arrie O T K A M E K TOLEDO. M ak «s the round trip daily, except Sunday, be­ tween Dayton and Portland. Leaves Dayton at 5 a. in ; New berg at Co. m., and returning leaves Portland at J p. m. O R E G O N IA N R A IL W A Y D IV IS IO N — AND— P O R T L A N D A N D Y A M H IL L R A IL W A Y . . Trains arrive at N e w b e rg as follows: North. 8outh. •12:30 p. m. 7:5ft a. m. 6:05 p. m. •12::« p m. •Every other day. Passenger and Freight Rates to a ll points, •a n be obtained from C. B. FR ISSELL, Agent N ew berg. ▼x f t p Local Events. '*i 1 ban iir;w A Parker went to Portland Tuesday Go to H ill’s Drug Store (or Paints and oils. Best lumber in tbe county. Milling Co. " A s old aa the hills” and never excell­ ed. “ Tried and proven” is the verdict o f millions. Simmons L iver Regu- lator is the V * o n l y L iver an,l Kidney medicine t o which y o u can pin your faith, for a Newberg Dave I.amb is working for Austin & Stanley this week. Call on A. Pickett, at City Feed Store, for your grass seed. Howard Williams and N. C. Christen­ son were at Portland Tuesday. One dozen photographs cabinet size, extra finish, for $1.50 at Smith's gallery. tive, and purely veg­ etable, act- t a • 7/ ing directly / / C on the Liver ± an(j K id ­ neys. T r y it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. T h e K in g o f L iv e r M edicines. “ 1 h a v e used y our S im m on s L iv e r R egu­ lator a n d can consclenclously say It is the k in g o f a ll liv e r m edicines. I consider it a m edicin e chest in itself.—G ko . W . J a c k ­ s o n , Tacom a, W ash in gton . Enos Hanson moved into the Boyce property on Meridian street Wednesday. Legal blanks of all kinds at this office. Full stock kept on band and sold at the lowest prices. « - e v e r y p a c k a g e -® » H a s t h e Z S ta m p in r e d o n w r a p p e r Prof. Jessup and John Smith went to Scott’s Mills Tuasday in the interest of Pacific College. Pumps, pipe and fittings at Storey’s. C. L . Bahai d of Sherwood was in town The Toledo will resume her old sched- Monday. Newberg Milling Co. successors to Dor- nle next week—down in the morning, up rance Bros. in the evening. Lewis Hoskins was at Portland on bus­ Albert Hadley, Lee Smith, Hugh Frazier and Wm. Mitchell were at Mc­ iness Monday. Minnville Monday. For pure drugs and fine stationery go to John Harder and wife of Dundee have H ill’s Drug Store. GOLD $$ for 50 Cents! 1 ,8 0 0 P A I R S O F S t l O K S T O S E L E C T F R O M . L o w Shoes. Ilutton Shoes. Laoe Shoos. Is an expression often heard, hut we have yet to meet the person w h o has I n a l l k I i u I. w o f L e a t h e r a n il C lo t h f o r M is s e s it m l C h ild r e n . Men and B oy’s Shoes, Boots and Tennis Shoes. received any at that price. Y e t many articles in our store are being sold ut prices that are low er than some goods have ever sold. CLOTH MADE UP W e are trying to help you over the hard times. The Weekly Oregonian and the ic one year for $2.50. G raph ­ executive committee of the W. C. T. U. The Presbyterians are getting the plans and estimates for a new church. The new huilding will be 40x48 feet, with a tower 65 feet high. Mrs. Stone, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rhodes for the past year, left Tuesday morning over the Northern Pacific for her home at Sauk Center, Minn. Mrs. L. A. Cornell and her two grand­ children accompanied her daughter, Mrs. We hcreoy serve notice on all parties Frank Davis, to her home at Mapleton, using legal blanks that they need not go Minn., last Monday. Chas. A. Deach visited with .1. G. H ad­ farther than the G raphic office for sup­ plies. We will keep a full supply of all ley and wife the first of the week. Mr. Deach will teach the West Chehalem kinds on hand. school the coming winter. About two years ago