Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. G ov’t Report Throoá Santa Clara Wheat Bj FEANOIS BRET EARTH AB SOLU TELY PURE A FOE T O S H O P L IF T E R 3 IF I HAD K N O W N YOU. If I hud known you, oh, if I had known you. In other days when youth and love were strong, I would have raised a temple to enthrone you On some fair pinnacle of cloudless song. If you baearings in t he store when she caught a ordinary conveyancing fees. One little man and woman. They were Kichurd property of this sort, for instance, is offered Johnson and Frances Kline. Miss Alex to any purchaser for the ridiculous sum of under watched them at the ring counter. $¿0 and another for less than $50, house The woman wore a hat and looked like a and land included- all freehold. It is pret­ purchaser. Several I rays of rings were ty clear that all Germany’s protective im handed out. While the woman was engag port duties have been powerless to wan! ing the saleswoman the man slipped three off agricultural depression. In fact, her rings into his overcoat pocket. Then lie farmers appear to I k ; suffering a good deal Ifought a cheap ring and started out. more than those of Great Britain.—New Miss Alexander waited till Johnson got York Post. out on the sidewalk to give him no excuse Then she told him lie was wanted inside T lie T h r o w in g P ow er o f n W av «. To appreciate wave force and what may A t once his hand dived inti» his pocket, he termed the throwing power of a wave, with the thief’s lirst impulse to throw away let it he understood that in the winter of stolen property. But the little hand of tin 1860, at Bishop's Bock lighthouse, the hell 19-year-old detective clutched his wrist. “ Keep your hand there,” she said. When was iorti from its fastenings, although sit uated 100 feet alio ve high watermark. At a policeman came, tin* girl's nervous grip unclasped, and in t lie pocket t he t bree rings Unst, in Shetland islands, a door was burst in at a height of Bio feet above the level of were found. Johnson was sent to the is the sea. The most wonderful effects of land for live months. The woman, plead ing innocence, got oil. wave force recorded were wit nessed at \V ick Miss Alexander seldom has much trouble Harbor breakwater. Blocks weighing from with the men, but the female shoplifters 5 to 10 tons were built in above the line of hornet hues show fight, as did t In* handsome high water, first with hydraulic lime, then actress whom she caught stealing rings the with Homan and last wit h Port hind ce other day. As the woman walked out ol ment. This great work was considered by the store she was approached by the de the most learned engineers in England to tective, who said. "The proprietor wishes lie callable of withstanding the assauitsof the ocean for ages, hut in October, 1H4V4, to see you in hisofTice.” The words were hardly out of her mouth over 300 feet of this giant harrier was swept when the young woman turned on her, and away. raising an umbrella she carried in her hand In 187‘J a monolithic block, 1,350 tons, brought, it down on Miss Alexander’s head. was lifted bodily and carried to leeward of Fortunately tin* detective wore a bonnet, the breakwater, and in 1K73 another and and the blow, while ruining it for wearing heavier concrete mass, weighing 2,000 tons, purposes, did no flirt her damage. Thectis which had replaced the former, was swept tomers in the store were at once thrown away intaet and carried to a point equally into wild excitement, not knowing the distant.—San Francisco Argonaut. causeof t hecoiiniiot ion, and crowded about the young detect iveaud her prisoner, who threats, tears and entreaties were i.l i A n In terest in g S ig h t. A most interesting sight to see is that of avail. The rings were found in her posses a young lady wit h "lips like rubies” and sion, and she was lugged oil to the station with teeth of “ pearly whiteness,” and house. Miss Alexander says she depends most with cheeks that have stolen the “ deep carnation of the deal bless rose,” with her upon her natural gift for reading dishon mouth full of Lot. potato, ljomlon Tit esty in faces. "I can always tell by tin- eye,” she says, “ if there is anything wrong B its. in a person. If I had todepeml solely upon fleeing articles stolen without any tips from the thieves’ faces, I am afraid 1 would have u hard time of it.” A 1‘ liy Hiriun’ s l''.X|»erlence. BAKING POWDER. It mil ken a 1 gli» live, sweet loaf. Des lern sell It on M'f m annfsniirers’ guarantee, CLOSSKT A PKVKKs Por Laud, Or. S W IF 'P S S P E C IF IC p o r t r é n o v â t i n g th e entire system, elim inating a ll Poisons fr o m the W o o f, ■whether o f scrofulous or m alarial origin, this p rep­ aration has no equal. . . s s mira S.S.S. MAM* " F o r eighteen months / had ,tn eating sore on my tongue. / was treated by best local physic tans , but obtained no relief, the sore gradually grew worse. I finally took S, S. 1 on It. lUunfra |tol i al.il 'C".