O T E A M E H TOLEDO. Makes the round trip daily, except Sunday, be­ tween Dayton and Portland. Leaves Dayton at 5 a. m ; Newberg at 6 a. in., and returning leaves Portland at 2 p. m. OREGONIAN R A IL W A Y DIVISION — AND— PO R TLAN D AND Y A M H IL L R A IL W A Y . Trains arrive at Newberg as follows: North. 8outh. 7 a. m. •12:30 p.m . •12:30 p .m . 6:06 p.m . •E very other day. Passenger and Freight Rates to all points, eau be obtained from C. B. FRISSELL, Agent Newberg. M Local Events. Try the Middleton pickle. Frerik Peach wag in town yegterday. Buy glabwood from Newberg Milling Co. Geo. Tolgon went to Portland tine morn­ ing. Agk your grocer for the Middleton pickle. Best lumber in the county. M illing Co. Newberg Dr. W ill Clark of Ontario, Cal., gpent Sunday in town. Call on A. Pickett, at City Feed Store, for your graes seed. “ Aa old aa i thehilla” and never excell­ ed. “ Tried and proven” is the verdict o f millions. Simmons L iver Regu- i » lator ia the / T P V * o n l y Liver v r C -/ an(j Kidney medicine t o which y o u can pin your faith for a cure. A m i l d laxa­ tive, and purely veg­ etable, act­ ing directly on the Liver and K id ­ neys. T r y it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Than P ills T h e K in g o f L iv e r M e d ic in e s. lator and ran cousclenciously sny It la the kina of all liver medicines, 1 conatder lt a medicine cheat In ltaelf.—Oxo. W. J ack - son , Tacoma, Washington. There will be a partial eclipse of the moon thig evening about 8 o’clock. Mr. and Mre. A1 Harold of Salem were viiiting at Emmor H all’g the first of the week. 50 Cents! F i r s t D o o r W e s t o f D o s t O lllc c , N e w b e r g , O r e g o n . | 1 ,8 0 0 D A I U S O P S H O E S T O S E L E C T F R O M . L o w Shoes. Button Shoes. I,ace Shoes. Is an expression often heard, but we have yet to meet the person w h o has In a l l K in d s o f L e a t h e r a n d d o t h f o r M is s e s a n d d i i l i l r e n . M en and B ov’s Shoes, Boots and Tennis Shoes. received any at that price. Y e t m any articles in our store are being sold at prices that are low er than some goods have ever sold. CLOTH MADE UP TJ^££F1 b Y MEN TAILORS W e are trying to help you over the hard times. DO Y O U CO M PARE PRICES? IF NO T, W H Y NOT? Hats, Caps, Shirts, ’lies, Ready Made Clothing and Underwear. Accordions, T oilet Cases, Balls, Games, etc. Ledgers, Day Books, Paper, etc. Shoo Polish and Brushes. B O U G H T W IT H C A S H A W A Y D O W N A N D SO LD D IT T O . Th e Best Is T h e Cheapest. ARE YOU HUNGRY? G o T o W I L S O N ’ S G R O C E R Y arul tverythinc GET SOMETHING TO EAT! Frosh > Clean. See our low priced Gingham s— 7 and 8 cents. Granulated Sugar— per sack, 80.50. W e sell nearly one ton per w eek. GOOD AS TIIE-BEST. 11 h a ve used you rS lm m on s L iv e r 1 Cyrua Hoskins hag a full force of bande working at big dryer. One dozen photographg cabinet size, extra finish, for $1.50 at Smith'g gallery. GOLD Barrie & Barrie, D EPO T LUM BER YARD. W . IE3. H E A G O G K , Coffee— Arbuekle, Lion, Faultless— your choice, 25 cents. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors and Windows, Brackets, B a a the Z Stamp l a red on w rapper. 5 gallon keg Pickles— 70 cents. Turning.. Shingle,, Lath, Pickets, Lime, Sau.l, Glass, Nalls ami a!l kin,Is o ( Buil.llng Mate rial and builders’ Hardware. N ew bera, O regon Try the Middleton pickle. L arge stock o f Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, etc. «-E V E R Y P A C K A G E 'S » Win. Allen has started his dryer. Pumps, pipe and fittings at Storey’s. The G r a p h ic office for first class jo b Charley C. Johnson waa the artiat that work. erected the awning in front of the city Harlon Ong was over from Scott’s Mills feed atore. last week. Mra. Bradshaw of The Dalles, a sister Miss Lelia Littlefield was at Portland of Dr. Littlefield, visited him Monday Monday. and Tuesday. F. H. Storey has on hand all sizes of Mrs. J. H. Harrisa has returned with the largest stock of millinery goods ever Iron Pipe. brought to Newberg. Newberg Milling Co. successors to Dor- Edgar and Mias Iluldah Cox of Salem rance Bros. visited at J. F. Osborn’s and Calvin Stan­ Tin lamps, tin flues and incubator sup­ ley’s