IhiDiti Santa ClaraWTieat R o y a l P B a k in o o w d e r Bj bu e t h a s t e . 11 was simply n roof upheld by rude uprights uuU cross beam» and open to Im parts that pe­ tho breeze that swept through it. A t one end was a small blacksmith's forge, culiar lightness, some machinery and what appeared to sweetness, and fla­ he part of a small steam engine. M id­ way o f the »lied was a closet or cup­ vor noticed in the board fastened witli a large padlock. Occupying its whole length on the other finest cake, biscuit, side was a work bench, and at tho fur­ rolls, crusts, etc., ther end stood the workman she had heard. which expert pas­ Ho was apparently only a year or two try cooks declare older t hau herself, and clad in hi ue jean overalls, blackened anil smeared with is unobtainable by oil and coal dust. Even his youthful face, which he turned toward her, had a the use o f any oth- black smudge running across it and al­ . er lea vening agent. S) most obliterating a small auburn mus­ tache. The look of surprise that hegave ROYAL BAKINO POWOCR CO., 1M WALL IT ., N. V« her, however, quickly passed. He re­ mained patiently and in a half preoccu­ pied way holding his hammer in his hand as she advanced. This was evi­ dently the young fellow who could “ do Id e n tity . The great cbamltlierx »hed u blaze of anything that could be done with wood anil iron.” glory over fair women mi l brave men. She was very sorry to disturb him, hut Soft music and tin* perfume of rare flow­ ers pleased the senses. could lie tell her how long it would ho be­ I t was a function. fore the wagon could be brought up and Two women had entered the room unno­ mended? He could uot say that until ticed. ho himself saw what was to he done. The tall creature with a thin nose lient low her head and whispered to the fut I f it was only a matter of a wheel he could fix it up in a few moments; if, us vision with u double chin: “ Show me the man you love so distract­ he hail been told, it was a case o f twisted or bent axle it would tako longer, but i. edly.“ A pair of baby blue eyes scanned the would he hero very soon. And thou — guests eagerly. would he let her wait here, as she was “ There he is. The tall man by the man­ very anxious to know at once— and it tel.” wus much cooler than in that other Two haughty lips parted with a gasp of shed? Certainly; he would go over and Astonishment. “ Why, 1 had always heard that your bring her a bench. But hero she begged ho wouldn't troublo himself; she could fiance is short.” sit anywhere comfortably. Two cheeks of damask flushed faintly. “ He is.” The lower end of tho work bench was The music rose in riotous cadence, and covered with clean and odorous shav­ resently the dance begun.—Detroit News- ings. She lightly brushed them aside, ribune. and with a youthful movemuiit swung herself to a seat upon it, supporting her­ N o t T o o S illy . self oil one hand as she leaned towurd him. She could thus see that his eyes were o f a light yellowish brown, like clarified honey, w ith u singular look of clear concentration in them, which, however, was the same whether turned upon his work, tho surrounding grain or upon tier. This, und his sublime uncon­ sciousness of tile smudge across his face and iiis blackened hands, made her won­ der i f the man who could do everything with wood anil iron was above doing anything with water. Shu had half a mind to tell him o f it, particularly as she noticed also that his throat below tho line of sunburn disclosed by his open collar was quite white and his grim y “ Come here, my pretty dears.” “ No, thank you. We may be silly, but huiuls well made. She was wondering we don’t intend to loseour heads entirely.” whether lie would be affronted if she ___________________ - L ife . said in her politest way, “ I beg your pardon, but do you know you have quite I t f l a t t ie d H im . “ I was over in Indiana last week,” re­ accidentally got something on your marked the drummer, “ and on a train go­ face?" and offer her handkerchief, which ing toward Indianapolis I saw a young o f course he would decline, when her man in a brand new suit of clothes and a eye fell on the steam engine. “ H ow mill! Do you use that on the blue necktie. He was as green as a gourd, and the young woman with him wusn’t farm?" much riper. A bout 8 o’clock in the after­ No— he smiled