- " I Ti>>V I ... I ,t !i. M.m. The following story is about Dr. Wilsey, who saw himself die out west and came hack to life again: The doctor told how In* saw himself go out of his body, saw his body lying on the bed, with his wife and sister kneeling by his side and weeping, lit* thought it n great joke on them that they should not know he was as mueli alive as ever. He laughed outright at the “ joke,” and was surprised t Imt t hey did not hear him laugh He went out of the house down street, and 1111*11 struck oil into the country, thinking to himself, “ This must he the road people take when they die.” JIe hadn't gone far when a voice warned him that if he got beyond a certain point he couldn’t get hack. Hut t he sensation of being free from hi*» body was so delight fill and the landscape was so inviting that lie felt no desire to n*t urn. All the w hile, however, he seemed to himself to he at taclied to his physical body by a line, al most invisible thread, which kept draw ing him hack. He lost eonseioiisness, and when lie revived lie was again lying on his bed with his family around him. -Boston Record. A Vegetarian f a t . A gentleman residing on Bush street is tile owner of a hlaek eat wliieli lie calls Nig, which has developed an cxtraonli nary fondness tor vegetables. "N ig is e x tremely fomI of vegetables," said t lieownet of the eat. "W e tir**t not iced that he liked green peas when lie was hut ti months old Then my wife caught him eating some that had I h - cii left mi a dish after dinner, and he was stealing them, \fter that I tried him on string lieans, cauliflower, as paragus and green torn. He relishes them all and cries for any of the vegetables when they are set on the table and lie dot's not get his share, hut w hat lie likes most is asparagus "1 have known him to eat eleven plain Ixtiled ones, one after another, and lie old) eats that portion which is soft. I'ntntoe**' No, he seems to draw tin- lineal potato* ** Imt he tills lip on baked lieans. H eap nears to enjoy them as mueli as does» Bostonian " *s;m Francis*-*» ( ’all Sunset »! 1*1*0# SVVRRT PEAS DIRECT \ |.true p.i.kot r.i. h of FROM \i*\v mj Distinct THE Variftlr» m ilrj tor CALIFORNIA G R O W ER S Sunset Seed & Plant Co. S an F r a n c is c o 75c. It was near morning when, unable to endure it any longer, she managed w ith­ out disturbing the sleeping Adele, who occupied the same curtained reces* with her, to slip out from the awning. Wrapped in a thick shawl she made her way through the encompassing tree* and bushes o f the garden that had seemed to imprison and suffocate her to the edge o f the grain field, where she could breathe the freer air beneath an open starlit sky. There was no moon and the darkness favored her; she had no fears that weighed against the horror AN IN S K K N K N D Il I n more to bo be relied upon. In the event o f u malarious »ittack avoid poisoning your system with quinine, and use instead this wholesom e rem edy, ul objectionable in taste and far more efficacious than any drug. L se the Bitters for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipa­ tion, kidney eom plaints and rheumatism. FERRY’S SEEDS To a girl brought up with a belief in the right o f individual independence o f B Are Just what e v e r y . I bower needs. The mer- I | thought and action there was something J i ul K n t ) N Serilsl. J. rui the tuundutuni up- in Mrs. Randolph'* practical ignoring o f i which has been built the that right which startled her in spite o f largest seed business in the world. F t r r y ’s Seed A n n ea l for 1894 I her new conservatism ; while as the contains the sum and t utsiance of . daughter o f a business man her instincts the latest farming know ledge. F ree for the