NEW GOODS. In all the latest styles, and at remarkably low prices. B E ST Y C L O T HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Rubber Goods, Umbrellas Etc. Remember that we are exclusive agents here for Brownsville Woolen Goods. DURING NEWBERG GRAPHIC. ISSUED KVKICY FRIDAY MoKNINU. EDITORS AMD PUBLISHERS: E. II. W oodw ard and O ku . C. K m rry , F R ID A Y , OCTOBER 6, 1893. E utered a . second claim matter at the poat office at N ewberg, Oregon. W e a r k under obligations to County Assesror, F. M. Y ork, for a summary of the assessment of Yamhill county for the year 1893, which we publish in this issue There are something like two hundred more polls than there were two years ago, tint we hare no data to enablo us to give the increase in the amount of taxable properly. A ccording to the Telrphont-RegUler M cM innville’s present corps of clergymon, “ imported f-oin tin east” are not giving as good satisfaction as those of former years, who were content to "confine them selves strictly to their own business,” and say nothing about the violation of tlio Sabbath by the business men of the town McMinnville should arrange a tariff schedule sufficiently strong to exclude the im(>ortation of eastern preachers. Acres of land, 332,-128, value $3,740,525. I sits, 502,380. Improvements, 75,595. Merchandise and implements, 414,780. M oney, notes, accounts and shares of stock, 1,028,710. Household furniture etc., 190,005. No. of horses, 0,001, 280,495. No. of cattle, 9,017, 119,240. No. of sheep ami goats, 22,200, 43,800. No. of swine, 0,371, 14,954. Railroad, 170,125. Gross value, Exemption, Bolls $0,040,010. 514,230. Brown legh orn fowls, G O Sloan 1st. “ “ chicks, “ “ 1st and 2nd. White 1-oghorn fowls, G O Sloan 1st. * “ chicks * “ 1st and 2nd. Indian Game fowls, G O Sloan 1st. “ Games, G O Sloan 1st. Black Minorca chicks, J I, Hoskins 1st. Plymouth Rock fowls, <1 (> Sloan 1st. “ “ “ N C J/aris 2nd. “ “ chicks, C F Butler 1st. ............................. ......... O Sloan 2nd. Best display of poultry, G O Sloan. RABBITS. 8 Minchen 1st. Taxable, $0,132,380. Orville Smith 2nd. 2,135. ltoscoo Hadley 3rd. Boyd McDaniel 4th. I'KF.MIIM* AAV A It !>KD CLASS R. F ARM AND GARDEN rK O D l’ CTS. At the tenth iitimml exh ibit o f the Sugar corn, .1 K Kelso 1st. N o «lie rjj Fair Association, held Sept. “ " A l> t'a a p b e l! M l , 20 to 31, Inclusive: White o a ts ,.I I! Fuson, 1st. CLASS A. IIOKSES AND MUI.KM. No. l.r x u “ “ .1 I. Ih'skius 2nd. I.ISII MURE AND CLYDESDALE. Red chaff wheat, J I. Iloakins 1st. Stallion 3 years and over, 1st W II J/ear* White winter wheat, J O Neleon 1st. NO. 2. rKRCKKRON NORMAN AND FRENCH “ “ J II Foson 2nd. DRAFT. Buck wheat, J R Fuson 1st. Stallion 3 years and over, tst.W A Howe. “ •• S Minchen 2nd. NO. 5. AI L ri KCOSK STALLION. Timothy seed. S M Calkins 1st. S u llion 3 years and over, 1st, Rob Rogers. 11 ” J II Townsend 2nd. no . 