7 V T H K il'L T A N AT llOMK. I with clerks und secretaries until noon, the city council that took in liaml the j J changing o f our city charter a few j Between the Yildiz Palace and the w»‘en be breakfasts. Then he goes for " years ugo, made a «rear mi»tuke in hav- Huiuidieh Mosque visitors to Conetun- 11 drive, or a row on the lake in the i in « our city oil' i y itself ISSUED KVKKV FKIIiAY HOKNINO. n.. set ...i tinople are wont to gather, on Fridays, palace park, und returning, gives and by so doing taking’ two expensive j «<> **» ‘ be ruler o f Turkey and "Poutift audience until eight, A t that hour he | dines, as a rule alone, K . II. W oodward , Enrron erty here Is ,, wultinir thromr novelties o f invention—taking apart a assessed for that purpo.se by the comity uml iUC " 1,0 J “ 1 "u m n g inrong £ testniir ' Of the four medals so far given hy the assessor, and a large part of the m on-! must bear. A single suspicious niove* u |ieu-kind o f rat-trap. As the chief prophet of Islam, the arker s pring dd oratorical association, two have come to ey so collected is used to build bridges ment o f tbe hand, a peculiarity of cos- oyer^be^county. and even the tume which might serve to conccul a bead of Mohanmieiiunism, Abdul-Ham-; Yamhill county. In the Pacific North- all bridges iii McMinnville and oilier weapon, may lead to arrest or ejection. ''I is fanatically devoted to ids religious I 7m s West Yamhill still leads. | towns are built out of tiie same fund, „ I t ........ • and we are granted, by our own re- Truditloii Spain may as well re-arrange jjCr j quest, the privilege of lookiug after the mn.s(jue; blit thi* act, like* other* o f |jjm| \i ¡s hard to huv . | our own road district, bridges and all, Ida, Is controlled by a terror that never Superficial observers praise him for rutiled leathers, Tiie old man aviio ; i>ut where Is the money for bridges leaves him, the feur o f assassination. establishing schools. 1 lie truth is, wear* a claw hammer coat and trousers that we have beeu paying over to the worthless text-U>oks and incompetent Dread o f his people dictates tbe sul- j tencheni nmke tlle>e tchlloU uboost county? made up of the stars and stripes is not W e are a very liberal people and tan s abode. Most beautiful of liis pal- valueless as educational forces. I f they easily bluffed. don't mind helping tiie county and aces is Dolmabagliclieli, on the Bos- served a wort by purpose, I fancy their neighboring towns therein, but when phorus; but crowded streets pass its I career would he ended as arbitrarily as If Spain can’t whip a little handful of ive wake un to the fact that we have doors, and boats that carried con-, m 'JI® Ti ,rhish. Pllirli“ n'e" ,r- her own subjects in Cuba into subjec­ got to buMil a bridge and that very very , . . . . . I l hanks to the Sultan * inuitference, tion, some of the neighbors had better soon, and the money which lias al­ spirators might threaten its water-front, the splendid nave of Turkey lias rotted ready been paid cannot lie used for that lie called in to help when Uncle Sam is purpose, we begin to think tliut some­ Tiie Yildiz (star) Palace is far from “ pa- j at its moorings Possibly the army en- joys more o f his favor. Siome regi to be dressed down for interferriug in thing is wrong, und that, somebody hitiul.” On the other hand, It crowns uients have been organized and named was to hasty with our public business, Hie highest hill in Constantinople, ami by him. His own guard is quartered the Cuban muddle. and did not give it enough thought it is easy o f defence. I,oyal troops, within tiie confines o f the Yildiz themselves, nor did they give tiie |ieo- Foreign powers tliat were very eager ple a chalice to discuss tiie matter, kept loyal hy large puy and frequent l ’ulace. The troops included, that palace shel­ to lend assistance and encouragement to which, if it hud been done publicly in