M U R F I i E E ’S H E R O I S M . I B y A u th o r ity o f C o n g re s s. U. S. Gov’t Baking Powder Tests. The report of the analyses of Baking Powders, made by the U. S. Government (Chemical Division, A g ’l D ep’t), shows the Royal superior to all other powders, and gives its leavening strength and the strength of each of the other cream of tartar powders tested as follows: L F A VENINO OAS. C u b ic In . p a r o a . P e r cent. ROYAL, Absolutely Pure, The OTHER PO W D E R S TE STE D are reported to con­ tain both lim e and sulphuric acid, and to be o f th e fo llo w ­ in g strengths resp ectively, IJ .O Ó . . 1 6 0 .6 . 1 5 1 .« / ,3 -» 8 1 11.13 • • . 1 3 3 -6 ' 1 0 .2 6 . . 1 2 3 .a 9 -5 3 • . 114. 1 9 -2 9 . < ( 8 .0 3 \ 7 - 3 » i n . 6 . ‘ . 9 6 .5 . 8 7 .4 - These tests, made in the G o v ’t Laboratory, by impartial and unprejudiced official chemists, furnish the highest evidence that the “ Royal ” is the best baking powder. R O Y A L B A K IN Q P O W D E R C O ., 106 W ALL 8 T ., N E W -Y O R K . "There ic not a [«article o f heroism about you, Ulysses.” said Mrs. Murfree a m she brushed out her back hair in fro?.t of tiie dresser glass preparatory’ to retir­ ing for the night. "N o t a particle,” she emphatically repeated. "W h a t on earth your mother was thinking about when she named you I can’t imagine. 1 am s i*e that 1 never saw a man more un­ like his namesake. I have known you to be positively cowardly at times.” Mr. Murfvee looked up in a weary way from the corner where he sat. " I ’m sure, my dear,” he began. "N o, you're not.” snapped his better half, giving the pincushion a whack I with the hairbrush to emphasize her words; "you are not sure; you are never sure of anything—you only think. Bah! i I hate a man who ‘only thinks.* ’’ And she i jerked the tangles out of a refractory auburn lock with additional force, i ‘ When Mrs. Jenks was telling tonight about that paragon o f a husband of hers I was simply consumed with envy. It shows how much to believe in names, i Look at you two men; look, I say!" "Y es, my dear,” responded Mr. Mur- free. pulling off bis boots in a resigned ! way, " I ’m looking.” "B ah!” retorted his wife, " I me an your names— Ulysses Murfree, Peter Jenks— just think of the difference, and yet Pe­ ter Jenks knocked a burglar down stairs | this week with one fist; one, 1 assure you. and you—you are afraid to go call­ ing on the Simsongibbers after dark be­ cause they keep a dog.” "W e ll, iny dear,” feebly expostulated Mr. Murfree, " it is a very largo dog and his eyes on the bent figure In the uncertain light the man looked unnaturally large and heavy, and seemed each second to be on the point of rising Indeed, us Mr. M urfree reached the ten ter table he thought all was over and Shrunk down behind it despairingly But fortune was kind; the burglar still searched busily, and Mr. Murfree, gath ering himself for a grand effort and nerved to the point o f desperation, made a flying leap, and landing with terrific force upon the burglar's shoulders grabbed the revolver, yelling. "Police! thieves! oh” ---- Over he weut, bum pet y bump, and as he found himself prostrate on the floor with a chair and something soft ard thick over him. he finished his exclamation with **---- it!” "Oh. Ulysses! Ulysses!” screamed Mrs Murfree, tangling herself up iu the bed­ clothes in her efforts to rise. "H elp ' W here are you?” Mr. Murfree was on his feet in a flash holding in his arms the harmless cause of his fright and disturbance, Mrs. Mur tree's fur cape, which she had hung over the chair back, in front of tiie dresser and which, with its high shoulders and collar, had looked in the dim light like a stooping figure. Men think quickly sometimes, and Mr Murfree realized tho situation with re­ markable sjieed, and being on bis met­ tle determined not to be made a fool of Knocking Mrs. Murfree’s jew el case from the dresser as he fled he rushed out of the room pellmell, stepping on the cat, the author of the mysterious noises I that had first awakened him. W itli a sav age kick lie sent her ahead j of him. as lie flew