these apples and pears are the big­ Chinese help. As the time for picking first. Col. Cornelius finds it practicable lege, and ono or two others will lie on­ that gest you ever saw raised iu Washing­ came on and many white men in Port­ to secure two cuttings for forage purposes rolled in the city *t bools, land were idle, the employment agencies arid secure his seed from the third crop. For a brief resting spell and a little sea- ton?” ,jf p[„ ami re and profit you should visit “That’* it.’’ ISSUED KVKRY FRIDAY MORNING. in that city took advantage oi the situa­ l'or those localities which are adapted to “That is a commendable admission I tion and sent out several hundred people vetches wo are satisfied that there is j[,e Xewberg fair this month. It opens must NEWBERG, OREGON. admit.” editors ax u Fl'RLlsilEB»: nothing else which can be grown which on the 2fith and continues four days. It to liutteville, claiming that they had Incorporated 1893. Capital Stock $40,000. E . H . W oodw ard and O rm . C. E mkry . work for them. Something like 5 )0 peo­ will give so much feed per acre, and the jg tho only fur in the county, and a great ! “ Well, to tell you the truth, ‘stranger,’ ” the attendant, “I'm going to ple have been camped in and about testimony of Col. Cornelius and others pride should he taaen In It as a home in- confessed to Oregon next week ”—Toledo FRIDAY. M RKUBBB t, I lluttavillo waiting for work, many of who have made practical uao of vetches stitution representing our various re move DIREOTOBS; Blade. for feeding milch cows indicates that they sources and industries. Hplen lid groamls ! them without money and with but little O. W. McCOXXELL, (i. C. CHRISTEX80X, W. K. ALLEX Watered s . second class -nutter «t the post superior as a forago plant to anything easily acees- itde, reduced railroad rates j to eat. Thoy held meetings from time to are otllee at Nowher*. Oregon. O. \V. MITCHELL, A. R. MILLS. r I to li E t i l U l l U IVilK S N else which wo can raise. i and one of the best communities in tire time protesting against the employment I M etlakatiila , Alaska, Aug. 21, 18i)3. Ample Facilities Afforded for the Transaction of a Cieneral Ranking Business T he farmer with a small yield oi grain of Chinese. On last Tuesday the climax not yet gone far enough to determine the worm to mingle wuii. was reached when 75 determined men | There is a great cry going up over the ] Since our arrival here we have had one G. W. M it c h e ll , Pres. A. R. M il l s , Vice Pres. M oses V otaw , Cashier. is the lucky man this year. over the wrongful detention of pub- week of fine weather. Hut today is a fell in line and rounded up the Chinese limits within which they may be profit- E min 1’ asiia the distinguished African in the yards near by and shipped them to ably grow n in the Pacific Northwest. It ,ic fun,js hy var;0UH ,;cmntie«, while state stormy one, off oi the ocean in full blast adventurer is dead again. Tltis time he Portland on the Toledo. The China­ is probable tliat they will thrive any- I warrants are going to protest at Salem with torrents of rain. As it is unfit to be here in tho Willamette valley. Dairy- There is a half million of state taxes due | out of the house I will try and give a few was beheaded and eaten by cannibals. men offered no resistance. At last ac­ w men having herds of 20 to 25 cows will tbe state treasurer from county treasurers,, items of our surroundings, counts the sheriff of Marion county was find 3 to 4 acres enough to plant and more than half is in suspended banks Annetta Island, on which we aro now T he Portland Industrial Exposition on the ground with a posse of men keep­ probably and In most cases where thero may be at Portland. Yamhill is ono of six residing In the little village of MetUkath- opens September 27th and closes October ing order. What the outcome will be any doubt as to their success an an acre counties that have [»aid up in full. In 1 la. is about 14 miles long, north und 28th. A line exhibit is promised in epite further development will demonstrate. i or two We desire to inform all our patrons that we are now will be sufficient to determine as honor, this is right, but if the counties iu . south and 4 miles wide, and 3,0)0 of hard times. SHIPPING OREGON IltflT . I to their merits. Those who wish to ob- default shall saddle a relief