bavin*» livt,‘d in Ore gon unt which posting li itnseif wit h i eferonee to the he afterwards accepted was a religion ut Korrout \sii in dlihhkum : inuthoda of tho comniU»ion houses of that l*jace and love. K. II. W oodward and O um . (J. K meuy . city und to the »ale of California fruits General* Grant, Sherman and Howard which hua of lute HS&umcd such iuii mense who have had large experience in fields F R ID A Y , A P R IL <>, 1804. proportions ami ho was listened to with of carnage, deprecated war as a resort for intense interest by the an lienee. lie settling national disputes and discouraged Entered a» second eUss matter at the pout office at Nevvbcrz, Oregon statod that after mature deliberation ho the boy* from desiring to become soldiers, was fully convinced that Oregon fruit picturing rather the privation, auflering C alifornia ’» repreaentive» aro nqiorted rainure «lioiild organizo on lira co opera- ami misery of a huldier’s life. To ea courage enthusiasm in the mimi« to be getting jealous of our man Herman tivo plan for tiro sale of tticir products. over at Washington because lie is more At every fruit center their should bo an of our children for the «lory of war, the puccessftil ili gattini appropriatimi« for orgatiizod «toek company wilh wurehoiise-i. honor« of victoriea gained by bloodshud is Oregou’s river« and harbors than they are 'and facilitio.i for properly handling fruit in a practical sense to cultivate the baser i , His feelings of the heart, jealousy, hatred, ru- for their«. Ju»t where the ground« come ] alter it is put up ready for market. in for a kick we fail to understand. Her suggestions were lioartily endorsed by the venge, the taking of life which they can­ man is an Oiegonian ; lie was elected by meeting ard a committee was appointed not restore. llie Oregonians and lie is such a represent-. to take immediate steps to get up tlm ! The introduction of military tactics and ulive a» Oregonians aro proud of. While necessary papara preparatory to the or- drill» into our colleges and universities Californians are kicking, Herman gets in gani/ itiou of u stock company, Tho cotn- and higher schools of education with and does his work for Oregon. That is miUcti is cont|ioKed of llie following gen­ army ollieials to train und drill them os­ tlemen who will meet at Dayton on Fri­ tensibly for development of muselo and what we have film in Washington for. day tho U lh , viz: C. E. Hoskins, J. C. graco of movement but really for prepara­ Cooper, Judge Galloway, W. K. Allen, tion in case of war, and into Sabbath C O U N T Y 1 I O K T I C U I .T U K A t , S O C I E T Y . A. 1*. Macy, Judge O, N. Denny uud \Y. school und Christian Endeavor societies O. Lownsdale. equipped witli all tiro trappings of a m ili­ The first quarterly meeting of the Yam ­ A letter was read from 8. A. Clark the tary soldier, with copies of the New Test­ hill County Horticultural Society belli ut veteran fruit grower of Salem, expressing ament iu their cartridge Isjxes, is an in­ the M. E. church in this city last Tues­ regret ut being unable to atteud the meet­ novation unwarranted by real C hristian day, was very interesting from first to ing on account of other engagements. thought and a desecration against the last. The forenoon session, aside from The evening session was well attended meekness and gentleness and spirit ut Ihe usual routino of business, was taken ami the program was interspersed with peace of our loving Savior. up by an address by the president, C. E. vocal and instrumental music. 