NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. It i n : » : .Twenty Dollars Tin Dollars ....... Ou* Dollar One Column.......... H alf Column Profesional ('arils Rea«! lu g K o t i e r » w i l l be in a r r t e d t h e r a t e of T e w r e n t a i»e r U n a . NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 6, 18%. VOL. 8. steamer before the Queen could be backed away. The Queen had on board 140 passengers. Only two persons were hurt, and their injuries amount­ ed to mere scratches IdR IK N t>a' < 11U RC H.—SK K V 1C KS E V hK V r Bund») » M l A M and. S f.M . and Iburaday m . Sabbath school every Sunda) at 9.*> a a. Moutuly meeting at 7 1 *. m . the nrst Tuesday iu each mouth. Quarterly meeting the second Saturday and Sunday in FVhrwary. May, August ami Soveml**r. Woman s foreign .Mis siouary Society meets third Saturday In each »1 2 ?. Events ot the Day in a Con densed Form. P R „ K, P u t o r . APT1BT ( ; HI'R< H.—SKU V 1C KB. Sl’ N l'A Y 11 a m . and 7 :30 P. M. Sunday school Sunday a at 10 a . m . Prayer meeting Wednesday ev’euiug OF IN T E R E S T a? 7:10 o clo k. K I V . M A R K NOBLE, p—lOf. B TO ALL READERS RKRBYTKRIAN CHUJIOII. iR E V I C E a every third Sabbath at ll a . m . and < :-*0 p . (t«m i of Importane« From Domestic m . at Evangelical Church. Sabbath school every third Sunday at 10 a . m ^ „ . ami Foreign Source« — Cream REV. 'VM. G A \ , Pastor. P of the Diapatchea. ilH K I S T I A S CHURCH.— SKKVICICS I'.VKUi second siid lonrlli Sunday at 10 a . a aud ______________ _______________ __ 7 :H0 r. M DVENTIST c h u r c h — p r a y e r m e e t i n g every Wednesday evening. Sabbath school »very Saturday at 10 a . m .. services follow ing. A METHODIST.—PRAYER MEETING r »very Tbnraday at 7 ::a) r. a. sabbath actionl »very Sunday^at 10 a . m . ___________ e . c h u r c h — r r r v i c e s b v k k v b u m o a t . at 11 a . M. aud 7:30 r. x. Ssbtisrh School at 10 a m . Epaorth League at 6:30 l1. s. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. REV. J. H. WOOD Pastor. M S ALVATION ARMY — MINTING AT BAR* racks on Main street as follows : Tuesday for soldier converts aud renuits; Wednesday, Mblic; Friday, holiness, for Christians on.y; s: aturday eve, public; Sunday, all day, com meucing with 7 a . m ., knee d rill; holiness meet tug 11 a . m .; fam ly gathering at 3 P. M. and grand free and easy iu the evening. Everybody weljom e. O F F IC IA L D IR E C T O R Y . C ity o f N e w b e r » . Flrit Ward....... W. T Macy ...N, C. Christenson COUNCILMKN. I Allen Smith ) Jesse Ed wards J H. F. Cashier Third Ward EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta honte -O F T H E - SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Trahis leave and are due to arrive at Portland: l.EAVK. ARRI VK. FROM JUNK 23, 1805. OV KRl.AND EXPRKS 8 . ] Salem, Albany, Eug- I ene, Hoseb’g. Grant's Pass, Medford. Ash- *4 ftO p m land.Sacrameuto.Og v ; *8:10 a . m . den, San Francisco, | I Mojave, Los Angeles, : | El f’aso.New Orleans, | l and East.................. . •8:30 a . m . Roseberg A way sraliom- *4:40 r. m | | Via Wooduurn for i Dally ! Mt. Augel, Silveiton, Daily except ; West Sclo, Browns- except Sunday, i vllle, Natron and Suuday. t Springfield............... J I *4:00 P. m . Salem and way stuiions *10:15 a . m . (7:3U a . m . Corvallis A way stations f6:20 p. m . f4:45 p. m . McMinnville A way sta's fs:‘J5 a . m . D i n i n g C h i i on O g d e n I t n i i t e . PU LLM AN H lI F K K T fll.KIEI* KKH — AND— S E C O N D -(I L A 89 8 L B K P IN « CARS Attached to all through trains. Through ticket olllce, 134 Third street, where through tickets t<> all points in the Eastorn Utites, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KlltK l.A N D , Tieket Agent. All above trains arrive and depart from Grand Ceutral station, Fifth ami 1 streets. V A M II 11.1. D I V I S I O N . Passeuger depot foot o f Jefferson street. A lrlle mail (tri-weekly). » 40 A. M i t.v ..... .....P o r t la n d ...... .....Ar. 3 :0 5 p .M . 1J 30 p. M. I.V..... .....N ew i t e r * .... .....L v . 12:30 P. M. I.v. 7:..0 A. M. ô:.\5 I*. M.' A r ..... ...... v i r i l e ............ S h e r id a n p a ssen g er ( d a ily e x c e p t S u n d a y ). 4 .30 P. M. I . v ..... .....P o r t la n d ...... .....A r.; y;:.0 a . m . P. M I.V ..... .....N e w b e r g ...... .....L v .l 7:56 a . m . 