down the front stairs and banged the front door open and shut Then he panted breathlessly up again, j sinking on the top stair, sore, bruised and mad, just as his w ife succeeded in lighting the gas. "B urglar,” he gasped. "W here, oh, where?” she screamed ex citedly, half helping, half dragging him into the room. "G one,” he managed to say; "knocked him over—got away— front door—see there?” pointing to the jew elry strewn | around the floor. Mrs. Murfree gave one look, and then, with that faithful sense of obligation to I the tradition o f her sex which the aver I age woman seems to possess in an emer­ gency, she proceeded to faint away. Mr. Murfree dumped her into a chair He was too weak to hold her, and besides he felt a fiendish exultation in glorying in his superior strength o f mind, so when she recovered lie was picking up the cleverly scattered trinkets with as bored an air as he could assume. "W h a t are you scared of?” lie said scornfully. ‘ Man's gone; I’m here; I rather think 1 have protected you even if 1 am a coward. Perhaps you will kindly leave the light burning after this so that I shall not be obliged to struggle for my life in the dark,” and he wiped from his forehead a few drops of blood trickling from a scratch he received in his encounter with the large pin on his cape burglar, making bis face as gory as possible with the small amount of mate­ rial. Veritably the tables were turned. Mrs. Murfree looked at him a moment in a hysterical way, and then falling on his neck alternately implored forgive­ ness and wept over her former severity calling him her hero and all the de­ lightful names which Mr. Murfree’s soul was thirsting for. " I ’ll never say such mean things again,” she sobbed, "never, never.” "There, there,” said her spouse, straightening up and putting on a pa­ tronizing air to conceal the nervous shaking o f bis muscles—scarce over their recent shock. "Y o u sit down and I will search the house, so that we can feel easy during the remainder of the night.” So that while Mrs. Murfree hid behind the bed curtains for fear ot another visit­ or, her Ulysses went out into the hull and stayed five minutes in a dark corner, returning with a serious air and the as­ surance that all was well. Locking their door, the couple once more sought repose, but both were too excited for sleep. "W o n ’t I just gloat over Mrs. Jenks,” exclaimed Mrs. Murfree as she convul­ sively patted the pillow into a more ac­ commodating shape. "Oh, Ulysses, I'll tell every woman in the block." Just then the ludicrous side o f the thing struck Mr. Murfree, and he stuffed the corner of the sheet in his mouth and shook convulsively. "W h a t’s the matter, dear?" cried his wife. "W h at's the matter, Uly?” As soon as he could speak he mut­ tered, "O n ly a chill—don’t bother about it—guess 1 took cold.” "Shan’t I get you something hot?' Asked his siniuse anxiously. "Nonsense." he replied, controlling himself with difficulty: "ju st go to sleep. I’m tim l.” " A l l right, dear,” responded she; " I do hope you won’t bo sick. It’s very funny, Ulysses, that the policeman on our ln*at didn't hear anything or come running up to the house when that dreadful man made such a noise at the door Dear me, if 1 didn’t know you had a chill I should think yon were laughing.” And Mr. Murfree was.—Carolyn Wade in Buffalo News AH OLD LOVE L E T I ¿ft. The ft. lag years, the silent years. Swept o'er this safely hidden page. Till time, that deep sunk mystery clears. Give* me the dateless heritage. Where beat the heart, where burned the braia That all this pain and passion felt? On leaves defaced by mold and stain The secret of a life Is spelt. Why rashly lift, why rudely rend The softening veil that death and lima. Conspiring life with art to blend. Have hung between her soul and o Enough to know, enough to feel That one immortal bliss endures; T lie love flier.«.