\ Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder A bsolutely pure KISSES AND THE LAW T H E C O C O A N U T PALM. I t « M a n n e r o f G r o w th an d I t « K e le n t' le a s E n e r g y . LEGAL PROCEEDINGS TH AT WERE Those who have never seen a long, CAUSED BY OSCULATION. ■Haggling grove of cocoanut tre< s, by C on sid era b le A inuM im eut A ffo rd e d Law ­ yers and J u d ge s, b u t th e K isser D oesn’ t A lw a y s See W h e r e th e L a u g h C om es In. A L ost H e ir D iscovered . the seashore, with their feet buried in the gleaming sands and their h >a. ««■■a- log, nbaorb* tumor«. A pO'itive cure. Circular« »**ot free. Prion Mo. U iuw U uotB B ll. D U . li U e A N k U , I’ h l ls ., P a. MRSTWINSIO w T n V A T “ ; - FOR C H IL D R E N F o r n n l e b y »11 TE E TH IN G - , C en t« » b o ttle . ( A ñ l l l l l ” °r|>hin<> H a b it C u re d in IO | l l w l l | | H to 20 No i>ay t ill c u r e d . W l N V I H OR. j.STEPHENS, Lebanon,Ohio. Ü. P. N. U. No. 631 —8. F. N. U. No. 708 If you want a sure relief for pains in the back, side, chest, or limbs, use an Allcock’s Porous Plaster B ear in M ind —Not one of the host of counterfeits and imi­ tations is as good as the genuine. WEiNHflRD ’8 I MALARIA! W E L L -K N O W N B E E R ----- (IN KEGS OR BOTTLES)----- 8econd to none— T R Y I T .. No matter where from. PORTLAN D, OR. DO YOU FEEL BAD7 DOES YOUR BACK arhe? Does everv stop seem a burden? You need M O O R E ’S REVEALED C hichistch s tuousa. Reo C ross REM EDY. D:tuono B rand Y EHHYKOm * P\\i\iS < T H E O R IG IN A L A R D G E N U IN E . Tb- « a l y * » f r . * » r r . «nd rHsablt Pi Tor »* «xle. _______ Ie. ------— „------------------------ - B r tB te i Ked «nd «Md metoi ie . I A d le « , u t DroggiM ter ■’MeJha.nrr « Jfcftu* ÍH m in n J Brm nd i boisa «ooiod «Ith Mn« nbte M m . — T »k e n tber kin d . £rug( l .t a i H i t II K A T I K C H E M I C A L I O , I M I M m d'aaa » « . , I H I L A V L L T U 1 A , P A . Aches Hood’s YE \ K it IT IS I G N O R A N C E T H A T W A S T E S EFF O R T.” TR A IN E D S ER V A N TS USE S A P O L IO • In 1881. great «leal proport and dlgnllled. suavity of manner, or role of ‘'ball fellow, well met,” so com NEW The business o f the country has become so dependent upon politics, especially the manufacturing and importing interests, that there is again a lull in its activités, wa ting to see what change may take place • n tariff and other laws bearing upon suen important branches of trade. As congress cannot mature sueh changes much before the last of summer, the outlook is some­ what discouraging. But at the same time the vexations of such a state of things ought not to he allowed to fret the nervous sys tern. Better times will come at last o more substantial basis. Meanwhile it well to know that worry to the nerves u the prolific source of Neuralgia and kind red aliments, and it is also established tha it i spite of what congress may do, or any other cause of vexation to the nervous sys- em, St. Jacobs Oil will cure Neuralgia in any form. It is poor business to worry and grow sick when one cau get well and finally prosper.______________ Jones—I didn’t know Colonel Blood smoked. Brown—Did you think he drank all the time? poor, him not IN D E E D la the elements that supply the human system with bone, muscle and Drain substance is a cir- culatiou fertilized with the supreme tome, H osteller's Stomach Bitters, w hich begets thorough asuirni ation and digestion, and gives healthful impulse to every function of the body. Dyspeptic and weakly persons give strong testimony in ita behalf. Bo d o those troubled with billlousness, malaria, lheuina- tism, constipation and inactivity of the kidneys. the W a r C losed. Tho grave and dignified members of the Mr. Fred Taylor was born and logal profession appeur to derive much brought up uear Elmira, N. Y., and Amusement from the subject of kisses, from tuere enlisted in the 189th regi­ I which comes before them most frequently ment, N. Y. V. I., with which ho went mon among popular politicians. His I in the form of a superabundant supply of C AREER OF JOHNSON. method of reaching the popular mind I crosses in tho letters of lovers, when these through the war, and saw much hard service. Owing to exposure and hard- was deeper than tills. In seeking a I are being read—as they never wero intend shipa during the service, Mr. Taylor solution of the question of his marvel­ ; ed to be—in court, in broach of promise contracted chronio diarrhoea from F R O M T A I L O R S B E N C H T O P R E S ­ ous popularity and success, one cannot cases. Tho learned gentleman who has at which he has suffered now over thirty I D E