7:40 p . M. A r ..... .....SheridH U .... .....I.v.i ‘ ».20 a . m . • D a ily , tD a ily e x c e p t S u n d ay. R. KOKH I KK. Manager. E. P ROGERS. Asst. Gen. F. A P. Agt.. Port- laud, Or. United States District Attorney H. V. Johnson has filed a suit in the United States oourt against the Union Pacifio Railroad Company and about 2.000 holding lands under titles ob­ tained from that company, asking for the cancellation of patents to about 10.000 acres, or the payment to the United States of 12,000,000. The land comprises portions of the business sec­ tion of Denver, Greeley, Fort Collins and Loveland, Colo. It is alleged that : the laud8 in question have been ex- empted from the original patents as they were already subject to olaims under the homestead aud pre-emption laws. C h ief of Police Crowley, of San Francisco, has resigned. He has been in service for nearly forty years. PASSED THE H O JS E . Debate W h ic h P r eced e d the Fin n l Ac- K r e a t t i e d an A i r o f L i b e r t y . Cuban Belligerency and Inde­ pendence Favored. senate adopts R E S O L U T IO N S I t e f t u lt G r e e t e d b y D e n s e l y - r a c k e d D a l ­ le l i e * W i t h A p p l a u s e , W h i c h W m C h e c k e d W i t h D ifficu lty. NO. i:>. TO THE E A S T GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL IR , O TJ T IE S VIA VIA GREAT NORTHERN RY. UNION PACIFIC R Y. SPOKANE DENVER MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND ST . PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW R A T E S TO A L L E A S T E R N C IT IK S OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE P0RTLAN0 EVERY 5 DAYS ___ f o r ..... SAN FRANCISCO PO RTLAND W . H. H L 'K L B l'K T , G en '! T u t . Agent, P o rru x o , O b . O L I V E R A C O L C O R D , Agent,. N fw s v a o , O aau o*. Il N 75 60 I a v a r i* M ARKETS. The produce markets are liberally supplied aud dealera report a fairly good demand. E arly C alifornia vege­ tables are a tritie cheaper, except cab­ bage. Faucy apples are scarce aud in good demand. The best grades of oranges are firm. Eggs were plentiful the past week, and generally quoted at 9o. Some dealers believe the low prioe ■vill cause farm eis to hold their eggs hack hut others say the liens are lay­ ing so freely that the farm ers cannot afford to keep their eggs, aud w ill be forced to market them. Other oountry produce is unchanged. Washington, M arch 4.— Despite the w a r talk from Spain, the struggling patriots in Cuba were eulogized and sympathized iu two hours' debate to­ day iu the house, aud the rules were then suspended and the resolutions by the house foreign affairs committee were adopted as a substitute for those { of the senate by an overwhelm ing ma- j jority, 208 to 17. A n analysis of the 1 vote shows that 188 Republicans, 70 ! Democrats and 5 Populists voted for the resolutions aud 8 Democrats against them. W heat M arket. i The debate which preceded theiradop- The local wheat market is du ll and tiou, was animated and breathed a : [ spirit of liberty. A t times it was ex- unchanged, exporters quoting as fo l­ oet>di l dramatic. especially when lows: W a lla W u a ll, 68 ' a to 5Uo; Offer­ forebodings of w ar were uttered, but V alley, 61 \> to 62o per bushel. thire was uo stemming the strong tide. ings are still light, aud mauy holders The galleries were black with people continue to a k pricea that prevailed attracted by the prospect of the stirring du ring the late flurry. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY W ashington, March 2.— By the over­ A man and a boy 20 years old, were Almost every bode takes some laxative w helm ing vote of 04 to t) the senate lynched by a mob in W ichitu, Kan. medicine to cleanse the system and keep tlis today adopted a concurrent resolution for bank robbery aud murder. blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS favorable to Cuban belligerency aud l IV tit REGULATOR (liquid or powderl . . . , . . . G old has been discovered iu City independenoe. The resolutions adopted get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant Creek oauyon, w ithin the city lim its of are as follow s laxative and tonic that purities the blood Salt Lake City. Assays are reported and strengthens the whole system. And “ Resolved, yjv the seuate, the house running as high as $000 iu gold aud more than this : SIM MON 8 I iVfcR RuGU- of representatives concurring, that, iu $40 in silver per ton. I ATOR regulates the L iver keeps it active the opinion of congress, a condition of and healths’, and when the Liver is In The Am erioan ship W illia m G . B allin gtou Booth has announced his public w ar exists between the govern- In the reserved gallery were good condition y ou find yourself free troin Davis, from P hiladelphia for San plans for an independent American ment of Spain aud the government event. Produ ce M arket. Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- many prominent personages. On the Francisco, to inaugurate the new line Salvation A rm y, of which he aud his proclaimed aud for some time main- F lo c b — Portland. Salem, C&scadia and tioor the attendance was the largest of Davtuu, are uuoted at 18.16 per barrel; Headache and Constipation, and rid of of clippers around the H orn from the w ife w ill be leaders. tamed by force of arms by the people the session. A number of senators Goiddrop, $2.96; Snow Hake, 18.20; Ben­ that worn out and debilitated feeling. latter port to the A tlantio seaboard, General Lew is M e rrill died iu P hila- of Cuba; aud that the United States came over from the other end of the ton comity, |8.16; graham, $ 2 . 66 , super­ These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. has been lost at sea. Good digestion and freedom from stomach I delpbia, aged 05. H e was one of the of Am erica should m aiutaiu a strict . ... . . . .. , capitol to watch the proceedings. The fine, $2.25. troubles will only be had when the liver Senator Dubois says the silver R e­ noted officers of the war, aud was re­ neutrality between the eon t i d i n g I enthusiasm of members aud spectators O ath — G ood white are uuoted weak, at is properly at work. It troubled with any publicans of the Northwest w i ll per­ tired from active servioe on a surgeon’s powers, according to each a ll the rights ; ran riot several times, and the oppo­ | 24c: milling, 28<af T r i o r * H r Id Don n by Large from the United States are increasing per cental. action of the N e w York branch is ex- j j ouse railw a y in Bau Francisco was and continued applause, which the S t o r k * in T l » i * C o u n t r y . the feeling of indignation aroused B cttuu — Fancy creamery is quoted al pected to precipitate strikes forthwith j on ita w ay to the beaeh> a tuuuel near vioe-president checked, w ith difficulty. N ew Y o rk — R. G. Dun & C om pauv’s The result was reached, after a day among the masses wheu it became ; 66 c ; fancy dairy, 46c; lair to good, iu all large oities. ; the oceau terminus caved iu. N o oue weekly review of trade aays: known the United States senate favored , 36c; common, 17 v per roll. of fervid speeches, which, at timea, H olla O. Heikes, of Dayton, O ., was seriously injured in the debris, " I n Borne lines, business gains at the i'oTATous— New Oregon, 30m 46c pei aroused the crowd of spectators to eu- the recognition of the Cuban insurgents champion target shot of the world, Several passengers were bruised, and Back; sweets, common, 3 L. c ; Merced, West rather than at the East, but as belligerents. The newspapers here thusiastio demonstrations. The keen made another senastional record in an the road was impassable for some time, 3 1* per pound. there is no general change for the bet­ publio interest in the subject was evi­ confirm the report that the Spanish U n io n s — O regon, GJ(ft90e per sack. exhibition in Indianapolis. H e broke The Britigh aud FrBUoh negotiations ter, although hopefulness still predoin- naval squadron, consisting of four denced by the presence of the largest P o ultk y — C hickens, liens, »3.60 pel 100 targets, continuous shooting, in 4 aj p arj„ on tjje N jg e r question have I iuates. The want of a sufficient de­ crowd sinov congress assembled. The | cruisers and a dispatch-boat, is to be dozen; mixed, »2.60.U.3.00 per dozen, minutes and 20 seoouds, which makes ^ e u temporariiy 8 nflpended. The Iu ad di­ ducks, »4 U0(u0; geese, »6.00; turkeys, mand for the products of the great in­ represent lives of foreign powers were sent to Cuba without delay. dustries still retards actual im prove­ a new w orld s record. : French representatives accused the numerously iu attendance. The occu­ tion, the