NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A D T E R T IH I^ G R A T E » : .T w e n ty D ollaro T e n D o lla rs ..........O ne D ollar O n e C o lu m n ........... H a lf C o lu m n .. P ro fe s sio n a l C ard a . H e a d i n g N o lle * « w i l l be I n s e r t e d t h e r a t e o i T e n e e u t s p e r L in e. M a b o e rlp tlo n at a b ly VOL. t>. A d v e rtis in g B ills C o lle c te d M onthly* CHURCH NOTH ES. TAKILN MS' V IC TO R IO U S C U U IU -H .—8KRV1CKH L \ KEY £ b a u d s v a t 11 a . m . a n d ft p. m . a m i 1 ’liurM .ay a t 10 a . m . S a b b a th s c h o o l^ v t-ry S u n d a y f t 9:15 A m . M o n th ly m e e tin g a t 7 r. m tn e n st NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER il, 185 ) 4 . JAPANESE. F ig h tin g U as B een lteported Port A rthur. N orth of Y o k o h a m a , November 6 . —Advices re­ ceived here from the frontier show that there has been heavy fighting in the Jountry just north of Port Arthur. The E tV A N G R I It I L ASSO CIATION — PR E A C H IN G dispatches received are brief, and are si­ G seco n d a n d f o u r th S u n d a y a t 7:30 p. m . lent on some important points. It ap­ APTIST CHURCH.—SERVICES FIRST. SEC- pears that Field Marshal Oyama divided o n d am i th i r d S u u d ly s of th e m o n th at II his force. While one division landed on a . m . a n d 7:30 P. m . S u n d a y sc h o o l every S u n d ay a t 10 a . m . P ra y e r m e e tin g W e d n esd a y e v e u iu g the coast of the peninsula north of Ta- s t 7 ;3 0 o clo ck . R E V . M ARK N O B L E, p asto r. lien Wan, another division was detached KK>HY I KK! V.N C H U R O il -S E R V IC E S KV with orders to effect a landing near Kin ery S u n lay a t 11 a . m . a n d 7:30 p . u . Sal - Chow and to proceed thence and join the h a th sch o o l ev ery S u n d ay a t 10 a . m . fHRlSTIAN CHUR4 H. 81 U VICKS I \ ERY main body of the army. This operation / s e c o n d a u d fo u rth S u n d a y a t 10 a . m . a n d was a complete success. The Japanese 7:30 f M. encountered no Chinese war ships, and D V EN T. ST C H U R C H — P R A Y E R M K K ilS G the transports reached Kuiien Chao and ev e ry W ed n esd ay e v e u iu g s a b b a th school disembarked troops, guns, horses and ev e ry S a tu rd a y at 10 a . m ., s e rv ic e s fo llo w in g . munitions in safety. Kin Chow, which lR E K M ETH O D IST. P R A Y E R M EETING is a wailed town, and whicli was believed ev e ry T h u rs d a y a t 7:30 p . m . S abbatU school to be held by a large garrison, was im­ e v e r y S u n d a y at 10 a . m . mediately attacked. The outer defenses e . c h u r c h — s e r v i c e s e v e r y S u n d a y were carried by the Japanese after a few . a t 11 a . M. a n d 7:30 p . M. S a b b a th S chool M .. . --- -*■ /•-«« _ ~ j»,nyer hours’ fighting. The Chinese made lit­ a t iO a ___ E p w o rth L eague a t t»-30 P. M. rin y very T h u rs d a y e v e n in g at 7 :30 o ’cloc k. tle further resistance, and the Japanese m e e tin g every A. N. M cCA RT, P a s to r. | were soon masters of the place. In the meantime the Japanese fieet, which had conveyed the transpoits, opened a heavy SOCIETY NOTICES. fire on Talien Wan and Kuiien Chao. The tiring scarcely ceased for many \ \ T O r T H E W\—N EW B E R G CAM P, No. IU , hours. Covered by the fire from the I f « m e e ts ev e ry M onday e v e n in g . ships, the land forces attacked and cap­ C. T. U.—BUSI NEE M E E T IN G l’H E BEI tured Talien Wan in a brilliant fashion. • o u d a u d fo u rth W e d n esd a y iu e a c h The dispatch states that the losses were heavy. They also mention that an im­ T O. O. F —SESSIONS H ELD ON TH U RSD A Y portant naval engagement occurred Sat­ X , e v e n in g s in B an k of N ew b erg b u ild in g . urday, but gave no details. Up to the time of sending this dispatch there has / 1 A. R —SESSIONS H ELD FIR ST AND T H IR D been no confirmation of the report of \ J # S a tu rd a y e v e u iu g iu e a c h m o n th . the capture of Port Arthur. I T T R .C .—M EET S F IR S T A N D T H IR D BAT* Field Marshal Yamagala’s army con­ IV • u rd a y a fte rn o o n in e a c h m o n th . tinues its victorious march. The divis­ r i O F V .—M EETS E V E R Y SATURD A Y EV EN - ion under General Tasuhima pressed forward and captured Fung Wang Ching O . lu g . as already cabled. The enemy was scat­ y . A A . M .- M ELTS EVERY SATURDAY tered and fled in the direction of Taku- , n ig h t in B a n k of N e w b e rg b u ild in g . shan, Kaijoa and Hotenfu. No fighting O. U. W.