THE PORTLAND MARKETS. À »»♦< f » * i T À t I.V T A life NEW YORK’S CHURCHGOERS. A tU A M H O X W ALKER. » HERCULES CL E ngines it# coo churehe* of An Cr©«d# and Attend- In these days when the severest tests are Wheat Market. ance of Worshiper#. applied in every department of athletic W heat price« in the local market are ^There are 84 Catholic churches in N ew exercise, walking, running, bicyclc-riding, necessarily nominal, as there is abso­ \ orlc city for a Catholic population of tennis.etc., those who share in the contests C A S a nd lutely no export business. W e are now 600,000. O f these churches 3 are of the niust provide against emergencies. Harry between the two grain seasons, and Jesuit order. ° 2 ^ Capuchin, Ui~ ° 2 Franciscan, 17 1 * 1 Brooks, the champion walker, gives the re­ CASO LINE dealers are only beginning to figure on Carmelite, 1 Paulist and 1 Dominican. sult of twenty years' experience as follows: “ Numerous statements relative to the the coming year. Export values, based There are 10 German Catholic churches, merits of different plasters having been on foreign markets, are as follows: 2 Italian, 1 Bohemian, 1 French, 1 Hun­ brought to my attention, I take this oppor- PINCH O F F A L L S ID E SHOOTS. W alla W alla wheat, 75c per cental; garian, 1 French Canadian and 1 Polish. tunity to state that I have used A llcock ’ s The Polish clinrch is in Stanton street P obols P lasters for over twenty years and Valley, 77‘ ¿c per cental. and is now the subject o f litigation. It prefer them to any other kind. I would furthermore state that I was very sick with | Pruning A w ay Surplus Shoot# anil T y in g is tlie only Catholic church in the most catarrh of the kidneys, and attribute my rrothice Market. the Plant# to Supports K xpove« the F lock — Standard brands are quot­ densely populated ward of N ew York, recovery entirely to A llcock ’ s P orous which contains 75,000 inhabitants in 110 P lasters .” Fruit to the Sun light ami Favor# It# able as follows : Portland, Salem, Cas- U randrzth ’ s P ills the safest purgative acres of ground. Kurly D evelopm ent. cadia and Dayton, «2.50 per barrel; known. ___________________ If, as the church authorities expect, W alla Walla, $2.90; -now Make, 12.55; The Ohio experiment station in one of The New Parlor Maid—Miss Alice -ays >he's tliis church is closed for religions uses, not ut home, sir. He U—er—really! Then tell its bulletins gives the following direc­ Corvallis, $2.50; Pendleton, «2.50; gra­ tlie Tenth ward will he the only one in her I didn't call. town of the 24 without a Catholic church. tions for staking and pruning: When ham, $2.00; superfine, $2.25. O ath — W eak at Stic per bushel for The Twenty-fourth ward has seven. There is more cstarrh in this section of the pruned and staked tomato plants will country than all other diseases put together,ami l>ear much closer planting in the field white and .'¡lie for gray. Rolled oats are There are 200.000 colored Catholics in the until the lust few years was supposed to be in- United States, and those of them whe , curable. For a great many years doctors pro­ than if left to themselves. Two feet by quoted as follows: Hags, $5.75@6.00; reside in N ew York, a small fraction of nounced it a lo al disease, and piescribed local barrels, $t>.00f'/i’>.25; cases, $3 75. remedies, and by eon.'-tantly failing to cure with four ¡ h alxnit the proper distance. As Mi Lucre r v s — Bran, $15«! 17; Bhorts, the whole number, have a church of i local treatment pronounced it incurable. Sci­ soon as the plants are set in the field $16f 12 !