bill on the j feet high at ono point, part'v covered samples can do so by sending 5 cents state in the future, and the Bix counties 1 with snow at this date. Six other peaas I f as the Salem Journal says a news- The Earl Eruit Company’» Chicago | tain ..... r..... it to pay, they will pr.ih | over 2,000 feet high with several oliicrs pa[>er will reap what it sows, one of these house writes the main bouse in Sacre- in stamps to pay postage to C. If | have a share of ......................... that they have been euchered over 1,500 feet. On the west side of tins days there will be quite a harvost for the mento as follows: “ In referenco to Or­ Schmidt, 18.3 Eront 8t., Portland. ay,jy Salem garbage carts. What the country apparently needs just ¡»land is a little harbor called Port Ches­ egon peach plums would say the fruit is Xonhwesi. whore our village is situated with as at the present time is a variety of ’roes ter very nice but believe that they would pretty sandy hoaeh as is usually found in Till: IIOMK NKWSFAFfclt. E lgin has had another blaze. This make a better appearance, carry better with low growing branches not very chose time the Recorder, while somewhat crip­ and have liner color when ripe, if they The remonstrances against giving ad­ together that a tolerably fat gentleman this country Before tho fire destroyed pled, is able to make its usual weekly ap­ were wrapped in paper. With few ex­ vertising of their towns to “outside” pub­ can climb. It is reported that Hon. J. E. twenty-eight homes lust winter there pearance. There is lots of pure sand in ceptions the jacking has beun very good. lication of a questionable influence, w hich Magers shot a grouse tiro other day. Un­ were ninety buildings with about 800 peo­ during the winter season. There is a Tuttle’s makeup. Several lots, however, have been slack are seen ill the columns of western Wash­ luckily in descending from tho region of ple fish cannery of 20,000 case capacity, a [lacked, of which wo notilied by wire. ington papers at present, are justifiable the clouds It lodged in a tree top. In or­ saw mill run by water power of 8,000 feet l)it. W it it t a k e b , president of Wil­ There is certainly a future before the Or­ well taken. When a local newspa­ der to get the bird he went and hunted up a store building 50x100 feet con­ lamette University has resigned and egon peach plum grower, and if wo did ami per is not goo»i enough to herald a town’s Eugene I.oper anil gave him a dollar and capacity, taining general merchandise, a school J’rof. W. C. Hawley bus been elected not have such low prices on California a»lvantages abroad, there is something a half to go up tho tree. as acting president. I)r. W hittaker’s plums and prunes at present, and times wrong about the town. The newspaper A notable event was that of the mar­ house built in circular form with twelve resignation was accepted by the trus­ being so hard in the east, wo undoubted­ is to a very great extent what the com­ riage of Judge Cowls and Mrs. Lucy ¡lew- gables and two stories high, with a circu­ tower in tho center upon which is a tees with regret. ly could do much better for Oregon grow­ munity makes it; and by reason of its ley at Ihe home of the latter last Thurs­ lar flag polo where the stars and stripes are ers.” representative capacity, tire community day evening, the 24th. The ceremony T he women of Kansas are arranging to Tho market for plums, while not satis­ lias u measure of responsibility toward it. was performed hy the new Presbyterian often seen unfurled to the gentlo breeze, that we are true Americans on innko a complete canvass of that state factory, shows great improvement over The who will not help make a minister, Rev. W. II Jones, in the pres­ indicating free American soil and laboring und»-r from now till next fall in ordor to educate the week previous, during which time good people paper for their town must not com­ ence of a few invited guests. Kefresh- the people up to volo for equal suffrage. California Bent all her fruit east. There plain if they are held in low esteem by ments were served after tho wedding our own “pine” tree. Tho foundation oi Some of the most able women lecturers was no other way, as canneries wore idle the outside world. Tho homo paper, A serenade w-as tendered Mr. ami Mrs. a church is laid, SOxlOO feet which will $10,000 wlien completed. Two mis­ in the country will assist in the work. and thu home demand small. These im­ properly supported, not particularly by Cowls the following evening by the Mc­ cost buildings, one for girls and one for mense shipments, together with the hard advertising patronage, but in a hundred Minnville band, and congratulations from sion Livery, Feed & Sale Stable. A yol ' ng lady of l’oit Angeles, Wush., times and peoplo out of work, are against ways of kindness and of service whicli unnumbered friends have siuce been ex­ the boys, 00x80 feet. One of these build­ ings with 28 rooms is where we are resid­ in order to help her parents pay for their us, while an immenso peach crop on the costs nothing, is always the best possible tended. homo, went into the opium smuggling Atlantic coast has supplied that popular medium for advertising its locality, be­ Henry and Lorcnza Miller, of Amity, ing, so you may imagine wo have room business al’ee same Chinamen und gov­ fruit at low prices. Now California has cause it will ho bright, newsy, and will were arrested on Tuesday on complaint of enough for ourselves and all visitors that HANSON & WORDEN, ernment employees. Sho fell into the neither shipping plums or prunes or li.irt- bo read by intending settlers and capital­ one Patterson for trespassing on Ike Ilob- have come so far. One of the rooms is hands of a bravo custom officer and w ill lett [tears left, except in a few- late mount­ ists as a truer index to the town’s social inson’s place while bunting last Sunday. large enough to contain an ordinary New- We are prepared to furnish Good and Stylish Rigs, with or without drivers. Fair treatm ent berg ice crcain festival. The smallest is guaranteed by us and the same expected of our customers. Tourist and Transient custom so ­ not do so any more. ain localities. So wo have tho field for ami business life than any other printed They plead guilty before Justice Rhodes, about the right size for a little jail for un­ such products from this coast to our­ matter could be. who imposed a fine of $15 each and costs, ruly children. A house near the beach is licited. Prices reasonable. C iu r i . ehton , 8. C., seems to bn a fated selves. ISartlett pcais aro grown east, The proprielor always 8|>emls his in­ the Sheridan Street, near Main. NEW BERG, OREGO N. city. Eiro and flood may devastate other hut they do not compare with ours, for come to improve his paper. It seems paid. lowest provided by statue. Roth built for transient use, called a guest bouse, in which a wedding feast is some- cities but tbe earthquake and the torna­ while ours can sell at $2.00 to $2.50 a box that he can’t help it. When he bus a do seem to tiave an es|»ecial spite at her. theirs will only bring tliut much a hatred. few dollars ahead he must get the paper a Whenever hard times set in thero are limes made an»l by the way we were in­ A tornado did a million dollars damage Tho opinion prevails with fruit men I new dress, or some all-brass galleys, or al ways suggestions from mistaken benev­ vited to one last week after the marriage a young couple. The tables were sup­ for her people last week. generally that our Italian prunes will an improved mailing machine. If a few olence that the public authorities, nation­ of plied with soup, hard tack, tea and candy. bring a good price if shipped green, as hundred, ho buys a new press, and again al, state, county, municipal, or all ol It seemed the one hundred that partook P icrbb L orh . i . ard , the ninny times they came later than any similiar fruit [»tits his nose to the grindstone to get out them, shall furnish employment ami O p e n s S e pt em b x w 2 7 1 8 0 3 . C l o s e s O c t o b e r 2 8 _ millionaire tobacco manufacturer, w ill sell grown clsowhero. If tho eastern market of debt. When he thinks ho sees go-xl wages to such persons as may want oi of the supper ate all they wanted and his horses and quit racing. This man, justifies such shipment as many cars of I lime ahead he enlarges his paper and in- need work and pay. This demand is twelve baskets full yet remained, though LIBERATES CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND ' who is one of the richest in America, has lato pianos can lie shipped os eastern : creases his payroll. When money gets based on the notion that tho government all looked