0. TsorriNii used stallion . CloA-er seed, S M Calkins 1st. Gelding I year and under 2, 1st, Z E Per­ “ “ J II Townsend 2nd. kins. White field bean, A A Graves 1st. NO. 9 . TROTTINlI nSEII MARES. “ “ ** Patterson A t ¡ill's 2nd. Mare 3 years and over, 1st, G Bryan. Garden Bean, James 1 ¿‘ Welling 1st. " 2 '■ “ under 3, 1st, O Bryan. “ '• M J Hampton 2nd. NO. It). SCCKINO COLTS. Early potatoes, A B Campbell 1st. Pereheron Norman or French Draft, 1st, *• “ Alherst Heater 2nd. Ed Carey. Burbank potatoes, A I! Campbell 1st. All Pur|M>se, .1 R Kelso 1st. II C Pan I - IVaeli Blow •• Mrs.I K G roff 2nd. son 2nd. Turnips, J M and Sam Atkinson 1st. Trotting tired, Charles Bryan 1st. ” A It Campbell 2nd. NO. 10. HWEKesTAKXN. Onion, P t i.ird 1st. Stallion any Breed, W A llow e 1st “ T B lhincan 2nd. NO. 12. MI LES AND J ACKS. Peas, S A Mills 1st. Jacks, A J Kdson 1st 2ml. “ J It Foson 2nd. NO. 13. TEAMS. Iieneral purpose team, II C Paulson 1st | Beets, AI a ’ x Nichols 1st. JJ£ GOODS. A Don’t fail to call and see us if you need anything in our line. j _______ ___ !__________________ OR ANY OTHER TIME, Will be found to be our store. Come and see if we can’t prove this assertion. The Ghehalem Valley Bank. Crochet chair set 3 in number, 1st .Miss son 2nd. May Burton. 2nd Mrs Rem .a Clark. Ta'.rnaris Sweet apple, J II Rees 1st. P Crochet throw, let Mrs Retina Clark. 2d ! Gard 2nd. Mr* L M I’uiker. Golden Sweet “ J II Reos l3t. P Fancy handkerchief ea-e, 1st May Barton. Gard 2nd. N E W B E R G , 0ZERZEG-03ST. 2nd Miss Sophia Hibbs. W Maiden Blush “ J II Rees 1st. J C Specimen lick rack work, 1st Rosa Gard. Nelson 2nd. 2nd Mrs Etta Maris. Oiion crab apple, J II Rees 1st. Fancy shopping bag, 1st Mrs G W W y­ Wine Sap “ S J Everest 1st. D IR E C T O P .S : man. Sweet apple, A Hadley 1st. g . \v. M c C o n n e l l , g . c . c h h is t e n h o n , w . k . a l l e n Scrap bag, 1st Miss Mattie Stratton. M II Pippin *pp!e, J C Nelson 2nd. ears, Albert Heater 1st. 1’ Sheridan Street, near Main. N EW SE R C , O REG O N . Siik lace, 2nd Addie Gard. Gard 2nd. fo o t stool mounted, 1st M.iv Barton. Flemish Beauty pears, I’ Gard l*t. Burro Clarigo, A K Cooper 1st. Jon. Childs dress, 1st and 2nd Mrs G W W y­ man. Votaw 2nd. Infants robe, 1st Mrs G VY W yman. Dunraoro pears, J II Rees 1st. iii Hand sewing, 1st Mrs G W Wyman. 2d LeConte |>ears, J II Rees 1st. Mrs E F Huckman. Heckle pears, J 15 Fuson 1st. O s h ss 'EPTEMBEn 2 7 __ C loses O ctober 2 8 Plate Italian prunes, R S Inglis 1st. Mrs Fancy pillow shams, 1st Ad-lie Gard. | Quilted skirt. 1st Mrs G W Wyman. 8 Burrows 2nd. French prunes, Elisha Smith 1st. 15 (5 l-’ancy toilet set, 1st Mary Kendall. WILL FURNISH TIIE MUSIC : Darning bag, 1st May Barton. Miles 2nd. A W O R L D O F M E C H A N IC S IX M I N I A T U R E . Wail banner, 1st Mrs G W Wvman German primes, Albert Heater 1st. Hungarian prunes, G O Sloan 1st. A K Work basket, 1st Sophia Hibbs. 