^c; common, 71 (a established in 1888. cleaning department. in each row. Takeordinary lath or small 10 c. The total number o f churches o f all C rkkse — Oregon ll% (a 12'aC per creeds and denominations in N ew York sticks of any kind, of the same length Uie Enumellue Stove Follali ; no dust, no smell. , as lath, and stick one just at the side of pound; young America, 13 ‘ .j (<* 14 * 8 c ; city is 600. Their seating capacity is Swiss, imported, 30«<32c; domestic, the place that each plant is to occupy, »»OVAL BAKING POWDER CO, 10« WALL ST, NEW-YORK. 825.000, uml their value is |S0,000,000. T r y G i r m i a for breakfast. i The upper ends of the stakes are held in 10 «i 18c. Enos— Firm and scarce at 15c per doz. The assessed value of the marble cathe­ place by crossing the two wires back and P oultry —Old chickens sold for $3.50 dral, tlie most important of the Catholic forth—that is, T>y weaving the wires around the tops of the stakes or laths. per dozen yesterday. Young are worth churches in town, is $3,000,000; Trinity This makes a neat little trellis, sufficient­ from $2.00 to 3.00, according to size. church is valued at $4,000,000, Grace T w o W a y s o f T a m i n g Horse#. ly substantial for one season, but the There I h no demand for old ducks or church is valued nt $350.000, the Jewish What is announced as being a trial of material can he used several years in geese. Young ducks are quoted at $3.00 Temple Emann El on Fifth avenue and the relative merits as horse tamers of succession. The plants are trained to «'4.60, ami young geese, $ti. 00 « i 8 . 00 . Forty-third street is valued at $400,000, Leon, o f Australia, and Sample, o f Am er­ single stems and tied to the lath sup­ Turkeys are slow at 8 m 10c. J U D G E J O H N M . R IC E T E L L S H O W O nions — New California red, lc per and the Jewish Temple Beth El on Fifth ica, was commenced in the theater ad join­ ports. Of course, tying must he done at avenue and Seventy-sixth street is val­ pound; yellow, IJ 4 C per pound. HE W AS C U R E D . ing the Westminster aquarium the other successive intervals as tlie plants increase V koktaiilks —Oregon cabbage, lOmtiOc ued at $400,000. in height, until the top of the trellis is evening. A committee o f between forty N ew Y ork is very largely a city of reached, after which nothing further per dozen ; California cabbage, $1.00 per and fifty gentlemen, including m ilitary need be done in the way of training. All cental; cauliflower, $2.75 per crate, $1.00 churchgoers. Tlie total attendance taken C rip p led for Six Yearn W ith Sciatic men, veterinary surgeons and others. side shoots near the ground and suckers per dozen ; parsley, 40c per dozen ; string collectively on Saturday and Sunday at IChouiiiatlMin In Itn W ornt Form He In E v e r y D e ta il. j has been formed to supervise the affair, must lie kept pinched oil*, as the object beans, $1.40 per 1 k > x ; w ax beans, $1.50 all forms of religious worship amounts Kxpected to H ie, Hut W um Have«l In a | and it is intended to award the winner to he gained in staking would lie lost per I sjx ; asparagus, 00m 05c per dozen; to about 900,000 in a total population ol MarveloiiM M anner. a prize of £100. A number of intracta­ otherwise. None of the blossoms are to peas, 3 'g m5<- per pound ; cucumbers, $1 1.800.000, including tbe sick, the disabled, These engines are acknowledged by expert en­ gineers to be worthy of highest commendation ble and vicious horses, or horses suffer­ he removed, but simply the leafy shoots per 1 h > x ; California tomatoes, $ 1.25m 1.40 infants, octogenarians and persons in From the Covington (K y .) Post.] for sim plicity, high-grade material and superior per 25-pound crate. and such, which hear no blossoms and There are more workmanship. They develop the full actual The Hon. John M. Rice of I^ouiHa, ing from other defects of temper, will come out near the ground and at inter­ B errien — Strawlierries are quoted public institutions. horse power, and run without an Electric Spark lie submitted to the rival tamers, and Lawrence county, Kentucky, has for the Battery; the system of ignition is simple, in ex­ vals along the main stock. Pruning from 2m2l..,c per pound; raspberries, 4(8 Methodists than Baptists in N ew York, vh S the committee wdll decide as to which, and