COIN FISHIN. ‘ California State Analyst. * V V X VW W * V V ^ W *W \ vV\W VV\AW V^\WVW»W\ W \ vv\ W \ W» W % W \ W \W \W «W % Royal Baking Powder is Superior to all in Purity and Strength. “ For purity and care in preparation the Royal Baking Powder equals any in the market, and our test shows that it has greater leavening power than any o f which we have any knowledge.” Prof. Chemistry, University of California, A n a lys t California S ta te Board o f Health, etc., etc. X / V / V -f c / V / V ■ W 'V X z -v / v V \ A W \ % V \W % V \A W \VV\W %W \W \ W \ W \W \W \ W % V W w\ wvw. No careful housekeeper can afford to use any baking powder but Royal. Keep fteddy, boy, an h aul a w a y — IVe've got a dandy school. W h en ilsh U like they a ir today. W e 'v e got to take 'em cool. bui>i>oee ye be some hungry, tad. Jen' now that ain't no sign; Vo w ouldn't mention gru b, 'f ye bad A halibut on yer line. W a a l, this ts sum ptbin like. 1 row. 1 hope we’U sw am p the boat! Don't look so skeered: I guess the sco » W o n 't de no worse’n float. T h a t's well! You really beat the Detch: T h at cod is extry flue! N ow pay her out ag'ln, an ketch A halibut on yer line. M l 1 a m ye. If 1 kin, the way To gaff the largest ones: Bo git s lot o' line to pay, N o odds how fa r It runs. A n w hen ye feel a mighty haul— by Jingo! There goes mine! The satan grabbed my bait an a ll— A halibut on my line! There, now. I'll shet right up, an you M uat do the bes’ ye kin; I K bait another hook or two A n cast ’em In ag'in. X glas it’s bes’ to throw yer bait A n set an hump yer spine— Y ou've got to watch yer chance, an wait Yer halibut ou yer line. — Yankee Blade. THE THREE GIFTS. “ Madam," said the queen, “ 1 have a favor to ask of you. Sell me the rose tree which bears these roses. I w ill give you wliatever you may demand for it." But the mother answered: "M uch hon­ ored queen. I cannot do this with my rose tree. I cannot sell it. Only one thing I can do, if you are willing. You have a prince, and I will bestow it on the prince, to have it for his own and to keep it honored and loved as if it were a living princess." "Y o u r wish shall be granted, madam, •o that we may only have the rose tree in the palace, and you may come with it and live near us also." “ I have no wish for that, your m aj­ esty. My rose tree is the only thing 1 care for. I wish that to be happy, for it is all 1 have to love in the world. Swear to me by the life of your son that it shall be as you say.” “ I swear to you by the life o f my only son that the tree which brings forth these roses shiill be honored in this palace as i f it were a real living princess.” “ May God grant you a long life, my queen. Come by yourself tomorrow, and take away the rose tree from my house.” The ball took place in the evening, and all wonderedut tho queen's roses. Where had she found them? It was quite a mar vel 1 Such (lowers in the middle o f win ter! Tho next lflom ing the queen lost nc time before going to secure the rose tree. When the prince heard o f tho agreement which his mother bad made with the woman he jumped for joy and got a golden vase ready in the palace in which the rose tree was to be planted. The queen and the princo went together in a gold chariot, und stopping before the humble cottago where the mother aud dwelt they alighted. The mother had mentioned nothing to her daughter, ex­ cept that the queen kindly intended tc come in person to thank her for the gift o f roses. As soon ns tho mother and daughter went out to receive the royal visitors, the daughter, as sho bent down to kiss the queen’s hand, smiled merely from a grateful feeling, und a rose fell from her month. Tho queen at first did not un­ derstand how this came to pass, but the prince ran immediately to pick it up to give to his mother, and the g irl behold­ ing him smiled again in her great joy when the second rose fell. A t one and the samo moment the queen and tho prince understood it all. The queen became very angry, because she remembered directly tiiat she was bound by her oath to receive the fril l as a daughter-in-law. Sho turned, how­ ever, to look at her again, wheu she saw that the g irl was really so very beauti­ ful and so very good that without a mo­ ment's longer reserve Bhe threw her arms around her, saying aloud as she kissed her: "Y o u are a poor girl no longer, but a princess henceforth. You shall come and live in our palace, you and your mother