Highest o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report UNIQUE E N T E R T A IN M E N T . A G E N U I N E DREAMER. * R i s e o f th© M e d i c a l P r o fe s s io n , FROM TH E BLOOD During the mediscval times tho mon nsteries, serving as centers of instruc B r the k id n eys, im p u rities p«as o f f harm lessly. I In B la Sleep l a M id o c c a n H e H eard W a r I h e in a ctiv ity o f the organs nam ed not on ly tion, gave some embodiment to the med cau T a lk . «e these im p u rities to rem ain and poison the I A unique ami interesting entertain­ j>’ 8 ,em , but zl>«j leads to th e degen era tion and j ical profession, like that which onr col A fussy little man, who had plenty ment was provided the otber night for of money aud spent it lavishly, was oue leges give. In Italy there later arose in April, May ar. most emph.tic.liy ffi. the friends anil patrons of tbe Wnght- of tho saloon passengers who arrived the stitntions for educating physicians, os other Kliment» which affect the'kidnev* aud month* for taking a good blood purifier, Humusou School For tbs Oral Iimtruc- other day on the American liner Paris. the medical school of Salerno in 1140. blAdaer with H.»«tetter’»e*tom*ch Bltte.s.which because tbe syitem ie now moot in need iiKewise overcomes malarial, dyspeptic, bilious, tiou of the Deaf in New York by tbe He was looked upon as a nuisance by In France before the end of tho thir uei of such a medicine, and because it more vou* and rheumatic complaints. pupils of that iuHtitutlon. All who par­ some of the passengers on the voyage, teenth century the surgeons had become quickly responds to medicinal qualities. “ You’ra mean euouith to steal,” she cried. ticipated were perwuiH who are totally In winter impurities do not pass out of tbe A* at her wide I sat. but when quarantine was reached and incorporated into a distinct college, t o ] Aud all I stole was ju st a kiss-- deaf and would be mutes had they not the passengers read of tbe president's lowing in this way the incorporated body freely, but accumulate in tbe blood. m And I was h y p n otiz ed at that. been taught mechanically to speak. Tbe message and subsequent events they medical faculty, and while thus inte first part of tbe programme consisted of changed their views about the little grating themselves they excluded from F R O S T , F R O L I C A N D B U S IN E S S . 1 the recitation of “ Miles Blandish," by man. their class the barbers, who, forbidden Helen Keller, a 15-year-old girl, who A H OM EM ADE HAM M OCK. The winds over frozen ponds ami lakes, He was one of the few who dared go to perform operations, were allowed has been both deaf aud blind since she on deck during the first days of the voy­ only to dress wounds, etc. In onr own over snow-flf Ids of plains and open coun­ A n y O n e C a n M a k e I t a n d H a v e S o m e ­ was 18 mouths old. She is now learn­ age, owing to the storm. After the con­ country there have been successive con try i* heavily charged with frost and fine t h i n * T h a t W i l l Hu a D e li g h t . particles of frozen matter. It is the mo*t The best medicine to purify, enrich and ing to read tbe lips of a person speaking cert on board lie gathered about him a aolidatiaof. penetrating way for chill to set in. Sud- vitalize the blood, and thus give strength It may bo easily constructed ont of an by laying the fingers upon them. She The barber surgeons of London were den warmth, sudden chill, and severe and build up the system, is Hood’s Sarsa­ ordinary barrel and a good length of committed tbe poem to memory from dozen congenial spirits, bought cham­ colds. Girl* and boys *kating, driving for incorporated by Edward IV, aud in the hemp rope sufficiently »tout to bear the the embossed characters used by the pagne for them aud spun a yaru. It was parilla. Thousands take it as their Spring fifteenth century tiie College o f Phy pleasure or business, and men at work of a dream. atield know the difference in temperature, Medicine, and more are taking it today weight of a grown person. blind alphabet. When in doubt, she re­ sicianswas founded and “ received pow­ l e t the youngsters skate a w a y and witn He bad dreamed that there was a One should be careful to select a freshed her memory by means of the than ever before. If you are tired, “ out ol pauic ou the New York Stock Exchange er to grant licenses to practice medicine mouth open laughing tak.