clean and tasted well notwith­ WILL FURNISH TIIF. MUSIC the darkness that pervaded the obtained his weultli mainly by selling cilios can afford to use. scarce again he tries to keep a stiff upper somehow has resources of its own, inde­ standing A W O R L D O P M EC H A N IC S IN M IN IA T U R E . what thousands of poor men burn up or The necessity of picking and packing lip, takes wood and |>otatoes on subscrip­ pendent of the body of the [»eople Yet room for the want of more daylight. They were married by Mr. Duncan in THE SPECIAL FEATURES WILL ECLIPSE THOSE OF ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. £ chew up und spit away. fruit properly to go any great distance tion, works eighteen hours a day, back­ it has in fact no resources or revenues ex­ white man style and agreeable to bis should lie emphasized. All plums must slides at the church, defaults at the lodge, cept what it derives from taxation of all. wishes, for none of his people ate allowed M A D A M E G IR A R D O Y E R ’S P R IS M A T IC F O U N T A IN * Sri'ERINTEN’IlENT DoWNINU, of the polli- he [licked when mature enough to ripen j forgets his friends and neglects his fami­ that the city should employ to marry without his consent. At inter­ Constructed at ft cost of 110,000 rainbow and throwing a thousand jets of water in all the colors of the tentiarv left .Salem Eriday for San Quen­ on tho way, and should he wrapped in ly. Whatever else ho may prove re­ It men is to said will beautify Music Hall. make streets ami improve parks? vals we had the best of music from the tin, Cal., for ono Al. Miller, who left the fiuit [inper to arrive in Iho best condition. creant to, with his paper it is always It cannot [»ay them. Is it said that the _ - X j A Z R z Q -I E . / Y Q T T J Y i ^ I T J I M I S [.:::■ sla'o’s prison without leuvo some mouths The stems must he left on, and not thu love, honor and cherish.” All the aid count') could grade ami macadamize its hand, not that we wish to cast any re­ Containing fish of all varieties found in Oregon waters, have been constructed at great expense flection on Portland or Newberg band ago. Miller is a son of Joaquin Miller, least hiitiso allowed. To get enough in “ and Ihe town gives to its paper roads, and thus give employment, to music, it was about the beet we ever the California poet, but that doesn’t seem the package is essential, If only to pre­ goes comfort into it. Subscriptions paid in ad­ THE ART GALLERY-—- many? For work of this kind there art- heard. to deter him from beiug an all around vent from being loose. Thu Harriett vance blossom into breezy locals, and large Will contain i collection of paintings selected from the W orld's Fair. Among them Fllsburg’s amounts of unpaid warrants out- bud one. pifuting t u a te r’fM .ntt Figrlit Jo visit this great'Exposition ami view its wonders must be picked gieen and carefully wrap­ hall-page ads bring forth double-leaded stamlaug now, ^The satnq. prudence is Tho dwelling houses of Metlakatiila are celebrated i&i every departm ent of Art and Science, will be next thing to a visit to the World's Fair at Chi­ nfit of thu cheapest style, for a few of the ped. Tho filling of the box requires ea- editorials on the new water works and necessary in public as in private expend­ cago. natives have been below and took items P ri nks aro ripening so late this season, pocial skill that can only he learned from the shipping en route and the country’s iture. Revenue from taxation is not in Seattle, Tacoma and Portland, which REDUCED RATES ON ALL TRANSPORTATION LINES. it is quite likely that they will come on an export. We have excellent fruit in wonderful wealth anil progress. To ten­ For further information address E . W . A LLEN , possible beyond certain limits. Let any they have artistically patterneil alter on a with a rush and all the dryors will have Oregon, where proper cultivation is prac­ der it generous support is to invito capi­ one who is disposed to call on city or Superintendent anil Secretary. all the fruit thoy ran iiosslhly handle. ticed, and if the etforte at shipment this tal ; to withhold, “tendeth to poverty.” county to give employment to labor ask cheap scale. Some me two stories high, from $1,000 to $1,500. There is If some pruno can ho found that is of hard year result in teaching growers their will have a live paper; tiic taxpayers whether, in their opinion, costing vet to be seen an occasional old fashioned 1892. 