Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, November 16, 1894, Image 4

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    Royal Baking Powder.
T h e m agnificent tribute o f the San Francisco Board o f H ealth to
the gre a t p urity and wholesomeness o f the R oyal Baking P ow der greatly
disturbs the manufacturers o f the low er grade powders.
T h e ir envious
publications, how ever, cannot break the force o f this unsolicited and un­
biassed high m edical endorsement.
origin al rci>ort,
Attached is a certified copy o f their
with the signatures o f the members o f
Board in
fac s im ile :
W c, the members of The Board of Health of
the City and County of San Francisco, cordially
approve and recommend the Royal Baking Pow­
der. It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed
of the best ingredients of the highest strength
and character.
In our judgment it is impossible to make a purer
or stronger Baking Powder than the “ Royal.”
is a R epublican , but
was th e o n ly m em ber
o f th at party on th e
t i c k e t e xcept th e
candidate for Coro­
ner, th e others being
Dem ocrats.
Strong was born in R ich lan d county, O.,
in 1837, and was a resident o f O hio un til
1863. T hen he rem oved to N ew Y o rk ,
and re-entered the dry-goods business,
in which he lias been v ery successful.
H e is also P residen t o f the Central N a­
tional Bank, a director in th e K rie R a il­
road C om pany, in the N e w Y o rk L ife
Insurance Com pany, in th e M ercan tile
Trust C om pany, in the H an o ver in su r­
ance C om pany and o th er corporations,
l i e is a man o f decided view s and great
force o f character.
Dr. K o u i.
of the people on the sidewalks, differing
greatly from Lever's typical jo lly Irish­
“ Yes,” said the Englishman roughly,
“ Pat has lrst all of his intelligence, if in­
deed he ever had any.”
“ Shure, sor,” said the driver of the
Jaunting car quickly, “ I’ m thinkin the
w it has gone to the brute bastes, thin.
Look at me mare, Maggie, here. Yisterday
a jontleman, lean an long legged, ran out
of the hottel.
“ ‘ Bring up your car,’ says he. ‘I must
reach the station in three minutes!’
“ But M aggie planted her legs apart, an
Dot an inch wud she move. W hippiu’s an
tusses was alike to her. She stud like iron,
lie hed to run foi^C. None o f M aggie’s help
did he get.
“ Thin a leddy steps out swate an soft
spoken. ‘ I must ketch the train in a few
minutes,’ says she. ‘K in I hev your car?’
‘The car is yours, mem,’ says I, ‘but M ag­
gie’s gone mad. Not a fut w ill she budge.’
“ \Vid that all at once M aggie prances
ready to start, no«idin an smilin at us.
ilruv her like mad to the station, an while
I wuz mintionin afterward to a fri’ nd her
quart* conduct says he:
“ ‘ Do yez know who the lean man wuz?’
“ ‘ I do not,’ says I.
“ * ’ Twas Mr. Balfour himself,’ says he.
‘M aggie knowed him!’
“ So, ye see, sor,” continued the driver,with
a knowing leer at the Englishman behind
him, “ the ontilligince is gone out of Paddy,
as ye said, into the bastes. The man’ s
w illin to be <lruv by the Tories, but the
brutes is not.”
The English Tory laughed and tipped
Pat liberally. “ The brutes have not all the
w it,” he said.—Youth’s Companion.
T h e eyes o f the world are upon Dr.
R ou x, whose new m ethod for curing
d ip h th eria has m et w ith such great suc­
cess in Paris, the c ity o f his labors. Dr.
R ou x is not yet 40
years o f age, hut he
lias long been known
for his valuable work!
in the Pasteur In s ti­
tute. H e lias been the
assistant o f Pasteur
for fifteen years, and
was hut an unknown
student when chosen
for the
place by V u lpian , then
a t the head of the fac­
ulty of m edicine in
Duncing In Germany.
Paris. For tw o years
he lias been occupied
I»it. ROUX.