Burdette W olf W e have just received a shipment of murdered Birdie Morton at Mt. Tabor, near Portland. H e was never captured. Domestic Sewing Machines. Needles of Call and ex­ A Portland paper declares that he was at all kinds, machine oil, etc. amine. J. H. T o w n s e n d . tbe scene of the murder last week. E. D. Elwood has the premiums offered for the bicycle races at the fair displayed in his show window. It is tempting enough to make us all want to be swifts. Frank Morris loaded his wheel on the baggage car Wednesday morning and took it to Portland with him. H e will be able to cover more territory and do a cor­ responding amount of business by having it along. Elwood Scott and Matthew Charles were out Tuesday looking for a location for the summer school next year. It will The farmer has to sell his stock cheap be on the banks of the river, near New­ and it is cheap meat that yon want, while berg. it is vour money I want. Take advant­ I f you want a pnmp go to Storey's. H e age of the supposed short life of the Cen­ tral Meat Market and buy meat at hard handles the best made, fits them up him­ self and guarantees them to satisfy you. titles price*. J. 8. B a k e r . Galvanized pipe and fittings always on Nate Snodgrass loaded his threshing band. outfit on the Toledo the first of the week | Lewis Hoskins, J. C. Sawyer, J. B. and shipped it to Grants, Washington, Mount, Dave Lamb, Sherry Calkins, Jim where he has a large job of threshing. Jones and Geo. Hailstone attended the Carl Stanley, W alt H il', John Davis, funeral of P. P. Gates at LaFayette last Howard Cox, Grover Hagee and Ab Saturday. Hoskins comprise the crew that went B. R. Henry, of near Sherwood, visited from Newberg. his daughter, Miss Hester, at the N ew­ Salvation Army meeting at Barracks on berg house over Sunday. W hile going First street as follows : Tuesday for Sol­ home on Monday morning’s train he was dier Converts and Recruits; Wednesday, taken very sick and had to be helped Public; Friday, Holiness, for Christians from the car. on ly; Saturday eve, Public; Sunday, all T. H. Gardner, a railroad engineer of day, commencing with 7 a. m., knee drill, Omaha, Neb., called at this office yester­ Holiness meeting 11 a. m.. Family Gath­ day and was telling of a ride from Salem ering at 3 p. in and Grand Free and Easy to Newport one day last week in the cab in the evening. Everybody welcome. of an engine. He says that the roads in L t . G ko . W. B r o w x , in Charge. this conntry have so many crooks and I f a man will keep his epes open he can turns that the engineer has no time to see almost any kind of an outfit going sleep, and that he prefers the straight and through town imaginable. One of the narrow paths of Nebraska. oddest passed Wednesday It was a dog W hile in Chicago, Mr. Charles L. Kah- cart with a bundle attached to the rear ler, a prominent shoe merchant of Des end as large as a small load of hay. The Moins, Iowa, had quite a serious time of horse was a pretty fair looking animal hut it. He took such a severe cold that he the harness— Ah Hoskins is not “ in it” I could hardly talk or navigate, but the when it comes to summer harness and fly prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ net combined—it was a combination ol edy cored him of hi* cold so quickly twine strings, rope and gnnny sacks. The that others at the hotel who had bad tugs anil breast strap were at least a foot colds followed his example and half a wide, and with the other neceseaiv ap­ dozen person* ordered it from the nearest pendages the horse was almost out 'o drugstore. They were profuse in their sight. thank* to Mr Kahler for telling them how to cure a had cold so quickly. For Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder sale by A. T. H ill, druggist. A n - M C M Medal Midwinter Far. Sai Frene*». j T h e Best Is Tr>o Cheapest. ARE YOU HUNGRY? G o T o W I L S O N ’S G R O C E R Y an d Everything: Fresh r » 'Been. CET SOMETHING TO EAT! See our low priced Ginghams— 7 and 8 cents. Granulated Sugar—per sack, 8(5.50. D E PO T LUM BER YARD. W . IP . H S A G O C K , Coffee—Arbuckle, Lion, Faultless—your choice, 25 cents. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors and Windows, Brackets, 5 gallon keg Pickles— 70 cents. Large stock of Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, etc. While we name the lowest prices we guarantee our goods in Newberg Nursery, every particular. A . 1 C. C O O L E R & C O . W e s e ll n e a r l y o n e to n p e r w e e k . G O O D A S T H E BEST. Turnings, Shinnies, Lath, Pickets, Lhne, Baud, Glass, Nails aud all kinds of B u ild in g Mit® rial aud B uilders’ Hardware. N o w h ere, O regon M O R R IS & Wo take this plan to inform the public that we are better than ever prepared to sup­ M IL E S . ply the trudu this Fall in the line of a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRUIT TREES. Patties desiring toaot orchards thia Fall will make money by calling on or eorree Monday was Labor Day. Jesse Johnson was in town Wednesday James Barrie, Sr., is making arrange­ Timothy and clover hay at City Feed Miss Uannie Carter left Tuesday morn­ ments to move to Butteville. Store. ing for a few months’ visit with friends at John Hanson of Salem is visiting bis Joe Heston is preparing to spring a new Antelope, Wasco county. daughter, Mrs. Vannie Martin. sign upon us. Allen Craven and family of Middleton R. H. Ellis of Portland has moved in­ See Newberg M illing Co. for all kinds were in town Wednesday. Mr. Craven to Denny Bell’s house west of town. of lumber. will move back to Newberg before college Charley Cavill of Middleton was in Dr. Dixon was at Sherwood Wednes­ opens. town a short time Monday afternoon. day pulling teeth. The ladies who will have charge of the J. S. Larkin took a wagon load of roast­ For a good wearing comfortable shoe college lunch stand at tbe fair are meeting ing ears to Portland Monday afternoon. call on G. M. Bales. with encouraging success in gathering up Ed Holt and G. C. Hagee were at Mc­ supplies. The Weekly Oregonian and the G r a p h ­ Minnville Monday morning on business. The matter of huilding a walk from ic one year for $2.50. The Loyal Legion gave an enjoyable Smith Bros, livery barn to Dr. Littlefield's Walter Edwards visited Jesse Johnson office was brought before the’ council Mon­ entertainment at the church Friday even­ at Middleton Sunday. ing. day evening. Finest. Wall Paper patterns ever brought The small boy and his overalls has C. B. Clements of Salem was in town to town at H ill’s Drug Store. been very numerous about town for the Wednesday contracting with Jesso Ed­ Miss Nettle Morris went to Portland wards for brick to go into the new school last week or two. Wednesday morning for a short stay. Persons having second hand college house at Butleville. City Feed Store for flour and all kinds The |«tition presented to the council text hooks to dispose of should call at of feed. A. P ickett , Prop. H ill’s drug store. tf Monday evening for street lights was Springbrook is getting things in shape Gen. N. P. Banks died at his home in laid on the table pending a report from Waltham, Mass., last Saturday morning. to build a new $1,000 church yet this fall. the finance committee. Y ou can’t afford to steal from yonr He was about 78 years old. Mrs. Mary E. K . Edwards filled In order to make room the Newborg / neighbor’s clothes line when you can buy I a good work shirt for 40c. or a pair of Milling Co. will sell Rlab wood for 25c. per load during the next 30 days. { pants for 75c. from Parker & Inglis. Mrs. Kate Stevens