'Die maximum temperature is good quality that will ripen a week or two trade and in making our fruit known, and The if It live has town anything worthy tho atten­ revenue limit of taxation has not hut. earlier than any of the standard varieties good must follow. Thu greut supply and tion of the outside world and wauts it the 7° higher amt the mean maximum A farm of 250 acres, 4*a miles north­ been reached already. He needn't go to On Sabbath morning at 19 o’clock we about wo now have, it will be a big thing for low prices havo made tho l’acitlc fruits told where it will do the most good, it tho only 1° higher than la»t year, showing west of Newberg. For particulars inquire owner of large property for the in­ first hear a small hell of ahout two hun­ lees variation those who oi>orate dryers. bolter known and appreciated and will will put its trust in the home paper, and formation. than some sunpo-.e. I at this office. The great class of middle ami cause a demand that will materially re­ tho homo paper will do the business. smaller taxpayers can tell him.—Orego­ dred pound weight ring for Sunday E dmund R obinson , school. Then at 11 o'clocK a large N o tice. W hen a man loses all his money, his sult to our advantage in tbo near future. Thero are newspapers in Oregon ami Voluntary Observer. church bell that cost $200 In Cincinnati is fi lends, his self regard and his self-con­ The Dotewaro peach crop is now rnaiket- Washington which aru read at the east, nian. All person* knowing themsidve* in­ ItO M E S i lC K E Y S . trol, I ho peoplo of Independence imiilion ed. Tlie cyclonic sloriu of tho gtith dam­ and have helped in many ways to build Oregon has a rival to tho natural bridge rung for church a very short time at first, debted to J. B. »Mount are requested to tho common council to declare him a aged all orchards so that there is little up the Pacific Northwest; but they aro of Virginia, although as yet few persons then in ten or fifteen minutes it is rung This new» department in Woman’s call anil settle immediately. Silver taken “common drunkard,’’ and forbid tho sa­ good fruit remaining. The fruit market not printed in towns whose advertising havo had tho privilege of gazing upon for twenty minutes During this twenty Work is attracting general attention, and at face value. the people are all expected to be loons to sell hint liquor. Somehow or should improve.—Oregonian. funds have gone to eastern and Califor­ this wonder ami it is very doubtful if its at minutes church and seated. At about the nd well deserves Ihe universal praise which other this doesn't tend to mako iis dissat­ nia journals, to the neglect of the homo existence was known at all until dis­ of tho receives. For it we ask our readers to minutes Mr. Duncan comes it send isfied with the Newlierg policy ol having It is strango how slow people some­ publication.—Oregonian. covered hy tho I’ersion-Uossett surveying In at a twenty their choicest und most practical special door and immediately en­ no saloons and consequently compara­ times are to avail themselves of useful party. Tho bridge, which is about six hits of household and culinary informa­ ters the pulpit, first bows on his knees a tively few jiersons who use intoxicants. knowledge. It was a well ascertained E D IT O R S A M . KNOW H IM . miles northeast from Detroit, crosses a few moments then rises and says a few tion-keys which have unlocked the Of Dcs Moines, Iowa, writes under date of fact til) years ago that tho Winter Majetin March 23,1*33: fifty feet wide and is fully fifty words in the native tongue, then an­ doors leading from their domestic doubts T he American |ieoplo aro quick to de­ vai iety of apples is a “resistant” to the He doesn’t subscribe for your paper Ire- canyon feet high. It is as perfect as it could well and difficulties. They inay be recipes, 8. B M ed . M fg . C o ., nounces a hymn which is sung in Eng­ suggestions, experiences—anything that tect fraud and oxpress their disapproval Woolly uphis. That is the Woolly uphis cause : Dufur, Oregon. he, lieing flat on top and arched under­ lish. accompanied with the organ played He has more papers dow than he can of the same. A few years ago when a do not live on the Winter Majetin apple