The German manner o f dancing interests
C'am ly M a k in g a m t C a n d y F a t in g .
with the preparation
the American. In the first place, it is mueh
“ I am told,” said a cynical gentleman,
‘‘that confectionery in made, put up ami N obo dy Could T e ll W h a t Sort o f a P f i h I t o f his new cure for diph th eria, and out faster and is done w ith more hopping and
less gliding than ours. The dances are
H u h , but It W i m a Wh o pp e r.
handled entirely by « i l ls and women, but I
lias lost o n ly one-tifth, w h ile tiie old practically the same in step, but in the
do not believe it. From what I know of
M ajor II. I*. Kitzius, the United States
the Germans never reverse, nor do
women, I infer that, if the preparation of recruiting officer here, tells a great fii£t
confectionery were completely in their story. It happened in 1870. “ T o begin at cases. H e is now at the head of the in ­ they take a forward, back or even a side
hands, none o f it would ever reach the pub­ the beginning,” saitl the major this morn stitu te; Imt, as it is alw ays in want of step. The couples sim ply whirl round and
lic. It would all be eaten up.”
This cyn­ ing, “ in 1WJ I was stationed at Ship island, funds, lie does not even draw' the small round. When the music strikes up, the
ical person, like most cynics in their judg­ in the gu lf o f Mexico. Colonel Bliss was in salary allotted him . H is friends say that couples start and go around the room
ments, ignored an important characteristic command o f the post, ami I was adjutant. lie cares nothing for m oney and has (jiven whirling, one behind the other, in line.
o f human nature. It is this, that liberty is In the summer eight monster fish appeared up his w h ole existence to serve science There is none of the graceful intermingling
o f couples one sees in an American dance.
often one of the best incans of regulation.
in the harbor.
They would come quite and hum an ity.
Since there is no reversing, the couples soon
In most establishments where confection­ close to the wharf and jum p half out of
H u gh J . («rant.
get dizzy, and one often sees a gentleman
ery is manufactured, the female employees, the water. Several o f the soldiers shot at
and lady dancing both with eyes tigh t shut
when they begin their services, are told to them, and from the trail o f blood they left
eat as much candy as they like. Their em­ on the water we knew they had been hit. (Ira n i, w h o for th e fou rth tim e was to prevent the dizziness becoming too much
ployers even show a solicitous interest that Nevertheless they appeared again the next candidate o f Tam m an y H a ll for M ayor for their equilibrium. A gentleman usual­
they shall consume as much as possible.
day. When fall came, they went away, but of New Y o rk . H e was beaten for the ly stops after a few rounds, but does not let
go of his partner until he is sure that she
‘ ‘ You are doing very w ell,” said a super­ returned in the summer of 1870. Colonel
office in 1884, elected is not so dizzy that she w ill fall.—Berlin
intendent in a candy m aking shop to a girl Bliss expressed a desire that one o f the fish
in 1888, re-elected in Cor. New York Post.
who had been in his employ for a day or two, should be caught.
18'.)2, and had been
“ except in one respect — you don’t eat
“ Accordingly the quartermaster, a couple
persuaded to accept
Going to See the Circus.
enough candy. Unless you can eat more wo of soldiers and myself started out in a
the n om ination again.
W hen the main line o f the Northern Pa­
shall have no confidence in you.”
small sailboat one morning. W e had pro­
cific was finished to Garrison junction in
Thus encouraged, the girl ate a great vided ourselves with harpoons, with plenty
horn in N e w Y o rk 42 western Montana, a reporter of a Helena
quantity of various sorts of confectionery o f rope attached. Pretty soon we sighted
years ago. His father paper noticed a dilapidated prairie schoon­
the next day, and never wished to eat any one of the fish and buried h harpoon in
was a w ealth y liqu or er, covered with burs and alkali dust, and
more as long as she lived.
him. Ho immediately dived down and re­
dealer, w ho died when loaded with a cargo of towheaded young
This is the secret o f the free permission. mained under water for some time. lie
subject o f this (iters.
A new employee, set down in the midst of was m oving off, however, as we could tell
sketch was a child.
“ Going back east?” inquired the reporter.
so much sweetness and free to help herself, by the way our line was paying out. Pretty
Hugh J. G ran t was
“ No. W e heard there is going to be a
consumes too mueh for her palate and di
soon he reappeared, and we sunk another
educated in New Y ork , circus in Helena this week,” said the pro­
gestion. Disgust follows satiety, and from harpoon in him. Ho divedagain. This per­
and studied law in the prietor of the strange vehicle. “ I owe a
that time forthwith thecandy m aker is con­ formance was repented until we had eight
Itim i! J. ORANT.