* anient words reveal May haply mirror mine—or yours. —Margaret Crosby iu Scribner’i A n A m e rica n A b roa d . There was an American in the railway « arriage to Liverpool. This gentleman in terested me greatly. He was dark and »’ rested with elaborate care, and kept on I reducing instruments of a remarkable tbaructcr from his pockets. He was a man who was thoroughly equipped for all the contingencies of everyday life. A blue bot tie got into the carriage and he produced a tty paper, ou which it promptly settled and died. He wanted to smoke, and he took out a pipe with seventeen distinct and sep urate patents in it. He filled it from a pouch which was absolutely remarkable for its ingenuity. He put the tobacco in with a patent spoon, he rammed it down with a metal stopper, then he put a skewer, which he j wore attached to a silver chain, up the stem, j then lie stabbed the tobacco with a stiletto j to make the pipe draw more easily, and j then he kindled a light by means of an | elaborate arrangement in six compart inents, which took about fifteen minutes to lit together. A fter that lie hung his hut up by a patent hat suspender, put on his gloves with a button hook, squirted himself all over with a scent spray, cut his newspaper with a paper cutter that was also a railway key and a bootjack, and wrapped himself in a patent rug, which by pulling various strings could i>e made into an overcoat, a macintosh, a bed quilt, a life belt, a table cloth and a shroud. Finally he went to sleep, after setting a pocket alarm to wake him up in an hour and putting a patent catch on his watch chain incase either of us should be taken suddenly with klepto mania.—George H. Sims in Referee. t X F L 'N S I V t ECONOM Y. Headache, Dyspepsia,Indigestion Some people begrudge the little money that an A l l c o c k ’ s P orous P l a s t e r costs, and then when they are racked with pain from a lame back, or from the soreness are caused by bad blood, and by arising from a cold, they will spend any a run down, worn out condi­ tion o f the body. Rememb«r amount o f money to relieve the pain. 11 they only had one of these world-renowned Sarsa- plasters on hand, they would be saved a vast amount of suffering and be consider­ parilla ably richer. A t the first sign of stiffness o f the joints apply one of these plasters without any delay. The soreness will be greatly relieved at once and soon disappear Be Sure to entirely. It will be money saved to have them on hand, to say nothing of the com­ Get Hood’s _ fort they bring. __ B r a n d h r t h ’ s P ills contain no irritating HOOd’S Pills »re geuUe, m ild and effectlVtA mat er. ____________________ Hoods Cures The hotel porter who fails to arouse a guest when instructed to do so has reason to be ashamed o f his calling. W . L. D o uglas C The readers of this \ aper w ill be p’eased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease chat science has been able to cure In all it* stages, and that is CHturrh. Halt’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the med­ ical fraternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional dbease, requires a constitutional treatment. H all’s catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative power* that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send f r list of testimonials. A d­ dress F. J C H ENEY «ic CO , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists; 75 cents. Use E name line Stove Pollali: nodosi, no smell T ry G ebm sa for breakfast. Scrofula U A r IS TH E B IS T . Q n w L n O S Q U C «K IN & • too K K W AK D , m oo. A 5 . C O R D O V A N , FRENCH3, ENAMELLED CALF *4.’3.s-° FINE CALF&KUi SAHA ♦ S .iP P0LICE.3 SoLEa. i 2 sy.»2.W0RKiNCMEIie *2 A 7-5 B oys S chool S hoer - -L A D IE S - m SEND FOR CATALOGUE Y a o c an ► W * Is* D O U G L A S * ' BROCKTON* M ASS. m oney b y w e a r i n g the W . L . D ou gin * 9 3 .0 0 Hhoc. B ecau se, we are the largeat manufacturers c f this grade of shoes la the world, and guarantee their value by stamping the name and price on tLm bottom, which protect you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work In style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold everywhere at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no sut^ •41 tut«. I f jour dealer cannot supply