-- NEVYBERCr GRAPHIC. *° j [ h ° « r S'*»«>l“ n » n>onnt. a genera! fund |*<:t the market to go up or down, ar t! as To offset the order that no married ! corn popper. Marshal Morgan a dog lies to carry the idea into Gleet. j the)' can deal with sellers. women can find employment in the puh- at the point of death from having par- j Largo individual and county premium»! ch in e s . ; lie school», the .Seattle board lias made taken of a piece of bread left on the camp ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY «ORNINO. will be offerel to induce fruit g rrw e rs to ' Sales of futures, 4 sues, have been an order to take tiF.-i-t September 1, th a t; ground. !fu is a smart little dog, and put forth tlied lust efforts in m.iking a made at 4\ cents, seliers doubtless e x - ' all janitor* in the public school buildings ought to have known better, but on this ' r. Dirons AND f u b l i s h e s s : display. peeling to liii with inferior stock. Good of the c-iry must bo married men. The occasion his greed prevailed over his i E. II. W o o d w a r d a n d O k « . C. E m e r y . The fair will lie held in tho city offer­ Santa Clara plumes can t»o contracted at single man now employed must get ui.ir- judgment. The geologists blamed our ing tiie greatest inducements, place ftud 5 cents to growers, indicating that the tied before the time or lose hi* job. climate for interfering with the quality FRIDAY, A U G U S T 11, 1893. date yet to be selected. Only a small buyer expects to get tit« at least Buyers This is defining rights and privileges w ith of their butter, which they packed in u lard can at New berg 14 days ago, and the Entered as second class -natter at the post portion of the money subscribed will be here are paying (3 ) for green prunes, a vengeance —Ex. office at Newberg, Oregon. called for in Hie beginning—just sufficient sometimes getting them for less, und oc­ butter was an eloquent corroborative wit­ U. W . M c C O X N E L L . G. ( ’. C H R IS T E X S O X , \V. K . A L L E N n in v iN G m i l c h c o w s . to defray expenses for necessary printed casionally picking up a snap bargain as G. W . M I T C H E L L , A . K. M IL L S . ness. B u lle tin X o . 8, o f the Santa ( 'lara matter, postage, jars for putting up fruit, low a* (20 per ton. (31 to (33 lias also Tiie geologists started Wednesday for A m p le Futilities Afforded for the Transaction o f a General B anking Business The other day I saw a small boy on a been offered to strong holders. Nearly (Cal. j, Fruit E xchange w ill Ire found etc. j small black pony, driving two cows from Haystack. After exploring that section, G. W. M itch e ll , Pres. A. R. M ills , Vice Pres. M oses V otaw , Cashier. In this number o f the G r a p h ic . Our A small admission fao will be charged, all who can ore drying. pasture at break neck speed. Watch tiie they will visit tiie Cove, and they expect The French prune crop is large, but fruit tneu w ill be interested in reading and if there is a loss after tiie fair is over, to return to Fossil, on their homeward I boy that drives your cows to and from tiie ] each ¡subscriber will be asked to pay their will run to small sizes, and the four sizes It. journey, in about ten days. W e inter- pasture. It is a miserable bad practice pro rata of tiie loss, or to provide for the are offered at (4.50 to (4 90 per hundred t to run a milch cow. Of all animals, .he vlB)’ rod l,'em as the>' >,assed through, hut T he great dairy test that is being made ex|>onse incured in taking it to California. in New York, with very few sales. , more than another, needs to he .low ly ,,ot botlu!r ,0 huDt tliera UB Tiie prieos of all dried fruits will de­ at the World's Fair, in which Jerseys I f on the other hand there is a balance driven and kindly treated. Driving tiie lhe,y ro,,lrn’ a* they have «rearms along, (inrnsejs and Short Horns are compet­ in tiie treasury, it will bo turned over to pend largely oil the ability of growers to j cow at an unwonted gait will result in an‘l ml« h* exuePlion i ,0 our trl' “ ‘ ful ing. is lull of interest to dairymen and the stato society for use in tiie advance­ get on w ithout money until actual con­ less milk, and the milk will decr,.aHU | ^ " “ nt of the.r mvasion of our peaceful sumption begins. breeders of dairy cattle It lias been ment of tiie fruit industry. I wonderfully in cream richness, and is ^ 111 os.il . ournal. found that to make a pound of cl.eeso it The Chamber of Commerce, Board of liable to be poisoned by fever from the ORKGON STATE AVEATHKIt SERVICE. requires ol Jersey milk, 8 78 |>oun(U; of Immigration, uil Boards of Trade, the cow, brought on by undue exertion and | A N O U T IN G . Gurnsey milk, 9 31 pounds; of Short State Agricultural Society and all inter­ nervous excitment. It is not safe to feed W h i n f e l l , N e w b e r g , Or., July, 1893. Horn milk, 10.C3 pounds. The final re ested in Oregon products are asked to co­ It is Sunday, July 30, 1893, jnd our 490 ft. such milk to little children.