2nd Mrs THE SPECIAL FEATURES WILL ECLIPSE THOSE OF ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. A Mills. Cooper 2nd. IHADAMH G I R A R D G Y E R ’S P R IS M A T IC F O U N T A IN Log cabin quilt, 1st Jennie K G roff 2nd No. Six prunes, I) C A 'k ins 1st. j Constructed at a cost of $10,000 and throwing a thousand jets of water in all the colors of the Mrs S Burrows Rein Claude prunes, A K Cooper 1st. rainbow will beautify Music Hall. Silver prunes, A A Graves 1st. G \V Rugs, 1st Uutli Heucock. 2nd Jennie K L A . B L O -E ___ Groff. Mitchell 2nd. CLASS F. FRUIT. NO. 1 . DRIED REt.IT. 2nd Hen­ Containing fl«li of all varieties found in Oregon waters, have been constructed at great expense Plate Early Crawford peaches, Elisha Laundry bag, 1st May Carton Poars, unpeelod, 1! C Miles 1st. na Clark. Smith 1st. T H E -A.IELT G A L L E R Y :::: .. Best collection of dried trulls, C E H os­ Cotton quilted quilt, 1st Anna B Miles Willow peaches, J II Dailey 1st. Will contain a collection of paintings selected from the World s Fair. Among them Ellsburg's kins. 2nd Jennie Gruff Seedling peaches, Z J linns 1st. celebrated paintiuj <'usU*p’ s l.nst 11» lit lo visit inis great Exposition ami view its wonders NO. 2. CANNED FRUIT. 2nd in every depaiimeut of Ait and Science, will be next thing to a visit to the World's Fair at Chi Golden Cling peaches, Mrs Etta Maris Patchwork quilt, 1st Iiosa Gard Canned strawberries, Miss Sophia Hibbs Jennie G roff 1st. J II Rees 2nd, REDUCED RATES ON ALL TRANSPORTA IION LINES. 1st. SI rs Nancy W iley 2nd. Java canvas tidy, 1st and 2nd Jennie K Black July grapes, George Myers 1st. For further information address K . W . A L I.K X , Canned blackberries, J/rs E C Armstrong Groff Plate Bradshaw p lu m s,D C Atkins lit. j | ‘ Superintendent and Secretary. 1st. J/rs J W R ees 2nd. 2nd Yellow Egg plum , Ktfio Grayson 1st.' W Cra/.y quilt, 1st Mrs Wm Nelson Canned goosobariics, J/ary K Mitchell Addie Gard. G Allen 2nd. 1st. J/rs Nancy Wiley 2nd. Columbia plums, I’ Gard 1st. J D Tar­ Quilt, 1st Mary Evans. 2nd J/rs S Bur­ Cream cake. 1st Henna C«ark. 2nd Mr* Silver prune jelly, 1 «Mrs M A Gard. Canned grapes, Mrs J 11 Rees 1st. rows. rant 2nd. I t • dan pi je il«, 1st dr* d \ k » ' t M A Gard. “ plums, J/rs Etta Mails, 1st, Elisha Knitted lace collar, 2nd J/rs Boatman. Washington plums, N I, W iley 1st. Silver euke, 1st sirs L Ta ram 2nd Et Salal berry jelly, 1st Mrs M A Gard. Smith 2nd. Dust bag, 1st J/rs F A J/orris. Sweet plums, A HaJloy 1st. ta Maris Crab apple jelly, 1st Mrs Anna Votaw. Canned peaclios, Mrs L Jessup 1st. Mrs Plate blackberries, evergreon. J II Rees Friendship ladder, 1st Etta J/aris. 2nd Mrs M A Gard. Jelly cake, 1st anil 2nd M r- M A Gard J 11 Rees 2nd. “ cane “ “ “ 1st. Georgo Myers 2nd. Cookies, 1st Mrs S A M ills. 2n I M rs I. Ribbon jelly, 1st Mrs M A Gard. Canned crab apples, Mrs J II Rees 1st. Blackberries, Kittitinny, J ?.I and Sam Comfort, 1st Tabitha Craven. 