N T ' S C H A IR . attribute it to that mysterious personaJ I the moment tho business in hand of read years, with absolutely no help from magnetism which characterized many lng aloud ono of these wonderful produc physicians. By nature he was a won public men, notably Clay and Blaine. tions generally pauses when he comes to N o t a M uu W h o W u « P e r s o n a lly P o p ­ derfully vigoroua man. Had he not Johnson was not iiersoually popular. the first stop in tho gushing effusion u l a r — G a in e d P u b lic F u r o r by U lu been, his disease and the experiments He did not possess the faculty of arous­ | where tho enamored swain has found of the doctors had killed him long C lia m p i o n . h ip o f th e H o m e ste a d L a w ing great enthusiasm in his followers. j words too weak to express his sentiments, ago. Laudanum was the only thing —T a u g h t to W r it e by I l l s W ife . He was a student of human nature as I supplying their place with a string of which afforded him relief. He had ter well as of the current political history symbolic osculations and, with a well rible headaches, his nerves were shat­ H ose fr o m O b a c u rlty . of his country, and sought to put him­ feigned look of innocence;, says there is here a gap in the letter, which the defend­ tered, he could not sleep an hoar a day Whatever pertains to the life and self before the people as the representa­ ant “ has filled in with a lot of x ’s,” re ou an average, and he was reduced to a character of men who have come up tive of popular principles rather than garding the meaning of which some broth­ skeleton. A year ago he and his wife from the humble wulks to places of as a personally popular ltader. His In­ er, more learned in these weighty matters, sought relief in a change of climate honor and distinction uuiuiig their fel­ tuition pointed out the former as the may perhaps bo able to enlighten him. and removed to Geneva, O ., but the lows possesses u charm bordering on most enduring kind of popularity. lie Tills some “ brother” never falls to do, change in health came not. Finally the romantic. In a country like ours, saw In the homestead law that was saying that if he is rightly informed—he on the lecommendation of F. J. where every man Is a sovereign, where being agitated a hobby that would car­ has, of course;, no personal knowledge of Hoffner, the leading druggist of Gen the position ho may attain Is not cir­ ry him Into public favor, and he made tho matter (winks all round)—theso mystic signs signify kisses in the language of Cu eva, who was cognizant of similar cumscribed by the accident o f birth, the most o f It. It was a most fascinat­ COCOANUT iiROVE BY THE SEA. pid. Thereupon this mighty, time hon cases which Pink Pills had cured, Mr. and where the royal road to fame Is ing word-picture that he drew before on*l joke is grouted with the usual chorus Is materially diminished. The trunks Taylor was persuaded to try a box, open to all. tl*j contestants for honor, his assembled countrymen when ho of guffaws, and the Interrupted reading being formed by tin* annual fulling of “ As a drowning man grasps a straw so wealth an<' fame are seldom equally told them he was in favor of the dis­ proceeds. the leaves. It Is possible to tell the age equlje.ou In the beginning o f life for the tribution of the public domain Into Hut kisses sometimes make their ap of the tree by counting the circular I took the p ills,” says Mr. Taylor, “ but homes that should be free to every pearance in law courts in other clrcum sears on the bark. Though also nour­ with no more hope of rescue. But American citizen. Then he told them stances, though they never fail to he inado ishing In the interior localities «in coral after thirty years of suffering and o f a time when the humblest and poor­ the subject of numerous legal witticisms. Islands, they ure especially vigorous fruitless search for relief I at last The judge may have been in a Jesting est would have a home In the rich and humor—and yet who knows but he may when within reach o f the salt spray of found it in Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Pills. fertile prairies of tile West, where he have boon laying down, with all due the «icean; and the nuts, falling upon The day after I took the first pills I could live surrounded by every comfort solemnity, pome fundamental principle of the restless waves, are carried to dis- commenced to feel better and when 1 had taken the first box I was in fact a and convenience of Ills life, his poeketa justice and equity—who once asked the taut shores to vegetate. new man.” That was two months filled with glittering gold shining