Colum bia Law School. mine on Stony creek, 80 miles south of
tent to let her confections pass through her harpoons in the fish. By this time we had
hands without tasting them. — Youth’s h«‘en towed out 10 miles and were rapidly Soon after being adm itted to practice lie here.”
“ E ighty miles! Why, you must have had
nearing the sea, which we could not face entered politics, was an A ld erm an from
1881 to 1884, and was elected S h eriff in a rough trip?”
with our small boat.
11 i h (««‘inline l.ust W ords.
“ Pretty tough, but the children cried and
“ W e disliked to let go the fish, however,
“ Fred Howard tells a good story of an
as we could tell by his struggles ho was his tim e to the real estate business. H e teased till I had to do it,” said the pater
incident in Georgia,” said the lawyer. “ He
nearly winded. When he came up again, is fond o f horses, and lie is a fam iliar Tamilian. “ As soon as ever I can make a
was in one of the t onfederate cemeteries
we could see ho was nearly dead, as he figure at the race tracks. D e lia s never stake I ’ m going to move where a person
near Atlan ta and saw a line monument
can see a monkey without having to kill
made but feeble efforts to get away. It m arried,
that had been erected over the grave o f a
liis horse about it.” —Philadelphia Times.
was not long before the revenue cutter W il­
Hayiuuiul M a c D o n a l d .
lieutenant who had been killed in battle.
derness, which was cruising near by, hove
A l i l t o f Classic P u lp it W it.
A fte r g ivin g the name and usual dates the
in sight and took us aboard. Our prize,
inscription closed with tin*sentiment, ‘ liis
Congressman McKenney, who ran as the
which we should not have been able to tow ald, the seventeen-year-old b oy w ho re­
last words were, “ It Is sweet to die for one’s
in, was secured by ropes to the cutter and cen tly defeated Sanger, T y le r and Bliss nominee for governor of New Hampshire,
country.” ’ As Howard was looking at the
rarely gets the worst of it in repartee. Mr.
taken to the wharf. W e managed to get it
at W illiam sp ort, Pa., is the com in g cycle McKenney w as a parson before he became
monument a tall, bronzed southerner came
on one o f the huml ears used to carry pro
up, and Fred remarked that it’ was a very
congressman and can deliver a sermon or
visions from the wharf to the post and con­
touching sentiment and wondered if the
make a speech with equal ease. W ith him
veyed it to the barracks. There it was i e a 11 y g reat cy c 1 i s t a iid
man had really said that as he died. The
originated one o f the classic stories of pulpit
one o f the forem ost
placed on a scaffolding and measured.
reply was: ‘ W ell, not exactly. You see, I
wit. During a canvass Mr. McKenney was
“ The fish was IS f«*«*t long, 15 feet wide am ong the cotorie o f
was at his side, and In* just said, “ This is
interrupted in the midst of a public prayer
ami (1 feet through.
This may sound very fast and prom is­
tough, to go all through the war and be
by a man who persisted in shouting “ Loud­
‘ fishy,’ but those are actual measurements. ing youths who have
plugged by a Tar Ilia 1 at last.” ’ ’ ’—Kansas
Mr. McKenney could not ignore the
W e could not weigh the monster entire, but com e to the front this
C ity Journal.
so he merely looked at the interrupter
cut him up into pieces. He weighed 1,800 season. H e is a lx>y-
ami coolly said: “ 1 wasn't a«ldressing you,
pounds in all. His mouth was 4 feet across ish-appearing fellow
sir. 1 was addressing the A lm igh ty.’ ’ —San
and 3 feet deep. He hu<! no teeth, so we in the face, lm t is
Francisco Argonaut.
supposed he lived on matter gathered In wonder f u l l y d ev el­
the water as he swam along. His flesh was oped physically for a
T h e official reports show that no bak­
not good to eat, but was o f the same con youth uf 17. li e s ta rt-’ y* .Tir
ing pow der received an award o ver the
Bistoury as unrefined cod liver oil. There ed out this season as /***— ,
K oval at the Chicago W o rld ’s Fair.
were but few lames in the body, as we could a pure am ateur or b a x M a c d o n a l d
T h e judge o f awards on b ak ing p ow ­
see where our bullets had gone entirely Class A mail, and soon
Hr. I I . W . W iley, writes th at the
o f all cases o f consumption can, if taken in through it. 1 don’t know if the shoal of had swept th e hoard in th a t d ep artm en t
o f an oth er company to h avin g re­
the earlier stages o f the disease, be cured.