here, the smudge ac­ noon he came into the smoker of the Full- centing it and setting off his white teeth man and sat down nervously. I was In in a Christy minstrel fashion that ex­ there talking to a man from Vincennes. asperated her— uo. Although it could After a few minutes he gave a slight cough and pulled down his collar us if it choked be used and had been. But it was his first effort, made tw o years ago, when him. “ “ Mas either of you gents ever been mar­ he wus younger and more tnexjiorienced. It was a rather rough tiling, she could ried!'’ he queried. “ ‘I haven’t,’ said I. sec, but he had to muko it at odd times “ ‘ I have,’ said the Vincennes man, 'and with what iron ho could pick up or pay my third wife is now living.’ for, and at differout forges where he “ ‘Gosh,’ exclaimed the young fellow; worked. ' 'you don’t say sol’ She begged liis pardon—where?----- “ 'Yes, I do say.’ Where lie worked. “ ‘And you lived through It?* questioned All, then lie waa the machinist or en­ the youth. ' “ Certainly. Why not?’ said the Vin­ gineer here'. cennes man somewhat indignantly. No, ho worked here just like the others, “ ' ’Cause I got married t liis morning at only he was allowed to put up a forge 9 o’clock, and ever since I ’ ve been sorter while the grain was green, und have his chokin in the throat and feclin queer, and bench, in consideration o f the mid jobs I begum to be afeared 1 wasn’t goin to live he could do in the way of mending tools, through it. It’s my fust attempt, and I ain't used to it yit. See in you, though, has etc. There Was u heap o f mending and braced me up kinder, and I begin to have welding to do—alio had no idea how hopes. I ’ll go back now to Mary, and if quickly agricultural machines get out lie had done much of his you see me lookin wobbly and likely to ca­ o f order! reen ’tween here and Indianapolis won’t work mi the steam engine on moonlit you nudge me up again? I ’m bad sheered, nights. Yes; she hail no idea how por- mister, but good by.1 And he went back fectly clear and light it was hero in the into the car, and the Vincennes man kept valley ou such nights, although of course his eye on him the rest of the way.” —De­ the shallows were very dark, and when troit Free Press. he dropped a screw or a nut it was ilifli- cult to Hud. He had worked there be­ T o » M u c h 11 up p i liens. “ Madam,” said the prospective l»oarder cause it saved time and because it didn't timidly, “ do you have any little boys in the cost anything, ami he had nobody to look on or interfere with him. No; it was house?” “ No, sir,” said the lady w ho had adver­ not. lonely; the coyotes and wild eats tised for a lodger. sometimes came very near, but were al­ “ No piano?” ways more surprised and frightened “ No, sir.” than he was, and once a horseman who “ You dou’t serve stews very often?” had strayed off the distant road yonder “ No.” “ Well, madam,” and the young man’s mistook him for an animal ami shot at voice sunk to a whisper as his face flushed, him twice. He told all this with such freedom “ do you serve — stewed prunes at each from embarrassment and with such ap­ meal?” “ N o .” parent unconsciousness o f the blue eyes “ Then, madam,” said the youth as he tliut were following him mid the light, turned away, with a sigh, “ then 1 cannot l>e graceful figure—which was so near his your guest. I feel that I am not worthy of own that in some o f his gestures liis it.” —Chicago Record. grim y hands almost touched its delicate garments—that, accustomr 1 as sho was A n In s p ir a t io n . to a certain masculine aberration in her Examining Medical Professor—Now, sir, presence, she was greatly amused by his tell me how you would treat a caw of ty­ naive acceptance o f her iis ail equal. phoid fever. Student—Well, sir, 1 should first—I Suddenly looking frankly in her face he said; should first—I---- K. M. P. (impatiently)—Yes, yes; goon. “ 111 show you a secret if you care to Student (seized with a brilliant idea)—I see it." should first call you in for consultation. Nothing would please her more. Passes with honors.