—M EETS E V E R Y TUESDAY EVEN is mentioned as having occurred at Fung # iu g at 7:30 p. m . iu I. O. O. F. H all. Wang Ching, but it is alleged 300 Chi­ nese were killed at Taikai. Field Mar­ shal Yamagata’s official dispatch says OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. that the detachment under General Tat- sumi has occupied Fung Wang Ching, a C ity o f N e w b e r g . fort which ranks in importance next to M ayor......................................................... Moses V o taw Moukden. The principal portion of the R e c o rd e r................................................... J G H ad le y M arsh al..........................................................W. T Macy Chinese army fled toward Moukden and T r e a s u re r ........................................ N. C. C h ris te n s o n the remainder in the direction of Heicheu and Takushan. The Chinese inhabitants COUNCILMEN. ... . ... . I N oah H e a te r who have been plundered by the Chi­ F irs t W a rd ............................................ ] u T a iim a ii nese soldiers welcomed the Japanese 0 . , iJ e s s e E d w ard s army. The Japanese captures to the S econd W a rd ..................................... j 0 K M oore i H. K. la s h l e r present are fifty-nine cannon, 1,800 T h ir d W a rd ........................................... ro x small arms, 20,000 rounds of artillery ammunition, 2,500 rounds for small arms and a quantity of other material. T u e sd a y iu e a c h m o n th . Q u a rte rly m e e tin g th e s e c o n d S a tu n la y s a d S u n d a y in F e b ru a rv , >1*'. A iu u .'t a n d N o v e m b e r W o m a n s F o re ig n Mis­ s io n a ry S o c ie ty m e ets t h i r d S a tu rd a y iu e a c h m o n th a t 3 i*. m . B P C A f A A E A S T AN D S O U T H K N IG H TS Shasta Route —OF T H E — SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. T ra in s le av e a n d a re d u e to a rriv e a t P or tl a n d : FROM AUGUST 16, 1893. ARRIVE. (O verland E x pr ess . S alem , A lb a n y , E u g ­ en e , R o seb ’g. (» ran t's Pas«, M edford. A sh ­ la n d , S acram en to , O g ­ d e n , S an F ra n c isc o , M ojave, Los A ngeles. E l Paso,N ew O rle a n s , i (, a n d E a s t....................... •8:30 a . m . R oseberg & w ay s ta tio n s f V ia W ood b u rn for") Mt. A ngel, S ilv e rto n , j T ri-w e e k ly { W est S cio, B row ns- , b e tw e e n v ille , N a tro n a n d i W ood b u rn am i N atro n l S p rin g fie ld ...................J « B etw een P o r t l a n d i < and S ilv e rto n d a i l y > G r a in s .............................) ♦7:80 a . m . C o rv a llis & w ay s ta tio n s ♦4:40 p. m . M cM in n v ille & w ay s ta - •4:30 r m T ri-weekly between Natron an d Wood b urn fâ:85 P. M f8:25 a . M. D in in g C ars on O g d e n R o n te . PULLM AN IftU F F K T S E C O N D -C L A SS H L IIE P E K S SL E E PIN G CARS A tta c h e d to a ll th r o u g h tra in s . T h ro u g h tic k e t office, 134 F L s t s tr e e t, w h e re th ro u g h tic k e ts t ) a ll p o in ts in th e R aster» S tU e s , C a n a d a a n d E u ro p e ca n b e o b ta in e d a t lo w est ra te s fro m J. B. K I R K LAND, T i c k e t A g en t. All a b o v e tr a in s a rriv e a n d d e p a rt fro m G ran d C e u tra l s ta tio n , F ifth a n d I stre e ts. O R EG O N IA N R A ILW A Y D IV ISIO N — AND — P o r tla n d and A am lilll H allw a y . P a sse n g e r d e p o t foot of J efferso n street. A irlie m a il (tri-w ee k ly ). 9:40 A. M V..... .....Fortland. ..........Ar. 8:0ft P. M 12:30 p. .....New berg ..........Lv. 12:30 p . M, 6:05 V. M. Kr..... .....Airliu . ..........Lv. 7:00 a . m . S h erid an passenger (daily ex cep t Sunday). 4:80 p . m Lv..... .....Portland. ......... Ar. 9:'0 a m 6 05 P. M I.V..... .....Newberg. ..........Lv. 7:55 a . m . ft: 15 P M. A r..... .....Sheritiiin ..........Lv. 5.45 a m •D aily . fD a ily e x c e p t S u n d ay . R. K O E H L E R . M anager. E. P ROGERS. A«st. G en. K A P. ARt.. P o it la n d . O r The Best . __ MACHINE MONEY SEWiNG mac E 73 E FEW H OM E SEWIIG M ACH 1 W E CO. ,d |r » » . THE NEW LABOR. P h i l a d e l p h i a , November 6.—As the date for holding the annual conference of the Knights of Labor draws near there is a great deal of quiet work being done by the old-time friends of the or­ der. Mr. Powderly himself has not been idle, for during the past six months he has been in fifteen different States, and with others has gathered evidence in support of the allegations of the intended schemes of the present administration to pack the General Assembly, which meets in New Orleans tiie 13th instant, with ineligible delegates. It was said to-night by a prominent Powderly sup­ porter that eminent counsel has been re­ tained to commence proceedings in the the United States Courts on the first ap­ pearance of “ crooked” reports. The books of the organization will be care­ fully scrutinized, and perpetrators of frauds will find themselves in the Btrong meshes of the law. A committee of fifty old-time members, who are not and never have been known as