gifts, watch all the roads that lead to ters more than six thousand men und it. Oue who was unaccompanied or tbe papers so that all might know of the South at tbe breaking out of the re­ women. Alone in the crowd, distrust­ ■ t, some one would have seen tiie dan­ bellion, raise their bristles in a hurry on gerous shoals and warned tiie busy without authority would risk his life if ful of those who should stand nearest, lie passed its gates. and surrounded only by the ignorant, the first move made on the part of the mariners of danger. the dishonest end the bigoted, Abdul- A PRISONER IN A PALACE. United States toward recognizing the The bridge on the road leading from Humid is a nimi not to be envied. O f * P o r t l a n d , O r e . On the third floor o f tiie palace lives our city toward Portland lias now tieen Cuban insurgents. Events that make Turkey the shame built twelve years und ought to be con­ tiie sultan. Osman Pasha, the defend­ and scorn of tbe civilized world cast demned, us tiie mud sills are rotten l y l R R iu u k c r e g u la r tr ip s t o N c w b e r g , b e g in n in g M o n d a y ,M a r c h The papers arc mistaken which say and many of tiie posts liuve mashed er of Plevna, now grand chamberlain their blackest shadow upon him, a ruler lias been wickedly false to his ” lid , a n d e v e r y o t h e r M o n d a y f o l l o w i n g : viz. M a r c h 1 « , M a r c h j the Tyler who died a few days ago was tlielr way nearly through them, and it and chief o f (lie secret police, occupies first fair promise.—Henry A. Leonard, 150, A p r i l 13, A p r i l 27 und so on , n t th e N c w h e r g H o t e l the last of the sons of the tenth Prcsi is hardly safe for heavy loaded teams the lower floors, and surrounds his roy­ in Youths’« Companion. and traction engines. al master with every safeguard. dent. Another son, Lyon G. Tyler, an This I believe wo ought to do as tlio coun­ Tiie sul tun’s fond is prepared by Voluntary Observer* Meteorological educator and writer, author of “ The ty does with its bridges, condemn them figure Record. illus­ Lotters and Times of the Tylers,” is still before we liuve heavy damages to pay chosen persons, cooked in sealed ves­ T li is fig­ trates For the month « i February, 1806; alive. He is a eon by Tyler's second and possibly the loss o f lives to account sels, within locked rooms, and tasted ure shows The cost of lumber and labor w ill before it is served to him. Tiie water station, Paci tic College, Now berg, Or. the fig­ Will be wreathed with a most c r e a t i n g wife, and is un ler fifty years of uge.— for. a crown to never he less than it now is, and as the he drinks is brought from a distance in ure No. smile, after you Invest In a tie placed Globe-Democrat. city Is accountable for tills bridge the 1 .crown ¿.2,. on a root. council ought to muku plans to rebuild scaled barrels. He never sleeps two attach­ - . £ It is folly successive nights in the same room, SUMMARY. ed.to V ; C The slaughter of men, women and it early this summer. to extract root, The new bridge ought to be built on and when Hie fear of deatli is strongest children in Turk *jr i f on religious fanat­ a tooth that can be 1fca second street us the ravine is much where icism will cease when the Sultan's narrower there and it would not cost upon him, he goes to a chamber readi­ saved and made This cut shows a full Upper Denture. EQUIPPED WITH ITS NEW tiie nat­ 31 ed by a ladder, which he draws up as useful as ever. .0 9 authority is destroyed, and not before. near as much to build there as where it Mean temp.,f 43.9. ural PINCH TENSION, Max. teinp , +0J.5. crown lias been England lias 50,000,000 Mohammedans now is. It should he a covered bridge, after him. I late, 1 'J . built in u substantial manner with con­ destroyed. Born in 1812, in 1876 Abdul-Hamid in India, more than three times the TENSION INDICATOR Miu. teinp., +2G, crete or stone foundation so that it II. succeeded his elder brother, tiie in­ This figure T , ¡ t — AND— Date, 10. number found in Turkey, and not one would last for many years. Total preclp.,* inche of them is molested on account of relig­ » ‘ “ ‘ « ‘ V , show« ti e By fillin g in the approaches nt both sane Murad V. The new ruler inaug, Total snowfall, trace. ends the cost o f a bridge us outlined, united Ids reign by proclaiming a con. nrP X P inner side. ious belief.