- in a dose of clean, nicely made barrel for the pur­ raised letters. sorethroat. Drivers and workmen throw —a power which had previously been and stocks were falling off frightfully. pose. wraps and all know the next day Although her articulation is necessa­ confined to the bishops.” Progress iu aside «rom soreness and stiffness what sudden If there is no empty one to be found rily imperfect, her words were audible And he vowed there was war talk be­ definiteness of integration was siiown •Jhiil means. Now the best thing to do in the storeroom or cellar of your home, aud intelligible to most of those in the tween tbe United States aud England. when iu Charles I's time persons were when housed is to rub well at once with St. it may be purchased at any grocery store room. The reading was illustrated by a Then the other men around the table Jacobs Oil. I f you do, vou will not have forbidden to exercise surgery in London for 25 oentsor less. Remove tiie top and series of seveu tableaus iu Furitan cos­ shook their heads gravely aud advised or if you are stiff and sore, it sorts,” nervous, have bad taae in the and within seven miles, until they had sorethroat; will cure bv warming the surface to throw bottom of the barrel, and three inches tume. The pupils who took part iu the the little man to stop drinking and go morning, aching or dizzy baad, sout out tne chili. from the edge, both top and bottom, tableaus were Bertha M. Freeman, J. to bed. He would feel better in the been examined by the company of bar­ bers and surgeons, and also when, by .. " ‘ ‘ ii0- 1 km*w you were c o m in g ton igh t. stomach and feci all run down, a course moruiug. bore holes by means of a gimlet between Pierson Kadeliffe, Will J. (¿uinlan aud is tle to n —W h y, W illie ? W illie - B it t e r ha* of Hood's Sarsaparilla will put your wboli But it was different yesterday morn­ the eighteenth of George II, excluding C been the staves ull around. asleep all (h e aftern oon . , Willard K. Taft. They were followed body in good order and make you strong the barbers, tlio Royal College of Sur ing when the papers were thrown aboard Thus you have a row of holes at each by Katharine Woodward, an 8-year old and vigorous. It is tbe ideal Spring geous was formed. At the same time H O W ’ S T H IS T at qnaruutiue. Then the little man be­ end of the barrel, through which may child, iu a Greek dance. Medicine and true nerve tonic, because came the cynosure of all eyes. He en­ there have grown up medical schools iu bo laced the rope, inside and out, and Tbe performance was concluded by a W » offer O ne H undred D ollar» R »w ard for various places which prepare students fastened lirrnly at a chosen stave on two act farce, written by oue of tbe pu­ joyed it; also the champagne that was •ny ca*e o f Catarrh that ca n n o t be cu red by forced upon him. His friends claimed for examination by these incorporated H a ll’* Catarrh Cu»e. pils, Robert H. Moulton. There were F. J. C H E N E Y A CO, Prop«., T ole d o , O. thut lie was the only genuine dreamer medical I k ¡dies, further iutegratious We the u n d ersign ed, h a ve k n ow n F. J C h eney ‘ eight speaking parts, all of which were extant. Owing to certain effects of being implied. Hospitals, too, scattered for the last 16 years, and believ e h im p erfectly enacted by persons who had been taught orab le in all business transaction s and fin­ champagne, the little man was just able throughout tiie kingdom, have becorat* a hon n cia lly able to carry ou t auy o b lig a t io n « m ade to speak. As tiiey were all totally deaf, to maintain a dignified silence and places of clinical instruction, somo unit­ by their firm. it was necessary for them to fake their W est A T r u a x , could not be interviewed ou dreams.— ed to colleges and some not. Another W holesale D ruggist», T oledo, O. cues by Watching each other’s lips. The New York Herald. species of integration has been achieved W a l d in o , K in n a n A M a r v in , performance would have been a very W holesale Druggists. T oled o, O hio, by medical journals, weekly and quar­ Is the O ne True B lood Purifier. A ll dru ggists. 11. H a ll’« Catarrh tarrti (Jure t is taken in tern a lly , a ctin g creditable one for uny amateurs. terly, which serve - to bring into com­ d ir r e ctly upc u p on the b lo o d aud m u cou s surface« o f Prepared o u ly b y C . I. H o o d & C o., L o w ell, M i m . N A T U R A L S O F T SOAP. the system . P rice, 75c per bottle, Mr. Moulton, who played tbe leading Sold by all munication educational institutions, in 'ru g g ists. T estim on ia ls free. part, spoke with great disiiiujfness. He Found In a S e r ie s o f F it « I n t h e B i g H o r n corporated bodies and the whole profes are p u rely v e g e ta b le , care- H a ll’s F a m ily P ills are the b e s t M o u n t a in . has been prepared for college at the siou.