s TEAMKR TOLEDO. M akes th e ro u n d trip daily, ex cep t Sunday, be­ tw een D aytou an d Portland. Leaves Day to u at 6 a. m ; N ew berg at 6 a. in., a n d re tu rn in g leaves P o rtla n d a t 3 p. m. OREGONIAN RAILWAY DIVISION — AND— PORTLAND AND YAMHILL RAILWAY. T rain s a rriv e a t N ew berg as follows: N orth. 8outh. 7 :55 a .m . *12:80 p. m *12:30 p. m. 6.05 p.m . •E v ery o th e r day. P assen g er a u d F reig h t R ates to a ll p oints c a n be i o b ta in e d from C. B. FKISsELL, A gent Newberg, Local Events. I arrie im r A “ *^3 °1<1 M the hills" and never excell­ ed. “ Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. Simmous Liver Regu- lator is the /? r T f i F* o n l y Liver and Kidney medicine t o which y o u can pin your faith, for a cure. A m i l d laxa­ tive, a n d purely veg­ etable, act­ ing directly on the Liver a n d Kid­ neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Than GOLD F i r s t D o o r W e s t o l‘ P o s t O ffice. N e w b e rg , O r e g o n . | 1 ,8 0 0 P A I R S O F S H O E S T O S E L E C T F R O M . Low Shoes. Button Shoo«. Luce Shoe«. 1« an expression often heard, hut we have yet to meet the person who has I I n a I * o f L e a t h e r n n tl C lo th f o r M isses tin il C h i ld r e n , received any at th a t price. Yet many articles in our store are being sold at | Men and Boy’« Shoos, Boots and Tennis Shoe«, prices that are lower thau some goods have ever sold. 1 " 1 CLOTH MADE UP TO °»DER BY MEN TAILORS We are trying to help you over the hard times. Ledgers, Day Books, Paper, etc. Shoe Polish and Brushe*. B O U G H T W I T H C A S H A W A Y D O W N AND S O L D D lT T O l Beat lumber in the county. Newberg Milling Co. C. L. Ballard of Sherwood was in town last Saturday. T he B est I s For pure drugs and fine stationery go to ARE YOU HUNCRY? T n e C h e a p e s t. Hill’s Drag Store. G o T o W IL S O N ’S G R O C E R Y a n il J. H. Daily and wife visited at the city of Salem last week. f v e ry th ln a CET SOMETHING TO EAT! Good baled timothy hay $10.00 per ton F re sh > C lean. S. M. C a l k in s . There are 1,343 platted lots inside our corporation limits and still there is room T h e K in g o f L iv e r M ed ic in e * . for more. “ I h a v e u sed y o u r S im m o n s L iv e r R egu­ W e se ll n e a r ly o n e to n p e r w e e k . G O O D A S T H E R E S T . la to r a n d c an co n sc le n e io u sly say it is tlie Legal blanks of all kinds at this office. W . IE3. H E A C O C K , k in g o f a ll liv e r m e d ic in es. I c o n sid e r It a m e d ic in e c h e st in itse lf.— G eo . W. J ac R* Full stock kept on hand and sold at the b o s , T acom a, W ash in g to n . Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors and Windows, Brackets, lowest prices. « - E V E R Y P A C K A G E 'S * T urning*. Shingles, Lath, Pickets, Lim e, Sam i, Glass, N ails an d a ll k in d s of B u ild in g Mate Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Edwards returned H a s th e Z Stam p in »e d on w ra pp er« rial and B u ild e rs’ H ardw are. N e w bersr, O r e g o n from a visit at Prune Ridge, Marion coun ty, Wednesday. Pumps, pipe and fittings at Storey’s. Mrs. J. R. Smith and H. F. Lashier Were passengers for Portland on the Tole­ Go to Hill’s Drug Store for Paints and oils. do Wednesday morning. Several hundred boxes of plums and Newberg Milling Co. successors to Dor- prunes have been shipped from here by ranee Bros. A . JC. C O O P E R & C O . the river during the week. D. B. Reasoner of Middleton was in Jesse Edwards is laying a new brick town Tuesday. We take this plan to Inform the public that we are better than ever prepared to sup* walk in front of hU residence which will The Weekly Oregonian and the G raph ­ plv the trade this Fall in tho line of a add much to the appearance of his prop­ ic one year for $2.50. erty when finished. GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRUIT TREES. C. \V. Holt of Astoria has been here Milton Hampton is arranging to move for the past ten days visiting his brother Pa; ties desiring to set orchards this Fall will make money by calling on or correa to town in order to be convenient to col­ J. S. Holt. ponding with us before placing their orders. Buy slahwood from Newberg MillingCo. The G raphic office for first class job Ilay and feed is cheap at Calkins’ Feed lege. Let them come. We can take care Parker & Inglis report a heavy trade in What are you doing to help out tho work Store. of several more such families. clothing aud gent’s furnishings during Tin lamps, tin flues and incubator sup­ Save up a little spare change for the fair? The Salvation Army organized on Tues­ the past two weeks. The G r a p h ic is indebted to Prof. J. F. II. Storey has on hand all sizes of plies, at Storey’s. fair. day night with a membership of eighteen J Jessup for an account of W ednesday’« JJo M o r e B a c k A c h e Stop in at