2nd Jennie Tall man. Champion prune jelly, 1st .Minnie Groff. Mrs J It Yotaw 2nd. Groff. Atkinson 1st. J H Rees 2nd. Twelve breakfast r o l l s , 1st Mrs F A I’eacn jeily, 1st Mrs M A Gard. Can peaches, Mrs L Jessup 1st. Mrs J Blackberiies, Lawton, M J Hampton 1st. Lace bib, 1st Addie Gard. Quince “ 2nd “ “ “ M o r r is . 2nd S M in c h e n . II Rees 2nd. Crochet tidy, 1st Addie Gard. 2nd J/i-s Currant je'lv, 1st Mrs S Burrows. 2nd lied raspberry jelly, 1st Mrs A M W ood­ Z J Inius 2nd. Can Bartlett pears, Allco Clark 1st. Mrs Collection of apples by grower, J W Fos­ E J Deskins. ward. 2nd Mrs M A Gard. Miss Emma Cooper. E C Armstrong 2nd. Paper holder, ]*t Henna Clark. ter 1st. 8 Minchen 2nd. Gooseberry jellv, 1st Mrs A M W ood­ Tie plant jelly, 1st Mrs George Myers. Wine berries, George Myers 1st. Wateli receiver, 1st J/rs Wm Nelson. Collection of prunes, J II Rees 1st. I’each m u malade, 1st Mrs M A Gard. ward 2nd Addie Gard Peach plums, Elisha Smith 1st. Mrs S Lavender sticks, “ “ “ “ Strawberry jelly, 1st Etta Maris. 2nd Cherry pickles, Mrs M A Gard. Burrows 2nd. CLASS G. FLOWERS« AND BIRDS. Feather quilt, 1st J/rs Win Jones. Layer cake, 2nd Mrs Delle <5 H C o x. Mrs L Tal I man. Fuchsia, Mary R Mitchell 1st. Jennie K Lounge spread, 1st J/rs .1/ A Hash. Magnum Bonnn, Elisha Smith 1st. Raspberry jelly, 1st Mrs A M Woodward Ginger bread, 2nd Mrs M A Gard. G rolf 2nd. Nuts, Mrs Doia Heater 1st. Colton spread, 1st J/rs S Rhodes. 2nd Mrs M A Gard Mrs J L Ornamental spider wob, 2nd SI iss Glen Silver prunes, Mrs Etta Maris 1st. Mrs Geranium, Etta Maris 1st. CLASS K . CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Blackberry j dl.v, 1st Mrs M A Gard. 2nd Davis 2nd. J II Roes 2nd. White loaf bread, 1st Sibyl Woodward. Burget. Mrs Nancy Wiley. Kentish cherries, Mrs Etta Maris 1st. Begonia, Mrs N L W iley 1st. Etta Maris Bed spread, 1st Jennie K Groff. 2nd Ethel Heater. Plum jelly, 1st Mrs Elisha Smith. Mrs J K G roff 2nd. second. Loaf cake, 1st Mariam Tallman. Knit liabv bib, 2nd Mariet Jones. Columbia plum jelly, 1st Mrs Anna V o­ Royal Ann, Mrs Etta Maris 1st. Mrs J Calla Lily, Mrs J B Votaw 1st. Mrs I. Knit mittens, 2nd Kate Jones. Layer cake, 1st Lulu Lamb. 2nd Dora taw. 2nd Mrs F A Morris. I. Hoskins 2nd. Jessup 2nd. Heater. Linen lace, 2nd Lula C Craven. Wild plum jelly, 1st Minnie Groff. Black Republican cherries, Mrs Etta Oxalis. 1st Mrs S A Stratton. Lemon pie, 1st Mariam Tallman. Baby dress, 1st Amanda Rath. Peach plum jelly, 1st Mrs M A Gard. Heliotrope, 1st Mrs J I, Davis. Maris 1st. Scott Inglis 2nd. Apple pie, 1st Ethel Heater. Crochet money purre, 1st Lida Wilson. Egg Plum jelly, 1st Mrs Anna Votaw. Yellow Egg plum, Mrs Etta Maris 1st. Petunia, 1st Etta M iris. Custard pie, 1st “ ** Piano stool cover, 1st J/rs L .1/ Parker. 