1’rof. Dear teachers, lead the minds of your Hoskins, and a paper on "Evolution” by Uuorgo Coote of the state agricultural col- pupils away from tho desire for the equip­ Alya Macy, of Dayton. Mr. lloskins in lego read a paper and answered question» ments of the soldiery, especially the dead­ bin address pointed out some of the mis­ on pruning that was quito Interesting. ly weapons as having any port of their takes • / horticulturists iu tko past, and U. \V. Mitchell read u very instructive pa­ training for life. Away from tho thought spoke of the need of some radical changes per on tiie functions of the leaf. Mr. that the carrying and handling of these along certain fines in the future, advocat Shepherd said lie was a little disappoint­ weapons is safe in their mingling with ing the selection of only competent per­ ed in tliu sisa of the audieueu dining the eaeli other, that the legitimate work of sons on the various committees. day as ho imd expected more people out the schoolroom is searching into the Mr. Macy, in liia paper, spoke of flic in this community wlioru so many are on- dcpili of science mathematics und litera­ improvements that liavo been made dur­ gaged in fruit growing. llo eueourugud ture with gymnastics and athletic exer­ ing the i>ost in methods of curing fruit all to join tho society and thus concen­ cises sufficient for development of health and preparing it for market. Hu H|«rke trate their elTurts. Also encouraged all to and strength of tho pupil and guard of ihe various modern methods, rejecting subscribe for and road horticultural pa­ their language uud decorum toward their all os being far short of perfection, and pers. There are pa|s rs published in n ie ­ teaeirers und one another. outlining the necessary qualities of tiic gen that deserve patronage. The next M r s . E. B. M i i . es , dryer of the future. This paper wo liopo meeting will be bel l in threo months at Stato Supt. Dep’ t. of I’oucc. to be able to give our readers in full neat week. A discussion of principles in dry­ Day Ion. NEWBERG- GRAPHIC. not u nail or other piece of iron used i.. the constructipn of theentiro Inhaling. 1 donV if any q ! these ptimitive struct** urefl have tturvivt'l to the present day. Rven forty years ago they had quite gen­ erally given place to neat frame or brick buildings, and at the lime of my earliest recollection the era of the log school* house was nearing it* end.—James Ualdm ; wint in Scribner’* Magazine. '.V A X I N ’ S I ’ O L I I I C A L F a t O V F ItU * . When a man that wants ollicu never tiils office, it makes patriotism kinder rag down in llie middle. Big haystack» and lots in the inedder is best «tumps to make campaign speeches TÌ19 • Chehalem -V Iu I ‘r new rttoiii. Ip fur ; It- ¡X p -1 (pin alley Bank, Newberg, Oregon. ^rtJtn ' A fford , ample facilities for the transaction o f a general banking Im.lue.., lnelmliug Foreign The American eagle is mostly backbone »ml Exchange.- Ttumkiug the public lor favors o( the pan year, we solicit a coutluu anil feathers. i auce of the same for the future. Turin’ uown the stars and stripes is a durned risky business. D IR E C T O R S : FI-OSI OU It KXCUANOItS. Uncle Sam ain’t bonin, fer a file. bu t),«,,, A. It. MILLS, Vice-President. j GEO. w W . MITCHELL, President. lie has fit enuf to kno how. G. W . M c C o n n e l l , cj . c . c h i u s t h n s o n , w . k . a l l e n . The man that can raise a family, and There is something of a muddle be- won’t raise a family ain’t Alien to be a M OSES V O T A W , C a s h ie r . *w°en tiie coanly court and thè city eoun- .-il concerning the furnishing of electric- patriot. The Goddess of Liberty don’t wear lights for tlio court. As a consequence tho court room is lighted by coal oil pants. Being honest in politicks has its draw- lamps. It is a muddle pure and simple, growing out of loose business methods on ' j backs. both sides, evidently. The county court j Somo law makin’ is less respectable A . IC. C O O P E R & C O . cut down the bill presented by the super­ than some law breakin’ . Most statesmen git smaller as you git intendent for lights furnished at thb last W e take this plan to inform tiie public that we are better than ever prepared to sup­ terra of court. Tho charges were at the closer to them. Takin it by and large, the farmer is tiie rate of two cents per hour for each burner ply tho trade this Fall in tho line of a for the time in use, the same as is lungs and vitals of the country. Yamhill i Minty