Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, March 02, 1894, Image 2

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Gooff I.rt o.linR an I early maturity, nays
a writer, urn rue'C o I eo 'I as tlm l.i^hwava
| towar.l profit u nit sterk.
H i « yooff
is s u e d e v e r y F r i d a y m o k n ix o .
| breeffinu help» s mien bat tow jrd the
other, but eaily maturity is mainly a
matter of the proper feeding of the young
R. I I . W o o d w a r d a n d O hm . C. E m e r y . stock. Early maturing is simply impos­
sible if the animals are stinted while they
FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1894.
are forming hone and muscle.—St. Eouis
(i lobe-¡democrat.
KatcreJ as secnuff class matter at the j>o«t
uillcc at Newbcrs, Oregon.
T i ie s o u t h e r n California ¡>apera are at
war with Earl Fruit Company. The com­
pany is charged with scheming against
the best interests of tho Orange growers.
N e it h e r the traditional ground hog nor
the homo grown hazel splitter saw the
sun very often during tho month of Feb­
ruary. This is quite unusual for the W il­
lamette valley as we hate learned to ex­
pect much bright weather in this month.
T here has been but littlo time since
tho first of last November when the
ground has been dry enough to plow.
W e have had a pleasant winter, there
having been no sudden changes of tem­
perature, hut tho rainfall has been un­
usually steady and abundant.
T he Wells, Fargo Company has bought
a majority ol the stock in tho Commer­
cial National hank o( Portland.
hank will now have a paid up capital of
fl>00,000 anil it will practically he a
branch ol a $7* ,000,(MX) concern. This
will bring $250,00 > new money into I ’ort-
T h e management of tho 1’errydulo Pa-
trial passes from the hands of M. L. Ityan
to the l ’atriot Publishing Company, with
W . W . McMillan as editor. Mr. Ryan
has succeudod in stemming the current
for forty-neve,n weeks in a mighty small
town. Wo liojio brother McMillan will
do as well.
C hicago newspapers have of late gone
into merchandising to such un extent in
their efforts to increase their circulation,
as to involve them in difficulty with their
largo advertisers. Tho Inter-Ocean bus
been compelled to dispenso with its hook
department on this account and other pa-
pors will no doubt lie forced to draw in.
Two oratorical contests have now been
held in which eight colleges of tho statu
have been represented. In both contests
the institutions that are fostered by the
Btato and fed from the public crib have
hcon loft away behind. The denomina­
tional schools in which students are re­
quired to pay tuition liavu taken the
prizes. Another feature is noticeable.
The orators who have gotio to Rome for
their flro, have climbed tho Alps to clear
thoir vision and taken Luther for exam pie,
have gone homo sorrowful, while those
who have come down to every day facts
and talked ol things that are claiming the
attention of home |>eoplu today, liuvo ear
ried ofT the honors. Conditional citizen­
ship and the |>osHihilitica of this century
are tho catchy subjects for Americans.
J,et students learn u hsson from these
brandies, and the agents, clerk«, and campaign olefine !i.m and it our pnrpo. • v- leine ttie opinfons of thonsands of tho
o l w ork. The S -vet- “ Great C cumou People,” .ruhte that end
sale-men engaged In It. With these ad- I to assist in 111 )
w-e w!d al'n-.v two» ou ttie priee i-f
di ion» (lie total number of men In Hie I man gives all Tin new* cf the state and
tho tiook t- r vonr Solution of thh Problem,
wine, liquor and beer trades in New York ! nation an ) d iiiug ibe e i'iipiigii it« -nn-j exprew-ed in not mnre tliau 8 W words.
state, or directly connected witli them, day edition will be a symposium of politi- j I he M-. auuraiui , tho best modern Work
; cal news and gossip for tho en'iro state. on Monetary Systems, will be »ent to any
does not fall anything short of 200,000.
address on receipt of $.1.00. It is a book
The liquor business is peculiar in this— . It is illustrated and consists of eight full
that will interest and instruct, and is des-
that, from its nature, women and minors ' pages of solec: reading matter, including ' tined to becunie a giant factor in «liaping
are excluded. It is conducted almost ex­
the futuie monetary System of ttie na-
Every voter in Oregon • tion.
clusively by men. Hence these 200,000 | miscellany.
are all practically voters ; and this is one ' should read a paper from the capital dur- , T u e M o n o g r a f h P u b l is h in g C o .,
Eoom 44, German Am 'n B’k liuiMing,
of the reasons far the potentiality of the ■ irig the campaign and wo make this offer .