—(>! >1 h '- 1 >craocr.it. (3 No. «lavs: The most complete and useful devices ever ought not to he us much as a temporary s'itution mid establishing a parliament Clear, 5. C8 W o rk ^ U h P ^ l added to any sewing machine. structure like the old one mid would Partly cloudy, 9. Able In view of the fact Hint the city fath­ •e much less expensive to keep in re­ Both measures were popular. Cloudy, 13. 20 23 Dates of: and honest men were sent to the par­ _loSth atî " f “ure4i T h o W H I T E is A u v is e ii . ers seem to lie having trouble to find a pair. Frost, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 10, liament, and it hade fair to reform, per­ buyer for the water bonds, the Graphic I 2 9 ’ run« OttPHtioii DiMuiiHMPd by a Port­ Durably anti Handsomely Built, surface. Hail, 9. haps to revolutionize, the empire. placed in position. suggests that an interview lie held with land ConunlfiMl.Ht Firm. Sleet. 28 . Cf Fine Flnioh and Perfect Adjustment, For tliut very reason is was soon sup­ one Grover Cleveland and see if a patent Prevailing wind: D r, M IR R U It d oes a il w o r k in e v e r y b ra n c h o f D e n tis tr y firs t-c la s s , PonTi.AN'i), Or., Feb. 29, 1896. ! Direction, s. w. Sev/s ALL Sewable Articles, pressed. In one way and another Ab- a n d w ill fu rn is h r e fe r e n c e s i f d e s ire d . E x tr a c ts te e th its n e a r rigid for the sale of bonds can't be se­ Mr. IT. K. Allen, Newheru, Or. p a in le s s as c a n he d o n e ; also fills te e th ns n e a r p a in less as ca n And will serve and please you up to the full D kab H i«:—I just returned from a lul-llamid rid himself of advisers who cured from him. This man Cleveland he d o n e. A n y o n e w is h in g fin e D e n ta l w o r k d o n e w i l l d o w e ll limit of your expectations. protracted trip through tiie East looking lias earned a national reputation as a 11 to the question why Oregon prunes favored it. Tiie vision o f constitution­ R e m a r k s : The records are to cu ll on li I in nt for the 24 hours preced­ A ctive D ealers W anted in unoccu­ al government faded before a censor­ successful seller of bonds and conse­ cannot eomjieto with the California ar­ ing 4 p. m., on tiie date pied territory. Liberal terms. Address, given. quently lie ought to I«' able to give Ncw- ticle, and find vour letter of the 25th oil ship us repressive ns tliut o f Itussiu and D r M i l l e r ’ s m a in o ffic e is in tiie G o ld e n R u le IJ a za a r b u ild in g , Iierg some valuable pointers on the bond my deck. I found the trouble with the a secret police system more ruthless Oregon ami Washington prunes in the than the tsar’s. A t present graud c o r n e r T h ir d a n il M o r r is o n .streets, P o r t la n d , O re . question. East is that they are shipped in their C LEV E LA N D . O. natural condition with the result that vizier and ministers are mere figure­ •Including hail, rain, sleet and melted E X A M IN A T IO N FREE. P R IC E S R E A S O N A B LE . snow. heads. Guided only hy his eliief of po­ they dry up quicker and sugar, and pre­ n o t ns F ilin i i t i l i a i . n o i : riüvKH r sent an unsightly appearance. Any lice, a few ignorant priests and certain tKrom maximum and minimum rend­ ing:'. The statement that the poultry busi­ market to which such prunes are sent, nondescript hangers on, the sultan’s 1>LPGT LUMBER YARD, J. J. J essup , Vol. Observer. other than St. I,mis and Chicago have