NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A 1 M C K T IN O «. » » I 'M : One Colum n.............................. .Tw enty Dollar» H alf C o lu m n ........................ Ten Dollar» Professional Cards . .. .........Ona Dollar NEWBERG GRAPHIC. » I U M K I R I 'I O Ì R A T IN I One Y e ar ............. .................... ......... ........... f i ® dix Moncha ....................................... ........... 7fl Throe Months. ............................... ............ 50 B ab aarlptloa P r lr o Payab le I n v a r i­ ably in A d v a u rt. •tendine U n tic c i w ill Ite In a ertrd at Ik e rate o f T en c e n t« |>er M ao. Advertising Bill» Collected Monthly* C H U R C H NOTICES. VAK 1 KNl> 8 ’ U liU K CH .—dKKVICfcd h\ hKY i; Suuday at 11 a . m ami b p m . audTliuraday at 2 p . m . Sabbath school every Suuday . t 9;l?» a . m . Monthly meeting at 7 p. m . the tirat Tuesday iu each mouth. Quarterly meeting the second Saturday and Swmlay iu February. *«*y« August ami November. Woman’s Foreign Mis­ sionary Society meets third Saturday in each month at 3 p. m . „ „ KEY. JAS. P. PHI' fc, Pastor. V O L . 8. NEWBERG, Y A M H IL L CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 18%. GROWING NORTHWEST at Shoshone and the animals sold for 50 cents apiece. Complaint has been made by the fruitraisers in the »-icinity of Columbus that orchards iu that section are badly infested w ith the scale. In G illia m county the new industry has developed of robbing ooyote traps. The th ief makes away w ith the scalp, which brings |2 bounty. The Eureka and Excelsior mines in the Cracker Creek district in Baker county, produced in 1895 $120,000. The concentrators were sent to Taooma, and, o f course, added to W ashington’s annual output. Large quantities of snow continue to fa ll in the Blue mountains. There is now every assurance of an abundance of water for placer m ining this season. TELEGRAPHIC RESUME pauy, o f Caliornia. Its membership includes every lumber m ill, all ship­ owners, and the wholesale and retail dealers of the Western coast of the United States and British Columbia. A ll charters of vessels and sales o f lum­ ber must be effeoted through this com­ pany, which regulates freight and fixes the buying and selling price on all PO RTLAND NO. 12. Address, G r a p h ic , Newberg. Oregon. M A R K E TS . Potatoes continue to ariive in large quantities for shipment to San Fran­ cisco. The next two steamers will carry alKitit 20 U00 sacks. TheCalifornia mar­ Events ot the Day in a Con- Progress and Doings in the ket is sleadily declining, ami it is pre- oicted that the receipt of these- large densed Form. Pacific States. lots from Oregon will completely break the market. The shipments are being : lumber, regulatiug the product of each made by growers against the a-lvice of aptist cHURi h .- sekvk ks , sunday u a . m. and 7:30 P. M. Suuday school Sundays OF IN TE R E ST TO A L L READERS mill aud the amount of lumber each tlealers. Badness in the produce mar­ at 10 a . M. Prayer meeting Wednesday eveuiug CONDENSED BUDGET OF NEWS vessel shall carry each year. The lurn- ket is only moderate. st 7:30o clo k. _ RKY. M AKE N O BLE, pastor. : her shipments to foreign countries are R E E R Y T E R IA N CH U R CH . — S E R V l t R 8 every third Sabbath at 11 a . m . and 7:30 p . Wh.wt Mark.». Item s o f Im p ortan ce F rom D om estic j also placed under restriction. F r o m A l l th e C itie s an d T o w n s o f th e m . at Evangelical Church. Sabbath school every The local market is weak, with a lower third Sunday at 10 ▲. m an d F o re ig n Sources — Cream Four thousand six hundred and forty P a c i f ic S t a t e s a n d T e r r it o r ie s REV. WM. G AY, Pastor. o f the Dispatches. bids for $558,269,858 worth of bonds, —W a s h in g t o n . 1HRI8TIAÍJ CHURCH.