factionists, have raised a fund for the purpose of purifying the order. These earnest workers have prevailed on the Secretary of the United Mine Workers Union, Pat­ rick McBryde of Columbus, O., to run for the office of General Secretary-Treasurer. It is claimed no man in the order has a brighter or cleaner record than Mr. Mc- Bryde, and the friends of the movement are very much elated that they have at last succeeded in obtaining a definite promise from him to allow his name to be placed in nomination for the office. All the Western delegates and many more from the East have consolidated on McBryde. ________ H IS TROUBLES OVER. A Y o u n g S p o k a n i t © E n d e d HI» L i f e W i t h M orph in e. S p o k a n e , November 6.—TliomaB R. Willons, bookkeeper for the Western Bridge Company and a prominent voun| man in amateur theatrical and operatic circles, ended his life to-day with three grains of morphine. Financial troubles and disappointment in love drove him to desperation. Two months ago Wil­ lons was arrested for uttering checks that were returned stamped, “ nc funds.” He wrote a letter to the news­ papers saying that by publishing the fart they had driven him to commit sui­ cide, and that his body would be found in the bottom of the river. A few days afterward he appeared on the streets and surrendered himself to the police. Latei he fettled with his creditors and was re- I leased. Since then he has brooded oret i his imaginary wrongs continually. Yea- I terdav he purchased a small quantity ol morphine from each of three druggists, saving iie had neuralgia. This time he left no farewell message, and died after the physicians had worked six hour! without returning to consciousness. His parents in England are wealthy. D o c u m e n t » o f a Chine»© C a p p e r . 1 2 CIS O l'It” DEALERS can »«-II you m achines cheaper th a n yon can ¡ . e l el«en i i e r c , The NEW HOME h b 'ltw e m ako cheaper kind«, »urn na th e CLIMAX, IDEAL *nd o t!i-r Hiuli Arm F u ll Tlckel Plate«! Sev. inis .Machines for 315.00 and np. Cnll on o a r azen t or w rite n*. We w .m t your trade, and If price»» term» r.cti »quare dealing w ill w in, wc w ill h a t e it. We challcnrre th e w orld to p ro d io e n B E T T E R 330.00 D w ln g M achine for 350.00, or « heller 320« K ew iaj M achine for 320.00 than yon can buy from ns, o r o u r Agent«. -------------- >, C a U OF E v e r y E ffo rt W i l l lie M a d e t o P u r i f y t h e O rder. -V IA — LKAVK. N | I8N4 K I P T I O * R A T E » | O ne Y e a r ................................................................ f l 50 I Six M o n th s ......................................................... 75 i Three Months. ................................................. 50 \Z L T t 2 L .' t ' ATL ajtca , G i. HOME 91WIXO MA ; i s E c o , Tzo M ark et â t-, S»n F ia n c u to , v al. r a n c i s c o , November 6.—The ar­ rest of a Chinese known as Mar Tan has brought to light documents such as have never been unearthed before in this city. Mar Tan has for a long time been recog­ nized as a Chinese “ capper” for a num- herof Police Court practitioner«. Among I Tan's effects were two pieces of cloth, on ! which are Chinese characters. These, ! being translated, prove that Tan be­ longs to anarchistic or highbinder socie- j ties. There are some secret society char­ acters on the certificates that cannot be translated. Never before have high­ binders’ documents fallen into the hands of the police. Endeavor will be made to have the prisoner deported un­ der the law by which criminals may he sent back to their native land. These documents prove the man’s standing at a criminal in China- S an F 'ALEXANDER III. DEAD Czar of All the Russias Passes Off the World’s Stage. PBEPATAT10NS FOB FUNERAL. The morning broke with rain and wind and heavy clouds, and the weather was much colder. As the day advanced the weakness increased so rapidly that the Czar realized that he could only live a few hours. He expressed a desire to re- eeive the sacrament, which was admin­ istered to him by the court chaplain, Vanished', and Father Ivan in the pres­ ence of the whole family. The Czar then conversed long and earnestly with Father Ivan, concluding by asking his family to again gather around him. He spoke" to each member separately aud in greatest length with the Czarina. He blessed all the children present. The scene was one of deep pathos, all being in tears. This time his Majesty was sit­ ting up in an arm chair. After taking leave oi his family he grew weaker grad­ ually, and his voice became so indistinct that it was scarcely audible. About noon a convulsive tit of coughing was followed by a slight rally. Then until the end the Czar remained quiet, seemingly free from pain. At 2:15 o’clock he heaved a deep sigh and breathed his last in the ‘ arms of the Empress, who broke down ' with the weight of her grief. The doc­ tors fear the rcsc'.ta o- tBJ ‘.