ness amounts to $1.50,000,000 more than great difficulty in disposing of them, rule is absolute. NEWBEKG, OHEGON. POORS. LA TH , GLASS, the dairy business in the I'lilted States while on the contrary all prunes sent THK UNOFFICIAL GOVERNMENT AT FROM o i l: EXCHANGES. SASH WINDOWS, LIME, ^ m / pun is un error. Thu poultry business is a ait from California present a soft, glossy W FIGIITS, MOI LDINGS, SAND, YILDIZ. Ynmltifi Comity Reporter. big Industry in tiie aggregale lait Ilio inti hands.une appearance and do not 8HINQLES, H A IR , CORD, H«1» 1 These palace favorites tire responsible value of tue poultry products o f the sugar quickly. This is caused by the It is a favorable sign o f the times Builders H ardw are. United States falls far below the value fact that the growers in California' have for many Internal abuses, »m l they in­ that the McMinnville creamery is do­ o f Hie dairy products. passed through the same experience the troduce an clement o f confusion into T l i « l. a ii if li o n M r M I n n v i l l s . ing a better business than formerly. From 3 to 12 inch, and mid now coniine confine », .. ... r The tiile seems to lie turning in favor growers of f Oregon have and , , , . , . . I ONE OF TIIE themselves to legitimate houses in the Uic foreign relations of the empire as Mr. Kchunesen, Hie capable manager, It the telephone wire between Now- piiysiciANS o f THE In 1 and 2 toot length.. o f our Italian prunes at (lumini. Ow­ well. It is hard for an ambassador, tried fruit trade, who understand tlior- informs us Hint double the amount of berg and Portland had not been down on j ing to reasons before given in tills pa­ nigbly the likes and dislikes of the |>eo- even, to reach the sultan without their product is being turned oil- compared last Friday night, McMinnville would' per Italian prunes acquired a had rep ple in the East and can ship Hie prunes connivance. Under such conditions with tills time last year. The fact have slumbered and slept until morning O n h a n d a t a ll tim e s . id CMifiU utatlon In that city and have been bard i : the way tiie Eastern trade desire bribery flourishes. Great sums ure de­ I seems to U; that as farmers become ac- in blissful ignorance of the fact that Write or call for Hard Times prises. to sell there at even very low prices them. of 'ortland, Ore., will be at the ! customcd to winter dairying, und learn In a recent letter lo the California The treating of prunes after drying is manded for an Interview with the to provide proper food for their cows, their Charley Galloway had captured Fruit Grower, I’eyeke Bros , of dial more or less of a secret process and “ Refuge of the W orld," and chamber­ they find there is money in patroniz- the prize at tne oratorical contest at city, say that Oregon Italians are now | should not be attempted by parties who lains and molhihs at Y ildiz speedily | ing the ereanicry. That is indicated Portland. finding more favor and w ill inohahly are not thoroughly familiar with it or Factory on Railroad. by the fact that those who patronize lie next year a stronger rival o f the tile results may be more disastrous than grow rich. In the evening the college professors ! the creamery have been receiving from Intelligent and progressive Turks | 35 to 42 cents a roll in cash for their and students gathered at the telephone M A Y 15F U G H O U S E , California French prunes shipping in their natural condition. 