— a K K V lC ÏS K V K K Ï is the tremendous total of the subscrip­ W HGflOeaud Valley at 63c per bushel. 1 1 j second and fourth Sunday at 10 a . m . and Colonel W. P. Thompson, president ! The Sound Pulp & Paper Company’s tions opened at the treasury department, 7:30 P M. ------------ I Almost everybody takes some laxative o f the N ation al Lead Company, died j ' m ill at Everett resumed operations last in accordance w ith the terms ot the reo d u «« Market, medicine to cleanse the system and keep the D V E N T. ST l ;IILTRU11 — PKA Y K K MEE1ING of pneumonia in N ew York. every Weduea lay eveuiug. Sabbath school week. oall issued a mouth ago in vitin g pro- F louh — Portland. Salem, Cascadia and ! blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS every Saturday al 10 a . m .. services following.__ Thre Everett council has closed a con The Chicago city council has passed posalsfor$100,000,000 of United States Davtou, are quoted at $3.00 per barrel: ■ l iv e r R e g u l a t o r (liquid or powder) .1KKE METHODIST.—P R A Y KR MEETING tract to pay $125 a month tor 127 hy­ A bout 6,000 feet of pipe and five I an ordinance prohibiting any person 4 per cent bonds, to run for thirty Golddrop, $2.96; Snowfiake, $8.05; Ben- get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant • every Thursday at 7:30 p. m . Sabbath school giants have been taken to the mines on frum engaging in the traffio of horse- years, from February 1, 1895. These jj)n c9*,Ij^y> L* 1^1 graliam, $2.60; super- laxative and tonic that purities the blood drants now in position. svery Sunday at 10 a . m .__________ and strengthens the whole system. And figures do not inolude abont $120,000,-< ’ ? T . ... . , , The m ilitia bovs of Pom eroy are the headwaters of Grand Ronde river, ! meat, l . CH U R CH —S E R V IC E S E V E R Y UNDAY more than this: SIMMONS LlVKR RhGU- i," ... , . O a t s — (.rood w h ite are q u o te d weak, al • at 11 a . M. and 7:30 p. M. Sabbath School talking abont opening a library in con- in the sonthwestern part of Union It is announced iu London that | 1)00 ° * crank bids rejected as bogus, ¡>4c: m 28(330o; gray, 19(32lc. LATOR regulates the Liver keeps it active at 10 a m . Kp worth League at 6:30 p. m . Prayer j Justin McCarthy w ill resign th e le a d - The immense offerings astounded the Kolled oats are quoted as follows: Bags and healtny, and when the Liver is in meetlug eveiy Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. nection w ith a b illiard room, gymua- C0DDty. R E V . J H WOOD Pastor. sium, etc. The Thursday Afternoon Club of ership of the Irish parliamentary party experts. The bids litera lly swamped $4.25(36.26; barrels, $4.60(37.00; cases, good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Nick- $3.76. Q A L V a TIO N A R M Y — M EE T IN G A l BA R j l *>e treasury department. Although *“ Thirty-six chattel mortgages anf| j Pendleton claims the honor of being ,,t the next m eeting of that party. O racas on Main street as follows: Tuesday Headache and Constipation, and rid of _ , no action has been taken yet, the bid H a v — Timothy, $9.00 per to n ; chest. lor soldier couverts and recmits; Wednesday, eight assiguineuts were filed w ith the the first new wom an’ s clnb organized The unprecedented rains iu the lower of the Belm ont symlicate, 110,6877, »*j-^ ;^|over, $6^7; oat, $5(gc per roll. few days that it has caused the falliu g C ity o f N ew b ern . ■ a » the / Stam p In red on w rap p er. 1896, $2,592.30. A windstorm in N ew York which struction o f the state capitol was that I’ ota roKN— New Oregon, 36(ft46c per Y ello w blew 62 m iles an hour, did ntuoh Mayor.................................................... O. C. Emery J. H. Zeilln A Co., Phila., Pa. The Stnrgis mine, for some years 1 of insny houses in the cities. Back; sweets, common, 3 '4c ; Merced, Recorder.......................................... J G Hadley o f the Sunset quarry near Wilkeson. past regarded as one of the most v a lu - ' *®ver is iuorea8*nB and one man on the damage to property. Three people Marshal.............................................. W. T Macy 244 per pound. * . ° I * ii I»ii»» i q am I a * * A» kim rl i ¡vrl / \ v * W o . . . . . The Washington M ill Company, at Treasurer.,.............................. N. C. Christenson able in Southern Oregon, iB now run­ Italian oruiser Lom ardi has died o f the were killed. O n io n s — Oregon, 76(3$I per sack. O R E G O N 'S M IL IT IA , P ort Hadlock, has received oders for j disease. COUNCILMKN. P o u l t u y — C hickens, liens. $2.60(38 pei The caseB o f Am ericans arrested at ^ ... . (A llen Smith over 4,000,000 feet of lumber, and ex­ ning np to the fa ll capacity of the First W ard....................................... ¡p . xallm an plant, and the indications are that The storthing has been opened. In Johannesburg are now under prelim i- | : o T ’ turke“™ _ . . IJe-'Re Edwards pects to start up the m ill in a fe w days. more dirt w ill be moved this year than the speech from the throne, K in g Oscar nary examination, and a formal trial j ?ive. ’u£ i £ ! ^ r’ , ¿ 3 ’; 3 ! £ L l I S & T it« A llu n iti !t« |io r t o f I t r lg n d le r -U e n - Second Ward............................. /M. Terrell e r a l Ite e b e . Sergeant A . W agner, a member of during any previous year. *. . .... . IH .F . Lashier said he hoped that the m eeting of the w ill take place A p ril 21. j Eons—Oregon, 11c per dozen, Third Ward...................................... ) E. u . Klwood the United States signal oorps, died | Salem, Or., Feb. 10.— The annual committee ou the condition o f the Lane county has received a b ill for j A bridge in the N ew England rail- • C ukkmk —Oregon tall cream, 12412)«c last week at San Antonio, Tex. He j $110 from Coos county for oaring for a union of N orw ay and Sweden wuuld road over the Pequonnook river, near per pound; hall cream, 9 )*c; skim, 4ig report of B rigadier General Beebe, was form erly stationed at Vancouver. submitted to the governor today panper claimed to belong to Lane tend to an agreement for the happiness Bristol, Conn., collapsed, oarrying &c; toung America, lOijSllc. Judgment for $787,500 has been en- 1 county. This was considered an ex­ of both nations. EAST AND SOUTH w ith it twenty torn * lamons, through Adjutant-G eneral Tuttle, isau twouty workmen; thirteen $3.60(34.00; choice, $3.00(33.50; btcily, exhibition of considerable work ou the tered iu the superior court iu favor of orbitant charge for the services per­ The United States minister to T u r­ were drowned. —V IA — I $0.60; bananas, $1.76(32.50 per bunch; part o f the offioials, and indicates that the city of Tacoma in the damage suit j formed, and the court has tendered $88 key, Mr. Terrell, has demanded an in­ Notwithstanding the sneoess of the | California navels, $2.60(33.00 per box; the details of the m ilita ry department against the Taooma L ig h t & W ater in settlement of the aocount demnity of $100,000 for the burning new loan, fears are entertained that pineapples, $4(35.00 per dozen. I are being very closely looked after. Company A compromise is talked of. There has been some excitement and pillage of the Am erican mi«- a considerable share of the gold offered O ukoon Y eoetahi . es — Cabbage, DE­ The report shows that the state now The little steamer Cricket burned at about Lostine, in W a llow a connty, sions at Marash and Kharput. He 1 in payment w ill have been with- per lb ; gailic, new, 8(3l0c per pound; supports 140 officers and 1,554 enlisted Everett last week. She broke from over what was thought to be a rioh also asked for the immediate gran ting drawn from the treasury