Spanish naval officers and live, 8 (gUc per pouud; dressed 11 ,Qo. ment. Strikes of some importance in A movement of ioe in the Mississippi British of trying to acquire ooutrol of pants of the diplomatic gallery in ­ marines are to be attached to Spanish E ggs — Oregon, 0c per dozen. Ciikksu— Oieguu lull cream, 12i(»12.ig( garm ent-m aking aud kindred lines a f­ carried aw ay 180 feet of the druw span territory w ithin the French sphere, cluded: m ail boats, whioh are to be armed and per pou nd; hall cream, 9,3ge; skim, 4(3 fect trade in Chicago and Baltimore, ot the government bridge in Daven- 1 aud there the matter ends for the pres- Ministers Mendooa of B razil, Hatoh equipped as au xiliary cruisers. 6 c; Young America, 10( but there are few er labor difficulties port, la ., whioh w as supported by ent. The greatest activity is being dis­ of H aw aii, Lazo -A rriaga of Guatem ala, T k opical F h uit — C alifornia lemons, than usual, as existing conditions warn trestle work, w h ile undergoing repairs. played iu the government navy-yards, The V ery Rev. Father Bergmeyer, R eugifo of Colombia, and Baron von »3.G0(g3.69; choice, »2.60(g3x0; Mcily, The bridge was a heavy double-decker father superior of the Franoisoan m is­ and every preouutiou possible is being »6.60; bananas, »1,76m 2..VJ pel bunch; WHge-earmrs that controversies at this Ketteler, of the Germ an embassy. time are unwise. used by the Rock Island railw ay. sion, in Santa Barbara, C a l., was fa ­ Senor Dupny de Lome, the Spanish made by the naval aud m ilitary forces Calilorm a navels, »2.60(93.00 per box; " W h e a t has taken a flight upw ard, pineapples, »4( i £6.UU per dozen. The w ith d raw a l of Commander aud tally Bhot by a man who had been em­ minister, was not present, but two of for the most serious eventualities. OauGoN V u g k t a u u m — C abbage, 1 141 advnticiug ',o for cash, and 2 3-8 for The Im parcial today deolares that the Mrs. Booth from the Salvation Arm y ] ployed at the mission for over a year, the attaches of the Spanish legation per lb ; gaiiic, new, 7 (S 8 c per p o u n d;! May, w ith rumors of foreign supplies has created a commotion in the P h ila - j Three shots entered the priest's body, occupied seata with the other diplo­ utteranceg of the United States seuate Estimates ot wheat uonsist of an “ unqualified aud unrea­ artichokes, 7i c per dozen; Hp outs, 60 as iho ouly basis. delphia branch of the army. The sol- and one in the head. H is recovery is mats. per pound; cauiifiower, »2.75 nei crate, in farm er's bauds are low er than last soning provocation,” adding: The main feature of the debate was diers are aroused and talk of enlisting impossible. 90c» » 1 per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 4Uc year, but still indicate, w ith visible “ If the deaire for w a r were in re- per doze 11 . in a big secession from European head­ .n e British troops which formed part the speech of Sherman, chairman of stocks, a supply much beyond probable F kush K kuit — l'eais, W inter Nellis, quarters is heard in every Salvation of tho Ashantee expedition returned to 1 tho committee on foreign relations. As i spouse to a fault committed by Spain, needs. Western receipts have been cranberries, fit per a rulo, the veteran senator from Ohio, t>1B 8 nators w ould have accomplished »1.60 per bo x: hall in that city. Londu iu a dilapidated, though not barrel; fancy apples, »lig l.7 5 ; common, 1 2,861,378 bushels, agaiust 1,699,759 In a fit of rage Jaoob Dietzel, of C h i­ battered condition. They were enthu­ speaks w ith conservatism; so it was their duty, but no provocation has been bushels last year, and for four weeks 60(rt76c per twx. cago, aged 68 , shot his daughter, Mrs. siastically cheered as they marched the more surprising when he arraigned ( given to the United States, aud the Duiuii Knurrs — Apples, evaporated, of February, 10,790,104, against 4,- Spain aud her governor-general, W e y - ! Am ericans judge rashly of tho results Henry Obner, and then himself, inflict- through the oity from the dooks where In the The dis- bleached, 4(S4>ac; sun-dried, 3^»%c. ping young girls held us captives and for support, and their frequent com- ! fi ht occurred between V. T. Sanford H oes — Choice, Oregon 4(96c pel four weeks last year, have uo real gross insults without crossing