2nd Minnie Groff. Mrs J 1. Hoskins 2nd. Gladioli, 1st Miss Lida W ilson. Throw, 1st J/rs J/aris. 2nd J/rs F A Green gage plum jelly, 1st Mrs E C Ä rm ­ Plain hand sewing, 1st Cora May Tice. Green Gage plums, Mrs E C Arm ­ Collection Cacti, 1st Mrs S J Hoskins. 2nd Alice Clark. J/orris. st rong. strong 2nd. 2nd Mrs M J Cook. Hand made button holes, 1st Cora May Doylies, 1st J/rs L M Parker. Apple jelly, 1st Mr» A M Woodward. NO. 3. GREEN FRUIT. Singlo Cacti, 1st and 2d Mrs S J Hoskins. Toilet mats, 1st May Burton. 2nd Retina Tice. 2nd Helen Jones. 2nd Mrs Olive W Newlin. Hydrangea, 1st Mrs S J H o-kins. 2nd Collection of apples, W F Edwards 1st. Specimen patching, 1st Cora May Tice. Clark. Plum butter, 1st Mrs Olive W Newlin. Mary A Gard. Plato Gravenstein apples, C F Buel 1st. Patchwork quilt, 1st Alice Clark. 2nd Pressed ferns, 1st Mis A Mills. 2nd Mrs A M Woodward. 8 J Everest 2nd. Pay Lily, 1st Jennie K Groff. 2nd Etta Diamond lace, 1st Anna Keeny. Laura Blair. Pear butter. 1st Mrs Olive W Newlin. Spitxenberg apples, J C Nelson 1st. P Maris. Pin cushion, 1st Cora May Tice. 2nd Ora 2nd Mrs George Myers. 1 ! Its t. ART AND Dr.sIfIN Gard 2nd. Lantana, 1st Jennie I\ Groff. Buchanan. S‘ raw berry jam, 1st Mrs Etta Marls. 2d Tea Roses. 1st Etta Maris. 2nd Miss Oil painting in flowor», 1st Elina Brown. Maiden Blush “ J C Nelson 1st. Most tastefully arranged boquet, 1st Alice Mrs A M Woodward. “ “ “ fruit, 1st Mabel David. King apples, I. If Morgan 1st. P Gard 2d l iila Wilson. Heater. 2nd Clarence Dailey. Raspberry j mi, 1st Addie Gard. “ “ landscape, l» t Mabel Baldwin “ Albert Heater 1st. B C Cut Dahlias, 1st Mrs S J Hoskins. 2nd S “ Map of Oregon, 1st Fred M i'chell. Blackberry jam , 1st M rsN L W iley. 2nd Davit). 2nd Mrs Anna Votaw. Miles 2ml. C Ford. “ “ Yam hill county, 1st Donna V M rs Etta Maris. Northern Spy apple, f. Magee 1st. J II Cut Flowers, 1st Maggie Williamson. 2d Oil painting in monoorome, 1st and 2:i 1 Mitchell. Currant jam . l»t Addie Gard. Elina Brown. Rees 2nd. Mary A Gard. S|«ecimen of pencil drawing, 1st Hattie Tulpehokcn apple, J C Nelson 1st. CollSettoi has*«# plants, 1st Mrs S J Dos Oil painting not less than 5 pieces, 1st Gooseberry jam, 1st Mrs A M W ood­ George. ward. Mrs Anna B Miles. kins. Rox ltusset apples, B C Miles 1st. Win White cream cake, 1st Ethel Heater. Cucumber pickles, 1st Mr* Anna Votaw. Oil painting on glass, figure. 1st Miss Glen Y’ crgen 2nd. Cut Dahlias, 1st Mrs A Heater. George. 2nd M is EMa Maris. Bm got. Ram bo apples, J C Nelson 1st. “ Gladiolas, 1st “ “ “ Crocheted edging, 1st Ethel Smith. 2nd Cauliflower pickles. 1st S Minchen. Oil painting on “ scenery, 1st " “ Lady apples, P Gard 1st. Crown of Thorns, 1st Mrs S J Hoskins. Grace Craven. Onion “ 1st Mrs Anna Votaw. Oil painting on “ flower*, “ “ “ Ben Davis apples, J C Nelson 1st. Century Plant, “ “ “ “ Photo case, 1st Mariam Tallman. 