for that pur- artichokes, 85c per dozen; apiouts, 5c per pound ; caulitiower, $2.75 pet crate, men. T h e exam ination list of ques­ her moorings during the prevailin g mineral discovery, but the returns of of firmans for rebuilding them. —OF T H E - pose. 00c ft$l per dozen ; hothouse lettuce, 25c tions shows that commissioned officers wind, listed to one side, and fire from the assays gave $1.03 in gold and $1.40 The celebrated case of Dr. Arthu r I t is reported in Havana that Gen- per dozen. must not only be able to make out satis­ the fire-box ignited the woodwork. in silver to the ton, instead o f rnnning F hksh F euit — F ears, W inter Nellis, factory reports, bat shall understand Duestrow, the St. Lonis m illionaire, crai Gomez is going to establish a seat into the hundreds as at first reported. Governors M cGraw , o f Washington; who has been on trial during the past of government at Siguana, province of $1.60 per box: cranberries, $11(311 per international law, bo posted in com ­ Lord, of Oregon; Rickards, of M on­ The board o f regents of the Oregon month for the cold-blooded murder of Santa Clara. He is announced to be barrel; fancy apples, $1(31.60; common, pany, regim ental and brigade m ove­ Train» leave and are due to arrive at Portlaud: tana, and Connell, o f Idaho, are ex­ agricultural college has appointed a 60(375c per box. ments, and prove masters of important his w ife and baby boy, two years old, on the move between Batabano, San LI b ie d F hcith — Apples, evaporated, pected to be present at the Northwest committee to arrange for the addition has ended, the jury returning a ver­ Felipe, Salad and Mariet. FROM JUNE 21, 1805. bleached, 4(34>»c; sun-dried, 3)*(34c; questions belonging to the school of m ining convention, to be held in Spo­ of a school o f mines to that institu­ dict of guilty in the first degree. John Lee and James Bostio, rivals pears, sun aud evaporated, 6(36c plums, the soldier. The report also shows O vb ri . and E xpress . kane February 22. tion. This was done to avail the state that of a list of eighty-one questions Salem, Albany, K uk - for the affections of a young womuu of pitless, 3(u4c; prunes, 3( tc ; standard walnuts, 12(313c; aud the manuer and regularity of a royalty on her nether garments. Suuday. i ville, Natron and I Sunday. ments w ill be perfected fo r the estab- ship St. Charles, when she blew up reservation, in Minnesota, w ill be Italian cbesuuts, 12)*(314c; pecans, drills. t Springfield............... J , Developments show that Lee Sellers, 13(316 c ; Brazils, 12>n(313c; filberts, opened for settlement M ay 1, by proc­ •4:00 r. M Salem and wav stations *10:15 a . m . lishment there of a plant for oanning w ith coal gas, off the Oregon coast two N e b r a s k a ’s S u g a r B eet G ro w e rs. 14(3l5c; peanuts, raw, fancy, (i(37c; *7:80 a . M. Corvallis A way stations |fi :20 p. M. sardines. One firm stands ready to j years ago, had a m etallic casket sent lynched in K n o xville, Tenn., teu years lamation to be issued shortly. t 4:45 p. M. McMinnville A way *taV *8:25 A. M roasted, 10c; hickory nuts, 8(3 10c ; co- Fremont, Neb., Feb. 10.— A t the P ° rf Orford, to the care o f Cap- ago for the supposed murder and rob- ' take 100,000 cans o f the sardines as UP Governor Rickards, o f Montana, de- ; coanuts, 90c per dozen. state sngar beet convention, resolu­ soon as they can be furnished. ta‘I> Babbidge, who w ill see to the rais- bery o f $1,100 from Edward Maiuess, D in in g C a r s on O g d e n llo u t e . P bovihionb — Eastern hams, medium, tions were adopted which provide for ing of the body and having it shipped was innocent. L izzie Hickman, on manded of Secretary Olney that he [ U>6(312c per pound; hams, picnic, Adjutant-General Boutelle, Colonel back to the state of Maine. | her deathbed, confessed that