1 The old-fogy method of selling poul­ further found Hint a great many prunes are naturally dissatisfied. Hence the butter right along, while the current office in Newberg to get the results of 1 N E W B E K G , O I* E, Spring Branch try hy the dozen Instead of hy the shipped East bad not lieen sullleiently sultan’s apprehensions, aud hence the price for farm butter, in trade, is only tiie contest, and when the wire was I dried, the grower trying to keep as Poultry Yard ^ ,1 pound seems likely to be knocked in much water in his prunes us possible fact that foreigners find it easier to gain about 25 cents. found to be down, McMinnville was The announcement that John Wise- the head in the Willamette valley hy with the result that many of them have access to him than his own subjects do rung up and inquiry made as to whether the introduction of special poultry ears moulded in the East, making a total loss Abdul-Hamid is, curiously enough, carver, a well-known and presumably From Friday, Marcii 6th, to Monday, The fittings in these ears lire such that to the parties who buy them. Tois in tiie son of an Armenian woman. i prosperous farmer, had made an assign­ arrangements had been made to get the »»w 9th, inclusive. news over the West Side line or not. it costs nlsiut us mill'll to send a three- connection with the unsightly appear­ ment, created considerable surprise on i pound fowl to San Francisco ns an ance of the prune after sugaring lias mit­ Neither his face nor his manner, as one This revealed tiie fact that very few of In Season. eight pound fowl, and the dealers ill igated against the Oregon und Washing­ sees him when ho is most nt ease, is .Monday, at which time tiie papers in McMinnville’s citizens even knew tliat that city refine to pay as much for the ton prune until u great many people will Hint of the Turk. W yantiottes a Specialty. He is short in the ease were put on record. C. A. For particulars call ou or address small fowl os for the large one. If we not touch them at any price. A few stature, spare of figure, with u com­ Wallace is made the assignee. The es- an oratorical contest was being held in which a son of Judge Galloway was con­ j limated assets are scheduled at $5,642, were governed by cntuuinu sense, and years ago they paid as niiieli for an Ital­ EYE, EAR, HEAD. not by custom, both poultry and eggs ian p-ttite us for the California article plexion like wrinkled parchment, large exclusive of a hop crop of 12,no<) pound* testing for the honors, and that no inter­ THROAT, LUNGS. N ewberq , OltEOON would I k * sold by weight. bill you cannot get within two cents of features, gray eyes and thin, dark hair I on which an advance o f three and a est was being manifested in the matter. HEART, STOMACH. half cents has been received. $5,300 of the California prune a pound. The and U'urd. Languid and low-voiced Tiie low price o f hogs is discouraging Arrangements were made from here to LIVER, SKIN | the amount o f the assets i* land. Ina­ many farmers in Oregon and Wash­ growers, therefore, will have to cure in re [lose, lie easily rouses, and then bilities are stated at $5,102.13, the prin­ get tbe news over tbe West Side line and their prunes ns thoroughly us tiie Cali-, . . .. AND KIDNEYS. ington who are becoming interested in fornia prune is cured so that the dealer 1 l*lMUks qtl okly and moves with an cipal creditors l«'ing: First National in this way McMinnville caught the swine growing. In place of curtailing who ships them East will haven prune, I abruptness that suggests disordered Bank $8.35, McMinnville National news. i Bank 8iHfO, state school fund $1,500, our production of sw Ine, however, we which alter treatment, will be in a prop­ nerves. New’ocrg congratulates McMinnville i f L Ü ifltm should increase it. Tile I’nctlic North­ er condition to keep and give satisfac­ .. . , , - i . i Jacob Wisecnrver $1,000, MurtiiaHhad- Rxcept for tho imperial turban, or j ,je„ $4,s.