—Herbert Spencer M A R R IA G E JO U R N A L , c o n t a in in g pictu res school aud will enter Columbia next A party of gentlemen from the east, and 35o “ a d s ,” lo cents. It w ill h elp you find fall. Ho expects to have no difficulty iu who have been hunting and fishing for ea lth y life p artn er. P. O. box 939, P ortland. recitation and w ill be able to under­ the past month iu the Big Horn moun­ T r y G k k m k a f o r b r e a k fa s t . stand purt of the lectures by watching tains and basip, in Wyoming, met while tr a m the t ’ouricr-H errtld, S aginaw , M ich. tbe lecturers’ lips. The others iu the there with a .pertinent illustration of ti u ie j It was publicly talked all over Clare east were Bertha M. Freeman, Florence ’ the natural marvels of the great oentnl county, Mich., for some time beiore renJ!' Tailor-Hinne.CSfeished and sew ed m a k es a s p e c ia lt y oi west. This was nothing less than the w ith silk th rou g h ou t, p erfect fittin g Hhattuck, Katharine* Woodward, Carrie the Courier-Herald sent a reporter to E p ile p s y , h a s w ith ou t —by first-class w h ite ta ilors—from luuoiiiei, Willard K. Taft, Francis Bell discovery of a series of pits, or vats, of Dover to fully investigate the Coulter d o u b t tr e a te d a n d cu r ­ y o u r m easure. O u a p p lica tio n w ill e d m o r e c a s e s th a n any natural soft soap, the excellent quality matter. He fiually went, aud we pub­ send sam ples o f cloth an d d irection s and Mary Nicholas. liv in g P h y s ic ia n ; his fo r self m easurem ent. B lack C h ev­ s u c c e s s is aston ish in g. The entertainment was the first of the of the product showing that old Dame lish today his full report. The Coul­ io t su itin gs, » » 1 2 . U n iform s and W e h a v e h ea rd o f case* B ic y c le Suits a specialty. sort ever attempted at the school, and Nature is well competent when iu the ters are prominent people, though Mrs. o f 20 y e a r s ’ standing Mr. Wright was much pleased with its mood to hold up fully the end of her C. iu response to the question whether c u r e d bv B U I« i BUCK CLOTHING COMPANY, PORTLAND, OREGOI him. Hi success. Tbe preparation for it, lie said, string as a housewife. she objected to being interviewed, said, p u b lish es e These natural soft soap pits, seven in “ Certainly not.” Her story follows; bad been of great value as a means of v a l|u a b 1 e w ork or practical instruction to tlie pupils.— number and having an average capacity “ About fourteen years ago we de t h is d is . of about 1,000 gallons, are scattered New York Sun. ease, w hich cided to take up our abode in Dover - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING - he sends over an area of two or three acres of al­ and everything went along smoothly i F o r «ole by «11 D ro g tU t* . 85 C e a U • bottlo, < wi t h a kali land, situated just below the for several years, business progressed la r g e b ot- A B RI TI SH ALLIANCE. mouths of half a dozen hot springs and uud being of a saving temperament we ;le o f his a b s o lu te cu re, fre e to a n y s u ffe r e r s Who m a y sen d th e ir P. O. an d E x p re ss a d d ress. M o r p h in e H a b it C a r e d In 1 0 R u m o r T h a t W i ll ia m W a l d o r f A . t o r Ia tn two large springs of practically pure lu­ accumulated quite an amount. Our W e a d v is e a n v o n e w ish in g a c u r e t o a d d re s s to 2 0 d a y s . N o p a y t i l l cu re d . M a r r y C a d y C h u r c h il l . bricating oil. The water from the hot family iucreased as the years rolled by •TO w H. PEEKE, f . D.,4 Cedar St., Hew Tor* DR. J. STEPHEN»; Lsbanon.Ohto. They say now that it is Lady Ran­ springs and tbe oil drainage combining and we now have five children living, either side. You w ill bo surprised to dolph Churchill on whom Willie Wallie with each other and acting ou the al­ find how nicely tho ropes w ill adjust Aster is about to confer his mime, bis kali deposit constitute a natural soap the oldest 15, youngest 8, but sickness themselves in the half circle or grooves Spanish ancestors and a share of his manufactory, the product of which is made its way into our household, and doctors’ bills flooded upon us, until we afforded by the gimlet holes. gathered in the adjacent series of earth have nothing left but our home, and enormous estate. Knock off the barrel hoops, and your It seems a good and reasonable match cavities, or pits. these sweet children. Everything hummock w ill full at your feet, the enough, but rumor