St. Paul, Minn.
Rum I ’ower in |<o)itic*. Not only docs ! to suit the times. Sample copies free. | Reference by permission, National Ger­
every man engaged in it havo a vote, hut ; All subscriptions will be consecutively ' man American Bank.
probably Hie larger number of them each numbered upon receipt and to each tenth
control ono or mure votes. Through this subscriber will be presented a year’s sub­
means, its political influence is far great­ scription to tho Cosmopolitan Magazine,
Mrs. Don Daris went to Portland Tues­
er than the casual observor would be in­ costing $1.50. Address all orders to the
day to see her brother who is very sick
The Statesman, Salem, Oregon.
clined to suppose.
wiih typhoid fever.
What is the colmsive force which holds
The New York Sun in discussing the , Mrs. Tom Salee is in very poor health
this army of voters together? Simply
tho money that is made in the liquor traf­ road question in that state in speaking of this winter.
A man is legally of age the day before
he completes his twenty-first year, and
even if ho were horn on the h»Ht moment
of the first day of January, and executed
a deed on tho first moment of the last day
of December, tho day before his twenty-
first birthday, it would ho legal. The
reason is that tho law does not recognize
parts of a day. and on the last day of his
twenty-first year tho legal age is supposed
to lie attained, though in fact lie muy not
There is hardly any occupation
really be 21 until forty-eight hours later. fic.
which affjid s so great a margin of profit.
— Ex.
The greed of gain holds these men in
their occupation and nerves them to resist
any and all legislation that would curtail
There aro many localities, says the
their sales or otherwise diminish their
Country Gentleman, where a natural
profits. The temperance element of the
growth of evergreen trees in the holders
country is not animated, of course, by
ol woods and tho margins of swamps af­
this potent of all factors of human activi­
ford op|KjrtiiniticH for procuring pines and
ty, the desire fur gain. They must de­
cedars. Rows ol suitable size and only a
pend upon argument and mural influence,
few feet bigli might bo transplanted for
an occasional ornament of tho home of m tho effort to
I ’ulveriae the Uu:n Rower.
the farmer, or for shielding tho cattle
yards in the w inter.
The difficulty is
that most farmers are not aware that they
can bo removed witli safely. They have
witnessed some attempts, and the result,
so far us they have observed, is dead
trees. They suppose the work to bo e x ­
ceedingly difficult or expensive. There is
no doubt that much needless labor is ex­
pended in the unnecessary attempts
which liava boon made, and what has
been published on tho subject has not
greatly helped tile matter. An excellent
work on forest trees, and one of tho best
that has been published in tho country,
gives tho following directions for trans­
planting: " I n planting trees that ure
not small, the roots should ho extended
on all sides to their lull length. Some
advise removing largo evergreens with a
ball of frozen earth around the roots, and
tho roots ure almost uniformly cut short."
Tho writer appears not to have been
aware that tho length ol the roots of near­
ly ul! trees is at ieabt as great as their
height, and if those which he describes
as not small arc only 12 feet high, then
the roots extending 12 foot on each side
“ to their full length” would occupy a cir­
cle 21 feet in diameter— which would ob­
viously be quite impracticable- W e have
found the practice of cutting a ball of
earth, or rather a Hat mass, and convey­
ing with the tree, even if the roots are cut
much shorter than would seem noeessary
— wo have found this praetiee much tho
safest and the surest in removing trees
from thoir native localities. If tho moss
of earth is largo enough to hold tho tree
upright when set on the surface of the
ground, it is safe to insure tho life of the
treo. Not ono in twenty proper!) treated
in this way over perishes in removal.
Tlieso remarks do not apply to nursery
trees. The work may be duno any time
of year.
A single instanco will servo to illustrate
the matter. Two neighbors, who lived 12
miles from a fine locality of handsome
white pines, wont to procuro a wagon
load each for ornamenting their grounds.
Ono ol them took up six or eight trees
with a good mass of earth on the roots.
Tho other despising such care, ture out
his 50 trees with denuded roots. These
all died the others all lived.