— Edwin Elevation above sea level suit of all, will bo known a lien it comes operate. faces at last are turned homeward. We Montgomery, in liuard'a Dairyman. .Mean temperature 65° to be summed up and averaged bow An executive committee of five mem­ are camped today oil the woist camping Dei urture from normal —0.5° Maximum temperature 91° date 31 much food tlm three breeds consume in bers were elected and given full power to ground we have pitched upon since our F O .IK S T F IR E S . Minimum “ 44° “ o proportion to the yield of butter and further the plans of operation, raise mon­ journey commenced. Wo just returned Mean of maximum temperature 78° The law concerning fires in Oregon for­ cheese. That of course, cannot be calcu­ ey, offer premiums, etc., as follows: Dr. to Fossil yesterday from a trip into the r,;o " " minimum “ lated for certain till toward the end of the J. R Cardwell (President of the State Haystack valley, which is situated about ests reads as follows: Number of times maximum tempera­ ture 90° or above S e c . 4. Any person or persons who exposition. Board fo Horticulture), Chairman, Port­ 35 miles to the southeast. This is where land. J. M. Bioss (President State Agri­ Sternberg, who was sent out by the sliail wilfully set fire to anv wooded coun­ Number times minimum temperature 32° or below W i ia t is the m atter w ith the South cultural College), Corvallis. J. R. Sliep- Smithsonian Institute, as ['rof. Cope’s as­ try, or forest belonging to tho state or N urn tier limes minimum “ United States, or to any person or per­ orn Pacific? T h e m ixed train which erd, Zona. C. E. Hoskins, Newberg. sistant, made a good many valuable dis­ Total precipitation 0.08 in. has been currying the m ail conics up Geo. I. Sargent (Secretary of the State coveries in tiie way of fossils. It is per­ sons, shall be dfeemed g"ilty of a mis­ Number of clear days 21 from Portland on ly every other day- Horticultural Society), Portland. Treas­ haps one of the most important fossil demeanor, and upon conviction before u " “ partly cloudy days 9 1 now. T h is truin now goes south on urer, J. If. Albert, Cashier Capital City beds in the John Day’s. Returning from court of competent jurisdiction, shall be Number of cloudy days Number of days on which .01 or more Monduys, W ednesday and Fridays and National Bank, Salem. Secretary of that place to Fossil, we laid in a supply of I unished by a fine not exceeding one of precipitation fell north on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Committee. G. I. Sargent. viauds and bade good bye to Dr. and thousand dollars, or imprisonment not Number of days on which .04 or more exceeding one year, or by both such fine Saturdays, and consequently on Mon­ o! precipitation fell A sub-committee is to be appointed by Mrs. Howard und Miss Howard, who Main Street, N E W B E R G , OREGON. days, W ednesdays and Fridays our tiie executive committee, consisting of gave us upon our first arrival, a very and imprisonment; provided, that noth­ E dmund R obinson , Obeerver. mall w ill he carried ou the even ing one from eacli local society an-i one from warm reception and have made us truly ing herein contained shall apply to any • rain. Th e Oregonian w ill he a day old each county at large, to solicit money ami to feel during our short stay here, that we person who in good faith sets a back fire A D A N G E R O U S P R E P A R A T IO N . Mr. Ross and lie to the horse until tho third of an acre of alfalfa which has al- when it arrives here and i f this tilin g exhibits, tiie sub committee to report pro­ were among friends. Wo then set out for to prevent the extension oi a firo already Last Friday I. I). Surfus, who lives on cart was upset. Then an exciting scene ready been cut several limes and from continues we shall expect to hear u gress every week to tho Executive Com­ tiie Cove where we expect to do a little burning.