lias always had it Just below the pits themselves is a etaves opening ont smoothly, held se that Lady Randolph long since gave her wide tract of spongiest marsh soil, in went to satisfy the claims of physi­ cians. enrely by the ropes. heart to another— to the young guards­ whose depths the soft soap surplus is ah “ About three years ago I had a Ropes attached at the four corners man whom she nursed so tenderly »orbed. Tbe product is perfectly mar­ w ill swing the hammock from stout through the consequences of a severe ac­ ketable, and in the coming commercial miserable feeling at the back of my ears, my right hand became paralyzed brass hooks fastened on tho tree trunks cident. development of the Big Horn basin If “ La Belle Chocolatiere ” isn’t on aud the paralysis extended to my arm ou the lawn, or between u piazza post Willie Wallie would indeed be fortu there w ill doubtless be a natural soft aud throat, aud would affect my head uud the lioitse, upon the latter. the can, it isn't Walter Baker & C o.’s nate to capture such a prize, for Lady soup syndicate.— Rocky Mountain News. aud eyes, sometimes for days I would There is a deal of luxury in this sim­ Randolph is still young— near 41—clev­ Breakfast Cocoa. lose my sight, my face was deformed, ple, homely device. The swell of the er as they make ’em and with un excel­ F U N E R A L T R O L L E Y CARS. lifeless as it were, my nose was drawn W A L T E R B A K E R & CO.. L im ite d , stave towanl tho center w ill be found lently well assured position iu Kuglish B ro o k ly n A b o u t t o F l a r e T h e m o n L in e* to one side and I presented a pitiable to exactly fit tlio back when in a reclin­ society. DORCHESTER, MASS. L e a d in g t o C e m e t e r ie « . appearance and never expecting to re­ ing position, and, moreover, this ham­ But, then, this is only rumor, which Funeral cars on several of tlio Brook­ gain my natural facial expressions. I mock w ill not double np and incase one may lie very wide of the mark aud may in uncertainty of getting in and out, as Halter Willie Wallie’« vanity to au in­ lyn trolley lines of street railway are to employed the best physicians that tbe net ones are so prone to do. ordinate degree.— Cliolly Knickerbocker bo placed in operation next spring if the could be procured, expending thou­ experimental earou the Ridgewood line sands of dollars for their services but For tho lawn tho hammock need only iu New York Recorder. proves to be a success. Tlio system lias could not obtain relief. At last they receive a coat of Knglish enamel paint worked successfully in several western stated my case was beyond the reach in some bright, cheery color and bo fit­ A WATERY SUBJECT. If you want » sure relief for pains in the back, side, cheat, or cities, notably Abilene, Kan. , Liucolu, of medical skill, aud it would be but a ted with a Japanese l ush pillow, or cir limbs, use an short time until the end would come. cular net, which can bo purchased for ■ la th in g K t t l lc . T r o u b l i n g F o l k I n P a r t s o f Neb., aud Chicago. The cars making np the train w ill be This certainly was not very encourag­ 10 cents, but for Hie piazza wo have I llin o is . seen one elaborately decorated. While the authorities at Washington appropriately painted black. The first ing to me, but I uever gave up hope. It was painted a vivid yellow, and I are struggling with the Venezuelan car is especially constructed for the pur­ In connection with receiving the at­ tlio ropes hail Isssi stretched over ill question tho Illinois state authorities ut pose. A bier iu the ceuter w ill support tendance of physicians 1 have tried B e a r in M ind —Not one of the host of counterfeits and imi­ crimson wool, finished in hunches of [ Lansing are having troubles of their the casket. Opposite it will be seats for every medicine known to the apothe­ tations is as good as the genuine. cary, but uever received any relief un­ IMiinpniiH that hung from tho brass hooks own. Here is a question which a blush the minister and the pallbearers. Tbe uext car, with sable bliuds to til Dr. W illiams Pink Pills for Pale that suspended tho hummock. ing young schoolma’am, residing in an A very thin pad, or mattress, made interior county, inis submitted in good draw down, w ill be reserved for the im ­ People came to my assistance. Before mediate mourners and will be attached I had taken half of the first box the of hair and covered with a Bagdad rug, faith to Superintendent 1’ iitteiigill: Tho very remarkable and certain to the funeral car as a trailer. The trol­ deformity iu my face had left