also." “ N ow that it has all turned out ox actly as you wished it,” she added, ad­ dressing tl;o mother, “ tell me, lady co- mother-in-law. Low your daughter ac­ quired so great a charm as to shower roses from her mouth whenever she laughs." The mother immediately told her all about the fairies and their three prom­ ised gifts to her daughter when sho was nil infant, and how the first and the last promise had both como true. "T h e second has not taken place then," said the queen, with some curiosity; “ how was it that did not happen, for, j>oor as you were, had jiearls fallen from her eyes you could huve sold them?” “ That did not happen,” answered the mother, “ because I never made her weep. I sought only to see her happy and smiling, preferring to live poor in my daughter's gladness than to become rich by her grief." When tho queen heard tht se words she embraced and kissed her, saying, "Y o u have indeed been a good mother, and it is an honor to a queen to make you her co-mother-in-law." Tho girl, who had listened to all that her mother had said, was now so over­ come by her emotion that her eyes filled with tears and tw o large pearls rolled down. The princo stooped to pick them up. These are not tears of sorrow,” he said. “ They are tears o f joy. I will take them and have them made into ear rings, and you shall wear them on the day on which you become my princess.” —Translated for Cassell Publishing Com­ pany From the Greek by Mrs. Edmonds. TBS LAUD or B O W 'S P R O M IS E n i f nty Weet, tht Und that “ w it* s hoe laughs a harvest f 9 the E l Dorado of th » miner; ihe goal of the agricultural «migrant. W h ile It teems with all the element« of wealth and prosperity, tome of the faireat and moat fruitful portion« of It bear a harvest of malaria reaned iu l u fullness by those unprotected by a medicinal safeguard. N o one seeking or d w e ll­ ing in a m alarial locality Is safe from the scourge without Hostetter’» Stomach Bitters Emigrants, bear this in mind. Commercial travelers sojourning In malarious regions should carry a bottle of the Bitters In the traditional gripsack. Against the effects of exi*osure, men ral or bodily overwork, dump and unwholesome food or water, It Is #n infallible defense. Con­ stipation, rneumatism, biliousness, dyspepsia, nervousnesH and loss of strength sre all reme­ died by this genlsl restorative. Is W e offer One Hundred Dollars’ reward for say oaseof catarrh that cannot be oured by H all • Catarrh Cure. F. J C H E M T A C0.( Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney for the last fifteen veers, and believe nlm perfectly honorable in ell business transaction» and financially able to carry out a n » obligations B ade by their firm. W EST A T R I A L . Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. W AL1H NG , K IN N A N A M A R V IN , Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hell s Catarrh cure is taken Internally, acting directly u pos the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Prlee 71 i cent» per bottle. Sold by all druggists. jvercome by the h u t or extraordinary ixartion, tha phviical system, like a mu- thin«, need, to bs renovated and repaired, fha blood needs to be purified and inrigor* H o o d ’s I C u r e s Sarsa­ parilla tt«d and the n«rveiaud mug. ;l*t strength­ ened by Hood’s l a r s . p a r l l l a , _____________ H o o d ’s P i l l * cure a il liv e r Ills. 25c. Progressive Literature, W. K. J o k es . 291 Alder street, Portland, Or. P R E P A R A T IO N S . CALKINS ELEGIRIG OIL BURNER A llco ck ’ s P orous P laster is composed Da. C. E. G eig e r cures catarrh, throat and o f purely vegetable ingredients, and is ab­ lung diseases, etc. Medicine by mall or express. Third and Morrison, Portland, Oregon. solutely harmless. It assists nature in her own efforts to heal and invigorate, and im- Use ff nameline Stove Polish: no dost, no smell parts strength to the whole system. Many preparations contain strong chem­ T by G e r m s a for breakfmst. ical and mineral substances which produce an injurious effect, not only upon the skin, but upon the whole system, although at first they seem very beneficial, on account of their powerful action and temporary ef- j feet upon the surface. When purchasing a plaster do not only ask for A llcock ’ s , but make sure that you get it. B ban d b e tu ' s P il l s are purely vegetable. For a book agent to sell his own su te b lo g rs-1 _ _ _ _ _ whi ch