—Tit-Bits. He glanced hurriedly around, took a key from liis jxs-ket and unlocked th j H e r C h o ir«» M in i«. padlock that secured the closet she had Bessie (aged 4) Mamma, «ha*» folks mar­ noticed. Then reaching within with in ry in heaven? Mamma—The good book says they do finite care be brought out a small me­ chanical model. not, Bessie. “ Do they marry in in the other place?” “ There's an invention of iny own. A “ 1 presume not, my dear.” rea;>er and thrasher combined. I'm “ Then I ’m going to stay right herel” — going to have it patented and have a big Chicago Tribune. one made from this model. This will work, as yon see." A T«»AAlt»lr Change. He then explained to her with great “ And are you sure that you will always precision how as it moved over the field love me the same as now, dear?” murmur the double operation was performed by ed Birdie McNabb. “ Yes, or just as well some other weigh,” tho same motive power. That it would responded George W. Simpson as he shifted bo a saving of a certain amount of labor her 185 pounds onto his other knee and and time which she eonld not romomlvr. drew a long breath.—Washington Star. Mio did not und Tstand a word o f his ox jlanations; she saw only a clean and A S h o rtc a k e . pretty but complic it ■ 1 toy that. uml'T It was in the south school the other day the manipulatm i o f 1 , grimy fingers, that the scholars were asked to write a rattlod a numls-r of trail like staves and sentence which should contain the pro­ worked a number o f wheels and drums, noun “ I,” and a small colored pupil perpe­ yet there was no indication o f her ig ­ trated this: “ My mother made a shortcake. It was so short I didn't get any of it.’ ’— norance in her spirkting eyes an.l sm il­ ing, breathless attitude. Perhaps she Hartford Post. was interested in Ins own absorption: I ! » t h H ad. the revelation of his preoccupation with Jackson (in a restaurant)—1 This chicken this model struck her as if lie had made of mine was kept t< o long after l**ing killed. her a confidant of some boyish passion Currie—And the one I ’ m eating was kept for one of her own sex. and she regarded too long before it was killed.—New York hint with the same sympathizing su- H e r a ld _________________ peri, >rity. A P r e c e d e n t K'»tMbH»ti«*«l. “ You will make a fortune out o f it," “ What make« yon think she will marry she sold pleasantly. you?” I W ell, he might make i-uough to bs “ 6he has married other iiieu.” --Truth. 5 n T\ damé able to go on with some other inventions he had in his mind. They coat money and time, no matter how careful one was. This was another interesting revela­ tion to the young girl. He not only did not seem to care for the profit his devo­ tion brought him, but even his one be­ loved ideal might be displaced by an­ other, So like a man after all. Her reflections were broken upon by the sound o f voices. T h e young man carefully replaced the model in its closet with a parting glance, as i f he was clos­ ing u shrine, and said; “ There comes the | wagon.” The young girl turned to meet J the men who were dragging it from the I road, with the half complacent air of having been victorious over their late | ruile abandonment, but they did not '■ seem to notice it or to be surprised at her companion, who quickly stepped forward and examined the broken vehi­ cle with workmanlike deliberation. “ I hope you w ill be able to do some­ thing with it,” she said sweetly, appeal­ ing directly to him. “ I should thank you so much." Ho did not reply. Pres­ ently he looked up to the m a il who hail brought her to tho shanty, anil said: “ Tho axle's strained, but it’s safe for five or six miles more of this road. I ’ll put the wheel on easily." He paused and, without glancing at her, continued: “ You might send her on by the cart.” “ Pray don't trouble yourselves,” in­ terrupted the young girl with a pink uprising in her cheeks, “ I shall be quite satisfied with the buggy as it stan'ls." bend “ her" on in the eart! Indeed! Really they were a rude set— all of them. Without taking the slightest notice of her remark the man replied gravely to the young mechanic, “ Yes, but we'll be wanting the cart before it can get back from taking her.” “ H er"again! “ I assure yon the lm ggy w ill serve perfectly w ell—if this—gen­ tleman—w ill only be kind enough to put on tho wheel again,” sho returned hotly. The young mechanic at once set t* work. The young girl walked apart silently until the wheel was restored to its axle. But, to her surprise, a different horse was led forward to be harnessed. “ W e thought your horse wasn’t safe in case o