plaintiff, who was suing his former sweet The arch enemy oi these palms oil the through the silken meshes of his well- hoart for tho return of the value of cer shores o f most of the cocoanut islands ago. Mr. Taylor has since taken more fllled purse. Thus the name o f Andrew tain articles of jowolry which ho had pro o f the I’acitlc and Indian oceans Is of the pills and his progress is steady Johnson became associated with the seated to her In the happy days of their what is known as the “ robber crab,” a and he has the utmost confidence in courtship, whether he “ had over kissed them. He has regained fu ll control of brightest dreams of the humble poor. the young lady?” “ Certainly I” was the singular crustacean which sometimes When the wave of public opinion had reply, as was to ho expected. Whereupon Tenches the length of nearly four feet, his nerves and sleeps as well as in his placed him In the Senate o f tho United tho judge dismissed the action, declaring though the average measurement is youth. Color is coming back to his States, and when Ids Southern col­ that kisses and caresses were full legal twenty-thr«*e inches from the point of parched veins and he is gaining flesh He is now able leagues were breathing detiance to the paymont for presents given in such cir­ the front claw to the «*nd of the abdo­ and strength rapidly. Government In Its capital, he stood Arm cumstances. The obvious moral may bo men. The grip o f their powerful to do considerable outdoor work. laid to heart without much dilliculty by As he concluded narrating his suffer­ and loyal, and this gave him the nom­ present giving young men. pinchers is said to be sufficient to break ings, experience and cure to a Beacon ination for Vice President on the ticket the arm o f a strong man; and it has It hapi>onod one day that a pretty young with Mr. Lincoln. It will be remember­ widow, traveling by train foin Louisville bi*en asserted that theso tierce creatures reporter, Mrs. Taylor, who has been ed that extracts from his speeches fur­ to Nashville, had taken her seat near a occasionally carry off ami devour very his faithful helpmeet these many nished u large part of the |>olitIeal lit­ newly married couple. The bridegroom young, helpless children, though one years, said she wished to add her testi erature of the campaign of 18(14. But left his wife for a moment, and when he tlmls It difficult to credit the state­ rnony in favor of Pink Pills. “ To the A N D R E W JO H N SO N . pills alone is due the credit of raising history will carefully preserve the story returned the train was passing through a ment. tunnel. IIo took advantage of the dark­ Mr. Taylor from a helpless invalid to o f Ilia struggle with poverty; how his There are practically no bonds to great struggle. When It transpires that ness to snatch a kiss from his wife, as he the man he is today,” said Mrs. Tay­ wife taught him the rudiments of edu­ suspected, hut unfortunately he had mado one who has nothing to depend upon lor. Both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor cannot for success but native brawn and brain, cation after his marriage; how he lived a mistake and kissed tho young widow in­ tjml words to express the gratitude they in an humble way, earning his daily stead. She was highly Indignant, and re steps upon the arena and like ‘‘a plum­ feel or recommend too highly Pink bread by working at the tailor's bench; fusing to believe that it was an accident ed knight,” challenges the descendants Pills to suffering humanity. Any in­ o f a long line o f distinguished ances­ how he became alderman of Ills adopt­ sued tho young husband for $1,000 as quiries addressed to them at Geneva, solatium to her wounded feelings and ruf try who have been carefully trained ed village, Greenville, Term.; and later fled dignity. O., regarding Mr. Taylor’s case they and educated, and whose patrimonial on was elected State Senator, Governor There is given as an example of the le­ w ill cheerfully answer as they are estates eliminate from their problem of and United States Senator; then ap­ niency of New York judges the case of a anxious that the whole world shall life the serious question o f breadw in­ pointed military governor o f Tennessee man who was arrested for kissing another know what Pink Pills have done for ning; and when the challenger reaches by President Lincoln; and afterward man’s wife. The sentence passed upon them and that suffering humanity may the goal of ambition In ndvnnoe of elected Vice President, succeeding to the culprit was that he should there and be benefited thereby. those who seemed to have the advan­ the Presidency on the