swords plaints, it is said, were the cause of aud Polioemau M ulky. M u lk y is dead com pelling them to dance before the weight, but -a larger movement here- pound; medium, neglected. or exchanging balls. These are the Spanish troops. Other speeches were the orime. j and e riff M atthews critically N u t s — A lmonds, soft shell, 9 ( g i l t 1 after is expected. made by Lindsay, Lodge, Caffrey aud cowards w ho are seeking w ar, aud one It is reported in Constantinople that ! wounded. Several stray shots took “ Failu res for the week have been aw aits death w ith more coolness w ith •*,r P ° '! u¡!; Rtpet shell, 10 i 9 l 2 'Be; neu Allen. February 14, the first day of the Ram - effect iu innocent spectators, oue a a good oonsoience than with pockets crop California walnuts, soft shell, 278 iu the United States, against 260 ll(9 i 2 Q c ; standard walnuts, 12(913c; last year, and 68 in Cauadu, against adan festival, the Turks surrounded the young lady. The altercation began filled w ith d o lla rs ." TH E CONSULATE STONED. Italian cliesuuts, I2 ,a (9l4c; pecans, A rm enian quarter in Marsovan aud or­ because M ulky clubbed a friend of -------------- In conclusion, the Im parcial counsels 13(9 IHc; Brazils, 12 .Q< 013 c ; fillierts 88 last year. " dered the Arm enians to accept Islam. Sanford. T h e H a llery (ta re A w ay . A il Spain Aroused i >7 the A n io n <.r the the Spaniards to reserve their strength 14 ( 9 16c; peanuts, raw, fancy, 6(97c; j Five hundred of them agreed to do so, Fall River, Mass., March 2.— A ter­ A m erican Sén at«. The supreme court of the state of and energies for an opportune moment. rousted, 16c; hickory nuts, 8 ( 9 16 c; co bnt 150 recalcitrants were killed. A W ashington has decided that a county rible accident occurred iu the roller It waa announced this evening that a ooanuts, 96c per dozen. M adrid, March 8 .— If one may judge P b o v i s i o n s — Eastern hams, medium, fresh series of massacres is reported iu treasurer is liable personally or on his There were 2,000 by the things that have been said, aud number of Italian shipowners have l l / « ( 912 c per pound; liauis, picnic, polo rink tonight the Sivas and Kharpoot districts. people to see F all River and N e w Bed­ bond for money deposited in a bank some of the things that have beeu done, offered, ill the event of war, to provide 7 ‘ 3 c; breakfast bacon 16'u(316? 4 c; The Paris Politique Coloniale pub­ which afterwards becomes insolvent, the Spanish people are determined to Spain with steamships, to be used as short clear sides, 8,Q(99c; dry Balt ! ford play, and the galleries were so sides, 7 >»(gHc; dried ' beef hams, 12 crowded that seating space on the floor lishes an alleged telegram from the in a case wherein there is no charge of go to w a r forthwith with tho United privateers. ; waa tilled. Suddenly the east side of A number of students du ring the a f­ ( 9 18c; lard, compound, in tins. French consular agent in B razil, re­ negligence against the officer aud in States, and to speedily avenge the in ­ More than forty men porting that conflicts have taken place which the county failed to supply a de­ sult which it is fancied has beeu offered ternoon assembled in front of the u ni­ lard, pure, in tins, 9 'g@ 10c; pigs' feet, the rink fell. to make a demonstration 80s, »8.60; pigs’ feet, 40s, »8.26; kits, aud boys were injured, mauy of them in the disputed territory of Ainapa, be­ pository. to the haughty pride of Spain by the versity againBt the United States, as a result »1.26. Oregon smoked hams, 10J4c pei seriously, »n d six of them fHtally. tween French G uiana and Brazil, it The complaint recently made by the United States senate in determining und; pickled hams, 8 ) t c ; lioneiest- ,---------------------------------------------------------------- Their is added the Frenoh troops h alf de­ citizens of Antelope, Idaho, that the to tecoguize the Cuban provisional go v­ of the Semite's action on Cuba. ins, 7,Qc; bacon, lO L e ; dry salt sides, Joy’s fo r Ilia Jaded a n d ttood stroyed A m apa after losing 100 killed waters of tho B ig ilm f 6 -poiind pan's, 7Y„c; 10 16« s, 7.t»c; Lost river had ernment as a belligerent power, aud to intention was to mob the United States Ilea I Hi fo r a l l M ankind. and wounded, including four offioers. l>eeu turned out on the public lauds by ask the president to use his good legation; but the authontiea got w ind 60a> 71 ^ ; tierces, 7c. Country meats IOTI VEGETABLE 8AR1APABILLA. Goerge Grant, a pioneer resident of a ditch company and had created dam ­ offices with Spain to obtain recognition of the affair and a strong force turned 8e;| al prices according to grade, out. A ll streets leading to the legation llim ca.