It is not necessary to do the work in
winter with "frozen balls." For small
trees from It or 4 to 7 or 8 feet high, the
spade may do all the work with a tough
or matted soil.
tho use of convicts says: The experi­
ment of employing at the work of road­
making a portion of tho convicts in state
prisons has resulted satisfactorily, as we
learn from superintended Lalhrop. The
experiment was begun only last year, and
only on a small scale, with seventy-eight
of the men in the state prison at Clinton,
wiio entered upon the construction of a
macadamized road leading to l ’lattsburg,
and completed the greater part of a mile
of it. The work is to ho continued in case
it shall yieet with the approval of the leg­
islature, as it has received that of Govern­
or Flower. It appears that the road, so
far as made, is a first-class ono, that tho
prisoners worked well eight hours a day,
that three tried to escape, ami that the
residents of tho locality favor the experi­
ment which has been conducted at slight
expense chargeable to state account.
We are pleased with that part of lhe su­
perintendent's report which deals with
this subject. W e are of the opinion that
it would be desirable and profitable to
employ a very considerable proportion of
the able-bodied convicts in our state
prisons at tho useful work of roadmaking,
a part of the cost of the work to bo borne
by localities which are to be benefited by
The peculiarities of defective vision are
legion, hut the prevailing affeetion of the
eyes is nearsightedness. This arises from
many causes, chief among which is the
increase among sedentary occupations.
Not one man in a hundred has absolute­
ly perfect vision. One cause for defective
vision is the present mode of living. We
eat too fast and chooso our food at ran­
dom. The laborer arid the farmer, whose
frugal fare is plain but substantial, are
seldom troubled with had eyesight. Se­
vere mental troubles must surely affect
the eyes where therj is already a pre­
disposition to sight failure. During the
past five years thero has boon a notice­
able Increase of impaired vision among
YltOAl O U li F..YC1X A N G K 8 .
school children. The trouble is often
Telephone- Heglster.
caused by too much study in badly light­
A brass band of eleven pieces has been
ed school rooms and by their bolting their
organized. Tho hoys have delegated A.
food instead of masticating it.
In selecting eyeglasses or spectacles re­ II. Adams with the powers of a leader,
member that a too strong glass is worse | C. M. Godson being musical director ami
than none at all. Many a person’s eye­ Wm. Toney manager. More musicians
sight has lieen ruined by wearing cheap will no doubt join. Their hull is in the
glasses. It is well to know that hot wa­ new Wright block.
ter is an excellent remedy for inflamed
eyes. They should be bathed night and
morning. II tho pain is severo place a
cloth that has been dipped in hot water
over the eyes and let is remain for about
five minutes. The pain will bo subdued
ulmost immediately.— Pra iiie Farmer.
F I G » A N I> T i l IS T I.U S .
I f you intend to put out fruit troee do it
in tho coming spring, and lot them lie
It is better to havo one variety of fruit
that is satisfactory than to have several
kinds, the mujority of which may possess
no merit or quality.
Feeding all sizes of hogs together is n
method of overfeeding tho large onus and
stinting tho smaller ones, as the larger
ones will secure nearly all of tho food.
Tho Hoor of the stahlo where you keep
your colts in cold weather should be cov­
ered with a thick layer of straw. Noth­
A V IIA T IS T H IS “ HUM l 'O W E I t l ”
ing givos un animal more comfort than a
good, warm bod.
A reader ot tho Weekly Bhide puts to
To get eggs from early pullets, their diet us this question : “ What do you mean
must he us varied as possible. Pound up by th o ‘ Rum l’ower,’ in your noted war-
beefsteak hones, cook the potato pnrings, cry, ‘ Pulverize the Rum Power?’ ”
in fact utilizo all tablo refuse for tho jioul-
Probably there aro other readers tvho
do realize that tho phrase, the Umu Pow­
Prof. Shaw believes that within ton er, includes all men who make money out
years over 10,OtX),IKK) sheep will ho fatten­ of the liquor traffic, in any capacity. It
ed on rape. Tho uso of English rii|at has •loos not incuti simply saloon keepers, but
lieen trieil in Wisconsin ami Canada with a much larger hotly of men than their ag­
gregate numbers. I,ut ns illustrato liy
favorable results.
Wliilo a scrap book is recognized as a using tho figures as to the number of sa­
great convenience, a book In which to re­ loons and saloon-keepers in Ilio state of
cord receipts and formulas is decidedly New York, and tho other persons who
profitable. The time in searching through form, together with these, that class
the notion box is saved.
which is collectively dcuomiuatcd the
Tho man who raises grain must havo Unm Power.