*, Mr». A. .1, Nelson (200, Mrs. over the result of the contest and there west, in order to lie come prosperous, tion. P0F.TLAÏÏD. OREGON Successfully treated. w ill is' o b l i g e d to increase its agricultu­ Among the many dryers on the mar­ fez, tbe sultan wears European dress, 8. J Sharlzer (executrix) $2no, it M. is little doubt but tliat next year when We have never failed. Front and M orrison S treets. ral exports. The climatic and feed ket, for thorough curing of i.runes, I do lie speaks French fluently-; hut custom Wade A Co , $135. The first four items tiie contest is being hold at Newberg, conditions of Oregon and Washington not think of any Huit will give more sat- ¡ prescribes that the I'ndishuli ( “ Father are secured by mortgage or personal enable us to produce bams and bacon ¡»faction than yours. The idea of tin-( of ,,u> K in « ” ) shall conform the endorsement Mr. Wiseearver attri­ our neiglilKirs over at the county seat butes his failure to hop farming, in will have their ears open to hear the an­ o f lictlcr quality Hiati can Is' made i mimic the proue** of ilrying ut a higher! . . .. . . elsewhere III the United States. Until temperature, if carried on intelligently j " or^ * Usage to Hie sacred languages, which lie has lost heavily. nouncement of the result. Better still, £ z^ -A V ill m a k e r e g u la r v is its , RATES: o a e li m on th . we produce bams ami bacon ou a large n ul carefully sbotti I result in u thor- j and conversation with Hint must ho it is likely that tiie result this year lias; i K i ropfan Pi. a X, 50c. to $1.50 per day. scale and Introduce them thoroughly 0 tghly dried prune. j carried on In Turkish or Arabic through | Telephone-Register. ; A merican P lan , (1.50 to (2.50 per day. .stimulated the interest of many of them in the general markets their superior If the pre-ent plan of shipping prunes UI| interpreter. Once past the guards, ! Mrs. Ja*. McCain and daughter met to such an extent that they will conn-1 quality will not I h > o f any financial totheK.ist is centilined a few years .. * , , , K I. M K K K. I . A W It K N C E , M > n a ¡rr. with an accident last week while going down and attend tho contest in person.: The Crescent Society lias prepared a , benefit to us. In tlm meantime we 1 •nger, it will W i ni pes -i ble to sell'Ore- j " « ,k'ä1 * tl,e l,!‘ l,‘cc •* pood program for an entertainment a t ; should Is' Improving the quality of our and Washington prunus at any- tonimi and quito cordial, even in spite to Sheridan. Near there Hie buggy swine aud carefully stud.i ing the feed where near the price tiie college this (Friday) evening. An j received in of thi* confusimi of tongue*. Tho sul- broke down and both were thrown in­ 1T. r . r . v , question in order to produee the liest im i.' admission fee of 15 cents will lie charged, Tiie indiseri ini nate consigning tall h|, visitor, himself lights a to tiie mud. Neither sustained an in­ Mrs. I,. A. Additon of Portland will quality o f bacon hogs at the lowest to anybodv mid evervl>odv this year luis . jury. . * , . . tiie proceeds to go tow ard paying the de­ resulted in great depression in price anil cigarette tor him, mid often prolongs lest The reading room in Union block speak to tho people of Newberg on tiie ficiency occasioned by publishing “ The] disgust of flu' whole business by all re- the interview until necessity ends it. By the deatli of the venerable Seth ha* been well patronized during the subject of Christian Citizenship, next Crescent” during tiie year, in the face ami legitimate dealer?. Truth compels me to ow n that Al>- Is'w elllng at Ills home at Milwaukee, Hpoimiblc Monday evening at Masonic hall. , , , . Wholuaulc uroeors in the Kant, in many «lui-1 lam id’s utterances are not always year. It Isa pleasant place to spend Tbe enter­ ., • . i . i .i i . , , cl tiie financial depression Oregon, this state has lost one o f its instanue* will not huy in uarloail lota U*- 8ii[K'rintendent of the department of . ......... * WATCHMAKER ,,, .. the evening, tinti many take advantage tainment w ill t>e well wortli tiie price of edifying, lie is. 1 think, a man o f 0f the opportunity for nniusenicnt and most noted horticulturists. While It uttUMe they utate they can huy trout con­ Peace, Mrs. K. B. Miles, writes from admission ami beside this the society }>■> JEWELER, was Ills brother, Hsndeison Rewriting, signed stock* just as they want them, a consideratile native ability- Law, liotv- Instruction. 