fish appeared afterward, as we were ordered
This may seem like a bold assertion to away that fall. W e wen* unable to find out Class B d ivision . H is first race in this ceived the highest award is false; that
those familiar only with the means gener­ what sperms of
¡1 was. W e sent one of class was a ten -m ile just at N ew York , no sm h award was given to it.
ally in use for its treatment ; as, nasty cod-
T h e K oval Baking P ow d er is the pur­
in which he heat T itus. Ilis forte is in
liv er oil and its filthy emulsions, extract the photographs to the Smithsonian insti­
est and strongest baking p ow der made,
o f malt, whiskey, different preparations of tute at Washington, but none of the people the shorter distances under one mile.
and has received the hignest award at
t her«» had ever heal’d o f such a fish. He was
hypophosnhites and such like palliatives.
K t l w a n l M. S h e p a r d .
every fair, w h erever exh bited in com pe­
Although by many believed to be incura­ broadest .across w hat m ight be called the
ble, there is the evidence o f hundreds of shoulders, attached t«» which were fins -
Kdward M . Shepard of Brooklyn, who tition w ith others.
livin g witnesses to the faet that, in all its float»«, they might he more properly called was m ainly responsible for th e nam ing
earlier stages, coubuipption is a curable —with which he p r o file d himself. I have
disease. Nut every ease, but a la rge p er­ often wondered what species o f fish he was, o f u third tick et in New Y o rk , is o f gen-
centage o f eases, and we believe, yW /r 9S
ral interest. H e w as born in New York
but I suppose 1 shall never find out.” —
ie r eent. are cured by Dr. Fierce’s Golden
c ity in 1860, ami it
ledieal Discovery, even after the disease Rochester Dost Kx press.
w ill surprise tnanv to Fall Medicine, because it purifies, vitalizes
lias progressed so far as to induce repeated
ami enriches the blood, and therefore
l> n iiK «'r F r o m It u r n * .
know’ that his father, gives strength to resist bad effects from
bleedings from the lungs, severe lingering
cough with copious expectoration (includ­
Lorenzo B. Shepard, Folds, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Pneumonia.
One o f the most common forms o f emer­
in g tubercular matter), great loss o f flesh gency cases met with in the fam ily is a
was once a Grand Sa­ Malaria, the Gr p, etc. Take it now and
and extreme emaciation and weakness.
chem o f Tam m any avoid the dan ’ r o f serious illness. It may
hum, of w hich children are often the vic­
Do you doubt that hundreds o f such cases
H a l l . L o r e n z o IV save you many dollars i i doct >rs’ bills.
reported to us as cured by “ Golden M ed­
Shepard died when B « sure t » g e l H ood ' s and only H o od *«.
ical Discovery ” were genuine cases «»f that teakettle on the hob has great attraction
his son was hut 6
dread and fat d disease ? You need not take for a young child, as has anything which is
W e have known an in
y e a r s o l d . Young
our word for it They have, in nearly every sparkling or x ivi«l
instance, been so pronounced by the best fant just In .¿¡lining to creep, and w ho had
Shcnard then attend­
ami most experienced home physicians, been left alone in the nursery for a few
ed tlie public schools
who have no interest whatever in mis­ minutes, to In» f«>und on the nurse's return
in New Y o rk , was sent
representing them, and who were often contentedly sucking the sjH»ut«>f the kettle
“ I e in truly
for a year to Oherlin
strongly prejudiced and advised against
o llege in Ohio, and r e c o m m e n d
a trial of “ Golden Medical Discovery,”
•:mv. n . M i t r
in 1801 g ra «!u a te «i Hood*« Sarsa­
but who have been forced to confess that water was only moderately hot, and no
parilla as an
it surpasses, in curative power over this gn a t damage was done. Hut the infant from the College of the C ity of New York. excellent ired- I
fatal malady, all other medicines with might just as readily have inlmh’d a mouth H e then began th e study o f law, was ad ­
which they nr«* acquainted.