you, we eaa. GALKINS ELESTRIC OIL BURNER it D isease G erm s liv in g In th e B lood a n d feedin g upon its Life. O vercom e th ese erm s w ith Here Mrs. Murfree suddenly turned around, and through lips containing sun­ NRL A3 AN INDIAN. dry hairpins, combs and such trifling ar­ ticles hissed, "D on ’t talk to me!” in H o w a llr ig lit Y o u n g W o m a n S u c c e e d e d I.ortl D iin m ore’ s i'lu n to T r a v e l L ik e a Sav- such an impressive and disgusted man­ W h e re .Men H a d F u l l e d . iigr f r o m M ontreal to Paris. She waa bright and pretty, and Bha ner that Mr. Murfree subsided at once aui . C.mill’s Murray was bom a lord, but prefers to bo u tramp. Ho is not a dropped into a lawyer’» oflice the other day and proceeded to finish pulling off his socks. tramp of the Cox- and asked for work. "W hat can you do?’* He waa not disturbed again until tho ey variety, but a "Anything a woman of ability can do, moment came for retiring, when, con­ T H E C R E A T FUEL SAVE R . traveler, an ex­ T h ey D raw the Line. o m k - m a d e g as p e r f e c t e d a t plorer ami a stu­ nnd more than most men." trary to their usual custom, Mrs. Mur­ laKt. No dirt, no auhes, no odor, no danger. "Great opinion of yourself, young wom­ Fciaalc infanticide is not uncommon in dent of nature. free turned the gas entirely out, leaving A perfect method o f generating and burning gas Chino, but owners of water rights know These things cost an,” said the elderly lawyer present. "P er­ the room in darkness, save where a streak from petroleum oil. For heating and cooking. where to draw the line, as is evidenced by i money, but Lord haps you think you could serve this sum Fits any stove; also adapted for furnaces,steam th e C rea m o f C o d -liv e r Oil, of moonlight fell through the window, heaters and grates. Absolutely ?afe. No possi­ the following notice over a pool at Fu- XDunmore’H rich tnons?” bility of explosion and cheaper than any other and m a k e y o u r blood h ealth y, " i might,” said she. "May 1 look at it? open for ventilation. chau: “ Girls may not be drowned here.** Testates in Scot fuel. Call and examine the latest im eu ion. Now, if there was anything that Mr. land furnish him T ch , 1 will.” Agents wanted in every town and county in skin p u re an d system strong. " I f you dothut you’ll be doing something Murfree hated it was to have the bed­ California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. with all the cash Cowper’s house at Weston Underwood, For circulars address Physicians, th e w o rld o v er, lie needs, and lie we’ ve all lie« n trying to do for a week. He’s room gas turned off at night, hut know­ England, is much as it was during his resi­ Jwanders over tho a slippery fellow, und bis people are all ing the defiant state o f mind which dence there. The touching lines in his own endorse it. CALKINS’ ELECTRIC BURNER COMPANY, wild sections of posted. However, you may try it. You can prompted his w ife to extinguish it, and handw riting upon the shutters of his bed P a c if ic C oast A gency , afford to lose a little conceit," nnd the law­ the world at will, room, written on the morning of the day Oon’t be deceived by Substitutes! fearing to provoko another outburst he 622 L a r k in S tr e e t, San F r a n c is c o . i The earl comes of yer smiled grimly. he left it to spend the remainder of his life Prepared by Soott AdJown*. N. Y. All Dro«gist«k A t 10 tiie next morning the office door climbed sadly into bed, and lay cogitat­ one of tho oldest in Norfolk, ate still legible. families in Croat was ojH’iied, and the bright young woman ing a plan whereby he should he able to D IR E C T IO N S shoot a burglar in the dark should one Britain. Ho In walked in again. The late Sir W. Gull was wont to declare —FOR USING— "Thought you’ll give it up, eh? Found chance to visit his ubode that night. about 50 years of that the sarcasm pf "W ho shall decide him too slippery for you? Thought ho .” " I don’t see how I could do itx” he a#e and a gian where doctors disagree?” was aimed at C r e am B a l m . "The paper is served," said she. It was sighed, turning uneasily. In stature. His D. D.’s and not at doctors of medicine, who, Apply a particle of height is 0 feet iJ her turn to smile now, and she did it. The he maintained with unmoved countenance, the Bairn w ell up into "A r e you ever going to lie still and let the nostrils. After inches tall, ami ho lawyer swung round in his chair. were always agreed. a person sleep?" snapped the partner of CAS and moment draw strong “ Served th e---- . 