reliable. past two year« retired from active life an in the words of Professor Atkinson, away these surplus shoots and tying the 5c per pound; blackberries, 10c per more Presbyterians than Methodists and R h e u m a t i s m a n d Sc rofu la C u re d pensive For pumping outfits for irrigating purposes more Catholics than Presbyterians. The “ My eon Clarence wa# taken with typhoid l>ound; gooseberries, 2 'ac per pound; no better engine can be found on the Pacific Criminal and Circuit Judge of the Six­ most nearly conforms to the require­ plants to supports exposes the fruit to currents, 4m 5c. fever and after four weeks’ doctoring the fever oldest Catholic church in N ew York is was broken. Rheumatism set iu and scrofuloui Coast. the sunlight, and favors early develop teenth Judicial District of Kentucky. For hoisting outfits for mines they have met ments of simplicity, humanity and prac­ ment in a marked degree. Tomatoes T koi ' ical F ruit — California fancy St. Peter’s on Barclay street. N ext old­ sores came on him. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has with highest approval. H e has for many years served his na­ ticability. Owing to various causes last thus trained ripen aliout two weeks in lemons, $3.50m 4.IX); common, $2.00m est is St. Mary’s at Grand and Ridge For intermittent power their economy is un­ Sar;a- questioned. tive county and State in the Legislature night’s demonstration was of a rather advance of those which are allowed to 3.00; Sicily, $0.00m0.25; Mediterranean streets. There are 46 Jewish synagogues Sweets, $3.50m3.25; St. Michael, $3.25m lie on the ground, are freer from rot and in N ew York city.—N ew Y ork Sun. at Frankfort and at Washington, and restricted character. parilla Each man “ handled,” as the term is, larger. The crop per plant is less than 3.60 per l>ox ; bananas, $1.75(8 2 60 per until his retirement was a noted figure buneli; Honolulu, $1.75m2.50; seedlings, by the ordinary method, but because of two horses, and with, from his own point The Paying Teller*# Story. routed them all,, * in political and judicial circles. The the higher prices obtained for the fruit $8.00(83.26. leaving iu their o f viev\?, success. Leon’s system o f “ tam­ “ In our bank, you know,” said the stead F resh F ruit —Oregon cherries, 45m perfect .fudge is well known throughout the ing,” as is perhaps generally known, the profits are larger. 50c per I kix ; California cherries, 00m 00c paying teller, “ we never allow any ciga­ health. To-day State, and possesses the best qualities consists in the subjection of the animal per 10-pound crate for black; apricots, rette smoking, and part o f m y business HOW TO FATTKN, t r o u g e r and which go to make a Kentucky gentleman to bo operated on by an ingenious and 80 m 00 per 25-pound I kix ; California is to see that nobody comes into the bank ■ weighs more than ever in his life, rood’s .Sar­ most effective arrangement of bits, gags A l l A n i m a l * I ntem ler i f or M a r k e t S h o u l d apples, $1.50(«2.00 per 00-pound I sjx ; with one o f the vile things burning. saparilla has save 1 our b 'y’s life.” M rs . V anis honored wherever he is known. E ddleblute , Roxbury, Ohio. CET HOOD’S. 75c per 25-pound I s ix ; new cooking W ell, the other morning a young fellow I k ; ICeaMonably F a t. About six years ago the bodily troubles and cords, while Sample, after securely Hood’s Pills are purely ve^efable, and do which finally caused his retirement at a boxing up his patient, brings him into The market demands that all animals apples, 75c per 25-pound box; Austral­ came in with a note he wanted certified, not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggist#. ian apples, $2( ii 2.26 per lx>x: peach tim e when his mental faculties were in close proximity with a steam engine, the zenith of their strength began their and having familiarised him with its intended for meat should lie reasonably plums, $1 