creates auappettt., remove«that tired ieellnaand «rives •, sound, refreshing sleep. GET HOOO'S. - i f ____ aJ H R i Impression that they cannot be on time without a stimulant and a 9250 watch. If the names don ’t get any worse than W el- H ai-W el, the proof readers w ill be happy. D A N O E K O lii Weak and Weary T H IS I Portland Academy T HE G R E A T FUEL SAVER. o m e - m a d e g ah p e r f e c t e d a t last. No dirt, no ashes, no odor, no danger. A perfect method of generating and burning gas from petroleum oil. For heating and cooking. Fits any stove; also adapted for furnaces,steam heaters and grates. Absolutely khi e. N o possi­ bility of exp.osion and cheaper than any other fuel. Call aud exam ine the latest inven'iou. Agents wanted in every town and county in Califoruia, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. For circulars address H A poor woman gave birth to a daugh­ phy is “ taking hi» life iu his own hands.” ter. Her husband had died a few days THE DELUGE. before the babe was born, so that she Portland’« mighty flood ia over, was alone in the world and quite deso­ B it it« memory linger« still, A n d its strange, fantaati • features W ill open September 21. Prepares for college. late. A ll her love, therefore, centered Many a future tale w ill till. Gives advanced English course. npon this child, and clad as she was in H ow the water» rising rising, Now prepared to receive boarders as w sll as HE IS QUITE UP TO DATE. TIGHT LACING IN ENGLAND. GALKINS’ ELECTRIC BURNER COMPANY, day scholars. For catalogue address Oldest pioneers surprising, widow's weeds she clasped it fondly in P a c if ic C oast A g b n c t , PORTLAND ACADEM Y. Crept a mile before they fell, D r . N ic o la * M u r r a y ISutler, P re sid e n t o f the W h a t Som e W o m e n 1’iid e r g o lu O r d e r t«i her arms. And submerged that part of Portland i 191 Eleventh street, Portland, Or. • t S L a r k i n S t r e e t , S an F r a n c is c o . N a t io n a l E d u c a tio n a l Association. W here its business Interests dwell. H a v e S m a ll W a ists. On the third day after its birth three Purchasers of the Northrop A Sturgis Com­ Tho National Educational association, A representative was sent to interview fairies, who greatly commiserated her pany’» pure, strong, delicious Flavoring Extracts which lias been in existence for 40 years the most prominent corset makers. » cure un elegantly Illustrated Souvenir of the came to visit her, and seeing how beau historic flood FREE. and numbers among its members the “ I am reputed,” one o f them said, "to ti/ul the infant was and how innch tho ( 4 C U A r IS T H C BEST, most eminent, uctivo and progressive edu­ have the I ;!itest lacing customers in g o e rlW fa N O S a U E A K IN O . mother loved it they promised it three cators In this country, recently closed at A S S I S T N A T U R E #5. C O R D O V A N , Asbury Park one of tho most successful London, and I think that some o f the good gifts. a little now and then, Fall term commences September 3,1894. Com FR£NCH& ENAMELLED CALF Tho first fairy, touching it with her and interesting conventions in Its history waists my corsets encircle would be hard with a gentle, cleans­ meroial course, Shorthand course and two years’ FlNECALf&KANGAWa golden wand, said, “ The day that she is ing laxative, thereby English course. Send for catalogue. by electing Dr. Nicolas Murray Butler to beat. Do you know,” she continued 9 3.5? POLICE,3 S oles . removing offending president. Dr. Butler was one of the most " I think that some o f my customers 12 years old a rose shall fall from her matter from the stom­ prominent figures at tho convention, and positively like the sensations produced mouth every time she laughs.” ach aud bowels, and encing quite a “ boom ” because of the remark­ It is recorded that when ho delivered tho by tight lueing, or they would never The second fairy then touched it with toning up and invigo­ able successes of Miss May Cook, both in Europe * 2 A 7-5 B oys S chool S hoei uddresa of welcome to tho delegates on bo lake all the pains they do to get thin, her golden wand. “ The day that she is rating toe Hver and and fn the East, as a concert pianist. For thor­ -L A D IE S - half of tho New Jersey state board of edu­ such as dieting and sleeping in corsets, 12 years old," she said, "e v e ry timo she quickening its tardy ough methods this school is unsurpassed. cation ho was faultlessly dressed