Nastv cod j ful o f live steam, w ith very serious const» m itted to th e bar ami has since practiced i ieino. I have taken f m r Kittles and I am
better than l have been for tw o years past
liv er oil and its filthy “ em ulsions’ ’ and qtiencea to life.
his profession. His active work for the j l was all run down, m y limbs swelled and
mixtures, h.\d be« n tried in nearly all these
The danger to lif«» from burns, whether purification o f Brooklyn lias m ade him my Mood was i n a very bad condition. Now
cases ami had either utterly failed to bene­
fit, or had only scented to benefit a little for ! these I k » front ladling water, steam or contact well known, hut it is in his capacity as j 1 am free from neuralgia and better in every
M ils . H. C o b l k m h , llum e, N. Y.
a short tint«*
Kxtraet o f malt, whiskey, with heat «si metal, is in direct ratio to the an organizer that he becomes most in ­ way.”
and various preparations o f the hypophos- I extent «>f the surface involved and in in teresting at the present tim e. H e is a,
s P ills cure nil live r ills, bilious­
verse ratio to the age «»f the child. A small bachelor, and lives alone in a Brooklyn ness, jaundice,
phites had also been faithfully trie«! in vain
iudi;estn»n, sick heads« he. 2'»c.
The photographs o f a large number o f 1 burn, even not larger than its hand, may mansion.
those cured o f consumption, bronchitis, i cause» death in a very young Infant. Such
lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal a burn In a child of 10 years would ! h * in­
catarrh and kindred maladies have been convenient ami painful, but pmUibly not
Years At;«».
skillfully reproduced in a book o f 160 | fa ta l Burns on the mucous surfaces as,
Mi** Ihnkic What «1«» you think of thi*?
pages which w ill l»e mailed t«» you. on re
for instance, in the mouth, in the cavity of The Prim*«» «*f Wul«*« k i >* American girl*
ceipt o f address and six cents in stamps
You can then write those cured and learn the nose «*r in the eye are very much more si*»* the prettiest in the world.
serious than one involving a larger surface Bell*' No doubt he ha«l you in
their experience
o f the skin.—Childhood.
Address for Book W o n t» s Disrr \ n A. i v
I have never been over there.”
M i
N \
T h e l i m i t o f N n s ta tn e «! A t t e n t i o n .
“ N«\ but he's been here.” —New York
The average lim it of sustained attention Weekly
in an audience is alH»ut 'JO minutes, ajul
A l ittle H elp .
it is very difficult for a speaker to in
Teacher Did you do this problem all by
tervst his hearers Ik) minutes. It was not
n 1 _ _
so iu the old «lays when we ha*! great ora jtm mrlf*
I n
Bright Boy— Y e -’m
tors, and it is not so now when an eloquent
Teach« r !'v u y bit of it?
*peak«»r has a message to deliver, but forth*
I t ia sold on * guarantee by ail d ru *»
Bright !'« y Ye.s’ m- all but the an«w*»?
A' « rage talker JO minutes is long enough
It cure* in cip ien t Consumption
Good New -
an<l is the beat Coujfik and Croup Curo»
Hood’s is the Best
j -
surely find that
You Will
in every particular!
tfirre is no superior
aftiongall kakinp pow­
ders to
Golden West
There is a big insulated wire in teleg­
raphy which transmits the bulk o f daily
intelligence; there is a big insulated nerve
in the human system which can bear the
burden o f more pain than all the rest o f the
nerves combined, and is known as the sci­
atic nerve. Sometimes the wire is cut to
P e o p l e W h o H a v e G a in e d D i s t i n c ti o n cat off' its current; sometimes the surgeon’s
In T h e i r P a r t i c u l a r S p h e r e in L i f e , knife is used to cut the nerve to relieve ex­
cruciating pain. But there is one thing
Doth In T h i s C o u n tr y a n d A b r o a d — which avoids this radical treatment; one
cure which penetrates to the pain-spot, and
W i l l i a m L . St ro ng.
sciatica has been cured almost without fail
The issue of the m unicipal cam paign in by the use o f Ht. Jacobs Oil. It reaches
m isery’s seat and dethrones it. Thus at­
New Y o rk attracted universal attention tacked and routed in its hidden ambuscade
this year. Colonel W illia m L . Strong pain seldom returns to annoy. The great
remedy does its work well.
was the nom inee for M ayor o f the non-
p a r tita n , an ti-Tam -
The W it o f the “ Dante.”
m anv citizens. H e is
An Am erican landed from the steamer
a w ealth y business at Queenstown in company with an Eng­
man, and lias a high lish politician belonging to the Conserva­
tive party.