Ike forthw ith rid Montana of the Cree In- i 7 j i i « ; breakfast bacon 10'a (3 H U,*: a leigslative commission of three whose diana. The demand was made after Gleason aud Colonel Joslin, o f the N a ­ PU LLM AN B U F F E T S L K B F B R 8 James H. M iller, a brother o f the W rig h t, a notorious character, was short clear sides, 8>»(3l)c, dry salt duty it shall be to investigate any tional Guard of WaBhiugton, w ere in the receipt of a letter^from Secretary i — " ham8, U difficulties which may arise between poet Joaqnin, has been v is itin g The murderer. H e is now being pur- j 7 ^ (3 » . —AND— ' Olney ref erri ng to the Cree contro- 1 (313c; ---- ‘ lard, • compound, in tins, 7 \ ; growers of Bugar beets and factories W a lla W a lla aud conducted the ex­ Dalles. He is one of the pioneers of : sued by the officers. S E C O N D -C L A S S S L E E P I N G C A B S am ination of officers appointed for com ­ versy. lard, pure, in tins, 9 ‘»(310e; pigs’ (eet, and recommend for passage by the pany C and D, First infantry battalion. Eastern Oregon, having settled in the | The federal council has authorized The rebellion in Formosa is un­ 80s, $3.50; pigs’ feet, 40s, $3.26; kits, leigslature of a bounty to extend to Attached to all through trains. Ochoco country when Indians were president of the Swiss republic to $1.26. Oregon smoked hams, 10J4c pet The firm of Anderson & Co. has been thicker than jack-rabbits, and when the accept the proposal tendered by t h e ' checked. One army of rebels haB taken pound; pickled hams, 8) » e ; boneiess | 1901. up its position at Tou W ei, and another Through ticket office. 181 Third street, whers awarded the contract for building nine settler’ s life and property were con­ liama, 7>jc; bacon, lOj^c; dry salt sides, governments of G reat Britain and the K ille d H is K ro tlier and H im se lf. through ticket« to all points iu the Eastern He retains the United States that, in the event of a lias assembled at Camphor Mount. 6?4i;;lard, 6-pound pails, 7 'Bc ; 10s, 7>»c; States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at m iles o f plank road from N ow W hat­ stantly in danger. Hedrick la., Feb. 10.— Joe M erri- The Japanese troops are confident of lowest rates from J. B. K IR K LA N D , com for $17,163. This makes nearly costnme of the frontiersman, and pre­ disagreement as to a choice o f arbitra­ 60s, 7'4 c ; tierces, 7c. Country meats field, aged 13, quarreled today w ith his Tick et Agent. defeating the rebels, but oannot attack sell at prices according to grade. All above trains arrive aud depart from Grand fifteen m iles of new road contracted for sents the appearance of having belonged tor for the Canadian sealers' claim, the them in their mountain retreats. H iukh .— Dry hides, butcher, sound, ; brother Hugh, aged 10. He shot and Central statiou, Fifth and I streets. by Whatcom connty since January 1. to a generation of the past. president o f Sw itzerland shall desig­ per pound, l l ( 312c; dry kip and calf­ killed Hugh and then com mitted sui­ The safecrackers who have been ter- ; nate the arbitrator. cide. A farm er of W a lla W a lla valley was Y A M H IL L D IV IS IO N . rorizing the people o f Oakland, A la ­ skin, 10(3li e ; culls, 3c less; salted, 60 Id a h o . offered 45 cents per bnshel for his 1896 lbs and over, 6 c; 60 to 60 lbs, 1(31 'v e ; Passenger depot foot o f Jefferson street. A n agent of the Chinese government meda and Berkley for the past three 40 and 60, 4c; kip and veal skins, A t Medimont David M ulvy shot and wheat, by a m illin g firm a few days J o t ' s f o r the J a d e d and S e e d A irlie mail (tri-weekly). instantly killed H. Roden. They had has come to the Pacific coast to place months have been captured by the po- 10 to 30 lbs, 4c; calfskin, sound, 3 ago, says the W a lla W a lla Statesman. H ealth f o r a l l Mankind. an order for 50,000,000 feet of lumber. ....Ar. 3:05 p . m . 