STE a MKR elwood . Flip daps at Armory lu ll tomorrow night. POBTL-iNDTO SAi-XM AND RKTl'BS. Arrivo at Xeirbcrt down. at :» m •• •• * I » , at 11 . a m Karo. Newberg to portlaud or Salem. iviis Free Hark leaves PoatoMre to moot boat. For further particular* fee Luther Charles. Wedding .»•„q.Miery, this office. S..vo money by buying fee 1 at C hris-' Go to C . F. Moore & Co., for I>r. Win. tenson Bio-’ . Ellis’ Liniment. A lew more plows to soli at cost at J. i Mrs. Aeliie Mortis spent Sablwth with I I. Tow nsend's. friends at Middleton. Rev. I,. M. Haworth is now at Marion The Weekly Oregonian and the G r a p h ­ engaged in revival wotk. one year for $2.5b. PORTLAND AND YAMHILL RAILWAY. J. P. Converse came up from Portland The Jewel cook stove is the best sold Wednesday to look alter his inteiests Traius arrive at Newberg as follows: by J. II. Townsend. North. South. here. T :55 a.m. •12:30 p.m. The college athletic association at Arm ­ •12:30 p. ia. 0:03 p. m. W ill Stevenson will work this summer ory hall tomorrow night. •Every otter day. for a man near Bri lwell, in Mariou Passenger and Freight Rates to all points, Mrs. Jane Votaw preached for the peo­ county. cau We »Wtaiuenl from C. H. FKISS ELL. ple of Sherwood Sunday. Agent Newberg. Tho eaek-ulations of the liens have J. II. Bowerman is now tire owner of been very much interrupted of lato by the the A. B. George place near town. Local Events. stormy weather. Springtim e is here now and we will Tell all your neighbors east, west and look for spring weather by and by. north of tow n about tlie road meeting on Pay your tax at Bank of Newberg. Stick candy 10c per pound and other Saturday of noxt week. Perry Bradley, of Portland, spent last j candy correspondingly low, at Star Bakery, Our doctors say we are having very lit­ Sunday in town. j Eli Evans cut steak Tuesday and Wed- tle sickness. In fact there has been but Try the G bapuic and “ TUe Prune In ­ ! nesday for H. I). Fox while the latter liltlo during the past year. dustry” for $2.00. ■ was in Portland. If some of our enterprising groeervmen J. H . Bowerman and II. D. Fox visited The annual school meeting will be held would bring on a supply of sugar teats the city Tuesday. 1 next Monday afternoon rft which a direct­ they ought to find good sale for them in W . P. Heaeock lias at all times a large or will bo elected for three years and a tliis town. stock of glass of all sixes. ’ clerk (or ono year. Jesse Edwards received word last week Fox keeps everything you want in the Miss Laura Propst, of Champoeg, has of the death of his half brother, the Rev. line of fresh meats, fish, etc. | been in town during the week visiting John Ballinger who lived at Dayton, T ile W e e k ly Oregonian and the her cousin, Miss Maud Haworth. Washington. G r a p h i c one year for $¿50. California and Oregon shells fur sale, Are you interested in better roads? If Austin & Stanley killed a fine porker 25 kinds 25 ets. Call on or address Del- you are come out to the road meeting on pliina E. Ellis, Box 273 Newberg Oregon. Saturday of next week and join in the Monday that dressed 375 pounds. The pio social given by tho ladies of talk on methods. Kaspherrv slips of the Gregg variety tor the M. E. church last Friday evening, is sale by Luther Newltn of Springbrook. A gentleman named Taylor who lives J. II. Townsend made a business trip reported a decided success, both finan­ tn Coos county was here this week trying to trade a farm in that county for fruit to Albany last Thursday, returning Satur­ cially and socially. OREGONIAN R A IL W A