1 lie vear ends on Marcii California a letter to tiie New berg \V. C. 1st, and Hie Indies having it in charge deserves to be patroniz,si filierallv. In­ who brought the famous travelling ion b >\. at a tim • at pne - l twi r tli in ever, forbids incmtM.'rs o f I lie imperial will, at that time, solicit subscriptions T. U. urging that we circulate a petition vite your friends to attend. they can huy in carl«»ads from the coast. family lo take any part in public bus­ o f money to keep it up. All the lend- to Congress to defeat Senate bill No. nursery across Hi * plains, Seth Rewell- Solicits the patronnere of his old In d ia n » ing came in 1850, and was assneialed This tends to curtail the consumption iness, and condemn* them to iilnuilute ing periodical* are ou file nml would bo 1 UV55 providing for compulsory military Friends who need watch repairing done. John Winters, w ho is on the road to very materially. With everything in with Ills brother until isn't, when the seclusion during the life o f Hie sov­ buy anything there is a dollar in, says the growers favor this year a*« regards a shame to c I. sk > it up utter several drill in the public schools of tiie United -7 0 M o rris o n St. latter left the state. For many years veuiN of 8IUHV**. A bout *100 w ill keep . i t . . , , he cxtiects to pay out in tiie Willamette Mr. Belli Rewriting gave much uticu- quantity of prunes produced in the ereign; so that a sultan conies to the the rending room open for another, PO RTLAN D, OR. a,u Territories, and a bureau of Hon to the origination o f new varieties I'nitcd States, tin* prices are lower than throne witli little education aud less vear. valley something like $60,000 for goat* military education. any time in the history of the busi­ and was very successful. Tiie Blaek at wool, during the season. This looks knowledge o f men and iti'airs. ness. A swii.dler is going tiie rounds o f the Hepubllean cherry, which at present is 1 like the much abused Billy goat, al­ 4 TTORNBY-AT-LAW. A t this very time Rosliud-Ftfcndl, As far as we are personally concerned C a l l e d M ee ti n g : . probably the most popular shipping state, who claims to I k - a detective cherry grown on the ('oast, was origi­ we do not intend to huy another prune the sultan's youngest brother and prob­ looking after spurious coins, says Hie A called meeting of Yamhill County though tiie butt of many an unkind nated hy him in the ’50* and Intro- outright. We will eoulhie ourselves to able stuvo-Mor, is confine«) in Hie palace Ktlgone Guard, lie ask* to see coins, Horticultural Society will !>o held at I.a- joke, might yet butt himself into favor the selling for growers’ accounts to the duoed nlsiut is.HI. His finest cherry, Prompt atteution given to all Icea! bnsineaa. of theUhergan. lie is not allowed to in <1 by putting on a chemical solution, Fayette on Saturday, March 14th at with the farmers. Hie lllug, is fast acquiring the popular­ lu st of our ability, making them small » w b e r r . O reto a . which turn* the coin black, declares it advances to cover immediate want* and receive a issik, letter or newspaper, As will I*? seen by an announcement 10 a. m., to hear and consider a re|K>rt ity which It deserves on account of its spurious and takes it away witli him. Rank of Newberg Riii’dlag. combination of extraordinary size und it we cannot tin business in that manner much less a visitor, from the outer victim says i otliii g for a time, fur of the committee appointed to consider in tiie advertising columns of the Graph­ superb quality. The Golden prune, we won't do it all all. W e cannot exist world. Officers of the court are his fear of is'ing arrested lor having conn- phmg for co-operation in tiie sale of our ic, one of the physicians of the National another o f Mr. Rewriting'» produc­ in business it we continue to Imv prunes only intimates, and tiie potty interests “ ml b-V fruit. This is now a question of perma- Medical Institute of Portland is now at 1 ) ENTI8TRY. tions, is iN-eomitig n recognized stand­ on this coast and endeavor to compete tliut time the swindler is tar awuv. 1 . 