-faction oj \ tier already exhausted system. The body is being emWlmed. It will orobably be laid for a couple of days in he palace chapel. The arrangements that will be made for the funeral are still unknown. It is believed the remains will be embarked on the imperial yacht Polar Star at Yalta, where the Seventh Army Corps will render military honors. the boulevards and in the cafes, clubs and theaters. It the President of the Republic were dead, the expressions of regret could not he more general. The prooabie effect of the event upon the Russo-French alliance aud the Euro­ pean situation in general is discussed by every group m the streets or cates. The Views are almost without exception op­ timistic. th e beliel is that Nicholas will adopt his father’s policy. JOINT ALLIANCE TO UK URGED. L ondon , November 3. — The corre­ NO. 50. PREPARE FOR WINTER P r ic e P a y a b le i n v a r i ­ In A d v a n e « . A dd ress. G r a p h ic . N ew b erg. O regon. THE PORTLAND M A RK ETS. W h e a t M arket. Foreign markets are reported firmer but local quotations show no change, as Figure to Carry Live Stock whatever advances are recorded on tha other side are absorbed by the increase Comfortably Through. which follows in freights. Shippers quote Walla Walla worth 62>g@<>3c per HOME SUPPLY OF SUCH THINGS cental ; and Valley, 70(g72)^o per cental, P r o d u c e M arket« spondent of the News says the French F lops — Portland, Salem, Cascadia party iu Russia and the Russian party P r o v i s i o n f o r a n A d e q u a t e S u p p l y o f and Dayton, $2.30 per barrel; Walla I t 1» U n d e r s t o o d t h e C z a r o w i t s W i l l I m ­ in France intend to jointly use their in­ | Walla, $2.05; Goldurop, $2.65; Snow­ P r o p e r F o o d 1» o f F i r s t I m p o r t a n c e s m e d ia te ly Issue a P ro cla m a tio n D e ­ fluence to induce tlie new Czar to enter flake, $2.35; Benton county, $2.20; gra­ a n d C a l c u l a t i o n s S h o u l d a t O n c e b e c l a r i n g H i m s e l f C z a r —S i n c e r e M o u r n ­ into a regular offensive and ueteusive al­ ham, $2.15(i?2.40; superfine, $2. M ad e as to t h e A m o u n t lte q u ir ed . liance between the two powers. I t is i n g in t h e R o y a l F a m i l i e s . O ats —Good white oats are quoted at believed, however, they will not succeed milling, 28@29c; gray, 25@27c. After harvest it is well to turn one’s 25(.i27c; B t . P e t e r s b u r g , November 2. — The i i ultauuug anything beyond the main­ Rolled oats are quoted as follows : Bags, thoughts toward the long, cold winter $5.75(^0.00; barrels, $0.00(^0.25; cases, tenance ol the present euteute. angel of death, iu the shadow of whos - ahead and “ figure” on what prepara­ $3.75. NEW CZAR HAS LIBERAL VIEWS. pinions the autocrat of all the Russias B arley —Feed barley is quoted a t6 2 lac N ew Y ouk , November 3. —The Her­ tions will lie necessary to carry the live has been lying for many days, yesterday ald's St. Petersburg correspondent tele- stock comfortably through. The pro­ per cental. Brewing is worth 80(¿85c beckoned and the soul of the man who per cental, according to quality. graps as follows: had in his hands the lives and destinies MiLLSTurre—Bran, $13; shorts, $13; “ 1 have had an interview with a Rus­ vision of an adequate supply of proper of millions upon millions was borne sian high personage, who is intimate food is of first importance, and calcula­ chop feed, $15(<$17; middlings, none in away. Calmly and peacefully as a sleep­ with the tzarow iu. He assured me that tions should at ouce be made as to the market; chicken wheat, fibnode per the new ruler would make no change iu amount required. The home supply of cental. ing babe, he who by his slightest word H ay —Good, $8@11 per ton. Russia’s foreign policy. Should there could have plunged Europe into a war, B u t t e r —Fancy creamery, 25@27t^o be any change, it will be exclusively in such tilings as hay, fodder, corn and oats the horrors of which defy description, domestic affaire, for the new Czar has is usually ample, but other foods are per pound; fancy dairy, 20(^c per pound. age on behalf of the triple alliance is the in trade and usually is a better sample turkeys, F resh F ruit —California grapes quoted sensation of the hour. The Captain was than the commercial stuffs. Oil meal is 85c per crate; Concord, 40c per basket; attached to the organizing and mobiliz­ not yet commonly used on the average Oregon apples bring 50@76c per box; ing department ot the general Btatf, and farm, hut is becoming rapidly and right­ quinces, Oregon, 80c@$1.00; cranberries, per barrel. had access to some of the more