the first of the week. plies, at Storey’s. W h ile we name the lowest prices we guarantee our goods in every particular. M O R R IS & M IL E 8 . Newberg Nursery, H A . K . C O O P E R & CO. We take this plan to inform tho public that we are hotter than ever prepared to sup­ ply the trade this Fall in the lino of a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRUIT TREES. Butties desiring to sot orchards tills Fall will make money by calling on or cones Try the Middleton pickle. Pres. Newlin is expected home today. Timothy and clover hay at City Feed Store. E S T IM A T E S FOR W A T E R W O R K S. FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE. 100 Acres, In T ra c ts to suit, o f from 3 to 10 acres each. All partly improved Good locality, from to 2 miles from Newberg. The committee appointed by the coun­ Terms easy. Cheap for cash. E dmund R obinson cil to examine the water supply, right of Springbrook, Or. ponding with us before placing their orders. T h e W a t e r C o m m itte e M e e t * a n d H o u g h O u t lin e s D r a w n lip . Mr. and Mra. J. H. Harrisa returned Ed Holt moved into the old Deskins’ Ask your grocer for the Middleton Wednesday and will make Newberg their property Tuesday. pickle. ‘ way, and to get an estimate of the cost permanent home hereafter. The Weekly Oregonian and th e G r a p h - See Newberg M illing Co. for all kinds of water works met Messrs. II. Orchard The Salvation Army is holding meet* ic one ¡ne yeai year for $2.50. i and Judge D. J. Switzer, water works con- inga in the dry house on the Wilson / ' b o b s — ' To Mrs. Hattie West, Tuesday, of lumber. Parker & Inglis are rustling for trade j tractors of Portland. Tuesday morning, ranch, near Yerger’s ferry. September 11, a girl. j Tire committee, consisting of Jesse Ed­ and are getting it. Frank Milla left Monday morning for II. Skinner’s fruit dryer is running wards, II. D. Fox and D. Tubman, pro- For a good wearing comfortable shoe Practical Surveyor, is prepared to survey, sub­ Butteville where he baa the contract to to its fullest capacity. , cured a rig and drove out to the spring divide and plat Farms, Fruit Tracts or Town call on G. M. Bales. dig a well at the new school house. Lots oil short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. near Alf. .Moore’s and then to Snyder’s Government Charley Mitchell and Emmor Ilall laud located. The Weekly Oregonian and the G r a ph ­ spring, near Chehalem Center. In the The Salvation Army will move into the started their dryer Monday. N kw berq , O regon . ic one year for $2.50. Hardwick building the first of next week | afternoon they drove out to the David Squire Hadley was out posting bills for and will open Wednesday evening. Miss Margaret Williams will teach the i spring and the fish pond. They made u the Newberg fair yesterday. Brisbine school the coming winter. J O B P R IN T IN G . j thorough investigation in regard to the You can’t afford to steal from your See Mrs. J. H. Harries’ new stock of neighbor’s clothes line when you can buy City Feed Store for flour and all kinds ■ quantity and quality of water and eleva- Fall and Winter Millinery in Armory Hall If you want Posters, i tion above town. a good work shirt for 40c. or a pair of of feed. A. P ic k ett , Prop. block. If you want Envelopes, pants for 75c. from Parker & Inglis. The David spring was considered the G. M. Bales the shoemaker keeps in If you want Bill Heads, Prof. C. E. Lewis filled the pulpit at i largest one of the four, although the Sny- The baggagemaster that runs on the Cork If you want Statements, the Friends church at Middleton last stock a fine line of shoe dressing. | der and fish pond springs are but little, if I f you want Letter Heads, morning train asked for a college cata­ soles constantly on hand. Sunday. I f you want Note Heads, [ any, smaller. An estimate was made of logue the other day, saying that he had a Mrs. Vannie Martin and Mrs. Mary I f you want Wedding Cards, Prof. J. J. Jessup done missionary the capacity of the David spring and it brother that intended to come here this Edwards spent Thursday of last week in j I f you want Business Curds, work for Pacific college at Sherwood last j was found to he about