Y DIVISION — AND— TCP5 'feLs - ic A deputy was in town Wednesday with W e heard the Now then, if you want to quit the use ! subpomas for Jurors. of Tobacco get some No-to-bao of A. C. j names of Paul Macy, S. M. Calkins, F. M. Barr and Dunbar mentioned. Cox. tf Quite a number of George Mitchell's Jesse Edwards, Dr. Maris and Jack friends got together last Thursday even­ and W ill Stevenson went down to Port­ ing and gave him a surprise, that being land Monday. his birthday. A fine time is reported. i . W . Stewart, who was in tho photo Dick Everest brought in a bunch of business here about two years ago, was spring flowers Tuesday. It is now time in town a few days the past week. for spring flowers and they are determin­ The college boys are making big ar­ ed to come in spite of wind or weather. rangements for their athletic exhibition A ll the school teachers in this end of at Armory hall on tomorrow nigtit. the county, and some besides, were in at­ Two good lots in Kansas town of 10,000 tendance at the meeting at Dundeo last to sell or trade for Newberg property. Saturday. A pleasant and profitable time Mns. M. CiiAur.ES. is reported. Capt. Wilbur Babbidge, of Astoria, Mid-winter Fair Excursion Tickets, spent a couple of days with his old friend Portland to San Francisco and return, and schoolmate, I. Ed. Holt last week. via Southern Pacific C o’s Shasta Route, For Sale or Trade for good Farm, a will be placed on sale January 23. Rate good Merchandise Business in Newberg. $27.50, including five admissions to the Address, L ock Box 32, Newberg, Or. Fair. Tickets good for thirty days from J. B Mount was in LaFayette during date of sale. the week attending a conference of the Dr. Maris lias moved into tho Christen­ lay members of the Evangelical church. son property on Wynooski street. His day. office will he in tho Hoskins’ block. Office hours from 9:00 to 10:00 a. m. and from 2 :00 to 3 :00 und from 7 :00 to 8 :00 p. in. Sundays, 2 :00 to 3 :00 p. m. Ilis I f your brick flue leaks get Story to put card will be found in the G rafhc . a galvanized iron sheathing on it. He J. D. B ell’s hack is adorned on both diil a line job of the kind lor N. E. Britt sides with the words, “ Free Hack Steam­ the first of the week. er Altona,” in letters so largo that he Rev. Elwood Scott left for Salem Tues­ day, expecting to remain until some time next week ami assist in a revival meet­ ing at Highland. land in this vicinity. , j j Felini irv of 1 ext year. Than Mi NM- h i ll. R a h ! Rah» O. 8. Rah I Rah I N. S. DSNS. Rah ! Rah ! Rah I N ewberg , T h e I k -4 and most popular breed. F-ggs for salo ut $2 per setting o f 15. Kanaga Gar Rah! Gar R ah! Gar Zoom! Portland ’Varsity 1 Z ip ! Rah Boom. Call on or address, H i! Y i ! Y i ! W a h l llo o ! W ah Wee-la-met ! nevs. T r y it. S old b ' an D ru g g is ts in L iq u id , or in ~\i\vder to bo ta k e n d r y or m ade into a tea. The Kins of Liver Medicines. All kinds of photo and landscape work done iti tlu* latest style of the art. Satisfaction guar anteed. Corner First aud Main St., Newberg. . S U R V E Y IN G . . EPOENE. U. O. U. O. Rah, H of Rah, H oi Orcgonensis Rah ! R ail! l l o l NEWBERG. Hullabaloo, hooray, hooray, Hullabaloo, hooray, hooray, Hooray, hooray, Pacific College, boo--------! V3-KVEKY PACKAGE-tf® Lias tlie Z Stamp In red eu wrapper. Seeds in bulk at J. H . Townsends. No building is completo without a coat of paint. Prepare to patronize tho paint­ er as soon us the weather will permit. Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. H obSO U . H A R D W IC K . ALBANY. Boema laka ! Boorua laka ! Bow, Wow, Wow ! Chinga laka ! Chingu laka. Chow, Chow, Chow, Eooma laka ! Who are we, W e are all from Albany. M1 have used your Sim m ons L iv e r Regu­ la tor und can eonsi-ieiietonsly say tt is itm kin g o f a ll liv e r medicines, I consider It a m ed icin e chest tn its, if.— u e o . W . J a c k - s o n . Tacomu, Washington. g_ "-Z." PHOTOS SALEM. in g d ire c tly on tho L iv e r and K id _ P . A . K L L .IO T T , 1’raetlcal Surveyor, is prepared to survey, sub­ divide and plat Farms, Fruit Tracts or Town l.ots on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Government laud located. NKWUEKO, OltKtlON. £ Y I ’ully Abi: i . tii# Tlrxt*. A C h o ic e Cl it. A C/a.v Frm W y r d u c o to r . T h o Ctx-.ricuM t i c rity. \ Buccersc- 0.' tho authentic *' Una- > bridge.'.*’ To rears spent in revising, < > £ 100 editors em ploye., over $300,000,. expended. . SOLD UY A IL liooKSFLLKRH, * v*. l‘o m»t buy renririi» of i I imi M»* rs H i Inn*. , \ s«*nd’<»* i!■»*«• 1» tin -hint •'onhiumiif t-iMTiiiifu i* 'if*- a ¡-it i " da . 1 * :.;« i \ its. X a. Cc r. MT< tRIAZZ CO., Publisher». <* Eprtngilald, .Mase., U. L. A. W o understand that Dan Gilbert lias Fresh meats, dressed poultry, eggs, fish lipped liis household effects for Oregon List of Letters nd that he was to alarl yesterday with on Friday. Fast Side market. Remaining unclaimed in tlie Newlierg II. O. B ower , Prop. his family. His destination will bo New­ rost Office, for tho month ending Feb­ Luther Charles has sold his delivery berg. ruary 28, 1894. he Misses Gertrude Lamb and Elma outfit to Mr. Wm. Jessup, a friend of Nate J R Allen, Joe Burton, Stanley’s. Luther and Woodard will Brown and Jesse R. Johnson, A . C. David l’ ranscombe, J T S Cox, Stanbrough and E. II. Woodward at­ both finish the year in school. W m Ewing, H Frcbe, Tho February number of tho Crescent tended the oratorical contest at Eugene J A Gustin, Lillian Hoyt, is out. It as one of tho best of the year, last week. J W Johnson, Donald McPherson, Mr Miller, Chas Moyers. W hy eat cold, dry bread when you can and full of good reading matter. If you Persons calling for any of tho abovo let­ get 30 bread tickets at Star Bakery for are not a subscriber you should help tho $1.00 and thus get a hot loaf every day youug people along by subscribing for it. ters will ploaso say “ Advertised.” Successors to J. T. Smith. J. C. S aw ye r , P. M. for dinner for only cents each. They Republican Meeting* bake every forenoon now. A meeting of tlie Republicans of this COLLEUK NO TE S. Sam Shultz and family expect to start community is called to meet at tlie Dor- Saturday for Indiana, where Sam lias Frank Vestal is missed by tho Fresh­ ranee building on First street tonight. A rented a good farm for the coming sea­ man class, especially at their class meet­ republican club will be organized. son. One year is all lie will need, we ings. think, to convince iiim that Oregon ia the Notice to Tax Pay era. Perley Mitchell lias droppod out of best place to live, after all. W e now have the County Tax list for school to work. W o are sorry that some Bran 75c. per hundred. Bran and East Chelmlera precinct so that parties of our students are compelled to do tliat. shorts mixed 80c. Shorts85c. Chop 85c. who desire to do so can pay tlioir taxes to Barley chop 90c. Flour 70c. pier sack. Miss l ’hebo Mitchell and Cragin Ha­ us and save the trip to McMinnville. Deliveries made anywhere insido tho city- worth are out of Fcliool this week on ae- B ank of N ewberu . limits. Leave orders at post