f unother accident.” said tho first man, with the same smileless con­ sideration. “ Tliis one wouldn't cut up if he was harnessed to an earthquake or a worse driver than you’ve got.” It occurred to her instantly that the nmro obvious remedy o f sending another driver had been already discussed and rejected by them. Y et when her own driver appeared a moment afterward sho ascended to her seat with some dignity anil a slight increase o f color. "1 am very much obliged to yon all,” she said, without glancing at the young inventor. “ Don’t mention it, miss." “ Good afternoon." “ Good afternoon.” They all took off their hats with the same formal gravity as the horse moved forward, but turned buck to their work again before she was out of tile field. S tu d y A m e r ic a n W H IN H isto ry . Mrs May W. Sewall, of Indiana, nos addressed a circular letter to the teach­ ers o f the state in regard to •'Exposition Days” in the schools, which is worthy the attention o f teachers in other states as well as Indiana. Mrs. bewail says: Tlie committee on education of the board of W orld's fair managers o f In­ diana have recommended the school au­ thorities to set aside certain days in the school year to lie called Exposition days, with tw o distinct objects in view: First— It is hoped hereby to increase tlie means o f the commission to make a good exhibit of Indiana's edncational status at the Columbian exposition. Second— it is hoped to stimulate the interest of young |ieople in this exposi­ tion and to increase their intelligence upon the general subject of their coun­ try's history. Tlie object here indicated as second seems to my mind of primary importance, und the first object will probably be suc­ cessfully executed i direct proportion to tho degree to which the second is suc­ cessfully accomplished. I have been asked to prepare a pro­ gramme for Exposition day in the schools o f our state. Though 1 have promised to do this work, 1 feel embarrassed by the following circumstances: First—Tlie range of ages o f the pupils in the different schools makes it impos­ sible that one programme should bo suited to the capabilities of all. Second—The time that can lie given to the making ready fur this day, under the most favorable circumstances, is so lim­ ited that appropriate preparation o f the pupils in any school is almost impossible. It therefore seems to me that instead of attempting to prescribe one pro­ gramme for the exercises o f all schools, regardless o f the age of pupils, of the experience o f teachers, anil o f such ac­ cessories as good reference libraries, files of newspapcis, official reports o f previous exhibitions, etc., I should best serve my fellow teachers by suggesting a study of tliis subject which contains the material for many programmes, and is in itself rather suggestive than prescriptive. The time intervening between now and the opening o f the Columbian expo­ sition, which is set for May 1, 1(193, is probably as good a time us this genera­ tion will enjoy for tho study of American history. HAH 18 L l t C l . A l . t II A tfalr.it a man's happineas b y his stomneh. tb© en em y m a y be pacified and brou gh t speedily and easily to terms. T h a t poten t re gu la to r o f digestion , H o steiter s Stom ach B itters, disci­ plines th e reb ellio u s organ th o ro u gh ly. In d i­ gestion arises from weaknesa o f the stom ach, and th e food in it, fo r w ant o f the p o w er to d i­ gest, decom poses and acidifies, g iv in g rise* to heartburn, flatu lence and pain, besides a m u lti­ tude o f sym ptom « both ch a n gefu l and p erp lex ­ ing. But peace soon reign s w hen the greut sto- rauehic is resorted to and used w ith persistence. Dyspepsia gives rise to m orb id discom posure of inind, and even sleeplessness and hyu oehondria in ch ro n ic cases. T o the com p lete dism issal o f these the B itters is fu lly adequate. L iv e r co m ­ pla in t, constip ation, d e b ility , rheu m atism and n u la ria are co m p le te ly subdued by this gen ial m edicin e. M any peop’ e hope that i q th e c o m in g p r’ ze- f i g n in F lo rid a the v ic to r w ill be G overn or M itch ell. NO DEBT. The Past The Future ! ■ « -! lì Tho so w er has n o c o n d ch ance, y o u w o u ld a t fir s t suc- 'e e t d , be su re a n d s ta rt w i t h ' G u aran tees The fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured thousands of others is certainly sufficient reason for be­ lief that it will oure you. It is the greatest blood purifier, the best nerve tonic, and quickest strength builder. Remember FERRY’S SEEDS. S«-d lor 18M i\\ F e r r y ’s Annual ' ' ' c o n ta in s th e su m a n d substance/, ot tlie la te s t fa r m in g k n o w l- 1 ed g e. E v e r y p la n te r sh o u ld . h a v e it. i-ient tree. D. M. Ferry ft Co., D etro it, Mich. Hood’s 5 i> C u re s KIDNEY, C U R E HUNT’S REMEDY It is not merely pain that people dread S arsaparilla is sold by a ll drucrglsts. in aicknesa. Many a man will bear the fft; H ood's six f »r *-*>. Prepared by C. I. H o »I A Co. pain unflinchingly who utterly breaks Apothecaries, Lo w ell, Ma«s. H o o d ’s C u res down in view o f the heavy expense in­ H oo d ’ s P ills are a m ild « athart.c. volved, often increased by his being inca­ B la d d er, U rin a ry and L iv e r Diseases Dropsy G ra vel and Diabetes a re ca re d by pacitated for work and thus deprived of his income. To such persons A l l c o c k ’ s P o r o u s P l a s ­ t e r s are an unspeakable boon. They are M THAT within the reach o f every one. They are genuine, too. Notwithstanding the in­ T H E B E S T K ID N E Y numerable counterfeits and imitations it is always easy for anybody to make sure of A N D L IV E R M E D IC IN E . getting the real thing at a low price. W ITH Any one suffering from weakness of the chest, throat, stomach, kidneys, liver or from lame back will find them a cheap and ■ sure remedy. I H r a x u k k t h ’ s P i l l s are a good corrective. I SBot&t Cures B r ig h t’s Disease, R eten tio n o r Non re­ ten tio n o f U rin e. Pains in th e Back, Loins or GOcts^and Side. T h e re are a great m any men o f n ote who have $1.00 per Botl no ready cash. One cent a doee. C ough S Sufferers from coughs, sore throat, etc., should try “ B ro w n 's B ro n c h ia l Troches. ” T o re m o ve p a in t—S it dow n on it b efore it is fry. _______ ____________ ASTHM A CUBED By S ch lff mann'R A sthm a Cure. N o w a itin g for HOW S l>r. H o lm e s o n D r u g g in g S k ir t s . T H IS l W e o ffer One Hundred Dollars Rew a rd fo r any HUNT’S REMEDY Cures In tem p era n ce, N ervou s Diseases, Genera D eb ility , F e m a le W eakness a n d Excesses. kCATARRH HUNT’S REMEDY ’R E M E D Y . Cures Biliousness, H eadach e, Jaundice, Sour S tom ach, D yspepsia, C o n stipation and Piles. . l a v e y o u C atarrh ? This re m e d y i i gu a ra n ­ te e d to c u re y o u . P r ic e . 50 eta. In je c t o r free. <$*** f r . Portland, Or. T h e cran k refuses to be tur ed dow n , bu t he turns up w ith aborn in g regu la rity. HUNT’S REMEDY HUNT’S REMEDY U J l 8 A T O N C E on the K i d n e r s , l . h o r and H o w e l « * re sto rin g th em to a n ea lth y ac­ tion , and C lift US w hen a ll o th e r m edicines fa il. H u nd reds h a v e been saved w h o h ave been g iv e n up to d ie b y frien d s and physicians. S O I.II f lSH B R ^ KV A M . le K IO O IN IS . DOCTOR The Little Gentleman began: “ Our Ctthe o f ca ta rrh that cannot be cu red by H a ll a This Trad« Mart 1« on the be«t F. J. C H E N E Y & CU , landlady's daughter is a young lady of Catarrh Cure. P ro p rieto r», T o led o , O. some pretensions to gentility. Site wears W e, the u ndersigned, nave kn ow n F. J. <-Ire­ her trains very long, as the great ladies ne fo r the last fif e n years, and b elie v e h m Ei2ior;i? d ,n th e W o r,d 1 perfectly h on ora b le in a ll business tran saction » do in Europe. T o be sure, their dresses ind fin a n cia lly able to ca rry o u t a ny o b liga tion * r“ - A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. W EST & T R U A X , are so made only to sweep the tapestried made by th e ir firm . \N hob sale Druggist-', Toledo, O. floors of chateaus and palaces, us those W A L D IN G , K I N N A N & M A R V IN , -F O R - W ho e ale D ruggists, T o led o , O. odious aristocrats o f the other side do H a ll’s Catarrh (h ire i* taken in te r n a il'.a c t in g not go dragging through the mud in d irectly t »n renalpt o f O r D o l l a r upon the blood and mucous su rf ces of silks and satins, but, forsooth, must ride the system . P ric , 75 cents po> bottle. «Sold by in coaches when they are in full dress. til druggists. T es tim on ia ls free. It is true that, considering