me, aud relief given woman by MOORE’S which hung over the sides of the ham­ “ Which should take u bath the often REVEALED REMEDY haa given mock ns an oriental valance, added to I er— tho farmer or the student? If yon ley pole of the first car will be draped before four boxes hud been consumed it the name o f Woman’s Friend. It is w uniformly success­ its luxury; besides this there was a uest think that the student ought to, please with crape. The main I k sly of the the paralysis had disappeared entirely ful in relieving the backaches, headaches i C J . and we ak ne ss mourners and sympathizing fliends w ill and much to my surprise I felt like a of down cushions gay in bandanna covets give your reason why. ” which burden and shorten a woman’s life. ThonBands of piled at one end.— Exchuuge. The scboolma’am explained that her follow ill ordinary cars at as close a new woman. 1 have not taken any women testify for it. It will give health and strength headway as possible. medicine since lust spring, just about a pupils had been unable to solve the ques­ and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggists. G r a r r f u l W alking* year ago, and my trouble has not ap­ BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO., P o r t l a n d , Agents. tion. The question remains unanswered A P O P U L I S T MOSES. It appears that Newport, nocioty Rirls pending the return of Professor Patten- peared since. I owe my health, my have formulated a rale for graceful gill to the city, mid in the meantime C o n *ln o f F r e a ld e n t L in c o ln S t u m p in g life, to Dr. W illiams' Pink Pills. walking, which pedoKtriuiiH w ill please both the farmer and tho students doubt­ S o u l b o a s t e r ii K a n ««* . “ A short time since my little boy copy if they wish to get. on in this less grace the ranks of the great army Colonel C. A. Lincoln, a cousin of John was afflicted with St. Vitus’ world. An intelligent writer thus tie of the unwashed. BY C O R RESPON DIN G WITH Abraham Lincoln, is the Populist Moses dance. He could not walk aoross the ncribes this ntt*p: "O n e of thecnrdiiml just now who is electrifying uudieiices room without assistance, in fact he points,” she says, “ is that the mlvane in southeastern Kansas. Until recently woud fall all over himself, but after P e r f o r a t e d S ail*. ing foot should bo placed a long way Yachtsmen w ill bo interested in tlio he was a poor farmer in Cowley county. taking a few boxes ot Dr. W illiams' uheud of the other, so as to make a very P O R TLA N D , O R ECO N Last week he espoused the Populist Pink Pills, St. Vitus’ dance entirely long step, almost a stride, and to keep diwoovery of an Italian sea captain, faith and announced 100 meetings iu left him, aud no trace of the affliction this stride graceful the foot that is left George Batta Vasalio of Genoa, that ad­ schooihouses iu Bourbon county. is left. These pills are worth their behind lifts itself to the toe and takes a ditional speed can lie secured l>y making He assumes the commonplace charac­ weight in gold. Yon may say in this a number of small holes in the sails. right, angle swing. The toe must always The contention is that the force of teristics of “ Old A b e " and drives a connection that I am w illing at any be set down first, or the body will sink wind cannot fully take effect in a sail, little bay mare which lie says lie has time to make affidavit to the truth of too heavily at each, like the step of a since tbe air in front of it cannot prop driven three times across the continent, these statements, and furthermore 1 fat woman. The pointed toed shoe is erly circulate in tbe inflated part; that making a total of 85,000 miles.— Chi­ w ill answer any communication con- prefeired if long enough, as it cuts the erning my case, as I consider it noth­ it is stagnant and is in effect a cushion, cago TimesHerald. air and lends elasticity to the foot.” ’ T I R r .H P A P E R IN T H E E N D - ing more than right and just that I There! This is uncommon sense, but which acts like a spring mattress, de­ I n t e ll i g e n t S h e e p . should assist suffering humanity.” creasing the actual pressure of the wind the Newport pedestrian always walks " I was on my bicycle,” writes a man Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Pills contain all against the cauvas. just that way. Therefore let every girl Trials made by the rnptuiu in various to an English magazine, "and was pass­ the elements necessary to give new life who can forsake her wheel long enough weathers have seemingly proved the ing a very large field where a number and richness to the blood and restore to walk i t all try it. She w ill feel she utility of this innovation.