— Ex. tiie Latourelte farm south of town was ensued. Mr. Mitchell struck tho gioiind which a horse and cow are constantly fed. good sized kick com ing from the pub­ mittee. prospecting and collecting, and were about preparing a mixture for spraying the or­ first, and Mr. Ross fell over him, then the Mr. Wood's diligent an.i intelligent culti- CHEAPER FREIGHT S WANTED. lishers. All moneys to ho turned over to tiie 8 miles in this direction when night over chard, the chief ingredient of which was cart, and (lie stallion over all. In the vat ion of hi* ranch for a few years more Treasurer and not to ho diawn or paid out took us ami as has boen our custom on There 1* strong talk by some of our coal oil, when an accident occured which scrimmage which followed Mr. Mitch, 11 will show surprising evidence of the ca* I I e r e is a gentle hint from Tuesday’s by him unless presented with a warrant Saturday evening, we pitched our camp business men of having their freight ship­ resulted in the serious burning of several fared the worst. He was bitten upon the pacity of California soil, as we predict.— Oregonian that ought to be read and signed by tiie Secretary and countersign­ for the Sabbath. It is any tiling in the ped to Dayton by steamer and to, Sheri­ members of tiie family and came near shoulder and arm, and badly bruised in Whittier, (Cal.) Register. duly considered by every inan and wo­ ed by tho President. world but an inviting spot, hero between dan by wagon, on account of u rise in the hip* and back. Mr. Ross succeeded j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ man in Oregon right now. “ There never As soon as tiie amount of money sub- bare hills, no shade, other than that freight rates. Many towns on the West burning tho house and barn besides. in subduing the horse and secured him to _ . _, ~~ He was preparing the mixture by heating was a lietter time than the present to on scribed is known the list of premiums which a few willow and gooseberry hush­ side are hauling their goods from the riv­ it on the stove and the fumes had filled a large tree. The gentlemen came over Q U a k C T C i t y P o u l t r y Y a r d , graft New England thrift and economy will ho printed in pamphlet form ; also es in the bed of a very small branch er. W e want competing lines in tiie val­ the room with gas when some of the m ix­ to the residence of Dr. Minty, who treat­ C. F. Butler, Breeder and Fancier of Lt. Brah­ upon Western prodigality. Those who tiie rules governing the fair. afford, and to make it the more attractive ley. California is cursed with a railway ed Iheir injuries, before they returned to ma Fowl*. Duke of York and Auto- “ droud Hie winter,” amt their name is crat strains. A grand display of fruits—green, dried is infested witli re I ants, which last night monopoly und our valley is practically in ture was spilled on the stove and in an iheir homes. Mr. Ross’ injury becam e: instant tiie room was filled with flames legion, should begin at once to provide and canned anil in fancy jurs for exhibi­ were present in sufficient numbers to ar tiie same condition, except for tho Ore­ Mr. Surfus had hold of tiie dish in wiiich so painful before allayel by treatment as Stock first class In every respect Fatrs for unie for it, remembering that that which is tion is wanted ; liberal premiums for all rouse us from our slumbers and after a and satisfaction guaranteed. gon Pacific which is in litigation all tiie tiie mixture was being prepared at the to cause him to faint twice, and ho says inconvenience in tiie summer becomes classes will bo offered. NEWBERG : ; OREGON brief encounter succeeded in gaining en­ time. There is plenty of capital to build the pain tie experienced when lie recently hardship in the winter. People whose J. It. C ahdwki . l , Portland, Chairman, tire possession of tiie tent, and have not t ile d P. and tho necessary feeders, pro­ time of tho accident and immediately broke his leg, did not compare witli it in started to carry it out of doors and in means are limited and whoso employ­ J. M. Bt.oss, Corvallis, ceased to liurrass tiie vanquished. vided it falls into tiie hands of tiie right spite of the flames which were burning severity. His arm would doubtless have g P R I N G B R A N C H ment is uncertain can get along much J. It. S iik i - ar i ), Zona, Wo have long ago given up tho idea of crowd of stockholders. Public sympathy been badly torn liad he not have had four his liands terribly he hung on to tiie disli better without a trip to the mountains or C. E. H oskins , Newberg, returning to Newberg loaded with fossil*. is witli the O. I*., for in a competing lino thicknesses of clothing upon it. Both of until lie got it out of the doors. Zella tiie coast in tiie summer than they can with G. I. S a r g e n t , Portland, Secretary. Tiie hills in this country are not full of our people see a release from tiie present G-jnar-old girl was the worse burned, as the gentlemen are experienced horsemen, out an ample supply of wood and potatoes fossils of groat dimensions newspaper ro- system of bondage.