various A P O T T E »4 P K B 9 S . Let us ail you our Hlustr ted Cata ogue w ich —AND— habits o f the American people, also the will te l'y o u all about it. * u n s e t *»«***«1 a n d r i a n t little accidents which the best kept side­ Size. i53x48 inside hearers; table distribu C o . i!Sherwi>ort all Nurse y Co.), 427-9 an'-ome walks are liable to, a lady who has tion; lieti springs ; will print nine-column Str et, »a n Francisco. Sele ted Seeds a specialty. swept a milo of them is not exactly in folio or six-column quarto; a splendid all E V E R Y OCCASION, round press for country office; for sale ----- A ----- bread made with C H A P T E R II. such a condition that one would caro to •¡heap; guaranteed in order. Address he her neighbor Why, there isn't a P almer & K e y , Portland, Or. beast or a bird that would drag its tail through the dirt in the way these crea­ Oae EuameiineStove Polish; uodust, no smeli tures do their dresses. - A S P E C IF IC F O R - “ Because a queen or a duchess wears T r y G erm ea fo r breakfast. long robes on great occasions, a maid of M suufaotured by CLOSSET & D EVER S, P o rt­ land , O regon. all work or a factory girl thinks she must make herself a nuisance by trail­ ing through the street, picking up and And A ll Other Blood end Skin Diseases. carrying about with her—pah! That’s what 1 call getting vulgarity into your When nursing babies, need a It is a p o s itiv e cure fo r a ll those p a in fu l, d e li­ bones and marrow. I f any man can cate com pla in ts and co m p lic a ted trou bles and nourishment that will give weaknesses com m on a m ong o u r w ives, m others walk behind one of these women and and dau gh ters see- whnt she rakes up as she goes and them strength and make their T h e effect is im m ed ia te and la stin g. T w o o r .... @ three doses o f D r . P ardee ’ s R e m e d y taken d a ily not feel squeamish, he has got a tough milk rich. keeps the blood cool, th e liv e r and kidn eys act­ stomach. 1 would not let one o f ’em into ive, and w ill e n tire ly era d ica te from th e system my room without serving ’em as David all traces o f Scrofula, Salt R h eu m , o r any o th er form o f blood disease. served Saul at the cave in the wilder­ N o m e d icin e e v e r in trod u c ed in this cou n try ness—cut off his skirts, sir! cut off his has m et w ith such read y sale, n or g iv e n such One cele b ra ted T u erk W a te r M o to r; n ew ; u niversal satisfaction w h e n ev er used as th a t o f skirts!” w ill d e v e lo p 10 to 15-horse pow er. W at r is the DR. P ardee ’ s R emedy . H e ten s In s t a n t ly f o l lo w e d b y h i * w ife . 1 suggested that 1 had seen some pret­ best and cheapest p ow er to use, and the “ T u e rk ’ ’ Th is rem edy has been used in the hospitals is the nest und ch eapest m o to r in th e m arket. th rou gh o u t the o ld w orld fo r the past tw enty- ty stylish ladies who offended in the way The rancho of Maj. Randolph lay on a W ill bo sold at a saci ifice. Address five years as a specific fo r the a bove diseases, and it has and w ill cu re w h en a ll o th er so-eallea P A L M E R «..1C», • moiBtnr. subject. Whether she was reveng­ purposes for which they were intended. Diary or Memoranda o f any HAVE lik e p e rs ir. ration , oauso intense>ivelunt ■ ary o r ’ Tertiary when warm. Th:a form aud BL1NP, Syphilis permanently cured In 15 to35days. You ing herself on her second husband —Brooklyn Eagle. B L £ £ u lN U e r PHOT HU DLN Q PLLkJ can be treatod a t homo fo r the same price and th j matters you desire. W rite T1KLD A r ONCE TO YOU same g u a r a n t e e s ! with those who p refer to com j for the faults of the first is not U*. B0-SAN-K0 S PILE REMEDY, hero w e w ill contract to cure them or refund money H W K K T S IX T E E N " - A N E X Q U IS IT E known, but it was certain that she nick, or they will be all gone, which acta directly on parts affected, and pay expense o f coming, railroad fa re and hotel GOT absorbe tumore, allays itetyng, effeettn« C 'A Li* N D A K . to cure. l I f you er­ y ou h ave taken m ere brought an unhallowed knowledge of a permanent cure. Price COo. Druinis’ a bills, i f w e fa ll K ddress c u r y , I o d id e p o ta s h , and b a still re aches ta s h still , and h a v e and aches o r m ad . Dr. B o sa n k o , P h ila d e lp h ia . P a P ILES the weaknesses, cheap cynicism anil pains, ttchesJn month. S o r e T h r o a t , Iloo«!')