‘. X '*T ? ' r-H
repu tation for integ-
A s they drove up from the custom house
•/ X J
r ity and a b ility . H e the American commented on the sad faces
C ough
w S h T lohs
ne u R E
I * a Safe and C e r t a i n R e m e d y .
S m a ll Cost - H o m e T r e a t m e n t — X«»J
^ N o t o r i e t y —N o I n t e r r u p t i o n o f W o r k - J
* N o I n j u r i o u s K fl ee ts o f A n y Sort — ltut^
i P e r f e c t . P o s i t i v e . P e r m a n e n t C u ie
W e h a v e l e t t e r s f r o m le a i l i n g tern |
hperauce w o r k e r s , f r o m p h ys ic ia n s and*
kfroni h u n d r e d * «if pa t ie nt * , a il t e l l i n g J
vth e st or y o f its p e r fe c t , p e r m a n e n t,
f w o n d e r f u l cures .
Corre *p« >n den ce s t r ic t ly c o n l i d e n t i a l f
It has the ludOWIMBt of tic
Pchusetts Total Abstinence Society of Boston J
, >1 A S S A C II l S K I‘ 1 S SONS O F 1 EM
vHave purchased 1,000 of the FITTZ CTRE to?
fbe given to indigent persons afflicted w iib g
kth« disease of alcoholism.
tM F "
Fin price.
" C a l l on us o r w r i t e us f o r t e s t i m o u i a l s f
N. J . S T O N E & CO.,
FRoom 7, Flood building, San Francisco, Cal.f
G e n e r a l A g e n t s f o r P a c if ic Coast.
T h e C r o w n in g G lo r y o f th e A g e .
W. L. D ouglas
Man’s enterprise culminated at the World's Columbian
The memory of it will be a marvel for all time.
The fame there acquired will live for years.
It is within the reach of every one*
The manufact­
L l f X
urers of
5 . C O EN R AM
O V C A ALF. N ,
*4.f3.5J> FINE CAlf&KANGAROa
i 3 .5 ? P0UCE.3 soles .
D r. P ric e ’s C r e a m B a k i n g P o w d e r
appreciate the award to them of highest honors at the
*2 .^ l.7-? B oys 5 chc 3 l S hq E 3,
• L A D IE S -
•so $ 2 . H &
Exposition. The significance of the compliment, the splendid
character of the indorsement, cannot be underrated.
Y o u can save money by w e a r in g the
W . L . D ou gi ns 8 3 . 0 0 Shoe.
L e e a us«», we are the largest manufacturers of
Ctas grade of shoes in the world, and guarantee their
value by stamping the name and price on ti e
lottom, which protect you against high prices and
t i.e middleman's profits. Our shoes e«iual custom
t rork in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities,
l/e have them sold everywhere at lower prices for
tae value given than any other make. Take no sub­
stitute. I f your dealer cannot supply you, we can.
was headed by the Chief Chemist of the United States Depart­
They found Dr. Price’s Cream Baking
Powder strongest in leavening power, perfect in purity, and
of uniform excellence.
‘‘Foremost Baking Powder in all the World.”
A n Ei g h t -h ou r Day In Englaml.
T h o 8 -hour day, w hich is the aspira­
tion o f organized labor in this coun­
try, is to he m ade the subject o f a prac­
tical experim ent in tho great iron w orks
o f S alford, near Manchester. The effo rt
is to bo made to recon cile tho economic
objections which have been held to be
irreconcilable. That is, the w orkm en,
who h ave been laborin g 63 hours a week,
are to endeavor to turn out an equal
product by the labor o f 48 hours. I f b y
punctuality, en ergy and increased a c tiv ­
ity they can show this to be possible, the
experim ent w ill be a success, their w age*
w ill rem ain as now, and the 8 -hour day
w ill be established.— Boston Com m on­
A n Old S e ttl er l le g in * t o Tr a ve l.
It is h«arilly in the west one w ou ld look
for w h ite people unacquainted w ith ra il­
roads and telegraphs, but Parson Quinn,
the oldest settler in G arfield county,
W ashington, w h o w en t there 83 year*
ago, saw a railroad and took a ride on a
train tw o w eeks ago fo r the first tim e in
his life. H e has not been out o f the state
since ho entered it in a p rairie schooner.