— New York of sheep were grazitig. As I passed a shattered nerves. They are for sale iH in the swim light (iff. for Miss Amy World. sheep ran toward me in an excited state, by all druggists, or may be had by - ô a* T P O R T L A N D . Bend and Miss Julia Grant, besides half looking np at me like a pet dog and mail from Dr. W illiam s’ Medicine a dozen otber fair ones now doing this ■lark 1« HI* E n g in e F r o m S t * t « O ffice. blaatiiig in a most piteous way. I was Company, Schenectady, N. Y ., for 50 swan step act, are declared to I hi “ bean T. J. Holiness?, who years ago wins so interested in what I saw that I cents per box, or six boxes for $2-50. tiful walkers.” — Bouton Herald. nominated and eleeted state railroad stoppl'd, aud instantly the sheep gallop­ commissioner, has returned to his old ed to the farther end of the field iu the T r im m in g « F or Su m n irr Itodtcea. KKNALDO. occupation—that of a locomotive engi same excited way, and then raced hack Lace, ribbon and fiend decorations are ueer. At the time of his nomination he «•••»•••••••« to me again, bleating aud looking tip at all initial on the bodices, w hile empire was an engineer, with a run between M A R R I E D L I D I E * I Many of you have R E A D T H IS ! Jbeen suffering f o r cape*, epaulets, Vandyke arrangement» St. Louis and Poplar Bluff He gave up me just in the same beseeching way as it did at first. Had it spoken it could years from trou b les k n ow n as Female W eakness and various other design» are show n for his job to make the canvass and was and h a ve been able to get n o h elp . Y o n h a ve not have been plainer in its request that their adornment, writes IsalN'l A. Mai elected. His six years’ term expired last pain In you r back, » c r o s s y o u r body a n d d o w n I should go with it to the other end of vottr limbs, headache, or oth er easily rec o g n ise d Ion in Tlio Ladies’ Home Journal. A» year, and in January of this year he the field. I could see not 1 ¡mg but a few sy m p tom * o f fem a le troubles. O ur p rep aration bead trimming» are quite expensive, it started a little business, but it was not "R E N A I .D O ,” a health lotion, ia the p rescrip tion still I felt compelled to go with o f • celeb ra ted s p ecia lis t o n fem a le disease», In la well to know that there may I»' got­ a success. He applied to tbe Iron Moun­ trees; w h es e h a n d » it ha« been th e m ean « o f c u r ia s the sheep, so unmistakably did it let me ten, in the large shop», strings of Is-ads tain for a job, got it and took out his hundreds. It w ill c m » y o u ! It destrons »11 We will send FREE either » know that it wanted me to go with it germ s w h ic h m ay be present w h ic h all mid spangles to be applied to ribl.'ii or first train to Little Rock the other So 1 went, the sheep galloping on be­ these trou bles are du e, bu t is perfectly harm lea« large 2-blade Pocket Knife pieoe material, so that the economical night.—Chicago Tribune. to th e patleut. T he pfefaaD C T w ill not be fore me, till it reached the spot at the with stag handle, OR, a pair h arm ed ny o u r w ash and so is o f great uae to r e ­ woman may form a fashionable garui lie v e niHoy o f it« trou ble» as v o m itin g , »to. w e end of the field where I felt sure it of 7-inch full Nickel Scissors w ill m a il on a p p lic a tio n c ir c u la r c o n t a in in g »x - lure without spending much money R r i* t lT f S tre n g th o f M »t* l » m l T im b e r . wanted me to go. T ill I reached the Both Q u aran te««! to b « beat ten sive d e s crip tio n o f th e a «e and a c tio n o f th is Satin ribls.li is more generally seen q u ality «lev i. great rem ed y. O ne b o x o f " R e u a ld o su fficien t Dr. Robert H. Thurston, in i\ recent place the animal ran round and round for 3 m o n th * ' treatm en t w ith fu ll d ir e ctio n s , |5. than either velvet or grosgraiu, and the article, discusses various materials in the same particular spot in the same ex W e a ls o h a v e ’ R e n s ld o " iu ca p su le« at |1 per 4 0 C oupons: reasons for its popularity are not only which comparisons of interest are made. cited way. as if it wanted to say: ’ Make •mall b o x . or *=• per large b o x , « sm aller. Lady o n . ron agent* w an ted; ca u m a t « f ó t o 919 per d a y . aa that it tie* easier, but that it contrasts At tho outset he gives the following haste. Come as fast as yon can. ’ When •J C o u p o n s mnd 4 0 cents. every lady w ant* R on a ld o R em it by registered more effectively with the fabric proper generally accepted figures: Cast iron I arrived. I found there was a deep letter. P. O. m o n e y o r d e r or exp ress m on ey ord er payable to R E N O C H E M I C A L C O ., Stripes and pluids in silk are fancied weighs 444 |s muds to the cubic foot and stream of water, and one of the sheep b o x 1099 Sau Joae. C a liforn ia . Ton m m find f»n« *e*M B in s ld « *aeb * onn** for plain bodices, w hile if a plain color an inch square bar w ill sustain a had fallen into it and was struggling to and tw o coupons m aid« • «oh 4 o n n o* b «a o f is us.si it ia given an elaborate air by its weight of 16..