— Sheridan Sun. tier clothes all caught tire and she would among tiie best in tiie county, and this for tiie winter. Tiie ease is one wherein |iorts to tiie contrary notwithstanding It SANTA C LA R A COUNTY F R U IT KX- have perished but for tiie prompt action mishap shows what is likely to happen ¡ “ the prudent man foroseetii evil and N ew berg , is true that there have been large amount A G O N Y F R O M D R O P P I N G O F W A T E R . O regon . of Mrs. Surfus who seized the burning to any one engaged in handling such C l f A N O K , I I U I . L F . T I N N O . 8. liideth himself, while tiie simple pass ou of fossils taken from the John Day region, horses, and emphasizes tiie necessity of and are punished.” A curious experiment is said to have girl and carried her to a tub of water mid gentlemen in tiie profession keeping their but the greater part was selected 10 or 15 S an J ose , (Cal.), July 24, 1893. been made on Wednesday in a place of plunged her in. In doing this Mrs. Sur­ eyes on uil sides of their head.— Reporter. years ago, before tiie country was settled, These bulletins have constantly sought fus’ arms were badly burned. Zella was l.K T T K K FROM CHICAGO. to impress U|)on growers tiie importance as it is now. Tiie specimens could then entertainment in Vienna. An American The liest and most popular hreecM Sheriff Warren lias sold the notes and so badly burned about the legs and feet acrobat bet a Vienna athhte a consider 1 quite roadily be traced to their bed in the of prudence ami care in the dis|>osal of - E ggs for sale at $2 per setting o f 15. V CiitcAcio, (111 ), Aug. 1, 1893. that the skin came off almost entirely, so all remaining property of tiie defunct able money that lie could not bear having this year's crop, neither pushing it off at rock or clay, while now all that are found C . E. H o s k in s , Sheridan bank except the building and Cull on or address, S . H o b s o n . that it was feared that she would not re­ panic prices to speculators, while still are fragments, perhaps of the specimens a litre of water fail upon his hand, drop Newberg, Or. cover but she seems now to be getting counters. —Reporter. D ear S ir ; —Tiie boxes containing Roy­ ungrown, or refusing to sell any part of the larger parts of which have bo m pre­ hv drop, from a height of only three feet. along all right. Vest, aged 14 had to L. E. Walker is agent for Newberg nur­ Tho athlete hap an enormous hand, and pen'll rates viously carried away. The opportunity al Ann,. IWack Republicans and your ^it, when,ready for market, at Such cross tiie room while it was in flames and sery, and is in the market with ail kinds tiie study fcf tho geological formation everybody present believed (that seedling clierry arrived on tiie 29t.ii tilt., as cun he had from tiie regiuar trade. was sorjlewhat burned but not seriously. ot Iruit trees. H e make* a speciality of American must lose his bet. When and were at once put ou exhibition. We shall get the most for oyr crop, by is an good as ever and we have enjoyed Mr Surfus is burned mostly about the prune trees. This year’s stock is finer drops had fallen, however, tiie athlete’s They arrived in very good condition, only distributing sales, through tho Exchange, this part very much. We have collected Main Street, NEWBERG, OREGON. hands and arms and has to carry one than ever from this nursery.— Reporter. some very flue fossil leaves and frag­ face became red and ho looked as if in a lew being bruised or damaged to make over tho entire year. arm in a sling Charles and Jasper Agee, who live on But while every one wtio can should ments of animals. Not very many fine pain. At the four hundred and twentieth them unlit for showing. Thuy have re­ Having opened a stock of Millinery at Mr», The house would have burned down Deer Cieek, eight or nine miles west of Davis’s old stand on Main Street, I respectfully ceived a great deal of attention ami I dry I ds fruit, there are some who cannot, I museum specimenK have been gathered. drop he gave up, saving it was impossible