per box; peaches, 50m00c per lie was a nice, country looking sort o f a boy and must have been new at his busi­ fat before they can lie considered as be­ box. encroachment upon his naturally strong —MANUFACTURED BY— TAKE D rier F ruits — 1803 pack, Petite ness, as he wandered all around the bank constitution. A few days ago a Ken­ noises while under restraint, afterward ing fit for market. ( Jenerally this im­ THE tucky Post reporter called upon Judge drives him right up to it. Both men plies the feeding of a fattening ration for prunes, 0(88c; silver, 10m 12c; Italian, before he struck my window. But as & 01678671 BEST 8ml0e; German, 6(«8c; plums, 6(8 10c soon as he came up to me I caught the Rice, who in the following words related gave demonstrations of their respective at least a short time before sending to evaporated apples, 8(810c; evaporated smell of a cigarette. ‘Somebody is smok­ 405-407 Sansome Street, San F ran cisco, the history of the cause that led to his methods with a fair amount of success, retirement: “ It is just about six years and it is understood the committee will market. How long this fet*ding should apricots, 15m lOej peaches, 12m 14c ing a cigarette,* I thought to myself, —AND— since 1 had an attack of rheumatism, award points nightly and give their de­ lie kept up must he largely determined pears, 7(" 11c per pound. ‘and it must be that boy, though I don’t C or. F ro n t and A ld e r Sts., P o rtla n d , Or. H o rs — Prices nominal, as follows: slight at first, hut soon developing into cision at the end of the fortnight.—Lou by the condition of the animal. One see one in his mouth.* So I looked at him sciatic lheumatism, which began first don Telegraph. advantage in keeping all animals in­ Choice, lO m llc; medium, 7m8c. C 9 Send for catalogue. and said, ‘Have you a cigarette?* W o o l — Dull. Valley, 10(u lOJ^c per with acute shooting pains in tlie hips, tended for meat in good, thrifty condi­ “ ‘W hat, sir?* said the boy aa cool and gradually extending downward to my tion during growth is that hut a short pound; Umpqua, lOmlOJac; Eastern Slavery Still K i I n I i . feet. feed will lie required to properly finish Oregon, 4m 7c, according to quality and fresh as a May morning. THE ERICKSON PATENT SQUIRREL BOMB 2r«-ts., 'W A slave dhow, captured recently by for market. W hile fat is essential in se­ shrinkage. “ ‘Have you a cigarette?* “ My condition became so bad that I ■Wets, and P rovisions — Eastern hams, medium, “ And before I could say another word eventually lost a'l power of my legs, and II. M. N. Blanche, has just been con­ curing the best price, an excess of fat 81.00 Bottle. then the liver, kidneys and bladder, and demned. She was on her way to Pemba rather reduces than increases the profit. 14c per pound; large 131 ac ; hams, that kid made a grab in his pocket, haul­ One cent a dose. in fact my whole system, became de­ when the attention of the officer of the The careful feeder must be able to de­ picnic, i l l « 12c; breakfast bacon, 1.3(815c ed out a box and stuck them in at my sold on a guarantee by all driiK- ranged. I tried the treatment of many watch was attracted by the unusual termine when the most profitable stage short clear sides, O'.jCfBllc; dry salt window, with the remark, ‘ W h y, yes, g is I t t 3 is . I t cures In cipien t Consumption physicians; but. receiving no lasting number of Arabs in a dhow stand­ has been reached and then sell. In sides, 0(810c 5 dried beef hams, 121 m 13< and is the best Cough and Croup Cure. cert’nly— help yourself!’ benefit from them, I had recourse to pat­ ing in toward the land. On hoard­ nearly all cases and in nearly all lard, compound, in tins, B'gt« 10c; lard, “ Fresh? W ell, I guess so!’