In sum as some of them do.” ¡action, and you there­ weeps pearls shall fall from her eyes. mer garments of tho stylo most affected b y remove the cause ^ .S E N D FOR CATALOG UE "Sleeping in corsets?" I exclaimed. And lastly the third fairy, with golden __ of a multitude of dis­ by modish young men at tho seaside. Ho W *L * DOUGLAS* "Oh, yes; a good many, and especially tressing diseases, such as headaches, indiges­ wand, also touched her, saying, "B efore Is u man who belles tho truditional opin­ BROCKTON, MASS. tion, biliousness, skin diseases, boils, carbun­ ion that Intellect and stylo do not mate. young ladies, do; un opera stay or riding your 18th year has passed a prince shall A N D T Y P E W R I T I N G O F F I C E . You can s a v e m on ey b y w e a r i n g tho cles, piles, fistulas and maladies too numerous IIo belongs to tho young generation of col- one is a favorite make for tho purpose marry you, and you shall become a prill W . L . D o u g la s $ 3 . 0 0 S h o e . Thorough system and Instruction ; good teach to mention. logo professors, possessing keen discrimi­ Let me think. Yes! The largest pair cess." eis; low terms; short time; positions to com R e ea n e e , w e are the largest manufacturers of I f people would pay more attention to petents. Mall orders carefully end promptly this grade of shoes In the world, and guarantee their nating powers of mind, tho g ift of oratory t ( corsets I have made had a waist meas­ properly regulating the action of their bow­ attended The mother listened to all these pro­ to. For further p a rtic u la r call on or value by stamping the name and price on the and a magnetic personality. els, they would have less frequent occasion urement o f 35 inches. The sm allest- bottom, which protect you against high prices and address E D IT H A. BR O W N , to call for their doctor’s services to subdue Dr. Butler lives in Paterson and Is an well, you won't believe me, jierhaps, but mises, and her heart rejoiced exceeding the middleman’s profits. Our shoes equal custom 42 Ham ilton Building, Portland, Or. ly. She was very, very poor, but she attacks of dangerous diseases. work la style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. active member of tho Now Jersey state 121 inches was the size. No. I don't W e have them sold everywhere at lower prices for That, of all known agents to accomplish brought up her daughter as well as sho board of education. Ho Is dean of tho the value given than any other make. Take no sub­ this puri>ose, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets think she'll lie able to get them close. could until she was 12 years o f agi stitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. are unequalled, is proven by tho fact that Every inch under 15 with most ladies The evening of the day on which she PORTIAMO. ORCOON. once usea, they are always in favor. Their A. P. A uutroso . P rol j . A means a tremendous lot o f lacing in. hail completed her 12th year, the girl secondary effect is to keep the bowels open I’ve known a young lady to break five or laughed right out with jo y at something and regular, not to further constipate, as is P R IN T E R S S H O U LD Open all the year. Students ad­ the case with other pills. Hence, their great K N O W that the oldest six silk laces, as strong ones as are made, which her mother had said, and imme­ mitted at any time. Instruction in and best Photo-engrav­ popularity with sufferers from habitual con­ common school and commercial in getting a pair o f new stays close.” ing ofllce lu Han Fran­ diately tho first rose fell from her lips, stipation, piles and indigestion. ; branches, shorthand, typewriting, etc. C olleoe cisco was established "H o w small is your pretty assistant's and when the mother saw It she remem­ J o u r n a l and specimens of penmanship sent fre e . in 1877 by the Manager o f the D E W E Y E N ­ waist?" I asked. bered all that tho fairies had promised, G R A V IN G CO., who TAKE "G enerally about 14 to 141 inches.” has secured the latest Boarding and day and her motherly heart rejoiced, for Bhe and best I m p r o v e - THE school for girls. “ She scarcely seems to mind it at all.” said, “ I f one promise be fulfilled, the nients.secret processes Opens September BEST and a full complement I remarked. 