import­ ly popular, for surely we can better af­ $11.00@ll.50 E ogh —Scarce. Oregon quoted at 25c ant documents relating to the plans for ford to feed it at home than send the per dozen; Eastern, 22'ac. mobilizing the French army. Suspicion bulk of it abroad to lie bought greedily V e g et a b l es — Sweet potatoes are at high prices by the men that feed against Captain Dreyfus was aroused by steers against our cheap meat. In this quoted at $1.50 per cental; green pep­ pers, 0c per pound ; garlic, 6c ; tomatoes, his intimacy with an Italian officer. country of the golden grain—maize or 40(n 60c per box; Oregon cabbage, ?4@lo Indian corn—along with such ample General Merrier, Minister of War, caused per pound. supplies of prairie hay and corn fodder TnoeicAL F ruit —California lemons, a detective to be sent to Monaco aud there is surely a rich supply of carbo­ Italy with the result that Captain Drey­ naceous foods, and our stock needs such $5.50(80.50; Sicily, $0.00@6.60; bananas, $2.00(83.00 per bunch; Honolulu, $1.75@ fus is now under a strict guard in a mili­ supplies for tiie long figh’ against cold; 2.50; pineapples, Honolulu, $3.00@3.50; tary prison. Dreyfus is said to have hut we do not feed a sufficient amount sugar loaf, $5 ; Florida oranges, $4.25@ supplied the Italian government with all of nitrogenous food to finely finish prime 4.50 per box; Mexican oranges, $3.75. the plans so carefully laid out during beef, pork or mutton. Our foreign N uts — Almonds, soft shell, 14@16c years past for the defense of the Alps, neighliors use our corn in large quanti­ per pound; paper shell, 16@17c; new which have been luoked upon as form­ ties, but the American food they prize crop California walnuts, soft shell, ing a complete bulwark against a possi­ most is the oil cake that cornea from the 12‘jc ; standurd walnuts, 10t^@llc; ble invasion of France from Italy, and linseed oil and cotton-seed off mills, and Ohio chesnuta, new crop, 14@15c; pe­ he is also said to have sold ail these they nay prices that are really astonish­ cans, 14c; Brazils, 12j^@13c; filberts, plans to Germany und to have divulged ing. The Farmers’ Review would strong­ 14(815c; peanuts, raw, fancy, 6@7c; to Austria and Germany the names of ly adviBe its readers to substitute a por­ roasted, 10c; hickory nuts, 8@10c; co- French officers recently sent abroad on tion of off meal or ground cake in the coanuts, 80c per dozen. secret missions. Captain Dreyfus was usual ration for animals that are being W ool — Valley, 7@9c, according to married to tiie daughter of a rich dia­ finished for the Christmas markets, and quality; Umpqua, 7@9c; Eastern Ore­ pitch food need not cost no more than gon, (l@7c. mond merchant of this city. Captain Dreyfus is said to have sup­ the old ration, if the cost of the ration Hoes—Quotable at 5@7c, according plied the Italian officer, who is believed be properly figured, as bnt one part of to quality. the oil meal will be needed to seven to have been an agent of the Italian gov­ I’lmvisioNs—Eastern hams, medium, ernment, witli the plans for the mobil­ parts of carbonaceous food, such as corn. 14(814'.¿e per pound; hams, picnic, ization of the Fifteenth Army Corps cov­ When laying in a supply of such foods it 11 (812c; breakfast bacon 14)s@t5t6c; ering the Department of the M atilm .. is also well to take precautions against short clear sides, 12'o@13c; dry salt Alps, Ardech, Poucbes-du-Rhone, Cor­ waste of good feeding material due to sides, U (* ll)ic ; dried beef hams, 14 sica, Gard, Var, Vancluse and Murseilli s, poor shelter for the stock; for one of the @16c; lard, compound, in tins, 9H@ as well as with the plans fur mobilizing most serious leaks in farm economy is 10c; lard, pure, in tins, 12t^@13c; pigs’ the French lurces around Briancon, tiie that in the barn that lets in drafts and feet, 80s, $5.60; pigs' feet, 40s, $3.25; Alpine Gibraltar. Hu is also suspected so causes a waste of lieat-prnducing food. kits, $1.25. ALEXANDER III., CZAR OF RUSSIA. of having furnished the Italian agent It should be understood that good venti­ G a m e —Receipts moderate; pheasants [From a recetit photograph.] with a plan for the numerous fortified lation—plenty of fresh air—never re­ quoted at $3 00(83.75 per dozen ; grouse, positions around Briancon, which n- tards fattening when animals are tied $3.00; quail, $1.25(81.75; venison, 5c p«r connected by underground galleries with up indoors, for such air is needed to sup­ pound; hear, 4@5e; rabbits, $3.00@3.50 few days before his death claimed him The whole Black Sea fleet will take part the town mentioned. Briancon is a ply all the other forces that unite in tho per dozen ; ducks, $1.25(84 60. of food and formation of him from all his greatness. in the trip to Odessa, whence the