hut for the fact that it was lathed an 1 McMinnville, iiad lots of fun last week invite the ladies of Newberg to call and see me. must say witli great pleasure and all fair­ or will not dry, und who do not know the Have seen large quantities of petrified to hear tiie pain any longer. Tho palm plastered so that there was not much in- and made a good hunting record. They ness it is fully deserved. It is sometimes cost of drying, or tiie amount of tiie dried wood. Tiie stump of a tree yesterday of his hand was swollen and inflamed, flanmble material for the flames to work killed a large cougar on Sunday, wound­ amusing to watch tiie faces of II ionu pass­ product to be expected from a ton of that was said to he 20 feet in diameter. and in one place the skin had broken upon, and in spile of the injuries which ed a great big bear on Tuesday, and suc­ open and showed tiie flesh. Only a Tliin no doubt is overestimated hut it is green fruit. Such growers will be helped ing when they come upon tho display of tiie members of tiie family had sustained ceeded in killing one on Thursday and very large. W e decided not to take it small portion of Hie litre has gone to cherries on our table. If their visage is liy a careful study of tiie following. they immediately began to throw water made a spirited chase for a second. Four make up the 400 drops.— Ex. Tho cost of drying varies somewhat un­ with us at present. care worn ami tired looking, or if trouble My endeavor will be to please, by selling into tiie room and so put out the fire. bears in all were s en in (lie neighbor­ It is safe to say we are tho seediest ap­ and adversity has left its unmistakable der different circumstances, but in bulle­ Tiie room was much blackened and hood. Tiie animal», too, have been get­ good goods at a reasonable margin of profit. V A M l I I I . I. G E O L O G I S T S . MRS. C. P. KENYON. stamp upon their features, this sail look tin No. 3 wo estimated thut witli good pearing outfit in eastern Oregon, as noth­ scorched but otherwise uside from the ting in their work, ami it is estimated is almost sure to be dispelled ou lotting facilities all the labor, rent of land, super­ ing ill the tonsorial line lias been attempt­ furniture not much was damaged. that no less than thirty sheep and goats Four suspicions lookingcharaclers, sup­ their vision rest on our big red, cool de­ intendence and material, could be fur­ ed, while other deparments of our toilet When the accident huppond tho dog are missed by tiie farmers. The Agee posed to be gypsies, arrived in Fossil licious looking Royal Ann or Ring cher­ nished, and Hie fruit put in sacks for tho are almost as sadly neglected. Wo have was in tiie room and he to caught fire hoys have acquired more than local fame Tuesday in a two-horse wagon and en- ries. Smile? Yes, decidedly—often following average prices per dry pound: but few places to visit in view nml having camped just outside the town jail, their whereupon ho rushed out and ran toward as successful hunters.— Reporter. I f . D . FOX, P r o p r i e t o r , audibly, and they hold your undivided apricots ami peaches, 2 cents; prunes, 3U done this we will commence on a series singular camping spot being chosen, it the barn und lying down when with about Joe Ei ierode threatened to kill W . N. of forced marches for supplies imping to attention until they have learned tho his­ of a cent. Teaches, however, will cost fifteen feet of it, rolled over and over and NEWBERG, : OREGON. was supposed, on account of a natural Barker this week. A warrant was issued tory of those beautiful products of our somewhat less than apticots, as they arc reneh home in S or 10 days. On the affinity, or old acquaintanceship peihaps, put out tiie flames but in doing this, set for his arrest. lie was brought here whole our trip has bee.i very enjoyable, 1 irger, and can bo pittod and sproad for state. They want to know all about their tire to the grass and it had to he hurried­ Wednesday evening by Constant&ble “ enough of any tiling is enough,” and existing between the members of the culture, by whom, where raised and less money. ly put out to save tho barn. Altogether A good supply of gang and the calaboose. Out at elbows, Hamilton. On Thursday he was taken Growers who do not consider interest I'v e no doubt hut that in tiie near future matured, where grown and u thousand heels and toes, witli stubbly beard* an 1 it was a close call all around, considering to McMinnville by tho officers. It is if we are permitted to return to our old on ground amt plant, or depreciation o f , questions to answer, and just hero is an long unkempt hair, truly they looked a the nature of the accident, it was a forte I thought that the man wan insane, and illustration of tho importance of having a trays, or their own lim e, or that of their I scenes and friends at New berg we will i sorry lot, an.I the marshal was instructed nate escape for all concerned.