19,1894. others w ill surely follow in their turn. T i H n A m T i H ALL. o f the most approved "Oh, no. She is used to it. I find it m achinery, photo ap­ The girl was graceful, beautiful and paratus, powerful elec- best for all my assistants to have trim blithe, and tho roses fell from her month trie lights..etc. H aving figures, but she has tight laced to that like rain. The mother, without having X. F . U tc h a n u , Im t itu U M td n l. lon* »xperlen C . and superior artists, this extent entirely of her own free will. the troublo to gather roses, put them all ^ W IT H pioneer Co. turns out the highest class o f work promptly, reliably and at uniform ly moderate Lota o f my customers lace to 17, 16 anil into a basket and took them to the prices for all kinds of engraving. Publishers helped to get up special Issues. Job printers and others even 15 inches. I suppose you haven’t town and sold them. W ith the money should send fo r samples, estimates and information. seen a smaller waist tlian M iss-----’s?" A T. D k w k y , Manager, 220 Market St., 8. F , Cal. thus obtained she and her daughter 25cts,. " N o ." * lived—frugally certainly, but neverthe ÖOcts. and “ Would you like to?” less more comfortably tbun heretofore. $1.00 Bottle. “ Yes,” I replied, “ if such a thing is So time went on. One cent a dose. Address MISSES R O D N E Y , Portland, Or. practicable." It was winter, und the queen was go­ I t is sold on a guarantee by all drug­ 1)K. NICOLAS MURK AT BUTLKR. Mrs. -----rang a small bell. gist 3 . I t cures incipient Consumption ing to give a great ball at the palace. and is the best Cough and Croup Cure. school of philosophy of Columbia college. “ Ask M is s -----to come to me." She had a heart if ul gown, and it was CAS and New York city, and is also editor of The In a few minutes the young lady ap­ rose color, so she wanted to have real M i n in g M a c h in e r y , B r y a n M i l l s , J o h n ­ Educational Review. He has boon at Co­ peared, anil Mrs. ---- anil she went into roses on her head and at her breast to ston C o n c e n t r a t o r s , E n g i n e s , B o i le r s , lumbia about three years, having succeed an alcove. Another assistant was sum­ Q A S O L IN E P u m p s a n d G e n e r a l M a c h in e r y . wear with it. She therefore ordered the od Professor Alexander. E s t im a t e s g i v e n o n a l l c la s s e s o f iro n Dr. Butler Is a patriotic Jerseynmn, and moned, and then a whispered consulta­ royal gardener to bring her some, but he w o rk . A d d ress tion took place. A fter another minute said that so much snow had fallen that in his speech of welcome paid tho follow R . H . M O O R E . M . K ., ought to be fat. They are all the roses were spoiled, and that he ing tribute to tho educational system of we heard Mrs. -----ask, "Can you bear H o t e l P o r t la n d , P o r t la n d , O r. it?" and the answer, "Quite, madam.” his state: sickly when thin and thin could not find even one. The queen was “ Wo are proud of our system of public Mrs. -----'s voice again: "There, Miss very angry at this and told him straight­ when their food does not schools, crowned by that statu normal ---- 1 1 think the laces are close; tie way that she did not believe him, but nourish them. school that yields to none In efficiency and them tightly.” that he preferred to leuvo them to Is a B aking Powder that leads progressiveness. You are In a state—of T w o or three minutes later Mrs. ---- perish in the royal garden, adding that what other can it bo said?—whose only all others iu purity and leaven­ and Miss — — came out from the alcove, sho should go and seek for herself anoth­ stnto tax Is levied for tho support of the ing power. Ask your grocer for common schools. No uncertifloated teacher the latter incased in a long waisted black er gardener and dismiss him forthwith. list of prizes, or write to satin corset, which made her waist look Tho poor gardener sighed upon hear­ may be paid out of tho publio funds; no CLOS3BT A DEVKRfl, scarcely larger than her throat. It school is a legal school unloss conducted for Portland, Of. ing this and went to look at every gar­ nino months of tho year; no life license to seemed incredible that any g irl—for she den far and near to see i f he conld pos­ M a n u fa c t u r in g J e w e l e r touch is issued to a person not profession was little uioro — could breathe and sibly find any roses, but he found none. — AND— ally trained. move, let aloiio move about, without In the course of his wanderings he hap­ D IA M O N D S E T T E R . “ Tho laws establishing our oontrullzod