left for Montana last Miles Iteece’s school at Chehalem Cen­ ter opened Monday morning with seven­ Monday morning to visit her husband teen pupils. He thinks that after hop who is a conductor on a railroad up there. picking the enrollment will reach fifty. Moses Votaw and family and Emmor Mesdames J. H. Townsend, Paul Macy Hall and family packed up a little (? ) and Elizabeth Miles went to Portland yes­ lunch ami spout last Sunday in the vicin­ terday to attend a meeting of tbe state ity of Middleton. MEN T A IL 0R3 Huts, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Ready Made Clothing and Underwear. Accordions, T oilet Cases, Balls, Games, etc. Ledgers, Day Books, Paper, etc. Shoe Polish and Brushes. B O U G H T W IT H C A S H A W A Y D O W N A N D H O LD D IT T O . DO Y O U CO M PARE PRICES? IF NOT, W IIY NOT? gone to Puyallup, Wash., to remain dur­ Dallas Disney made a business trip to ing tbe hop season. Portland Saturday. Frank Deach was in town a short time Tuesday morning. He will teach near Wapato lake this winter. arrie, F i r s t I> o o r W e s t o f D o s t O llle e , N e w b e r g , O r e g o n . pulpit for Martin Cook at Middleton Sunday. J. M. Tice is repainting liia home. (Minding with us before placing their orders. Educational Meeting. Miss Effie Macy is visiting at Dayton. A meeting held at Dundee Isst Sabbatli Buy elabwood from Newberg M iilingCo. evening in the interests of education, by 1 the people of this vicinity. Also a num- I' rank Howard has beeu sick a day or j>er 0, our Newberg friends were present. two" Tlio G r a p h i c office for first class job work. F. H. Storey has on hand all sizes of Iron Pipe. The meeting was opened with singing, followed by reading tbe 38th chapter of Job, by Aaron Bray. Miss Julia Minchin favored the audience with a recitation, after which Prof. A. C. Stanbrough of Go to A. T. H ill for Dr. Wm. Ellis’ Pacific College, was introduced, who gavo Liniment. the aaying one year in advance bonne», with plana, enabling builder» to »how the dealen» and secure contract 4 . Addre*» make arrangements for your hop pipe, j can get both T he G raphic and The Week- j latent IflL’NN i COZ N bw Y ode , 3 iil H m . adwaf Mr. Storey puts out nothing b it heavy /y Oregonian one year for $2.50. A ll old ¡ steel pipe closely rivited which with subecribers paying their subscriptions fori stove will make an outfit that will last im e vear in advance will be entitled to D r. P rice’s C re am B a k in g Pow der i you for years. I the came offer. ' W o rld ’, Pair H tfbcrt MmUl and U .fl m a . [ VEAIS.TRADE M T f GOOD LTrHT anu MRS. M. W O O D , Klngwood, 111. BAKING POK'D® * O Austin & Stanley. The song of the hops has commenced. R » L A O J l, WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. W E S T < 1 IK II A I.I'.M . . n S E M . FOR 1IU V FO R ] ban never been excelled for many thin^*. It cur«« Cancer* (if applied in tune,) Can­ cer Wart*, Tumor* in tbe flesh of man 01 beaut, remove* lump* from tbe bone, cure* Corn* and Bunion*, Fintnlaon bor*- e*, bite« and filing* of poihonoiifl insect* etc. 11 i* good for RheurnutiMn, Neural pia, Tooth ache, Hpraina. Bruise*, Fleuri sy and all acbet «ml peina of the l*odv, and almost invariably lake* tbe place of tbe surgeon’* knife in cane of tnmor* etc. 1 It doea not eat ite way, and leave* no acair. i R E A P A FEW T E STIM O N IA LS. i One bottle of Dr. Wm. Ellis’* F lnlm«M,t rc- mov*»i * l^rge tumor from my boy’» neck nfcr ffcv»*»» year« treatment with other remedies, | I with do benefit. ClRonoR I'ltKOit't. 1 Itome, Greene Co., Tenn , July, is«. Qj dRA'/ELroT- CO NSTI PATIO N. INFLAMATION of BLADDER. ¿¡19 ^ ALL KIDN EY P IS E A S E S . 'S . Sold by A T. Hill. JO B C H I M I N G . If voti want I’ostsr», l i vou want Envi lope», If vou want Bili ll>>a