2nd Mrs M A Gard. Od palming on glass, animals, 1st Mabel Glorl Mnndi, Chris Christenson 1st. Mrs H oys “ “ “ Grape jelly, 1st Grace Butler. T om a'o pickles, 1st Mrs M A Gard. David. J I. Davis 2nd. Greenhouse moss, ” “ ” “ Bah) cab robe, 1st Grace Butler. IVp|«er sauce. Is! Mrs M Gard. Oil pain'b g bv exhibitor, special pr« - Golden Sweet apples. P G ird 1st. Sunflower, 1st M rs.I S Larkin«. Beans, 1st Clarence Dailey. Sweet pickles. Is! Mrs 1, Tallman. in ill in. Elma Brown Red cheek pippin. Win Yergon 1st. P Sanservia, tvt S J Hoskins, Peas, 1st Clarence Dailey. Mixed pickles. 1»i M is J 1 5 Votaw. Plaque, Is! and 2nd Mrs Anna Votaw. third 2nd. lee plant, 1»t N 11 Heater. Joint plant, 1st Clarence Dailey. Piccalilli. 1st M is M A Gan). Mirror, 1st Eln..i Brown. Y N Pippin, J H Roe 1st. Rose—Isabella Sprunt, 1st Mrs 8 J lie- Plum jelly, 1st Daisy Everest. 2nd Ivy Tomato catsup, 1st Mrs M A Gard. UK WON WORK. Remington, P Gard 1st. kins. Morris. Spiced apples. 1st M rs M A Gard. \nimats, Mattie S>ru!ton. Y Bellflower, P GarJ l 't . Mrs S Washington Palm. 1st Jennie K ' I - - if Fuchsia, 1st Mabel Morris. “ |iears, first premium. No. lost. Rhoades 2nd. Jerusalem cherry. 1st Mrs Mary Tarrant Lutid-i-a e. 1st Mrs Anna Vot iw 2mi Sunflower, 1st Glen Bürget. “ plums, 1st Mrs J il R, e«. Mattie Stratton s-waar apples, P Gard 1st. Maderia vine, 1st Amelia Heater. Cabbage, 1st M r* 8 A Htratton. Home made vinegar, 1st Mrs Amy Piece ot crayon work. 1 -t Elma Brown. Summer IVarm.lie apples, P (i ird 1st. Cleons. 1st Mrs J I. Davis. Sweet corn. 1st M ! * 8 A Stratton. Dailey. 2n«l Mr* Anns B Miles. English Russet apples, David Everest 1st. Squill, 1st Jennie K G roff Quilt block*. 1st Ora Buchanan. 2nd R 1 batter, ts! Mrs H R Atkinson. 2nd Wm Y er gen 2nd. Single Canary, 1st Clarence D.ii’.ev. 2nd lV t ' iv of cray n work n-'t 'o '* than 3 Lizzie Kirk. Mrs A M Woodward. pieces. 1st Mrs Robertson Wells Favorite, Mrs I. A Everest 1st Grace Butler. Outline work. 1st Lillie M Kern. 2nd V«l bn ad made of Newberg flour, 1st R iait in cru-. i . I«* 1 Mrs Vnn,» ‘«Lies Holland Pippin apples, Mrs J B Yo- Nettie Jones. Mr« Marv Morris. 2nd Mr E C Arm- CLASS |( f a n c y w ork Pastel w 'rk. t«i Lima Brown tnw 2nd. Crazv work. 1st Hattie W illiams 2nd s ron g. Pillow shams, 1st Ada M Gjr«l. L a . a w ■ ...1st - is! i l l • * Vandiver« apple, Mrs 8 Rhodes 1st. Hattie George. 2nd IVoor.ito 1 work. 1st and 2nd l'.lma Br urn G r a n - 'j'ly . 1«' M r s Anna Votaw. W Boil Flower apple, Mrs S Rhodes 1st Head r-'st. 1st Mrs Etta Maris. Currant jeliy, 1st Ethel Heater. 2nd Addie Gard. Table cover, 2nd Mrs K F Rnckman. RELIC. llyslop crab apple. G Brvan l*t and 2n 1. Bnlh Wiley. rrv j-I v. I*« Mrs George My er* fo o t Stool. 2nd Miss Sophia llib b s . 1 1!» : ei hem-'’ i’ cbe.i r«‘li -s, M s i , \\ Wi- Jersey Sweet N I. Wiley 1st. Bt>*t.«n marrow *qu i*h. 1«! Howard Cra­ W e., li -riv j i-\ 1 -* . ir* G'sirge M\ei*. ■» 9C&: f, 1st Mrs S J llo-kin*. Alexander A T Rlair 1st. Wyman. ven. P a k b .