two gallons per winter. I f you want Programs, the vicinity of Dayton in the interests of i Saturday. second, or 172,800 gallons per day, enough If yon want Circulars, W e hereby serve notice on all parties Pacific College. If you want Sale Bills, for a city of 30,000 people. For instance In order to make room the Newberg using legal blanks that they need not go Sir. and Mrs. L. G. H ill and Mr. and the pumping plant of the Itoseberg city I f you want Pamphlets, Milling Co. will sell slab wood for 25c. farther than the G raphic office for sup­ I f you want Labels, Mrs. Ab. Hill were at McMinnville Sun-1 water works has a capacity of only 17,- per load during the next 30 days. I f you want tags, plies. W e will keep a full supply of all day to w itness the unveiling of the Wood­ 000 gallons. Tlio springs at the fish I f you want anything on earth in the Missos Dora Cummins and Anna kinds on band. men monument. pond are nearly on a level with the town line of printing, call on the G raphic . Thompson of Tualatin were in town yes Lt. Brown was at Dayton last Sunday Charley Spaulding sent a crew of ten and would require a pumping plant, and terday making arrangements to attend night swearing in recruits to the Salva­ men up to Wheatland island Wednesday the one at Alf. Moore’s is hardly large j college. Awarded tion Army. Comrades from Newberg to cut limber for the Newberg Milling enough and they uro virtually out of the Dr. L. M. Davis and wife of Portland H ighest Honors— W orld’s Fair. and Dundee were present and took an ac Co’s mill. Billy McLaughlin is foreman, question. visited J. S. Baker's last Sunday. Dr. live part in the services. Either one of the others can be reached Mrs. J. H. Ilarriss has returned with a Davis is a member of the Portland city Grant W iley, who has been working full line of Fa'I and Winter Millinery, and with three miles of pipe. The estimates council from Albina. with a bridge gang on the Union Pacific, by Messrs. Orchard & will have a grand opening next Monday, submitted Howard Williams has sold his team to arrived borne Monday evening. He will Tuesday and Wednesday, 17th, 18th and Switzer are based on procuring the water Canby Heston, and has been making probably go to California in a few days to supply from either the Snyder or David 19th, to which all are cordially invited. daily trips to Portland, trying to find work on a new road there. f k horse belonging to Smith Bros, springs. They contemplate a mile of a another one to put on the trucks. The farmer has to sell his stock cheap left standing in front of Mount’s Wednes­ cheap grade two inch pipe to the reset voir Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford came and it is cheap meat that yuu want, while day, became frightened and ran down and two miles of four inch pipe to the it is vour money I want. Take advant­ home from Sodaville last Sunday. Mr. First street, the remains of the buggy corner of First and Meridian streets age of the supposed short life of the Cen­ Crawford is as much in love with the The reservoir is to have a capacity of 125,- was gathered up in a basket. tral Meat Market and buy meat at hard healing qualities of the water as ever. 000 gallons, and an elevation of 200 feet. Miss Mattie Stratton came home last times prices. J . S. B a k e s . W e have just received a shipment of The committee held an informal meet­ Thursday from Tillamook, where she has ing Tuesday evening and a rough outline W ill Jessup sports a "fo x y ” team these Domestic Sewing Machines. Needles of been teaching a summer school. She of the proposed system was drawn up. days— a couple of bunchgrassers. They all kinds, machine oil, etc. Call and ex will probably return next week and take J. H. T o w n s e n d . It provides for 13,000 feet of four inch have kept Jessup pretty busy watching amine. charge of the same school during the win­ MOST PERFECT MADE. pipe, 10,530 feet of three inch, 10,600 feet them, the blacksmith mending the wagon If yon want a pump go to Storey’s. He ter. i two inch, ten fire dydrants, 000 feet of A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free and the harness maker hag lost sleep fix­ handles the best made, fits them up him­ Bran 75c. per hundred. Bran and hose, hose cart, 100 gate valves and noz­ from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. ing up harness. self and guarantees them to satisfy you. 4 0 YEARS THE STANDARD. shorts mixed 80c. Shorts 85c. Chop 85c. zles. It also provides for the excavation Farm in Washington to trade for Ore­ Galvanized pipe and fittings always on Barley chop 90c. Flour 70c. per sack. for the reservoir and trenches for the hand. gon land or town property. 