asking. | revolted against Mrs. Randolph's un- D. M. FERRY & CO.. j businesslike action w ith the telegram, Dude—My ancestaws came ovah in the May- Detroit, Mich, | however vulgar and unrefined she may o f seclusion with h* r own fancies. B o , Mower, don't you know. Bluff—As ballast? gides, they were camping out o f the house, | have begun to consider a life of busim HX D O St' ICE T O C H A N G KM O K T I M - and it* connections. The result was a and if *he chose to sit up or walk about P 8 R A 1 1 it K. certain constraint and embarrassment no one could think it strange. She wished her father were her*, that in her manner w hich, however, had the Public men are constantly liable to dan­ IMPROVED M iss E. I r e n a H a r r is laudable effect o f lim iting Emile’s at­ she m ight have some o f her own kin to ger arising from sudden changes oi tem­ talk to, yet she knew not w hat to say to Irvin g, Oregon. tention* to significant glances, and wa* perature; sometimes from heat to cold, no doubt variously interpreted by the him if he were here. She wanted some­ sometimes the reverse. others. But she satisfied her conscience body to sympathize with her feelings— Henry Thorne, Traveling Secretary o f the by determ ining to make a confidence of or rather, perhaps, some one to com bat Y. M. C. A., writes from Exeter Hall, L o n g S ie g e o f D a n g e r o u s her sympathy’ to the m ajor on the first and even ridicule the uneasiness that had Strand. London, February 2, 1888: Illn e s s lately com e over her. She knew what opportunity. “ I desire to bear my testimony to the MUD PHYSIC C i v e n H e a l t h a n d S t r e n g t h by This she presently found when the her father would say: “ Do you w ant to value o f A l l c o c k ’ s P orous P l a st e r s . 1 H o o d ’s E a r s a p a r l . l a . others w ere preoccupied, the m ajor Co or do you want to stay here? Do you have used them for pains in the back and side arising from rheumatic and other “ I h a” e been through a terrible siege o f ill­ O N E P IL L FO R A D O S E . greeting her w ith a somewhat careworn like these people or do you not?” She re­ causes never without deriving benefit from ness, and owe my present health to Hood s Sar­ A movement of the bowels each day ie necesaary for face, but a voice whose habitual kind­ membered the one or tw o glow ing and their application. They are easily applied saparilla. First, I was taken sick with measles, health. These pills supply what the system lacks to it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the ness was unchanged. When he had con ­ enthusiastic accounts she had written and very comforting. Those engaged as I aud o 1 the eighth day the doctor said I had i make bronchitis follow ing th it com plaint. In a sh »rf Byee and clear the Complexion better than coa- doled with her on the terrifying phe­ him o f her visit here, and felt herself am in public work which involves expos­ nine lu g fever developed, and l whs in a s r I metica. They act mildly, neither gripe nor sicken as other piHs ao. To convince you of their merits ure to sudden changes of temperature ious condition for quite a w hile Wheu I began will mail samples free, or a full box for 26 cents. Sol* nomenon that had marred her visit to the blushing again. What w ould he think will do well to keep a supply of A llc o c k ’ s get a li tie b« tter, my friends thought that if everywhere. Jioeanko Med. Co., Philadelphia. P rancho—and she could not help im pa­ o f Mrs. Randolph's opening and answer­ P orous P l aster s in their portmanteaus.” to I ever got up l would have C o n s u m p t i o n , tiently noticing that he, too, seemed to ing the telegram? W ouldn’t he find out B k a n d r e t h ’ s P il l s act upon the whole I ha 1 s-ieh a terrible cough aud threw o f f tw ice W . L . D O U G L A S R.T S H O E my weight. After an attack of the g r p I wa«. have accepted his w ife’s theory that she from the m ajor if she had garbled the system. I equals custom work, costing from w r y weak uud did not gain health at a ll un til \ ™ $4 to $6, best value for the money ha, Irving, Oregon. W A T E R M OTOR. partisan divided home. W ith some march on the day. She recalled A dele’s H o o d ’s P i l l s a-e promo* a-id efficient, ye hesitation she at last alluded to the ac­ sudden culogium o f him. The first nat­ One Tuerk Water Motor, new, that will ea«y in a- tion Sold bv all druggists. 