*—N ew York pure, in tins, 10,'¿m l l ' j e ; pigs’ feet, 80s ent remedies, trving one kind after an­ ing her the dhow was found to contain seasons in order to feed to the best $5.50; pigs’ feet, 40s, $3.26; kits, $1.25. Tribune. ______________ other until 1 believe there were none I advantage it will be best in fattening to thirty-three slaves and to have come gradually increase the rations until they had not sampled. M o d e s t. Merchandise Market. “ In 1888, attended by my son John, from Pangani. Three of the slaves were are on full feed rather than to feed heav­ W riters o f comic plays are said to have, 1 went to Hot Springs, Ark. I was selected by chance to be examined in the ily from the start. One objection to put­ Sun ar — D, 4'uC ; golden C, 47Be ; extra a9 a rule, a very good conceit of them­ Is sure death to Ground Squirrels, Pcckct Gophers, Rabbits and all ani­ not much lamented by some months’ prize court. ting on feed too suddenly is the danger C, 6 'gc ; confectioners’ A, 6 'gc ; dry selves. But one o f them objected never­ mal# that burrow in the ground, sim­ is overcome by giving the stay there, when I returned home. My Of these tw o came from the neighbor­ of putting the animal off its feed. Often granulated, 5 '„ c ; cube, crushed ami ple, safe anti certain. Price,|3 per 100 theless when an ardent admirer compared liver was actually dead, and a dull per­ hood of Mombasa. One, a male, said that when this is done it will require several bod y proper and sufficient bombs; boxed for shipment. Sample cartridges, with directions for using, sent free on sistent imin in its region kept me on the he had been sold by his brother on ac­ days of careful feeding to get back to a powdered, ti>4c per pound; ' ¡c per pound him with Shakespeare. nourishment. W h e n waste application. For sale by SHIELDS E X TE R M I­ discount on all grades for prompt cash; “ You mustn’t do that!” said the dranir rack all the time. In 18‘.H) 1 was reap- count o f famine prevailing in the dis­ good, thrifty gain, and thin is so much NATOR CO., Moscow, Idaho. |H>inted Circuit Judge, but it was impos­ atist. is active and you are losing really lost. Stock can he fattened at any maple sugar, 15m Hk' per pound. B e a n s — Small white, No. 1, 3 'ac per sible for me to give attention to my du­ trict; the other, a young woman, said time, provided gwid care is taken in the “ W h y not?” F R U IT PR ESERVED ! flesh and strength, take ties. Jn 1891 1 went to the Silurian that a year ago she had lieen sold by an management; but the hotweatherof the pound; No. 2, 3 'Bc: large white, 3'gC “ W ell, Shakespeare had his way of LABOR S A V E D ! Springs, Wakeshaw, Win. I staved there Arab of Mombasa, and had eventually summer and the extremely cold weather pea, 3 'g c ; butter, 3 'ac; bayou, 3*4c ; writing, you know, and I have mine.**— been sold to tlie captain of the dhow; of winter arc the most unfavorable sea­ Lima, 4 'ae. some time, hut without improvement. Youth’s Companion. C oeeee —Costa Rica, 23c: Rio, 22(8 23c “ Again 1 returned home, this time the third slave was a little boy, and sons, and generally it will lie found a 28c ; Ar- X K A K IN G T H K G R A V E . feeling no hopes of recovery. The mus­ when examined he said he came from good plan to manage to feed so that it Salvador, 22c; Mocha, cles of my limbs were now reduced by Unyauiwexi with a caravan. The cap­ will not he necessary to fatten at these luickle’s Columbia and Lion, $23.50 per 1(H)-pound ease. atrophy to mere strings. Sciatic pains tain of tin* dhow said it was the business times. In old age infirmities and weakness hasten to oh'-e the gap between ns and the grave. Hap R ice — Island, $4.75m5.00 per sack. PR ESERVES F R U IT tortured me terribly, but it was the dis­ of the people on the coast to sell slaves, pi 1 v m * icn ti tie research and pharmacal .skill have N IT K O G K N I O K P L A N T S . C ordage — Manilla rope, 1' 4 -inch, is allied ordered condition of my liver that 1 felt W ITH O U T HEAT. themselves in furnishing us a reliable and that lie had paid for every one of quoted at 1 ) 34 C, ami Sisal, 7 '4c per nn ans of ameliorating the ailment# incident to gradually wearing my life away. I>oo- declining years and of renewing waning physi­ tors gave me up, all kinds of remedies the thirty-three slaves and had not stolen It I* 111«» M«»*t V a l u a b l e F l « ‘in«»iit o f F e r ­ pound. tlie Cream of C o d - li v e r Oil. t i l i t y In t h e Noll. or kidnaped any. The slaves were turned C o a i .