office. couut of sickness. J. D. T arrant & Co. a ooil IConds Meeting. Perley Maveox is attending tho public The little lamb that Mary had was a M r. Bowman, out- road supervisor, school now. There seems to he more at­ treasure in its day, but the students of lias been canvassing tlie road question, traction for him there than at tlie college. Pacific college are much prouder of the and finds tliat people generally are very Wo are glad to note that Miss Mabel one that goes with them to school each enthusiastic for better roads und that day and who represented them in tlie g ravel is the cry. In consequence o f Edwards is able to resume her studies. Ami is the causo of more or less «ickuoss every year, because Hie house 1« not rpouted so tha Misses Berta Kirk, Mattie Stratton, Mr. oratorical contest at Eugene. the general interest manifested lie is­ water can be drained off. N o w i * th e T im © t o s o o S T O R E Y , t h e TIN N E D » J. H. Townsend and others wore present Jack Stevenson and wife and his sister, sues a call for a public m eeting to dis­ Mrs. Murray, left for Cartersburg, In ­ cuss methods, on Saturday, March 10, at chapel Monday morning to hoar tho re­ «ud have it done before the rnlun commence. diana, on Wednesday morning. Jack in tlie afternoon. T h e m eeting w ill lie port of tho oratorical contest. Reports O - A - I j IL j - A . T T H I S T IIS T S H O P . vowed that lie would come back to Ore* held in Newberg, and tlie place w ill he were given by Prof. A. C. Stanbrough gon again as soon as he can get his busi­ announced next week L e t everybody ami E. II. Woodward. J. S. HOLT & CO., The Foundation of Your House is Damp and Rotting, H Th e on ly Pure Cream o f Tartar Powder.— N o Ammonia; N o Alum. Going to Buy A Dictionary? Wyandottes a Specialty. years . -^ 7 " I L S O N \S G R O C E R Y U the place to buy Anything himself the disgrace of a teim in the pen­ itentiary by set ting for it at once. If not done immediate!. I shall cans: him some trouble. Don't think I do no» know who ' you are. 8. Wn bon . t h o u sa n d s your N r n v t » » o L i v e n P iL L » , * n < l th in k® Grocery Line. A C TU A L NEED IN THE LINE OF Will he promptly relieved by calling on me. I am a philanthropist hv porMMfdon and am al­ ways prepared to offer big bargains in my line. Picture Frames made to order, a $pecinlty. W- T. MACY. First Stre«*t, Newberg, Oregon. Newberg Nursery, H ________~ A . IC. C O O P E R & C O . We take this plan to inform tlie public that we are better than ever prepared to sup­ ply the trade this Fall in the line of a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FRUIT TREES. TaitioH «leniring to mil orclur«!# this Fall will mako money by culling on or corro« ponding with us before placing their orders. M. TE KItELL. 8. 8. TEUKELL. W. E. T K K K K L L M . T E R R E L L & C O ., HucceKsor» to H A D L E Y , H UNT A G O . , First Class Manufacturer* of Drain Tile, We have purchased the entire «lock and Aff prepared to fur ii-b a « ip^rl r finality o daln til® In all aiseH. All order» promptly Ailed. Correspondence solicited. Price liet on applica­ tion. N E W B E R G , : O r\ T C O -O T < r. ELKHART CARRIAGE and IHARHESS S F f c M . H a v e «o ld to e o »«n m »M f o r 81 y r .ir r . Bavin« them tho dealer'^ Wo are tho Old«- •» nml L n rfrit mnrufa« torera In Amer­ ica aelllntf Vehicles and llariuv'» th.s way *hip with rrlYllejro to examine before any nnmoY ta pr.l'l. Wo p y frelehl both ways If not satisfar, tory Warrant fori year*. Why pay an a«r. K lU * M cdlral Co.