2V . cident to the artesian well. ural smile that had com e to her lips develop from 10 to 15-horse power; can be The m ajor did not ask her how she had since the earthquake broke up her nerv­ had at a sacrifice by addressing P a l m e r A* K e y , heard o f it; it was a bad business, he ous restraint and sent her back more like Portland, Or. thought, but it m ight not b o a total loss. her old self to her couch. The water may have been only’ diverted But she had not proceeded far toward S tate of O hio , C ity of T oledo ,! L ucas C ounty . i Bladder, Urinary and Liver Diseases Dropsy by the shock, and might bo found again the tent when she heard the sound of F rank J. C heney makes oalh that he is the Gravel and Diabetes are cured by at a lower level or in some lateral fis­ low voices approaching her. It was the senior partner o f the firm of F. .1. C heney & doiug business in the city o f Toledo, coun­ sure. He had sent hurriedly for Tom m ajor and his w ife, who, like herself, Co., ty and State aforesaid, and that said firm w ill Bent—that clever young engineer at the had evidently been unable to sleep and pay the sum o f ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for wheat ranch who was always studying were up betimes. A new instinct o f se- each and every case o f catarrh that cannot be cured by the use o f H all ’ s C atarrh C ure . up these things with his inventions—and cretiveness, which she felt was partly FRANK J. CHENKY. TH E B E ST K ID N E Y Sworn to before me and s ibseribed in my that was his opinion. No, Tom was not the effect o f her artificial surroundings, A N D LIV E R M E D IC IN E . presence this 0th day o f December, A. I). lsso. 25ota., a well digger, but it was generally known checked her first natural instinct to call [■■ al .] A. W. GLEASON, 50ct*.,and ' Notary Public. that he had “ located” one or tw o, and to them, and she drew back deeper in Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and % 1.00 per Bo had long ago advised the tapping o f that the shadow to let them pass. But to her acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces One ceut a dose« flow by a second boring in case o f just great discomfiture the m ajor in a con ­ of tile system. Send for testimonials, free. T h is G r e a t C ough - C ur * promptly cures F. J. CHENKY A CO , where all others fail. Cough», Croup Sore such an emergency. He was com ing versational emphasis stopped directly Cures B right’s Disease, Retention or Non-re­ T oledo, O. Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and tention of Urine, Pains in the Back, Loins or Sold by druggists; 75 cents. again to-m orrow. By the way, he had in front o f her. Asthma. For Consumption it uas no nvar; Side. has cured thousands, and will c u r * y o u If asked how the young lady visitor was, “ You are wrong, l tell you, a thou­ takeu to time. Sold by Druggists ou a guar A P O T T IS K P K K 9 S . and hoped she had not been alarmed by sand times wrong. The girl is simply antee. For a Lame Back or ChcsL use the earthquake. upset by this earthquake. It’s a great Size, 33x48 inside bearers; table distribu­ SHILO H 3 B E L L AD O N N A PLASTER.25c. Rose felt herself again blushing—and pity her father didn't com e instead of tion; bed springs; will print nine-column Cures Intem perance, Nervous Diseases, Genera what was m ore singular, with an unex­ telegraphing. And, by Jove, rather than folio or six-column quarto; a splendid all­ Debility, Female Weakness aud Excesses. round press for country office; for sale pected and, it seemed to her, ridiculous hear any more o f this I'll send for him cheap; guaranteed in order. Address pleasure; although outw ardly she ap­ m yself.” said tin* m ajor, in ail energetic P a l m e r *fe R k y , _Iave you Catarrh? This remedy is guaran­ Portland, Or. peared to ignore the civility com pletely. but suppressed voice. teed to cure you. Price, 50 eta. Injector free. And she had no intention o f being so “ And the girl w on't thank you, and Use Enamellue Stove Polish; no dust, no smell easily placated. If this young man you'll be a fool for you r pains,” returned Cures Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice. Sour ON j Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. thought by mere perfunctory civilities to Mrs. Randolph with dry persistency. HAVING T ry G ermea for breakfast. her host to make up for his clownishness “ But according to your ow n ideas of to her he was mistaken. She would let propriety Mallory ought to lie the first Belting. Packing ami Hose, Boots and him see it when he called to-morrow. one to b * consulted—and by me too.” Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clothing, She quickly turned the subject by assur­ “ Not in this case. Of course, before A t' : S A T 0 !U : E on the K i d n e y s , l , h t r Druggists’ Rubber Goods, ing the m ajor o f her sympathy and her any actual e ngagement is on you can and H o w r la , restoring them to a healthy ae- intention o f sending for her father. For speak* o f Rmile’s attentions.” | tion, and l '( J U E 8 when all other m edicines —MANUFACTURED BY— ! fail. Hundreds have been saved who have been the rest o f the afternoon and during their "B u t suppose M allory has other views? given up to die by friends and physicians. from W e a k Lungs to C on­ al fresco dinner she solved the difficulty Suppose lie declines the honor? The man N O I.D B V A L L . H K I G G I N I S . o f her strained relations with Mrs. Ran is no fo o l.” sum ption. from D epleted 7 3 » ltd 7 5 F i r s t S t., P o r t l a n d , O r. dolph and Emile by conversing chiefly “ Thank you! Hut for that very rea­ Blood to Anaemia, from D is­ Write for catalogue— free . with the m ajor, tacitly avoiding, how ­ son he must. Listen to me, m ajor; if eased Blood to Scrofula,from ever, any allusion to this Mr. Bent. But lie doesn't care to please his daughter Mrs. Randolph was less careful. for her ow n sake lie will have to do so Loss o f Flesh to Illness. ,L M IL IT A R Y “ You don't really mean to say, m ajor,” for the sake o f decency. Yes, I tell you, Drill develops the wlio’ e man, head, she began in her drvest, grittiest man she lias thoroughly compromised herself chest, arms and legs, proportionately, says ex-President Harrison. tier, “ that instead o f sending to San —quite enough, if it is ever known, to Francisco for some skilled master me­ spoil any other engagement her father Bishop Scott Academy, chanic you are going to listen to the va­ may make. Why, ask Adele! The day Portland, Or., is a m ilitary school un d er governm ent control. Strictly garies o f a conceited, half educated farm o f the earthquake she absolutely lmd the high-class in every particular. Write laborer and em ploy him? You might as audacity to send him out o f the room for catalogue. Spiiug term begins -F O R - February fi. well call in some o f those wizards or u pstairs int«» your study for her fan, water witches at once.” But the m ajor, and then follow him up there alone! like many other well managed husbands The servants knew it. I knew it, for l the C ream o f C o d -liv e r Oil, w ho are good hum oredly content to su f­ was in her room nt the time with Father preven ts this step from being Antonio. The earthquake made it plain fer in the sunshine o f prosperity, had no to everybody. On receipt o f O a k D o l l a r Decline it—no! Mr. taken and restores H ealth. -AND— idea o f doing so in adversity, and at the Mallory*wiU think twice about it before prospect o f being obliged to go back to he does that. Physicians, the w o rld o v er, en­ What's that? — who's youthful struggle had recalled sumo of there?” dorse it. Let us • ail you our Illustr ted Catalogue w ich There was a sudden rustle in the the inde{>endeuce o f that period. He will tell you all about it. s u n se t Meed a n d P la n t i bushes like the passage o f some frigh t­ C o . ' Sherwood nail Nurse y Co.), 427-9 -an-om e looked up quietly and said: Str et, San Francisco. Sele ted Seeds a specialty. “ If his conclusions are as clear and ened animal —and then all was still Pro»."' I In Sr..It A Box\ne, N. Y. A I Druggist*. satisfactory to-m orrow as they were to­ again. Dr. day I shall certainly try to secure liis |TO HI CONTINUED) services. ” Lvory'8 “ Then l can only say I would prefer - A SPEC IFIC F O R - C A T A R R H The Great Cure the water witch. Ho at least w ould not A H A R D MAN T O K IL L . forCatarrh, Deaf ness. Colds, Sore Throat, represent a class o f neighbors who have Hoarseness, Heartache, Fetid, Sickenin* Breath ; Restores the Voice, Sense oL made themselves systematically uncivil A S a ilo