— Oregon he will probably l»e sent to the insane useful man to impart tins knowledge, to family, would make tlm cost figure so feel that we have reached that point o fj to keep ail eye on them, which he did, City Enterprise. asylum.— Dayton Herald satiety. W e had a very pleasant journey ■ talk intelligently and answer these ques­ much less. Usually on hend. Our endeavor is to supply A t a meeting of the executive commit­ our patrons with the best of everything In our Shrinkage varies in different years and over and through tiie mountains, have being the owner of a small chicken band tions, a man who is not on the alert or F R O M o n t K X C H A N G ! 8. himself had good fishing, caught upwards of 125 tee of LaFavette Seminary, held in L i- different localities, lint in hulletin No. 3 line. Main street, oue door north of Hard­ to use a vulgar phrase "u p to smilT” Marshal Morgan's eagle eye descried Judge Galloway, on behalf of the coun­ Fayette last Tuesday, the following wick's photo gallery. would do more harm than good. Instead we estimated that a fair average expeeta- altogether, l’ rof. Vance and I catching the strangers about dil-k in tho act of en­ ty, on Saturday purchased the double named persons were selected a* teachers of entcitaining those who ask for inform.i- tion for tiie coming year, for this county,\ 81 in 2 hours at Suttle Lake, the finest tering through Dr. Howard’s front gate, camping grounds we’ ve seen on tho coast. would bo 5'n to 1 for apricots ami peaches time-lock safe formerly owned by the U the ensuing year: Prof E. A Bowman, tion lie might repel those who are in and lie was about to place them under ar­ Banking Co. at Sheridan, paying president; F .1. Creiger, Miss Mabel Pa- quest of knowledge and a homo in (b e ­ and 2 4 10 to 1 for prunes. The Inter and Several jack rabbits have fallen before us, rest when Miss Ada Howard, having therefor $205. The safe originally cost I ker and Miss Althea Forest. Music Do- gin. These are |>oints that must be more solid varieties of poaches and npri- while on a few occasions food lias been so heard their stealthy footsteps, appeared | Art $800. It was brought to McMinnville by l partment, Mrs E \ Bowman. watched carefully. The judges in t|„, cots shrink less than tho earlier and more scare that as a last resort we have been j compelled to eat a variety of snipe that on tint scene and recognized, through tiie Bevvley's dray on Monday, and will be I Department, Mr*. I, H I’ratt. The ex- .. watery. I'omologieal department where cur Hor­ atuhhl» ami tan ami dirt, tiie serio-comic Rev C. C. placed in the recorder’s vault for the ! ectifive committee are: ticultural Exhibit is, are very frank in ! Subject to variations on (lie alxive we sometimes find in a dying condition expression and Grecian pro tile of Prof. by tiie wayside. as Ihev have 'mes. which growers will estimate ac- their praise ol our fruits county treasurer. The treasurer’s office Poling, U«*v. J. M Balantyne, W . M. NEWIJERG, OREGON, Some exceedingly rough country has Vance, which lie carries with him wliere- proper will ho the little room east of the, Cletnens, L. II. Baker, F. Scese.— Day boen shown tlm< far. I d o not hesitate I »'ording to their circumstances, the fob I have just receive^! i full line of new «rond», ¡n I ever he goes. Her rapid recognition of latest PitteriiN and l>c*t quality, and will in saying our cherries have surpassed any iou'iug table will bo a very lair guide in boon encountered. It wat certainly clerk’s office.