% E lk h a rt, Imd. and ranges. This company also are the j 50 cent bottles for sale by C. F. Moore A in this country, this move is the proper oration showed more originality of thought O lntlkm ^ I had been troubled with Mr ant first to combine aluminum with iron in and was n liltl» better rounde l up. Hhe nieraar »on tm « l « « t so real's, end nl:.Vrti*h I Co., druggists. one to make. t.Mjated l y Aide phyalc-i.tin and tried many (tie manufacture of stoves. They claim COM. j had full control of herself on the Btago rjmedio«, I grew st PLCTCkY »»OSTAaTf D ANO COM»lN«p TO my seo tliat this combination of tlie two metals and her ge-tures were almost perfect, but w.fNOfT any mo pc or AicoviRf. * would have A w a r d e d H ig h e s t h o r o r o W o r id 'c F air. prevents blow holes in 1 astiug and lessen« , Mr. Atwood’s full, round voico coupled very l».ul *iuk ^ , A n mmm rpeil\ wh®n Liy ].!se * » . I |_ju Id atop heat in * the danger of cracking The superior BltcireU.« r . ^ ^ J i S - I S wlth with his earnestness turned that slight the v roAteat ¿.dculty that my circulation could quality of their stove«, which have lieen I « r cent in h s favor. W e believe the handled by J. B. Mount for some time, judges w.-rc both competent and fair and woobl seem to indicate tliat their claim Pacific college ha« no criticisms to offer. ck u» con'Timi«nc« again. While In this fondt- »ton 1 tried your New H cart C urc , and ta-irnn was not without goal gi omuls. Mirs Lamb did credit to herself and to to itoI-rove from the first, and now Tam able to do • rsddAjr’i wi r k man M years of « kc . I Rive I he college «lie represented. I f in future Un M il e s * N ew H eart C ure di tt»® for nty r-rovi rv It isover*ix rnontharrinc® Take Notice. contests our college is us well represent» I, crom I hAVf u te i Any. although I keen a lx •ttie in the The party who stole mv porn can save let tlie pri/es 1.0 where they may, the r»qe b Mtae in e&je I abould neod it. I hare aUn uned About fifteen of the college boys will participate in the athlectic exhibition to­ morrow evening at Armory hall. The boys deserve a full house. A farm ot 250 acres, 417 milos north I am making a <*o!l(vtion of camTlert west of New lierg. For particulars inquire stwni.H sal«*, ami would ho very thank­ ful to any who ihhv Have the stain|> h from at this office. tlioir nlil letter* for me. Alt kin«)* of stamps wanted, but Colombian preferred. D k L im I ina E i .us. C P R IN G B R A N C H Poultry Yard FOREST GROVE. Rah 1 R a lil Rah I Z ip ! Boom! A h ! Pacific, Rah ! tiv o , a n d p u re ly v e g ­ e ta b le , aet- T~y * J J f -* / / / 0 A Tho following uro t he yells o; il e dito rent colleges : B e tte rB I j j ‘ A s e ld f » t i i e h ills " ¡uni n e v e r e x c e ll­ ed. “ T rie d and p ro v e n ” is th e ve rd ic t o f m illions. S i m in o n s L iv e r lle g n - la to r is tho : 1 y L iv e r K id n e y m ed icin e t o w h ich y o u can p in y o u r faith, fo r a Stain]»« Wanted. Fwr Nate. be lie! I . t T re t Grove the last Friday in latest styles, at Milk Warona.Cc Ovary W asons.^' n--¿.I C a r t«, « c t r i . i l nut i l l , » M i « « m iim .i t. ICO.7-7. lloud WlACDe *5 5 Ko.. IZ'4, Top Buggy. $ 4 3 .0 0 Sold by C. F. MuORE&CO.1 __ No. 1, r«rm Harneas. f*i*m*, ♦ Id I ____ RHMXÛ KADDLE* and FLY HET?. Flkhart Flc/clo. 284n.whMl^ a PPTPFSL mir fo r rasth «1th «»-Are. Read 4e. I « pneuinn e : ( r i « p * l*» p a y r « w o n Ko. 3, K U z Wagon. 1 U - y » » r * u !u < ir . Urea, wektlea® a to «'I tu ttO ff. d r o p fo r a in ® * . Aldirej W . B . P R A T T , S e c ’ y , E L X H A R T , I N D .