1 low'd you do it?" pulls down tho breath through the "Oh, it was simple enough. 1 called at his joys and sorrow’s us she flounced scales at about «550 Under the leaves, amid the grass, lazily nose. Use three times over, dragging half o f the comfortable li is place of business, looked around, priced GASOLINE pounds. the day shall pass, yet not lie wasted. a day. after meals pre­ and before re­ ,f Ho is an old some materials, and then asked if lie was in. with her. and thereby causing 3inall From my drowsy ease 1 borrow health and ferred, tiring. " ‘No,’ said tiie salesman, ‘but I can do as chills to chase one another down her hus­ and experienced strength to bear niy boat through the great E L Y ’S CREAM BALM band’s vertebra?. traveler and seems W r 11 . ’ Opens and cleanses life ocean.—Mackay. " ‘ 1 think not,’ I said quietly. He liasal the Na«al Passage«, Mr. Murfree laid still. to despise civilize Pain arid In- L O R D P U N M ORIS. In the great warehouses of Manaos and Allays tiou and the iron ways served me before, and he understands Bo held his breath, figuratively, until tiammation, Heals th«* ^ A | n l b U r A H Para you may see enormous masses of dried Sores, Protects the L U L U N M L A U horse ns heartily as did the mythical just what 1 want.’ the deep, not to say sonorous, breathing " ‘Oh, in that case you might call at his caoutchouc sap, resembling cheeses, await Membrane from Colds, Restores the Senses of Lentherstoeking. He has just finished a of his amiable companion told that peace Taste and Smell. The Balm is quickly absorbed ing shipment. book called “ Tho Pamirs,” describing his house. He will l>e in to dinner.’ and gives relief at once. Price 50 cents at Drug­ "1 did call at his house, dressed in my and quietude Imd folded their downy latest journey, which was from India to gists'or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, wings upon tho bosom of Mrs. Murfree. 56 Warren Street, New York. Hichurd Payne Knight, the poet, Greek the Caspian sea, a distance of 4,500 miles. best, can lease ¡n hand. 1 sent in my card Then he sighed again. scholar, and antiquary, was a victim of This remarkable journey was made on and he appeared promptly. Boarding and day " ‘M r.---- ?’ said I, rising. “ I do hope no one w ill come tonight,” melancholia, and finally destroyed himself horseback, afoot and by sledge, and the school for girls. " ‘ Yes. You wished to see me on busi he murmured sleepily. "D ear me— if— with poison. plucky carl was one year and three days Opens September ness?’ 1894. I” — And here his thoughts floated in traversing India, Baluchistan, Afghan HALL. BRACE TH E NERVES. ** ‘ I hear you are interested in property in lstan ami Persia. vaguely off and he realized no more. ----street ?’ Sedatives and opiates won’ t do it. Th- se ner­ Tho next irrcut trip Lord Dunmoro will Quiet fell on tho room for a time, " ' Yea. ’ vines do not make the nerves strong, an 1 failing take is a decidedly novel one as lie has to do this, fill short of producing the essential " ‘ Well, I have a paper which will inter broken only by the musical sounds from planned it. lie proposes starting at Mont of their quietude—vigor. And while in extrem e the alcove, where slept the pair, and an cases—and these o n ly - o f nervous irritation real and traversing the entire length and est you concerning it,’ offering him the such drugs may he advisable, their frequent use breadth of British North America until summons, which lie took with a smile. occasional snap as the w illow rocker, is highl v p-ejudieisl to the delicate organism he readies Alaska. During the whole He looked at. it