— Reporter. | lon Herald. sell at a» low figures as the quality of our good« this locality that the Hibernian was lo­ tho seedy professor saved tho party from tiling that lias been placed on competitive "filing green fruit. will justify. Ex-Commissioner Kingery, unlike most I Last Saturday morning about 4 o’clock. A complete embalming outfit just received. cated when lie wrote back to his friend being compelled to occupy the insde in APRICOTS AND PEAt'IIKS. exhibition so far and I um confident we farmers, doub’es his money on hogs, by j one of the emploves at Parker’s saw mill, Come and see rue. lieu of tho outside of the Hotel de Mor­ Fstiinato of average shrinkage to 1 Jamie, inviting him to come here at once, will hoi I all wo have gained witli tho selling the cured meat instead of selling 1 between Dayton and Dundee, went to the gan, but it was a narrow escape. co-oporatIon of tho I trogon fruit growers. Cost of drying ami sacking (including as they had so much land that they had them alive, lie sold 1.4(H) pounds of ba­ i rail1 for the purpose of starting a fire to It developed that the partv consisted of to pile it up. With tliis latter help I am master of tho I » : » * » ) . 2 cents |H>r dry pound con to Mr. Apperson the first of the week, ; ger up steam. When he arrived at the j Professors J. J. Jessup and Cecil K green frulli i Sellili* itrle.l We as a party have had new» from situation and our people can rest assured Sellin* .1 Illese price. Í Is eguiva- . f trull .1 the- ■ Newberg hut three time» since starting, • Vance, of tho faculty of Pacific College, and has cured 4.000 pounds in all the mill he found it in flames. He gave the lent to prico» in »ick» I'KK TON. * wo will bring homo our share of pre­ past year. The product brought an aver­ alarm hut the fire had gained too much Of Dcs Moines, Iowa, writes under date of fer por an. two letters and a copy of the G kachic at 1 Newberg, Or , (of which faculty Miss miums sa laurel» o( this great competitive age of one hit a pound. The meat of one headway to be extinguished. The mill, March 23, 1903: $10 Howard was, recently, a member); G 4\e- I)r. llo w a id ’s, in Fossil. It is needles» to exposition. When tliis fair opened, Cal­ machinery, and about 15,000 feet of lum­ W Mitchell, of Newberg, and O. \V. hog netted him $36, which ii he had sold 13 8. B. M ed . M pg . C o ., »ay that those were very acceptable. ifornia was in tiie mouth of all people ns ber and 100 cords of wood were burned. Each Additional Dufur, Oregon. 20 ?S|C. Brown, a young man just arrived from alive would not have brought more than Greeting* to all from the l’ . C. K. S. tho groat fruit center, today, Oregon The loss was in the neighborhood of Gentlemen * ¿O $5 |H»r ton add» P ao 8 7 , e . | Indiana, whose father is pastor of the half that amount. Of course it tequires comes to tho front as Ilio greatest fruit $1,000. No insurance. Mr. Parker will On arriving home last week, I found all 30 per dry pound. 10l ,c . Newberg Fiiend* church. All are ama­ considerable work to cure meat, hut Mr. producing country in tiie world. better well and anxiously awaiting. Our little In clearing a street a* Silvcrton, Wash., teur geologists, and left Newberg two Kingery is a man who believes in work probably buy the Fiske mill, 11V - known as the Popleton mill. This mill girl, eight and one-half years old, who I Aw Yours Truly, recently, a party of laborers found a large weeks ago on a holiday tour through when it pays.— Reporter. 40 13c. is up in the mountains, 15 miles from La- had waited away to 38 pounds, is now J a y G u y L e w is . cedar log over which a hemlock had Eastern Oregon, in search of specimen-* Mr. and Mrs. W yatt Harris will proba­ well, strong and vigorous, and well TRUNES. Fayette. He will move it to the site of flee bed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done listini »te of average shrinkage 2.4 to 1 grown, completely enveloping the cedar. and game ami fish and health and fun— bly visit the world’s fair during tho pres­ the mill which was burnt, and have it in its work well. Both of the children like O R E G O N S T A T E F U I I T F A I K. ( ’oat of drying and sacking (including It is estimated that the cedar is at least 4tH) and up to the time of their arrival here ent month. They go fir-»t to Indianapolis running operation within two weeks. it. Your S B. Cough Cure has cured years old. It is well preserved and shakes had found lo*s of these things —partic­ and will probably stop in Missouri on At the quarterly meeting ree.-ntly held sacks), \ of * cent per dry pound, and kept away all hoarseness from me. Orders fur lumber arc being taken as So give it to every ore, with greetings for This section i* extremely their return.— Reporter. in baleni by the (begun Stato Horticultu- t0 f * split from it were as sound as if the troe ularly fun. here.ofore, to be filled by Farker.— Day- all. Wishing you prosperity, we are ral Society, it wis unanimously agreed, in *&»•••* prirvn ' ( thpi* prtiv« had recently been felled. Tho hemlock rich In geological specimens and lore-- A serious encounter with the stallion. Yours, M r . A M rs . J. F F ord . feu roy. in sack# is about 150 >ears old.