-fl pie. J, Mr- E Ar it * t rn' i g Waxen J I. Haworth 1 . A Pm mishit xn, 1st anil 2nd Mrs Win N<-.*-’ n t ollection w o o '. Mrs • W Wyman f*qn i*ti. l*t Be I-- i r iven 2nd Mrs tieorg«- Myers Tidy . Ut . \ la Gar 1 T Blair 2nd Rope bru*h. 1st Graeie Craven. ci \.*e j rvx.KY - run Apple p;e. 1*1 Mrs hita Man* R I 11 reviling J B Fuson 1st. J C .th Dt. I C Nil I 2i: 1 1 Mrs Henna Clark. “ J M and Sam Atkinson 2nd. Single driving horse or mare, C Bryan let Carrot, II C Paulson 1st. Dr. Young 2nd. “ Frank Shields 2nd. GRADE DRAFT MARES. Tomatoes, J ,1/ and Sam Atkinson 1st. Mare 3 years and over, G Bryan 1st. " 1 “ “ “ W A Howe 1st “ J B Fuson 2nd. Cabbage, Wra Thomas 1st. and 2nd. " I. II Morgan 2nd. CLASS B. CATTLE. NO. 1. BEEF BREEDS. Squash, James Be welling 1st, and J R Bull 3 years and over, John Hendricks 1st Kelso 2nd. “ 2 “ “ “ J C Lawson 1st. Pumpkin, S E Olsen 1st. « 1 “ “ “ N O Maris 1st. Nutmeg melons, J L Haworth 1st, and “ calf, N C Maris 1st. James Reselling 2nd. Cow 3 years and over, N C Maris 1st Water melons, James l.uwelling 1st, and and 2nd. J I, Haworth 2nd. Heifer 2 years and over, N C Maris 1st. Collection of vegetables raised in one H 2 it it it <1 It il garden, Patterson A Giles 1st, and 11 C “ calf, N C Maris 1st and 2nd. Paulson 2nd. NO. 2. D AIRY BREEDS. Kahl Rabl, C F Yager 1st. Bull 3 years and over, J M and Sam At­ Pop corn, “ “ 1st. kinson 1st. Pottage, “ “ 1st. Bull 1 year and over, Hadley & Hoskins Horse Radish, C F Yager 1st. 1st. J C McCrea 2nd. Cucumber, C F Yager 1st. Cow 3 years and over, B C Miles 1st aud Cauliflower, II C Paulson 1st. 2nd. White side oats, G Bryan 2nd. Heifer 2 years and ovor, J M and Sam White winter sheaf, .1 P Johnson 1st. Atkinson 1st. Golden chaff sheaf, J P Johnson 2nd. Bull calf, J M und Sam Atkinson 2nd. Red “ “ J R Kelso 1st. NO. 3. SWEEPSTAKES— D A ISY BREEDS. Australian white spring sheaf, G Bryan Bull any age, Hadley & Hoskins 1st. 1st. Cow any age, J M and Sam Atkinson 1st. Wliito club sheaf w. G Bryan 2nd. N o . 4. HERDS. Washington Glass w. G Bryan 1st. Herd of beef breed, N C Maris 1st. Uuta Buga, C F Y'agcr 1st and Albert GRADE DAIRY. Heater 2nd. Cow 3 years and over, J I. Hoskins 1st Radish, A B Campbell 1st. and Wra Clemenson 2nd. Sunflower, Mrs J S l.arkin 1st and A B Heifer 1 yeur and over, John Maris 1st. Campbell 2nd. 1. A Buchanan 2nd. Parsnip, Patterson A Giles 2nd. NO. 3. SWEEPSTAKES— BEEF BREEDS. Garlic, MrR SI A Gard 2nd. Bull any age, Conqueror 111,377, N C Barley, J II Rees 2nd. Maris 1st. “ sheaf, J II Rees 1st. Cow any age, J/azurka Napier 4th, N C White Russian oats sltoaf, John Ander­ Maris 1st. son 1st. J/illet, N L W iley 1st. CLASS C . HOGS, SHEEP AND GOATS. Field corn, J B Fuson 1st. Shoats, I’ Gard 1st. 1« << <4 fl “ " J Arms 2nd. Best collection of grain, J II Reos. Sow and pigs, L II Morgan 1st. T iie Sign a bright little paper publish­ ed by the pupils of the Btate deaf-mute