much up]>nrent discomfort, when tight the cream of Cod-liver Oil A ll kinds of Jewelry made to order and re­ pened to pass by the cottage in which system of administration and supervision laced to such un extent. at reasonable rates. Rooms • and 10, and hypophosphites, makes paired Washington dw elt the poor woman and her daughter. aro admirable and enable each locality to street, Portland, Or._______ " I suppose," said Mr». ---- , smiling u' Tho gardener was so bewildered by his push forward tho work of public oducatlon babies fat and well, strength­ as fast and as far as it will, while com­ my look of astonishment, “ that you will anxiety thut he did not look to see where -N O T E D F O R - ens growing children and pelling tho sluggish and tho niggardly, If now believe what 1 told you liefore— lie was going, uml not observing a For a D R Y GOODS A N D C L O T H IN G HOUSE at such there !>o, to do their share, welding namely, that a well cut corset aud strong stone that was lying before the cottage nourishes mothers. Oswego, Oregon. Address N. 8. K ELLO G G , Os­ tho wholo into n state system and giving iirms w ill make a woman's waist almost ho stumbled over it and fell dov n. wego, Or. the world over, endorse it. us that very desirable thing — a state odu any aizo she may wish. See!" she ex­ There was something comical in the way S E C O N D -H A N D M A C H IN E R Y . rational policy." claimed, taking up a measuring tape off in which he fell, for he did not hurt him­ W e deal exclusively in 8 kcond -H a n o M a c h in - Don’t be deceived by Substitutes! r r y , and have a large assortment of Engines, » choir, "M iss ---- 's waist is only till V isito rs to th e (i r e s t Fair. self, but his fez rolled off his head into Prepared by Scott A Bowoe. N. Y. A ll Dreggista Boiler». Pumps and General Machinery, w rite the mud aud got dirtied. According to present indications there Inches." for latest descriotive catalogue. D A N A , A LBEE A G re a t H alil tra g i« K ille d . “ How long could you bear being laced A W A L K E R,E. Water St.,cor.Taylor,Portland,Or. The girl, who was looking out o f the w ill In» large transfers o f imputation be­ ELY’S The largest bald eagle ever killed in up like that?" 1 asked. window, could not help laughing when tween Now York ami Chicago next sum FO R L A D IE S ! M iss----- smiled. " N o t very long— she saw the gardener fall, and down this vicinity was shot in the town of iner The Chicago women who aro not • 1OO I N G O L D w ill be paid bv th « K o s h Concord, a few utiles west o f Oconomo- C h e m i c a l C o . for any case of female weaknees In q u ic k ly identifitsl with the various movements it 1» rather painful—half an hour; per dropped a rose from her mouth and fell woe. W is.. recently by Richard Yates thut w ill not yleld to DR J. 3. K O C H ’9 ANTI- n b flo r b e d . that their sex are undertaking areltegin- Imps an hour.” into the road right in front of the gar SEPTIO S A N A T IV K E P O L D E R . Prlce|1.00 per C le a n s e s th e It measured 7 feet 3 inches from tip to Mrs. ---- said, just aa we were leav box. For sale by all druggists. N a w a l 1’ anMagen. diner. When she saw what had oc­ tip. and weighed eleven pounds. The ning to anticipate with dismay the hos A l la y s P a in and pitalities the great show will entail ing: "Y o u know, 1 think tight lacing curred she felt a little bit ashamed aud talons, measured along the convex stir In f la m m a t io n . Dr. W illiam s’ Indian Pile These propose to let their houses in Chi becomes a positive mania with some Urew back to bide herself, but the gar Ointment w ill cure Blind, faces, are uearly tw o inches in length H e a l s t h e S o r e s . Bleeding and Itching Pilea. women. There are tw o o f my custom- P r o t e c t s t h e doner, as soon as lie saw it, never stayed and very strong cago for the summer months, and take It absorbs tho tumors, allays It was perched npon M e m b r a n e fro m lodgings in this city or occupy cottages era, for instance—theatrical people— who to pick up his fez, but ra> quickly to a lofty elm. when Mr. Yates discharged the itching at once, acts as a poul­ A d d i t i o n a l C o ld . In Every Detail. tice, gives Instant relief. Dr. W ill­ R e sto re s th e at the seaside When these opportuni usually wear their waists about 19 seize the rose. He could not believe liis both barrels o f his shotgun ut it simul iam s’ Indian Pile Ointment is prepared