— Sales are slow and prices steady. cal energy. Its name is Hostetter # Stomach had been tried without avail, and there bitters, a widely comprehensive rem«»1y in dis- — PRESERVES— It w ill overcom e the w aste Domestic, $5.00m7.50 |ier ton; foreign, was nothing more for me to do but re­ over to the missionaries, and the captain eiise and an inestimable blessing to the eldony, Nitrogen is the most valuable element C id e r , M i l k , B u t t e r , C a t s u p , the fe etle and tin* convalescent. Rheumatic sign myself to fate. and A rab crew have lieen dealt with by of fertility in soil, is the most abundant $8.50(«iU.(X). by giving ample nourish­ tnnible with the kidneys and lumbago W heat B aoh —Calcutta«, (>' 41 ’, cash. ailments, P ic k le s , E t c ., “ I lingered on in this condition, sus­ the sultan o f Zanzibar.— London Army an among the more common ailments o f the ment. Physicians, the w o r ld And doe# it SUCCESSFULLY by preventing fer­ one in nature, and is aWiut the hardest tained almost entirely by stimulants, and N avy ( «azette. aged These are effectually conn teracted by the M«»at Market. Bit ers, which is likewise a prevention and cu­ mentation. The use of this wonderful preserv­ one to get in a form available for plant until April, 1898. One day John saw an over, endorse it. rative of malarial complaints, dyspepsia, consti­ ative assures success in canning and preserving B eef — Top steers, $2.50c«'2.75; fair to pation account of Or. William s’ Pink Pills for food. The air we breathe is alxiut four- ami biliousue?#. It i# highly promotive fruits and vegetables of all kinds. NO MOULD M r . L o c k e ' s F o r t i i i i u t e I tml. Pale People in the Kentucky 1*091. This gooil steers, $2.00«<2.25; cows, $1.75«» of appetite, sleep and the ac«iuisition of vigor. on top of fruit. Saves time and labor, and is in 1. N. Locke, o f W ayne county, was fifths nitrogen, the other tiftIi lieing ox­ every way a decided success. Prepared by Scott A Bowne. N. Y. A ll Druggist#. was something new, and as one more 2.00; dressed, 4c«5c per jiound. In May ygen. In breathing we nrse the oxygen After a girl of 1«» has toll! her best girl friend drug after so many others could not do formerly tut active trader. M utton — Rest sheep, $1.7«rK«2.00; all her opinions and all she knows she drops so much harm, John prevailed upon me 1872, he was in Chicago, and bought a lot and discard the nitrogen. Pure oxygen ewes, $l.fi0t«'1.75. her and gets a new friend. to try the Pink Pills. It was, I think, for a small sum. He put the deed in an would lie too strong, au«l we should be Is sold by all druggists and grocers, and is r. W illiam s’ Pink Pills have been of the most approved W* L* D O U C L A S * steady tone, not l*eing plentiful. The «piart«T of a century m achinery, photo ap­ with “ fever-sore" (ulcer) very popular since Judge Rice used them found the package and gave it to Mr plants plowed tinner when iu full htoom new «Top is offering in fair quantity, B R O CKTON . MASS. paratus, powerful elec- on my leg and eczema­ Y m can save money by w e arin g the with such lxuietit. He mentioned sev­ Locke, and through his attorneys his will fertilize the soil ami enable it to with rates moderately steady. There is ______ trie Ughi#..etc. Having tous eruptions and gave W . L . Dougin# 9.1.00 **hoe. S. F . M et ha nus Institute I f > « " * experience and eral who have found relief in their use. claim lias lieen established. Had the produce g»x>«l crops sooner ami cheaper no demand for old brewing, while the lip all hope of ever being superior