Reporter. Newberg Nursery, ; charged tiie churches and other public- places. The court claims a contract at a lower rate made w ith a committee of a former council. The council denies the existence of any such contract or the authority of any committee to make one, and there is said to bo no record of such a contract. The simplest way out of the misunderstanding has been pursued by the council in sl>ptting off tiie lights after due notice. -T w o cents per hour for light is undoubtedly a reasonable charge for service. I ’c-ter Head, the little Freneli Italian, on familiar terms with and known to ev­ erybody in McMinnville, was taken to the insane asylum by G. It. Cook on Fri­ day. I’oor I’eter bad for some tim e been getting more and more mentally unbal­ anced. He thought lie saw spirits at night, and would go gunning for them, and keep up a fusilado until the early hours of the morning. The shanty he oc­ cupied iu the north part of town is pep­ pered with bullets. One of tire spirits lie could sco every night was u little woman which lie tried to drive away with a club, but she would dodge him every time he would strike at her. Ilis quarters had become very foul and he was living on in sulficient food for Ids proper nourishment. It is thought tiie new associations, whole­ some food and a good bath occasionally will at least restore him to former mental vigor. Hu was not averse to making lire change. GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRU IT TREES. Electricity will eventually provide the Pai tie* desiring to set orchards this Fall will make money by calling on or cor re* poor man’s light, Mr. Bee fee is reported ponding with us before placing their orders. to have said, und we think it a reasonable prophecy, says Invention. The manage­ ment and control of tiie electric motor is simple; its service is in direct and immedi­ ate command ; it requires no fuel, in econ­ omy of space occupied has no competitor, and in some cases, where needed for inter­ Livery, Feed & Sale Stable. mittent use, [>ower can be furnished at one teuth to one fifth the cost of steam. An American cotemporary points out that the H ANSON & W ORDEN, electric melor has found its way into [dumbing, metal spinning and machine IVe arc prepared to furnish Good and Stylish R ig», with or without drivers. Fair treatraen shops in New York, and considers that by us and the same expected o f our customers. Tourist and Transient custom so there can be no grave doubt hb to itd more guaranteed liciteti. Prices reasonable. general adoption.— Ex. Sheridan Street, near Main. N EW BE R C , O R E G O N. "The Fashion” Proprietors. IS F E C U N D I T Y I N F L U E N C E D B Y numbered upon receipt and to each tenth subtle liber will be prerented a year’s sub Oregon Pacific Railroad Co. This ¡9 a question that would hardly en ­ script ion to tho Cosmopolitan Magazine, ter into tiie thoughts of tlio average poul­ costing $1.50. Address nil order* to the P»* W . IIAD T j KY, I{<* g kai » ii shall contain the . . - * * . . | . , , , ! best thought ut the nation on this ones- lie lias been asked which breed of fowls , ,ion The rec-optnize.! leaders iu all p‘ ,li>- 0. T. W ARDLAIV, * * “ g f i ® . . he consibered the best layers. His reply ieal parties have been called upon to con* 1. F. A P. A. Corvaflis, O was that the question was a decided I v tribute plans for their ideal M o n e t a r y hard one to answer. Continuing lie said’: ! Svkt.em- ,!llt ,not content whli this, we ..... . . .. , . , are determined to employ in the same I id von ever mite the color of a bird volume the opinions of thousands of tiie as bearing upon its egg-producing quali- “ Great Common People.” and to that end ties? I have made the subject one of con­ we will allow two dollars on the price of siderable thought and study, and, much tbo book for your solution of ibis problem, expressed in not more than 890 words. as I hate to say it, I must admit that birds Tin-: M onouk u>ll, tile best modern work possessing black [ilumage will lay the on Monetary Systems, will be sent to any greater numlier of eggs in a given length address on receipt of $3.00. It is a book WE SELL FOR WE E L Y FOR C A S H . of time, all things being equal. My ob­ that «¡11 interest and instruct, and is des­ tined to become a giant factor in shaping servation lias been that parti-colored birds the future monetary system of the na­ with the exception of those possessing a tion. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. 3 iik M o n o iir a p ii Bcim.isiimo Co., iwrtion of white in the plumage, come Boom 44, German A m ’n l ! ’k Building, next in order of prolificacy, while those WEIGHT Xt. Baul, Minn. possessing much white, or purely MEAT. Reference by permission, National Ger­ white plumage, range lowest in the man American Bank. seale. I have also observed that hlaek fowls beget a larger per cent of chick­ ens from eggs set, and of a vigorous na­ ture. I am free to say, though, that it ^ ore ack che goes against my grain to admit this, be­ D O L L A R S cause on general principles I dislike dark- colored fowls. They almost invariably to p e r D A Y have black legs, which means a bluish- white skin, both of which are detestable S O E a s ily M a d e . to uio. I love a rich yellow leg and yel­ W e want many men, women, boys, and girls to low skin every time. But if eggs were Ihe work for us a few hours daily, right in nnd around their own homes. The business is ersy, pleasant, sole object of my keeping fowls I certain­ strictly honorable, and pays better than any other ly would select some black or at least offered agents. You have a clear fie ld nnd no dark-plumaged fowl.” competition. Experience aud special ability un­ necessary. No capital required. W e equip you This is a subject worthy tiie earnest con­ with everything that you need, treat you well, sideration of those who poultry purely for and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. eggs. Whether this gentleman is right or Women do as well as men, and boys and girls make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the wrong is not for ino to say. I give yon j work. A ll succeed who follow our plain and sim­ , ___ rC % c ple liia words just as they were given to me, directions. Earnest work will surely bring and you must draw your own conclusions you a great deal o f money. Everything is new rave and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet It is surely u vrey interesting theme and circular, and receive full information. No harm onstipation those in a position lo do so would do well INFLAMATION oft«£ BLADDER. ah O done if you conclude cot to go on with the to provs tbo correctness or incorrectness business. S ALL KIDNEY D IS E A S E S . -2 of this gentluinan’s observations.— The eo rge t in s o n o Fancier’s IUeietc. ; Sold by C. F. Moore & Co. Box 4 8 8 , COLORS? O K E U O N S T A T E t V E A T H E U S E R V IC E . ing followed, all parties agreeing that the C A 1.1 F O R M A l.ETTFH. process tlmt camo nearest to nature in SUMMARY. converting the juices into sugar or glu­ Los A noklks , Cal., Mar. 27, 1804. PriusoimooK, Or., Marcii, 1894. cose, was the process that would event­ Eon oss G raph ic , Elevation above sea level, 490 feet ually be used. D e i s S ic s :— Leaving Portland on tho Mean tein|>eratnre, 43.5° At the o|iening of the afternoon session ninth at 0:15 p. m., wo arrived in Paul Departure from normal, 3° below the following committees were announced. Francisco on Sunday at 11:25 u. m., and! Maximum temperature, 67° dato 23rd and Orchard fruits, J. 11. K coh , l)r. A. Mill«, loft tiro same day at 0:15 p. in., arrived I 24th. E. C. Armstrong. Hmall fruits, J. 0. in Los Angeles Monday 2 p m. Hero I Maximum temperature, 30° date 2nd, Cooper, J. W . Houck. Vegetable», A. 1*. find myself in tho great stato of Califor­ 3rd arid 17th. Macy, F red Craw lord, Jon. Hogue. Flow­ nia. As I passed through Hie Koguu E lv­ Mean of maximum temperature, 59.7° A ui!ly Popgun. ers and ornamentals, J. K. I’.rooks, Mrs. er