*»00 pounds; bronze, weight get out. ” for trimming, t'otton blouse« frequently 995 pounds, tenacity 96.000; wrought rmsrpjtai Di—yñ*S ■* « m w» A D is a p p o in t e d S t o r e k e e p e r . have n double ruffle down the front for iron, weight 4S0, tenacity 50,000; hard A man went into a hardware store in *-- their only trimming, as it is conceded “ struck” steel, weight 400. tenacity ........... ............................ » ■ -M u » a rv Ä " Portland, Me., aud asked for a second j to be in best taste to develop them sim 78,000; aluminium, weight 168, tenac­ hand coffin. He said he kept a country ' SemV Cnupom . w ttk . V i » , mmé A édrm tt tm N __________________ ity 96,000. A bur of pine just an heavy »tote and thought lie would keep second- j BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO , DURHAM, *■ C. Mi»» Mary Bartel me of the Chicago as a bar of steel an inch square w ill baud coffins for sale. He thought the Buy a bag o f this Celebrated S m o k i n g Tobacco and read the bar has just closed a course of It! lec­ hold up 196,000 pounds, the beet ash Portland st. re« kept everything, from coupon which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them, ture* upon medical jurisprudence in the 175,000 and some hemlock 900,000 hornet»* nests to secondhand coffins. | pounds. Wood is bulky. It occupies 10 and was grievously disappointed to find Woman's Medical college of the North f C K N T S T A M P S A C C tF V C O . or 19 time» the »pace of steel. No. 71* N. P. N. V . No. 638. w e s t e r n university. I they didu’t — Hardware I ___________ ______ F orm er M arch D e a f M u te s G iv e R e c i t a t io n s a n d O th e r P e rfo rm a n ce s . Powder A bsolutely K li a b a r o f k a , S ib e r ia . Khabarofka is a wretched looking lit­ tle place, about a quarter the size of Vladivostok, although it ia the capital of easteru Siberia and the residence of the governor general. It lies about 4» degrees latitude north, or 8 degrees uurth of Vladivostok. In the public gar­ den is u bluff commanding a birdseye view of the river, beach and steamers. Hero is a monument, in bronze, to Gov­ ernor General Adjutant General Nikolai Nikolaicvitch Muravief, who took purl In two exploring expeditions— 1854, 1855— and gained the title “ Amurski” for his services in the acquisition of this Amur region to Russia. The chief street in Khaftarofka is called, after him, Muravief-Amurski. On the stat­ ue's pedestal are engraved the names of himself, his wife, about 20 military officers and seven scientific men, who "shared in the toils and dangers of his expeditions. ” Near the statue is a baud stand, where a military band plays on Bunday evenings, and a little temple of the Blessed Virgin, the Bogoroditza, with painted pictures inside the walls. Further on is a pretty little wood, left for shade. Behind is the governor’s house, a fine brick building, with sen­ tries pacing before it. Past the wood a steep path leads to the bathing place, whore one has the choice of wading in from the stony beach or diving from a regular bathing house at the end of a dilapidated wooden pier.— Fortnightly Review. H ow M m . C arllale K eep# C ool. Mrs. Carlisle's prescription for endnr- ““ ^ . I ’ t U l i V t o W to worry or fret. Do all your work early in the day and try to find some light employ­ ment, either physical or mental, to keep your thoughts from the thermometer and how “ awfully hot it is.” The wife of the secretary enjoys her homo to the utmost. She lias the house rid o f many of the heavier hangings and thicker rugs as soon as the weather becomes oppressive. The large, airy rooms are clad as far as possible in cool summer attiro, and the intense heat of the midday is shut out.— Washington Letter. 