body place of the utmost importance, especi­ assimilation flesh and fat; the hot non-oxygenized At 2:15 p . M. yesterday the sum­ will be conveyed by railway to Bt. Pe­ ally in view of the possible advance of atmosphere M eat M arket. of an overcrowded barn is mons came, and a few hours later the tersburg, stopping at the important an Italian army into F'rance. Briancon Busr—Gross, top steers, $2.25(82.36; also detrimental, as it causes animals to commands tiie route across Mount Ge- thunderous booming of cannon at Liva- towns en route to enable the troops to nevre between France and Italy, and in sweat, drink largo quantities of water, fair to good steers, $2.00; cows, $1-75(4 dia and St. Petersburg announced that render honor to the dead. 2.00; dressed beef, 3)fi(84lac tier pound. other ways fail to thrive. See, the Czar was dead and that lie who had The State mourning will commence addition to being most strongly defended and in that V eal -Dressed, small, 6c; large, 3@4o the stables are well venti­ been the Grand Duke Nicholas reigned to-morrow. The funeral will probably on account of its natural position (it ¡ b then, yet free from drafts, and depend I per pound. in his stead. On lightning wings the be held two weeks hence. The arrival situated on a hill about 3,500 feet al>ove lated M utton —Gross, best sheep wethers, upon it that they will he warm enough news of Russia’s loss spread throughout of the Prince and Princess of Wales, now the sea level), its surrounding eminences when fuff of cattle, anil that too milch $1.75; ewes, $1.00@1.05; lambs, 2c per the world, and it is safe to say that en route to Livadia, is anxiously await­ are crowded with strong modern fortifi­ warmth is decidedly detrimental. An­ < pound; dressed mutton, 3)^@4c; lambs, everywhere the intelligence created sym­ ed. A special train awaits them at the cations, mounted with the latest artil­ other point to remember in preparing 4c. pathy for the family of him who by his frontier. I t is believed the presence of lery, and as already stated, these fortifi­ H ogs Gross, choice, heavy, $4.50(4 policy had maintained the friendship of the Princess of Wales will afford great cations communicate with each other for winter is the water supply, which 4.75; lig h t and feeders, $4.00; dressed, 5 is a source of trouble upon the Great Republic of the West, and comfort to her sister, the Czarina, and it and witli the town by subterranean pas­ annually of farms. We need give little @6Jfic per pound. from America came words of sympathy, iB said she will make a long stay in Rus­ sages. A bridge having a span of aliout thousands 130 feet, and lieing aliout 180 feet high, advice, but merely remind our readers for the dead ruler had always been a sia. M e r c h a n d ise M arket. how absurd it ¡B to have to water hun­ friend of the Great Republic of the West An imperial decree announcing the crosses the Clarre Valley and affords ac­ dreds of cattle from a common well and S almon . —Columbia, river No. 1, tails, cess from the principal posts and fortifi­ and Americans had not forgotten how accession to the throne of the Grand hand ptimp, or have the water pi|H'H ex­ $1.25@1.«0; No. 2, tails, $2.25(82.50; well his father’s friendship sustained Duke Nicholas, the Czarowitz, is ex­ cations of the town itself. posed so that they are constantly freez­ fancy, No. 1, Hats, $1.75(81.85; Alaska, the North in the war of the rebellion. pected from Livadia in a few days. ing up and bursting. No. 1, tails, $1.20@1.80; No. 2, tolls, $1.90 T h e L a d j and th e T ig e r. Among the peasants of Russia he will The theaters and restaurants wera @2.25. P aris , November 2.— Vlctorien flar- be mourned with a deep and abiding closed last evening, hut the streets were F a r m L ife . C okeke —Costa Rica, 22(823'ac ; Rio, 20 sorrow, for was he not the “ peasant as buBy as usual. Crowds stood about dou’s new Greek drama, “ Gismondi,” Prof. Allen Moore says: The farmer (822c; Salvador, 21@2D^c; Mocha, Czar?” None of the grandiloquent titles the places where bulletins from Livadia was brought out with great success at must be so educated that he can see a 20lii @28e ; l’adang Java, 31c; Palembang borne by him was prized bb much by had lieen posted, reading the official an­ him as the one bestowed upon him by nouncement of his Majesty’s death. It the Renaissance theater this evening. grandeur in his vocation not surpassed Java, 20@2Kc; Lahat Java, 23<825c; Ar- his lowly subjects, whose virtues were was reported here last night that the Sara Bernhardt, who had the title part, by any other business. He must live Imckle’s Columbia and Lion, $21.80 per luO-pound case. magnified in him, and whose vices in populace of Moscow, indignant at what enjoyed a great personal triumph. She