valley and on through the Shasta val­ 11 “ minimum “ 3ti.2° Walter Terrell, Clitlbrd Terrell and Win. Galloway, Mrs. J. C. Cooper. En­ ley and running along tho Shasta Butte Number times minimum lemper- Nate D. Elliott, delegates to tlio Endeav­ tomology, E. C. Armstrong, W. K. Allen, for a long distance it reminded mo of the ature 32° or below, 3 or convention from Newberg, called at Dr. A. Mills. Itotuny, C. E. Hoskins, G. days of ’-ID. When passing through there, Number times minimum temper- tiie Popgun on Saturday. Mr. Elliott is a W. Mitchell, W in. Galloway. Nomen­ curoulo for the gold fields, then so rich attiro 49° or below, 27° brother typo and is always interested in clature, W. (). Lownsdulo, (). N. Denny, and abundant, we came down upon the Total precipitai ion, 10.27 inches friends of the craft. Dr. B. E. Swick. Now fruits, W . K A l­ waters of tho Sacramento to the Soda Departure from normal,'surplus, 4.49 “ len, A. 1’ . Macy, D. II. Kingery. Exhib­ Springs. Hero tho train stopped and all erly plant potatoes, hero save what lias been planted out. 5th, 18th and lOLh. placency . corn and other crops of a like character I made a trip to Whittier, which is Dates of light frost, 4tli, 5th, 18th, 19th between the rows. about lateen or sixteen nrilca from here, und 20lh. Dayton Herald. Win. Galloway guvo I uh experience in the place is very nicely loeutod, but the Dates of killing or injurious frost, 2nd, Oil Tuesday afternoon J. B. Fuson raising crops in bis orchard of forty acred improvements are much scattered in ci­ 3rd and 17lh. drove down to Newberg willi bis grand­ which lie suid was not ut all satisfactory. tin' place. The best soil I have seen yet The number of rainy and cloudy days This season ho hud rented the ground to is hero. I taw- D. J. Wood our old time during ttiiu month and tiic past winter is son, Ellis Hadley, who went to enter bis parties to cultivate for what they eoul.l friend, onco of Newberg. He looked and above Hie average yet il lias been exceed­ second term of school at Pacific college. raise after he had plowed it but be regret- seemed very much the same, a little gray­ ed in some winters. Tho total rainfall W hile at Newberg Mr. Fuson was taken sick. Ho returned home on the train ed having done so. er. Yesterday 1 visited l ’asadona. I from July 1, 189.1, to March 31, 1804, is W in. Allen. The small fruit grower spent a few hours very pleasantly ami 51.05 inches. Tlio Portland average for and F'.llis drove up from Newberg and may raise corn mid potatoes to a profit was much interested in the beauty of that period is 41.79 in giving an excess of meeting his grandfather at West Dayton de[«)t returned home with him. Mr. Fu­ hut what lie raises will probably take tilings there. 9 86 inches. The Portland average an­ son is well advanced in years, but lias from tho soil such properties as will lie A trip to Uivorside which Is (il miles nual was 49.34 inches at close of 1892. been hardy and rugged for one of his nge. needed by Hie trees later on. Tho um from Los Angeles. ltivcrsido is the Portland records cover 22 years and the mire from tho stock however, tlmt he place w here the fine oranges grow, und a annual rains have not varied more than Wo are informed that lie is better again. The ball on Saturday night was filled may keep on tho feed raised may supply nice place it is too. I H|>ont one day ut .5 indies from tho records here for (lie to overflowing at tlio Salvation army what lias been drained from the soil. liedotido, that place is sixteen miles from years covered by these records. meeting, many having to stand on the J. H. Sheppard. Have seen orchards here on the coast. This part of tho coun­ Lust m i K o iiin n d n , sidewalk outside. The proceeds of the almost ruined by cropping which en­ try neoils ruin very badly. If they do not Observer. office of tho coffee supper was over $11, courages the roots of tho trees to grow get it soon tlio crop will lie most a failure, which added to and Ihe sum total raised near tho surface then plowing deoply and and they are not Iixiking for it, tho time T I I E 1. 