— l liy hides, butcher, sound, Grass V alley, C al., 70 years of age, age to settlers, w i ll be inquired into by of Cuban independence. in matin Some of the organs of public opinion i were blocked and the students were per pound, U ( g l 2 c; dry kip ami call- w as blow n up by giant powder. He the government. A special agent of herl»«. and warned that riotiug w ould be severely »kin, 1 6 («llc ; culls, 3c less; salted, 66 was nsing the powder to blow up some the general laud oflioe lias been ordered declare that the bankruptcy of the j contain» no lbs and over, 6 c ; 66 to 60 lbs, 4@4>$c; Spanish government would not prevent punished, mi ne r a l w illo w s and leaned over to see why it there to investigate. 46 and 66 , 4c; kip and veal akiua, , d r u g » or the Spanish from taking up the quarrel > The day has not been so quiet else- 16 to 36 His, 4 c ; calfskin, sound, 3 did not go off, when he got the full d-adly pol4- The conference between President J. 011 . J o y ’ a charge in the face. One eye was E dw ard Bimmons, of the Panama R a il­ on their own account, and fitting out ; where, aud attempts at noisy demon­ to IU lha, 6 c; green, unsalted, 1 < pepata, V e f e t a b le strations of protest against the United less; culls, l - 2 c less; sheepskins, shear- blown out and the othei badly injured, w ay Company and C. P. Huntington, expeditions and m aintaining themselvea Ch r o n i c At; »amarilla Conati na - rot)» the his lip was terribly lacerated and bis president of the Pacific M all Steamship at their own eipense, w hile ooinbatting States are reported at several points. lings, 10 ( 9 l 6 c; short wool, 20i930c; tiou, Liver b.ijud of all left arm badly injured. H e w ill prob­ Company, regarding the recent fric­ the inaolence of the assertions of the In Barcelona mounted gendarmes have medium, 30:q46c; long wool, 60(<$70c. C o m plaint» ila impuri­ and Kidney beeu kept busy patrolling the oity and Rica— Island, »4.60(96 per tack; Ja­ ti es, a n d United States. ably survive. tion between the two companies, is Affection». •oui tea The day has been characterized by diaperaing gstheringa of persons plot­ pan, »4.00(94.60^^ the»« ira Havana advices aver that the Cubans said to have resulted in the adjustment M sre b a u d ia s M a rk s !. many manifestations of public wrath ting to w reak their wrath npon the It is understood w i ll retaliate on the Spaniards for of all differences. S alm on — Columbia, river No. 1, tails, i and excitement. In Barcelona the representative of the United States gov­ their slaughter of suspects by using that entirely harmonious relations have $ 1 . 26 ( 91 . 60 ; No. 2. tabs, $ 2 . 26 ( 92 . 60 ; Spaniards have gone to the extreme of ernment in that city. dynamite. A manifesto signed by the | been restored. Renewed attempts were made darin g fancy, No. 1, fiats, $1.76(91.86: Alaska, using violence upon the consulate of Cuban revolutionary party has been j The Southern Pacific Railroad Com- the United States and stoning it, break­ the day to do violence to the nousnlate. No. 1, tails, $1.20(91.36; No. 2 , tails, $1.90 1 found scattered through Havana set- ; pny has reopened the iate w ar between (92.26. 's Vegeta i»i< ing several w indow s in the building. Crow ds were repeutedly charged by the ting forth that from five to ten of the Portland and San Francisco. B kans — Small white, No. 1, 2 '4c pei < police Rnd dispered, only to form iu »rs a p u rilla The cut N o bodily harm was done to any suspects confined in tne Caballas were sound; butter, 3c; bayou, 1 .4 4 c; Lima, I prevents tired fael- is a radical one, putting the figures body, exepet to oertain members of the ! »«m e other plane, with persistent deter 4c. being shot nightly, and that the C u ­ back to where they were during the | inga, staggering ten- crowd, that was charged by the police initiation to do their w ill upon the con- C o k iiao b — Manilla rope, 1 14 -Inch, i> •aliens, palpitation