Gentlemen • neath in a manner that would almost by a native boy. Then he reails his text is ileeuieil of value to the housewife. decent game of base hall could he played, trees. In Ihe later years it lias been read. On arriving hom e last week, I found all lead one to believe it was the work of Uiev will lie published as received, or in English after which he speaks with well and anxiounly awaiting. Our little tho heroes of the day wore the twirlers found tliat tho Northern Spy apple trees He has no time to read except nights man. Tho bridge is solid rock, and is as fast as spare w ill allow, ami for the eight and one*half years old, who and hatters of tho hall. Now that it has | k » shohs this characteristic also. Ami yet and Ilia eves are so |>oor that he can’t see truly ono of Oregon's greatest curiosities. power and emphasis in tho native lan­ best “ Key” in each issue we will give a girl, had wanted away to 38 pounds, jh now guage, A more attentive auilience we heroine more profitable to sell out than to it is only within a very recent period that then. well, strong and vigorous, and well of $5 cash. The only condition is fleshed seldom ever see w ith their eves almost prize |iluy an honest game, interest even in the advantage tuts been taken of this knowl­ He can’t afford to take all of them, so —I.ui.ibe, iiio,i. up. 8 B. Cough Cure has done that you will send 50 cents for a year’s constantly on the speaker. After a ser­ he takes none. jts work Both of the children like lieNt teams of the country, ¡son Iho wane, edge. The Australian fruit growera are says that an eastern edi- mon of from thirty to forty minutes, he subscription to our magazine, if not al­ it. Your well. 8 B. Cough Cure has cured mid base hall news is placed next to pure the ones who deserve credit for applying He can get a city weekly four times as : tor An says exchange a uian in New York got immediately bows in prayer the last of ready a subscriber. It is tlie equal of .»ny and kept away all hoarseness from me. big as yours and the same price, and "¡la himself that advertising, iu out-of-the-way corners of knowledge of this fact iu a practical way. got give it to every one, with greetings for into trouble by marrying two which tho congregation repeats after him, $2 dollar periodical in America, ami is So lots of roadin’ in it too.” the papers. It has now become the rule in that coun­ He doesn't like the politics of tho pa­ 1 wives. A western editor replies that a he then takes tiis seat and the congrega­ widely considered the best home monthly al). Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, M r . & M rs . J . F F ord . try to develop roots of the Winter Majetin your letters to, good many men have done tho same immediately and quietly leaves the published. Address If you wish to fee] fresh and cheerful, aud T he Chicago Century in speaking of or Northern Spy upon which to graft a[>- per.His neighbor takes it, an 1 he takes the thing by mariying one. A northern edi- tion W oman ’ s W o r k , in the ready for the Spring's work, your svs- Oregon’s fruit exhibit at tho Wot Id’s Eair plos of all varieties. The ravages of the other one, and they, they kinder change tor say* that .[ulte a numlrer of his at- building. hou(M, Tho It services are an held tem with the Headache aud Liver Cure, by “ Domestic Keys” Dept., j i ! taking emotion of two or three doses each week. Woolly Aphis ii|Mm the roots of their ap­ says: “The leading exhibits from Ore­ quaintances found trouble enough in i loneliness to listen at the chiming of a Athens, Georgia. 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. gon are, of courso, fruits. These com­ ple tree* uro thus almost wholly avoided off, He you got know. barely promising to many ami not going Sold under a positive guarantee by C. F. [ church hell in this far off country, and at the editor seven or eight Moore & Co. prise every variety of temperate zone ami this most dreaded pest, when con­ years ago, mad any farther. A sou'hern editor says that think of the times gone By with friends and wouldn't take tho paper if fined to the tops of the trees, is compara­ fruits in jars, including 51 different kinds Capital Journal a friend of his was bothered enough when left behind. Yet there is a consolation Daily the last one on earth. of green apples with a largo collection of tively easy to cope with.