1 ard, Slid is regarded OS one of tiie liest. with prune* consigned to Kaetcrn house* o f the palace are necessarily the only _____ nent importance and all fruit growers tiie Newberg House and will remain un­ if not tiie Is'st prune for many sections w ho have no other object in view than subjects that employ their minds. til Monday. are earnestly requested to attend. Paytnn iteral.l. Newheru, Oregon. In which it lias been introduced, more to sell them us quickly as possible and The present sultan endured the same J. 11. K kes . ¡secretary. R R. Harris bave taken a partner in Will Jessup, who has K-en acting in Seamle«« i d »T irn*. tridee work. gold particularly in Kunteru Oregon and pocket their commisMon and a* much isolation. it naturally follows that, more a* their conscience penuits. silver and K : -« i r i n i u o m or ruf> nbber Eastern \\ ushlngton. hi* drtig bu«lno*s, lo thè person of bis the capacity of cook on tiie steamer To­ piate»: toeth extrut ;ed without pain. P rie «« Yours truly. though Abdul-Hamid isa hard worker, reasonable. For Trartr brut ber, O. M Harris. \Ve are pleased ledo visited with relatives in town For the company, l*\ W. S mith . he Inis no clear idea of tbe comparative to note thè young man'* promotion, a* T h « ItriflK«* O i i m t l t i n l i l i n i n i > i l , V new sew ing machine, either a White. Thursday. Editor of the Graphic: W anted :—S veral trustworthy gen­ value o f thiugs, and wastes much time lie i* attentativi} unti earelul in business New Home or Wheeler »V Wilson, for a L. H. Heseork who recently came transaetion». on trilles. A new item i f Itarlsir reg­ ENTI3TRY. Ï I h ‘I¡« vu t tint publie biurincMi oimht tlemen or ladies to travel in Oregon for fresh cow. For particulars call at the here from Idaho has rented the lloratio Miss,.» Neliie and l.iiy Boytl, datigli- to I k ? olicc report o f a drunk­ Graphic office. Hall property on River street. »II our uitizun* may have a chamv lo and exi»ensc*. Steady position. Kn- ard*' squabble is as likely to retvive hi* tliersof Kev. A. (t. Rnyd, b it Portland Rev. M. f . Wire was here Thursday New h e r». O rrg o n . give It a thought »m l » chance to cx- close reference and pelf addressed personal attention as is a question in­ last w eck ori thè steam er------------ for Attorney K. W. O.illison ha* decided S in Frnir i-'s>, on tlleir w.iv to New looking after his Interests near town. '• V " ' - * Crown* and pn*** Iliclr view», ami In that way get ptam|tcd enveloped. The Dominion volving tho w hole empire. Zelar ri file steamer U 'irg t isahled, to give up the practice of law for the * y Ü kinds Amalgam. at the I k ' k I plan* a* well a* the wfolie» Company, Thir l Floor, Omaha lMdg., MOW rill- Sfl.l'AN SIM M '* IMS IM\. Remember tiie Crescent entertainment - ’• !!<* art!fleta! tiie yourg ladies returred t » Portland. present, and has gone over on the Sound ' ’ •: ir ck price*. AU |t.. ..... o f the pcopfo. T! **rc I« no »I t .J f*fh? ? Thr’v w !I! ;>nk» (he *r'p -'' 'n. (•> to.»<•!• s-h.»'!. : i t.'. 1 at the college this fFrhl.iv,' cveuieg. JLtvi. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEW a Next week in this space you will find P ’ New S A . DRJ.H.MILLERYo^ oe AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, i t i ; " “ / ? ;: **»»■ •*» T H E N E W B E R G H OTEL. WHITE SEWING MACHINE GO.» W. P. HEACOCK, IMÍIP IMlFtl^- m 1 11 msb\ „ rijII AT MITCHELL & MOORE. M J W S 1 SUE E li iff d. Plobson. RHEUMATISM JOHN A. BECK, CLARENCE BUTT. I. L. SCOFIELD. D E. P. DIXON.