9.40 A. M I I.v.... ....Portland..... lioe. They are mere boys, aged 10 to 10 lbs, 6c; green, unsalted, lc ; a dispute about an old aocount. 12:30 I* M. Lv.... ....New b e rg .... ....Lv. 12:30 p . M. T hin kin g he would be able to get more Most o f the tim ber is intended for the and 17. They confessed to thirty-seven less; culls, l-2 cless; sheepskins, shear­ JOY'» VEGETABLE $BH»APARILLA. 5:.,5 p. M. 1A r.... ..... \irlie......... ....Lv. 7:80 A.M. later on, the farmer did not accept the The new machinery for the hoist­ construction and repair of government | burglaries of residences aud stores. lings, lOui 16c; short wool, 20<330c; offer. ing plant for the A. D. & M. Company buildings. The agent saya the indica­ They said they had realized only $100 medium, 30(340c; long wool, 60(370c. is made front 4:30 P. M L v ..... ....Portland...... Ar. «: 0 A. M. R ic z — Island, $4.60(36 per sack; Ja­ herbs. aud Seattle is m aking great efforts has arrived at Gibbonsville and w ill tions are good for a healthy revival of from the burglaries. 8:05 P. M L v..... ....Newberg....... ...Lv. 7:55 a . m . cuutuins no j ..Lv.) *>::¿0 A. M . pan, $4.00(34.60. 7:40 P. M. A r..... ....Sheridan...... the lnmber trade throuhgout China through a subsidy com mittee to secure be put in place at once. minerai Dr. Zelle, a practicing physioian of d r it ta or N o w that a sale of the Black Hornet and Japan this and next year. the location there of a United States B l . r c h . n d l. « M a rk «». d-adly poi+* Brandenburg, Germany, has contrived R. KOEHLER. MunagiT. It is desired to raise $35,- mine w ill not take place, the owners o*i. Jov’a K. P. ROGERS. A»»t. Gen. F. A P. Agl-, Poll- army post. The Mexican International Exposi­ a photographic instrument which w ill, B a l m o m — Columbia, river No. 1, tails, V e g e t a t ile have decided to erect a m illin g plant laud, Or 000 for a 640-acre tract on M agnolia tion Company expects this week to con­ in minute details, reproduce the vari­ $1.26(31.60; No. 2, labs, $2.26(32.60; fe.irm penila and hereafter work the property them- | bluffs, which it is thought w ill secure C o n a t i pa - roba the clude arrangements w ith the govern­ ous colors o f objects, persons and land­ laiicy, No. 1, flats, $1-76(31.86; Alaska. tlon, Liver b ooti o f all the establishment of a post w ith sixteen ; selvers. ment for a national exhibit, and a na- scapes brought within a specified range No. 1, tails, $1.20(31.30; No. 2, tails, $1.90 C o m plaints in im pari­ companies. and Kidney ti e a , a n d The postoffice at Juniper, Owyhee tional com mittee to co-operate w ith of the camera. W hat is most surpris­ @2.26. Affections. courete all The valne of Am erican-made goods ' county, has been discontinued, and the exposition managers w ill be up- ing in this experience is that in the B eams — Small white, No. 1, 2 '4c pei thesc lmpuri- shipped through the Tacoma custom m ail for that office, w b ijh was a spe- pointed. The land on which the expo- photographs the colors lose none of pound; butter, 3c; bayou, 144c; Lima, 4c. house to foreign ports during the month cial one, muBt hereafter be forwarded sition w ill be held has been form ally their original brilliant shades. — v C / v ordage n i / A u n — — i u M a anilla a iiiiB ■ rope, l>i-lnch, > u v u | #• ii o f January amounts to $293,769.33, to Castle Creek. conveyed to the N ew York syndicate Mrs. Jennie Baxter was murdered by quoted at 834c, aud Bisa!, 6J4c per pound. , Æt w h ile goods to the value o f $291.65 organized to carry out the p ro ject _ .................. U.