—Rural Xo,-th­ it was w ith j to think that it means the same old, old ho was simply found in company He likes to see a paper that has sand U nparalleled Offer. |y|AIN STREET MARKET, evaporated apples and prunes (13 varie­ ree tl. story. At 3 p. in. another meeting for enough to bo on one side or on the other, another man's wife. ties) figs, (3 varieties) pomgrauates, A L iv e D u lly N e w s p a p e r fo r O ne C en t a worship lead by different ones among the uot to he on the fence all the time. grapes, cherries, (3*« inches iu circum­ s m i E T i i i M i A m u r v e t c h e s . and I>ay, T w e n ty -fiv e C ent» a M o n th . ft wttz rnnnin' a paper, by hokeyI An exchange truthfully says there aro natives an,[ ,h¿ workers. H . D. F O X , P ro p rie to r, ference), strawberrios, peacltee, (21 va­ There appears to lie a great deal of in­ “E tiling* a level-headed human being The People’s Paper for hard times. In closing I will state that we have not rieties, some ol them 17.'•» inches in cir­ terest taken in vrtehes ill Oregon at the I'd, I’d ,--------------- .—Ex. town people, city people ami farmers; NEWBERG, should never do. Among these is to yet heard from old home friemls since we For : OREGON. [•repaid, by mail, for 25 cents a month, cumference), Japanese persimmons »2 va present limn and many questions are walk on a railroad track, to attempt to left near one month ago. Letters will be $3 a year. Xot a paper sent on credit or rietiea , nuts ot all kinds, apples i25t) va­ asked about them. Vetches In-long to It is funny how people discover the im­ get on a moving car, to point a gun or a gladly and punctually read with after time is out. Strictly in ailvance. rieties, some weighing 3 llrs ), pears (21 tlm |H»a family. They aro cultivated to a portance and influence of a newspaper pistol it another, to put his name on an­ intense received A good supply of Cheapest Xetrspaper on the Facijic Coast. interest. E. \V. W kksncr . Complete varieties, some weighing 41, lbs,, !)’„ | largo extent in England anil in some of when they get into a scrape, or do some­ other man's note, to keep his savings in Associated Press lelegraph re­ All news from Capital. Foreign inches long and o’., inches in diameter). the other European countries. They do thing they are ashamed of. They live for an old stocking under the be»!, to play a O REG O N STA TE W E A T H E R S E R V IC E . port. News, Sporting News, Markets, Hop and Early Ko»e potatoes which weigli 4’, lire., not seem to do well in tho greater part of years without subscribing an,I when game of chance with a prepossessing Wool news. Sl'MM ART. and uianv others. A special variety of tho United State«, but the climate and asked to advertise say: “ It doesn't pay, stranger, to run for office when he ha* a V,¡biased Editorial Discussion. Imlepen- I’sually ou band. Our endeavor is to supply apple is the yellow Newton, raised to per­ condition* of Western Oregon appear to no one roads the paper.” Rut the min- paying position in private life or call a WiuxriLL, S i ' r : noerook , Or., Aug. 1893. »lent of dictation by the Oregonian or any our patrons with the best of everything in our Elevation above sea level 4)» ft. fection only in Oregon and having a very lie very favoiahlo to this plant. Iu ap­ 1 ute they get into a racket they rush to bigger man than himself a liar. Mean temperature (48° monopoly. Republican, Indepenpent for line. Main «treet. one door north of H ard­ delicate flavor. The interior of the build­ pearance, growing vetches much resemble the newspa|»ors and request them not to wick's photo gallery. I Vparture from normal — ing is handsomely and artistically tilted the wild |va vino. It is necessary to sow sav anything about it. Or in case of tV lIR L II'S F A IR ST O R I ES. Maximum temperature Oft3 date 31>t Try it. Yon the will People. be please»!. Honey trouble in which their names happen to np in 32 different varieties of native wood, some variety of grain with them to hold Minimum temperature 45° date 7th Refunded to anyone who is not satisfied it “ I suppose,” said a visitor to the Mean of Maximum temperature 82° myrtle, white cedar, etc. We earnestly the vines up. Col. Cornelius finds w heat l»e mentioned, then they realize that the Washington Agent» Wanted—Salary k Commission is not worth twice what it costs. state