T w o o r three sim ilar cases have been
noted in tho north w est w ith in the past
few m onths.— Chicago Herald.
A Boston paper recen tly contained an
announcement that certain gentlem en
had “ filed a rem onstrance to the proposed
w id en in g o f Chestnut H ill avenue w ith
the B rook line selectmen I** __
After all, the main thing we do in this life is
to wish it was to-morrow.
f « u le l«r s ii
*> #'> fct>*is a bViiX*. I
Ely’s Cream Ba'm
It is no easy thing to cure lung trouble
P ric e 50 C en t*
when it once fairly gets a hold upon the
system. I t can easily be prevented by the AppiV Halm intoea°h no>tri!
ELY BROS., 56 Warren St.. New York.
use o f A llcock ’ s P orous P lasters . Just
as soon as any intimation o f soreness about
the lungs or stiffness o f the joints appears,
put on one o f these plasters, and you will
be sure to gain great advantage.
So also with rheumatism. A cold is a
Is wanting in most foods, or,
com paratively slight thing. The applica­
tion of an A llcock ’ s P orous P laster to
If present, is not assimilated.
any part affected by it w ill not only re­
The result is loss o f flesh
lieve, but overcome it. If, however, the
and strength.
cold gets a firm hold on the joints ami
muscies, rheumatic pains are not so quick­
ly overcome. To cure is good, to prevent
is better.
B randrkth ’8 P ills will relieve rheuma­
Clara—I am going to ask papa to get me a b i­
cycle. Mother—Have you consulted the doctor?
Clara—No; but I have consulted a dressmaker.
S tate
of O h io , C it y of T oledo ,;
L ucas C o unty .
F r a n k J. C h e n e y makes oath that he is the
senior partner o f the firm of F. J. C hf . n k y a
Co., doing business in the city o f Toledo, coun­
ty and State aforesaid, and that said firm w ill
pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every case of C a t a r r h that cannot be
cured by the use of H a l l ’ s C a t a r r h C ure .
the Cream of C od -liver Oil,
Is a palatable, easy fat food
that any stomach can retain
and any system assimilate
without effort. It gives flesh
and strength. Physicians, the
w orld over, endorse it.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886.
[ s e al .]
NatarH Public.
H all’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists; 75 cents.
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggist».
A haunted house in these practical and unro­
mantic days is something of’ a rarity, but an in­
Subscript on8 taken for all papers, magazines
dividual haunted with the idea that his ailment and periodicals at lowest prices at Northwest
is incurable is a personage frequently met with. News Company. J. F. Handley «k Co., 150 First
Disbelief in the ability of medicine to cure is street, Portland, Or.
only a m ild form of monomania, although in
some cases repeated failures to obtain relief from
manv different sources would almost seem to
Use EnamellneStove Polish; no dust, no smell
justify the doubt. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters
has demonstrated its ability to overcome dys­
pepsia, constipation, liver and kidney trouble,
T b t G i b m i a fo r breakfast.
malarial complaints and nervousness, and its
recorded achievements in the curative line
ought at least to warrant its trial by any one
troubled w ith either « f the above ailments, even
Although his previous efforts to obtain remedial
aid have been fruitless. Used with persistence,
the Bitters w ill conquer the most obstinate
i f you use the Petalum8
Incubators St Brooders.
Make money while
others are wasting
tim e by old processes.
Catalogtells all about
it,and describes every
article needed for the,
poultry business.
The“ ERIE”
mechanically the best
,wheel. Prettiest model.
W e are Pacific Coast
Agents. Bicycle cata­
logue,mailed free,gives
full description, prices, etc., a g e n ts w a n t e d .
Politics are full of uncertainties. To-day a
man is on a stump and next week he may be all
up a tree.
B r a n c h H ouse , 131 S Main St., Los Angeles.
She was completely prostrated and made
very 111 by his perfidy.” “ Did she recover?*
'• Yes; $10 a week temporary and $5,0w0 in final
Portland, Walla Walla,
Spokane, via O. R A N .
Railway and Great
Northern Railway to
Montana points, St.
Paul, M in n e a p o lis ,
Omaha, St. Louis, Chi­
cago ami Past. Address
nearest agent. C. C.
Donavan, Gen. Agt.,
Portland,Or.; R.C. Ste­
vens, Gen. Agr., Seattle,
Wash ; C. G. D xon.Gen. Agt , Sp kane. Wash.