320 acres, in Deliveries made anywhere inside the city mains, and will cost in the neighborhood F o r Main. 8pokane county, twenty-six miles south­ Kinlev Blair, Alf. Blair and Charley limits. Leave orders at post office. of $11,000. The plans for piping the town Forty acres of land for salo. For price west Spokane City. Open to extensive Cavill of Middleton left last Saturday J. D. T a r r a n t A Co. «re as follows, the corner of First and and oilier information call at this office. ontside range. Call on or address morning for the Cascade mountains. The Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. have Meridian being ihe place of beginning: t3 E. M. H opson , Newberg, Or. They will go up to the Molalla country F o r S a l«. From the corner of First and Meridian sent a bicycle horn and a Now Departure hunting and prospecting. Pacific College opens for the fall term’s to First and Main, a four inch pipe. A farm of 250 acres, 4 '8" miles north­ Bell to he offered as premium ’ n the bi­ work next Tuesday the 18th. Enroll­ A special carrying the general officers From First and Main to Carter’s store, west of Newberg. For particulars inquire ment, classification and assignment of of the Southern Pacific went through cycle races at the fair. They have ar­ a three inch. at this office. From First and Main to Fifth, a two lessons during the afternoon beginning at town Tuesday morning like a cyclone. rived too late for the programs, but they inch. F o r B ale. two o’clock. On Wednesday morning, The supposition is thst the road and de­ are here and will be given to the fastest From Morris A Miles’ store to Ed­ man in some of the races. Ten acres of land. W ill make a No. 1 chapel exercises at 8 :45 and regular rec­ pot was all right at this place. wards’ house, a three inch. From First down Meridian to Fifth, a fruit and chicken ranch. Has living I itation work beginning at 3 o’clock. Irving W. Larimore, physical director The W. F. M. S. of the Friends church two inch. water. One acre cleared. Fenced on j R. H. Tyson of the Middleton pickle will hold their regular meeting in the of Y . M. C. A., Des Moines, Iowa, says From Meridian down Third to Parker’s three .ides. W ill take a hack or good I At lie can conscientiously recommend Cham­ house, a three inch. factory was in town last week with a sam­ church on next Saturday at 3 :30. 14 A. E. Moomt. From Bank down River street to corpo­ horse as part pay. ple of the German or Dill pickle put np which a lesson will be given on “ Syste­ berlain’s Pain Balm to athletes, gym ­ by him. Experts pronounce it the finest matic G iving,” also a letter will be read nasts, bicyclists, football players and the ration line, a two inch. From River street, east on Second to Salvation Armv meeting at Barracks on flavored pickle on the market. The fac­ from Anna Moon telling of their journey profession in general for bruises, sprains, corporation line, a two inch. ! First street as follows: Tuesday for Hol- and dislocations; also for soreness and tory consumes 200 tons of cucumbers, 40 and safe arrival on Kake Island. From Meridian on Sheridan to school dier Converts and Recruits; Wednesday, tons of cabbage, 20 tons of tomatoes ami W hile in Chicago, Mr. Charles L. Kah- stiffness of the muscles. When applied house, a three inch From «rhool house to Washington street ' Public; Friday, Holiness, for Christians 30 tons of small white onions each sea-1 ler, a prominent shoe merchant of Des before the parts become swollen it will a two inch. I on ly ; Saturday eve, Public; Sunday, all effect a cure in one half the time usually eon. Requiring 40 acres of land to pro- j Moins, Iowa, had quite a serious time of It also includes 5,000 feet of two inch, day, commencing with 7 