<»u__ C aln n tta A t, « 1 M The Christian Endeavorers held a B aum — Calcutta, 4 her husband in East Portland. She came through in bond. The total re­ union m eeting at Moscow to com­ B u g a e — Golden C, f ^ c ; extraC , 434c , An drew H. Davidson, o f N ew York, returned home in a drunken condition Jov’s Vegetable E. McNElL, Receiver. ceipts of the office for the month memorate the anniversary of the found­ dry granulated, 6>$c; cube crushed aud and Baxter, becoming enraged, drew a who is gTeatly interested in securing Sarsaparilla amount to $10,563.79. ing o f the order. Six hundred were the release of Mrs. Maybrick, confined razor across her throat, nearly sever­ powdered, 01 #c per pound; ‘4c per pound prevents tired feel­ TO THE discount on all grades lor prompt cash; Sugar beets grown experim entally in present. ings, staggering sen­ in an English prison on a charge of ing the head from the body. He then half barrels, '4c more than barrels; Whatcom county yielded an average sations, palpitation I The wheat elevator of J. R. Collins, murdering her husband, says the next attempted suicide in the same manuer, maple sugar, 16(3 16c per pound. of 14.6 per cent in saccharin substance; at Julietta, has been destroyed by fire. o f heart, rush of C o f f e e — Costa Rica, 22 «t2 3 '»c; Kio, 2» attempt to secure her release w ill be but was stopped by an officer before he blood to the head, 12 per cent was a ll that was required It contained about 60,000 bushels of Balvador, 21 (3 22c; Mocha, made by the Maaons and Roman Cath- had completed his work. Th eir 4-year- (3 22c; dizziness, ringing in GIVES TH E CHOICE OF by sugar chemists. Seed costs $2.16 wheat, only a small portion of which 29(33lc; Padang .lava, 30c; Palemliong olics, and that the effort w ill be made old child was the only witness. ear», spots betors ths | Java, 26(328 c ; I .alia t Java, 23 326c; Ar- per acre. I t is estimated that fifteen was insured. The fire was of incen­ on the same lines as those in the past TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL eye», headache, bil- O f the many changes introduced in buckle’s Mokaska and Lion, $21.80 pel tons per acre would pay, aud sell for diary origin. iousne*».! ouati path'll The congressional delegates from quick succession in Corea, the reeont 100-pound case; Columbia, $21.30 pei $4 per ton, aDd the profits per act 3 o f bowela, pain» in A shipment o f tw enty tons of ore the Pacific coast are m aking quite a adoption o f the Western method o f I 100- pound case. would be $20. The land would grow the back,melancholy, C o a l — Bteady ; domestic, $6.00(37.61 VIA from the S ilver Stake mine, near push in the matter o f the additional hairdressing has attracted moat atten­ VIA tw ice fifteen tons per acre. tongue coated, foul per ton; foreign, $8.60(311.00. Salmon C ity, has been shipped to Den­ revenue cutters for the coast. I f tion. The king recently issued a proc- j breath, pimples on F. L. Lord, the Anacortes cannery- ver as a test. I f the results are satis­ Squire's b ill should go through, the tarnation urging the sacrifice o f the j facei, body and limb, M eat M a rk «». man, is of the opinion that the un­ factory a m illin g plant w ill be put in dscliueofnerve force possibilities are that one w ill be sta­ quenes, and set the example by hav- B e e f — Gross, top steers, $3.26; cows, usually large run of salmon in the next spring to treat the output of thia dizzy s p e l l s , faint tioned at Puget aound aDd the other in in g hia own hair cut, the prince royal $ 2 . 