and blushed crimson. So objecting to tiio strain o f tho day. tried upon which they act, and in order to renew tneir quieting effect increased and dangerous journey ho will refuse the aid of all civi­ did I. Nothing was said. He control Us 1 to contract to its former shape. doses eventually become necessary. Hostetter’ s Just as tho city clock was striking 1 lized menus of travel, lie will make tho bis temper and accompanied mo to the S’ omach Hitters is an efficient substitute for trip murdered." And the poor man do, how to had reached the age of ninety—namely, Sii ■ many others, are now removed Few peoples have equaled the Hindoos in do it and in­ shook so that the springs creaked and without the perils o f cutting operations. variably accom­ architecture. In philosophy their specula George B. Airy and Sir FrancisC. Knowles. These engines are acknowledged by expert en- re­ PM F TUM O R S how ever large. Fistula plishing All the the The average length of life of the thirty, sent him into a fresh tit of trembling. k ie w s tions go to a depth to which European neers to be w orthy of highest commendation T I L L I U l f l U n O . aTM| other diseases o f the sult. Co. slone knows that the Aermotor Hustle, rustle, it came again, and then r sim plicity, high-grade material and superior who w i re all presumed to 1 h * highly (listin thought has only recently arrived. In lit lower bowel, are permanently cured without how to make Wind- Jill Is. steel towers workmanship. They develop the full actual pain or resort to the knife. for them pour in up- end tanka. Orders endure they produced admirable works, guishsd in science or literature, was upward a soft thump and a clink. horse power, and ran without an Electric Spark snd corner of the earth, on us from every nook S TO N E ' n ^ Blailder, no matter how " l i e ’s got my Pants,” ejaculated Mr. even though thev fell short of those of the of seventy four years a very satisfactory Battery; the system of ignition is simple, inex­ A business depression in sny one locality is cot I x s iv i. largfY' is «-rushed. pulverized, washed felt by us. The world is our field. Is it, there- pensive and reliable. proof that even tin* highest intellectual la Murfree to himself as he cautiously sat (ireeks ami Latins. But they were modi out ami perfectly removed w ithout cutting. we are busy snd ars fore, any wonder that For pumping outfit« for irrigating purposes ocn*and far below the (¡reeks in statuary, oors are not incompatible with extreme up m I h *«1 and tried to calm himself. our last year s output, even in thee« S TR IC TU R E o f Urinary Passage i«, also doubling no better engine can oe found on the Pacific Everyone on the Aermo- ( J i n i v i U l I L remove«! without cutting in days of depression? longevity. A llo t these gentlemen hud, on ami were nullities in the domain of seien Coast. tor premises, from the olfice boy to the owners, Tlmmp. hundm ls o f rases. For pamphlet, ref«>r«*nceg For hoisting outfits for mines they have m et presents this well fed. smiling countenance, tilicand historical knowledge, while the j the average, passed tho threescore and ten ami particulars, send 10 cents (in stamps) All are " I can’t stand this any longer,” said busy, beppy—work is with highest approval. betray an absence of precision which we years usually regarded as the length of to W orld * Dispensary Medical Association, plenty, and proa peri- /( lb U ty attends the design­ For intermittent power their economy is un­ man's life. As tin* average life of woman Mr. Murfree in a whisper, beginning to ers. makers, managers snd sellers of Aermotors. Even the 863 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. meet in equal degree among uootherpeo questioned. purchasers of Aermotors are the wide-esrske, intelligent, up pie. nployes never strike. They ere prosperous snd Aeriset when they more generally adopt science out what is outside of those curtains, stented. Even in the civil commotion snd great upheaval recently raging in Chicago, the Aermotor people were at work, rro fi'H R ltm n l lte < *lp ro c lty . and literary occupations. lara ••Jahlierwock" was as much a mystery to vent ion at Buffalo, asking ( 'hauncey I > c | h * w <>0*"F A m forreduetd rates in consideration of their they had to feed on candied violets, rose tion between the [nirtieres he carefully its founders as to the curious friends who HAS NO SUPERIOR IN S K IN , leaves and fruits, used to get homesick for let one foot out o f lied. asked question* about It. But from a let- I t >-L B U la rg e m.mU rs. It was written on pajM*i any particular. hem led with the title of their weekly pub Broadway candy stores, mid wander like C o n s t ip a t i o n As it touched the floor the rustle ter from Mr Carroll himself, granting per­ c u r e s mourners alsmt the streets after peripatet MONEY REFUNDED BY mission to the girls to use the name, they beat ion, The Shroud, and concluded in I N O i e C S T I O N O IZ Z IN E S S any grocer, ic soda fountains. The stories they would sounded again, and so near that Mr learned that "Jabber work’ ’ was very suit­ these word*: “ If you should see fit to grant E r u p t i o n s <> n t h e s k i n Murfree nearly lost his balance with IF NOT SATISFACTORY. | our request we shall I k * happy to exercise pour into French ears about home products, fright, and found himself on his feet the able nnd appropriate. The letter was as I B e a u t i f i e s / C o m p l e x i o n and tin* eloquence they expended in show follows: toward you professional reciprocity.” - I « 3(1 F0* I C A S E IT W I L L N O T C U f i l M a d * i s P o * t i . a s d » t ing how the French nation would open its next moment shaking with alarm lest L o n d o x , Feb. d, 1888. I -M A N U F A C TU R E D B T - New York World. Amurrreable Laxative Rnd N E R V E TO N IC , eyes if a New York eandv shop were to he had provoked the marauder’s at ten Mr. D w is Carroll ha* much pleasure in. g iv ­ Bold b y D r u n k t a o r sent by mail. 25c.. ö U l , o|H *n on a boulevard, would Is* received ing t«> the editress o f the proposed magazine j Closset & Devers. tion to the alcove or awakened the sleep ami $1.00 per package. Samples free, llr ln M ln i lllm . permission to use the title they wish for. 11« with polite credulity like that given lod e M M f\ The F avorite WCTH PCTTH "W asn’t it sad alnnit old Million's fait script ions of sound steamboats apr«»js> ing Samantha. find* that flie Anglo-Saxon word ‘‘ wocer.** or | A W A w fo r the Teeth and B M th J A oa X. P. N\ Ü. No. 569— 8. F. N. U . No. 636 But, no; all was quiet, and as soon as "w ocor,” signifies "offsp rin g ," or ‘‘ fruit.’* Ta k­ ure?” of channel Units. The indifference of Paris ing "Jabber“ u its ordinary acceptation o f " e x ­ f s r . F r o n t an d A i d e r 9 t «., “ What! Has he failed*'’ is now < f less consideration. An American he plucked up a sufficient amount ot cited and voluble discussion," this would f i r « “ Yes; gone clean to smash.** candy simp lias Urn opened on Picadillv. courage he peered cautiously through the meaning of **ihe result o f much excited PORTLAND, OREGON "That’s too Iwul; lie promised me some­ nnd it has made the London |Ms»ple »»pen j the curtains. thing yesterday, but now in his trouble 1 their eyes, ns it was predicted the Parisian'- ! With difticulty he repressed an excla discussion.“ Whether this phrase w ill l»a- e Bend for catalogue. an> application to the projected periodical it w ill not hold him to it.** w ill be for the future historian o f American would o | m * ii (heirs. mat ion o f horror. F O U N D E D 1870. "That’s generous of you. What was it?" Dr. W illiam s’ Indian Pile A boarding and «lay school for boys and \onng men, under military discipline. It U described ns a fairylike aUsle. The mn’s rays fell across the dresasr. literature to determina» Mr. C arroll wishes I Ointment w ill cure Blind, “ His daughter’s hand in marriage.