SALT--Snpply small; Liverpool, 200a, him were entirely lacking. He wiio de­ they Itelieve the malpractice of Dr. Sar- was supported strongly by M. Guitry in aliove the drudgery of farm work and $13; 100s, $14.60; 50s, $15. nies the popularity of the Czar among charjin in the case of Czar, were wreck­ the leading male part of Asmeric. The see that his calling possesses opportuni­ B eans —Small white, No. 1, 3 ^ c per the lowly classes of Russia is blinded by ing the doe tor’s house in that city. The scene is laid in Athens in the fifth cent­ ties not surpassed by any other. The prejudice. His kind acts to them in telegraph offices are crowded with news­ ury. The Queen’s son fails into a pit bustle of the city does not disturb his pound ; No. 2, 3t^c; large white, St^c; pea, 3,'ic; butter, 3)«c; bayou, 3c; Lima, their seasons of plague and famine will paper correspondents seeking to send and is in danger of lieing torn by a tiger. never he forgotten, and to-night in thou­ their reports, and merchants are await­ She promised to marry the man who meditations while planting, cultivating sands and thousands of homes from Vla- ing the latest news from Livadia. The would go to the rescue. Asmeric, the or gathering in. lie can look at the SAN F R A N C I S « » M A R K E T S. divostock on the Pacific to the fortresses arrisons at Cronstadt and St. Peters- son of a nobleman, saves the child, and beautiful (lowers at his feet and there of the Caucasus millions of people, as urg have taken the oath of allegiance is imprisoned by the Queen, who regrets see the pencilings of the Creator of the universe. Every leaf is a hook, and even The vegetable market Is well cleared they kneel before their icons, will pray to the new Czar. her promise. After several love scenes the stones beneath his feet are “ stum­ from the bottom of their hearts for the SWEARI.NO ALI.EOIANCl TO NICHOLAS. and a few more hardships Astneric be­ bling blocks for the ignorant, hut food of summer varieties. Potatoes and on­ repose of the soul of their “ little father.” L i v a d i a , November 2.—Soon after 4 comes her hnsband. for the wise.” If he turns his eyes up­ ions are weak. In fresh fruits the only He was to them as great in soul as tie o’clock yesterday the members of the ward and beholds the candles of night movement is in apples. Grapes are was in stature. H enry R o ch efo rt H entenced. palace guard were marshaled in ths glimmering in the skies, that grandly abundant. Peaches are weaker. The There will be sincere mourning, too, square in front of the place chapel for P aris , November 3.—Two Judges of true line will echo through his soul, in the royal and imperial families of the ceremony of swearing allegiance to butter market is lower except for fancy Seine Assizes, sitting without a jury, to­ “ Tho heavens declare the glory of God, Europe. Not the conventional mourn­ the Czar. They were the first to day pronounced condemnation upon and the firmament showeth His handi­ grades. Eggs are weaker. The poultry ing prescribed by rule, hut the mourning take new the oath. The Grand Dukes were work.” Humanity cannot be encom­ market is dull. Game is higher. Dressed oi little children: for who has not heard the next to swear allegiance, and they Henri Rochefort, sentencing him to passed with grander teachers. No won­ turkeys are in again. oi the annual visits of the Czar to Co­ were followed in the order of precedence three months' imprisonment for having der that the farm has produced the penhagen, the home of hie beloved Cza­ by the high court H ops —The market is qnotoble slow at functionaries, coart published an article in the Intraosige- grandest men the world has ever rina, when, with the children of Em­ officials, per pound, most buyers declin­ unitary officials and civil offi­ ant insulting the judiciary. M. Farjat, known. The farm children must be ed­ perors, Kings and Princes around him, manager of the Intransigeant, was tried ucated to feel that there is a grandeur ing to pay over 6>^c for the better clast ________ he was the biggest child of them all, cials. of offerings. for complicity in the offense, and wae and an honor iu farm life found nowhere joining in their sports and romping with PO L IT IC A L L Y C O N SID E R E D . P otatoes —Early Rose, 30(835«; River acquitted. M. Farjat was tried by a else. ___ _ them like a big boy? Red,30(g35c: Burbanks, 36@40c; Kalinas jury. The anarchists, Paul Kerins, Pon- His death will be a most bitter loss to T h e E f f e c t o f t h e D e a t h U p o n E u r o p e a n get, Cohen, Martin and Dnprat, were Burbanks, 75c@$1.00; sweets, 40(460c. NOTE«. the wife he loved so well that it was a P o l I tin * . O m j n s —Quotable at 30@45c per cent­ condemned in default to twenty years' proverb in Bt. Petersburg that he w as Feed is too high to feed it to any but al. B a l t im o r e , November 3.