artists, this necnu«e, we are the largest manufacturer# of pioneer Co. turns out the highest well again. But I am this class o f w ork An analysis of hr. William s' Pink Pills deed remained concealed a few days than any other agency. F«>r this reason new crop meets with some little inquiry grade of shoes la the world, and guarantee the x promptly, reliably ami at uniform ly moderate happy to say that your value for Pale People shows that they contain longer the twenty years would have ex­ those w ho «»w n farms which are at ali for shipping purposes. New, 82 G «» 85c: by stamping the name and price on th# prices for all kinds of engraving. Publishers helped Dr. Fierce’# i»«>lden Med- bottom, which protect you against high prices and sterile in the North should grow clover, in a condensed form all the elements pired and no claim would have lieen al­ old, s7lv i<»9tV: brewing, new, 87l««»lHV. ieal Discovery ma«le a the middleman’s profits. Our shoes equal custom to s •’t up sp ’Clal isaues. Job printers and others should send for samples, estimates and information. and those in the South should grow row ... ('omnletf cure of my ail- work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualitiea. A. T. D a w k y . Manager. 22u M arket St., 8. F , Cal. necessary to give new life and richness lowable. If is a lot in the Inmlevard ad­ O \ i >- 1'here is no great activity to the to the blood and restore shattered nerves. dition, and the parties occupying it have peas. The study of farm chemistry is a market. Milling, $1.20 «1 .:»0; surprise. C aroline aa EKKi.m . nU»nts, alth«uigh 1 had We have them aold everywhere at lower price# for tried different doctors nn«l almost all known the value given than any other make. Take n.> sub- very interesting one. They are an unfailing specific for such given Mr. Locke $20.000 for a q lit claim Dr. W illiam s’ Indian Pile $1.35 «1.40; fancy feed, $1 27lm «l.J 0 ; remedies without effect. •tituta. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Ointment w ill cure Blind, diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial pa­ good to choice, $1.12l? (« t.221^ ; poor to Bleeding and Itching Piles. lndinna|Milis News. \ 4 f«»r C h i c k « . ralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neu­ iiiir, 1.00««].10; black, nominal; red, It absorbs the tumors, allays ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the itching at once, acts as a poul­ A olim p ami «M iljr-rlrannl coop for nominal; gray, $1.12G<« 1.221*. X. r . X. U. No. 563— S. F. X. U. No. 630 • Mllil i ’ ri l i t u l i '# C a m e r a . tice, gives instant relief. Dr. W ill­ the after effects of la grip|>e, palpitation iams’ Indian Pile Ointment is prewired Count Primoli is a familiar figure iu young chicks i« iiiAtlt* An follow «: Take of the heart, pale and sallow complex­ for Piles and Itching of the private For Oregiin'* AVat«*rway*. ions, all forms of weakness either in Parisian society . spending a |Mirtion of common wt-allmr Nranling or anv waste parts. Every box is warranted. Bv drug­ C R E A M B A L M —Clean«*«the gists, bv mail on receipt of price, 50 cents lumber you may have on hand. Saw a WisniNovoN, July 4.— Senator Dolph male or female, ami all diseases result­ the »ease *n « ach year at the liospitahl* , A lla y s Pain and Inflammation, snc. $1.00 WILLIAMS M ftNUF ACTURING CO., ing from vitiated humors in the blood, house o f his .unit. P rillo «-•* Mathilde, in sutheient number of th e «1 thirtv inches ma«lc a very successful Fourth of July i. Restores Taste and Smell, and Proprietors, Cleveland, Ohio. hr. W illiam s' Pink Pills are sold by all I Whose salons lie formed the acquaintance lung to make when placed »¡de ny aide celebration bv securing increases for O r­ dealers, or will be sent postpaid on re­ j and acquire«) the warm f riendship of the a width of four feet. Next «aw from a egon improvements from the Senate ceipt of price (50 cents a box, or six | (Mipular novelist, Paul Bourget. He is 2x4 »eantlinir four piece» thirty inclier Uommeree Committee. To-morrow the I>oxcs for $2.50—they are never sold in long. Nail the«e together in the form of F erer h u trouble h-e«d made ma.1e with ible with b^esd hulk or by the 100) by addressing hr. j noted as being, with the possible excep- a npiare. To either of the op|Hi«ite «idea committee will consider The Dalles pr«>>- elves I * s efrrV«.