a. in., knee drill, dnee the cucumbers, alone. j ¡t. He took such a severe cold that he required. For sale hy A. T. IIill. additional, to be placed where the coun­ Holiness meeting I I a. m . Family Gath­ The feed pipe running from the boiler could hardly talk or navigate, but the At the Methodist church, on Friday cil may direct at the time. ering at 3 p. in and Grand Free ami Easy to the engine, on the steamer Aneita, prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Rem- evening, the Rev. Mark Noble and J. H. Of course the above is preliminary, as in the evening. Everybody welcome. bursted Monday morning. The steamer edy cured him of his cold eo quickly Townsend will discuss the affirmative, nothing can lie decided until the council L t . Geo. W . B r o w n , in Charge. had been chartered by Jesse Edwards to 1 that others at the hotel who had had and O. C. Emery and J. G. Hadley f i x j K t i on tha qiin tion , asii bondi ir e sold. The regular subscription price of Tim carry brick to Butteville and she was 'colds followed his example and half a negative of the eqnal suffrage question It does not include water rights, right of G raph ic is $1.50 and Ihe regular sub­ coming up fo. Ihe second load when the dozen persons ordered it from the nearest Opportunity will tie given for each man way, or damages that may tie brought scription price of The Weekly Oregonian accident happened. No other damagt- drugstore. They were profuse in their and woman present to occupy five min­ against the town. Although it will serve is $1.50. Any one subscribing for Tine was done except several men were fright­ thanks to Mr. Kaliler for telling them utes in giving a reason for their opinions as a bases to work upon in case the board G r a p h ic ami paying one year in advance how to cure a bad cold so quickly. For on this absorbing question. Music and decide to let Ihe contract. The cost of ened almost to the point of jumping into can get both T i ik G r a p h ic ami The Week- other exercises. Come and be instructed the land surrounding the spring, the the river. It is reported that she was sale hy A. T. H ill, druggist. /y Oregonian one year for $2 50. All old The new schooi house at Butteville is and entertained. carrying 190 pounds of steam, while she | amount of damages claimed hy pro|>erty ,„ ,.¡„ 3 tllBir subscription* for is only tested to 133. ' to be a large and commodious building vp. r ¡n w|¥anc, wii| 1* entitled to It is understood that Graham Bros., owners effected hy loss of water and the The new monument erected by the There will be two rooms on the first owners oi the handsome river steamers right of way will have everything to do | dtp same offer. 1 I Woodmen over the grave of Elijah Funk floor 25x32, a cloak room lO x n '^ , a li­ Altona and Ramona, wili run both these in the matter of procuring tho water sute A. M. Bailey, a well known citizen rf in the Masonic cemetery at McMinnville brary 10x17',. * n entrance IfixlO; the crafts on the upper river during the com­ ply. Eugene, Oregon, says his wife lias f ir second floor is the same except there will was publicly unveiled last Sunday after­ Messrs. Orchard A Switzer claim that ing winter and spring, and by so doing years Is-en troubled with chronic diarrleea noon at 3 o’clock. The ceremonies were be a recitation room in place of library will make dailv runs beta-pen Halsm and if the mains are buried two feet under snd used many remedies with little relief ¡n charge of the Newberg camp and was and entrance, and S3 feat to top of flag Portland. This is an encouraging out­ ground the water wdl he as cool at sny until she tried Chamberlain's Colic, staff. The boose is to b» a frame struct­ largely attended. Those present from New- look for the boating season on the W il­ point in town as st the spring. They Cholera and Diarrtms Remedy, which borg were Frank Storey. L M. Parker, ure, colored glass windows, gables of fan­ lamette, and with the other boats will catne well recommended as business Dave Lamb. Calvin Stanlev, Frank cy shingle work The honse wilt cost keep things likely at the dorks. The Al- men of integrity and amply able to carry ha* cored her sound and well. Give it a trial and yon will lie surprised at Ihe Hoheon, A. C. Cox. Lewis Hoskin«, S. about $3,(100, and to to finished hy € . Calkins. O C Emery, O. M. Bales. Thanksgiving. T. A. Johnson of Salem lona and Ramona are noar (dying between out any und-'rtak.ng thi y may assume, prompt relief it affords. 