« «’ •ilendir*. w hich is alw ays looked fo r I tu p p les,< o p p e r - t o lo r e d S p o ts , U lc e r s on any P im . G. G R E E N , vanity o f a foreign predecessor, to sit in w ith intvnvu an t pleasure, has ramie it»* a» pear- W A N T T H E B E S T . % part o f tho body. H a i r o r E y e b r o w s rn!!1..p« »e n d for our Catalogue « f o u t, it IS this S y p h i l i t i c B L O O D F O IM O N juilgment upon the simp'o minded and m nee for the >eai NN .and 1.« in m any r ►pec a W oodbury , N. that w e g a u r a n t e e to cure. W e solicit tho must m ore b oau m iil than ever. I he head is that 0 1 V IN C U B A T O s b % % chivalrous American soldier who had a level \ g ir l just “ sw eet six te e n ," lithographed makes. Low prices. Easy pay o b s t in a t e c a s e s and c h a lle n g e t h e w o r l d fur a e a s e w e c a n n o t c a r e * Tblsdlseasehas&Jwuy« w. A.litres* \V . C . H . a c t i y succeeded him, and who was in fact the iu delicate m il natural • olors Besid •«b e in g a b a ffle d t h e sk.111 o f t h e m o s t e m in e n t p h y s i­ R lpon , C a lifo rn ia . ihiinr o* beauty, the calen dar is especially va lu ­ most loyal of husbands. The natural re­ able for tlie general in form ati n prese ted. cia n s . £ . » 0 0 , 0 0 0 capital behind our nncondi tional guarantee. A b s o lu t e p r o o f k sentsealed or» m it o f tier skepticism was an espionage l ae figures are p la in ly p rtn tea in pleasing and application. Address ( O O K R E M E D Y I O , SO O TH ING hi.rut minus • o ors. and the effect as a \ \ ho e is t a 1 3 3 1 M a s o n ic T e m p le , C h ic a g o , Ahk. »m l criticism of the wives o f the major's m o 'ts a i U f o n th e c »’ en lar> cun be *bta n * 1 C A T A R R H f f i g i l f e ___ ________ SYRUP brother officers that compelled a fre­ o f aim-** am druggist, o* by sending »lx 6) f * Catarrh, Dcafn©*mCoM*.i,o re,n iroat, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING - Dr. WH Ham s' In dian stamp-» for one and ten (t ) cents for two r . \ O in Far sale by a ll l» r » #»U te. » H r . U t b . U U , Hoarseness, HoaUarhe, FVtt«l, hlokenlug quent change of quarters. When to t liis t t e . t its . 1 in tm en t w ill cu re £ . Hood t o., L o w e ll, Mass. An ed itio n Breath ; Restores the Volee, Sense o f U _______________________________ " B le ed in g a d It c h in g J was finally added a racial divergence o f oxer eigh t lire, lions ot th so « a l e t d i r * was S nell. etc. 1 I a o H . r í,ai ' or It absorbs tho tumors, m.i’.l. \. K. Ev o U \ A; I < in order to supply the in line se dem and. V. P. N. IT. No. 52-.1—« . F. N. IT. N o ft « ami antipathy, the pnblie disparagement T printed th e itc h in g a t on ee, acts as a Itila M.. brook!yiaa N. k . h is stem s a sitnj le »ta U tn e i t. but its mean iim tice, giv e s in stan t re lie f. Dr. o f the customs and education of her fe­ Is alm ost n \oiid human to n ee »tion. Th e card la m s’ In dian P ile O in tm en t Is pre] used for the upper portion i ( this n u m ber <«i male colleagues, and the sudden insist­ fo r P iles and Itc h in g o f th e p riva te ca len da r*w ou ’ d e v e r n ea rly tif > tw o ( 2) h i t * parts. E ve ry box is w a rra n ted . B v drug- ence of a foreign ami French dominance o f gro in L a «1 the paper eo snuied in m akitw _ gist*, b v m a d on receip t o f pr*«*-*, .y> cents the pad . if rut in one em it n ions strip o f tbe in her household beyond any ordinary and f i t « W ILLIAM S MANUFACTURING CO.. ■«am w tdih is the pads w ou ld 1 »• o v e r iig h te c n P ro p rieto r*, C levela n d , O hio.________________ ensile justification. Randolph, presnm- thousand (IS,0«0) m in s in U ngth. I'll«- e calendar* re is-ti «1 hv the p r o p r ie t o r ably to avoid later international com­ o f II. on's m i •* paritla, the w el -k n -w n m e d i­ plications, resigned while he was yet a cine w hl h h>* uaiind sueh renow n by its won- major. Luckily his latest banishment d rful cures in e:i*i -» \\ e tc th e blood' was poi- so e«i or im pure. Th e h istory o f this p-eparn- to an extreme western ontpoat had placed lio p i> en tirely unique, the bu slin e* hav iixr P E R M A N KM 1 L Y C l'R K D or NO P A Y . N o p a y u n t il him in California during the flood o f a g nwrn from t -mall ret.d tr tie u n til at the pres c t r e d . W e re fer to 5 , 0 0 0 . i t lim e the »treat l*i*>ritt< ry in w h ich it i* sjxs-nlation epoch. He purchased a vain p a te n t*. N o o p e r a t io n . N o mad** has a cap e tv lo r fifty thousand (50,00P) IF Y O U R BUSINESS DOBS N O T P A Y . DETENTION PROS BUSINESS. able S|>aiiisli grant to three leagues of I* ttl >» m dav, a id ts the largest b u ild in g in the C h ickens are ea sily and successfully W r.te o r m il fo r c ircu la r and d \ot« «1 to the m anu facture o f a modi land for little over three months'pay. c w it orld raised by awing the P e t a lu m a In bank reference, ciseettiw »ns. e . Th** * le* d H o t'il'* Sarsaparilla In all Foil ' ving that yea uing which compels sect' ’ its « f th«* e u d r y a e • inTm ous. Th e pro­ c u b a to ra and B ro o d e rs . Our u h aw tiexvr ela ui d ih at it w ou ld cure lu st rated c a ta lo g u e te l»» a ll about it. retinal ship captains ami rovers of all < prietor v«‘ a ailm ent, t nt th e ' 'it w by thousands o f Don’ t buy a ny but the P eta lu m a if yon w ant strong, rigorou n chicks Marquim Butldirg. degree to buy a farm iu their old days, te ildtoni !s that Hood'.« Sana»pa Ilia p trifle» W e are P a cific Coast Headqu arters fo r Bone and C lo v e r ('u tter*, Mark .P O H T I,A > U , O K M .A Ü e r «. B ook«, « nponixing Tools, Fountains, F lo o d ’s Roup Cure, Morrts the major, professionally ami socially ai d vita lise* the bh»od, builds up the system and en e th. s, .;i*ca*«‘* caused by im p u reo lo o d P o u ltry Cure, C .eo e o io n e the grea t ch ick en -lice k ille r and eve ry oth er Incorposa td Capital and Surplus. 1 1.COO 000. inured to border strife, sought surcease ii d .le b ilit . » u h as scroftilrt, »a lt r h u .c a ­ a rtic le required by p ou ltry misers. See the m achines in operation at tarrh , rh untatism. etc As a p rev e n tiv e o f the our e x h ib it w ith the N orw alk Ostrich Farm, M id w in ter Fair, h atch in g and arcadian repose in ranching. WATERPROOF COAT Free by Mail A WHOLE GARDEN J THE GREAT CURE INDIGESTION C O N STIPA TIO N . U T S Q 0 L Ü E I « - W E S T Regulator of the Liver and Kidneys m m m f ® w e > e i Scrofula, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Neuralgia Mothers, WATER MOTOR Scott’s Emulsion FOR SALE. MACK SEEDS! TREES! Portland v Seed v Go., FREE. August Flower and German Syrup Diary Al­ manacs for 1894, M ASQUERADES, Almanac No. 39, ft C O ., ONION s rR U P , free of all expense, ° ne ° f RL00D POISON A S P E C IA L T Y X [M R S . W INSLOW 'S ST. JACOBS OIL CURES . . . heumatism. RUPTURE 'PERMANENTLY R DROP IT rixi nr m vm Ni'itn.l When planting trees lor the adorn­ ment of tlie home ground* let us counsel von to give preference to the native for­ est growths. 1H* not waste money for ancv foreign growth* that arc not half «• handsome nor well suited to the ptir- t*'*e. Nesrlv all of our native trees ,an lie tt«ed to advantage for this purpose. utip flo o d 's >ar*Hp).riila has proved to Is* tint- ..a led. and it restore* tho w asted v ita l 'o reo Mite a si ge o f th i dreaded m alady ami io r ifle* the »ystetn agnl *t fu tu re a lacks. Th fact that ureal «•are i* exerctacd In the prepara ion o f tni* me»it in e and that n oth in g pas ever been claim ed for it ex cep t as w arranto i to prexio * our * ha* muon to o o w ith the cou ­ rt 1« ue felt b\ tae public in i * « u rative power*. lh . m o tto o f the p roprietor* I*, *' I f la not w hat w •> ssy. but what H co »' •»ar* lo a n lla do e«, that tell th * story, and it i* w hat H o o d '* Sttr-apurilla h s d ’lie, a- shown by th ” published statea e n ti «•f jersou * wh *m it has cu red, that has placed ‘ ‘ -mm m edicin . ~ e ~ In the It ut I c he 1 1 tn the ‘ field of m present d a y." ostrich es and a ll kinds o f egg«. C atalogu e free; if you w ant it, w rite to u t P E T A L U M A IN C U B A T O R CO., -MW-7S2—754—7 » Main street. P etalu m a, t al. ‘W H E R E D IR T GA TH ER S, W A S T E R U L ES.” GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM TH E USE OF SAPOLIO TheO.E. MILLER CO., P IS O ’S C U P E T O P ipcteee and people who h are weak lungs or Asth­ ma, should use Pleo s Cure fo r Consumption. I t has e a r e d tk o s a a a S «. ft has not injur­ ed one. It is not bea to take. It la »Ae best eoegh syrup» CON S U M P T I O N . and