00 St l l o o i . . H O U S E . for the advancement of good work that cutting tho roots. Think beginners being past when they expect rain. E X K C C T O R * NOTICE. The log school house, a peculiar public evening was $15. M i d w i n t e r F a i r Hate*. should ire cautioned against deep plowing 1 ex|«>et to start for San Francisco to­ f O TR’ E is hereby given that Mary E. Sateh- in tho orchard after the first year or two. morrow, the 28th. I will stay there for a institution, nourished «b ile yet the public The Southern Pacific railroad company well, Herbert R. Putehwell aud'Raym ond Telephone Register. Satchwell have by the t'ounty Court of Jon. Hogue. In the Willuiuulto valley few day* and will then siart direct (or schools wore unorganized, and disappear­ ha* ¡¿sued the following circular: the County of Yamhill. State of Oregon, duly where the wind is from tho southwest NewlKTg. W ill tell you the rest when 1 ed at about (lie time o f their general ea- Harry H ill was indicted by tho grand “ The underpinned beg to announce that appointed executors of the last will and testa­ tahlismont. For although tho state had jury for burglary. He plead guilty and 30 days' time will l»e giwen on Special ment of Hiram i\ Satchwell, deceased All which inclines apple trees to lean to the see you. Very Kespectfully Yours, persons having claims against the estate of said no money with which to pay schoolmns- was sentenced Tuesday to two years iu Tickets sold at any point on this Com* decedent ure hereby notified to present them northeast, trees when set should be J. r . N> i.sox. Yes, w!;y not u*e home rrmedies when , ... k . | to us with proper vouchers at our residence in lets for them and their pupils. In every the penilouliary. He is the young man pan y Pacific System, lor San rratuMsco Newborir, leaned just a little to the southwest and Yamhill county, nr» •■>!!, within ; they cannot be excelled? district where stioli accommodations did who broke into tbe stationery store of C. and return, account tbe Midwinter Fair; 1 earo should he taken to turn the side of IfiS V adiyIfi Maw’h. A. p. 1 -: , not already exist the citizens were re-| Grisson and llie jewelry store of D. A. these tickets to be good for continuous; tho tree having tho strongest limbs to M a k v K. s . i t i - iiw x u .. , . . . i . • .1 I IlKP.BKKT R. SATCUS KLL, Dr. Wm. Ellis' Liniment A paper read before the Yamhill Coun­ | quirod to erect a school-building iglit Smith, the southwest which will have a tendency tups both going and returning. Also. K a vm . nh s\r< ii»ru.i.. ty Teachers Institute, March 81, 1894, feet In height from lleor to celling, and | to hold the troo against the wind. ana j j>r \yrj,.|,t has ordered an Imperial that to tbe purchasers of Midwinter Fair ] ani,t uI !l - *’• ^“ ehwcll. 0. E. Hoskins. Whllo many who se- aud published by voto of teachers pres­ furnished « i: h everything necessary for , w]100[ ula,[0 iG [it him. A plaster east of j tickets from our Ban lie System points, we ha* never been excelled for many thing?. orchards must cultivate to make a living ent. the eomemence of a sthoot, the samo to [,js [n'rsoii was sent to the makers in Chi- ] « i l l sell Excursion Tickets from San It cine* Cancer» (if applied in bni**,) Can­ In view of the rapid progress of one of he forever open for the education of all cago the other day. Yesterday a replv Franciseo to points in California, usable D ^ cer Warts, Tumor? in the flesh of man or as they go they will be compelled to use T . TU. M A R I S least, removes lumps from the bone, their best judgment and do the best they greatest reform movements of the present children within the district without ’li9' was received. It was short. Tho maker within the 81-days’ limit herein named, W ill treat all forms o f acute ami chronic dis­ cures Corns and Duftionff, Fistula on hor»- can under the circumstances. A few age, it would lw Well for tho instructors