I bans would retaliate by destroying early days of December, namely, $10 salate. Such tenacity of pnrpote in ­ when the stones were thrown at the ! quoted at 8 ' 4 c, and Sisal, 6 >$c per pound. of heart, rush of Spanish residences and places of busi­ for first class passage, including berth dicates that mischief-makers are at B aos —C alcutta, 4>«c. United States consulate. blond to ths head ness by dynamite. work in the crowd to make them fo l­ S u o a b — G olden C, 5c; extra C, 6 QC; J in the Pullm an sleeper, aud $6 for sec- dizziness, rioting in Henry Cottrell, of Edinburgh, Ind., 1 ond-class in the tourist sleeper. dry grannlated, 6 J » c ; cube crushed aud low up their hostile course against the M r., spots Let- ire ths G O L D A T P O S T O F F IC E S . : powdered, 6 'yc per pound ; Q c per pound , died after several week's illness, of consolate. •yec, headache, bd- For February the receipts from cus­ discount on ail grades lor prompt cash , softening of the brain, due to excessive iousne*«, const ipetion T w o Mon K w iilf C rn*li««l. hall barrels, more than barrels of bowels, pm'nt in cigarette smokiDg. A post-mortem ex­ toms shows a fa llin g off of $2,474,408, K x t r a r t a F r o m M t a t e i n « n t F r « p a r « « f by t h « D epartm ents maple sugar, 16 ( 9 16 c per pound. and the internal revenue receipts a de­ Stockton, C a l., March 4.— A t 8:85 thv hack,melancholy, amination was held, and a peculiar C o r r a s —Costa Kira, 22<923Qc; Kio, S ' A s the expendi­ W ashington, March 2.— The re­ o'clock this morning, a serious train tongn* coand, hull condition was discovered. The peri­ crease of $284,649. Salvador, 21 <9 22c; Mocha, [ breaih, pimples on tures during the month, however, ceipts of gold and "represen tatives" of collision occurred on the Southern P a ­ I <9 22c; cardial sack was enlarged until it held 29i931c; I'adang Java. 36c , Kaleuibans face, body and limb, were exceptionally light, a small sur­ gold at various postoffioes in the states cific Com pany's tracka at the intersec about a gallon of water, and the heart Java, 2«i(928c; I « h a t Java, 23 i 926 c ; Ar- declineofnerva fores plus is shown. The total deficit for of the Northwest are shown in the tion of M ain and Sacramento street bnckle’s Mokaska and Lion, $21.80 pei waa abnorm ally contracted. A fatty dizzy s p e l l s , faint growth had alao formed, and both the the present fiscal year amounted to elaborate statement gotten up and made T rain No. 107. known as the Tracy ! lUU-poiind case; Columbia, $21.30 per spells, cold, clammy $18,558,637, and it is tho opinion of public by the postoffloe department. freight, w h ile pu llin g out from the 100 - pound case. lungs and spleen were enlarged and feet and hands, sour C o a l — S teady ; domestic, $6.00(97.6C 1 treasury officials that the deficit July The figures show that in Oregon the freight depot, was run into by a h e al risings, fatigue, in weakened by the diaease. 1 , next, w ill not exceed this amount. gross receipts for the year in all first- switch engine. Both engines were per ton; foreign, $ 8 . 60 ( 911 . 06 . tomnia,snd all dis­ By the provisions of Representative [ class and aeoond-clasa poetoffioea were demolished, and tw o young men were eases o f t he stomach, M eat M arket. St. James' Gazette, in commenting H erm ann's b ill for the examination liver and kidney«. $186,835, m aking the average per severely injured. They were George B a a r — Groea, top steers, $3.26; cows, 1 and classification of m ineral lands In npon the reoent dismissal of Lord Don- Joy,t Vegetable Ser month $15,670. - The gold reoeipta per H James, recently from Oakland, the i $2.26(92.66; dressed beet, 4(96Qc per «sp.irills is told by all raven from the N e w York Yacht Club, Oregon, pnblication of the classifica­ druifri.UL R efuse A month were $5,712. The gross receipts fireman on the switch engine, and , ponud. Niih-titute. Whrn you tion of lands is to be made, and sixty said: “ The N e w York Yacht C lu b for the year of postoffioes of all classes M utton — G rose, I rest sheep, wethers, , Brakeman Vizelich, of this city, both I pay for lh«br*t *e«tnat days given for any person or oompauy very properly expelled Lord Dunraven, were $419,663, and the department »2.76; ewes, »1.60(92.26; dressed mut­ you get the brat. of whom were in the