r W h o ltobs I |> S e ren ely F ro m A ll Smell, etc. P r ic e ¿ l » c . a ll d r u g g is t s o r K in d s o f A ccid e n ts. and disagreeable to us.” m all. %. F . K V O K Y & C O ., 1 Tops., 17lh 8l.i llrooklyU| IS, 1 , The Hucksport correspondent of the Ban­ “ I am afraid, Josephine, we have not And i l l Other Blood and Skin Diseases. tried to make ourselves particularly gor News tells of a sailor hailing from that I used August Flower for Loss of TO WORK FOR US town whose thrilling adventures and hair­ agreeable to them ,” said the major. breadth escap**s would till a volume. He is vitality aud general debility. After thus m aking £ 1 2 ^ It Is « positive cure for all those p e lu lu l.d ell cate com plaiuts and com plicated troubles and “ If that can only lie done by adm it­ known to fame ns George A. Jordan. He ■ W mm to » 3 3 5 5 p per er w e e k ; parties preferred week weaknesses com m on am ong our wives, motherl­ ting their equality I prefer they should has fallen overboard, been thrown over­ taking two bottles I gained 69 lbs. who can furnish a horse and travel through the and daughters The effect is im m ediate and lasting. Two ot remain uncivil. Only let it l>o under­ board mid jumped overboard. He has fall­ I have sold more of your August cou n try; a team, though, is not necessary; a few vacancies in towns and cities; spare hours mav doses of D r . P a r d e e ’ s R emedy taken daily stood, m ajor, that if you choose to take en from the mainmast head, foremast head, Flower since I have been in business be used to good advantage. B. F. J ohnson & three keeps the blood cool, the liver and kidneys act this Tom , the plowbov, to mend your mizzenmast heml and down the hatch times than any other medicine I ever kept. Co., 11th and Main streets, R ichm oild, Va. ive, and w ill entirely eradicate from the system all traces of ScrofHla, Salt Rheum , or any othei well you will at least keep him there innumerable, lie has been caught in the Mr. Peter Zinville says he was made form of blood disease. -V W A N T T H E B E S T. main slpq-t, knocked senseless by thrashing a new man by the use of August while he is on the property.” Send for our Catalogue of No m edicine ever introduced in this country blocks nml First mates and picked up for has met with such ready sale, nor given such I N C U B A T O R S W ith what retort the m ajor would Flower, recommended by me. I Best makes. Low prices. Easy pay universal satisfaction whenever used as that of dead on 27 different occasions. He hasl»een ment». Address \A , i * . K r a c h , D r . P a r d e e ' s R e m e d y . have kept up this conjugal discussion, have hundreds tell me that August slush«-*l up in lights asiiore and jammed up This remedy has been used In the hospitals Kipon, California. already beginning to be awkward to the in the doek. has been wrecked a dozen Flower has done them more good throughout the old world for the past twenty- discreet visitor, is not known, as it was times and has Routed without food or water than any other medicine they ever five years as a specific for the above diseases, ITCHIN’O PILES known by molstnf# like perspirstlqn, cause intense Itching and it has and will cure when all other so-called suddenly stopped by a bullet from the for a week or more on several occasions. when warm. This form and BLIND. remedies fail. took. G k o r g b W. D y e , Sardis, BLXIDIN d or PBOTRUDLNO FLUES rosebud lips o f the ingenuous Adele. When skipper of the banker J. J. Cowell, Send for pamphlet of testimonials from those Mason Co., Ky. • YIELD AT ONCE TO who have been cured by Its use. Druggists sell “ W hy, lie’s very handsome when his oil the Grand Banks, his cable was caught DR. B0-SAS K0 S PILE REMEDY, it at $1.00 per bottle. Try it and be convinced which acts directly on parts affected, For sale by face is clean, and his hands are small by a whale, a ad the vessel was towed for abeorbe tumors, allays itching, effecting an*l not at all hard. And he doesn’t talk several hour, at lightning speed, with the a permanent cure. Price 6oe. Druggists M A C K S l C O . , bow almost under water. •r omu I. Dr. Bosanko. Philadelphia. Fa the least bit queer or com m on." - f o r c h il d r e n t e e t h in g - In sp'te of all the^e little incidents Jor­ 9 a n d II F r o n t S t., S a n F r a n c i s c o . There was a dead silence. “ A nd pray far m I« ky »II UraitlKt*. 