of Unction. I'-very man hod to do his part. i : *>¡,.0 w h iz! tbo Jumbo wheel w ill! at One and One-fifth Fare for points over cuses and answer all medical and surgical calls ee, bites and stings of poisonous insects years ago I sowed a three year old or- our children fo guard the trend of thought He might work upon tho building 0,10 , by ready to slop on tho Sth. j 150 miles from San Franciseo. and One promptly. etc. It ¡«good for Rheumatism, Neural­ Office in lloskins block. Residence in Chris- ehard to wheat because I really needed which they are implanting in the minds day in each week until it was finished, or | T|)e ^ lmmr8nrt^ n from Vort] 4n(, to 1 One-third Fare for 150 miles or less tenson property on WyuooHkt street. Office gia. Tooth-ache, Sprains, Bruises. Pleuri­ e__ _ u... f ___Tt... 9 to 10 a. m.t J to u aud 7 to * p. m Sab­ sy nnd all ache« and ppins of the bodt , the crop it would bring. I cultivated of their pupils, that it aliali be such as he might give a certain number of hoards, Tbe minimum hours baths J to p. m. tlu* city i * rather diRcouraging to our peo- from San Francisco. 1 and almost invariably takes the place of around tho trees, giving the smaller trees wi'.I unfold and develop along the lino of { or so many |>otinds of nails or panes of rates for such tickets will bo one dollar. the surgeonV knife in case of tumor.« rlc. NEWBERG. pie. One of the lute newcomers dropped OREGON. the beat care in order to bring tliem up the advocates of the purest principles by glass ; but failing to do either the one or Kate from Bortland to San Francisco It d»ies r ot eat its way, and leaves no tbo follow ing note from his [«x'ket as lie in the larger ottea in size. I got a good whicli they will lie able to stand in th • j the other, ho was to be fined three and return will lie $25 00 plus $2 50 for scar. passed Hits office: "M r. Drugstore send years to eonui « i l l i br.M.ltli of knowledge, "levies” (thirty «even and a half cents' crop of wheat and tho trees threw out j > Kates from Quaker City Poultry Yard, me one Botlo rarbllo assid some coat five admissions to tho Fair. head \ f e w t e s t im o n ia l s . fruit apurs and next year I bail a big crop kindness of feeling and depth ot true and for each day's neglect. Of course many plaster and gum gwakin there has been a other stations in Oregon will he made in One bottle of Pr. Wm. Ellis's Liniment re­ <>l fruit. 1 think it possible on most of genuine character by the side of the many districts evaded the law, and many like manner. Tickets will not be on tale moved a large tumor from my boy’s neck, after C. F. BCTLER. Pr *.rletor. uxidents on our p'.ase, “ seven years treatment with other remedies, our land to over cultivate for the I hi »( re noblest ai d strongest, ami purest |«Ople others claimed exem|8ion; yet numerous [ until tbe Midwinter Fair opens.” with no benefit. G eorge C r e a m e r . NEWBERG OREGON. wondcr(pl examples of pioneer architect­ suits to the trees. A medium cultivation of those times. Home, Greene Co., Tenn., July. 1»92. A careful study has convinced me of the supe­ Tho question of peaca enters into the ure sprang into being. 1 have been told 1 think is the best. This is what President Jordan, of Stan- . One .tntill I- tile i-f Dr. V m Filin . Linim ent rior qualities and adaptability to this climate of ■iir. A L IIIF .K A L O I T K U . •! « neivrr [« in fu my nicle which h,il Gen­ that in many eases a single day was suf­ ford university, says of the cigarette hab­ Dr. Swick. 