building, “that those “ ” Minimum “ 54° recommend our readers to pav a visit to the I test for this por|>ose. They require paocr has a circulation, and they don’t for T H E ONLY A U T H O R IZ E D are but gooseberries compared Number times maximum temaerature These are time* of close margins. the Oregon horticultural exhibit and view »loop, rich soil and it is all the better if it want their name published ail over, I\v apples Why pay 11.25 to $2 •>) a month for one with some of the o th e r varieties von raise or above for themselves the product of the greatest is well manured. The proper time to sow cot» S;ar. or more dally newspapers when you can in • vonr state? ” ^ 1 Vparture precipitation fruit state in the Union.” ..................... from normal in 24 con*ecu- —i) a 34 J ’- in. 03 get the whole thing in a tint shell for Due B y « %IL H A M IL T O N , hi* literary executor. them i* in October and it requires about "No, sir. replied the attendant, those Greatest pteeipitation of hi* family and for Mr. Cent a Day? Semi for a aample, free. with the co-operation rttO M O l It EX CH A N G ES. Complete Works. ' ’T W E N T Y , one bushel of wheat to the aero. The are the biggest apples l ever saw taken lire hoars, and »late 0.02 in. 22nd You will be surprised. You w ill be de­ Rlaine's Y K \ K H O*' ( O N f . l t r » « , and his later* O n t.»sr Tuesday a number of the Chi special use of vetehes in this country is to Yamhill County Ret*orter. lighted. A silver two-bit piece will bring bo-vk. •• P O L I T I C A L n M C l ’ * H 1 0 N * •• o Uo from a tree iti Washington.” Prevailing direction of wind N prospectus for these 3 HKST H F.LI.IN « a Daily New*pat*-r for a whole One nese hop picker* in tho vicinity of Rulte- supply rich succulent feed for cows dur- The new supcrintcmlent of city school* “ And those t>c.-tr»?” of clear days 21 yon books iu the m arket. A. K P Jordan of Me , with al1 Ihe Important Xews of j t*>ok ville were driven away by white men. It 1 ing the Slimmer season, but they should t’rof. I.. 11 Raker, will move tip from I a "The biggest that ever came over the Number U2 orders from first no calls: agent's profit " “ partly cloudy days 7 month, the State, the Coast, the World. • It»« 50. Mrs Ballard of O. took 15 orders. 13 serins that in the past il has been difficult bo rut and not pastured. Ity mowing Fayette next week, and will probably oc­ hills or <1 >wn a pike in Washington.” " " cloudy days 3 Sustain Seal Russia, profit 1 2 6 25. F. S. the People’* Pa[»er. All who “ " day* on which .01 or more favor Independent Journalism should Klee of Mi>« in took 1 day 27 orders in 2 days: profit for the member* of Iho htip grower* as-».» what is required t.»r use from day to day cupy tbe Otis house on college si le. II * "And where are you from *47 25 . 1 Partridge of 43 orders of precipitation fell 2 take ami push this paper, and push the from Tt calls: profit *7 5 25. Me . E took A Palmer clarion to obtain eullieieni help to harvest the pail fiist cut will I hj realty to cut a »laughter Mabi* will be one of the teach­ of Number of dav* on which .04 or more N Pak took 53 order* ia 3 days profit •*** 25. high priced monopoly »laities out of ex­ the crop, ami this season in order to lie second tiuio hy the time the whole spare er* in l.aEayelle Seminary, hi* eldest «. n “ “ Washington.” of precipitation fell 0 istence. H C L l d V K T K K K IT 'RY given If you Live there?” lloriB R rothf . rs , wish to make LARGE MONEY, write immedi- sure tliat they would In» supplied at the ha* been cut over. The second cutting wiil he a iIndent in that institution, an- “ Yes. sir." The mean temperature and rainfall this Editors and Proprietors, . xtely for term« to proper time. *ome of ill» grower* r ig* v»d will, of course, be much ’ess than the •’.her son will attend McMinnvi’le col ' And y, i are frank enough to a Imit' month arc exactly the same as for August ^aVm, Oregon. Tie Henry B llPt-b. Co Norwich, O om . NEWBERG GRAPHIC. The Chehalem Valley Bank.v To Our Patrons: PREPARED; HANDLE GRAIN On the same terms as heretofore, Furnish­ ing Sacks Free of Charge, and storing or Buying Your Grain § Gash. The highest market price guaranteed. CHRISTENSON BROS* “The Fashion” Proprietors. Portland’s Great Industrial Exposition J. F. rORl, Evangelist, Beef, Pork & Mutton EM! OF JAMES 5. ELM