nab of the switch to protest the classification. Provision and we now only regret that the credit estimates the gold receipts at $161,042. engine. W hen they saw a collision ton, 4Qc per pound. sportsmanship waa ever ia made how the protest shall be con­ of British V eal — G ross, small, 6(96c; large, 3 In Washington the gross receipts waa unavoidable they tried to jum p ducted, and for hearings to determine identified with a man who can behave were $201.144, and the average per from the engine, one on oue side, the \ (8 4c per pound. ao badly. Hia charges were improb­ Hons— (»roes, choice, heavy, $3.26(f the character of the land. Appeals are month $16,762. The gold receipts per other on the other. Both were caught 3.60; light and feeders, $2.60(92 75; allowed from the decision of the land able, and his refusal to accept the de- month were $9,928. The gross re­ between the engine and the tender Is • dressed. 3Q(94c per pound. officers, as in other cases. A n appro­ ciaion of the committee was a sheer ceipts of all offices in the state for the S O C IE T Y N O T IC E S . fore they had time to jump. priation of $5,000 la made to pay the piece of childish obstinacy." year were $459,042; the gold receipts, The engineer of the freight eugtne SAN F R A N C I S C O M A R K E T S 11* o r III K W NRWRRKG CAMP, No. IIS expenses of the classification. Governor Lord, of Oregon, has been $266,244. » » e mart» evwrr M gim I h . «v m iiig . waa knocked senseless, hat not serious­ The passenger steamer Queen col­ notified that land claimed by the state, F lo u b — N et cash nncea: Family ex- These are the figures for Idaho: ly hurt. The fireman and brakeman r • r on T-, «1 U. -HrrtiNkIH Mr.KTINUTHtt »kl under the swam p land grant of 1868, lided with the British ship Stratndon Gross receipts for the year of all classes were pinned between the engine and tras, $4.00(44.10 per barrel , bakers’ ex- and fourth Waincffty in each in San Franriaoo w hile steaming op which afterwards passed by grant of of money at offices of the first and sec­ the tender for fu lly half an hour before \ traa, $3.86(93.90; superfine, $2.86(93 10. month. good, 76c. B a hi . b y — Feed, fair to thg harbor on her arrival from Port­ the state to the United States M ilitary ond-classes, O O. F.—»K mhio N« HRI.D on t h i i r k d a y $14,141; average per they could be extricated. A b ig crowd , «ven in ** In Hmsli o f Nt-vvltarf building. land. The vessels were not together W agon Road Company, in 1866, has month, $1,175; gold receipts, $176. ^ | gathered around, bnt many tam ed choice, 7 2 '»c ; brewing, 86 c. W 1 1 a vr— Shipping, No. 1, $1.12*» \ r W II KU A t . OF more than two minutes, but in that been rejected by the commissioner of The gross receipts of all offices in the away, being unable to lnok upon the com m . .TO. choice, $1 1 3 ; milling, $I.J2',<91.27 - If».*, meet« ren Knd»\ ( renin*In M, •onle time, between $ 20,000 and $30,000 the general land office, at Washington. state for the year were $181,966, and suffering! of the unfortunate trainmen O r » — Milling. 76980c; surprise, hail. were sacrificed in damages. The Attorey-Gennerai Idleman has the mat­ ths estimated gold receipts, $19,998. . . I 96i,t $ 1 ; fancr teed, 8 2 ' , 9 8 ' V F » d «0 A A M. MKF.TH KvtftY S a t u r d a y T w o eagles were ca ught in a trsp set j cb „ ,CPi 7N9M2'^ c ; poor to fair, 669 Strathdon was lying at anchor in the ter under advisement, and w ill likely night to ( V. Bunk hufhflng. for coyotsa near Grant — A London restaurant servas its forgi ra n ts Pass laM I 7au e ; gray. 7 6 « « ) $ • . stream, and ber heavy steel bowsprit appeal on behalf of tbs stats to the sec O U. W - j m C T * KVKRY TU IAI> AY E V IN . wesk. on slsctrically bastad plats* Hoes— Quotable a l 396c per pound. swept tbs upper saloon dseks of ths ratary of tbs intsrior. Hoks Smith. , lag at ; M r M. Is I. 0 O P NaU. j A t Kom e> K U For full detail! call on or address ......................................... ......... Address. G r a p h i c , S e w b fn i. Gregna. 0.R.&N. E. McNEIL, lleceiver. H lT K H i ...................... ....... W a b e r r lp t lo a f r i r r P a y a b l e a b ly l a A d v a n c e . C H U R C H N O T IC E S . KiUKK dix Months Three Months. at Ad\ erti sing Bills Collected Monthly41 L N| l l » < K I I » r i O > OuaYetr K A .r A