2 6 ( 3 2 .6 0 ; dressed beef, 4 (3 6 > » c per Fraser this year should be attributed mine. spells, cold, clammy the Columbia and adjacent waters. fo llo w in g suit. Many lesser govern­ pound. to the hatchery, which is located seven feet and hands, sour M uttom —G rose, best sheep, wethers, DENVER SPOKANE The city council o f Moscow adopted They w ill no doubt be built on the ment officers have resigned rather than $2.76; ewes, $1.60(32.26, dressed mut­ risings, fatigue, in­ m iles above N ew Westminster. The sacrifice their locks. coaat. somnia, and all die- I Fraser had the largest run in years. a resolution ordering that a demand ton, 4c per pound. MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA esses o f t he stomach, | It ia expected that the battleship The reorganization committee of the The canneries are becoming so numer- be made upon the county assessor for V s a l —Gross, small, 6@6c; large, 8 AND AND liver and kidney«. ous there that fish would naturally be­ the amount held back for the collecting Oregon w ill have her official trial some Oregon R ailw ay & N avigation Com­ Cd 4c per pound. Joy,» Vegetable Bar- tim e in the latter part of A p ril or early o f city taxes. In case he refuse« to H o g s — Gross, choice, heavy, $3.00(3 pany announces that the plan o f or­ come scarce, were it not for the hatch­ afq-arilla Is »old by «11 KANSAS C IT I ST . PAUL druggist». Refuses in M ay, and im m ediately after that torn over the amount, which he claims 3.40; light and feeders,! $2.60(32 76; ganization ia now operative. Deposits ery. But from it 7,000,000 fry are •ub-itUute. When you in the nature of fees, the city attorney she w ill be ready to be commissioned of consolidated m ortgage and collateral dressed, 3 Vi (3 4c per pound. pay for tb e best l e t u i» t produced every year. you get the best. aa a first-class battleship of tbe United trust bonds w ill continue to be received is to bring suit. L O W R ATE S TO A L L SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS Statea. A ll that remains to be done ia up to February 29 without penalty. O r«| o n . E A S T E R N C ITIE S M ontana. to place the armor plate of the after- A fte r that date a payment o f $50 per The Ashland school district has F loue — Net cash prices: Family ex­ The Golden Sceptre m ine«, near turret and mount the tw o 13-inch bond w ill be required. Deposits of made a tax levy o f l l ^ m ills. tras, $4.00(34.10 per barrel; bekers’ ex­ breech-loading guna it ia to shelter. Missoula, are being inspected by stock w ill be received up to the same OCEAN STEAMERS tras, $3.80(33.90; superfine, $2.86(33 10. G illia m county is callin g in ita w ar­ officials w ith the expectation o f erect­ The N ew York Herald's correspond­ dale, npon payment of $6 per share. B a e lb y — Feed, fair to good, 71'4e; rants issued up to January, 1894. LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAY« in g a 100-stamp m ilL SO C IE TY NOTICES,_________ choice, 72‘» e ; brewing, H0.«H2l,c. ent in R io de Janerio telegraphs that In aporting circles there has bean W h b a t — Bpiing No. 1, $1.13j 4 ; choice, -....FO R ..... A census o f prune culture at Yon- The next five years ia goin g to see a the British minister haa received a dis­ considerable attention aroused abroad OF THK W.—NKWBKKG CAMP, So. 11» $1.16 mil ing, $1.26(31.30. , meet« every Hominy evening calla shows about 43,000 trees in the greater development of the agricln toral patch from England ordering him to by the cable dispatches announcing O.’ tb — M illing, 77S v Y Britan to eatablish a big coaling sta­ H ors— (quotable at 4<36e per pound. for any w in ter during the last eight states in the same time. reception among the amateur oarsmen, P otato «# — Sweets, $2.0042.26; Bar- I . evenings in Hank of Newberg building. tion on the island for her Booth A tla n ­ years. W. H. H U RLBU RT, and it ia felt that tbe appearance of a banks, Oregon, 60<370c. M ajor Steele, o f Helena, and dangh- i A I O f 9 BP W BEK • mi \ (■ 11 , NO. Frank K e lly was fined $50 by Judge ter Agnes, aged 15, went to Washing- tic squadron, and that she w ill grant sportsmanlike crew, such as Y ale is Gen’l Paer. Agent, . 18«, meets ever) Friday » veiling In Mstonio O mioms — 6