stock to feed it to in order to get tho bent
There are 7,7lH) licensed liquor saloons
price for it and to keep the fertility on the in New York city, 3,000 in itrooklyn, 2,-
land ; lmt if scrub stock will pay at all, ! (XX) in Enfialo, !)5() in Albany, 250 in
improved breeds will yield much hotter Rochester, 700 in Troy, a total of 15,100
In six of the largest cities of tho Empire
broad tires act as rollers. Narrow tires state. There are 4,500 licensed saloons
cu t th e road into ditches. Tho advocates in the other 40 cities ol the state, and S,-
of wide tires for heavy loads upon our | (XX) in the unincorporated townships, a after the mind has been made up.
country roads claim that teams can draw total of 28,000. Figuring at two, the av­
It is doubtful if God ever made a man
from 25 to 50 |>ur cent more load than ! erage nnmticr of barkeepers to a saloon, who could please all his neighbors.
when narrow tires aro used.
tho result is 84,(XX) proprietors, barkeep­
How cheap some people will sell them­
An Ohio man who fed twolvo hogs on ers and helpers. T o this total must be selves for tlm promise of spit cash.
wheat, estimalcs that ho got $07-20 for added the following :
Tho man who fears the light is always
fifty bushels of w heat hv marketing it in
There are tkk) breweries in Now York ready to run from his own shadow.
tho form of pork ; whereas if ho had sold state, and the number of men employed
Whenever wo are willing to do good,
it he would only havo received $2(1. lie in each,
superintendents, i ¡off will see that wo have a chance.
advises buying hogs to feed tho wheat to. book keepers, collectors, cashiers, drivers,
It is a good thing for you to have riches,
Do not run o ff after new varieties of hostlers, chemists, coopers and engineers hut a bad thing for riches to have you.
fruit and vegetables.
Every year the average iilwiut eighty men, making a total
There is no bigger tool in the world
“ host” is offered, hut it may only serve of more than 5i),iXX). Them are 450 dis­ > than the man who is e x a cting to get to
in a climate to give tho results claimed. tilleries in the state, having an uicragc heaven because his wife Ix-longs to
Hold fast to the old kinds until yon have workmg force in all depaitiin-nts of about church.
tested the newer ones on a small plot.
thirty men in office and factory, making
Murk this: You do not attract alien
An abundance of pure water on the a total ot atsint l:t,5tX) men engaged in tion in heaven fur your piety every time
farm is an essential. If yon have it not, the wholesale branch ot tho liquor busi­ you Inly a dish of ice cream to help the
the very liest investment you can make ness
churt h.
of any surplus funds will tic in seeming it
Then there are the dealers in saloon­
No Christian has any business to wear
at once. W hile you are alsmt it, get keepers' fixtures, their clerks, drummers a long face, as long as he c til see some
enough for the house, for the stis-k, and a sud workmen ; there are those who make liody smiling who has less to lie thankful
little extra to water ttie garden with h i a a business of providing the free lunches; for than he has.— Ham’* Horn.
dry time.
The profit of the farm very often comes class; the manufacturers of and dealers
A I l i t t : i; %l. o f I t- K .
more from having a pretty constant sup­ in glassware, saloon mirrors, Ivor pumps,
ply of little things to turn into cash than and corkscrews, and the makers of adver­
T ho big eight page Sunday Statesman
Irons one or two -pecial t ig crops. Some tising signs and ornaments. Ibis aK ut will I h » sent to anv a hi rem from now un
garden vegetables, a little fruit, a few includes the doniesllc beer and the iiqiioi til July 1st for only 5'J conta, cash to :tv*-
pounds of butter or a few dozen eggs ev­ interests of the state an I those interested eompanv M»o order. This is tlu» m
lib ­
ery time you go to town may tie turned and affiliated wiili it. There is to Is- ad eral hard times campaign otfer, as the
into quite un amount of money in the ded the foreign import trade in wic. s, > ate soi an is the eecvni'I paper in Oregon,
course of a year.
1 champagne», ales, spirit», tipi is, and and re pu hi icon to the vorc. Thi» i» a
F I F T Y W O U L D * * I A I It V I K I V S H i L I . .
The Poultry Keeper lias readied the
front as the leading authority on poultry.
Sixteen large pages, monthly, fifty cents
per annum. “ Farm and Fireside" is a
10-page paper coming twice a month,
fifty cents per annum.
W o will send
I h x I i papers one year and fifty photograph­
ic views of the World’s Fair, to new sub­
scribers only, all for fifty cents.
copy of the Poultry Keeper, with particu­
lars free. Send five cents for either of
tho following back numbers equal to a 25-
cent book : Poultry House», July 18111,
has titty views; Brooders and Incubators,
August 1S89 and August 1801. Address,
I’ m: Pori/iKY K kkpku C o ., Parkesburg,
M O N D I * !» U
KOK ONK noi.! \U
ami f/omr opinion on this snhject.