dentil of Lincoln, then kiss his own wife, who was present Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Pills contain all tage of fortuitous birth and surroiind- April 15, 1864. After his term of ofHes in the courtroom, which, as may be sup­ posed, he gladly did. the elements necessary to give new life In British law courts It has been fre­ and richness to the blood and restore quently brought home to offenders that It shattered nerves. Thoy are for sale by 1 h rather an expensive amusement to kiss all druggists, or may be had by mail a lady against her will, hut in Holland it from Dr. W illiam s’ Medicine Com appears that a rather different view pre­ T1IK COCOANUT CHAU. pany, Schnoctady, N. Y ., for 50 cents vails in judicial circles. A young man who had assaulted a young lady in this their depredations, as they are carried per box, or six boxes for $2.50. way on tho streets of a village near Utrecht was brought before the burgomaster, who on mainly in the nighttime and with Tom m y—Papa, there is a large black bug on took the matter up, demanding that the greatest regularity, while their num­ the ceiling. Professor (very busy)—Step ou it ami leave me alone. offender should ho fined a llorin, or, in de­ ber are often so great as to discourage fault, ho Imprisoned for a day. But the any attempts at extermination. If sur­ Utrecht court and finally the appeal court prised while sleeping, however, in the at Amsterdam both dismissed tho caso, daytime, in holes or hollow stumps, CONSUMPTION CURED I the judge declaring “ that to kiss a person they are captured without danger, if I ennnot bo an offense, as it is in the nature the formidable claws are deftly seized of a warm mark of sympathy!” This is AN A B S O L U T E R E M E D Y F O R A L L pretty much like tho Yankee judge who In a bunch. Scaling the long, slim tree trunks till PULM ONARY C O M P L A IN TS . dismissed a similar offender, remarking that the plaintiff was so temptingly pretty they reach the branches, they sever that during the trial he had to keep him­ the largest and choicest nuts from their self down In his chair with both hands, ho stems by tearing away the strong fillers T . A . S lo c u m O ile r s t o S e n d T w o B o t ­ felt n o much inclined to get up and kiss until the prize falls to tlie ground. t le s F r e e o f H is R e m e d y t o ( u re her himself. Then, swiftly descending, the thief C o n s u m p t io n a n d A l l L u n g T r o u b l e s A stolen kiss oneo brought tho culprit —A n K l l x i r o f L ife . into possession of a fortune. He was a drags its unwieldy booty to its neigh­ HOUSE IN WHICH PRESIDENT JOHNSON DIED. butcher in Sydney and had taken the lib­ boring den, and proceeds patiently, bit Nothing could be fairer, more phi an­ erty of kissing one of his customers, a by bit, to remove the tough outer luisk. thropic or carry more joy in its wake than lugs, lie at once becomes a hero. An | had expired as President Mr. Johnson pretty girl, who resented the affront and This accomplished after several days’ tlie offer of T. A. Slocum, M. C., ot 183 drew Johnson's career from the tailor's again entered Hie political Held, and had him prosecuted for assault. Ho was work, one of the pinchers is inserted Pearl street. New York. Perfectly confi­ bench to Hie Presidential chair Is a was defeated for Congressman at-large lined heavily by the local magistrates, and In an “ eye” o f the inner shell, and the dent that he lias an absolute remedy for cure ot consumption and all pulmon- notable case In point. Ills history af­ by Horuco Maynard In 1.S7J. In 1875 lie the ease was commented on freely by the nut either pounded upon a rock to ¡the aiy complaints, he otters through this pa- fords an Interesting Ktmly to Hume was elected Unltisl States Senator, ami press. The publicity thus given to the af crack It, or broken up into small pieces j per t » send two bottles free to any reader who would Imitate him in Ills assidu­ died suddenly while on a visit to his fair happened to arrest the notice of a firm with the claws. Now comes the feast, who is suffering from lung trouble or con of solicitors in Sydney, who had been ap­ ous attention to Ills duties In the hum­ daughter, Mrs. Stover, In Custer Coun­ pointed trustees of some property which which lasts about a week, when a sec­ sumption, also loss of Mesh and all condi tions of wasting. He invites those desir­ bler sphere of life, anil In the sublime ty, Tennessee, July HI, 1875. hail lieen left to the man by n distant rela­ ond cocoanut is added to the menu. ous of obtaining this remedy to send their struggle In which lie surmounted the express and postotfice