S en se s o f T a s t e inches. W ell, when at home they both own eyes. How did it come there? Per­ taneonsly. after which the bird flew a ties have lx*en made known such of for Piles an d Itching of the private a n d S m e ll. parts. Every box is warranted. B y drug the New York |H*ople as expect to visit lace themselves as tightly os their maids haps it was done by magic. Anyhow it few hundred feet and suddenly fell to *iv mail on receipt of price, 5Ó cents an do it." was a real and beautiful rose and the ground dead. the fair have availed themselves o f the . IT . WILL -------------------- CURE. ---------------------------- --------------------- 'N --- --------- »nd ------- W vki ILLIAM I u a ' m V S ' MANUFACTURING m ^SV f V cturinq CO. workmanship. They develop the full actual horse power, and run without an Electric Spark Another states that at some schoolsthe smelled better than those of April. But A particle is applied into each nostril, and is Proprietor*, Cleveland, Ohio, chance of escaping the crowds at the ho Battery; the system of ignition is simple, inex­ A golden eagle, measuring nine feet egret able. Price 60 cent* at Druggists or by --------------------------------------------------------------------------- pensive and reliable. tels and the chances o f boarding houses, girls are not only encouraged but forced one rose was o f no use to the queen. Ho from tip to tip. was captured by Johnnie pam ping outfits for Irrigating purposes H i v . r r e ^ r ^ 'i e w ^ o r ’k, 1 » • P »■ V . No. 661-8. F. N. U. No. 638 no For and engaged these vacated houses. A to lace. Five different women said tint must have 10, and where could he find Spuhnhtimer. a sixteen-year-old boy, a m“ ' better engine can be found on ihe Pacific Corns L group of people divide the time among they made corsets for girls of sixteen the others? few miles south o f West Bend, Wis., on For hoisting outfits for mines they have met them succeeding one another in such in »nil under with waist measurements of Since, however, it had fallen just in the same day. —Milwaukee Sentinel with highest approval. stallinents as they nmy arrange, and 15 inches, and all agreed that girls are front of that house, the people who lived For Intermittent power their economy Is un­ questioned. with their own servants live as comfort put into corsets much earlier than for there might know something about i t R o u g h T re a tm e n t. alfly as if at home Many New Yorkers tnerly. "Anyhow I'll knock," he said to him­ F O U N D E D 1870. 'W ell, Rasttis. bow did Christmas In France, on the contrary, tight lac­ self. would gladly avail themselves o f such A boarding and day school for boys and young men, under military discipline. treat y o u r Sev*nteenth (17) year under present management w ill open September IS, Thor- op|Mirtunities if they could bo made ing is by no meaus so prevalent as for­ So without any more ado he knocked "Chris'mns done treat me well enough. miffh preparation for college and sc entitle schools. Commercial Course, AC A- known If some convenient exchange of merly.—Gentlewomen. ,C, P R E P A R A T O R Y A N D P R IM A R Y D EPAR TM EN TS. Mb ut the door, which the mother iuimedi Bah. but de Christians d ey'i been hurass- projiertles could t>e air. mns. sah. and I was arrested on Chris' gold or pnint the lily to nuggoiit the pos played conspicuous parts. A fte r the mother heard all this, she said: nuis day. sah. for habin dat chicking in nihility of an improvement in the prvv The indignant woman was Miss Ten Take this one then ami go to the queen my ivsseesion. sah Said I stole her f'nm nunrlHtton of proper nniiioa adopted by Eyck, o f Hartford, tho tearful maid tht C o r. F r o n t mnd A l d . r g t » . . M en’s Suits at $3.50. $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $20.00. Mr Duly'» company of players, hut I custodian o f the canine, the dog the and tell her that there is only one rose Majah Yancy sah, 'ml jes’ because I M en's Overcoats, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00. PORTLAND, ORECON have always imagined that the heroine property o f Miss Ten Eyck and the ear tree which is able to produce such roses, eonl.lnT prove what dey calls a yallerbv Y ou n g M en’s Suits. $3.00, $4.50, $5.00, $8.00. $10 00. and that on the day o f the ball 1 w ill when Mose Thompson said he seed me Send for cetalocue. in "A s Von Like It" was Koe-ahnd, with ring one o f the adorntneuta o