W hat is t lie best M onetar)* System for
the l ’ nitctl States'.’
l’ his is th e nrcatest
problem eonironiin>r th e \m cri« an ¡ino­
pie. It is the in ten tio n o f th è p tih l's lie r »
that “ T iir .M o v s iK \ r ii ’ »Itali co llid iti th è
U*st 11- u alit ot th e n itio n on th is quo*
T h e n v o g h iiO il i f f l e r s in a ll | r >1! ì -
ica! pari ics b a v e beon c a llo l upon to c o n ­
tributo y q *n » b 'r th oir tTea! M o s h a r y
S ym km
I h r not cont»»iH s i i l i th is, w >
a re d e tc : uiilicJ to e m p io ) iu th è »a m o
W .
IF .
H E A C O C K ,
Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors and Windows, Brackets,
Turutmco Shingle*. Lath, Pickets, Lim e, Sand, Glass, Nalls and all kinds o f B uilding Mat*
rial and i;
- Hard»- ire.
N ew berg, O regon
~ Cliehalem Valley Bank,
In it* new ro.-m* n, ,ir the p.-.t .»Dire,
Newberg, Oregon.
Affords ample facilities for the transaction o f a general banking business. Including Forefpn
and Domestic Exchange. 1 hanking the public for favors ot the past year, we solicit a continu­
ance of the same for the future.
G EO . \V. M I T C H E L L , President,
g . \v. M c C o n n e l l , g . c . C h
Herman Schritt, of Newberg, has
bought 40 acres of land of George Vinton
and will build a house sometime this
A . R . M I L L S , Vice-President.
, w . k . allen .
r is t e n s o n
MOSES V O T A W , C a s i i i e k .
“The Fashion”
Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, of Newberg,
held a series of meetings here last week, <
but owing to the bad weather the meet­
ings were very poorly attended.
Livery, Feed & Sale Stable.
There was an exhibition at the Lake !
school house last Saturday night.
HANSON & WORDEN, Proprietors.
Qujte an interesting program was car­
ried cut on Washington's birthday at the
West Cliehalem I lill school “ Tho In­
We are prepared to furnish Good and Stylish nigs, w ith or without drivers. Fair treatmen
telligent School,” a dialogue by Miss An­ guaranteed by us and the same expected o f our customers. Tourist and Transient custom so
na Carter and a number of little folks was ! licited. Prices reasonable.
quite a success.
P o lly .
Sheridan Street, near Main.
81* K IN G It H O O K
IT E M S .
No M ore B ack A che Oregon Pacific Railroad Co.
Rev. James Price attended the 11
o’clock services here last Sabbath and
preached a good sermon.
K. H
Christian Endeavor prayer meeting was
led by Edgar Ballard last Sunday night.
The meeting was well attended and every
member present was heard from in pray­
er or testimony.
R. E. M P LC A H Y ,
C. T. W A RD LAW ,
Geu'l Supt.,
T. F. & P. A.
Corvallis, O
Q raveu T g >*
C o n s t ip a t io n ,
Gash Meat Market
Sold by C. F, M oore <Sc Co.
D R E S S M A K IN G .
Y 'l »
O l 1 .
(Just north of Bank of Newberg.)
M id w in te r F a ir K a t e ».
The Southern Pacific railroad company
has Issued the following circular:
“ The undersigned beg to announce that
30 days’ time will be given on Special
Tickets sold at any point on this Com-
pan’y Pacific System, for San Francisco
and return, account the Midwinter Fair;
tlieso tickets to be good for continuous
trips both going and returning.
that to the purchasers of Midwinter Fair
tiekets from our Pacfic System points, we
will sell Excursion Tickets from San
Francisco to points in California, usable
within the 30-days’ limit herein named,
at One and One-fifth Fare for points over
150 miles from Sail Francisco, and One
and One-third Fare for 150 miles or less
from San Francisco.
The minimum
rates for such tickets will be one dollar.
Rale from Portland to San Francisco
and teturn will be $25 00 plus $2 50 for
five admissions to the Fair.
Rates from
other stations in Oregon w ill ho made in
like manner. Tickets will not be on sale
untff the Midwinter Fair opens.”
Z F O I 2S T T S
Hiver Steamers Wm. M. Hong & Three Sisters
leave Portland Sunday, Wednesday and Friday
at 6 a. m. Leave Salem, north, Tuesday, Thurs­
day and Saturday at (5 a. m.