Holt’s storo and see tire big and we understand they have a good display of canned goods from the New­ See Newberg Milling Co. for all kinds Iron Pipe. Parker & Inglis are rustling for trade picnic. prospect for more members soon. Go to A. T. Hill for Dr. Wm. Ellis’ anil are getting it. fo lumber. H arry Littlefield of La Fayette visit­ berg Packing house. You can’t afford to steal from your Finest Wall Paper patterns ever brought Liniment. ^ 'W ith one pressed brick factory, one ed w ith his brother, Dr. Littlefield, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. K. Spaulding, N. neighbor's clothes line when you can buy For a good wearing comfortable shoe mud brick yard ami two tile factories Wednesday. Britt and Ed. Holt were passengers to town at Hill’s Drug Store. a good work shirt for 40c. or a pair of for the city Monday morning. Ted Terrmit’s little l>oy fell from a J. C. Cooper of McMinnville was in call on G. Jl. Bales. Newberg ought to attain a reputation for pants for 75c. from Parker & Inglis. tree Wednesday evening which result­ Tho Weekly Oregonian and the G raph modeling in clay. In order to make room the Newberg town Tuesday looking up the fruit inter­ Dr. Littlefield was showing an old col­ Milling Co. will sell slab wood for 25c. ests. ic one year for $2.50. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Todd arrived home ed in the breaking of one arm near the lege friend in the person of Dr. Hayes per load during the next 30 days. Tho poultry show at the fair promise rom Wi'.hoit springs last Monday. They shoulder. Rob. Stratton is building a house on over town Wednesday. Dr. Hayes comes \V. C. Ailsworth a music teacher peak in the highest terms of the springs Miss Mina Cox returned from Scott’s River street adjoining J. M. Linton’s to lie the best ever made in the county. from Indian Territory and will locate for from Portland has lieen in town during s a health ami pleasure resort. property. One dozen photographs cabinet siz> Mills last Friday where site had been vis­ the practice of medicine in LaFayette. Wo have just received a shipment of the past week trying to work up u class G. M. Bales the shoemaker keeps in extra finish, for $1 50 at Smith's galler iting with her sister Mrs. Nicholson. Mr. a n d Mrs. Sherry Faulkner stopped »omestic Sewing Machines. Needles of in music. The outlook for a c h ic k e n show a t tli Miss Cora Comer who has been visit­ stock a fine line of shoe dressing. Cork ovct here Wednesday night w ith t h e edi­ So far as we have been ahlo to learn, all kinds, machine oil, etc. C a ll and ex­ soles constantly on hand. fa ir is n o t a s p ro m is in g as i t w a9 a few tor o f the G r a p h i c on t h e ir way home ing with tier parents Mr. and Mrs. Silas the only family missed in the census a m in e . J. H. T o w n s e n d . Rob. Bell took his departure for Mos­ days ago. Coiner for several weeks left for her from Little Nestucca. They left for Port­ cow, Idaho, last Tuesday where he ex­ The steam whistles from one ware­ report of last week was J. II. Duily’a home at Seattle last Saturday. Persons having second hand college la n d o n their wheels early Thursday rave house, one grist mill, one btlck factory family of three. Two males anil one pects to remain with an uncle. text books to dispose of should call at I have aided a little to my stock in the morning. female. CONSTIPATION, and two tilo factories, with the chiming tf I a m n o t a n o ld h a n d a t t h e b u s in e s s , Hill’s drug store. way of Ladies’ amt Children’s shoes. INFLAMATI0N of p i BLADDER. AID The farmer has to sell his stock cheap Storey’s rush of business demanded an­ but just o ld e n o u g h to k n o w h o w to m a r k W. T. Macy was in Gopher valley last of the whistles from tho steam wood saw =■ ALL KIDHEY DISEASES and it is cheap meat that you want, while Better look at the prices and see if they other expm¡«need workman and one from and various thrashing outfits, proclaim to m y g o o d s w a y d o w n . C. S t a n l e y . suit you. C. S tanley . Sunday. A big bear was killed in tha it is your money I want. Take advant­ the world that business is not entirely at Portland has been assisting him this B. C. Miles and family left town Wed­ neighborhood that day. Sold by A. T. Hill. Miss Heston, sister of our fellow towns­ age of the supposed short life of the Cen week. Five and six men hammering a standstill about Newberg. A. M. Hadley, Mosos Hollingsworth tral Meat Market and buy meat at hard man Canby Heston who lias been visit­ nesday for a short vacation. They will The display made by tho northern sheet iron make a tin shop rather a poor ing here for several weeks left for her visit at Scott's Mills. Prune Ridge and and Thomas Patterson ware at McMinn­ times prices. J. S . B a k e r . lights last Sunday night beginning at place to carry on a conversation. Salem. ville on