** F.x all success to the forthcom ing magazine. Seventeenth (IT) year under present mauacement will open September is. i hor wherein dwells in piles of dainty sweet ? B leed i-g and Itching Piles. bringing out each article on ;t with « ourh preparation for college and se entitle school«. Commercial Course, ACA­ change. — Boston Transcript. I It absorti« th** tumors, allays Dess long draw n out narrow white parrels weird distinctness, and just in tli** DEMIC , UKKPA K U O R Y AND P R IM A R Y DEPARTM ENT». the itching at once, acts as a poul­ tied with pink ribbons and sealed with a O atm eal a> a gives W n ill, For C at a lo g u e and Full Particulars. tice, gl r e s i iTmtant tistant relief. Dr. f? i- It«* <'« » i i t e n t e d . lams’ Indian Pile Ointment 1* prepared Oatmeal is Mippumnl to lie liygieiiically golden seal The*e name» are new, Uu , shadow before the chevai glam wa*» th« J. W. HILL. M. D., Principal. P. 0. Drawer 17, Portland, Or. Some people are alwaya grumbling. for Piles and Itching o f the private they learn them quickly. Wintergreen. stooping figure of a man. imjasrnble. but it demands a tolerably _ parts. EverT box is warranted. By drng- There i* nothing like contentment. A H«* waa evidently searching the nppo? ists, by trail on r , vigorous and rapid digestion to dispose of with a touch of savory piquancy mixed with sweet ness; marshmallow imbedded in . drawer, and Mr. Murfree gasped for joy youiup ln«ly reported to tear* the other day 1.00 WILLIAMS M AhUF ACTUfilNG CO.. it. Dr. Benjamin Hichardsun giv< * Dinner " A FAIR F A C E M A Y P R O V E A F O U L B A R ­ became her fatb« r thought $35 waa too Proprietors, Cleveland, Ohio. ous examples of heartburn cause« 1 by an chocolate, food for the god* indeed. These as he distinguished on the top of the cal» much to pay for a hat. If that young lady oatmeal diet which nothing could relieve phrase* art* English, but do not equal tin inet to the right o f the glass the missing G A IN .” M A R R Y A P L A IN G IR L IF S H E U S E S ha«l only considered that there are thou until that article was banished, and which enthusiasm for tin* ms la fountain, a tempi« revolver. sand* of yonrg g iilt who don’t *p* n«l that of marl»!«* nnd silver, wherein is dispensed returned immediately if the use of it was much money in a year for hat*. *he would " I f 1 can oulv reach him.” said Mr the ice cream s«sla an«1 the hot soda* that PISO’S CURE FOR resumed —Sanitary Era. young New York ha* found so attractive.— '• Murfree to himself, "ju m p on him as h< have received consolation. Another case i and people who hav« weak tangs or Asth* in point i* of a youth who grumbled be- New York Evening Sun. is landing over, and secure the revolver | A Note.I ftalrlde. ma. shoe Id a s« Pisos C ar« for ffitl*c his father could not ju*t at the time before he recovers himself—it’s a goon Consumption. It haa ewred Sir Samuel liomilly, a man of brilliant 1 pay for the boy's shoes being mended. tha a a a a d «. ft has Dot in tar* plan and the only one. I’ui getting kino genius, by whose efforts the criminal laws A D ilig en t 1‘ upll. rne It is not bad to »«*% That boy little thought that at the same j of England were remodeled a man loved is th« best-----* J IX ) Y O U KF.EL B AD ? DOES Y O U R B ACK Teacher l am glad to *«*«• you work­ of riled; I don’t believe 1’ui suih a cow time he should have been content«*! and for bis sweet nature and upright manliness ache? D oe» every step »eem a burden? Yon need ar«l after all." put up with what be bad. for hi* next door ing so «liligently a* your writing lesson. —while overcome by grief at the death of CONSUMPTION. M O O R E 'S R E V E A LE D REMEDY. W ith a mighty effort he braced him neighbor had rivently met with an acci- L ittl«* Boy- Yes m; 1 want to get so 1 Three d iw « only Try it._____ ids wife, with Ids own hand sought rest lie ••If and advainrd cautiously, keeping dsut, and h« had no feet to put sbi^ea os. i in write my ow nexcuses.—Good New*, }oud. Popular Science Aluuthly. SOMETHING NEW FOR WOMAN TO DO. Scott’s Emulsion CATARRH H HERCULES 8 » E ngines ST. HELEN'S IRON WORKS. S. F. S IM P LIC IT Y , STRENGTH, ECONOM Y S U P E R IO R W O R K M A N S H IP ^ 58» H oot Golden West Baking Powder PILMERIREY TYPE FOUNDRY, BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY.lt T f SAPOLIO MALARIA! 1 e