Passenger fare, Newberg to Portland or Sa­
lem, 50 cents.
For any information desired, address
Chickenpox has been raging among the
children of our neighliorhood for some­
time and occasionally claims some of the
older ones as its victim. Blanch K in­
caid has been afHicted with tho malady
for over a week.
John Rush has secured the erntract for
cultivating the ten-acre prone orchard
formerly owned by Joel Bean, the coming
season. No doubt the present owner will
he weil satisfied with the season’s work,
because John is a man that does just what
ho agrees to.
II A D L K Y . R eceiver.
Low rates between San Francisco and Port­
land and
. -
J. II. Rees was canvassing the district
last Monday, for the purpose of finding
out how many of ttie “ rising generation”
are of a suitable age to draw from the
public funds tho coming year.
Very little, in fact, almost no complaint
about hard times is heard in this com­
munity. The oilier day a horse buyer at­
tempted to buy a lot of horses and did nut
buy a single one. The farmers wanted
Next Monday is school election and
too much for them. This is a good indi­
its high time candidates were on* elec­
cation. Farmers who are hanging onto
tioneering. Somebody may get left out
their horses and wheat are not suffering
of office.
B bo . J o nath an .
for the necessities of life.
A lio a mile away is always trying to
Oregon City Enterprise.
prove that it is the truth.
Spare the rod and spoil tiie child is as
The man who would load others must
true today as when King Solomon first
not ho afraid to walk by himself.
uttered the words, and it applies to school
Love never turns back bocause it hoars
life as wollas to home (raining. It would
a lion roar.
he better for the public schools and for
No one who is fit for heaven wants to
such pupils as wilfully disobey or aro es­
go there alono.
pecially intractable if instead of turning
To havo too much help is as had us to
them out of school or suspending them
havo no help.
for a time to roam the streets they should
The people who talk tho most too often
bo dealt with in a summery manner ami
say tho least.
kept at their studies in school. The pu­
Religion that is not usod every day will
pils who were suspended last week and
not keep sweet.
two weeks ago for truancy, might have
All sins promise to more than pay their
been made to suffer the disgrace and pain
way to begin with.
of corporal punishment since the effect on
Some very good looking ¡H>ople aro de­
them would havo been moro wholesome
formed on the inside.
and the example lo the school more im-
If angels had to live with Rome men,
j pressive. Pupils who play truant or cut
thero would probably be more fallen
I up In school, and who employ their time
in inventing and perpetrating mischief,
Tho richest man is tho ono who ran
! are not as a rule so desirous of getting an
give away the most without regretting it.
I education as lo care whether they aro re-
Give a loose rein to passion, and there
tained in school or not, so that suspen­
is more danger of a runaway and a wreck
sion is after all not a real punishment.
than there is in tiding behind a wild
V I C K 'S F L O R A 1» O i l O R , 1 8 »4 .
Many n man will tell yon that the
churc h he belongs to is full of hypocrites
It contains descriptions that describe,
the moment ho finds out lie can't rim it. not mislead; illustrations that instruct,
Tho devil would probably he willing to not exaggerate. This year it comes to us
stop throwing stones at a missionary, for in a suit of gold. Printed in eight dilTer-
a chance to sit down ami watch a preach­ ent colors besides black. Colored plates
er smoke.
i of Chrysanthemums, Poppies and Veget­
Many a man who would like to reform ables. On the front cover is a very ex­
the world, has a front gate that won't quisite bunch of Vick’s New White
stay shut.
Branching Aster and on the hack is the
Many a church member S|K>nges his New Double Anemone; 11— pages filled
preaching and pays full price lor his ci­ with many new novelties o value as well
gars and tobacco.
as all the eld leading varieties of flowers
(¡oil does not want his sheep to live on 1 and vegetables.
dry fodder, hill a good many of his shep­
We advise our friends who intend doing
herds think so.
anything in the garden this year to con­
The man who makes a heaven for him­ sult Vick before starting operations.
self always puts his own mansion rgh t in
Send ten cents to James V ick’s Sons,
I lie center ol it.
ltochester, N. Y ., for Vick’s Guide, it
It takes a good deal of graco to he a costs nothing, as yon can deduct the 10
good Christian with a lug income.
1 cents from the liret order.
It certainly
It is never hard to do tho light thing will pay you.
Latest Styles.
Prices Seasonable,
2 e T
t !, t
Austin & Stanley.
W ill purchase dress goods, trim m ings and all 1 «
findings when desired.
M rs. M cD aniel.