1 have a poach orchard of structure of the school discipline. me m u-h tugerinx F ru it e Sin i.rz. |{;irr«-il P lv mon t I t o v i ; . , Newtaru. Ore*.ai. ¡v-3 six acres. One season I divided it up tleness and kindne-s should Is) incnVated ficient for the building and complete it : “ A s a cob ¡ to teacher my experience The bi* eight-page Sunday Statesman which 1 am now ting t lusively. Kiiss Otic bottle of Pr. Wm. Ellis's Linim ent cured planting in corn, potatoes and melons and into tho minds of the children in their as­ equipment cf one of these houses from with boys who have formed the cigarette will be sent to any address from now un­ for sal« iu seasou. very >*:itl bunions ou my feet, c f four years left a part without planting. Where Hie sociation » i lli each other. It « ill refine foundation-sill to ridge pole. The walls habit, is somewhat limited. It, however, til July 1st for only 30 cents, ca-h to ac­ standing J. P. B e l l . N’ewberfr, Orezon, June 1^93. corn grew tho treed made a | «»r growth, their rudeness, enhance their thoughtful­ were cf logs, sometimes hewn, but often- confirms me in the opinion that such : company the order. This is the mo*t lib* For sale at C. F. Moore & Co.’* ilm g among the potatoes a better growth and ness urn! enable them b> do N-tler work er unhewn, will 'chinked" in be* rmy api‘1»'«— they drop eral hard times campaign offer. »lore, and at mv home, at 50 cent» per the school tween ; Ihe th r was of roti^h puncheon*, long Ivforo liarvest time. where uothiug grow 1 got a still bettor Very few of > al.tni't i Is the sivond paper in Oregon, botile, or by mail a» OG cent» per bol tie. cl and abu* growth. or sp lit.« abs, laid side by side a few them ever advance far enough to enter and republican to the core. This is a A . IX iM O T T , O K L I M I I N A T. F U r l S , inches fr in the ground; the roof was of eolKyt'. Very few of those who enter last campaign of education and it our purpose Practical Surveyor, i« prej>m«1 to .«urvey. w E. 0 . Armstrong. You can’t cultivate •II vd I c an«l piai Farm«. Fruit Tract* or Tt » n l i r r ç . Orf<«-n. too highly tho first year after planting but lupbo-trds held firmly in place by Beyond Ihe first year. They rarely make to assist in the gissi work. The > .*,♦- bits on »hrifi m ioe. sitisia-v’tiou guaraott rough elapboir you may later on. am! long poles. A four*legged failures in after life, because they don’t »M '. gives all the newa ol the state and G >\oruintat lauti U uU'ti. id i table for the master, and slab have any after life. The boy who begins nation an.) during the campaign its Sun­ Klialia Utuilli. What should lie cot;-ad­ Terrell. «, without back», for the pupils— cigarette smoking before be is fliteen nev­ day edition will be a symposium of politi­ ored a good average grow th ? the*© comprised tho necessary furniture. er enters the life of the world. When cal news and gossip for the entire state. E. C. Armstrong. Before the trees D R E SSM A K IN G . Instead of desks there w as :i single board the other boys are taking bold of the It is illustrated and consists of eight full c.jtne into bearing I should cinsider from Manufacturers of • wo to three feet a sufficient growth and supported by driven into the wall, world’s work he is connected with the pages of select reading matter, including (Just north < where the “ writing scholars'* «toes! by sexton and the undertaker. There is one a short storv and a wealth of piietry and when the trees begin to lx>ar a much levs growth, probably eight inches. am! practised penmanship. In* grim argument to be made for tho use of miscellany. Every voter in Oregon Frires Eeascsable. if a stove there was a huge fire- cigarettes by boys— it help* on the sur­ should read a payor from the capital dur­ J. K. Shepherd, of Zona, I’ ilk superb* ;nail- Wo are prepared jf stem's ami mortar, with a stick* vival of the fittest. The manlv boy does ing ihn campaign and we make this offer spoke for twenty minnies on tli« y o f dra n tile in a orders \ mpt- • >f co-operation in the aale of fiu iv chimney protruding from one trot t»Ve to «uvh thing*. H e has life in to suit the times. Sample copies free. re solicited. Frit- ? list Shepherd i i a practical fruit gr the room. Sometimes there w is All subscriptions wid be consecutively N « w i e » o , OLSvi Mrs. M-Car.icl. Gash Meat Market GOOD Austin & Stanley. [Jo M B A e; G C i_rG> J , G oir N S & C ., PORTLAND, MAINE. W H Y NOT? J S U R V Iv Y IX G . TERRELL & CO. Latest n u m i » m u tu l