httsinoss last Monday, The large circle of friends Dr. Thomas home in Omaha, Nebraska, last Satur­ Dr. Littlefield w ent out to Jim 8 :30 and continuing nearly all uiglit was day, George Morris and family were over Elmer C. Armstrong is planning to witnessed with delight hy many of our B ryant’s place on the mountain (Ju st n o rth of B ank o f N ew berg.) ^ Maris has made during his short stay in from Scott’s Mills a few days this week If yon want a pump go to Storey’s. Ho start with his family fur California next citizens early in tiie night. It is safe to Wednesday in company with I)rs. Mc­ Newberg will be sorry to know that on Latest Styles. Prices Seasonable. amount of failiag health ha has decided handles the best madp, fits them up him­ visiting with liis parents Mr. and Mrs. week. They will go by tho Southern Pa- ,Say ,10Wcver that lmt fmv Newher„ ,K,0. Connell uud Hayes and performed a W ill p u rc h a se dregs good*, trim m in g s a n d all Wm. Morris. self and guarantees them to satisfy you. cific. to return with his family to Indiana. findings w hen d esired . pie were looking for fire works after nil.l- surgical operation for one of Mr A trial of the new syrups at A. T. Hill’s They will leave today and will go in com­ Galvanized pipe and fittings always on A former resident of Newberg but row night considering Hie fact a general Bryant's daughters. An nbscss was M r s . M c D a n ie l. hand. soda fountain these warm days is sure to of Polk county was said to haviT been in | rounding up of chicken roosts was made removed th a t hud been giving her pany wi'ii President Newlin. trouble aud the putlcnt Is getting along The Newberg Pecking Co., commenced The ice cream social given by the girls’ make a fellow want to see the thing phiz town a few nights ago, and thereby hangs by thieves without being discovered. a talc. Suppoced to be a chicken tail and work Wednesday morning on an addition missionary band in the basement of the second time. Pressed brick from Edwards’ brick fac. nicely. Mrs. Ann Lamb received a dispatch several of them. to the building tielonging to Wm. Allen Friends church on last Saturday evening John Cummings, a prominent attor­ tory are being planed on the grounds at which they have been using in order to was well attended and the proceeds were from Tonganoxie, Kansas, a few days ago We hereby servo notice on all parties Friends church, the building committee ney of New York city, is visiting with saymg her aged mother was very sick using legal blanks that they need not go hoping fh he able to v-oieer tho building Hon. J. C. Nelson. Mr. Cummings has accommodate their growing business and very satisfactory. and would hardly recover. give room for Alien’s evaporating opera­ farther ttian t lie G r a p h ic office for sup­ this fall. Thu delay in finishing caused liven connected with a big land case A representative of the McMinnvi le tions which will begin soon. The addi­ broom factory was in town last Saturday Pretty warm weather we have been plies. We will keep a full supply of all by the inability of the committee to col­ out In Klamath county for the p H st tion will be 16x56. lect money that was guaranteed in the three or four years and this is the third with some very good brooms. The broom having lately but the hazy appearance of kinds on hand. east lias boon bury unsatisfactory to the seusou lie has liven out to look after it. Without any efTort on his part Wm. Al­ corn was shipped from Nebraska but the horizon ami the foggy mornings indi­ Joel P. Geer the owner of the steamer len’s fruit evaporator is getting to he pret­ next season an effort will he made to raise cate that the fall of the year is near al Toledo is making arrangements to do a committee as well as to the church and He bus finally been suceesnful In gain­ hand. tiie public generally, and it is to lie hoped ing the case for his clients. ty well known by fruit men over the it in tbe vicinity of McMinnville. big business during the hop picking sea­ atate. He had a letter of inquiry from a A fire started in B. C. Miles slashing son carrying pickers, camp outfits and that enough money can he raised to com- M o n d a y ’. IV sIflr V o te . / Charley Hodson came down from Mor­ ptete tiie work. man at North Yakima, Washington, a near the river last Monday jumped general supplies. At the election held Monday to get row county last week with the horses he few days ago and Tuesday a request came the road and caused considerable excite­ Marshal Macy received a dispatch from an expression from the people with ref­ had ti traded to John Wright for town prop- bad The Dundee German who went to jail Dundee lust Saturday morning asking from Albany for him to go there and put ment but it was checked before any se­ erence to putting in a system of water Wty. There are five head of them and rious damage was done. rather than pay his fine