address, and to re­ Mr. Johnson's family consisted of tive ¿0 years before. They had fulled to ceive in return the two bottles free, which obstacles Hint poverty hail placed In three sons and two daughters, nil of trace the heir, but when his name appear­ Ills path, and reached at Inst a position whom are now dead except Mrs. Judge ed in the papers in connection with tho A well-known prof«*8sor at on«* of our will arrest the approach ot death. Already remedy, hv its timely use, has per­ w hlrb wc nil regard ns the zenith of Patterson, who now owns and isaipli-s case of assault they communicated with nnlversitlea was often annoyed liy two this manently cured thousands' of cases which huninn greatness the office of Presi­ the old Johnson house at Greenville, him, and he was able to establish his iden- Itnlinna playing a str«*«*t organ before were given up, and death was looked upon ui | as an early visitor. dent o f the United States. Andrew Tenn. Tho house Is a very plain brick A certain Senor Talca of Valparaiso, Ills house. Giving Ills servant some Knowing his remedy as he does, and be­ Johnson was horn In Italclgli, N. 0., money, he told her that whenever she residence. The old tailor shop Is there however, had a very different experience ing so proof-positive of its beneficent re­ Dec. 29, 1808. Ills parents were very heard nil organ, «lie was to go «nit and sults, I>r. Slocum considers it his religious also, with the table, chairs ami order ami paid heavily for his momentary freak anil when lie was but four years of kissing a lady on the plaza without her pay the owners to take It away. This duty, a duty which he owes to humanity, book In which the future President o f ngc his father died of Injuries re­ permission. She prosecuted him, and the was a fallur«*. The men, instead of to donate his infallible remedy where it will aisauIt the enemy in its citadel, and, ceived In saving another from drown­ took orders for garments and recorded magistrate, as indignant us the lady, sen­ coming on«» a week, enme twi**h. the “ measure” of his customers. The by its inherent potency, stay the current ing. At the nge o f ten Aminov was tenced him to d() days' imprisonment. One day the sound of the organ dis­ of dissolution, bringing joy to homes over old sign board bearing these words, “ A. This seven; penalty Senor Talca considered which the shadow ot the grave has been Johnson, Tailor," has recently I men ta­ himself justified in appealing against, but turbed the professor while working at gradually growing more strongly defined, ken from over the door and plHced In­ the higher court, so far from bestowing i certain lecture. This so annoyed him causing fond hearts to grieve. The cheap­ side the shop for better sivurlty. Ills any sympathy on the offender, sentenced that he rushed out and ordered the men ness ot the remedy—offered freely—apart grave, marked by a plain marble shaft. him to an additional 30 days’ imprison away, telling them that If they eanie from its inherent strength, is enough to commend it. and more so is the perject Is on an em inences short distance west inent. The amusing part of the affair is again he would hand them over to the confidence of the great chemist making the of Greenville, ami mu be seen from the that the higher court took ¿00 days to con­ police. They refus«*«l to go unless he offer, who holds out life to those already sider the appeal, and during the whole of “ Be car windows ns you pass on tho South­ that time the senor lmd to remain in jail. Itnve them more money. Enraged at becoming emaciated, and says: cured.” ern Railroad. -8. W. Scott. Even this, however, is outdone by the j Uielr Impertinence, he raced down the The invitation is certainly worthy of the •cries of tribulations undergone by a man Hreet In s«*ar«*h o f n policeman. consideration ot the afflicted, who, for Just ns ho tarm'd the corner of the years, have been taking nauseous nostrums who had stolen a kiss from a pretty girl. Without a Hod. without effect; who have ostracised them­ To begin with, ho was brought before a afreet he met n serg«*nnt marching Then* Is no Inst carrying In Japan. selves from home and friends to live in Tlie natives have a method of trans magistrate at d lined. Then ho was horse nine constables to their beats. With­ more salubrious climes, where the atmos­ whipped by the girl’s brother and harried porting fnortnr which makes It seem Into brain fever by his wife. The clergy­ out ap«*aking. he turned and walked phere is more congenial to weakened lungs, who have fought against death with more like piny Hum work to nil on­ man of the district referred to the affair in alongside the procession. Wlicu they and all the weapons and strength in their looker. Three men were repairing tho a sermon ami reviewed the ease in print, lurutHl the «»nn*r. the Italians saw the hands There will he no mistake in send­ n>of o f a one-story building the other and, finally, the caterpillars ate up every profess«>r with the policemen. It was ing for these free bottles the mistake will J o h n s o n ' s i v ir o n - h o c . day by n*settlng the heavy black Hies blade of the malefactor's wheat crop.