— W ts.irn Lumber­ e»t**cially lore—and tho young jolly gists Baron Douglas, was experienced by Dun­ ton Herald. «/rder to propnriy bring btjforo the public f i r room . if you wish to feel fre?h and cheerful, and man. W e had the pleasure of looking over a had no trouble in securing a wagon load can Boss and Janies Mitchell Sunday f bo fruit industry of the Stato. that the $20 3 I 4 C. ready f-'r the dprine's work, clean.«« your sys­ of samples of fossils, leaf impressions, morning, as they were transferring the portion of D. J. W ood’s ten-acre ranch, tem with the Headache and Liver Cure, by fruit growers should unite in making a Each additional 3V° taking two or three dose«« each week. ' J chalk. c»al, bitumen, petrihi n ! 30 $*» per green ton adds Great Fruit Fair this fall to show what In t*«» to a Mr Leabo, of Gopher valley, near evergreen station. Wednesday morn­ 4l5<\ 50 cents per bottle by all drurgists. I.OTH O F ing. Its growth of trees anti nursery that go to make many varieties of itvk who recently purchased him. It occured Oregon can do in that lino, and alter ox* of a w n t per dry 5 V - d uuder a positive guarantee by C. F. liihiting tho collection hero rend it in a 40 pound. ft7***. S T Northontt returned Wednesday up this wonderful iiqo **» , of Mother Earth, just out oi town, near Ed. Harrison’» st«vk within three years from the time M re A Co. * *>ody to the California Midwinter Htposi- plac The stallion was being led behind the ground waa a curt»field is »imply A (air profit to a buyer is \ rent a from the head of the Hreightenbush etc. Though aw ay up as gco'ogis?*, as co>»ks a cart. In a fit of disconcerted temper he prodigious. Teaches, plums, berries, and tion to he held in San Francisco. In or­ pound; it will eort e.iv ’ 4 cent to get the where he went for the purpose of pros­ f r ’— • «K» * i ' . i j m*4# S r J~(in G c «4 w ta ,lr o y .X .Y ^ a t worlt R r der to tnako a croditahlo showing it was fruit sold to wholesale grocers. The buy pecting. lie was compelled to forego tiie or “ hi -hers'* the New her g Quaker profes­ reared and witli hi.-* massiv* jaw » grabbed grapes ire hearing prnja-eiy, while a per j v u tus» not f* s h r m urb. bu t — • r e a K-sch t tacisi k ’ y Iiox* u> -a m frtm » S i • • deemed heat to make it a distinctively er can therefore afford to pay within \4 work on account of the snow, which he sors ..re not a sucre«*. Several of our Mr. U v»s ut«on the arm. just below the feet maize of fine norm ry stock of all f i e a » * *t «*srt, Si>4 TT>r»rr . . r o a fry r. B.-tb *••»•*. !< •* In r-«rl * f »tots’ affair. The plan decided upon was of a cent of tho eastern price* quoted in save is in places sixteen feet deep and curious citixens watched them prepare elbow. So severely did he grip the arm kinds «hows such phenomenal develop­ roar ra. ran r m m -n r f ar ken.r. f x * - ic a: j . H ’ im i,« r ap art K c m a t rs o n .» t o to ask every city end county, every fruit these bulletins, supposing these prices to will not melt off this summer. II » a!*o hreakfjst W edncslav morning, and re* that Mood was caused to ooze from tho ment as is jossitde orly in California it w o rt All il n » » G rrat pat M K f©r r * r r r -i. r a r r W a start » • • . 'urnisb r a •T.-Ttbinff E A S I L Y . S I L k b l L V Ira n ** «. grower and every one interested in Ore- remain unchanged; as a ma’ trr of fact reports Waldo Lake to be frozen over.— port that they h**ilef their coffee in the finger tips, although no injury had been One of the best illustration* of profit on a K A K I F ' LA KS V ILLE. A i k l r w a t r o s a . f iu t o 6 co.. rewTUsr, whole bean, an I evoked their rice in s made to the hiu J. The horse huug to small Fp*.cc sh >wo on this ranch i» oue (ioa'f welfare to contribute. n> mitt *r they will offer 05^rt or less, ac they ex Sileua I 'jrfffwwdrrtf. The Chehalem Valley Bank. N E W S E B G , OREGON. Incorporated 1893. Capital Stock $40,000. D IR E C T O R S: FOE HARVESTING MACHINERY, BINDERS, MOWERS, SU LK Y RAKES, REVO LVING RAKES, Binder Twine, Machine Oil, Axle Grease Etc. Carriages & Vehicles of all Kinds, And Farm Implements in General, COO TO Christenson Bros. Agricultural Implement House, Poultry Yard Wyandottes a Specialty. JjEW MILLINERY STORE. t E VE R Y TH IN G N E W & SEASONABLE. IN STREET MARKET, Beef, Pork & Mutton \ I o. C O X , kiSkuS Ï j J. F. FQ!l!l,Emgili:t,