N the County Court of Yam hill County, state
p e r DAY
Easily Made.
We want many men, women, boy», and girls to
work for us a few hours daily, right in and around
their own home3. The business is easy, pleasant,
> Citation.
| W il l ia m H obson JD ec ’ d . )
j strictly honorable, and pays better than any other
Hobson, Anna | offered agents. You have a clear field and no
Blair, Anna Bell Tibodo. Arthur Austin. Alula competition. Experience and special ability un-
Shelton, I.eota Reece and Waldo Reece—Greet
necessary. No capital required. W e equip you
with everything that you need, treat yon well,
In the name of the State o f Oregon you are
hereby cited and required to appear in the I and help you to earn ten times ordinary wage*.
County Court of the County o f Yamhill. State : Women do as well as men, and boys and girls
of Oregon, at the Court Room th e r e o f, make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do tho
at M cM inuvilie in the County o f Yam hill on work. A ll succeed who follow our plain and sim­
Tuesday the :»rd of \pril, ISO I, at One o'clock j
in the afternoon o f that day then and there to ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring
show cause if any there be why the follow in g you a great deal o f money. Everything is new
real estate belonging to said Estate should not and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet
; be sold as prayed for in the petition for order circular, and receive full information. No harm
of sale thereof this day filed in said Court to !
done if you conclude cot to go on with the
T R A C T NO. 1.
I business.
Being a part of the Donation Land Claim of
O. J. Walker in Township three south o f Range I
two West of Willamette Meridian and part of j
Box 4 8 8 ,
the school lands adjoining the said Donation I
Land Claim on the North and which said tract \
No. 1 is particularly bounded and described as ;
follows to wit :
I Beginning at a point Thirty-six rods East of
j the Northwest corner of section Seventeen and
on the north line of said section Seventeen —
j Thence west along said north line of said sec­
tion No. Seventeen (17) Eighty and :<4 rods—
CniKirullelofl Odor.
Thence south Thirty-four and C 100 rods—
Thence East and parallel with the south line of
said (>
Walker Donation Land Claim Eighty
C. F. BUTLER, Proprietor.
rods—Thence North t hirty four and 1 >100 rods
A 1,1 v e D a i l y N e w s p a p e r f o r O n e C e n t a to the place o f beginning containing 17.05 acres
more or less.
D a y , T w e n t y -Ilv e Cents a M o n th .
Beinff a part of said Donation Land Claim of
O. J Walker and said school laud udj -iniug
same on the north a: d situate in Y.unhiil coun­ A careful study has convinced me of the supe­
The People’s Paper for bard times. ty State ’..f Oregon—Which said tract No. 2 is rior qualities and adaptability to this clim ate o f
and described «s follows to wit:
For town people, city people and farmers; bounded
Beginning at a point Thirty six rods F.a-d of
prepaid, by mail, for 25 cents a month, the Northwest corner of section 17 on the North
B a rre d Plym outn Hocks,
s. R. 2,
a year. Not a paper sent on credit or line of said section Seventeen in T.
W. of the Willamette Meri linn in said county.
after time is out. Strictly in advance. 1 Thence
East along said line Forty six rods
I am now breeding exclusively. Eggs
Cheapest Newspaper oh the Pacific Coast. ■ Thence South Fo’-ty five five and 15 U>0 rods. which
for sale in season.
Complete Associated Press telegraph re- | Thence West parallel with the south line of
Donation Land Claim Forty six rods.
port. All news from Capital. Foreign >aid
Thence north Forty five and 15 loo rods to the
News, S o rtin g News, Markets, Hop and place o f beginning containing M acres more or
Wool news.
Being a portion of tin* Donation Lind cla im
Unbiased Editorial Discussion» Indepen­ o f O. J. Walker in the County of Yam hill and
S 14... W. o f the W il
dent of dictation by the Oregonian or any j State of Oregon ia t
met to Meridian ami which said pari is bound
monopoly. Republican, Indeponpent for l.a
ed as foil >ws to wit:
Yes, w hv not use home remedies when
the People.
Beginning at a point Thirty six rods F is t of
the west line ni section No. 17 and ninety six thev cannot be excelled?
Try it. You will be pleased. Moncy \ Land Claim.