— enough. They were both sclz«*«l with be in passing ti e invitation by. the suililen desire to s«*e how quick!' apprenticed to a tailor. A natural In mortar. Tin* mortar waa mixed In Florida Times-Union. F I T S .—All (Its stepped free by D r. K l i n e ’ s craving to learn was fostered by hear a pile In the stn*et. One ninn inndo they could get the organ out at th* U rfM t N e r v e R e s t o r e r . No tit» after the first clay s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and |2.00 An old cavalryman says that a horse street. The cure was lusting, f ir tl lug a gentleman read from the "Ainer tills up Into balls of nl>out six ponml* trial bottle tr**»- t * Fit ca»es Send to Dr. Kline. 9SI Arch # t . Philadelphia. Pa. lean Speaker.” The boy was taught weight, which he tossed up to a mnn w ill never step on u tnan intentionally. 1 professor declares that no on* hi. the alphabet by fellow workmen, bor­ who stood on a ladder midway l>et\vi*en It is a standing order in the English 1 since l*een bold enough to play .in c Two's Cure for Consumption has «aved rowed a book ami learned to read. At the roof and the ground. This man ravalry that, should a man become dis gnu before Ills house. Tit-Bits me many a doctor’s hill.—8. F. H vrpy . Greenville. Tcnn., while working as a deftly caught the ball, and tossed It up mounted, ho must lie down ami keep | Hopkins Place. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 2, M iM r» liu in ry a n d D ro w n. I S t M . __________________ Journeyman lie married Eliza Met'ar- to the man who stood on the nsif. This perfectly stiiL If he does so, the entire Miss Louise Imogen Gniuey and Miss dle, a woman o f refinement, who taught was playing ball to good purpose. troop w ill pass over him without his l«e T ry G kkmrv tor breakfast. to write, ami rend to him while he ing injured. A horse notices where he is j Ali«» Brown have started together on a Suffocation Above Hevrn Allies. was at work during the day. It was going, and is on the lookout for a firm | walking trip through England. Miss It Is Impossible for a human being to foundation to put his foot on. It is an Gainey and Miss Brown have I kvh l i t ­ until he had been In Congrraa that breathe at a height greater than seven instinct with him, therefore, to step erary collaborators of late, in the he could write with ease. The writer has often seen "The Great mllea above the earth. over a prostrate man. The injnriee ' 'T im » N«'\\ England Heniim s '' and n nv Commoner.” ami heard him from the caused to human beings by a runaway in theStcveumiu memorial. Miss Brown “ Yon seem sad, my n il skinned rostrum In Joint debate with distin­ I brother," sold Hie missionary, "lied hors»' art; nearly always inflicted by the is a native of New Hampshire, hat she And pain, of rheumatism esn ha cured I guished Whig orators lx*fore the war. skinned brother’s heart heap bad." said animal ktitvkuig them down, and not spt'uds her winters in Boston, living in bv removing the an««, la,sic acid in th, I soon after Ills great speech tho noble son of the prairie. "White by his stepping on them.— Boston Her an old str«K *t that has nnmbctvil among ol'**>d. Hu The Transcript staff. Imt robelllon before an audience o f several I can't war-whoop for sour apples | thousand East Tentifsseans. While not Waugh!” —Cincinnati Enquirer. Th«< «loft* ut thè Freni* h wstering now works for The Youth’s Companion. pia«» T intovi Ile ai» a soun» of unfail- Mr Aldeti calls h«*r one of the strongest a polished orator, he wits logical and earnest, and Impressed me a* a man of j Rh#- Isn't ft dreadful that a man ing amnsement. A white t«'rr:er l»l«mg- of the younger poet*.— rtuUdelphia Intellectual strength and person i should stand up In the prize ring anti ing to thè UornteMe «le Rretenil ha«l on Ledger. al courage. He was a man of flue phy Imiter the face o f Another man? He-- white il.,v.lkin Ii'ggmg* thè oth«*r day M M M 1 3S5 and ls,u s n l M M Ions, and always appeared I Pretty lmd. I’ll allow you; but a bruiser w lieti it wns ninT«Kl a nominal ««..dth of grave He did not affect never shows the depth of hi* depravity ent «xinutivl Ave