15 C«ato • Httl*. dan is still tough and hearty and furnish­ V . P. N. ÎT. N o 534— H. F. N . Ü . No. fill where did you see him, and what do you es inteie-o ing m-w spaper items occasional­ 9" know about his hands,” asked Mrs. Ran­ ly. Last fill he was mate o f the schooner dolph in her most desiccated voice. “ Or Waterloo. \\as knocked overboard by the has the m ajor already presented you to boom ami w in the water some time with­ out support till the vessel could come about turn? I shouldn't l>o surprised.” “ No, but,” hesitated the young girl, ami pick Lim up. His last escape occurred with a certain mouse like audacity, at Rockland on a recent Sunday. The "w hen you sent me to l*>ok after Miss crew of the schooner Pearl had a drunken carousal during the absence of the captain Mallory l cam e up to him just after he ami in some way set the vessel on tire. Jor­ had spoken to her, ami he stopped to ask dan was one of the crew, and with his me how we all were, ami if Mi>s Mallory clothes on lire was on the point of jumping were really frighten***! by the earth IF YOUR BUSINESS DOES NOT PAY overboard when he was captured and the Chickens are easily and successfully One celebrated Tuerk Water M otor; new ; quake, ami ho shook hands for good a f­ tire extinguished. He will la* on deck will develop 10 to 15-horse power. Watt r is the raised by using th«- P e t a l u m a I n again soon, ready for more adventure*. ternoon—that’s all.” best an«i eh*-Hpest pow er to use. and the ‘ Tuerk c u b a t o r s and B r o o d e r s . Our ii is the best and cheapest m otor in the market “ A nd w ho taught you to converse lustrated C tU loC M tells all about it Will be sold at a sactifice. Address renter» of Grime. with com m on strangers and shake hand? Don’ t buy any but the Petaluma if you waut strong, vigorous chicks PALMER «& KEY, Portland, Or. We are Pacific t oast Headquarters for Bone and Clover Cutters, Mark The most notorious crooks at the present with them .” continue«! Mrs. Randolph era. Books, Capouising Tools, Fountains, Flood's Roup Cure, Morris writing an* produced by the Balkan states, with narrow ing lips. Poultry Cure, Creososone the grsat chicken-lice killer and every othei article required by poultry raisers See the machines in operation ai “ N obody, mamma, but l thought if ami the polite of all civilized countries, es- our exh ibit with the Norwalk Ostrich Farm, Midwinter Fair, hatching peci ally tier»natiy ami Austria, xvatch with Miss Mallory, who is a young lady, I terr ostriches and all kinds o f e n * . Catalogue free; if you want it, write »r the i ffiiv < n , «»Mi sleep from the eyea o f Rose when the I Par «. luon.l* Koine and New- Y«»rk Th* iHCorD or,-,d Capital in * Surplus. II.C 0 0 C00 household at last dispersed to lie dow u I tule mat loua criminal profession i- r mil In their clothes on the mattresses which ■ • :iro»i£h t large contingent of « ui had been arranged under the awnings. « .\ l/etl eler tent of the Balkan peninsula. She was continually starting up from Will U is sl til further iiuivaird by xvlmt confuse*! dreams o f the ground shaking tom es from vussia ami t «alicia. The inter* under her, or she seemed to be standing nati ■nal pick t cket art is,iu Europe at 1* ist, on the brink o f some dreadful abyss, like aim 't cutir y carried on by Roumanians, the great chasm on the grain field, when £« t \»ans Bu Igariaus, Russians and Call­ ciati « They out rank it> cleverness t he once it began to tremble and crum ble be- " o r *1 fanoni * English aud American pro- uualh her feet. DR. GUNN'S Fought fo r Life LIVER PILLS Hood’s sp>Ciires CURE ^ G THAT o u W I g T H h S h i l o h ' s ^ cure JLOH ’S/jCATARRH REMEDY. INSIST Only a Step KIDNEY, HUNT’S REMEDY HUNT’S REMEDY HUNT’S REMEDY HUNT’S REMEDY HUNT’S REMEDY Goodyear Rubber Co, DOCTOR Scott’s Emulsion THE GREAT CURE Free by Mail INDIGESTION A Whole Carden. CONSTIPATION. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! “August Flower” California-#- JR ,ef"l,lir 11 tlle Limi llilllllì,8 Scrofula, Rheumatism, Sait Rheum, Neuralgia WE WMT M YOU MRS. WINSLOW S HAVE YOU GOT P ILES FOR SORENESS OR STIFFNESS FROM GOLD. USE ST. JACOBS OIL. IT R ELA X ES, S O O TH E S, H EA LS, CURES. WATER MOTOR FOR SALE. DROP IT RUPTURE WORKS H O U S E W IT H S A P O L IO ' The 0. E. MILLER CO.,