K hool of Salem, is on our table. W e e wily place it on our exchange list, Doping for it and for the school a blight and prosperous future. It seems to us that no greater misfortune can befall one than to be deprived of the sense of hear­ ing and the power of speech, and to all such we should extend all the holp that will tend to make life moro pleasant. This institution of the state has been es­ tablished for this pnrpose, and it is to be Boar 1 year and over, Ed Carey 1st. hoped it may prove a great blessing to all Sow 1 year and over “ " “ w ho enter its doors. Boar 1 year and under, Jamoe Kdson 1st and 2nd. T ime was, not many years ago, when a Thoroughbred under 1 year, G Iiryau 1st criminal might quite easily elude the ofll- Sow under 1 year, G Brvan 2nd. ceri of the law, if once out of their grasp, SWEEPSTAKES. and oftentimes succeed in oscaping detec­ Boar, Ed Carey 1st. tion till the great detective, death, found Sow, E d Carey 1st. / him out. But it is not so easy now as M l EBP. it used to lie. Skilled men and advanced Thoroughbred rain 1 year and over, Jas. methods have made the capturing of Edson 1st and 2nd. criminals comparatively easy. No mat­ Thoroughbred ram lamb, J J Carey 1st. ter how clover a man may he, or bow Ewe 1 year and over, J J Carey 1st and cunningly he may cover his trail, it is the 2nd. exception and not the rule if ho escapes. Ewe lamb, J J Carey 1st. This has been evidenced, here on the GRADES. coast in the capture of Curler, the Mis­ Ram 1 year and over, (1 Bryan 1st. souri murderer, and more recently in the Rum, lamb G Bryan 1st. capture of Ayer, of Portland, and Krug, hllEKP— FLOCK. of Seattle, and liter still, of a San Fran­ J J Carey 1st. cisco doctor now under arrest for murder, OOATS— FLOCK. who, to cover up a case of malpractice S J/inchon 1st. which resulted fatally, cut his victim to II C Paulson 2nd. pieces and threw thorn into the hay, leav­ CLASS D. POl I.TBY. ing as lie thought, no trace of his crime. B y accident a clue was discovered, and Wyandotte», Claud B Cummings 1st and George O Sloan 2nd. liy persistent search oven the soa has giv­ en up every portion of the dismembered Golden Wyandotte«, G O Sloan 1st. body, and only the process of law is nec­ Goslings, J/is Mary A Gard 1st. “ “ “ 1st. essary to intlic-t upon him the punishment Geese, such a crimo merits. Science has come Pekin ducks, I, II J/organ 1st. to extend into many departments of life Black Spanish G O Sloan 1st. “ “ chicks, G O Sloan 1st and not treated of in text books, and the de­ 2nd. tective business seems to be one of them Silver Spangled Hamhurgs, (1 O Sloan 1st ■■ ii >. g y d g •• •• l 9t NTMMAIIY O r Y A M IIIM .’ S ASSESS­ MENT r o i i iaoa. and 2nd. NEW PLACE Incorporated 1893. Capital Stock $40,000. “The Fashion” Proprietors. nn„ md’s Great industrial Exposition LIBERATTS CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND riant,