—In an inter­ imprisonment each at hard labor. “ the only Russian who was true to his Wool.—Spring—year’s fleece, 5@7c per tbe best stock this winter. W a lk in g A round th e W orld. wife.” His home was an ideal one, and view to-day regarding the effect of tbe pound ; »i* to eight months, San Joaquin, If yon think you can starve a calf for all his pleasure was found with his own Czar’s deatli upon European politic« poor, 6(8tlc; six to eight months, San Nxw Y ork , November 3. — Henry family. But as the Csar and not the Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, United Htatee Thomson, who is well built ami aliout 30 a week, then feed well for a week and Joaquin, fair, 6(88c; Humboldt and have it catch up in thrift, you are mis­ man he could be as stern and nnrelent- Ambassador to Great Britain, said: Mendocino, fair, 8(eace was dying, and were prepared j out a cent, and expects to reach thiacity to feed three times. 10c. F a ll— Free Northern, 7@8){e: the most solemn oaths in the great city for it. I have reason to believe and hope Monday morning, remaining in Newark Northern defective, 5(47c; Southern and Have dry, comfortable quarters for all of Knssla, Moscow, bad sworn to main­ that the doctrine of peace, which the meanwhile to earn some money. He j San Joaquin, lightand free,6©tesSouth­ fowls. Even ducks should have a dry tain in its integrity. ! Czar has striven so hard to establish, has already completed 10,384 of the 25,- floor to “ roost ” f?) on. A little straw ern and San Joaquin, defective. 3(44c. Since Tuesday, when the doctors in­ will he followed ont by h h successor. 1 000 miles he set out to walk. He has F lour — Family extraa, $3.10(83.25; formed the Czar there was no longer There was only one line of policy on this lost thirty pounds of flesh since he sprinkled on the floor will help in clean­ bakers’ extras, $3.00@3.10; superfine, liness. room for hope, bis Majesty composedly subject in Russia and that was the started, but is in good health. $2.00(8 2 25. waited for the end, attending to the nec­ Czar's policy. I k'">w of no stropg op­ W heat —Easier; wheat that comes np One who has been successful in raising Peer© and A n a r ch y . essary State and family affairs in the short position to the p-M-'e doctrine in his to the standard is quoted St 81l^(8821»c, hogs thinks that a thoroughbred hoar at intervals of consciousness and freedom ministry, and do n -t think that his T angier , November 3.—The differ­ 2t) cents a pound is cheaper than asernb with 88*)# for a choice article; milling from pain. These were necessarily brief, death Will affect lh-.-atoning affairs, now ences between the Khaemma tribe and at 5 cents. In fact, be says that you can grades. 85.800c; Walla Walla, 75@77)$o the doctors having had recourse to seda­ ezisting fjetween Franca and Russia, or the Sultan of Morocco have teen ar­ hardly pay too much for a first-class boar for fair average, 67)^(872)4« for No. 2 tive# to produce sleep and allay pain. Russia and Germany. Nor will the sad ami 5d<866c for off grade. if you have much use for him. H a k i . s y —No change o b s e r v a b l e . Feed, Wednesday the Crar was still able to be occurrence result in any change la the ranged, and no further trouble is antici­ A humane writer says: Keep the flies fair to good. 76@80c; choice, 82)4 @83$4c; taken to a window of the palace, whence triple alliance in my opinion, fn re­ pated from these tribesmen. The dis­ he gaze-1 out upon the country he loved. gard to his surces-ion tbe devolution of trict of Casa Blanca is in a state of an­ ont of the stables. Close up the cracks brewing, 86(890c. O ats —Tbe market Is dull and heavily The eight passed with all the aggravat­ |.ower will. I think, be carried eutNHct- archy. The trities are fighting among snd tack mosquito bar over the windows. themselves, and several severe battle« This mav cost you a little money and stocked ; milling, $1.0214(81.10; surprise, ing symptoms aDd dry eongh. Dr. Sar- ly in accordance with his polfeiea.” trouble, but it will save you many dollars’ have already occurred. Many tribesmen $1.10(81.15; fancy fee«!, $1.02‘•«(f 1.07)4; eharjln remained in attendance upon IN B IS P A T H E R 'i rO OTSTRFS. have been killed on both sides. The worth of horse flesh. The horses will good to choice, 92)4c<81.00; poor to fair, him throughout the night, only snatch­ pav for it bp doing lots more bard work prisoner« and wounded ar« treated with P a r i s , November I —This evening HSotnOc; black, $115(41.30; rail, $1.10« ing brief Intel vals for sleep la the ante- without fatigue. : there is bat the one absorbing topic o i great severity. 1.20; gray, 87'yc@$1.00. f