba« •- client h::v ENTI8T College see add to tin- City o f Canadian publishers propose to cut off ness. Hut men have made her so. t*or t h * g « . McMinnville.. $?>2 33 There may be hope for the “ broken A number of business men of Sheldon, the competition afforded by American S w r r i l i m r l M in*. Elder Alsou \V. steers writes front reed,” but wliat al-mit the "giant oak” W \ l .you to Mrs Sara N l.yon In., are said to have Imycotted the Eagle, Sunday newspapers by making it law » w h f r e , OretMi. Portland, Or : “ There is no medicine with a rotten heart? Ile I» |H-tted, en- Publlshnl March 11, 189(5. Is just warranty deed, ree March 13 a local daily pn|«-r, K-eause City Editor that bun-lie* of newspapers which ivme Joled ami even honore I by the ln-st tx-uul Ifui. Solo or dm-t f»d lit » eoM rrr.wn«. b rld ec ’ rk. pt>M for the throat and lungs that 1 can 18-st, l o t i in hlk 4 in Five rest tn or rubber Miller is behind on his tsvard I ill and into Canada by express on Sunday shall people In society, while the poor add IB New |M| ............... nvotumcnil to ml Dint on*. public speak- pain. Prices "broken r*s-d” is disowned, scorned glint lille page, and thè ne 'om pani­ Wilber '1 C-'-'k and w ( to John the proprit-toi of the sheet refuses to reasonable. not lx- handed out by the express agents, vi ers ami singer*. with t ic confidence amt trampled upon. Is this charity, is meni ginn# muklug a nhv Lynch, warranty deed, tve that I can the S. It ( ’oui h t ’ure." 5>) discharge him or settle tiie bill liinisrlf. as has been done, until entered at the It religion, is it in accordance with the Send tlu. notici* and 8 two et n î 8 î amps March 111'- "5, 7.5) a, pt Sani for Ibis «orli, or "Rt. Georgi *’« Coni- in ills per bottle. For sail - by all drug- The paper has printed a list of delinquent custom houses. Tiie re-ult will he to W ho can think teaching o f the great Master?” t ozine d 1 e in t 4 s r 4 w 1000 IX) gists. c f «OTT* fumpia ninndery March,” or bolli for . prite offk* • riniina’ lv Tainst thest ->r conspiracy. » C *nd lina of the “ glam aaJ lb: tf *wo tur :t*J It vet’’•'*9» w^ftd- NEW BERG G R A P H IC . THEGREflf SECRET, HOWTO SAVE MOMEY! Your dollar does double duty when it buys good goods cheap. Look at our new assortment o f Spring Clothing and G ent’s Furnishings. NEWBERG CLOTHING HOUSE. it is Our Business to Give the Most for Your Money. W. r . HEACOCK, P Your Face LOOK OUT FOR OUR NEXT DATE. luivlUgMUlJ i IÜI AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, A CLAHEriCE BUTT. WHITE SEWING MACHINE GO., D E. P. D IXO N . E. F. M A N N I N G , sì ! l? li ùs fvliT C H E L L & fciOG8£. JOHN A. OF s' r DH l) I. L. SCOFiELD. Wanted—An Idea