remained the I him to he on (he lookout for one J. I). up one of his evaporators. works, not to tost to exeeed $15 000, they i are the best horses that ever came necessary length of time, two days anil s Kckwood who hail escaped from the In­ there were 125 votes cust of which 90 H. Vanayoc and wife and Mrs. Asensth into Í Newberg from the upper country. Bran 75c. per hundred. Bran an.t Thomas of Wilcox, Nebraska, arrived shorts mixed 80c. Shorts 85c. Chop85c. I half. As be could not he held for the sane asylum at Salem. Soon after re­ favored the scheme and 35 voted ad ­ here e few days ego. Mrs. Thomas who The article with reference to the pickle Barley chop 90c. Flour 70c. per sack. I costs some money he had in the bank j ceiving the dispatch the runaway was versely, milking a majority of 55 iu seen coining down lhe railroad track and favor of water. At the city election is a sister to Milton Heacock of Spring- and kraut factory at Middleton furnished Deliveries made anywtiere inside the city ! was attached for a part of the amount. brook will remain. Mr. and Mrs. Van- by our correspondent from that place has limits. Leave orders at post office. J. L. Iloskins, L. M. Parker, A. T. j lie simply engaged him ¡n conversation held last January there were 233 votes syoc will return to their home in Nebras­ been copied by a number of our ex­ Blair, Calvin Stanley, David Lainh ami ; until tiie attache from the asylum came cast. From Wednesdays vote it up- J. D. T a r r a n t & Co. ka after a few days visit with their broth­ changes and Middleton is unvariably re­ Brother Dupuy of the LaFayette Lad- Carl Stanley went to Salem last Sunday ! up when he was taken into the carriage |iears th at there are 108 voters In town ferred to as being in Yamhill county. er in-law Phineus Roberts. Saved from St. Vitus Dance. ger in company with ten other gentleman to witness the unveiling of a monument and returned. The unfortunate man who are not Interested In the matter. This is a mistake, Middleton is in Wash­ H o p s :— You will get a better price and came down from LaFayette on a hand erected at the grave of a memls-r of the ; formerly lived near Dundeo. h n ia ll 1 h le v ln g . “O ur daughter, Blanche, now fif­ ington. A visit to almost any of the prune or- be at less expense each year by getting a car Tuesday evening and visited with the order of the Woodmen of the World. A general raid was made on the chick­ teen years of age, had been terribly afflicted w ith nervousness, and had " I know an old soldier who had chron­ A. O. U. VV. that night. After a jolly | Kenneth Bazemore had the good for-' e-h»i-endiciilar j WK BUY FUH --------- ---------- community. Tire plea that young peo­ »lie having had a thorough course in that that the logs don’t hear enough weight In j The regular subscription price of Tits ple can’t afford to go to collego means a also. We wish to congratulate the com produce host. It ia safe to »ay Hie log G r a p h ic is $Lo0 and the regular siilr WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. life of mediocrity for such people. “ Grit, munify on this flattering prospect, and ger» don’t ride down astride Hie logs. si ription twice of The HVrlfy Orff onina ______ _______ is $1 59. Any ono »ubwnhing for riix grace and gumption,” always puts a hope that Miss Sargent will receive the Leal, strayed or at ten. G raphic and |iaying one year in advance young person through college. A year j enronragement which we lielieve ahe will i m Moonstone i i . . can G raphic and The Week- A scan ' pm, ’ Sunday Aug , O'/gontan ,, get both Tits . $2 . , of loss in this line is simply irreparable i deserve. There i* good material in thia (y one year for ■>). All old community to support a conservatory of: n*t 12. Finder will confer a blessing on gu^ fiber» paying tlinlr »u!iscr*ptione (or A lot of yonng men ought to lake the The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. lesson from the lives of the men who music that will be a credit to tbe college suffering humanity by leaving the same one year in advance will ho entitled to Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. Bburt bieath un/txl by Dr Mile*' Ll«*ri C « t at Lliis office. 1 lhe rant« • ffer. and to the town. have done tbe most for our country. P ills DO YOU COMPARE PRICES? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Sec our low priced Ginghams— 7 aud 8 cents. Granulated Sugar— per sack, 86.00. DEPOT LUMBER YARD. Coffee— Arbuckle, Lion, Faultless—your choice, 25 cents. 5 gallon keg Pickles— 70 cents. Large stock of Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, etc. While we name the lowest prices we guarantee our goods in every particular. Newberg Nursery, MORRIS & MILES. r __ C % c G J DRESSMAKING. Right Arm ParalyzedI Dr. Miles’ Nervine Cures. Sold all : Gash Meat Market D-PRICE’S CASH. a e sfssm GOOD SiirT AKD Austin & Stanley. f