f his terrier Boys’ K n ee-Pan ts fruits, $1.25, $1.75, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $6.06. the Helenl on the tin t syllable, and that ship. The latter, in addition to the dia cut some ami take her as many as she at de coop de night befo' dey fined me desires." fo' dollars sah " — Harper's Bazar Oregon W ool Socks, 3 pairs for 50 cents. PORTLAND WIRE D O IRON W ORK, Shake»|s'are made a humorous point in mom) pendaut.was bedecked ont in a jew The gardener immediately went to the 834 Alder street, Portland, Or. W h ite I.nundried Shirts, 50 cent». the stretching of the pronunciation in eled collar, small l>ows o f blue ribbons A G ift to G la d sto n e . Orlando's love verses This point is en in the ears, I hiws of ribbon around the queen with the one rose and told her I f you can’ t see us, write for good». There has been forwarded to Mr. Glad­ what the woman had said, whereat the tirely lost by pronouncing the name Ro forehead and jeweled harness. Notwith stone from Barmouth an album m ount»’ C L O T H IN G M A N U F A C T U R E R S salmd with long " t," and equal stress on standing these costly trappings and a queen ivaa greatly overjoyed. She put Blu Corner. Morrlten and Secend Sts.. tint and last syllable», all through the first class ticket his dogship had to the r<-».- luto her boeoui, and it filled the in gold plate in comim-inonition o f hi« PORTLAND, - - OREGON« visit to Snowdon and Barmouth Eu play The tirst intimation that the mel travel in the baggage car. and when tin- hwole palace with event. graved upon the large gold plate is a am holy .la, qm> was a ruraliied proto train arrived here one o f the earrings When the day o f the hall arrived, the Bank and Office Railings. Prune Graders. Fruit shield bearing the arms o f Merioneth Dipping Baskets and all kinds of W ire and Iron type of the Chatham street character was missed. queen ordered the gardener to fetch both * o r k . Send for catalogue. and the Welsh leek, and around the edge also comes from Mr Daly Ueorgo A fter a scene the earring was found in the woman and the rose*, and about Clark is addressed in his " A s Yon Like the car, w-here it had Isvu pawed off hi noon the mother arrived at the palace, of the plate are the words, "M ade of Welsh gold from Clogan mines, Bar­ It" role as .lukies Is there any author the dog.—Cor Philadelphia Record. bringing with her a covered basket, and mouth. North W ales."—New York tty for either of these novel tie#/ —Cor after she had saluted her majesty she Press. N ew York Advertiser uncovered it and presented the roses to A M tiH tn i ( o n H 'Irn rr. V o l f # o f • T h tlo so p h er. S tron g Mln«l< «1 nntl a I t ra u tifiil (Jttffn. Dr. Fourthly 1 believe my sermon on her. N o sooner had the queen seen them The man. be he editor or reader, who The late queen Olga o f Wurtemberg, rincerity this morning sank deep into than «he was so delighted that she em­ ixnajnnee that the public feels the faintest though a lieautiful w oman, was of strong *ome hearts and did good. DO Y O U K E E L BAD? DOES Y O U R B AC K and almost masculine character. Her Parishioner Yes, a.« Foley and lus wife braced and kissed the poor woman defTTP* of interest in his envies, jealous­ »o h «? Dora « v » r r »tep «-cm » burden * You need husband, the lute King Karl, was nick­ went homo he explained fo people on t¡ 1 C warmly. There were 10 dozen in the ies. complaints, grumblings or quarrel* M O O R E ' S R E VE A LE D R EM ED Y. named "K in g O lgu i" in recognition of i rex-t ear that his wife's hair and teeth 1 a-lo t . sml what rosaa! Each was more ing» is an idiot.—Pascagoula Misa.) i only. Try It. M agna! , beautiful than the other. sere false. — Life. this f a c t —N ew York l ‘reea SIXTH YEAR M ÀJÙ/M . W. L. D o u c l a s Cook’s Musical Institute LVIV Portland Business College, NGRAVING! ! CURE ST. HELEN’S C ough S h il o h s CURE RISOON INON WORKS, S. B a b ie s HERCULES»- F. E ngines u t S c o t t ’s E m u ls io n Physicians, CREAM BALM V. E. BENO. G O O D OPENING CATARRH COLD HEAD IKS’ ' SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH, ECONOMY SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP ” £1 BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. bTATIOINART CLOTHING IT WHOLESALE PRICES. ^ it FAMOUS,” •HE T H A T W O R K S EASI L Y, W O R K S SUCCESSFULLY.” CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO I MALARIA! PILMEB IR E Y TYPE FOUNDRY,