----- fa Met:*/Aft- - W illiam s’ Medicine i ’o., Schenectady, I ti«*n of tlie l>u«' de M« rnv, the most suc­ of 11 >ia «.ptate nail the lioarda tirataawed, eet, ami Dolph thinks In will have the Druggists or by maü. ELY BKU&, M W orras su, Y .l I cessful amateur photographer iu Europe allow mg them to meet at the top ao aa Niat railway s I,« me adopted. Squire s N. Y . and has spent enormous sums on various to form an \-»haped roof. Next hoard Seattle canal project will also come tip ! It i# absolutely pure. C LO S E T A D E Y E f>. the perfected apparatus connected with this up one end oomplete, and leave a door for consideration. IXilph ha«l a long makers, Portland, Or., guarantee every can. “ IT IS I G N O R A N C E T H A T W A S T E S An old lady who d ain i* “ tu kmiw ali particular fad.--New York Herald. in the oppoaite end large enough for the struggle for the increases to-day. The entrance of the hen». Now make a l».t- month of the Columbia was fought by alM in t it ” «a y» thè only way I«« pr« vi tti EFFORT.” TRAI NED SERVANTS USE Sl»e Ought to Know. tom «nfficiently large to allow of the coop Kasterti members. steainhoat explosions in to inake thè in Miss Imogen Oniney, who entered po­ being placed npon it and extending two giurerà * 'bile U n ir water on shore." In 3 H - M 4 I1 .IS V .V W i n He a T«*t*l W recte. ber opinimi “all thè lnistin is dune In litical life to the extent of seeking the inchea all around the outside of the coon and people] Nail slats around the outer edge of tin Foni Tow\>wti, Wasli.. Jnly 4.— The postmistress ship of h* r town, says the! 'bo have weak lur. 4 r - Astb- I cooking thè «team on board thè ln-at.’ liottom at that distane«*, which will alio* hark R. K. Ilam . that went àsliore OD na. #h<>uld use Pim. « Cure f r f no woman ean earn a livelihood at po- Consumption. It has r n r r d L the coop to lx* placed on the insideof the Düngern *# spit Snnday night, w ill Ix» a Tbrre are just ih ree wonvn physician« «try the statements of Ella Wheeler slats. IkuTt nail or fasten the bottom it has not injur* I total lo*#. A heavy westerly swell ami ..— r It •• not bad to take in thè state of D< laware. and nut one W ilcox notwithstanding. to the coop in any manner. This makes a st t? h ree re ha* emlnxided her «leep in - !• the bwt cough #vrup. TTT^rôî^i"^TT,T?ArTi,TH^r>,,Tôr Bold everywhere Sòr. o f these is native bori). Tber® are n«> a coop that is dry, vermin-proof, am i a«l- thè shiftitig sands. Four tugs made an ache? I W * every step seem a harden ? Y o n need Nineteen New York liable* were mits of lx*ing easily cleaned— three es­ women lawv« r*. woineti jutirnalists or M O O R E 'S R E V E A L E D REMEDY. a*ni« d after Columbus during the we«*a sential properties connected with *«tc unsmvessful effbrt to tow her to «ieep water. All movahle forniture ami f i t ­ wotnen munsi« i* in thè state. following the celebratiou. cessini poultry-raising. tine* will l»e *a\cd. Directions for Pruning and Training Them. Absolutely N| Pure &&&% All other powders are cheaper made and in­ ferior, and leave either acid or alkali in the food y# SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH, ECONOMY SUPERIOR KENTUCKY MIRACLE. WORKMANSHIP H oods Cures CURE THAT • - PALM ER C ough W ITH S h ilo h s ^CURE Waste Scott’s Emulsion Antifermentine Antifermentine Don’t be deceived by Substitutes! W. L. D ouclas A N T IF E R M E N T IN E $3 SHOE ENGRAVING! ! S hERCE-SaCURE, C a TH E ART WIFE Golden West Baking Powder S A P O L IO nn m n !