25 and 53 cent and ti.eir estimates may tie relied upon. Oregon City and Portland. L. G. H ill and Ab. Hill. is the contractor. bottles for sale hy A. T. Ilill, druggist. If they were bidding npon s plant of Ihe Legal blanks of all kinds at this office. above de-rripfjon it is |s>-sible that they Pow der might come down a thousand or so. The Full stock kept on hand and sold at the Dr. P rice’s Cream B a k in g Pow der Dr. Price’s Cream B a k in g Pow der Dr. Price’* Cream WorO a Fair tliglKft Medal act Diploma. 1 AwarJsd Gold MeU; Midwmwr Fair, San Frmcaco. ' estimate is none too high at least. i lowest prices. World's Fair Highest Award. S U R V E Y IN G . F. A. ELLIOTT, im S M IT H C O M M E R C I A L LIVERY S TAB LE. First-ciass Rigs on short notice. O ur prices are the lowest in town. G IV E TJ8 A C A L L . J. S. HOLT & CO. r y 5 13 Goods, Groceries. Prices suitable to all classes o f Purchasers. D R E SSM A K IN G . D U ’ (Just uortli o i Rank o f Newhcrg.) j Latest Styles, Prices Eeasonablo. W ill purchase dress goods, trlmnilugs and .1' IhidiugH when desired. M rs. M c D a n ie l. w CREAM Cash Meat Marke! B A K IN G N U M B B aking 13 R OS . , PROPRIETORS OP THE WE WK PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Shortness of Breath, Swell­ ing of Le"S and f-*eet. “ F o r about four years I waa trou­ bled w ith palpitation o f th e heart, shortness o f breath and sw ellin g o f th e legs and feet. A t tim es I would faint. I was treated hy the In st phy­ sicians in .Savannah, Ga., w ith no re­ lief. I then tried various Springs, w ith ou t benefit. F in ally I tried D r . M ile s ’ H e a r t C u re SELL FOR H I V FOR a C M L y i Y k M l . WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION GOOD SETT AND Austin & Stanley. t^ P U IN G B R A N C H Poultry Yard N e w b k ik i , O rkocn . Wyandottes a Specialty, also his N e rv e and L iv e r Pills. A f­ T h e liest and most popular t-rco'i. ter beginning to take. Hum I ftU Utter! I continued takin g them and I urn now F-ggs for sale at $2 per setting o f 15. In b etter health than to r many years. I <’1*11 on or address, ¡3 H o b B O R . Since m y recovery I have gained fifty pounds in w eight. I hope this state­ m ent may be of value to some poor sufferer. ” W H Y NOT? E. B. SU TT O N , Wayn Station, O v Dr. M iles' H ea rt Cure Is notit on a posttlvs gnaranu-n th at the Urst b o tlle w ill henoflt. A lld r u x g b u a s p lllta t .il, 6 bottles fort.'., or I Ye*, wiiv no! ti«e home remedies >vhn It w ill bo sent, prepaid, on receip t o f prl- o by Hie Itr. Allies Medlcul Co., Elkhart. Inrt : they cannot \ hs excelled? Sold by all Dniggi3ts. o ü ses A T o r p id Dr. Wm. E llis’ Liniment hr»« never l*»eii excelled for many t hinge. It «Miro« Carcera (if applied in lime Can­ cer Warta, Tumor* in the fleah of iuhii * u I l**ar*t, remove« lump« from flic l*onc ; cure« Corne and Dindon«, Fitful* on lnm i e«, bite* and m I ì i ^ m of f*oi»nnoiiK inject « etc. If fa good for Rhoum»tti«m, .Wnrul­ lila, T»x)ih uclie, Sprain*, Brniae*, I'lenri- and ail hc I ich iin'1 piona of tho I mx ’ v , and almost invariably take« the place the nurgron*« knife in n w of tumor a oi< It doe« not eat ite w a y , and leave« n. «car. H E AD A F E W T E S T IM O N IA LS One botti« o f Pr. Wm. Ellin'* Liuiuf-nt •*< moved it large tumor from my boy’s» nvek. a in «•even y e » n treatment with other nonelle-. with no benefit. G f . orgk CuKvvrii. Home, Urecne Co , To tin . July. 14*2 on e Finali liottJe o f Pr. Wm. E li!» I inPnent eure .'I a severe pain In my »»id** which ha»l can fled me much miTerlii*. Newberg, Oregon, 1W3. K cnick S hi j . t *. One bottle o? Pr Wm. Elite'« Liniment mre* very bud bunion* on my feet, o f four >i*ar* Mainline J I» B e u l Newberg, Oregon, June l.c03L fo r tale « t C. F. Moore A Co.*6 drug «tore, and at my home, at t enta per Uittk*. or hy mail at 00 cent« per l utti#. Sold by A T. H ill. D ELPH I N A E. E L L IS , N e w b e rg , O - r fo * ’ ,