: mining East parallel
Refunded to anyone who is not satisfied it with s lid su ch line « : said Donation Land
Claim Sixty-eight rods—Thence North Sixteen
is not worth twice what it costs.
ro d s -T lu n’ce W i-tezly and parallel wirh ^ii,I
south line f said Donation Land Claim Sixty-
These are times of dose margins. eight rods—Thence south Sixteen rods I., the
Why pay $1 25 to |2 50 a month for one place o f h ‘ ginning containing ti and S-H* acres has never l>rcn excelled for many thing».
more or 1 >»•
It ernes Cancel» (if applied in time,) Can­
or more daily newspaper» when you can
Being ft part o f the Donation Land claim of cer Warts, Tumor? in the flesh ot man or
get the whole thing in a nut shell for One
Cent a Day? Send for a sample, free. cite Meridian in Yam hill County State of Ore­ least, removes lumps from the lane,
Yon will be surprised. You will be de­ gon which said part is bounded and described cures Corn-* and Bunions, Fistula on hors­
es. bites ami stings of poisonous insects
lighted. A silver two-bit piece will bring a-* M l .»vvs to wit
l'o.’ 1 uniti« ut a poini! one hundred mid four etc. It is good for Rheumatism. Neural
you a Daily Newspaper for a whole
line • f .-oction Seveili teen
rod* Y •i*t of the West 1
month, with all the Important. News of and » i; • hundred and twelve rods north ••f the kMA, Tooth ache, Sprains, Bruises. Pleuri­
the State, the Coast, the World.
South line **f said Donation land Chnini— sy and all aches and perns of tho t ody,
The at1
v ninnine East Hiirtv eieht rod s. tticnee ¡n il almost invariably takes the place of
tr»rth Four r.’d s -T b West Ih lrtv eight
Sustain the People's Paper. All who ro d s -■Thence South F our r> Is to the |d«; ce o f the surgeon’s knife in case of tumors etc.
favor Independent Journalism should lnu iu iiiii- (v a t.iiiu 152 square roda uf laud
It dote not eat its way. and leaves no
take and push this paper, and push the more i. r less.
high-priced monot»dy dailies out of ex­
Beini: a portion of tl ie D« nation La?id i "a im
of o . J W ulk r iu 1 . S R 2. W. of the Wil
IforRK B r o t h e r s ,
lamette Meridian in Y.,...hi!l C >‘i:«ty Slate of
lid it or 9 ami Proprietors,
One bottle o f Dr Wm. F ill* '* Linim ent rc-
Orotfou and which said part is bounded a.- fo l­
m oved a lareo tnr.n r from my boy'* neck, aftrr
Salem, Oregon.
lows to wit :
seven yeirs rreatmeut with other remedies,
B e«in n in g at a p >int Thirty -even and
itli no benefit.
G f . orgk i k e a x e r .
rods south o f o f the north Hue i>f j>i:d Sertie
Home, Greene Co.. Tenn., July. Ifc'S.
No. s veuteen a»-d h
is East o f the
" • -t .c >>f said St. •
»cveateon— Thence
On** >mAll bottle of J>r. Wm F.lli*'* Linim ent
: esty tw i n •
hence -outh 7.6» cured a severe pain iu my side which had
r.»«l«— 1 heure
W i -t
veuty two
r;vi«ed me much «uttering. E c n ic e S h i ltz .
N ori -
imi •
r> - Is to the place
Newt »erg. Oreccn. 1WS.
of hcninuiti* coats
mr I and M0 «crea more
i>r less in sections
id :•» i.i r s it j. \% One N ttle o f Dr. Wm. Ellis's Linim ent cured
W ill trcit all forms of scute and chronic di- of the WHliamette
ridian iu Y am hill Couu- very bad bunion* on my feet, o f four year*
oi> e» and au-wvr ali medical sud >urgic«l calls ty state of $ rt >a.
J. D B e l l .
Witue’»* the Hoi
H.owav. Judea of
N’ ewbefg, Oretron, June 1S93.
enty o f Yam hill,
Office in 1! skin« M >ok Residence in Uhrf»- the County Donrt of
l the
For saV at C F Mi*otf A Co.’s drug
il c f s lid Dourt
iensou property ou Wyuo. ski street.
(it’ice State i f óre-
(h dav i February. 1-dl.
hours to Id a m . J to • mi l 7 to ** p. m ¿ab­ hereto affixed l
s'- !*». and at my In inf*, at 50 cents je r
balli* 2 to :> p. m.
bottle, or by mail at 60 cents per t»ottle.
D K L P 1 I I N A E. E L L IS ,
R tm sey A Fc
N e w b e rg , O rego n .
G eo rge S tin so n & C o .,
Quaker City Poultry Yard.
D r. W m . E llis ' Linim ent