No dust; rook-ballast D ark; tine scenery; pal-
a «»sleeping and dining cars; buffet-library ears;
family tourist sleepers; new equipment.
A. Feldenheimer’s,
I G L A D D IN G M c B E A N
F i r s t and M o r r i s o n S tr eet s,
P O R T L A N D , OR .
Sweet Virginia f
M o r p h i n e H a b i t C ur ed In IO
t o 90 « l a v « . >«» pa y t i l l cu r ed .
IR J. STEPHENS. Lebanon. Lhio
■H E
S U C C E S S F U L L Y .”
E A S IL Y .
IK ) Y O U K E F.l, B A D ? D O E S Y O U R B A C K
ache? Poes eve rv step .ecm a burden ? Y o u need
■ h r
:<»>-’8 c- ly.
r■ • o f.
M O O R E ’S
-e L:; F
•iui W ort
R * I L CO.. Mfgrs Pacific 1 «Mint headquar­
ters 3.i5 Morrieon street, Portland, o r
Bny your c, HOC FRIES and PROVISION? of us, and we wiP *ave you money. W e handle the best
goods and deliver free to train* or boats. We buy and *e'l for «not cash, and »ell gr»c*ls cheaper
than any «» her firm ia the country. Send us tout name ami address, and we wi i mad you our
new price list, which w jl’ be out soon We offer to-day
Climax tobacco, 40 cent« per pound.
Dry granulated sugar in 100-1 b. tacks for.. I 2- y Beat c m I oil per caee.
.... .
91 95 I
Beat brand* of flour per barrel
2 1ft Arbu« k e « •• ffee per pound.........
2‘. 1J
Send us a list o f what you need, and we w ill make you special prie 1 Address your orders to j
M A R K L . C O H N A C O ., 146 F r o n t S tre o t, P o r t la n d , O r.
1358 A 1 3 6 0 M A R K E T STREE T. S. F.
) From Face, Nec* anti Arm-» in
YOU p a n
minutes with N U D K N K ,
I without pun or injury to the
^ii ■* f r »1 uni 1^ ■ n. Send stamp f >r circular.
^ nw wanted, n U K K
MFG. CO., Room 12, The Yen-
_______ ) Ooma. Portia d, Or.
The life germ
and vital force of
plants and flowers;
it g i v e s v ig o r ,
power and size to
the vital organs oi
Y’S VCIRBOLICV SiLVE Atrophy, Sexual
The most powerful healing ointmeut eve
H E N R Y’S CARBOLIC SALVE cure* *ore«.
allays burns.
' nía pimples.
«’ ires wo u n d s
snd cuts. Ask for Henry's; lake no other. Bo-
war«» of counterfeits. Sold by ail druggists; 2ft
cents a box.
J E W E L R Y o f the m ost reliable
h o u s e w i t h th e l a r g e s t a s s o r t ­
m en t . be cause y o u w i l l g e t g o o d
and f u l l v a l u e f o r y o u r m o n e y «
A l l g <>o«l8 w a r r a n t e d . SU C H in
___ ___
D0NG° u
B R O C K T O N , M ASS*
The jury of awards, an exceptionally intelligent body,
ment of Agriculture.
e st
stamps Dr. Price’s as without a peer among tie baking pow­
* *
'Weakness, etc.,
tturely cured by
Fri«y to carry in
vest pocket. Price
$1 S . * f , '$ : .
Sent in p l a i n
w r a p p e r , o r at
all Druggists.
The most won­
derful achievement
bn Medical Science.
The only acknowl-
e d g e d permanent
Cure guaranteed.
New York address
I »is -1 1 7 Fulton St.
S t * * d a »» o Rem. C o.
F O R L A r : ES I
4100 IN GOV.D will be r d be tl e Koch
Chem ical Co. for a v ca«c
err., -wakn- m
that will ::«•»? yield
DR J .■*. K»* H - ANTI-
«F PTIC S A N \ t V K F Pt > « DE R. p:i , , « oò per
box. For sale by ail druggist*.
X. P. X. U. No. 671—8. F. X. Ü.
C o B cn m p rlvc«
; -
I who have weak l :r k«
I Tra, should u«e I*-. «Cur f -
I Containrttoa. It ha« c n r * « l B
nda. ft ta?