11. r H e a r t 1,'pon l i a r S la a v* . Tlio up to date girl, says the New York Sun, wears her heart upon her sleeve. It’s a gold or silver heart, to be sure, and it dangles ubout her neck from a long, slender chain, but it is of locket pattern, and within it are a like­ ness ami the lock of hair— presumably of her sweetheart, The hearts are ubout an inch uud a half long anil appear in all grades of ex]tensiveness. Sometimes they are of richly chased gold set with precious stones, but aguin they are sim ply of frosted silver. They are known us "Trilby h e a r t s . ’ ’ F I T « . —All Kits m opped free by H r . K i l n e ’ a N e r v e K « « t 4 » r e r . No Fits after the tlrat d a y's uhp . M arvelous cures. cui Treatise _ ami |2.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. K line 911 A rch St., Philadelphia. Pa. Piso’a (/tire is the medicine to break up children's Coughs and Colds.—M uh . M.(l B i ii n t . Sprague, Wash., March H, 1H94. i l» CERTAIN . P ainkiller I l / ’R s P A IN ­ K IL L E R T i l l (IKKAT Family Medicine of the Age. • T ak en Internally, It C ure« Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain in tha Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Cold*, Coughs, &c., &c. J Used E xtern ally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neu­ ralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted F'ect. No article «T«r attained to aach unbound«» popularity Salem O k ir tir , An article o f great merit and rlrtna.—Of««. A " 11 i* »if • We can bear testimony to the efficacy o f th« Pain Killer. We hare seen it« magic effect« in eootlung tha aerercat pain, and know it to be a good article. (W Is s tiN Inspateh. A ei>ee<1y cure for pain no family ahonld ba without it Montreal Transcript. Nothing haa yet mirpaMied th« Pain Killer, which ia tho limit valuable family modiciu« uu* tn D M .-fln a . Organ. It ha« real m erit. a« a mean« of removing pain« po medicine ha« acoiiired a reputation equal to Perry Devia' Paiu-killer. — Nevport ( Ky ) Itailp Meut. It i« really a valuable medloin« It <• ne«d bp many Pliyaiciana. l u lu Traveller |loware of imitation«, buy only th« gonatn« mad« by "PanaT D avis .*' »o ld «vagywhar* Large bottle#, kft aud Ana i>11;r< 7 1>>\sf O U U M B J U t. i Ijp M a p a r tic le o f the H olm tcW /l u p in to the nostrils. A f i e r y a m om en t d ra w b rea th th ro u gh th e n o * f .[ V s e three tim es a d a y , a f t e r » m ea ls p r e fe r r e d , a n d b e fo r e * r e tir in g . CATARRH E L Y 'S C K K A M H A I .M o p e n * and cle a n a*» tii*' N hsh ! I’assagca, A llay* Fain and Inflam m a lin n , Heal* the BONSt I’ r n u v U the M em brane fro m cold *, Kcatorea the Henaea o f T a ste and h m oll. T he Balm la q u ic k ly absorbed aud give» re lie f at on ce. A p article ta ap p lie d Into each n o a trll, an d 1» agreeable. P rice, 60 ce n t* at D ru ggists' or b i m a il. BLY BR O TH KKB, M W arren Street. N ew Y ork . "N DR. G U R U S IMPBOVKD L IV E R P IL L S •Kyale. O n * P ill f a r a D m * . A mov*TD*nt of tU« bow«!* am h day w nwc w ary 9m lie*ldt Th««« pill- «apply whet th« ayotom lack« *g m«k« tt ranU r. They cur** H«adach* bright«« the _____x_____ ¿Crew, and «tear tba ( orapUikon pieiion better than co— la They neither gripe nor aick«n ‘ •n To ooovince pm . 1 will mail «ample free or full b« boi for Nkc Hold «V 4 MJ. •bar« D R JiO R A N k o H K D . OO., Philadelphia, f v T H F A F i t M O T O Ik C O . do«« half th« world*» • 11 »dal II bw in a a , b M N N It ha« red used the r«at <4 Wind power to 1 tt «h a t It waa* It haa many brano» . koowB, and supplie» It* goods and impair« . at your door It ran and d « N furnish a -b e ite r article for leu* money than ■ other«. It make* pom plug and I'teared, Steel Q»i vanitesi after Complet loll windin' K luting I Fli***1 Steel rower*, steel Buaa Haw r Frame*, steel Feed t’utter* and f M i (»Under*. on application It will of these articles that It wUI furnia» until January 1 st at 1 /5 the usual prim. ' tl lank* and Pump« «f all «inda Head fnr factory ; 12th, R<*k»cll aa4 fll l B i n Streets, Chkaga pure April M ay H ood’s Sarsaparilla Hood’s Pills Throat Paralysis. w.:z P a n t s ? nan m FltSi Cured MRS. WINSLOW S s%V*Wa OPIUM COCOA CAUTION Allcock’s Plaster SAW ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M A P . H I N F R V IT FIRST FLOUR ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I v I M u n l l i L i l T COST... M I N I N G ...................... M A R I N E ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ THE W ILIiM ETTE IRON WORKS W A R E -H O U S E ♦ ♦ “ D O N ’T B O R R O W T R O U B L E . ” BUY S A P O L IO $€ Sd $ BuellLamberson 203 musses: 5 CATALOG rREC* Pocket Knives i and Scissors For { FREE BLACKW ELL’S CENUINE DURHAM T O B A C C O . SURE CUR E PILES